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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1929 HUDSON STRAITS EXPEDITION FILES REPORT OF TRIP Formal Report Reveals a Story of Courage and Hardship EW 4 Toront: he Oct. 1, Covering 14 monthd striggle in the shadow o the Nort ights, Squadron Lea- der T. A bey Royal Canadian Air Force, recently fyled a report of the Hudson Straits Expedition or- anized to ascertain the exact con- Kitions of this _proposcd water route between the Canadian prairies and Europe, with Group Captain J. Lind- say Gordon, director of Civil Goy- ernment Air Operations, and behind the formal document lies a gripping story of adventure and hardship. It is nearly a year since the mem- bers of that small expedition returned to civilization. They are practically forgotten in these ET days, but for * sheer, monumental courage and at- tention to duty and detail, the men in this party scored high, For 14 long, weary months, they struggled on, flying in weather w hich would have deterred other courageous aviators; and the spirit of "carry on shines through the'lines of even that most format' of documents--the offi- cial report. Narrow escapes of some members of the 'personnel from death are passed over as mere ii idents in the normal work of the squadron. The fact that one pilot, a mechanic and an Eskimo, ed} ice hummocks for seven days after a fore «1 landing on floc ice, and for some time were forced to five on raw walrus meat, 15 also mentioned--but only casually, The squadron sailed from Halifax, NS. aboard the. C.(0.S, Stanley, and the steamer Larc h on July 17, 1927. They did not return until October, 1928. The personnel consisted of Squad- ron Leader Lawrence, five other offi- cers, and 12 airmen, with six Fokker sea-planes, and one Moth scaplanc, They carried a thirty foot motor faunch, a tractor, radio apparatus, steel masts for wireless, arms and ammunition, fuel, ample bedding and enough food to last through mare than two years if necessary, Ten days after expedition sailed, the ship reached Port Burwell, at the tip of Labrador. The little Moth plane was first put into action, and sailed forth to scout out a likely place for an air base. Basesi 'were eventually established at Port Burwell, at Wakcham Bay, about half way from the Atlantic en- tranke to Hudson Day itself, and at Notfingham Bay. Headquarters was established at Wakeham Bay. At' each base, the men. built sturdy hangers and other buildings, erccted wircless 1nagts, and constructed Yun- ways or slips for the launching and beaching of the seaplanes. Derricks had to be erected for the handling of the great crates of supplics and equipment, and for the removal of giant boulders which interfered with the operation of the machines, By 'the end of November, all was in rea- vebimess for the long winter months, and "thie {wo vessels of the expedition . sailed away south. 'Since the real object of the expedi tion was to procure, by means of aerial photography and reconnaisance, definite information for the establish- ment of an absolute time limit for marine navigation through the Hud- son Strait to test the feasibility of the use of aircraft as an aid to navi- gation; and to test the suitability of afr bases, acronautical and other bquipment necessary to air operas fiens, with a view to ests ablishing air éperational bases in the district, 'there MB795 ~-- An men t good qual- ity white Flannelette Gowns in several styles Pullover style with short sleev- es; the V- neck and ' high neck, styles with long sleeves in regular ani large sizes. Made with fine tuckings, and con- trasting colored . trimmings. Splendid value if offered at $1. Note our price and you'll see that it will pay you to come early. DURING THREE BIG 79 DAYS, each Cc AB786 -- A === %plendid Rag PPR quality clean Rags, in a mof hit-and- & miss patterns, A regular 66¢ quality, Dur. ing 3 BIG DAYS, 47 c Each REQUIREMENTS IN THIS BIG 3 DAY SALE Savings are very apparent even to the most casual observer, The housewife who knows values will not miss such a chance, Cotton Filled Comforters, in the double bed size. Coverings of chintz in allover patterns. THREE BIG DAYS, $1 98 each ......:4 Cotton Filled Comforters, with two plain panels in rose or blue, double bed size. 3 i $2.69 BIG DAYS 4.vesis Down Filled Comforters, with covering of downproof figured sateen, Two plain panels in rose, blue or mauve. Double hed size, Regular $15.00 value ° $9. 95 3 BIG DAYS ...... its own merits, Flannelette Gowns, 79¢ High in quality even though low in price WW py "THRIFT SPECIA fOR OCTOBER 3 Thur-fri-Sa BUY YOUR FALL BEDDING Jerseys 95¢ We know that price will be an attract- ive one to you when you consider the qual- HE ik 3 ily LAL This boy's wool .Jer- sey 'is made in but toned Polo-Collar style, with double elasitc knit cuff and skirt. A good medium weight garment for School wear in com- bination colorings of Ma- roon and Green, Navy with Scarlet, and Camel with Scarlet, and in sizes for boys from four to 14 years. Regular $1.25 to $1.50 values. Note--- all sizes on sale at one , price. 'DURING 3 BIG DAYS, each 95¢ this THE BEST CANADIAN 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $2.19 PAIR White or grey with pink or blue border. Notice how closely woven and how finely napped these blankets are, See their great big gen- erous size 72x84 inches, And compare them with any blanket you can buy for this money. We know you will choose our blanket on hanging. C 50 DOZEN LINEN TEA TOWELS 25¢ EACH EXTRA LARGE SIZE 28 x 32 INCHES Extra heavy absorbent quality. Hemmed ready for use, Red and white check pattern, Each towel has a tape loop in the corner for Cannot equal these towels for less than 39c each regularly, STRONG It's a Thrift Sale In Every Sense of The Word Every item in the list has been selected with your immediate requirements in mind. Every item in this list as well as in the sale circular mailed to you, has been chosen, because the quality megsures up to our standard of excellence; and because we were able to buy it at a real worthwhile saving, For tables, buffets, sie Just note our Three-; ; Runners from 13 wide by 38 long. A spl ment from = i | choose, comprising Plain White cotton, Jewel cloth and voiles, Some with Jace trimming, some with Medallions, » and others with fancy cqloved lace insets and barders. Also Vole with votored '1dYge" Polka dots, 'Our shaté of a Manufacturer's over- make, Worth i ney up to hoe, Jast, DU SM BIG DAYS, etith « "9c. Panels, 95¢ splendid quality Net Panel 23% long by 40 wide, in Ecru edges swiss yards inches Scalloped assortment of allover designs. Usually sold at $1.35, DURING THREE color. Rare Value in Infants' Jackets | You'll be surprised when you see. Infants' Fall fancy knit, with Fancy Silk stitching embroidery designs, Powder, contrasting trimming, for Babies up to two years, Usually DURING DAYS, 'each ,. vi boxy Sls biprisy $1.29 these Jackets for' and' gome and Pink, with Knitted Jackets Winter, plain fine pure wool, and Sky, Camel, and White, $1.95, $1.29 THREE BIG IRR BIG DAYS, 95¢ each .,. reesei An opportunity to save on this fall and winter Women's ter ed Vests, sleevliess style. draw trimmings arms, In small, medium and large women 's sizes. A good value at 50c. each ,..veee MBT784 Short sleeve style in "Wobltex' Vests, 'otherwige) s A regular 65¢ value, DURING THREE CACN titties ssravanrrnnrrnge as above, BIG DAYS, "Wooltex" Vests, 39¢c & 49c¢ needs. fall. and win- Cream color- Fine ribbed, Mercerized and beading on neck and weight, tape 39¢ same 49c SCHOOL, UMBRELLAS TOWELS OF CREAM FLORENTINBE Bleached Damask LINEN Brealises Clots with Have ends in green or gold. They make MT res the the most attractive gifts when an initial orders 8 to: match is worked on the end. 29¢ Another new ship- = " ment on which we got Size 1s 15x30, 3 BIG DAYS, each a clear cut saving for you, The size is 54x 54 Inches, A good practical size for breakfast. use. Bord- ers in rose, blue, gold and helio, fvas no time lost. 150 GIRLS' Communication between the officers in charge of the three bases was ffaintained by wireless, and the air- craft were obliged to communicate with their own operating bascs every few minutes. For outside communi- | cation a short wave radio sect had been cstablished at Wakeham Bay, and this was in direct touch with Ot- tawa. In addition, communication {vas also provided through Father Point: on the St. Lawrence, and thence by land wire to Ottawa, Regular patrol arcas were mapped out, and planes covered certain sec- tions of the Strait on, every possible THREE BIG DAYS 69¢ BACH These are in the 17 inch frame size, with short novelty handles in various colors, The Covering 3 of a strong rain proofed umbrella ¢loth Tn'bldck. Actually the lowest price we have ever offered a childs' umbrella for, GREAT VALUES IN ENGLISH BATH TOWELS New shipments just arrived from the largest towel mills in Eng-- land, enable us to offer you some real savings, at per pair 389c, 49¢, 69¢, and 89c. 25 ONLY WEDGE SHAPED PLUSH AUTO CUSHIONS These are maker's seconds, You will notice some slight defect in the - cloth. But really nothing to effect the wear. Colors are grey and green. 10 DOZ. WOMEN'S COLORED UMBRELLAS 98¢ With novelty handles, Amber tips and ferrules, red THREE BIG DAYS. Bach 39¢ green and navy are the' colors included, "Its a wonderful umbrella for the money, and will make a splendid school umbrella for the bigger girls. FANCY BATH TOWELS Whité 'with colored jacquard ends, or with multi-colored striped centres, Good gen~ erous size, About 20x40 inches, 39 y Excellent quality 3 BIG DAYS each JVC The October 8 BIG DAYS SALE would not be complete without a timely offering in WOMEN'S AND MISSES' occasion, which meant that, regard- ss of weather conditions, the fliers We 0 . went up until the very depth of win= 3 ter. ; » (All planes were equipped with cameras, and to the report was added many pictures, It was found, among other things, that maps of the arca were completely wrong. Land existed wherd none is shown on existing maps, and there was no land where there should be, according to the maps. 1 During 1927,. the favs sees COLORED BORDERED LUNCH CLOTHS 69¢ 'S AND GIRLS! RAIN S THAN AT $2.49 WOMEN COATS MUCH Li REGULARLY A Small Group of Fine Wool Jersey Dresses Are Featured in a Clearance at $2.95 One fine tailored style in shades of blue, green and sand, Sizes 14 to 18 Misses'. Regular price of these dresses is $6.95 which means a sav- ing to you of $4.00 Silk Rayon Bedspreads In the largest size 81x100 inches. Rich bros caded patterns. Finished with scalloped edgt: Colors are rose, blue, helio, green and go A very spceial saving is offered at this price. | $3.95 In the 44 inch size. Have most at- tractive borders in rose, blue, helio and gold. The cloth is a fine pure white cotton with linen. finish, A most exceptional value, Cravenettd Trenth 'Colts.' Leather. otte and rubberized Coats, as well as some. in silk rayon. Sizes 8 to 14 girls' 36 to 40 Women's, The Price We have set is $16.85 At this price we have gathered together a very representative gathering of smart tweed and French Broadcloth models in types for both the Miss and the Matron. They re- present the utmost in value-giving, Coats which we have no hesitation in claiming as regular $22.00 to $25.00 values, All are lav- ishly trimmed with fur in the finer qualit- ies of Mandel and Thibetine, Sizes 14 Misses to 44 Womens, For the Woman Who Embroiders Her Own Aprons: We have Sel cetod (A Fino 36 Inch. Factory Cotton, Canadian Fast : Color ( { Flowered Prints the summer and fall of planes were operated: on pontoons, but in the winter, skiis were used: At Wakeham Bay, it was possible, to use the skiis until beyond the middle of June, which was, how- Jayer, regarded by the expedition as being ® very exceptional circum- stance, Perhaps the greatest adventure was that of Flying Officer A. Lewis, who, {with his mechanic, Flight Sergeant N. C. Terry, and Hobbie, an Eskimo guide, landed on strange ice and were almost lost, The report "The third and *last incident came very closely to ¢ disastrous ending when Flying Offi- cer A. Lewis and a mechanic and na- tive o npatrol from Port Burwell fhecame lost in heavy snowstorms on i their return from Resolution Island. {After picking up a pomt of land, whieh -he delt sure he recognized, ewis took up a course to bring him out..to Port Burwell, After follow- ing this course until the petrol sup- i was exhausted, a forced landing vas made on rough hummocky floe ce. The crew fortunately were 1 In neat patterns suit- able for children's dresses, Women's dresses and aprons width 32 inches, Reg. pays, va... 18¢ That" is specially fin, ished for fancy work, "Tt is absolutely ' purse and practically: free - from speeks. BIG DAYS, iy 17¢ a CE SOLE 4 TERY Ch phasized." The church was mide ate tractive with fall blooms. says: their people in the city on Sunday. Miss Jennie Duncan of Birch Cliff was home over the week end, john Knox had the misfortune to step on a broken bottle on the road- side and in consequence is confined to the house with a badly cut foot, The Madill brothers' sale took place on Saturday, there was a good attendance and good prices were re- alized for the stock and 'implements offéréd. Mrs: William Wallace and daugh- terof Toronto were visitors at the Brown home on Saturday, , Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Campbell, Mrs. Jas. Campbell, Mrs. Retter, of To- Fonte, were visitors of L. and Mrs. Mathews: on Sunday last, Rally day service of the S. S. on Sunday was made a combined ser- vice' of church and Sunday School. The choir seats were well filled and the singing whole-hearted. The ad< dress. of the Pastor on the need of enthusiasm in church werk and the evils of indifference were forcibly em- 3,000 successful film exposures were Beare teasher was successful in cape made, and few films spoiled. During this time, the temperature in the country of eperations ranged from 30 degrees to 40 degrees below zero, and there was frequent rain, snow, fog and other unpleasant fly- ing conditions. Two of the planes were wrecked by storms, but fortunately no lives were lost, and the entire party was brought home by steamer and rail, Coast after much privation and hard travelling. During this time their food supply 'became exhausted and they were forced to live on raw wal- rus meat, walrus shot by their native companion, The ice over which the party was forced to travel was very roigh and highly rafted. "Endless lanes of open water had to be' crossed, these crossings being cifeeted by the use of the inflatable rubber raft carried as part of their emergency kit, "After reaching the land, Flying Officer Lewis and his party travelled north along the Labrador Coast for four days. During this time they saw no sign of life of any description, human, animal or bird, and having no fuel for their primus stove, suffered greatly from cold, hunger and ex- posure: On the fifth day, they were favored by fortune and came in con- dog-tcam back to Port Burwell at which point they arrived at midnight on the 13th day of absence from their base, : Squadron Leader Lawrence him- self was cut off from his hgme station when he landed at Sugluk Point in a snowstorm, For nine days, he was unable to take off, and while await- ing clear weather, a scarch plane ars rived. Later, the two planes were able to return to Wakeham, Flight Lieut. A. A. Leitch, M.D, D.F.C, was the hero of another 'in- cident, He landed on the floc ice when a sudden storm came up while he was en route from Erik Cove to Nottingham Island. The report sdys: "The aircraft arrived back at its base with about one quart of petrol in the tanks. The temperature at this time was approximately 16 degrees below, but only a few minor frost bites were experienced by the personnel." The result of the bh and har- dihood displayed by the expedition was that 227 patrols were made, and a total of 369 hours flown, Nearly several BROUGHAM SCHOOL FAR 15 SUCCESS Green River School Girl Secures Greatest Num- . ber of Prizes turing prizes-for--- public speaking, and Ist in singing. The drills were pertormed by the: several schools collectively, under the leader- ship of Mr, Beare. The pupils re- ceiving 'high commendation for the excellence of theirsperformance, Earl Hilts of Brougham won high praise as well as Ist prize for his mouth organ solo, Inspector Mr, Hutchison gave criticism and commendation' of the Public speaking." 'Me. Elmsley ave pointers on showing fowl, Miss Frontend gave a ver instructive talk to the girl pL on what to do and not to do When 'preparing exhibits for school faits. With 'ideal weather, good attend: nee and happy children, this year's fair was in every way a grand success The Earl Hogle spent the week endewith A machine has been invented in London which" dispenses a: ¢ol- lar 'button for a penny. Que, un- derstanding is that you insert the coin and the button rolls under the machine.-- Detroit News." "Singer = Apologizes,' Shi a headline, We have felt that a lot of them should, but this is the first time in our recollgction it has been done.--Hamilton 'Spectator. un- hurt, and while the machine had only (minor damages, it became necessary 'to abandon it. Lewis and his party, {carrying their full emergency Kits, started cast across the ice, and only after one day's travel in that direc- ition did they realize they were actu- ally on a floe of ice in the Atlantic i Oceanwoft the Labrador Coast and not [tact with an Eskimo hunter and his tin Ungava Day, as they had at first [wife, Through their native compan- festimateds ion, they werc able to make known "They ' then travelled westward [their requirements and arrange for pseven days, reaching the Labrador! food of a kind, and transportation by UNITED STATES FARMERS SKE CANADA A party of 360 farmers and farm women from the southern United States is now on a tour through western Canada as the second an- nual visit of the "Jayhawkers." This tour {s under the auspices of the Kansas "Farmer" one of the best khown agricultural papers in the United States, The farmers in this party aré making a special study of the big co-operative mar- keting organizations in Canada. Brougham, Scpt. 042The Jsthool fair on Sept. 2 28. 'of 11929 is naw a 'thing of the past, with its pletsurable antiecipations,. The - + schools: pattici- pating were well represented and the exhibits were numerous and of a high order of merit. Miss Chrissie Milne of Green River school secured the greatest number of prizes, so will enjoy the educational trip with, its | gle's people here. advantages. The youthful orators 1. Gerow: spent Sunday at his hone gave excellent addresses for pupils of | here. their age. School No. 12 with Mr." Mr. The three prairie provinces of Canada noted for 'their grain and live stock production are also dee veloping rapidly ' industrially. There dre now in these provinces 2,356 manufactories, reprefenting a capital investment of $270, or 000. family. of Oshawa Mrs. Ho- and Mrs. Harvey were with Rat fur has appeared in Sidon

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