THE OSHAWA DAILY rr." Tr mommy TIMES, S.TURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1929 22.8 2 t 4 q 9 4 ili iid TETVVYYYYY Died In the West Brockville--~The death took place inthe General hospital at Vergeville, Alberta, oniSeéptember 17, of Harold Gathorne Myers, barrister-at-law, on- ly son of the laté Charles A. Myers, barrister, of Morrisburg, Scores of Pens Stolen Brockville.--Scares of fountain pens with an aggregate value of $600 were the loot of thieves who forced an entrance to the storc of C. W. Kyte, Cornwall, late on Tuesday night. The burgulars gained an en- trance hy forcing a rear window Damaged Curbs Port Hope.--Somebody disfigured the curbs after a man worked until cleven o'clock at night to make a fin- ished 'job. In the morning he repair- ed the damage and again it was cut into. Offenders when caught deserve rigid punishment. Met With Accident Kingston.--Capt, Nere Legault, of the steamer City of Montreal, met with an accident at the freight shed of the Canada Steamship Lines yes- terday afternoon. He was engaged in assisting to discharge the cargo, when a pig of lcad fell off a truck strikin: hig left foot and crushing three toes. Drydock Contract Let : Kingston.--]. F. McMillan, Mana- ger of the Kingston Shipbuilding Company, announced recently that the contract for the extension of the drydtck has been awarded to W. I Russell & Company of Toronto. The present length of the drydock is 320 feet, and it will be extended to 380 feet. Work will commence at once. The Government granted $50,000 to- ward the work last spring. Injured By Track Brockville.~On Tuesday afternoon about 3.30 o'clock Harold Hewitt, five years of age, son of Edgar Hewitt, 106 Water street west, was struck by the Wrightway laundry truck, driven by Vau Andrews, at the corner of King and Clarissa streets, while the child was en route from school to his home. Heé was bruised about the legs and also sustained a cut in his left arm which required several stitches to close. He was attended by Dr. J. R. McAvoy and Dr. A. H. Judson at St. Vincent de Paul hospital. Employment Service Explained Kingston--~Many Kingston radio fans heard the first broadcast from CKCL on Wednesday evening in con- nection with the activities of the Employment Service of Ontario. The work of the Service throughout the province was explained, and other de- tails of the activities of the Depart- ment will be broadcast each weck. Race for Ladies Kingston--In the ladies' half-mile running race at the Kingston Fair the results have been given as fol- lows: First, Miss Carruthers; second, Miss Neal; third, Miss Ecklin, This race, which was one of the most interesting of the track cvents, was under the direction of Ex.-Sergt Fowler. It was run on Thursday last, Large Attendance Port Hope.--~The annual fair = in Millbrook of the Millbrook Agricul- tural Association of which G. A. Fair is President and J. M. McGill i Secretary brought out a lar tendance and the exhibits were ex- cellent. Horse-shoe pitching and oth- er contests were held. Rink To Be Built Precott.--At a public meeting pre- sided over by LE. A. Cook, President of the Board of Trade, it was decided to build a modern covered skating rink in Prescott, and a company was formed to be known as the Pre cott Arena Company Ltd. About. $8,- 000 has been subscribed toward the erection of the rink. Tenders arc sought and work on the rink will be- gin within a few days. Carried on First Flight Brockville.~Through the mails there has come to George I8. Davi 103 King street east, a souvenir pre- pared in the interest of aviation by the Seattle Chamber of Commerce: to mark, the first flight of the di-| rect trans-continental air mail service Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with | the same care--as if our reputation were to stand or | fall upon that single package. ED ROSE TEA is good ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good | | but from Seattle. The souvenir was car- ried on the first mail plane which left Seattle under the new service. Missing from Home - Brockville--The police here have heen requested to assist in a search heing. made for Nelson Scea missing from his home in Prince Edward County, near Picton, He is described as being 59 years of age, five feet, eight inches in height' and weighing 170 pounds. He left his home on the evening of September 7 and has not been heard of since that date. datoak R. ed at W k Brockville--~A new Graham-Paige sedan, stolen from the garage of J. I. Burns, Perth street, on the night of August 28, has been located at Woodstock where it was found abandoned. Tt boré a Tennessee li- cense plate, but was identified as the car stolen from Brockville by means of circular cards sent out by the lo- cal police department, giving serial and motor numbers, etc. Many Prizes Pt, Hope--Two enterprising citizens have added to their laurels in the chicken business by carrying off a large pereentage of prizes at the Bowmanville Fair this week. Messrs Paeden and Hughes are the lucky youths and they brought home fif- teen first, six seconds and four third on their exhibits and on top of these they secured a special prize. The young men have worked hard in dec- veloping their flock and these awards show how well they have planned and carried on their work. Cheese Factory Burned 'Brockville.~Watson's cheese fac tory, situated on the Prince of Wales highway about two miles north of Spencerville, was totally destroy- ed by fire last night from an un- known cause. The fire was first dis- covered in the upper part of the building and although people from the surrounding country endeavored to save the building, they were un- able to do so. GELTIC TREASURE | FOUND IN GARDEN Searching For an Honest Man Diogenes, the old Greek philosopher spent centuries searching for an honest man, He found him eventu- ally in Oshawa in the drug business. Now his job is to find the man who does not know that it pays to buy al! drugs and sundries at Jury and Lovell's Rexall Drug Store. To assist Diogenes in his second great quest, here are a few inviting offer- ings-- 50c Milk of Magnesia . 50c¢ Klenzo Shaving cream ..... ves 50c French Balm ..... 75¢ La Reve Stationery 40c Peanut Toffee, 1b 20c 40c¢ Peanut Crisp... 1b 20¢ 35¢ Klenzo Tooth Brush 19c 50c Magnesia Tooth Paste 39¢ You Save With Safety at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King E. Phone 28 .80¢ 39¢c 39¢ BYc Simcoe S. Phone 08. what was the matter, and found that a Roman villa, some parts of it just as the Romans left it, was the matter. He has now dug a little lower and found that architects in ail ages think alike, for Celts as well as Romans and himself had chos- en this site on the brow of the hill for their house. The examples of Celtic art which he has found are some of the finest in existence. Dozens of*heautifully worked fiints and arrowheads , hammer-stones and carved antlers, coins, lumps of metal like buttons and discs of | gold have provided a harvest rich- | er than ever Mr, Adames ever dreamt of when he planted his ap- ple trees. Stone Beads There is a human finger hone turned to stone, and a child's rin- Examples of Art and Roman | bone which might be Celtic or ear- Homes Dug Up by Architect Havant (Hampshire).--A weal- thy Roman once gave a little fare- well feast to his friends when he left his villa on the brow of the hill at Havant, They did not trouble to clear up the debris after them, and 80 W. | Owen Adames, many centuries lat- { er, has done it for them. The bones of two animals and two knives were all that remained. , Mr. Adames, an archiect, wanted to grow fruit trees in his garden, though some of the trees flourished and bore frut, the oth- ers refused to grow at all, Angrily, he dug them up to see vALL FROCK ¢ ERY smart and distinctly new are these frocks we are offering for wo- men and misses price. Frocks of satin, chiffon, georg- ette, ribbed silks and smart woolen ma- terials that are soft to the touch in love- ) ly colors and important styles, at a very tempting 1 | | | { lier, and there are about round stone beads graduated just like a modern necklace. Perhaps i that stone finger had once play- ed with them, Mr. Adameg has dug up enough | remains in his "wouldn't-he" or- chard to stock an entire museum, He has, indeed, converted a tool shed info a museum crammed and piled with thousands, of relics. A box labelled "Rich Dundee cake" contains the remains of the Roman feast and a flowered box from a fashionable draper"s con- tains Roman shells of winkles, cockles, whelks, snails, and oys- ters. fifty Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro- Juce to retail dealers at the following pri- ces: Eggs~Fresh extras, in cartons, 50c; fresh extras, loose, 48c; firsts, loose, 44c; sec- onds. . Butter~No. 1 creamery, prints, 42c; No, . sreamery, prints, 40c, Cheese--~New, large, 20 to 2ic; twins, 20% to 21 1-2c; triplets, 21 to 22; stiltons, Zc, Old large, 29c: twins, 29 1-2c; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, 30 to 3! Poultry-- Chickens, 5 Ibs, up Do., 4 to 5 Ibs, Do., 3 to 4 lbs, Hens, over 5 Ibs, Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. Broilers EEE Ducklings BT -- _ TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers' are quoting following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 32 to 3c cooked loins, 50 to 53c; smoked rolls, 28%, breakfast bacon, 26 to 37c: back, peamealed. 840 Bes do., gmoked, 45 to dic. > ured meats--Long clear ba 7 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 0 ear up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels $11 50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Ge Lard--Pure, tierces, 15c: tubs, 14 1.4c; pails, 15 3.4c; prints, 17 to 18¢c, Shortening tierces, 14 to 15c; tubs, 14 1.2; pails, 15c; Has, uh prints, 6c, * g York loins, 28c; New York sho : pork butts, 26¢; pork hams, Shruiders, 1%; the TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations retail, in effect I Ye St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Eggs, extras, per dozen ... Do., firsts, per dozen Duck eggs, dozen Butter, dairy, per pound .. Hi De.. creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, doz. bunches Beets, doz. bunches ..... ms, dry, 1l-qt. basket . 6-qt. basket .... Cabbage ... Cauliflower Cpinach, peck . Mushrooms, per Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce 2 for . Potatoes, bag Cucumb, 3 for . Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for .. Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen Grapefruit, each Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Apples, 6-qt. basket Rhubarb, 3 bunches New potatoes, peck Green beaus, 11 at Green peas, 11 qt. Plums, basket . Grapes, 6 qt, . Blueberries, 14 qt. Cantaloupe, 16 qt, Pears, 11 qt. ... Peaches, 6 qf. ... sens Honey Dew, melons, each Green peppers, six for TORONTO HAY AND STRAW PRICES Toronto dealers are quotmg for hay and straw, carloads, on track, Toronto, the fol- lowing prices: Timothy, No. baled, 1, ton nominal $14.0 Oats ton TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS ain dealers on the Toromto Board of 'Trade are making the following quotation for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No. | North ern, $1.53 1.4; No, 2 northern, $1.5 $1.47 1-2: No. 4, $1.42 3-4; 5 ; , $1.08 1-4; fe crich and Bay ports. straw, EAST BU East Buffalo, 3.200; holdovers, 220 Ibs., strong to erally ste k mostly' $11.60; pigs and un my sows, $ FFALO LIVE S5TOCK Sey 20.--Receipts of hogs. 2 ctive, weights above c higher; others gen 170-220 1bs., $11.50 to $11.25 to $11.40; 0.75 to $11.25; pack- grass butche The garacen is decorated with a sundial and pretty plantpots, with ornaments for rockeries and paths which Mr. Adames has made from Roman cement apd tiles in pastel greys, blues, and pinks, The main part of the villa mains undiscovered, It is under- neath the lawn at the back of the house, and Mrs. Adames will have the lawn disturbed, because it is a clock golf course, re- not THREE INJURED Toronto, Sept. 21.--Three per- sons were hurt last night when a motor car they were driving in on Trinity Park grounds crashed inte an elm tree. The injured were: James Purpura, 133 Niagara stre left wrist dislocated; Clara Hearty, aged 18, 135 Lisgar street, cut on right arm, and Gerald Duffett, 32 Bellwoods avenue, cufs on face and nose, All three were attended at the Western Hospital, and later were taken home, The car was driven Reeve, 56 Palmerston by Leslie Avenue, Reeve was taking a party to a corn | to the city with roast on the Humber, As he start- | fracture, causing Reeve to lose control his car, Suffering from injuries to his right eye and head, David Fraser, aged 5, of 1 Blevins Place, was last night admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children. The hoy was on Sumach Street, at Bleving Place, when a motor car driver south on Sumach street by William Storey, 189 First Avenue, struck him. WOMAN MOTORIST INJURED Toronto, Sept, 21.--A Toronto | woman motor , Whose name was | believed to be Mrs, Harris, was | rushed in a semi-conscious con- dition to the General Hospital early this morning following an accident several miles north of Richmond Hill. The woman was driving her car when, it was re- ported, a pedestrian ran in front of the vehicle, and in jamming on the brakes Mrs. Harris upset the automobile in the ditch, She was given first aid by Dr. R. L. Lang- staff at Richmond Hill and brought a possible skuil DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 -- Four Direct Lines to Central Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke ; We Are Sole Agents Twesty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable ed, a Joose board in the floor be- | came' entangled in the accelerator, | of | 0° N ii. "PP HE most beautiful black you've ever seen!" "All my friends admire my new black silk!" "The coat I thought was hopelessly spotted is now a new, beautiful black!" These are typical comments from women who have used these true, jet black dyes. Diamond Dyes Black never gives cloth a greenish or bronzy look, as so many black dyes do. Like Diamond Dyes Red and all the other Diamond colors, it is easy to use and gives such beautiful results because it is rich in pure anilines. It's the anilines in dyes that give them brilliance, depth and fastness; make them go on smoothly and evenly, without | Diamond Dyes Sun Proof ost Beautiful BLACK you have ever seen streaking or spotting. And Diamond Dyes contain the highest quality anilines that money can buy. The white package of Diamond Dyes is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye or fint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon, or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, for silk and wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy--remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The white package will dye every kind of goods, including silk and wool. Your dealer has both packages. Diamond Dyes 1 . highest Td it i can bW_; They 07 Hs: the, SWE ; colors; b EASY TO USE-BETYER RESULTS LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood | | | Yard. Phone Oshawa 2Z4 Whitby 12 : BF, £5. HONE oN J. CYOUNG 4% Prince St. A Oshawa, Ont. Vv. A. Henry INSURANCE 11% Simcoe St. S. hones 1198W---Office 1858J--Residence PHONE 22 | { | | For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Su S.--We Deliver IF WANTING INSURANCE of any kind Real Estate or money on other frame houses allow me to wl H.R LUKE Regont Theatre ag: e 871 or Grounding the Antenna While fire underwriters suggest that an antenna grounding switch is desirable, they do not require it. The switch merely serves to connect the aerial wire solidly to the ground. There is really no need to install a switch to do something that takes place only once or twice a year if at all. Tt is as well to disconnect the aerial wire at the lightning arrester and connect it to the ground terminal of the arrester, The same thing is accomplished by short circuiting the lightning arrester. What this does is to avoid any possible spark- ing that may take place during an electric storm. Sparking may ig- nite some inflammable material. L Phone 3080 MALLETT'S QUALITY | | COAL COAL Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor <trect K. Orders Promptly Deliverca STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 135 King street West, Oshawa. Phone 1160 Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. I'hone 1214 For Better ues in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Practically every line of busi- ness is represented in this di- rectory--a handy reference for J Cash or Terms "4 those who wish acquainted with business houses. to become the various List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! FACES IN THE MOON ARE EXPLAINED As Far as is Known, Moon is Devoid of Water Urbana, Il, Sept. 21--The {ull moon is the harvest moon. It rises at sunset almost directly in the cast. The harvest moon does not differ in appearance from the full moons of other months; its claim to dis- tinction is for another reason. On the average the moon rises 50 minutes later from night to night, and in a few nights after full moon it is no longer in view in the even- ing sky. But the delay in the rising of the September moon is less than average, so that after the full phase the moon can be seen in the early evening for ' a greater number of nights than usual. The dark spots which are plainly visible on the moon's disk are the lunar "seas." They form the face of the "man in the moon" and out- line the profile of the "girl in the} moon." The rabbit, frog, donkey, and another girl, the "girl reading" arc other well known figures imag- ined in the full moon. In the usual view, however, these latter figures are not right side up; to sce them The; best it is necessary to invert either the moon or the observer. Long ago the dark spots on the moon were supposed to be bodies of water, and the different spots were given fanciful names, such as the Sea of = Serenity and the Bay of Rainbows. These names are still in use, although astronomers are cer- tain that the spots are not bodies of water. So far as we know, the moon's surface is completely devoid of wa- ter, and of air also, and therefore of life of any kind. The lunar seas are relafively flat regions where the rock is darker than in most other places. According to a theory which scems plausible, the seas were origin ally great clliptical depressions in the moon's surface as bright as the rest and surrounded by rings of mountains. Success comes from not making the same mistake twice. LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Phones 230 & 157. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. WwW. Telephone 572-224 Night Calls 510-1560 OPTOMETRIST 23; Simcoe St North Hundreds of ivuple wear with otmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses 42 ACRES -- Near Bowman- ville--modern brick house with electric, toilet, bath, fur. nace, large chicken house, fruit. Immediate possession. Will exchange for Oshawa property. DISNEY, Phone 1550 Teacher--Give an example of a sentence using the word "tariff." Flapper Pupil-- Your stockings are sure to tear if you don't put them on carefully.