8 ' oo x 4 3 , Muss Fred Green of Detroit is visiting her. sist Mrs, Russell , " Borkh, Mellin Dive, saws, tor Toronto y Pirie leaves today of e she will study Saiating at' Ontario Collbge OARS J OF Mrs, L. Britton and daughter of Albért St, have returned home Mur visiting relatives in Mont. ' OWN Sed od M 9nd, Str C. Kay and child- ren, Art, Doug, Joan and Marion iy hy week-end with friends'in Ha om, Ld * * Mr, and Mrs, T. Bears and Mr, and 'Mrs, J, Bailey motored from Toronto on Sunday and visited Mr, and Mrs, H. Reike on Mary St. 3 * Ld "Mrs, Bacon and daughter, Elean- or of Hamilton were Sunday visitors ot Mr. and Mrs, H. Raike of Mary st." : : Mrs. Gordon Conant has return- ed to the city 'after spending a week with Mrs, W, M, Robertson ' at' her summer cottage on Stony 1." Lake. bi i Mr, and Mrs, Albert Storks, King 'street west, and Mr, Russell Storks and Master Billy Peter- man spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Cole, Newmarket. . . yo. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Nobes (nee Mary Mason) are spending a week with the former's parents, Mr, and 'Mra. Geo. Nobes of Kingston and poo return will reside on t . Frank E., Taylor of 233/ Athol St. E., left by motor on Friday for their home in Re- ®ina where Mr, Taylor has a re- isible position with General fotors of Canada ltd. WAGE [ A {*W, F. Riding hag returned from fiorthern Saskatchewan where he mt the summer engaged in mis- nary work for the United gh of Canada: He is going to take a four year Pont uste Course at Emanuel Col- LA J "A 'very pleasgnt evening was yo at the home of Mr, and Mrs, ; ex: Mackie, Oshawa-on-the- jlake; on' Wednesday, Sept, 25th, li Honor of Mr, Jas. Mackie on the BL. his 70th 4 ay. ena children 3 'grand- children attended the party. Mr. Mackie is in perfect health and spends a great deal of "his time "out of doors. ' Weddings PHILLIPS--ALLEN A very quiet wedding took place Saturday at the Simcoe street United Church parsonage at 2 o'clock, Ada Louise Allen, daugh- ter of John Henry Allen, Lloyd 8t., became 'the bride of Oscar Dickie Phillips son of Samuel Phillips of Albert St. The bride and groom were attended by Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Wilson of this city. ROBBINS--DOWN On Saturday, September 28 at 4 o'clock Olive Curtie Down. daughter of the late Edwin and Mrs, Down of this city was mar- ried to Fred Everet Robbins, son of Myron Robbins of Darlington Township. The ceremony took place quietly at the Simcoe St. United parsonage 'and was per- formed by the Rev, Harston, The bride and groom were unattend- ed. Immediately after the cere- mony they left for a honeymoon trip to London and St. Thomas. On their return they will reside on a v married Wannameker of Oshawa, The ceremony was at three o'clock. Many friends of the bride and groom were at the church and there were about forty invited guests. The bride was given away her father and they entered the church to the strains of the wed- ding march which was played by Mr. Goldburn of Oshawa, The bride's dress was a period gown of white satin, The veil was of white tulle caught with orange blossoms, She carried a bouquet of dainty pink roses and baby's breath, The groom was assisted by Leonard Stoneburg., The two bridesmaids Miss Doroth Braund and Miss Minnie Attritge, cousin | of the bride, looked very pretty]. in dresses of Alice blue georgette with long panels forming the shirts. They wore grey hats trim- med with blue matching the dresses, and carried bouquets of yellow roses and maidenhair fern, Little Laura Faye, cousin of the bride was a very pretty flower girl, Harry Core, brother of the bride and Fred Alexander of To- ronto acted in capacity of ushers, After the ceremony the bridal party and the gues{s motored to Toronto where a reception was held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. R, H, Attritge at Wood- ward Ave, In the early evening the bride and groom left for a two weeks' honeymoon to Hamil. ton, Niagara, and Bay City, The bride travelled in a wine colored flat crepe ensemble, On their re- turn they will live in Oshawa, Among the guests at the wed- ding were Misses Mary Davy, Dor- oth Stacey, Tory Stacey, Aletha Maitland, Mr, Cecil Durno, Mr. and Mrs, Wannamaker, brother of the groom and Mr, and Mrs, R. H. Attritge of Toronto, aunt and uncle of the bride. Helpful Hints From the apron-pocket diction- ary: Asplc--Savory jelly made with stock, Au crumbs. Au state, gratin -- with browned naturel--In its natural LJ] LJ LJ Some of the most important in- terior decorators approve of a bowl of artificial fruit on a side- board or table. And as anyone knows, it doesn't improve real fruit to have it lying around. And it it is to be served it ought to be brought in fresh, So fruit for decorative purposes is frequentiy of the mock variety. * ow. . When the jam becomes sugary set it in the warm oven until the sugar rn " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1929 melts and, it will be as as ever. elon + gi will brown. more quickly, Add a little gasoline to the furni- ture cream ene Tornfore to prevent finger marks, Burn all potato parings in the stove and you will pare the ac- cumulation of soot in the pipes. A NEW EGG DISH Here is the recipe from Coldwater fair of which we spoke last week. Even though. cold it was a most tempting dish as seen amongst the exhibits of "best dishes, 2 cups' grated cheese (and cheese graits best when it is dry and fairly 1 b 1 tablespoon Worcester sauce, 1 tablespoon butter, Salt to-taste, Make a paste of the above and spread on triangles of bread placing a piece of bacon on each triangle, These may be prepared 'any time ahead and slipped into a hot oven just before serving. This will toast the bread, melt the cheese mixture and fry the bacon. It is a very ap- petising dish when scrved with let. tuce and sweet pickles. GOLDIE TO RETIRE AT END OF TERM Provincial Secretary Opens Last Election Campaign in South Wellington Guelph, Sept. 30.--Wildly ac- claimed by a gathering that filled the city hall auditorium on Sat- urday afternoon, Hon, Lincoln Goldie, provincial secretary in the Ferguegon cabinet, received the unanimous endorsation of the Conservatives of South Wéllington as candidate for the approaching provincial election. No other names were submitted before the convention, An announcement which came as quite a surprise to his*Conser- vative supporters was made by Mr. Goldie when he informed the con- be the last time he would seex a seat in the provincial house, He stated that it would be his desire to complete the correlation work he has undertaken in connection with the institutions under his de- partment and when that was fin- ished, he would definitely retire from public life, Hon, Willlam Finlayson, who was the principal speaker of the afternoon, delivered a stirring ad- dress in which he dealt with the liquor issue, the achievements of the Conservative government and the government's platform for the benefit of the rural population, He declared that there is no temper- ance question and that Mr. Sin. clair was going back to the old Liberal policy of hiding behind a liquor = referendum, No honest temperance Libetal, Mr, Finlayson declared, could stand behind the nolicies enunciated hy Mr, Sinclair in his Fort Willlam speech. ° Mr. Finlayson took {issue with those who claimed the Conserva- tives were a 'wet' party or the Liberals a "dry" party asserting thet Mr, Ferguson's policies appeal to t"a tomperance people of that nravince who should realize that tha Crvnervative party was trying to derl honestly with the quéstion and thelr opponents to avoid it. Tribute to Minister He paid_glowing tribute to the work of Hon, Lincoln Goldie as provincial secretary, and declared it would be a real calamity if Mr, Goldie were not in the cabinet for the coming session, In connection with the accom- plishments of the Ferguson ad- ministration, he referred to the vention that if elected, it would. er AS AA omen's Corner For Anythi Interest to 0 Anshing of Inren V n The Wome the H OORREOCT ACCESSORIES . The correct accessories to a cos- tume which contribute to the har- monious whole are still of first im- portance, although ensembles are | blended, not matched, this year, As black and brown furs will be moet used for trimming the new coats and suits, these colors will he the foremost ones in shoes and handbags, Flat, rectangurar bags will be more used than the pouch type, and the smartest of these are of simple design with the mounting little emphasized. Such leathers as pinseal, calf and pigskin will be correct for ordins ary daytime use. Scarfs, unless they form a defi- nite part of suit or gown, are to be avoided, but remain an impor. tant note when matched to the hat, or when they blend perfectly with the whole costume, MODERNIZING OLD FURNITURE If you have one of those old- fashioned wash stands with draw- ers and a double door compart- ment, remove the towel rack at the back, if there is one, Have just a table effect. Cover the top with the material you have selected for the bed- room, Make a frill extending across the front and both sides, the full height of stand. This may be of dotted Swiss edged with a colored band or one of the pretty nrints or checks now in vogue may be used, If there is a full length opening at the front the valance may be drawn back, making easy access to the contents of the draw- ers or compartment, This discarded piece of furniture will make an aftractive dressing table and the drawers will be found useful for storing articles, New Jength of Line What has been shown at the op- enings of the Paris dressmakers? What will our women wear during the next season? These are tiv questions that every woman wants answered, writes a Paris corres- pondent. > The collection shown in Paris by an English designer who has taken his place among the fore- most dressmakers, was a source of inspiration for the fashion-minded woman. This designer is Norman Hartnell, through whose entire collection runs, like a bright rib- bon, the very essence of youth, At his opening we noted the fol- lowing: re---- Short sleeveless hand knitted pullovers shown with tailleurs and shirt-waists of crepe de chine or toile de sofe, Four-plece ensembles. which consisted of a skirt and shirtwaist blouse worn i a hip length sleeveless jacket and a top coat of seven-eighths length, These were of the new rough tweeds in brown mixtures. Yellow crepe de chine shirtwaists were smart with such suits, Olive green and black are the colors favored by Norman Hart- nell for both afteroon and eve- ning. Lace, tulle and velvet are preferred for evening. Most of the evening dresses are made with a close fitting bodice and long, full skirt, . Two delightful wedding gowns showed by Norman Hartnell is fa- mous for this type of dress, One was a princess gown of white sat- fn. It just cleared the floor in front and had the usual train. The unusual feature was a long velvet coat of silvery blue worn over the dress. This regal looking garment was cut in scallops at the hem- line and achieved brilliancy by an embroidery of stars done in crys- tals. The second bridal dress also was of satin with leaf shaped incrusta- tions of panne velvet, The brides- maid's dress to accompany it was different from any other brides- maid's dress ever shown, for it was of black net with velvet incrusta- tions in black, The underdress was gold lame. An untrimmed black velvet picture hat completed' the bridesmald's costume, Evening gowns at this house are almost invariably of Moyen Age inspiration, One dinner dress was of printed velvet with a bolero ef- fect both back and front. It was ornamented with cabbage roses which were replicas of those prin- ted on the velvet. Another frock of the same type had a long bodice of black lace while the skirt con- sisted of deep flounces of black panne velvet with motifs of lace on the left side of each flounce. The vse of sixty yards of white tulle in one evening gown, which had seven skirts, was an interest- ing note in this collection, record or find fault with its pro- gram and they had nothing what- ever to offer in its place. Mr. Guthrie went further to say that if the Conservative chances were as good in other ridings as Mr, Goldie's in South Wellington, the government had nothing to fear, SPRINGS SURPRISE Former Prohibition Leader Says He Erred Last Election Newmarket, Sept. 30.--"Prohibition was a mistake which must never be reneated." Dr, C. A. Ames, former chairman of the Prohibition Union of the rid- ing of North York, admitted to the Conservative convention at Newmar- COULD NOT ~ WORK FOR ket Saturday that he had followed an erring conviction in endorsing the prohibitionist cause. He stated that althdugh he had voted against Pre- mier Ferguson in the last election, he could nog sec that the present liq- uor control act, under the Ferguson administration, called for his whole support of the present premier. Clifford Case, lawyer of Aurora, was unanimously nominated by the convention as the Conservative can- didate. Col. T. Herbert, Lennox, K. C., will be general organizer of the campaign in North York, Col. Len- nox was one of the four nominees put forward, but declared himself un- able to run. Obligations to the Fe- deral party, he intimated, kept him from the honor of contesting the pro- vincial seat, The four nominees were Clifford Case, Col, Lennox, Capt. Harold C, Bruels, and Dr, George Lockhart. All but Case dropped out of the field, He was nominated by Fred Lundy, rceve of Newmarket. ' It was immediately after Mr. Ca. s¢'s nomination that Dr. Ames, who had appeared suddenly in the aud- ience and had entered the limelight by seconding. Mr. Case's nomina- tion, made his recantation, .."I want you to realize that what I am going to say comes with all sincerity from a man who has occu- pied up until quite recently a posi- tion with the Prohibition Union," stated Dr. Ames, . (FEMININE BEAUTY Nothing of God's More In. DECLARED NO SIN spiring Than Beautiful Woman, Massey Says LADIES PAY VISIT Audience of 4,000 at Special York Bible Class, Toronto "I pity the man who does not fall under the spell of the maj- esty of woman." Women's Interests in the Home ~ and the Community READY FOR THE CHILLY DAYS? ing cart BUILD STRENGTH TO RESIST THEM SHREDDED of the whole wheat against sudden changes of climate by eati RAHI guiclen hinges of Slimais 13 cain hot milk--it's delicious, nourishing and satis Gives lots of energy for the tolsingand fying Denton Massey, leader of York Bible class, sounded this note yes- terday afternoon in his address on 'The Appeal of Beauty' at the ladies' day service of the class at Massey Hall, "There comes a time in the life of every normal man when there is one creature who embodies his idea of perfection," Mr. Massey told the 4,000 persons who throng- ed the hall, "You have tremendous respon- sibilities," he counselled the wo- men of the audience. 'There is hardly a man so dead but you may revive his vanished manhood. Or you may break his strength if you will, Beauty has power to lift up or to destroy." have yor and Council relieved Grassick of his uniform, his keys deferred and revolver, and discharzed iin, meeting, CHIEF GRASSICK OF CAMPBEILFORD, 15 ASKED TO RESIGN Campbellford, Stp. 30.--The Ma- of Campbellfor 1 y 1+ | the selection of a new Chief was Chief (» The action was taken at the last meeting of the Town Couacil, fol- lowing, fit is alleged, receipt of complaints, Councillor MacDonald, ag Chair- man of the Police Committee, ask- ed the Chief for his resignation, and the Council met Saturday af- ternoon for the specific purpose of dealing with the resignation, It was read by the Clerk and accepted on the motion of Councillors MacDon- ald and O'Sullivan, The matter of until the next regular "Young men, how do you regard beauty," the speaker asked, "It is a hopelessly warped mind which regards feminine beauty as a sin or a temptation. "What kind of girl do you hope to marry? "Do you see a pretty face only? "If you do, I'm afraid you wil be disappointed, for there are not enough to go around, "Anyway, a pretty face becomes shopworn after a while. "What is the difference Between the empty, pretty face and the genuinely beautiful? It is not the contour alone or the complexion of the features. It is the charac- ter which all of these jointly por- tray. "There is nothing which Ged has made as appealing or as great inspiration as a beautiful woman," the class leader declared. "Why are all marriages not hap- py ones? "One or the other or both for- got to show the best of that with which he or she is endowed. Beau- ty is in love. In the face there is the picture of the mind. Contin- ually show a cloudy face in which beauty is lacking and love will sut- fer, "As we bring beauty to the world, so shall we find beauty. "We who love our own wives and honor and respect them, know that the finest we do is the reflec- tion and demonstration of that honor and respect that we have for | her, 'Mad is the man who says that his success is his own, Even Christ in His divinity, was he un- touched by the divinity of woman? "As in water the face answereth to face," he said. 'So the heart of man answereth to man .or to woman. "What 1s the face good for? Why do stores have windows. The face is the show window by which we display. "It is fun to conjecture what goes on behind the face--if any- thing. Most faces are far from human and modern dress certain- ly places a severe test on the wear The York Bible class will hold * its services after Christmas in the Metropolitan church, Mr. Massey | announced. His subject in Central church next Sunday will be: "Crooked--Get out of Jail" for turning from the prohibitionist | Healthy because teeth are healthy! EACH youngsters to guard their birthright robust health--by regularly keeping teeth clean with Gibbs Dentifrice. Syarly esping teeth Sleny You yourself can encourage glowing health all the ars of your life. ntifrice flood every nook and cranny of the mouth --remove all harmful food deposits--clean teeth to pearly whiteness. : Buy each member of the family their handy individusl container (splendid when travelling), Gibbs never spills or squeezes out. Outlasts more expensive pastes and powders. Simply rub the tooth brush over.the solid cake. From your druggist. Two sizes, 15¢c and 25¢c. Buy Gibbs Cold Cream Shaving Bowl--longs lasting, contains healing cold cream. Use Gibbs Cold Cream Soap--so good for Baby, you'll like it, too. Let the fragrant foam of Gibbs farm in Darlington Township, WANNAMAKER----CORE One of the prettiest autumn weddings this season took place on Saturday afternoon - in 'Ring St. United Church. Sadie Core, daugh- ter of Edward Core, Oshawa. ranks, he stated. { "Watch the United States" the' continued, "a land of rum-runners of unsafe highways, of cities full of gangsters and murderers, men fight- ing to import liquor into the coun- try, The American government is spending millions of dollars in at. tempting to enforce their prohibi. tion. Ontario is spending a corres- workmen's compensation legisla- tion, the mothers' allowance board, old-age pensions, boys' school at Bowmanville, and the first offender legislation recent:y introduced by the attorney-gener- al, which had never been attempt- ed by any other government, According to Mr. Finlayson, Outsiders Study - Act "I have been wrong. I have been honest enough in my belief, but af- ter long observations in the United States, in other provinces and in European states, I have found that in Ontario we have a liquor contrel act so perfect that statesmen from Britain, America, Japan and Russia MONTHS D. &. Ww. Gibbs, Limited--London and Paris Restored to Hkh 7 Lydia E. Pinkham"s / Vegetable Compound Also Gibbs I HAVE YOU A DRY SKIN ¢# GIRLISH BERTHA COLLAR Keeping cool and = comfy these warm summer days is quite simple if one has the proper togs. ther made this cute dress of pink batiste in one hour, Just a one-piece front and one-piece back with shirring on shoulders and attached two-piece bertha collar, The front and back have perforations for use of trim. ming. Style No. 598 comes in sizes for wee maids of 2, 46 and 8 years, In the 4 year size, 174 yards of 35. inch material with 6 1-8 yd. of trim- ming' is. sufficient, Yellow organdic with brown bia. organdie trimming is very effective. Red and white printed lawn, green and white dotted 1 farmers of the province will bene- : fit from the government's proposed plan of extending highway im- provements to lesser roads feed- ing main highways and large sums will be diverted to improve county and township thorough- fares. The proposal to cut the hydro charge almost in half and to establish a loan fund to pro- vide .for installation costs, was another move for the benefit of the rural population, Hon. Hugh Guthrie, who spoke briefly, declared that the great body of public in Ontario was ab- solutely behind the Ferguson gov- ernment. Even the most loyal Liberal could not pick holes in its &. Port Elgin, N. B.--'For three maths, § was nervous and weak with come here to study its groundwork." Dr. Ames outlined the conditions that existed under the O.T.A, He spoke of the days of the bootlegger who dealt in the enormous 'stocks of liquor that was manufactured in the distilleries, : "Under the O.T.A. the distilleries were manufacturing as much liquor as they do today, yet the provincial government said, "But you mustn't drink it! The result was that what the government warehouse now han- dles the bootlegger handled, and the revenue that the present govern- ment gains went into the pocket of the bootlegger." That was Dr, Ames' first reason ponding sum in the education of its children." have been preferred against Wil- liam Durham, aged 33, living on Yonge street, by Sergeant Walsh - and P, ©, yesterday afternoon, charge that Durham promised 'o find several men jobs and obtain- ed money for that in return. The accused failed to keep his word, but did not return the money, it is alleged, He was held at No. § station. 0s LY To Get Good Jobs Toronto.--Two charges of fraud who was arrested The police Dental Cream . =<jor those o prefer. @ paste. dimity, white swiss with blue dots, orchid and white checked gingham with white organdie collar and nile green chambrav with white pique are adorable suggestions. For parties se- lect pink taffeta, maize crepe de chine or pale blue oeorgette crepe. Pattern orice 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wran coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you, enclose ten cents tional for a copy of our large Fashion Magazire, DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE : OH- BorpY AND DE A COMFY= I MUST BE : BRAVEATO GET BAK To tou . | DU BARRY BEAUTY. PREPARATIONS Created by Hudnut KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office Phone 378 Buclosed 4 Sn -- po size " ; ; ; ' size : . size Ll nie. PURCHASE COUPON Hi il ; Pg Sh, PE iif al ili » | jill A LOLD WIND BLEW-AND THERE WAS THE MOUNTAIN Of PINS AND NEEDLES DeilY HART cross IT "To GET To THE BIRD IN THE ENCHANTED GARDEN DE Fore SHE Could GET BACK HOME | sssevasasassssnanniass CORLL itterns Hoted Pg Wo i \| Sl \ i! ul Wl PHE HEARD A CRY- AND Tene WAS THe ' rire LITILE OLD MAN SHE HAD NELPED nds [ IN THE FIELD OF STONES «Mis Brare | [2 y WAS CAUGHT BENEAT) You DIO ANOTHER KIND ACT SMD THE H A Mocs ane | |r Now THE MounTAW Dolly LIFTED + AND SET HM FREs nas, TES DRMAND ou § -\ LI [4 Dolly STARTED upTHE MounThaiN of ASS- 1IT"WAS S30 HOT 17 BURNED ER LiT7le FEET. i See Our ; New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE ff .. -84 Simcoe St. South Name lows Province Sola Weah sain "saree. "© -------