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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Sep 1929, p. 14

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 192% FUNERAL CORTEGE DELIVERS LIQUOR Buffalo Bootlegger Purchases Undertaking Business and Remodels Hearse CARS OF MOURNERS Slow Street Procession Pre- cedes Dash Into Driveway to Unload Cases Port Colborne, Sept. 21.--The colossal nerve and shrewd cunning of Buffalo bootleggers and the in- tricate organization used by them in disposing of their wares were related in a third exclusive story here today by an obliging rum- runner. The inside story on how the speak-easies operated sounded like the imaginative creation of some fiction writer. How one bootlegger delivered his booze by use of a hearse and stag- ing of 'funerals' was the first thing the rum-runner told the reporter. "They understood that a certain undertaker was anxious to sell out, and so posing as undertakers they bought out the establishment. "When a load was landed," the rum-runner explained, 'the liquor was taken to the bootleggers' homes. Here the hearse would be loaded up, rough box and all. They would drive to a garage they had secured and there would unload all except the rough box full. They had it rigged up with removable JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIO 2.8 0.0 8 PCIE EIEIO TC LI I) TT Ca J a a a) t TIME TABLES | 2.2 Cy PW TR PA SW AW) Bates orBeioceitesonds 20.2 BJ J a J J SC a CCN Cy C.P.R. TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1923, (Standard Jae) Gog 'es 545 a.m. Daily. 6.23 a.m. Daily, 840 a.m. Daily except Sunda. Daily. 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. : 'All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) East nd a except Sunday. oaly. m, Daily m, Sunday m. Daily. m., Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily. m. Daily except Sunday. .m, Daily. om, Daily, wm. Daily. .m. Daily. 'Westbound . Daily. m. Daily. .28 a.m. Daily. % m, Daily. m. Daily except Sunday. m. Daily except Sunday. m, Daily. om [ARTEL vn PPePREP et mt Nr. a a=8 ve =~] ne 2 ORinng £33] pops NREL }=4R28 SPE 3 7g Be < o 2 < =f p.m, ally, 42 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE afer Af om .m, 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. -- Sila nie 8 o 4.35 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 853585 PEST aaks =So® ° if =) e se AN Fp to ai 4 PPPOpppOeEesd BPRBR3 5 a 831i ~~ PETPPOUTT ems PNUILR=~OmN ---- PNA ANNO NO 1.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. HBT a » 4.35 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 2BB33pE Ro owavawnidy ER885883 PPPEPOPED ggsa3pB3s © Nui LR! 3385838853882; =3 B85 ° ol = he oS S 11.00 p.m, A Time marked Vhitby Hospital. SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going est Leave Arrive Arrive Hospital 10.00 a.m. 12.25 p.m. busses to 1 save 0 a. 12.00 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 11.00 p.m. shelves so they could get about 70 cases in." Funeral Staged He then took up his tale. "They'd deliver the booze by stag- ing a 'funeral.' The hearse would lead slowly with three or four car- loads of 'mourners.' They'd watch their chance when they go to their destination and slip in the drive- way and unload. They kept the undertaking parlors as a blind so as to keep the monkies (federal authorities) from catching on. And so as not to excite any suspicion they only pulled the gag about 3 times a week. They used the hearse usually, when big loads of hard stuff were taken over." The runner then suggested a ride in Buffalo, and so at a late hour the deporter and runner rode down one of the main river-front streets, : "See that restaurant there," pointed out the runner. "All you want at regular rates. It's taken in through that garage," he said, turning down a side street. The garage was the same as many other private garages, but the runner explained that the li- quor was taken in, the doors clos- ed and the booze transported to the read of the restaurant via an un- derground tunnel. The tour of "speakeasy land" then ran past a customs headquar- ters and within a stone's throw the runner pointed out six liquor joints. In the near vicinity was another "gas station," where the runner averred "they sell more liquor than gas." He also ventured the informa- tion that three places were operat- ed in connection with the gas sta- fon, and displayed a card on which was a firm name of alleged '"dia- mond importers." "Just show that at any of their places and vou can get all you want, any kind," he stated. Restaurant Service The final part of the trip took the runner and reporter to one of the large downtown buildings. Here was a restaurant where innocent diners would be taken into a gor- geously appointed dining hall to be served by a flock of tuxedo-be- a $2500 Scotland Woollen Milis 8. Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe Esme = wn USED CARS Are Soild By The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. S. Fell Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South | Phone 900 Foundation Imparts that soft, velvety finish before appl. Also "Ansehl" Cremes, Skin Tonic, Astring- ent, Face Powder for each type of skin. David Ansehl's Famous Liquid Powder | ying powder. | ! JURY AND LOVELL, LTD. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS --_-- Men's Suits, blue with pin stripes. .. $10 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 733w # 'The wise man never waits till x ating gs NCERS ro he is driven by neces- sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available. J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W. -<. Manager, :- decked waiters head waiter diners' wants. There was no liquor served in the restaurant, secluded door resulted in the door opening. No one was there and to all intents and purposes the hall into which the door opened was a leading either bare hall, or to an exit, zer, however, resulted in the open- ing of a peep-hole in what was ap- parently a blank wall. A inizing eye appeared at a round ap- "jerture. "If you look in full most corteously looking after the you in," said the man, and a door opened. Entering the room the re- porter and runner were confront- ed with a oar stretching across one end. It was stocked with all man- ner of wet goods, from the best of Canadian ale to high-class wines and champagnes, The two were then shown out, and once again in the street the runner shoved out a brawny fist. "Well, so long kid," he said to the reporter, "See you again," and pulling down his hat he disappear- ed in the midst of the hurrying afternoon throng of Buffalo's downtown. with a dignified dress suit but a knock at a upstairs A press on a buz- serut- all right they let LINERS DELAYED FOR ODD REASONS Key of Safe Mislaid Caused Trouble for One 'Captain Montreal--In these days when liners run strictly to schedule and with the same punctuality as is achieved by express trains, delays of any kind' are very costly, and apart from hindrances caused. by great storms are extremely rare. But occasionally strange incidents occur which compel delay, Sudden suicide is one of these cir- cumstances, A liner is proceeding steadily on its course. Her life pul- scs calmly, passengers walk up, and down the decks or lounge in the smoke rooms, while her crew is busy from the high perched "crow's nest" on the mast down to the boiler rooms deep-sunk in her bowels. Sud- denly a stentorian shout of "Man overboard" shatters the ship's calm. With sharp clanging of the engine- room telegraphs, the great engines are stopped. The liner heaves to. Men point excitedly td where the suicide was last seen. Boats are lowered and search for the unfortun- ate, but rarely with success. The little boats return, and as soon as possible the liner resumes her ccurse and tries by faster steaming to make up for the loss of time and monev even that short wait has in- volved. Sometimes falls seri- , and must » liner's sur- yeing perfor- ] I the a passenger ously ill during : be operated on by geons. While this is med cverytl mg case the Surgeons If necessary, n of the seas, the his giant to the moti tain will even slow cap ship down and deviate slightly from his course. The cost ot such fine human- ity can be realized from the fact that to take an Atlantic liner much off her course may mean a loss of $10,000 or . $25,000 because of the extra fuel and meals consumed) One of the most extraordinary of all liner delays was caused by a key! A 16,000 ton liner had all her passengers aboard, and was ready to sail when it was discovered that the key of her safe was missing! A hurried search all over the liner fail- ed to locate it. A frantic message was sent to London for an expert, and the vessel waited for several hours while he was being rushed down, He first tried to pick the eight- levered lock, but soon realized that it was beyond his powers. The only thing he could do was to break through its tough walls with special clectrical appliances, But the liner had already been delayed so long that the captain could not remain in harbor another minute, and had to start the voyage with the expert aboard. This unexpected guest per- formed his task with the co-opera- tion of the chief engineer, and the chief electrician as the long delayed liner steamed down the Channel! Although no giant liner would be stopped to rescue a pet animal which fell overboard in mid-ocean, this ac- tally hanpened recently in the case of a 7,000 ton liner journeying to New York. The pet cat of the ship vanished over the side, the liner was stopped, and a lifeboat, with its crew was lowered. "Pussy" was quickly retrieved none the worse for its un- looked for immersion! But probably the most remarkable of delays of which sailors tell hap- pened one day just as the gangways were being dropped from the Maure- tania, so that she could lcave South- ampton for New York. A taxi driver peited down the quayside carrying a parcel wrapped up in a handkerchief, and imploring the officials to wait. The precious bundle, which held £1,100 the entire savings of a passen- ger who had left it in his hotel bed- COLEMAN'S MODERN FURNITURE STORAGE Separate Room Systein Insurance Rate, Clean, Dry, Frost Proof. Low We take care of Packing and Wrapping Dishes, Pictures, Furniture, Etc, COLEMAN'S * CARTAGE AND STORAGE Office: 85 Bond St. West Telephone 82 a 201-A, "112-A or 2 ecen-grig tube, equipped with a room by mistake, and without whic hl ever he could not have landed in. the |... a a ; States, was got aboard in the nick of | ° - battery 0 ie other muais ol time. Then the Mauretania departed | PACInE a negative Yoltage on iis several seconds Tate! | grid through this particular part of the radio set circuit. The result tig that a much gre r amount of sound of beter quality is obtain- able from 'the loudspeaker. This systen be used to ad- a io receivers, re- improvement in Power Detectors Power detectors are devices ca- | pable of giving greater power than | the ordinary type of grid-leak and condenser detector. This detector is a radio tube of suitable type, | operation. ELLA CINDERE--Sign On The Dotted Line SC was pushed off a bri y a burglar she saw ar e Safe in the Voor! Filrns Te oT marge J.K.Pidge, jure Zo hu Ly er. ge. J agery! BATHING SO PULL. FOR THE SHORE, MISTER, ANN Reg U S Pu OF by Mewopolian New FOR TALKING \ PCTURES | JUST SIGN HERE, AND TLL sSHP YOU TO HoLLyweoD IN A MOISTURE ~PROCF opyright spaper Set BRINGING UP FATHER HAVE ONLY ONE LIFE TO GIVE TO_ TALKING WITH WATER ; AND THIRD, THE CONTRACT By Bill Conselman and Charlie Flumb ME WITH SAFE ~CRACKERS)) Tris, WISE ~CRARKERS I'M CRAZY AROUT! AND THERE SITS THE WORLD'S CHAME READY TO SIGN A CRACKING GOOD SCREEN CONTRACT | er -------- By Geo. McManus SMAGGVE: TIRE | ( LAMP 19 MINE aN)! | | NEED 17 {NN MY BLT 1 HAD VT STAYD RIGHT HERE IN MY | ROOM- || Room So DONT mr | STAND THERE iq ARGOLING- AR [ ORWELL. AnY- THING TO KEEP | PEACE AN' QUIET | ber CITING TT © 1929, Int" J iy Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved OR IHN T THAT A PRETTY LAMP | | DADDY WON? | CAN | HAVE IT NY RooM? YOU'RE JUST LIKE "YOLR THINGS AM NEVER CONSIDERED- [1 INTEND To | AND DoNT TALK 90 | FREDH-) NEVER DAW SLCH A CHILD - 15 THAT 20° 3 WELL IF You | ARE GOING TO BE MEAN ABOUT Tou CAN KEEP THE LO LAMP- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Eye Care and Eye Stralo Disney Block p75 1516=-Phene--1518 y M Simcoe 86 No ___. Fhona auf Men's Barrymore Coats Special. , 22.50 DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner N 3.0C p.m 1L1S pm. 13 pm 11.00 p nu are through Fine marked Whitby Hasmtal jal Busses For Ali Occasions Reasonable Retes anc Careful Driver i. A GARIUN Proprietor Bowmanville Phone' 112 or M8 Phone 2283 Ushaws Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.+ les 48 Simeve Svceut, South il IT HAS ORIGINATED iif BY CARDINAL RICHELIEU, THE OF THE MOST STIRRING CARDINAL RICHELIEU >» N= (CJARDIMAL RICHELIEU (1585-1642) IS ONE FIGURES THAT CAN BE FOUND IN ALL THE DRAMATIC HISTORY OF FRANCE (AS A CARDINAL OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND CHIEF MINISTER OF STATE FOR NEAR- LY 20 YEARS HE CONTROLLED THE DESTINIES OF // FRANCE AMD RAISED HER T0 THE POSITION OF THE FOREMOST POWER \I{ EUROPE. HE HAS BEEN THE THEME OF COUNTLESS PAINTIHGS,ROMAHNCES AD DRAMAS. RICHELIEU WAS ALSO A CULI- HARY GENIUS AHD THE ORIGINATOR OF THE MAYONNAISE DRESSING WE KHOH SO WELL WELL, MAC OLD PAL, HOW'S TRICKS AND EVER"THING 2 By Russ Westews AW, DRY UP AND BLOW AWAY, WHIPPLE il 7% bh SURE (LL TELL HIM, MR, WHIPPLE [ii MAC, MR WHIPPLE WOULD LIKE TO SEE You IA HIS PRWATE OFF\CE WELL, SIAICE HE'S ACTING MANAGER) | GUESS I'LL HAVE TO GO -- | KNOW THAT FOUR - | FLUSHER, ANY TIME | HE GETS FRIENDLY WITH ME HE'S GOING TO TRY TO MAKE A TOUCH

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