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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Sep 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1929 PAGE THIRTEEN THE CI Rel" where SS uyger ~~ / ED SECTION ~~ meets Mr. Seller "9095\00\5e0 4 D -- CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- Yeyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B; AL F. Amis, B.A, LL. B. Engineering and Surveying Real Estate for Sale DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- cers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544. Undertaking FRANK §. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer. Money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, Opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH 2. MANGAN, B.A--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 14/4 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. Fe KSriensen, K.C, T. K. Creighton, T.OUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. street north, Phone 67. 3206\W. PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, ctc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. C. H. Field. GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc. 24%; Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to loan. ALEX C. HALL, B.A, Residence BARRIS- ter, etc. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. East. Phone 3237. (tf) Money to loan. 16 Simcoe. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim- coe street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner iy strect, Ambulance. Phone 1 Insurance AND SON, INSURANCE, : The old- 30 Re- DAVIS 19 King St. west, Oshawa, est Fire Agency in Oshawa, putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoc north. Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected. INSURANCE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for onc of the best-English companies, Office 38 Simcoe St. N. REAL ESTATE OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Parke Terms to_suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. FARM FOR SALE--WILL AC- cept good used car or Oshawe pro- perty as part payment, Phone 29827 after 6 p.m. (68h) FOR SALE--~TWO GOOD BUILD- ing lots, three minute walk from Motors, A bargain, Apply 370 Jar- vis St. (69¢) FOR SALE--NEW HOUSE HARD- wood floors, electric fixtures, French doors, every convenience, Owner Jeav- ing city. A bargain for quick sale, will take small down payment, Ap- ply 370 Jarvis St. (69¢) HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX ROOMS, garage, hen house, 4 acres of land. Apply Stanley Prevost, North Oshawa. Phone 1654 r 4. (69¢) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. '74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595]. (56tf) Transportation CARTAGE, COLEMAN'S, 85 BOND W., Phone 82. Furniture van and 6 trucks in charge of expert men. Furniture moving a specialty, Stor- age arranged. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVE! sand and cinders, Local and' long distance hauling. Phone 3048 and 2692F%,, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St, W. Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and' di- seases of women. Two years' post graduate experience, Office and resi- dence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303 DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. . DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, discases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. ' 9 pm, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. DR. ALVIE STEWART, SUR- geon, Obstetrician, physician, Special attention to surgerv. Two ycars ele- ven months post graduate experience, Hospital, St. Bartholomew's and St. Mary's: Hospital, London, Royal In- firmary, Edinburgh, University Hos- pital, Berlin. Office 142 Simcoe St. north. Phone 3020. Residence 3104. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M., 1. R CP and S Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020. residence 161 King St. E. Phone 3155. I ARCHER BROWN, M.D, L. R. C. P. & S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity work and dis- eases of children. Office and resi- dense, 185 Simcoe St. North, Phone 3107. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his officc over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.n., for consultation and treatment of diseases of car, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 am, 2 to 5 Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence 432]. Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in at" tendance. Phone 959. House 1312. DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 37 King street east, Alger building. Phone 2860. Evenings by appoint- ment. DR, H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygeif gas for extra.- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N. over Dewland's, Phone 1957. Res. 292W. Evenings by appointment. DR: W. H. Regent Theatre Bldg. GIFFORD, OFFICE Phone 1780. ESTAB- Park Road distance, Park Rl. OSHAWA'S OLDEST lished furniture movers. car'age. Local and long Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 South. Phone 215. (Sept 15-1 mo) EAGLE MOVERS AND CARTERS, long distance a specialty. Cheapest in town. Phone 3202, 82 King St. West. (Aug. 20-1 mo.) for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren- tal supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St.. Phone, 1885W. (Sept. 10-1mo.) | UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI-| ture repairing. Auto cushions re- made and repaired, also autos re- trimmed, Phone 1436M. _ (Aug. ™2 1 mo) { BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- { livered 76c¢, rental 25c, and the { entire electrical system of 'car re- i paired. 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phoua 3112W, (Sept. 10-1mo) YOUNG RELIABLE MAN WITH new dump truck wants steady work for the fall and winter | months, Apply Box 198 Times, (69¢c) | Motor Cars Beauty Parlors CHEVROLET COUPE '27, CASH; or terms. Phone 1930F. (67¢) CHESTIR- i BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED4H : Rates for ! Classified Ads. | First insartion=1% oents | por word Minimamn charge--38c. Each subsequent insertion Ic por w Thren consecutive inser- tious for the price of tivo fish insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for throe insertions, 80 cents. Box sumber 18c additional Professional or Busines Cards, $2.50 . a! cents a word per month i | foo erch additional) word, fi | TES CLASSIFIED i ADS COST LITTLE; AC. | COMPLISH MUCH i TELEPHOME 38 Ask for Classified Ad Ds- | Ii partment i Articles For Sale ; CLEARING SALE--BICYCLES 33, Balance easy, Automobile tires. | $1.76 up. Come and look thew over, Apply 82 King St. W. (Aug. 29 1 mo) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD 'slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR ZALE--HEINTZMAN CO. | Ltd., pianos, new and used pianog, | also radios, latest wodels; terws | arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone | 1665J. (111-tf) | I'OR GRAVEL,' stone, SALE--SAND, black loam and cinders. BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE | OLDSMOBILE 1929 SEDAN, COL- !Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St. Phone Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra frec finger wave. Phone 2968. EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. WATSON"S BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mai- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phoac 2653. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) EXPERIENCED MARCELLER will fill appointments in your own home. Morning or evening. Ap- pointments only. Phone 2710W. : (Sept. 9-1 mo) Radio Service RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, tatteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. -Batteries re- paired at moderate prices, Char-, 1046J. g. 23 1 mo) les Wales, Phone Building "Supplies FOR SALE -- SAND, stone and black loam. $1.60 a vd. For quality and service 'phone Es- sery Bros. 332 ring 11. CEMENT To insure prompt delivery, ders in advance of delivery date. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. Music PUPILS ACCEPTED instructions. Mrs. Berry. Phoue 1153. (Aug. 29-1 mo) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA- cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa. Wednesday, 92 Simcoe St. North. Phone 2754F. (129-tf) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading viclin teach- ers, is in Oshawa. on Thursday afternoons, Studio 86 Elgin St. kK. Phone 739M. place or- WV. IN VOCAL (Dr.) Grant (Sept. 3-1 mo) HERBERT C. TRENEER, ORGAN- ist and choir master of King St. United church, will aceept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply to 50 Wil- liam St. East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 6-1 mo.) MISS ANNIE E. A.T.C.M., teacher of piano. 17 Connaught. Phone 116 dence phone 1648 r 22, Studio Resi- (Sept. 5-1 mo.) MRS. JACK LEE, A.T.C.M, teacher of plano and theory, 613 Carnegie Avenue. Phone 2351J. (Sept. 7-1 mo.) Money to Loan GRAVEL, | BLOCKS FOR SALE--| McMASTER, ; tor blue, mileage four thousand. | Excellent condition, Terms, Cash | lor time, Phone 3187J, { (68D) ! : 1929 PONTIAC SEDAN, FULLY | equipped, Special color job. Low | mileage. Condition right. Price, low. Quick sale, Phone 2496. i (67¢) Watch Repairing F.. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERY | Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at} 44Y; King Street West, Your pat-| ronage is solicited. i | Money Wanted WANTED--$2500 FIRST MORT- gage. Excellent security. It will pay you to investigate. Address {reply to Box 167, Times. (54-1) | WANTED $200 or $300, WILLING {to pay 10 per cent interest for 6 months, Apply box 198 Times Of- | fice. (09) | | gale. 17787. (Aug. 22-1 mo.) | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR | Apply 64 Montrave avenue, | Westmount, (641) | ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SALE -- Phone 1024M (67¢) PRIVATE SALE -- ELECTRIC! washer, gas range, coal range, cur-| al r4, beds, veranda furniture,' child's crub, bridge lamps, all kitchen utensils, Chesterfield suite, etc. 111 Colborne Street East. Tuesday and Wednesday only. (O8¢) FOR SALE--GURNEY OXFORD | Range with Reservoir and hot closet, $10. Apply 6 N ssau Si. (09h) FOR SALE--1 AXMINSTER RUG 9x12, 1 congoleum rug 9x9 in good conditior '] > 2886W, (69a) "170 SIMCOL h Se aiternoons and evenings of Sept. 23, 24, 25, Terms cash, Sofa, heavy walnut frame, hand carved and walnut bedstead, 1 spring and mattress, (69¢) Bought and Sold {| NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR-' niture bought and sold. All orders receive prompt attention, Phone 1030. M. Collis, 8 Church St, (Aug 20-1 mo) | Room and Board venicnces, 68 Church St. (68)! iNTCE ROOM "AND BOARD IN | private family, gentleman preferred. Phone 1928]. (6c)! WARM, COMFORTABLE FRONT | room, board if desired, private home, | also garage, very central Phone | 2652]. (69c) ! ROOMERS OR BOARDERS, PRI- | vate home close to Motors. Business | men preferred. Phone 3179W. (69¢) | Lost and Found i LOST--LADY"S POCKET - FOUN- tain pen, name engraved Frances Hammond, I'inder please leave at T. Eaton Co., Oshawa, or phone 1808 r 1 2, Reward. (68¢c) LOST -- BLACK POMERANIAN dog name "Snooky'"'. Phone 1621W. | 344 Mary street. Reward. Any per- son harboring this dog will he prosecuted, (68h) Sign-Painting SIGNS, SHOW CARDS, BANNERS, ! ete, Trucks lettered. R. Stacey, 1% McLaughlin Blvd. Phone 2S90W. Wanted To Rent A MODERATE SIZE STORE, must be fairly central and rent rca- sonable. Apply Box 191 Times. (GOL) Residence 669. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 and 864. Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist discases domestic animais, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 14%. Res. phone 909]. CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- aress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field. Barristers, etc. Bldiz. Phone 1614. Hemstitching NINE CENTS PER YARD. PLEAT- ed skirts one dollar. Dressmaking, Alterations, Embroidery, and Smocking. Mrs. Dell, 263 Simcoe South. Phone 1656. (Sept. 14-1 mo.) Alger WANTED TO RENT---BED SI'T-| ! ting room or small furnished apart", ment, central. Apply Box 192] Times. (661) | WANTED TO RENT--FOUR OR | five room bungalow. All conveni-| ences. Good tenants. Apply Box! 193 Times, (67¢) { WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR | three rooms for light housekeeping; | heat and light essential. Please state rent. Write to box 199, Daily ired, "Make application by letter © ROOM AND BOARD. ALL CON- | Daily Times. Near bus terminal. Apply INEXT i cers, if you are intere , association that is | better i wages through effective legislature : i Toronto :13 for information. (Sept. 3-1 mo) | = --_ x -- + ! {red to sleep out. ¢ | ren mornings Help--Wanted Male wi |} SPORTING EDITOR WANTED, -- one with practical experience prefer- civing experience, sporting terests, references and all other ro-| levant information, addressed to M.. McIntyre Hood, Editor, The Oshawa (671) | SATURDAY AFTERNOON i and Monday at 41 Alger Building I will hire three mien who desire steady year round employment. These nen must be capable of making progress, qualifying for promotion to Execu-: tive position. This job is good for | $2000 first year. IH. S. McDiarmid (67) MARRIED | pressure | R. B. GARDNER WANTED, man, knowledge of low boilers. Steady position. Reid, 1012 King street west, (G7tY) WANTED -- ELECTRICIAN AC- customed to shipyard work and! plant maintenance. State age, ex-! perience and wages required 1oj Box 199 Times. (69¢) i WANTED -- CUSTOM SHIRT ! salesman for high-class line. Apply | i.. I. Hagedorn, Kitchener, Ont. | WANTED--STATIONARY ENGIN- : sted in an organized, 10} conditions and. working write Ed. Golightly, § Denton Ave. | (69¢) | Help Wanted--Female STENOGRAPHER WANTED--IGX- i perienced preferred. Apply Alex C.} Hall, 22% King St. E.,, Oshawa. (67¢) WOMAN WANTED FOR HOUSE- | work. No washing. Live in. Apply | 392 Mitchell avenue. (68¢) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL | Apply 212 King Street East or phon 1006. (68¢) EXPERIENCED RELIABLE COOK | ceneral. Household three, Prefer-! Apply Box 48 (W-T-5) | MIND CHILD- | 7 to 11.30! Oshawa, YOUNG GIRL TO from daily. Apply 329 Albert St. ; rooms : sion 'board if desired. I 2382W., I nished room in attic, desirable s.} GARAGE { KOOM TO RENT. in Kast, 1 TO i ment, Light, heat and water, Con- fing, newly decora {NEW TEN ROOMED HOUSE For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites, including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, convenl- ences, etc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. (37-t1) FOR RENT--THREE AND FOUR room apartments, All conveniences. Some with Murphy beds. Apply Disney Phone 1550. (28tf) APARTMENTS TO RENT Modern conveniences, $40 and up. Apply Jury & Lovell, (36-1) SEVEN-ROOM NEW HOUSE FOR rent. All conveniences. Hardwocd floors throughout. Near General Motors office. Apply 91 Ritson Road North. (Aug. 28-1 mo.) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED for light housekeeping. Phone 14737. (54tr) TO RENT--PRRIVATE G-ROOMED apartment over Ledger's Store, next to Karn's Drug Store. Pos- scgajon October 1. Apply Mrs, F. J. Henry, 231 King St. East. Phone 16. (62-tf) 170 RENT--SIX ROOM IRAME house on Park Rd. south, Posses- immediately. Apply 8. A. Park road south. Phone 1270W. (641) FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO rent, suitable for light housckecping, Phone 2610M. (69¢) APARTMENT TO LET -- FIVE ooms and bath, Centrally situated in Oshawa's best residential section All modern conveniences. Gar: Immediate possession, Casa Loma. | Apt. 2, 161 King St. East, Phone | 847W. . (66d) HOUSE TO RENT OR SMALL bungalow, 120 Oshawa Blvd. Appl 10 Bond St. W. (67¢) FOP LEASE -- SMALL HOUSE comfortably furnished. $35. responsi- ble persons only. Phone 2065W or 3129\WV. (671) APARTMENTS FOR RENT--CEN- tral. For particulars apply 226 Eulalle avenue, Phone 27097. (67c) FOR RENT--DESIRABLE SEVEN Sargant, 238 | roomed brick house, Agnes street. Good furnace. Reduced rent, Care- ful tenant, Apply Webers, 22 Char- lotte street, Peterboro. (67¢c) TO RENT-#SIX ROOM FRAME house on Park Rd. south, Posses- sion immediately. Apply S. A. Sar- gant, 238 Park road south. Phone 1270W. (67¢) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, for light housekeeping. suit young couple, Apply 290 Arthur St. «+ (67¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT good locality, Central, Phone (67¢c) SIX ROOMED BRICK, ONE FUR- i + loca- Imine- m paved possession, tion, diate treet, £ i Pho 4 (67¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE. ALL CON- veniences. Full bath, furnace. Central Apply 135 Celina St. (h7¢) arage. ne 760W Apply loo Celina ot. eee , FOR RENT SMALL DWELLING-- i 14 dollars month, 612 Christie avenue. (68¢) TNEW APARTMENTS. ALL CON- veniences. 262 King St. E. Phone 1215W. (68) [IOUSE TO RENT -- 9 ROOMS, 2 toilets. All modern conveniences, en- quire 21° Bond St. West, (68¢) TO RENT -- $4 PER month. 63 Athol St. West. (68¢) For Rent TO RENT--THKE(, UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light housekeeping. 271 French street. Phone 3207M. (69¢c) FOR RENT --- APARTMENT, Ground fleor, Private entrance. Conveniences, Phone 667J, For Sale or Rent FOR SALED OR RENT--STORE, and six roomed dwelling, with all conveniences, garage. Apply 31 El- gin St, E, Phone 1686J. (20cf) TO RENT OR FOR SALE--EIGHT room house, Apply 404 Park Rd. South, (68c) (69a) Agents Wanted DOUBLE YOUR SALARY BY ADDING $3500 © WEEKLY selling Imperial Art Personal Christ- mas Cards to Friends, Business As- sociates, Club and Church members, from Magnificent Free Sample Book. Imperial Art, Manufacturers, 51 Wel- lington West, Toronto, INCREASE YOUR SALARY by adding $35 weekly selling private greeting Christmas cards to friends and neighbors, Handsome sample album sent free. Write immediately, Manager, Dept, 11A, 3 Winchester Ave., Montreal. (69a) $25 PER WEEK MADE BY OUR Personal Christmas Greeting Card agentg in their spare time, Write us for particulars today. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto. Help Wanted EARN UPWARDS OF $25 WEEK- ly growing mushrooms for us, in waste cellar space all winter, Illus- trated booklet sent for stamp, Do- minion Mushroom Co., Toronto 3, (69a) Notice T will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date, ALFRED GEORGE MORRIS. "© Sept. 19, 1929. (68¢c) NOTICE I, the undersigned will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Mary Ball, after this date. CHARLES BALL (67¢) Sept."19, 1929 Auction Sales KURYV INN TOURIST CAMP .. FOR SALE BY AUCTION . -- Located Between Bowmanville and Newcastle on Provincial Highway Wednesday, September 25th, at 3 o'clock, (Daylight Saving Time), Kury Inn, well-known Tourist Camp on No. 2 Highway, best location be- tween Toronto and Kingston, will be sold 'by public auction on premises 1s' going concern, subject to reserve bid. Business includes: Hot Dog, Confectionery, lce Cream Booth, Lunches and Meals served; Rooms for Tourists; Qils and Gas Station. Cash business of $15,000.00 done in 15 months, This can be increased-- should be run year round. Terms announced at time of sale. Rare op- portunity to acquire established busi- ness and 'excellent investment, Be sure to attend sale or write 'H. C, CAVERLY, Owner, Bowmanville, for more particulars, (69a) FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FUR- nished rooms for light housekeep- ing. Every convenience, Also gar- age. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (68¢c) APPLY 146 El- SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE. Corner of Simcoe and Whiting Ave, Pos sion immediately. Appiy 853 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1575W, (68c) i TO RENT -- BATHROOM FLAT or 2 rooms. Very clean, Apply 214 Clark St. (68¢) | NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE) bedrooms near Pedlar's, Board op- | tional. Apply 544 Simcoe St, S. (67¢) ROOMS FOR All conveni-| Wood strect. (67¢c) ROOMED APART- TWO FURNISHED light housckeeping. onces, Apply 102 hone 2157J. RENT--2 tral. Apply Box 196 Times, (6S) TURNISHED ROOM. VERY CEN- tral. Suitable for light housekeey- ing or double bed room. Also garage. Phone 938M. (68¢) FOR LEASE, 13 ROOM HOUSE, 2 baths, heated garage, hat water heat- ted, good income Will show Saturday 9 am. | Phone 3052] for appoint- property. ull 6 p.m. ment, Apply N, Hynes, Harmony. (S Sept. 28) RENT, FIVE Apply 191 1663M. (69¢) rent, APARTMENT TO rooms. $20 per month, Oshawa Blvd. Phone Contracting Times, 69) Second Hand Dealer CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE plastering, = clectric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates (13t) SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR-| niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor | St. East. Phone 1617M. (te) | THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects. Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. Auctioneer PHONE 716J.- W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Si. S. We can sell your odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our yards, 41 King 'St. W.. Oshawa, Ontario. S. W. CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 25 years' experience, has opened an of- fice at 520 Simcoe St. South. Your "business solicited. Phone 2593M for particulars. (Sept, 9-1mo.) Painting and Decorating { Coat Repairing | R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA. perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave. phone 3065w or 2067w. 72tf) For Exchange GET READY FOR WINTER--, Gents' overcoats repaired and altercd, § ladies' fur coats retined and repaired. | "Tailoring" your own material made | up. Address 12% King St. W. (over | Cannings). Call and deliver. Phone 500. (Sept. 21 1-mo.) (69¢) Tenders Wanted Pickering--St. George's Rectory --Tenders will be received up to 10 a,m., Sept. 17, for the sale of| this house, and lumber piled on the lot. iouse to be moved by Oct. : Oth: LEN BURNINGHAM, | Warden, Fairport. P.O., vut. | Storm Windows { WANTED--HOUSE NEAR OSH- awa. Exchange farm 48 acres, good barn, house and silo. Main road. Immediate possession. Edwin Jen- nings, Port Perry, Ont. (60 2 wks) Position Wanted Apply 39 King street west. W. R. Johnston, (68D) ! READY GLAZED AS LOW AS $1.40 freight paid. Get Storm Win-| WOULD LIKE WORK AS JANI-| dows early and order one fourth]. i tor or boiler fireman. Experienced. | less fuel, "Price list free. Halliday | TO RENT -- BATHROOM FLAT. Company Limited, 14 Hailiday | Bldg., Hamilton | { All conveniences, TIVE ROOM HOUSE TO RENT. Apply 78 Fisher St. (69a) TO RENT--ROOM FURNISHED, suitable for two, Board if desired. Bathroom flat. 240 Kulalie Ave. (6Y9¢c) TO RENT--NICELY FURNISHED bedroom on ground floor, running | water. Ivery conveninece, Very | contral. Apply 178 Centre St. "hone 3116. (69a) TO LRET--SIX ROOM HOUSE ON Mary St. north, Hardwood floors. Immediate pos- session, Apply Bradley Bros. 29%: Simcoe St. South, office 1, (67c¢) All conveniences, Apply 108 Agnes St. (69a) (68c) | = The ordinary static transformer will not work on D. C, transforma- tton. The dynamic transformer or dynamo machine can be used for this purpose. T'S folly to suffer long from neu ritis, neuralgia, or headaches when relief is swift and sure, thanks to Aspirin, For 28 years the medical profession has mended it. It does not affect the heart. Take it for colds, rheuma= tism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargle it for a sore throat or tonsilitis, Proven directions for its many uses, in every package. Every drug store | today has genuine Aspirin which is | readily identified by the name om |, the box and the Bayer cross on every tablet. CASPIRIN - Aspirin is a Trademark Registered in Canada recoms | 100 ACRE FARM, fair buildings. PRICE $6500. Will exchange for Osh- awa house property. LYCETT, 25 King E. Phone 295 FINE CATTLE SHOWN AT LINISAY'S FAR Canon Cody Officially Op- ens Exhibition--Attend- ance Is Large Lindsay, Sept. 21.--Rev. Canon Cody, Toronto, officially opened Lindsay's fifty-third annual four- day fair yesterday: He addressed a meeting of the Kiwanis Club and the Fair Board directors at Junch- con, speaking of his trip and im- pressions of the Holy Land. At the fair grounds he spoke on "Cane ada as an Empire Builder." Other prominent guests included officials of the C.P.R. and C.N.R. One thousand five hundred peo- ple crowded the gates of the fair today, The speeding in the ring, grand stand performance and mid- way attractions were the source of entertainment. More than 100 cars are heing shown in the Motor Building. The cattle barns are filled with the best of dairy and beef cattle. In Jerseys Dave Endicott was the chief exhibitor. Gordon Mann & Son of Peterboro, carried the red tickets in Ayrshires. Mr. Drope, Hastings, won the Bank of Com- merce Cup for the hest graded dairy herd with one bull and four females. In Holsteins, Daniel Murphy & Sons, Lindsay, showed 17 head, in- cluding the grand champion bull and grand champion female; J. N. Hall & Son, Lindsay, showed 15 head of Holsteins, A new educational feature of the fair this year was the competition in home economics for girls and in live stock judging for boys who had previously won in their respec- tive rural school fairs. Eighteen girls judged bran muffins and work bags, and 20 boys judged dairy cate tle, Holstein cows and Yorkshire sows. Afterward the boys and girls were entertained by the Gov- ernment at luncheon and by the fair board in the afternoon. The winners were: 1, Irene Edwards and Marion Watson, Mariposa; 2, Helen Allin and Grace Patterson, Verulam; 3, Marguerite Winn and Loretta Davis, Emily; 4, Beattie Doe and Ruth Staples, Woodville; 5, Helen Patton and Cora Patton, Verulam. Winners of boys' events were: 1, Oliver Wylie and Wilber 'Wilson; 2, Ross Cruess and Lorne Rogers: 3, Robert Thornton and Elton Miles; 4, Lloyd Lyle and Ar- nold Myers; 5, Joe Flinn and Joe Duffy. ART TREASURES T0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION To Bring Before Europe Rus- sian Works of Art Vienna, Sept. 20.--Several million dollars worth of rare Russian art treasures will be auctioned off here. The sale was arranged by the Com- missariat of Fine Arts, which is send- ing to the Austrian capital a group of government officials experts with the object of bringing before = the eyes of European art lovers some of the finest collections of paintings and miniatures of Russia.. Among the objects to come under the hammer are a priceless collection of old ikons. Every visitor to Russia is made to feel that these paintings have a sacredness in the minds of their possessors altogether different from anything existing in western culture. Not only in every house, but in almost every room throughout the iland there is an ikon of some sort ; Once under the Czardom, it was re- i | garded with horror to take the ikon 3 i from its appointed place. | The revo- { lution has changed this so that hun- dreds of thousands of sacred pictures once held in reverence in every peas- ant home, are now offered for sale in the public market for the equiva- lent of a few cents. Iailure of the crops for three consceutive years and a threatened famine have caused the government tea confiscate church | treasures, considered by Soviet lead- crs as a superfluity, These are now awaiting buyers in Vienna, The pro- ceeds of the sale will go to swell the revenue of the Soviet government. Two hundred and fifty cases of paintings have been sent to Vienna in freight cars, the whole insured for HARDWOOD FLOORS LALD BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like mew. Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES i dm more than $2,000,000, Next arrivals due here consist of golden church vessels, sumptuous damask church robes, worn by Russia's episcopate during the cornation of the Czars, bejewelled crosses, ikons dating from the Mongolian period, picturcs of the Holy Virgin of Vladimir, Andrej Rublew's: Resurrection of Christ, the Apostle Paul and the Archangel Mi- chacl and Dyonisisios St. Cyril, eng ree Estimating the popularity of ra- dio in various countries by the '| number of sets per thousand popu- lation, the United States ranks first with 83 sets per 1000, Den- mark is next with 63; Sweden, 60; Great Britain, 56; Australia and Argentina, each more than 52. One of the highest radio stations in the world is located on top of Mount Corcovado, 2000 feet above Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A Radio sensation Eleotro-Dynamic Speaker. Hi-boy cabinet with a rich hand-rubbed finish. 8 tubes, in- 25 with cluding rectifier 9248 tubes Model 45 . . $293.25 with tubes Radio-Phonograph Combination, $408.25 with tubes Steinite Dpotton Lngineering Company Guelph, Ont. Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car; Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD. : Felt Block Room 6 Phone 2790 G WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can regair and make it tell the correct time D. J BROWN THE JEWELER Officia, Watch Inspector fon Candis National and Oshawa Phone 180 Experienced Cook General For small family--good wages Phone, Whitby 191 - P.O. Box 353, Whitby |

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