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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Oct 1929, p. 10

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'PAGE TEN TARIFF INQUIRIES DESIGNED POLICY Investigations Made by 'Board to Show Govern- ment Awake MAY BE ONLY GESTURE Complaint Heard That Nothing Ever Results From Sittings gan Francisco, Calif, Oct, 2,~ John G. Lonsdale, Who became president of The American Bank- ors Association at the annual con- vention here today, had had a varied and plcturesque career, Left an orphan in 1878 at the age of six, when his parents fell proy to the scourge of yellow fever that swept Memphis, Tennessee, their home, Lonsdale has risen solely by hig own efforts to a command- ing position In the world of fin. ance, Beginning business life at 18 as a clerk in the real estate office of an uncle in Hot Springs, Ar- kansas, he has ascended in the intervening years to constantly higher posts until today finds him Lead of the Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company of St Louis one of the great banks of |. the nation, Believing that a complete mas- tery of details is always essential in any task, young I~nsdale went out of his way to shoulder re- sponsibilities in his uncle's real witate office, and within a year and a half he was made a member of the firm, As the youth went about his self-appointed tasks each day, he was more and more impressed with the need of a railroad. bé- tween Hot Springs and Little Roek, More mature heads had been inspired by the rame vision but had met defeat in trying to ob- tain a right-of-way, Here was di- rect challenge to this young man of vision, "Why can't it be done?" he asked himself, With dogged determination, the 20-year-old youth set out--somo- fimes On pony, sometimes on foot in whatever spare time he couid command, to interview landown- ors and choose the best locations for a road-bed. Much to the amaze- ment of observers, every foot of the 65-mile roadway was obtained, finances were pledged, and the yallroad built, Obstacles there were in plenty before the (first train was run, but they all were surmounted in time, and the rail- road is still in use today as part of the Missouri Pacific system, Highlight No, 2 of Lonsdale's career followed closely on the heels of his 'railroading success, (bserving that business leaders on vacation at Hot Springs had uo way of keeping in touch with home and eastern markets, he fitted up # brokerage office, building =n direct telegraph service, Thug he came'in almost daily contact with men of finance, : a short time, before he had reached~ the age of 30, he had ho- come A prominent figure in the brokerage world,, with easten bankers and brokers bidding for his services, In 1904 Le conc "i- dated his firm with the firm of T.ogan & Bryan anl became theh New York partner, Within the next 16 years Lonsdale's name was more firmly impressed than ever on Wall street, He handled large deals, and won fame and success as a financier, his income being ra¥ad at over $200,000 a FORT, y One day his financial ability came to the attention of The Na- tional Bank of Commerce In St. Louis, At that timo the bank wan in need of x man of finahcial wis dom and vision, An! in 1015 Lons- dale was called upon to assume the presidency, a position which Lo held until the merger of The Na- tional Bank of , Commerce with the Mercantile Trust Company on May £0 of this year, In the consolidated hank, known as the Mercantilo~ Commerce Bank and Trust Com- pany, he is president, with fin eroased duties and responsibili. thos, "CANADA EXHIBITS IN US, For the first time in twenty years ap exhibit of Canadian pro- ducts 18 appearing this fall at the Minnesota State fair at Minneas polis which ia the largest exhibi- tion in the United States, This is under the direction of the Cana- dian Government agent at Minnea- polis, Mr, K, Haddeland, Other Canadian exhibits are being con- uoted at various fairs throughout 'he States by the various Canadian Government Agents, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1929 . rs "Tommy Atkins" Says Good-Bye [ETTERS REVEAL LOVE OF ISRAEL Insight Obtained Into Last Great Passion of Statesman TONE IS DIGNIFIED Epistles Contain: References to Queen Victoria, Glad. stone and Bismark New York, Oct, 2.--"The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield and Lady Bradford," published today by D, Appleton & Co, give an insight into the last great love of the famous statesman, They are the confidential sometimes ardent epistles of a hil liant man of 70 to two of his women friends, one of his own age, Aune, Countess of Chesterfield; the other, some 15 years his junior and whom he deeply loved, Selina, Countess of Bradford, The correspondence extended over a period of almost cight years and ended only a few week's before Dis- racli's death, In the whole of this time, the Premier's energies were. abs sorbed in State affairs but, nowith- standing this, he found time and oc- casion to write 1,000 letters to the two ladies, over 1,000 of which were addressed to Lady Bradford,' With the dignity of sentiment pe- culiar to his era, he once wrote ta the latter: Not Endurable "To love as [ love and rarely to see the being one adores--whose cons stant sogiety is absolutely necessary to my life--to he precluded even from the only shadowy compensation for such a torturing doom, the privilege of relieving my heart by expressing its affection, is a lot which I never could endure and cannot," The letters contained frequent ref- erences to Queen Victoria, whom he had nicknamed the "Faery," and to Gladstone, whom he held in supreme contempt, Many of his most scath- ing comments on the latter were written to Lady Bradford while Glad- stone was at that very moment in- veighing against Disraeli in the louse, For the Queen he had notn- ing but the deepest admiration and affection and he was perhaps the only statesman of his day with whom Her Majesty was informal, Of Bismarck, whom he likened to Napoleon, Disraeli commented, "he must be bridled," Nevertheless his INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OF ERITISH OCCUPATIONAL The second Lancashire regiment leaving Cologne, Germany, as the Brit. ish army of occupation departs for duty in Bngland, letters indicated for the Prussinn the respect of one strong man for an other, Many affairs of state of supreni importarce were touched upon, es pecially the purchase by England of the Suez Canal, of which he wroty to Lady Bradford: "We have had all the gamblers, capitalists, financiers of the world or ganized and platooned in bands of plunderers arrayed against us and secret emissaries in every corner and have battled them all and have never been sugpected," At another time, he wer "one of the greatest seerety ol the state," when he was laying the foundations of the Anglo- Japanese alliance, which came fruition a quarter of a century after his death ! Relates Secret "I have induced the Japanese min ister in England," he wrote, "to Telegraph to his Government, urging them to offer their mediation in the event of serious difficulty arising be tween Ching and England and to de clare that, if China will not aceept that mediatich und act upon it, Japan will join England against her and place a Japanese contingent unde the orders of any Dritish forces em ployed by us against the Celestial Empire, 1 know nut why Japan should not become the Sardinie of the Mongolian East, They are by far the cleverest of the Mongol race." Other references in the correspond! ence were made to his books and to his own failing health, Of the fors mer, he said: "I am ashamed of 'Vi. vian Grey' and "Fhe Young Duke' and wish 1 could have suppressed them They are too puerile," 'SPRUCING NF" THE FARM HOUSE Prizes Awarded in St. Johns, N.B., For Improve- ments recounted to lo Awards have been ans nounced in a little contest held among some farmers around St, Johns, N.,B,, which might well be extended all through the country, Prizes were given for distribution among farmers whose properties fronted on two provinelal highways to go to the men who made the greatest improvements in the ap- pearance of thelr dwellings and their surroundings during the past summer season, It Is unfortunate but none the less true that very many country dwellers in Canada have never paid the attention they might to the appearance of their houses the oreation of lawns, the planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers around them-----above all, to the painting or even whitewashing of houses, harna or outbuildings, Far too of- ten the Canadian farhouse and its immediate surroundings constitute an eyesore rather than an attrac- tive feature of the rural landscape, Our American neighbors as =n rule get ug an example in this re- spact that we might well follow, To-day, at least in the older por- Ottawa [ tions of their country, farm houses are neat, cloan, attractive, with well-kept lawns, bright ffowers, healthy and well-placed trees, The motorist who crosses the border can, too commonly, tell that he has done so if hy nothing elsé than | the change from the trim, progres- OISTRIBUTED 8Y OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED | of the | shabby and generally neglected ap- OSHAWA, ONT. . sive-looking line country-homes south to the down-at-heel, pearance of large numbers of Can- adian houses, It would he a fine thing if the experiment that has just been con~ cluded so suecessfully around St, Johns would attract wide attention and limitation, : TROOPS UNDERWAY PARTY WILL SEEK PROOFS OF FLOOD New Expedition Will Leave Soon for Us of The Cheldees London, Sept; 40 An attempt to uncover definite proof of Biblleal accounts of the flood and to learn something of the life und habits of Noch and his cons temporavies will bg made by a new expedition which will léave soon for Uy of the Chaldees, The expedition, backed hy Uni. versity of Pennsylvania Mureum and the British Mpaeum, will Le headed hy C, Leonard Woolley, who told yesterday of his plans, "Traces of pre-food alvilization have heen studied in other parts of the world," sold Woolley in an interview, "hut no such traces pre- vious to our lntest discoveries have heen. uncovered in the land which the flood actually covered, | "We hope coon to know somes I thing about Noah's contemporaries | the same as we already know In peference to Abraham's contempors MIGHTY PERSONAGE IS WIDOW OF SUN Relict of Great Chinese Leader Plays Impor- tant Part* VIRULENT CRITIC Is Outspoken in Comment on Nationalist Govern- ment Shanghal, Oct, 2~A closely watch- ed and seldom entered house in Shanghai's "Frenchtown" form# the focus of one of the most dramatic political situations in the world to- day, From the seclusion maintained by the owner of this house, no casual nbserver would dream that she is ~ Sister-in-law of the President of the Government's State Council, Sister of the Finance Minister, Sister of the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Labor, Step-mother of the Minister of Railways, . Herself a member of the Central Executive Committee of the govern ing political party, and widow of China's great idealist leader Sun Yat- sen, All these things are true, and it is true likewise, that the frail and dain- ty Madame Sun ~~ Yat-sen is rapidly becoming one of the sharpest thorns in the flesh of that National Govern- ment so largely made up of members of her own Soong family, Once Left Country After the downfall of the former Wuhan Government two years ago, Madame Sun left the country; when she returned for the transfer of Dr, Sun's body from Peiping to the Pur- ple Mountain mausoleum at Nanking she did so with an explicit statement of independence; and since that time she has made amply clear that she considers the present leaders of the Government and the Kaomintang party traitors to the cause of Chin ese revolutionary progress, No whisper of all this has appear- ed in most of the vernacular or for- eign newspapers of China, while much was made of the fact that Ma- dame Sun did not actually return to China and take part in the elaborate ceremonies of last spring, Yet such things have a way of coming out, and knowledge of Madame Sun's position is becoming more widely known cach dav, Briefly summed up, this position is that the sununer of 1927 saw an im of Dr, Sun, and that this deviation has never been gorrected while in certain ways it has, been aggravated The original departure from Dr, Sun's purposes was the relation to the: welfare of the common people Dr, Sun had been determined that the lot of the peasant should not be so wretched as that which he himself had experienced during his boyhood : toward this he gave 40 years of his life: vet, in the words of a deelara tion made public by Madame Stn in July of 1927, "today the lot of the Chinese peasant 18 even more wret. ched than in those days when Dr Sun was driven by his great sens of human wrongs into a life of revo lution," Opinion on War Most recent of the errors into which present leaders have fallen, mn Madame Sun's view, is what she deems a direct effcrt to provoke war with Soviet Russian, Such views are not commonly ex pressed in China today, particularly when embellished with such uncom nlimentary epithets as figured in Ma- i Khia | LUMBER . FL. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Woot Yard, Phone Oshawa 254 Whitby 19 PrP .C.YOUNG 4% Prince ST Ont. INSURANCE 2134 Simcoe St, 8, Phones 1198 W=-=0Offico 1858) Residence ERAT SE TTI TE Lh I TR 4 -- 5 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Sv, S=Weo Deliver . .T ¢ Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARUK NOTHING 700 sMALL dame Sun's anti-war statement of portant deviation from the true aims | PUBL I - __---- IC The First in Campaign of Frank Mason CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE South Ontario Riding ETIN a ----.--_. iy inN FW MRTIN THEATRE Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 8. p.m. Reserved Seats for Ladies and Escorts Miss Bessie MacMurchy of Toronto, Will Address the Meeting ROBT. D, PRESTON, MRS. CLAYTON DOWNEY, City Chairman, God Save the King Vice-Chairman, August 1, in which she directly char wed that Nanking is reactionary, that the Kuomintang leaders are "treach- erous" and ' 'counter-revolutionary"" and have "betrayed the Nationalist revolution," and that the Chinese masses are being subjected to "ter rorism," HYDRO POWER IN MANITOBA The extension of the Manitoba government hydro-electric light and power transmission. line from Crystal City to Bolssevain, South- ern Monitoba, Is now being con- structed, The cost will be $2060, 000, ¥rom Crystal City the line will run through the towns of Cart- wright, Killarney and Bolssevamn and will serve the ernment to supply electrie¢ and power to all tions of the province, ------ -- More than five and a Additional under' akings under million hors® power, Anyhow, pswcharity It possible for murderers to ter acquittal, =--Buflalo Express, intervening farming districts as well, This line I# a unit in the project of the gov- light important sec- million horse power in hydro electric en. ergy is now being produced in+*Can- | wda, now way will add another two has made he cured of Insanity immediately af Courier PILES! The most severe type of bleeding and pro- truding piles disappear after ten dave' Riba weeks NATURE'S Fi E REMEDY, a vegetable compound which works on the cau ie of the disease, and results in permanent riddance of the affliction, 97% successiul for over 20 years =even in cases where every other method has failed, Harm. Jaw 10 Ban. woman or child, Sold by all til ure you get t ginal, with the name A. W, Merrill on the NATURE'S PILE REMEDY . Sold by Karn's Drug Store, T, B, Mish! F. W, Thempson and Jury and Levell, reatment of Do You Own Your a -- EN TT TT ST TTI TR ' COAL C OAL Chone 108 W. J. SARGANT Vard=--ap Bloor tree L, Orders 'romptly Delivered Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St, W. thone M14 For Better Values tn DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Larner King and t'ringe BEST JURSKEY CATTLE COUNTY York County, in Ontario, Can- ada, ia reputed to have more great young Jersey bulls than any other county on the American continent, One reason for this is that In three outstanding herds in the county, for two decades only outstanding Cash or Torma sires have been used for the herds, Practically every l'ne of busi ness is represented in this dis rectory----a handy reference tor those List Your Firm who wish to become acquainted with the variow business houses. in the "Times" Business Directory! LET EXCHANGE==I'Ive roomed brick bungalow, hot water heating, fire place, every convenience, garage, in City of Peterboro, value $5,000, to exchange for house In Oshawa, DISNEY, Phone 1330 Showing an increase of more than 200,000 dozen over the pre- vious pool period, 1,877,978 dozen eggs were handled by the British Columbia Egg Pool in the second period, just closed, Approximately 85 per cent, of the phosphates mined in the Unit ed States is produced in the State of Florida, LUMBER o Buildin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber . W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 43 Albert Street "hones 230 & 137. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING §T. W, Telephone ATR.-288 Night Calls 310-1560 STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 183 King Street W Oshawa Phone 1100"

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