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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Sep 1929, p. 19

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CockerelA. L. Tubb, A. L. Tubb. Pullet--A, L. Tubb, A. L. Tubb, LEGHORN Vv. Cockerel--W, J. Abernethy, Ww. J. Abernethy. Abernethy, _W. J. Pullet--W. J. Abernethy, MINORCA BLACK Cock--F. W. L. Tamblyn. Hen--F. W, L. Tamblyn, Pullet--F. W, L. Tamblyn, BANTAM COCHIN--BLACK Cock--W. J. Abernethy. Hen--W., J. Abernethy, W, J. Ab- "HIGH CLASS BIRDS AT POULTRY SHOW "\ (Continued from Page 7) Abernethy, W. J. . W. L. Tamblyn, RHODE ISLAND RED, A. V. Cock--G. W, McLaughlin, G. W. McLaughlin. Hen--G. W. McLaughlin, J. L. Cryderman, G. W. McLaughlin. ockerel--Mrs. W. Hoar. + Pullet--Mrs, W. Hoar, SUSSEX, A. V. Cock--~Ward & Freeman, Hutchinson, Warkworth, Hen--Ward & Freeman, Ward & Freeman. Cockerel--Ward & Freeman, Ward Freeman. Pullet--Ward & Freeman, Ward & Freeman. LEGHORN, R. C. or S. C,, WHITE . _ Cock--Frank Cowle, Frank Cowle, L.. L. Bagshaw, Uxbridge. Hen--Frank Cowle, Frank Cowle, Mrs. L. Middleton. Cockerel--Frank Cowle, Frank 'Cowle, L. L. Bagshaw. Pyllet--Frank Cowle, Frank Cowle, L. L. Bagshaw.' LEGHORN R. C. or S.C, BROWN Cock--A. L. Tubb, A. L. Tubb. Hen--A. L. Tubb, A. L. Tubb. ernethy. Cockerel--W, J. Abernethy," W. J. Pullet--W, J. Abernethy. BANTAM COCHIN, A. O, V, Geo.| Cock--W. J. Abernethy, W., J. Ab- Hen--W. J. Abernethy, W, J, Ab- ernethy. . J Abernethy. Pullet--W, J. BANTAM R. C. BLACK or WHITE Cock--G. W. McLaughlin, G, W. en--G. W. McLaughlin, F. Bateman, G. W. McLaughlin: Pullet--G. W. McLaughlin, Mrs. BANTAM, A. O. V. Cock--G. W. McLaughlin. Abernethy. } Abernethy, W. J. ernethy. Cockerel--W. J, Abernethy, W, Abernethy, W. J. Abernethy. McLaughlin. 3 McLaughlin, G. W. Cockerel--G., W. McLaughlin, Mrs, F. Bateman, G. W, McLaughlin, Hen--G. W., McLaughlin, G. W. It takes a lot of milk to make a little cream MEX is only partly cream, just as ordinary soaps are only partly soap. Sunlight is the'cream of laundry soaps --all pure soap. That's the reason why less of it is required to make rich cleansing suds . « . and, because it is a// pure soap, it dissolves quickly. 'That is why hosts of women get so many more clothes clean and sweet in such a short time with Sunlight. - Let a bar of Sunlight prove how much more work it can do for you than or- dinary soap. Look for this Guar- antee of Purity on every carton. It means real economy --longer life to'your lothes-- protection '0 your hands. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER A HR RRA '| W. McLaughlin, '| derman. 'ess Willingdon on Ae, / ys SAE a McLaughlin, N . Cockerel--G, W. McLaughlin, G. Pullet--G. W. McLaughlin, G. W. McLaughlin. GEESE A. V. Old Male--F. W. L. Tamblyn, Pregeric Robinson, Geo. Hutchinson on, Old Female--Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Geo, Hutchinson & Son, F, W. L. Tamblyn, . Young Male-- Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Geo, W. Hutchinson & Son, F W. L. Tamblyn. uh Young Female--Geo, Hutchinson & Son, Geo. Hutchinson & Son, F, W. L. Tamblyn, Class 25 DUCKS, PEKIN Old Male--F. W, L. Tamblyn, Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Mrs. L. Middle- ton, Old Female--F. W. L. Tamblyn, Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Mrs. L. Middleton, Male 1928--Geo. Hutchinson & Son Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Mrs, L. Middleton. Female 1928--Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Mrs. L. Middleton. ; DUCKS, A. 0. V. Old Male--Geo. Hutchinson & Son, 'Geo. Hutchinson & Son. Old - Female--Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Geo. Hutchinson & Son. Male 1928--Geo. Hutchinson & Son Geo. Hutchinson & Son. Female 1928--Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Geo. Hutchinson & Son, Class 26 Fancy Pigeons--Mrs, F. Bateman. LIVE TABLE POULTRY 3 Cockerels, any breed--Ward & Freeman, Edna K. Atkinson, E. Cry- Class 27--PENS Pen, heavy variety Exhibition-~ Thos. S. Gibson, G. W. McLaughlin, Edna K. Atkinson. is Pen, ' light variety Ixhibition -- Frank Cowle, Frank Cowle, Thos. Phelps. Pen, heavy variety Utility--W, & M. Edgell, J. L. Cryderman, Edna K. Atkinson. 3 Pen, light variety ~Utility--]J. L Cryderman. BABY SHOW AT OSHAWA FAIR (Continued from page 3) age eight months, with Gordon Bell, Whitby, aged 6 months, sec- ond, The best baby girl ove six months of age and unde; elve months was announced as Winona Clark, of Bowmanville, aged 1v months. Jean Whattam, Harmony, age 11 months, second. It was in these two classes that one saw the brightest smiles and the fattest faces. g ' Classes, which made it infinitely bard for the judges to discern the winners, were the best baby boy six months of age and under and the best baby girl, six months of sme dnspeot the' Canadian Legion; the Boy Scouts, the High School Cadets and the Girl Guides and the Cana- dian Girls in Training that will be assembled on the grounds. These organizations will remain in their places on the grounds while the in- spection is taking place. This will he followed by the presentation to the vice regal party of the rep- resentatives of the Red Cross So- ciety and of the Public Health Nurses of the City. The National Anthem, God Save will be followed by the public re- ception. All persons desirous - of being presented to the Governor- General will aseend the platform from hte south side, cross it and descend on the north side. The various organizations of the city are requested to be on the grounds at' Memorial Park by 10.30 o'clock, so that they may be placed no later than 10.45, Leon Frazer will be in charge of the 'placing of the variuos organiza- tions. Order of Organizations The placing of the various groups in front of the platform, has been arranged as follows: In the centre, directly in front of the platform, will be the Public Health Nurses and the representa- tives of the Red Cross Society. Directly behind them, also in the centre, will be the Boy Scouts. Behind the Boy Scouts will be the Regimental Band, and to the rear of the Band the Collegiate Institute Cadets, to the rear of the cadets the students of the Collegiate and Vocational Institute, To the right od south side of the Public Health nursse and. in front of the platform, will be placed the Canadian Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Le- gion, To the left or north side of hte nurses, will be placed the Girl Guides and the C. G. I. T. groups. Bebind the Legion and the girls' grouvs, will be placed the children from the various public schools. Regiment to Form Cordon The members of the Ontario Regiment will form a cordon around the outside of these organ- ized bodies, and the general public will be placed outside of and sur- rounding this cordon. An effort has been made to place all the or- zavizations and the general pub- lic go that everyone will have a view of the raised platform and of the vice regal party. The public the ited to keep away from hte Simcoe street side of the War Memorial, as it is desired that a clear view he left of the memorial from Simcoe street at all times, particularly during the lawing of the wreath on the cenotaph, The vice-regal .party will return to thier train at 12 o'clock noon, for a short rest before going to "Parkwood", where they will be entertained at luncheon by Mr. and Mrs. R. 8, McLaughlin, In the afternoon they will be taken on age and under. However, it was again unanimous that the juag- ment was fair when the decision was given that Glen Williams, Hampton, 53 months and Harold Crocker, Whitby, age 4 months, and Esme Williams, 4 months, - 305 Verdun Road and Doreen Hannon, 6 months, 303 Leslie street, wefe the winners in these two classes. One class which drew fewer en- trants and yet attracted the most attention was that for twins, under 12 months of age. It is surprising to the unknowing just how phy- sically perfect twins may be and in many cases one of twins was as- perfect as the babies entered in the single class. The twin girls, Dor- een and Irene Muir, 11 months, 239 Verdun road and Frances and Doris Powell, age 6 months, Whit- by, were finally declared the win- ners. PROGRAM FOR (i0V. GENERAL'S VISIT APPROVED (Continued from page 3) " being presented to Viscount Wili- ingdon, the Girl Guides of the city will present a bouquet to Viscount- | behalf of the | city council, The Governor-General will then give his address in reply to the addrses of welcome. This will be followed by the singing of O Can- ada and the giving of three cheers to the. Governor-General by the massed public school children. To Inspect Bodies The Governor-General will then Bowling Championship ° See for Yourself one of Canada's Finest Bowling Alley's The Motor City Bowling Club Our Alleys Have all been Resurfaced. The Last Word in Five and Ten Pins. An Improved Runway, And all the Latest ° Equipment. An Ideal House to pass an Ideal Evening Will Open Saturday Sept. 14th Oshawa have won the Highest Honours in Lacrosse. LET US handle the Team that is going to Win the 1929-30 YOU SIMPLY CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT. MISS WHAT ? Why The 4 Pin Of Course | tional Exhibition track a tour of the local plants of Gen- eral Motors of Canada and will then board their train. In the event of rain, the pro- gram scheduled for Memorial Park will be held in the Armories. KEEN COMPETITION IN HORSE RACING HERE YESTERDAY Keendale, C.N.E. Champion, Wins Feature Race of the Day Keep competition = featured the trials 'of speed at the Oshawa Fair yesterday. Horses from a wide area were entered in the events, and ex- ctiement was at a fever heat at the close finishes in all of the heats, W. Hockin, driving McDougall for A. McIntosh of Prince Albert, Ont, received a sprained ankle and other injuries when he was thrown near the finish of the third heat of the 2.18 pace or trot event. Keendale, the threc-year old that established a new speed record on the Canadian Na- ¢ this yea Sisco, owned by Dr. J. E. Wilson, of Newmarket, and McDougall, were bunched closely as they rounded the turn into the home stretch in the third heat, when apparently Mec- Dougall jumped suddenly and swer- ved into Keendale's path. Kecndale's driver pulled up suddenly, and her front feet landed in the sulky in which Hockin was riding, spilling him. Hockin was attended by Dr. H. W. Trick,~whdé was in the grandstand, and was able to race in the next heat. Although Keendale finished fourth in this heat, due to the accident, pyt- ting her back to second place in the race. She was awarded first money by the judges. Sisco took second mo- ney, Birdie Brino, owned by Dr. aBi- ley, Uxbridge, third and McDougall fourth, The 212 pace or trot was also closely contested, Gentry Todd, own- ed by William Tinkler, Rawson, Que, and Peter Direct, owned by L. Ben- nett, Port Hope, being close finishers in all of the heats. Gentry Todd won the race, with Peter Direct second, Lady Minor, owned by S. Silliphant, Brandon, Man., and Marion Harves- ter, owned by James McDowell, To- Acid Stomach And Ulcers | If you have indigestion and gas, sourness and burning feeling after eating, look out for Stomach Ulcers, which often result from a chronic, inflamed or irritated condition of the stomach lining. To get quickest relief from this serious condition--to end indiges- tion--to neutralize instantly the dangerous. food-fermenting, gas-forming acid that lies in your stomach--take at once a little pure "Bisurated" Magnesia. It will stop the pain in five minutes and then will work to soothe heal and protect the acid inflamed stomach lining. Protect yourself against chronic stomach trouble by using "Bisurated" Mag- nesia. All 1 rgists sell it in both tablets av wder form. Cost is small. Get a test package today, and enjov vour food without fear of pain or distress to follow. hte King, will then be sung, and 2.18 ney, finishing a tie in the race. Results by heats were: .18 Pace or Trot Sisco, Dr. J. E. Walker, New- market .» Keendale, Fi Peterboro 2141 Birdie, Brino, Dr. Bailey Ux- bridge 24 McDougall, A. Mcintosh, Prince Albert : Irish Grattan, James McDow- ell, Toronto :v...;...s. ver i4 535 Time 218 1-2, 2.17 1-4, 221 1-4, 212 2.13 Pace or Trot Gentry Todd, Wm. Tinkler, Rawdon, Que, 2111 Peter Direct, L. Be t Port Hope .......c00000.2.1222 Lady Minor, S. Silliphant, Brandon, Man. 4334 Marion Harvester, Jas. Dowell, Toronto 344 2220 2.16 3-4, 216 1-2, 2.18 1-4, 1 Starter: S. A. Proctor, Newmarket, Judges--R. J. Hanna, Toronto; Dr. F..S. Hutchinson, Brampton; Elgin Coughie, Cobourg. Timers--Al Stevens, Toronto; V. Woodruff, Oshawa; J. M. McCoy, Port Hope. hd Secretary--F. E. Ellis; Oshawa. ONTARIO, DURHAM JUNIOR FARMERS WIN AT PETERBORO . Many junior farmers from Ontario and Durham counties won prizes at the junior farmers district judging competitions at the Peterboro Indus- trial Exhibition yesterday. In the beef cattle class, Burnitt Jamieson of Ontario county was first with 189 points; Emery Smith, Dur- ham, was second with 188 points; Mervin Smith, Durham, fifth with 178 points; William Swain, Durham, sixth with 177 points; Archie aMtch- ett, Durham, eighth with 174 points; Harry McCamus, Durham, ninth with 173 points. In dairy cattle judging, James Tam- blyn, Durham, and Harvey Goard, Ontario, tied in second place with 181 points; Archie Matchett, Durham, came foruth with 176 points; George McKnight, fifth with 175 points. Norman Hogg, Durham, was first in heavy horses judging, with 187 points, Burnitt Jamieson, Ontario, was third with 179 points; Edgar Ward, Ontario, fourth with 177 James Brown, Durham, and Harry McCam- us, Durham, tied in sixth place with 168. In Swine judging, Norman Hogg, Durham, was second with 186 points; Emery Smith, Durham, was fourth with 184; Harry McBain, Durham, sixth with 179. Anson Balsom, Durham, took fifth prize in sheep judging with 167 points; © Mervin Smith, Durham, eighth, with 156 and William Swain, Durham, tenth with 153 points. Port Hope.--~The Dufferin Con- struction Company is making rapid progress in laying the cement base 3| Thinking," after which Mrs, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1929 ronto, divided third and fourth mo- ' 'Mrs. Edna Ruse, was the first to tbe in the garden in the. spfin, set the match to the first bonfire on Monday, and burnt the stalks. WILL REDEGORATE HAMPTON CHURCH Make Plans to Renovate In- terior and Repair birds. are visiting Toronto friends. Mrs, C. Horn and being settled in their new home on PACE NINE Mill street, having rebuilt on 'the same foundation, where their home was burned last February, Mr. Vic. tor Peacock, of Oshawa, with his Jcompany of speedy and efficient workmen, erected a six-roomed stuc- co house, completing the work in a- bout six weeks, The choir are being entertained at the parsonage on Wednesday even- ing. and having dug her potatoes Mrs. Ruse is one of the carly Mrs. Wilbert Craig and children C. Horn and daughters, are Heating System Hampton, Sept. - 11.--The Young People's League met on Friday eve- ning with Miss Isabel Campbell, 1st vice president in the chair. After the opening hymn, followed by prayer by Mr. Bick and business part of the meeting, Miss Helen Johns took charge of the devotional period: Miss L. Horn read a paper on "Batter (Rev.) J. R. Bick and Mrs, Will Wilbur favored with a vocal duet accomp- anied by the president, Miss N. O, Horn, Mrs. Harold Salter also con- tributed to the literary part of the program by a poem, which was in keeping with the topic. The meeting closed with a fitting hymn and' Miz- pah benediction, Floral night, will be observed in our Young People's League next Friday night. - Plans are being layed to redecor- ate the interior of the chiirch, and necessary repairs to be made to the heating system is receiving special attention, Mrs, Georgina Niddery, has been at the home of Mr. Foster, Bow- manville, where some, of the. family have been.ill. We had a few local showers on Monday and Tuesday, but scarcely enough to settle the dust. The Women's Institute are plan- ning to have a bazaar at the School Fair, Mr. Bert Stevens met with an ac- cident last week, while working with the hay fork, receiving injuries to onc of his lower limbs, ALWAYS extra crisp and oven- fresh. The patented waxtite inner - sealed wrapper protects the goodness of Kellogg's CornFlakes even after you open the package. Another reason for . saying "Kellogg's"! CORN FLAKES + Just try them with honey and milk or cream] Several of the high school stud- ents started school on Monday. Me:- win Cryderman, Elias Greenaway and Ted Johns being among the new be- ginners. . Mr. Albert Elliott, Fort Erie, visi- ted at the home of Mr. Colwill, Jr, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McGill. and daughter, Brenda, spent the week end with the latter's parents, at Pontypool. Miss Lizzic Reeves returned home on Saturday after a pleasant visit with Port Hope and Millbrook friends and relatives, calling on Rev. W. W., Jones, a former pastor on this circuit, Mr. Frank Hastings, Peterboro, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hastings. Mr. W. W. Horn and son Wallace, visited the former's brother at Peter- boro, last week, also visiting Lind- say, enroute. Mr. Tom Brown, Ottawa, is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Esther Stevens. Mrs. Matchwood, "and. daughter, Dorothy, Detroit, Michigan, Miss Annie Allin and Miss Eva Souch, Bowmanville, visited at the home of Mr. C. W. Souch on Monday. Mr. Clifford Horn, Mr. W. G. Ham, Mrs. J. B. Horn and daugh- ters, Alvha and Naomi, Peterboro, on Mill street. were Sunday visitors with relatives. hi Thank You! The South Ontario Agricultural Society indeed '| have a great deal to be thankful for in confiection with the Fall Fair that closed its gates for 1929 last night. The Fair is over! Let us convey our thanks to everyone who helped, whether in a large or small way. We are grateful for the splendid support given us and we will strive to merit this splendid patronage for the Fair of 1930. ; - Again we say to everyone "Thank You." J. S. KYLE, CHAS. P. DAVIS, President. JUR R00 00000 000000000 A EE ED CT Y and LOVELL To The Fore Again In characteristic style your Rexall Store again takes the lead by securing the sole agency for one of New York's finest lines of toiletries--The Famous Elizabeth Arden Venetian Toilet Preparations. This beautiful array of toilet requisites is now on display--Let us demonstrate it to you and present you with a booklet, FREE, on the proper care of the skin. j SAVE WITH SAFETY AT THE REXA I EE Papeterie Silver Deckle edged sta- tionery. 24 sheets, 24 en- velopes nicely boxed. Sale price 29¢ Rubberset Shaving Brush Worth $1.50 and 50c Klenzo - Shaving Cream Special Sale Price Both for $1.19 SAVE MONEY 40c Fletcher's Castoria 29c 35c¢ Chases' Kidney Pills 25¢ 50c Gin Pills .. 85¢ $1.75 Malt and C.L.O, $1.49 $1.25 Ironized Yeast $1.15 $1.25 Tanlac . 98¢ $1.80 Pinkham's com. $1.00 60c Virol $1.25 Hem-Roids . .. 85c Kruschen Salts Anyone can operate A No. 2 Hawkeye Takes pictures 21/ x314. Sale price J. & L. Leakproof Fountain Pen Sel mb ting or gs cap, self filling. ci Bi Hing. Spec) 33¢ DRUG STORE AND YOUR DOWN-TOWN Camera 98¢c Wonderful value has 14k MAKE OUR FOUNTAIN RENDEZVOUS IC I ON THESE PATENTS Three 10c Cakes LL y= STORES ES Tiny Tot Soap Made from pure Olive Qil, finest soap made. Also knitted wash 29¢ cloth. All for 50c Handsprayer and $1.25 bottle FLY-KIL $1.75 value Both for $1.25 25¢ Mecca Ointment .. 22c 60c Scott's - Emulsion . .40¢ 50c¢ Vick's Vapo Rub ., 45¢ 50c Dodd's Kidney Pills 85¢ 60c McCoy's Tablets ..50c 25c Carter's Liver Pills 20¢ 35c Italian Balm 20c 35¢ Sloan's Liniment . .20c 60c Califig .......... B8¢c $1.40 Sal Hepatica ..$1.23 Dyes any fabric any col- or by using only luke- warm water. Spe- cial 2 for Genuine Russian Mineral Qil A heavy oil of first qual- ity, colorless, odorless & tasteless. $1.75 bottle. 32 ounces. spe- $1 49 cial .. King Street E. Phone 28 TC Whe in Need of Drugs Quickly Phone JURY & LOVELL 7% Resall ug sere I Chere 18 DBeauty in the name Slnabelh 7, en [a there is beauty awaiting you in Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations which she has created for cleansing, toning and nourishing every type of skin. a ASAAALALAARA LARAASAAALAS LAAAALAAARAAARAAALA LALA AAAAARAAAAL Vesetian Orange Skin Food. Builds firm contours, nourishes the une derlying tissues, reac ws tired cells and banishes lines and wrinkles. $1, $1.75, $2.75, $4.28. Venetion Cleansing Cream. 16s pute aad me, oils melt ju the pores, removing all im- perities jo P i and receptive. 1, $2, 83, Venetian Avdins Skin Tonic. Ardems Velva Cream. A delicate Scimul irculati figth- cream forsensitive skins. Recome | mended for a full face, as it smooths and softens the skin without fattening. $1, $2, $3, $6. ens and whitens the skin, gives it zest and fineness. 85c, $2, $3.75 $9. FREE DELIVERY FROM OUR' TWO SERVICE STORES IN OSHAWA Tg Simcoe Street S. Phone. 68 I

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