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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Sep 1929, p. 1

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Yngcios +t +4 Julia Elie Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer WA, ONTARI i Baily RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1929 1] a Ben '» FIRE PA S NIC Mae Bunday yesterday was grant a divorce from William Ashley Sunday, son of the evangelist, in 4 court, Sunday did not test the action, © Leader Assassinated 'London,--~An xchange Tele- graph despatch from Sofia, Bul- garia, last night sald that the Ma- cedonian revolutionary leader, Bar- baroff, and s friend were sssassin- sted at Varna, The killers escaped and their identity is not known, Harbor Coated With Tce Kingston, -- Kingston had a heavy frost yesterday anorning, There was a thin .coat of ice on the 'harbor, Furs were brought forth and furnaces put into opera-~ tion, Farmers state that no ser: fous"damage was done'to late vege- tables. . LJ LJ Lady Diana Seriously IN London,--~The Daily Mail yester- day said that owing to complica- tions, the' condition of Lady Di- ana Duff-Cooper, who became the mother of a son last Sunday, was causing anxiety. The famous beau- ty, actress and traveler, has been married 10 years, but this is her first child. ' Ta Organize Local Club Moronto.~Liberals of the Fair- banks area of York township have decided to form. a local Liberal club similar to the Mount Dennis organization, - Their first meeting will be held in Fairbanks hall next Tuesday night. . Hon, Nelson Par- llament will speak, as well as the prospective candidates, New Milk War Windsor.--A new war between lk drivers ig claiming attention of border police, as several comp- anies have reported that rivals are smashing their bottles on the door steps and an outside firm, it is claimed, is being made the target for other sabotage enterprise, Sim- ilar trouble was stopped last sum- mer, * ¥ ¥ " Seiznre of Liquor 'Buffalo,~When Frank C, Judd crossed the. Lewiston bridge from Canada ye brday, the unusual size of the § ne tank attached to his automobllg made 'customs men suspicious." An examination, the report said, revealed 101 bottles of Chandian whiskey in the tank. Judd was arrested.and the auto- mobile seized, pos 4 Rescue Miners Wallac 1daho,~Three miners trapped in'a tunnel of the "Terrible Edith" mine at Murray, were res- cued alive late yesterday by a crew of 'men from the Hecla mine, who plunged through flames at the mine portal anfl groped through swirling smoke until they reached the bar- rieade behind which the imprisoned men cro ched, . Stunt May Prove Fatal Springtield, Mass.~~Captain Wil. no, celebrated 'human cannon ball" who' has been appearing at the Eastern States exposition during thig week, was injured, probably fatally Jate yesterday when he fail- ed to come out of the cannon at the explosion of the . powder chargé. He was removed to Spring- field hospital, where his condition was described as_grave, Endurance Plane is Down Buffalo.--The monoplane, "Buf- falo Evening News," nearly 200 hours in the air in quest of a new world's refueling endurance flight record, was forced down shortly before 7 o'clock last night, Dale Dryer, after a sensational transfer from another plane to the "News," had sought to repair a broken stab- ilizer wire, but was unable to ac- complish the feat properly While the ship was In the alr, Farmer Seriously Hurt ~~ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,--Theodore Rusgscki, farmer, of Korah town- ship, was seriously injured at noon yesterday in a level crossing acci- dent at the C.P.R. crossing at the corper of John and, Wellington streets, A train struck the rear left wheel of his wagon as he was pro- ceeding across the track, throwing Ruzscki and the wagon against the fence which bounds the right-of» way, The horses were across the track, and escaped uninjured. ' Plane Crashed Norfolk, Va.~-Captain Charles Palmer Clark was killed in a plane crash at Langley Fiela late yesterday. He had been command- er of the 19th airship squadron at Langley Field for three years, Piloting the plane was Major Henry J. S. Miller, who was un- hurt, They were returning from a cross-country flight, and' were ap- proaching the field when they were compelled to makea forced landing, WEATHER An extensive area of high pressure covers eastern Cane ada and the Atlantic States while pressure is low in the « western provinces. Except for showers in eastern Nova Scotia the weather has been fair throughout the dominion, cool from the Great Lakes eastward and moderately warm in the west. Forecasts: Lower Lake ve. and Georgian Bay---Mod- erate easterly winds, fair to. day and Saturday becoming Warmer Sir George F oster Supports British Proposal at Geneva MAKES GOOD IMPRESSION BY APPEAL Sir George Pleads Earnestly That Technical Difficulties Will Not be Allowed to Delay Movement for Gen- eral Agreement on Limita- tions SPEECH APPLAUDED BY AUDIENCE Declares Canada and United States Insists Human Life is of More Importance Than Technicalities ' Geneva, Switzerland, Sept, 20,~-- 8ir George Foster of Canada speak- ing as 'a voice from the North American continent," supported the British proposal for the hastoning of a general disarmament. confers ence in a vigorous speech before the League of Nations disarma- ment committee today, The peoples of the United States and Canada, Sir George said, have revolted from the old idea of con- trol by burerucrats and dictators and insist that human life is. ot more importance than technicali- ties which stand in the way of lim- tation and disarmament, A great change of semtinient has taken place in recent months am. ong the 120,000,000 people in the United States oni 'war and armaments, asserted 'Sir George. 'Are' we giving sufficient atten~ tion to the sentiment of the pegple of that great nation which has al most~dulinite resources?' the Cane adian asked the committee, adding that in Canada 10,000,000 people have devolted from the idea that human beings can .be used as pawns in settling international dis- putes, / Sir George pleaded earnestly tha technical difficulties not be allowed to delay movement for a general agreement on limitations and re- ductions, Describing himself as a voice from the North American continent, he expressed belief that he reflected fairly the sentiments of between 150,000,000 and 160, 000,000 people representing "the not most backward folk on the globe," Bir George's ardent appeal which was received" with much applause, was the climax of a rally of the smaller nations of Europe and those defeated in the great war to the support of the British proposal, The three Scandinavian countries, and Hongary and Austria, ranged themselves with Great Britain and Germany in orging new instrue- tions to the preparatory disarma- ment commission with a view to hastening the calling of a general disarmament conference, The view was expressed that world public opinion' was ahead of opinion in the preparatory commis. sion with regards to convening a general conference, Temperance Grows in England London,~--As a nation, England is becoming more and more sober, The official report of the Home Of- fice, made public today, snuwea 9,254 fewer convictions for drunk- enness last year than, in 1927, the lowest level of any year since the end of the war, Industries To Meet Thomas * London.~The Dally Mail states that. Rt, Hon, J, H, Thomas, min: ister of unemployment, has invited representatives of the coal. steel and shipbuilding industries to' cpn~ fer with him at the treasury next week on the subject of his recent Canadian. tour, ! to Premier G. Howard Ferguson [CT Presented GIFT T0 PREMIER AT ROYAL YORK BANQUET The ABOVE painting by Willlam Shayer, Sr, was presented to the pre. {miler as a token of good-will at last night's banquet at the Royal York hotel, {tendered to him by the Conservative party under the chairmanship of W, H, Ireland, M.P.P,, the chief whip, The painting, a beach scene, is typical of - AD the artist's best work, a glimpse of the harbor, galleries, In the foreground is a group of fisher folk with the implements of their occupation, and in the background and middle distance, The whole painting is luminous and masterly in color and composition, It was purchased from the T, Eaton Co, Ltd., fine art == FIFTY INJURED IN MAD STAMPEDE T0 ESCAPE FROM BURNING CABARET Does Not Think Fliers Overdue Brother of Flier Reported Lost Says No Cquse for Apprehension ' (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont,, Sept, 30,~"They are not overdue, and those in Toronto in touch with the situation and who know northern flying conditions ex- press no apprehension," declared Norman Pierce of the "Northern Miner" whose brother Richard is a passenger on one of the planes re- ported to be lost on the air trail be- tween Athabasca, in Northern Al- berta, and Coronation Gulf, .in the Arctic Ocean, Others in the party reported miss» ing were: Colonel C, D, H, McAl- pine, president of the Dominion Ex- plorers' Company, A. Boadway, pigots geologist, Alex Reading, gealogist, and Captain J, MacMillan and C, A, Thompson, pilots, Mr, Pierce said that bad flying weather could hold the planes up for a few days, Both planes, he said, carried ample proysions, elothing and Oth Says Hon | Man Killed in Auto Collision Companion Not Expected to Live -- Women In- jured (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Ont, Sept. 20---George Price, 34, of Detroit, received fatal injuries in an automobile accident here carly this morning and a com- Janion, Clarence Orr, 32, also of detroit, 'is believed to be dying at Hotel Dieu, Price died in the. ambulance en route to the same institution, Orr's wife, Elanor, and Mrs, Anna Langford, of Detroit received minor injuries, Price drove their car into a machine in charge of George Pot- ter also of Detroit, Potter escaped with minor injuries, The price car ecarcened onto the sidewalk after the collision and smashed into the Bank of Toronto building, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ills, Sept. . 20.--~Wheat, Sept, 1.30 3-8; Dec. 1.38 1-4; corn, Sept ,1.02 1-4; Dec, 98 5-8; oats, Sept, 50 7-8; Dee, 53 3-4. Eight Injured In Manilla Riot Chinese Crew of British Ship Attack Customs Officials Manilla, Sept, 20.--~Eight persons including two United States citizens and one Filipino customs inspector and five Chinese were injured in a riot that began here today when members of the Chinese orew of the British steamer Tascalusa tried to '| tight their way ashore. ELECTION CHAIRMAN Donald Guthrie, 54 Admiral Rd., To- . ryonto barrister, who has been elected ehairman of election board of (One ~ | tire crew, Swarming over -the side of the vessel, the Chinese attacked the customs inspectors with knives ana clubs, The riot was quelled when two companies of military police and oivillan police reserves wer called into action. None of the persons was seriously injured. The trouble started when th Chinese decided to shaw their re sentment against an order prevent ing them from landing. The Tasca lusa 'was unloading a consignment of oil for the army here. After heing given first aid the wounded Chinese were taken te the police station and held for in vestigation, Authorities said char- gos might be fyled against the en- 'and 40, . - numbering between 30 No Plebiscite on er Matters of b rd'Fe ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Sept, 20.~There will be no plebiscite on liquor nor or any other matter of public policy so' long as Hon, G, Howard Ferguson is head of the government of Ontario, Standing firm on 'established Brit- ish constitutional practice, Premier Ferguson will continue to take re- sponsibility at the polls for his hand- ling of Ontario's affairs, In such words, the prime minister last night fired his opening gun of the 1929 provincial general election campaign with a frontal attack on the position taken by W, E. N, Siun- clair, K,C,, Liberal leader, It was a campaign opening uneq- walled in size, enthusiasm and re splendence in the history of the Con- servative party in Ontario, Nearly 8,000 cheering government supporters packed every available dining room of Toronto's two'largest hotels, the Royal York and-the King Edward, while hundreds of others for whom there. was no room crowded the lob- bies, To all these and to a vast unseen audience all over the province, reach- ed by the largest radio hook-up ever arranged in Canada, the premier res viewed the financial history of his government, sketched the work being done on the humanitarian problems attached to the care of the under- privileged, pleaded for a courageous, far-sceing development of the re» sources of the north, and finally made his trenchant declaration for a fully responsible government. An Expression of Esteem The occasion was more than the opening of a political campaign, It was a testimonial, launched' by mem- bers of the legislature and joined en- thusiastically by Conservative' work to the esteem and affection' in which the premier and Mrs, Ferguson are held, As an outward mark of this as- Ee of the event, the members of the ouse presented to' their leader and his 'wife a beautiful original 'oil paint- ing by William Shayer, the' elder, an 18th century artist, The presentation was made, amid vociferous cheering, Ww George Oakley, M.P.P, for River ale, Fo Joining in this momentous tribute (Continued on page 4) STORE IS ROBBED. NEAR BROCKVILLE (By Canadian Press) Brockville, Ont., Sept, 20,--Two . yeneral stores, one of which con- tained the post office, in the village of Maitland, were entered early to- day by thieves and robbed of a quantity of goods and cash, The post office was situated in the store of C, F. Dumbrille, Some of the mail matter was rifled, al- though no attempt was made to disturb registered letters which were in the safe. A quantity of goods was also removed. The store of Mrs: Ross Thomp- son was entered through an ad- joining dwelling, Goods and a sum of $14 were takem. _ . . .... 0. crs from every riding in the pravinee, |. Frederick Kane Sentenced to Twenty Years PLEADED GUILTY TO SERIOUS OFFENCE AGAINST GIRL Dangerous Character of Kane Was Reason for - Long Sentence (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, Ont, Sept. 20.--Twenty years in Portsmouth penitentiary was the sentence imposed on Frederick Kane, of Toronto, by Magistrate J, Albert Page, today, when he pleaded guilty to a serious offence against a Toronto girl under ten years. of age. Magistrate Page remarked it was customary to add lashes to sentences for such an offense, He believed how- ever, that in view of the dangerous character of the accused, a long sen- tence would be preferable to a short- er one with lashes, Kane pleaded guilty. to taking the girl from her home in Toronto for a holiday at a camp near Black Rap- ids, Leeds County, under the pre- tense of accompanying his own daughter and .there abusing her, It was understood that he had no daughter, ; EXPLOSION FILLS THO IN GARAGE (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Man, Sept. 20--~Ex- 'plosion' of a gasoline . tank in a downtown garage today claimed two. lives, © Fire, spreading almost instantly through the building on Portage Avenue, one block from Winnipeg's main intersection, wrecked the structure and delayed recovery of the bodies. The dead are: Frank Martin, 30, Winnipeg; Richard Hughes, 29, Winulpeg.\ Rome Celebrates Capture by Emmanuel Rome, Sept. 20~With the Italian flag. floating from schools, batracks and public buildings and the city at large decorated, Rome today celebras ted the 59th anniversary of its. caps ture hy the troops-of Victor Emman- wel, II, thus ending the old temporal power of the papacy, Maik Plane Is Lost Paris.--A regular mail and pas. gonger aeroplane from Toulouse to Casablanca, Morocco, with the pi- lot, a mechanic and four passen- gers aboard, was reported. missing today between Tangiers and Lara- che, in Northern Moracco, The day afternoon and has not been heard from since, plane left Tangiers early Wednes- WEN, Sinclair Premier rE (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont,, Sept, 20.--W, E. N, Sinclair, Ontario Liberal lead- er, this morning categorized as a "disappointment to the people of the Province," the initial campaign speech delivered . by Premier G. Howard Ferguson here last night, "Premier Ferguson's speech must be a disappointment to the people of the Provinces'! Mr. Sin- clair declared, "It Lad been ex- pected that some pronouncement would he made as to the future, Instead of that he confined his re- marks to a review of what he con- sidered the achievements of his government, "The manifesto issued earlier in the week contained no real issue upon which a government could appeal to the people and most of the matters dealt with in the mani~ festo are matters to be given ats fention by departmental regula- tion, The policies which will be the main issue in the coming election therefore will be the policies which will be enunciated in my manifes~ to to be issued in a day or so. "Before,the banquet I made refs erence to it, comparing the fune- tion of the great banquet of Bel« shazgar where the writing came out on the wall, Last night at the conclusion of the banquet, the chairman, Mr, Ireland, furnished the handwriting when he asked the people to stand aside and allow the Premier to 'pass out.'"" CONVENTION DATES SET AT LINCOLN Smithville, Ont,, Sept. 20--~The ex- ecutive of the Progressive party for Lincoln met yesterday and decided to call a convention here for Sept. 30. at which Temperance delegates will be asked to be present, Robert Kemp, member in the last legislature is expected to stand again, The Lib eral convention will be held tomorrow and the Conservative's on the 24th ARE FORMING PLANS FOR THE ELECTION . Torono, Ont, Sept, 20.--Organiza- tion plans for the provincial election campaign are being laid 'today by leaders of the Progressive party at a meeting at the parliament buildings. J. G, Lethbridge, leader of the party, is in attendance, and the gath- ering will be made up of members of the executive hoard, members of the late legislature and representatives of the party from all over the prov- ince, A general political discussion is planned, and it is Hkely the pro- gressive party's policy for the cam- paigh will be shaped. No announce. ment has yet been made of the speak- ing engagements of Mr, Lethbridge, erguson's Initial ch as Dissappointing other s Categorizes 50 Doukhobors May be Freed Government Hes. Agreed to Abolish Compulsory Military Training (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Prince Albert, Sagk., Sept, 20,-- The 50 Doukhobors in jail here serving sentences for staging a nude parade near Canora, Sask, will probably be granted their re- lease in a week or ten days, ace cording to a radio despatch from Waskeskien Lake, Prince Albert National! Park, from Hon, J, A. Merkley, Minister of Labor and Industries in the new Anderon Cabinet of Saskatchewan, Mr, Merkley is touring the park with a party of prominent Saskat~ chewan citizens, The Doukhobors, Mr, Merkley stated, objected to military traine ing in the schools, The govern. ment has agreed to abolish this part of physical training as a coms pulsory measure, and the Douk- hobors will be allowed thelr free-| dom shortly oh agreement to Iive as lawful citizens, Young Menard Boys to Hang Youthful Bandits Killed Em- ployee of Charcoal Company (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que, Sept, 20~The youthful Menard brothers, Lawrence, aged 19, and Norman, aged 21, were today sentenced to be hanged for the murder of John Earl Durham, Que- bec Charcoal Supply Company "ems ployee, who was shot and killed dur~ ing an attempted holdup at the com- pany's office last February, Justice Archambault of the court of King's bench, pronounced the death sen. tence after a jury had found: the brothers guilty, The ay was out only twelve minutes before reaching a decision in the case which came before the court last Monday, The Menards will be hanged at the rison of Montreal at Bordeaux on friday, December 20. * Following the passing of the gentence, the two pri- soners had nothing to say and show. ed no emotion when the judge ute fered the words that sealed their ate, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, N.Y, Sept, 20s=Foreign Exchange steady: demand Great Britain 4.84 1.8; Canadian although a tentative itinerary may be drawn up for the leader today. Dol- lar 7-8 discount, . rates}. Ope Hundred and Thirty Pitvons and Forty Em- ployees Trapped by Fire Startip 4 in Basement -- Many Leap from Win- dows to Escape From In- ferno WORK OF RIVALS SAYS PROPRIETOR Guests Stampede for Small Room Thinking to Escape Only to Find Ng Exit -- Found Later by Fireman Piled in a Heap Uncoms scious (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) LIST OF DEAD Mrs, Parker, Mrs, Alfred Snyder, Montreal, Lanada, John J, Kaufman, 30, Detroit, Lawrence Luther, 40, Highland Park, Mich, Derrick 8. Brown, { Walter Krueger, 30, Ave., Grand Rapids, Morrison Manning, 38, believed' to have lived in Grand Rapids, wh Smith 45, 'adress undee ¥. D, Tedford, Detroit, ' Waverly Green, 36, Detroit, One unidentified man, wi Allve unidentitind women y LJ LJ Detroit, Mich,, Sept, 20~8ix teen persons were killed and more than 50 others are in hospitals with idjuries suffered in a fire which ghtted the Study Club, a night club on the edge of the downtown theatre district, early this morning, One hundred and thirty patrons and 40 employees, including enter- tainers, were in the might club when flames broke theough the wall'at the first floor and swept up the main stairway cutting off the only means of egress, Patrolman James McGuire, who discovered the blaze, ran to a near by fire box, and returned to tind the flames and smoke roaring up the staircase. Before patrons and employees . were aware of thelr danger, the fire was upon them, A cigaveite girl was suffocated by the hot fumes as she stood in the centre of the dance floor and dropped down over her tray, Her body was.found by firemen, Piled Unconscious Many patrons rushed for safety into a smal dressing room, seven by 15 feet, in the rear of the build- ing, Thirty of them wera found plled unconscious in the tiny space when firemen broke into the roem. Several of them were dead, Others were badly injured, d Ang The interior of the the buildipg was ruined, but the exterior pre~ sonted an almost unblemished ap- pearance save for broken windowa (Continued on Page 6) Seam ----emi---- Peaco Hangs by Thread . London,--The Jerusalem corress pondent of the Daily Mail reports that continuance of peace "hangs by a slender thread." His N telegraphed last night, said' that grave tension continues and that the only guarantee of security is . the presence of British troops, --- , Detroit, 732 Incx TO SPEAK HERE C. M. 8, Amery, former. secretary of state for the dominions in Great Britain, who arrived in tor, day to address a joint luncheon: of! { Canadian and Empire Clubs, 3

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