Advertising, subscriptions ROBBEDYESTERDAY, 05S ABOUT $500 Broken Into--Gocds and Cash Taken Thieves entered the drug and to- - bacco store owned by Everet Short ridge, of Brooklin, early Wednes-' day morning and goods and 'cash to the value of $500 were taken. The goods amounting to over $200, consisted of tobaccos, fountain pens; and a moving picture camera, while. the cash register was broken into and almost $300 in cash taken. The robbery was discovered by a local merchant, who, while proceed- ing to his place of business early Wednesday morning, noticed the; . door. of the drug store standing open. As it was unusually early for this store to be open the mers chant investigated and discovereed that thieves had been busy. The proprietor was notified and the provincial police called. Provin- cial Constable Thomas 'Mitchell of Oshawa assisted by Chief Gunson, of Whitby, Investigated and found * The Bridge of Sighs At the gate of a cemetery there is a certain bridge--"A Bridge of 8'. Many a widow over it to return to a from which Death has taken husband and father. Death is not a tragedy. Tragedy strikes the living,~those who are bereft of their natural provider No life insurance policy can take the place of a Son and father, but the proceeds of it will relieve a family from distress until they are able to adjust themselves to new conditions. We invite uiries from men who desire ad concerning the right type of life insurance . Write for our pam- Blast eniled "No Matter What a ". It is most interest- Confederation Life Association Head Office: TORONTO Branch : . Teobert B. Smith, Low Agent, 37, King St. E. Oshawa, and news will next the post | ~~ 'REPRESENTATIVE--ROBERT H. HOLDEN 'Daily Times received at the : that the front door had been pried open. Theré has been a serious epi demic of shop and house breaking in this district during the last two months and Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, Manchester and Can- nington, have suffered on several occasions, The police are busy fol lowing up all possible clues in this last' case it is expe an arrest will be made sh ly." -------------------- ANNIVERSARY OF Mr. 'and Mrs. Willigm Brad- *" ley'Honored by Friends. On Thursday evening, Sept. 12, about 75 relatives: and friends of M#; and Mts. Wm. Bradley, Brock sireet. north, gathered at their hoihe..on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of thelr wedding. A pleasant evening was spent with cards and music. The bride and groom were presented with flowers rand two chesterfield chairs. Mr. Mansen Bradley, of Philadeplhis, read the address, and the bride and groom responded accordingly. A tasty luncheon was served with tbe bride cutting the wedding cake. The party broke up about 2 o'clock with the guests wishing the happy couple many more years of pleas- ant married life. Guests were present from Philadelphia, Toron- to, Oshawa, Harmony, Pickering and Whitby. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Chief Gunson with his wife and four children have returned fol- lowing a splendid vacation to six mile island, 'Lake Scugog. Rev. Langord, pastor of the St. John's Anglican church, Port Whitby, and Mrs, Langford, are spending a pleasant two weeks holidying on the Lake of Bays, Muskoka, Mr. Jack Blow, Brock street gouth, 'left on Tuesday afternoon for Toronto to resume his position as teacher at the Upper Canada College. Miss Mary and Mr. Solesby of Guelph, recently spent several days with friends at Port Whitby. Mr. Toms of Montreal is spend- ing a féw days at the home of Mrs. Jubbs, Brock street north and is renewing acquaintancse in town, Mr, H. A. Woodehouse of Mont- real is spending a few days with his sister, Miss Woodehouse, Duf- ferin street, Port Whitby. Mr. Ernest Bradbury of Van- couver has been visiting with friends in town for the last few days. Mr, Bradbury is connected with the Post Office Department ol British Columbia and is well known in Whitby. FU FETA. Iho ase Now Fat (2 A Delightful Breakfast Eoed TROTTING to music over the they Ready to | MOHAWK RADIO | "Isn't it great ?" says sister: And invites the crowd fo dance fo the new ~~~ nger," is irresistible to those who choose & dance There's # LYRIC Dealer neér you, Demonsivate WEDDING OBSERVED | harbor, on the night of Sept. 11, af- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 RR WHITBY HOCKEY CLUB PLANS FOR COMING SEASON Officers Elected at Meeting Held on Tuesday Evening ------ A meeting of the Whitby hockey 'club was held on Tuesday evening in the Royal Hotel to discuss plans for the coming season, Thz 'honorary -presidents of the associa- tion. were elected and include Messrs, Samuel ' Trees, Russel Hatch and Tony Rousseau, The members of last. year's executive were re-elected and include, presi- dent, William Cooke, secretary, Newton Joynt; manager, 'Clary' Rice, coach, "Dinner" Smith, and trainer, Samuel Mayne, It was decided that in order tn raise funds a prize draw would be held and a radio set will be offerad as the prize, Last year the prize draw resulted very successfully when a chesterfield was given, It was also decided to hold the an- nual dance which will take place in the town hall on a Friday even- ing, either the 11th or the 18th of October, The drawing for the radio get will take place the same even- ng. All of last year's hockey players will be on hand when trainicy commences and a number of new players are being counted on to strengthen the teams considerably. The Whitby teams made a good showing in the O.H.A, last year and this season great things are expected of them, IN COURT TODAY Albert Service, of Oshawa, who was arrested several weeks ago by Chief Gunson on a seduction charge appears in police court for a hear- ing at 4 o'clock, before Magistrate J. E. Willis, , Service is charged with an offence against a thirteen year old Whitby girl, CANADIAN SHIP BOMBARDED BY U3. COASTGUARD (Continued from page 1) are held by Captain McLeod. The Shawnee was defenseless - against the attack. Following the broadside, the 145 hailed the Shawnee,. asking "what ship is that?" "Well, you should know," replied Captain McLeod, | The coastguard craft examined the Shawnee with her searchlight and signalled to another coastguard boat, the Gresham, saying repeated- ly, according to the Shawnee's wire- less operator, "come quick." The Gresham replied: "Have all steam on and are making all speed that we can." The Shawnee went out toward the sea, increasing her speed from ten to twelve knots, Four hours later the 145 was relieved by the Gresham, which, in turn, was relieved by an- other "boaf, a 125-footer, on Satur- day noon: The Shawnee have to go on Saturday morning to repair her pump, ~ She left her consort behind on Saturday evening and arrived here without further incident. The Shawnee's crew of six said there might easily have been loss of life had the third shell entered the engine room or forecastle. The crew are all Nova Scotians, three from = Meteghan, and three from Lunenburg. Captain McLeod said he could give no reason for the attack. The "Shawnee was built last year by Meteghan Shipbuilding Company, and is registered at Weymouth, N. Records report her as having clear- ed from Bermuda on August 5 for St. Pierre. She measures 63 tons nct, ' } Washington, D.C., Sept. 19--Coast guard headquarters announced today that a coast guard patrol boat fired on the Canadian motorship Shawnee off Ambrose light, off New York ter the vessel failed to stop. A brief statement, issued by the coast guard, said the vessel was i new LYRIC, | was no name on the stern to iden- running without lights and appeared ot be an United States craft. There tify her, according to the coast guard guard, but as the vessel pro- ceeded after her, and officers re- fused to identify her, the name Shawnee was made out of her bow. In the chase, the coast guard pa- trol boat at. first held the Shawnee in the heam of hér searchlight and repeatedly blew whistles for the Canadian craft to stop, according to the headquarters statement. The patrol 'boat. then fiired three blank warning shots without bringing the Shawnee - to a halt and followed with two shells after which the LYRIC RADIO MODELS $250-$263-8285 | Complete with ! Ten Tubes. -Ra- dio Phonograph Combination, $375 > LIMITED - Nox 'C. CHURCHLEY - FOR SALE IN OSHAWA BY 8 Prince Street vessel stopped, Do as Mr. Gard fem oft n.d we ank an unsolicited testimonial for Tablets : mo Tublats Mor Sn 80 etely o not | mind having them any more." | No need for any one tosuffer from head: | sche if they do as that is the realizing of the hopes Boswmanville News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Tbe Times. Telephones--Office, 687; REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK § TALKING PICTURES AT ROYAL THEATRE IN BOMANVILE Building Has Been Re-mod- elled and New Equipment Installed An event that has been patiently ville for the past three months will take place on Monday next when the Royal Theatre opens its portals to the public for the first time since June 30th. Citizens will hard- ly: recognize the old interior after its renovation, The theatre from the entrance to the silver sheet has put on a new aspect that has total- ly' changed the appearance. The entrance has now in place of the open front, swinging French doors that lead into the vestibule where the ticket office will be located. From here one has to pass through another door to get to the auditor- jum which has an open archway into the main hall, The lighting system has been changed almost in its entirety and in place of the little Japanese lanterns that used to be a feature of the old building there has been installed the lat- est and smartest of" wall fixtures. The ceiling instead of the plain cream colored decoration, is now painted in a three-tone effect that s very pleasing to the eye. The walls are papered instead of painted and has a four foot base done in alabastine with a mottled effect. The heating is based on the latest that is used in the big theatres of Toronto with all the radiators hidden in a recess near the screen and heat circulated by a new process that is a novelty to this town. The north end of the theatre has been added to fifteen feet, which will not increase the seating capacity, owing to the am- ount of space used in the front for offices and ladies' and gentlemen's conveniences. A new screen has been set in position and adds great- y to the appearance of that end of the building. The most interesting announce- ment has been left to the last and of picture fans, the installation of talkie equipment of the 'latest de- sign and perfection. Mr: Ross, the manager of the, theatre has viewed in the past few months practically all the makes of the latest equip- ment and has chosen that which will be best adapted to the local play house. The first picture to be shown will be an all talkie special, "The Home Towners," which has played to crowded houses wherever it has been shown. The work that has been done on the theatre hus been in charge of T. E. Flaxman, a local contractor who had the con- tract for the new building at the Boys' Trailing School that was er- ected this summer. The renovated edifice is a credit not only to the men in charge of the reconstruction but the town also. ARRANGEMENTS FOR FALL FAIR AT TRAINING SCHOOL Premier Ferguson to Form- ally Open the New Gymnasium Arrangements for the third an- nual fair of the Boys' Training School which is scheduled to take place next Tuesday, are now gom- pleted and the event should prove of great interest to local people. The two main events will be the official opening by the Right Hon- orable G. Howard Ferguson, Prime Minister of the Province of Ontario, and the presentation to the school of the new gymnasium by the Ro- tary Clubs of the Province, The word done by the boys and show- ing typically the splendid training they receive will be on view and as there is no charge for admission there should be a large crowd on hand to witness the other events that are arranged. The Oshawa Citizens' Band will be on hand to provide musio. - This school is under the supervi- sion of the Ontario Government and is run to give under-privileged boys a chance in life that would otherwise be denied them. The school has turned out several hun- dred boys in the short time that it has been in existence and 99 per cent have made good. Some peo- ple seem to have the idea that the school is a junior reformatory but they are totally misinformed. The boys there are just a number of high spirited lads that peed care-' ful handling to bring this quality out to the right effect. A feature that all should endeavor not to miss is the physical training dis- play to be given hy the boys: on the day of their fair which has been the subject of much comment on various occasions. . MORE HOLIDAYS AT LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL 'and take Zutoo Pupils at the High School were and eagerly awaited in Bowman-| Daily Times of the new heating system. It was hardly expected that it would be needed so early but the present cold spell has made the school rooms decidedly uncomfortable to work in. The new building is now drawing near to completion and it is expected that before many more weeks have passed the majority of the rooms will be in use. Of coyrse the students are not mad about having to lay off for a few days and their talk tells that they are more the opposite. SUCCESSFUL DANCE HELD AT COURTICE A very successful dance was held last night at Courtice under the auspices of the Bowmanville True Blues. .The hall was hardly large enough to hold the crowd that at- tended and officials of the lodge are more than pleased with the re- sults, Mrs. Mitchel, the president, announced that throughout the winter, dances would be held each Wednesady night at the same hall. These dances will be advertised weekly in the Oshawa Daily Times in the Bowmanville section and these should be watched carefully for special announcements that CONSERVATIVES ARE ATTENDING BANQUET It is expected that over thirty Conservatives of the town will take a trip to Toronto today to attend the banquet given by the Conser- vative party to the Premier, Hon. G.. Howard Ferguson. With the latter's recent announcement of the date of the election talk ar- ound the town once again turns to politics. 'Bowmanville is likely to have two candidates in the fray with Mayor Elliott on the Conser- vative ticket and the choice of the Liberal convention, which takes place next Mondav at Orono. The present member, W. D. Bragg, Is a Liberal and it is hi intention tc place himself before the electorate Keep Your Youthful Figure You are sure of being nour- ished; you will be more vig- orous and energetic and bas to resist illness, if every day you again with the approval of the par- ty, it is understood. It is also un- derstood on good authority that both the prime minister and the leader of the opposition will speak in Bowmanville during the course of the campaign. GOLD SNAP SHOWS WINTER 15 NEAR Not Likely, However, That Eat a little Less Heavy Food and Drink a little More Bovril BOVRIL , Builds Strength Without Fat It Will Last For Many Days the vagaries of the Canadian climate that those who most loudly com- plained of the hot spell are now shivering and shaking as they face the brisk September breeze, It is mot probable however that The cold snap of the past few days proves a strong reminder that winter is not far away, Only three short weeks ago cveryone wars will be given from time to time, , Puke the cold weather will continue sweltering in the heat but such ar ¢ £ will continue. for many days. Many fine days are generally experienced in October and even in November, Oshawa merchants are well pre- parcd for seasonal business. and their window displays indicate that they are ready to cater to the nceds of the community, ~ SPECIAL=-~ 4 Bars Surprise finals JAF Health Salts COLD SPRING Grape Juice Har CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Roquefort Cheese Fancy--French Imported Guava Jell MOANA Brasd--12% os. Jar....... Poha Berry Jam Pineapple Jam MOANA Brand--123¢ os. Jar Wild Strawber: OLD CITY Tar WASPBERRY JAM Aylmer Red Label 16 oz. aggre: rand--No. 2 Sise Tin Bean Hole Beans A new net--With that wonder- 9 vor fal [1 Queen A Assortmen! at of Hard and Sot Oatcakes Home-made Scotch Style--12 Cakes. . SPECIAL =~ Large Bottle oT ---- -- % ~~ High Prices always lose the battle at Loblaw's and their quality has never known defeat. ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL ON SALE SEPT. 19th to SEPT. 25th COMBINATION OFFER SOAP The National Drink --Med. Sise. ... Bottle 32¢ Lemon Cup & Orange Cup Bottle 33¢ MOANA Brand--123%¢-cs. Jar........ nne Chocolates TOMATO KETCHUP 19° aii (ener " hmar : SOVEREIGN Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Halves 2 4¢ Tin 24° Tins 29¢ Wheatsworth Biscuits THE HEALTH BISCUIT...... ones Ivory Soap he. 2 Cakes 9c Guest Siso--As SPECIAL!! SPECIAL? SIX REASONS WHY. SANI-SHELF (Sanitary Shelf Paper) SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD 1 of white san og LTE nd s a rol white sanitary shel me 14" wide, that can be torn off at the size without any waste, and the six follow- ing reasons will at once con you of its utility. USED FOR Dressmakers' patterns and perforating paper; Lining drawers and shelves; Cutting and rolling dry foodstuffs on; Lining trunks and 3 small and lunches; 's cut and scribble paper. REGULAR 3 I | Gillex Crisco KY Finest S.0.S. 8.0.5.--6. Pure Jar 19 A Tins 29¢ coll BORDE Roll PRICE Box 39¢ Roll 87e "Pkg. lo HEINZ LUSHUS Jelly Powders 2 Packages 15° DELIVERY: 8 am. and 3 p.m. Daily Open Daily--8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday--8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Saturday--8 a.m. to 10 p.m. "156 South and 39 North Simcoe St. Makes Hard Water like Rain Water. . A sweeter tasting fat makes a sweeter tasting pastry--1.1b. Tim, e000 Custard HARRY HORNE'S S.oz. Pkg.~ Assorted Flav Mushrooms When things look blackest use Fresh Grated--Bottled. seat ea0ee Crabmeat Fancy--]Ja veasasere Tuna Fish SHELL Brand--Light Meat--Halves.. Malted Milk with La Tajo Ti 896 Shaker free Creamettes........3 Pkg. 35c am, 3 and 6 p.m. Pkg. 21c Pkg. 10c Tin 24¢ 8 Pkgs. 23¢ Tin 23c Baga) a pessess Pkg. 23¢ AT sess ee cones orseradish Bottle 18¢ Tin 33¢ Tin 29¢ 3% Ib. 29¢ 11. 57c MAGIC Baki A onder 16-03. 34¢ Stoneless Dates 2 Packages 35¢ Asstd. Colors granted a holjday until next Mon- day owing to the unfinished state SPECIAL=-- Waterproof Nugget Polish 2 19° DIAMOND Toilet Flush BABBITT'S CLEANSER and Carry my