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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Oct 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Women's Interests in : the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 192° Z a LL i Social and Personal Miss B. Gray has returned home after visiting her parents in Nap- Rnee, . Ld * Mr. and Mrs, A. W, Ferguson are in Cobourg attending the fun- eral of Mr. Ferguson's mother. LJ Jd LJ] Miss Hilda Larson of DuBols, Penn.,, has returned home after visiting her brother, 0. Larson, 43 Elena St, LJ . Ld Al Williams is leaving the city today to go to Kingston where he will resume his studies at Queen's University, os , , i Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Blow of Cleveland have returned home after spending a few days with relatives in the city, ; hes 4 . . Mrs, Gazley who has been visit- ing her son Mr, Alexander Gazley, Quebec St., has returned to her ome in 'Barrie, i . - py ; A. R. E, Mounce, son of the late Alber Mounce and Mrs. Mounce of Oshawa, who was in town to ats tend the funeral of his father has returned to his home in New York City, Ld - L] It is the custom for the Bishop Bethune Collége to declare a holi- day each year in honor of St. Michael's and All Angels' Day. On Monday the school spent the holi- day in the form of a picnic at Lake Scugog. All the staff and board. erg and a few of the day girls at~ tended and the party was convey- ed to the picnic grounds in busses and cars. It was a delightful day for such an outing and the girls took advantage of the fine weath- er to go bathing in the lake. They played games and also took a great deal of fun out of the paper chase that was arranged, After a very fine lunch the party return- ed to the school arriving about 4.30 in the afternoon, Tarhiont d ' GRACEFUL LINES rlare at left side gives a soft fluttering appearance to a charm- ing dress of the dull surface of black crepe satin with lustrous surface used for unusual shaw) collar which emphasizes the one- sided effect so smart in the moae. Featherweight tweed in mauve-red tones with contrasting of matching faille silk crepe, dull silk crepe in wine red, printed silk crepe in golden brown tones with plain, navy blue canton crepe and pat- terned wool jersey in usual hunt- er green tones are extremely smart and wearable for Style No. . 899, Designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inch- es bust measure. It is made with 2% yards of 40-inch material with 7% yard of 36-inch contrasting for the 36-inch size. Price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is pre- ferred). Wrap coin carefully. We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Maga- gine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Osha Daily Times Pattern Department, Osawa, Ont, Enclosed find svviveee saesaevasviens SONS Ploase send patterns listed below: Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or Wrap cqin carefully, See Our New Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the WOMENS MEETINGS FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South N. 8. HOME & SCHOOL CLUB The October meeting of the North Simeoe St, Home and Schoo) Club was held Tuesday evening. The President, Mrs. H, Jones pre- sided. After the singing of "0 Canada" and the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting the treasurer's report was given, Then Miss Garrow presented the prizes that were won by the child- ren at the fair, Business then pro- ceeded as usual when it was de- cided to buy a basket-ball for the children and have a membership drive; The following program was then rendered: violin solo by Joan Ayling, piano duet by Mrs, Flem~ ing and Mrs, Holden, vocal solo by Mrs, Leo Grey. A light lunch was served and after a social hour the meeting was brought to a close, 8. 8, HOME & SCHOOL CLUB The regular meeting of South Simcoe St. Home and School Club was held last evening. The presi- dent Mrs, C, J. Wilson presided. A hearty welcome was extended to all new comers, Mrs, R, 8, Mec- Laughlin addressed the club and also presented the medal, donated by the club, to Madaline Clarke the winner of the highest honors in the Entrance Class throughout the year, Madaline expressed her thanks to the club, Mrs. McLaugh- lin also presented the prizes won at the fair, The chairman for the evening was Mr, Wm, Boddy. A vocal solo that all enjoyed was rendered by Miss Castlemann and a piano solo was given by Miss Latimer, Miss Annan won the prize for having the most parents at the meeting. Afternoon tea will be served at the home of Mrs, Wm, Boddy, 40 Quebec £t., on Wednes- day, October 9, WOMEN'S ASSOC, OF * X CHURCH The Women's Association of Knox Church had their meeting on Tuesday afternoon, The president, Mrs. Dunlop was in the chair, There was a large turn-out of members. The ladies planned to hold an afternoon tea on October 16 with Mrs. J, Hamilton acting as convener, The date of our an- nual concert and play will be November 20 and 21 and the ladies are working hard to make this as much of a success ms last year, At the close of the meeting a rocial hour was spent, W.C TU The Women's Christian Temper. ance Union held thelr opening meeting of the fall season yester- day afternoon in King St. Church, The devotional period consisted ot a hymn, scripture reading and a prayer by Mrs, Craig. A delightful solo was rendered by Mrs. Ren- wick. Mrs, Wm, Pugsley, former pro- vincial president, in a very able address urged upon her hearers to spare no effort that the com- ing election result in victory for the prohibition cause, She charged us to keep in mind the welfare of our boys and girls and safety and prosperity of our homes, assur- ing us that Ontario can not drink herself 'prosperous, Gasoline and water do not mix. Let our high- ways be dry ways, After this instructive talk Mrs, Fisher favored wus with a solo, Rev, Craig pronounced the bene- diction, Refreshments were served by the Social Committee, LADIES' AUXILIARY OF CANADIAN LEGION The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion Post 43 held their regular meeting last evening, After the business had been conducted there was a short program. Miss Louisa Pollard and Mrs, H. Gay both gave delightful readings. There was community singing fol- lowed by games and dancing, Be- fore the meeting was brought to a close a very fine supper was served by Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Kel- lar and Mrs, Macklow. LEND A HAND CLUB The Lend a Hand Club held their monthly meeting last evening at the home of Sister Annie Mac- Donald, Masson St. Sister Mabel Disney presided over the meeting. The club ig planning a busy fall season, Sister Blanche Ball besides handing in to the club a good sum of talent money made the donation of a lace centre piece on which tickets were sold for the lucky number contest. The proceeds of the contest were handed in and Sister Ball was complimented on her work. Sister B, Gillard was recently presented with her Past Noble Grand"s Collar and Case, Sister Disney made the presenta- tion, to which Sister Gillard re- sponded in a few words, of thanks, At the close of the meeting all retired to the beautifully decor- ated dining room where » delici- ous supper was served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Isabel who later in the even- ing entertained the company with her singing. Proceeds of the sup- per are for the upkeep of the club and general charity purposes. CHRIST CHURCH A. Y. P. A. Last Monday evening the Christ Church A.Y,P.A. met at 8 o'clock, Eight new mémbers were initiated. Four groups were chosen to help put on 'entertainments for the dif- ferent nights throughout the seas- on, one group getting the program arranged on one night and another the mext meeting night. In this a SILVER FOX FUR GAINS FAVOR IN ALL MARKETS Many Countries Now Seek- ing Pure Bred Stock From Canadian Ranches Ottawa--The principal market for silver fox furs up to the out- break of the war had been in Eur- ope, but after hostilities began the silver fox breeder sought a market in the United States, where sales hitherto had been comparatively small, Despite the recent heavy auty levied by the United States on im- ports of silver foxes and their pelts, there is still an increasing demand revival in the European market for fox stock, Ranch-bred silver fox furs are an important item at the Canadian Fur Sales at Montreal, and there are also indications of a market revival inthe European market for these furs, Large sales of live foxes for foundation stock are made to the New England States and to central and western United States and Canada, which, coupled with ship- ments to England, Scotland, Nor- way, Sweden, France, Germany, Switzerland, Cuba and other coun- tries, indicate the wide distribu- tion of Prince Edward Island pure- bred stock, JEWISH WOMEN I CHARGE OF SERVICE Scarcely an Eye Dry After Chanting of "The Pray- er for the Dead." Toronto, Ont,, Oct, 1,---~For the first time in the city's history, as far Jewry 8 concerned, women took complete charge of a mem- orial service in an orthiodox syna- gogue, when a collection for fam- lies of Jews killed in Palestine by Arabs was taken up, Sixty women's organizations, from synagogues, Women's Auxil- farise, Hadassahg, the Council of Jewish Women, and other bodies were represented at the memorial service, which was under the chairmanship of Mrs, David Dun- kelman, President of the Toronto Hadassah, Scarcely an eye was dry after the chanting, in true traditional style, of 'The Prayer for the Dead," by Cantor Barkin, which opened the service, Mrs. M, Kra- mer delivered an address In Yid- dish, telling of the work of the women in Palestine, in pioneering the "Back to the Soil" movement, which means so much to the fu- ture of Jewry in the Holy Land. The tale was told of the destric- tion of the home for orphans, which was supported by the Can- adian Hadassahs. The fact that there were many Arabs among the 62 children who lived at the home and who were removed by night for safety to another place, did not prevent the Arab ruffians from burning the house to the ground, sald one of the speakers. way everyone wll; he assured of the best¥of times all through the season, Next Monday evening is Busi: ness and Dramatics night, The meeting begins at eight o'clock. Helpful Hints To repair a mirror from which the quick silver has gone, clean thoroughly the portion of glass where the spot is and remove any trace of dust or grease. Then, with the point of a knife cut upon the back of anothar looking glass around a portion of the silvering of the required form but a little larger, Upon it place a small drop of mercury; a drop the size of a pin head will be sufficient as soon as the mercury has penetrated the malgam the piece may be moved and placed on the spot which is being repaired. Then press lightly the renewed portion with cotton, It hardens almost immediately and the glass presents the same ap- pearance as new. LJ LJ . Greater care is needed to keep flowers fresh just now than when they are plentiful in summer, Many of them travel long distances and are liable to fade quickly, but a few A charming portrait of Queen of Spain, pres made as birthday gift for the Infante Jaime, born June Home -- = LAL. FE ---------------------- - -- 23, 1908, and Infante Juan-Carlos, born June 20, 1913. them well worth the time used by The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper | Old grass fibre rugs nced not he discarded because they are faded or soiled. If there are no badly worn places, give thorough cleaning with the yacuuin cleaner or broom, and remove grease spots with soap and water or some commercial cleaner, Then lay them on clean, flat surface to dry. When dry give them two coats of paint and one or two oi varnish, It is not necessary to use expensive paints, but water-proof varnish gives the best results, A rug may be painted a solid color, or laid off in stripes, blocks, diamonds, and triangles a straight piece of wood such as a yardstick or a lath, being used to.mark the lines and keep one shade of paint from running into the other. Wipe off the ruler before using it with another color. A good design is one with a hor- der of Chinese red,, a centre dia or them a mond of chocolate brown, and corner triagles of deep cream. Chinese-blue, cream. and gray | make an attractive color scheme, | and there are numerous other combinatipns to suit the individual taste. Old Brussels and velvet ruc; may be treated in the same way, by painting the baeks of the rugs. All of these make good ruge | for the porch, hall, bathroom and | kitchen, Their pleasing colors, the fact that they can be wiped oft | with warm water, and a mild soap, coupled with their durability mak. the housekeeper in thus refurnish- Ing them, simple hints will keep-them fresh for several days, i LJ . Ll] Water in vases should be changed | every day and about half an inch cut off the bottom of each stalk. LJ . L | Every leaf that would remain in | the water when the flowers are ar- | ranged in the vase should be strip- | ped off, as nothing taints water quicker than soddened foliage. Ll . . A picce of charcoal, camphor or a crystal of permanganate of potash will keep the water pure, while a few drops of boric acid added to the water will add days to the life of carnations, . An aspirin tablet dropped in cold water will revive drooping flowers, but they should be moved after an hour or so into 'fresh water, or the drug may have the opposite effect. LJ] - L Flowers should always be allowed cool treatment during some part of the day, When kept in a hot room they are inclined to wilt, but if moved to a cool place every night they will be stiff and fresh again by the morn- ing. » Ll] LJ In shipping flowers, cut them at { method they To clean those little plaster busts and statuettes that are so popular just now, avold water and soap, -which, while removing the grime are apt to soften them and leave them with bleached blotehy surfaces in place of thelr first smooth, faintly gleaming surfaces, Try cleaning them with a soft rag smeared with the very purest lard, Do not use too much grease, and rub very gently, Then wipe off, and use an old silk handker- chief to give a final polish, Yon will find the lard removes the dirt and givse a creamy, glossy finish, oo Tmmediately after dishwashing while the handg are 'still a bit moist, drop a little lemon juice in the palms and rub it well over the hands, to keep them soft and white, : A few drops of lemon juice in the rinsing water will give lustre to glass-ware, Wooden drainboards boards may be kept grease and clearied by rubbing vith half a lemon or lemon rind, Put a few drops of lemon juice in the food chopper before grind- ing sticky fruitg such as figs, raising or dates, and the grinder will not only he easier to clean but the food will be saved since it will not stick to the utensil, When aluminum kettles or mixing free from have W.C.T.U, ARTISTS DRIVE AGAINST BOOZE LAUNGHED Another Educational Contest Stimulated by Large Prizes Toronto, Oct. 2~The National president of the Canadian W.CT.U announces that the second nation- wide educational contest "against the poisonous qualities of alcoholic bev- erages" will figure prominently in the W.C.T.U, and Sunday school pro- grams of the coming winter. The ex- perimental adventure of last winter proved successful beyond all expecta- tion and that in face of several heavy handicaps which will be present in the coming contest, Last year the idea was new both to the W.C.TU. workers who engineered it, and the Sunday schools and their scholars, At first it was regarded with hesi- tancy and the prize list was insigni- ficant. But interest grew as the course proceeded and the number of prizes increased, still further stimu- lating interest on the part of both scholars and their parents, The course was a voluntary home-study course, Yet at the end of twelve weekly lessons many thousand young people and children handed in writ- ten examinations, Over 10,000 honor certificates, 10,396 were won by those taking two thirds of the possible marks, The prizes, which ultimately aggregated over three thousand dol- lars in value, were earned by young people in every province and of every Protestant sect, The recent Biennial National W.C, U. convention held in Oshawa brought together the leaders in every province and the convention thrilled as each and all bore testimony to the achievements of last winter's educa- tional adventure; and with new vi- sion the resolution to carry the plan on into successive years with ever in- creasing efficiency was adopted with huge enthusiasm. It is expected that apart from the splendid national and provincial prizes the coming contest will be stimulated by some kind of prizes for every Sunday school, these being donated by local well wishers. A central W.CT.U. campaign of- fice, originally planned for Toronto, is being organized in Montreal, so as to be out of the electioneering at- - " and the Community mosphere of Ontario, Provincial W.CT.U, campaign offices are being organized clear across Canada, | , At is believed that a five year ser- ies of scientific studics of the effect that alcohol, as a narcotic, has on the tissues, organs and functions, will re- sult in an enlightened citizenship that will both shun the use of such beverages and effectively demand the prohibition of their manufacture and sale and, such enforcement laws as may be necessary, While these educational contests are focussed on the rising generation it was cvident, Mrs, Wright . says, that in a large/percentage of homes the older members of the family be- came equally interested in last wine ter's contest, The detailed plans of the coming contest are to be published presently, Building Nearly Doubled Windsor.--The Border Cities building figures for the first nine months of this year were set to- day at $8,086, 298, an increase of nearly 100 per cent over the cor- responding period of 1928, and nearly approximates a monthly 1929 building schedule of $1,0v0,- 000, Plans were announced today also for a $100,000 addition to the Walkerville plant of the Mover Products Corporation of Canada. pf become dull or black, with a cloth dipped in lomon juice, then rinse 1 warm water, A teaspoon of lemon juice added to the water in which lamb or veal for stow is cooked will add to the flavor and tenderne ol the meat Is 1 water By this night, - plunge there |i and let stand until morning ab corry them on their journey and they will arrive fresh PEE CHILI CON CARNE This now that the days are 1-2 Ib, round steak minced; 1 potatu crt in small dice; 1 onion cut in thin slices: 4 pimento chopped finely; 1 tablespoon butter; 2 cups strained tomato; 2 teaspoon salt; dash of Ca- yvenne pepper; Pinch of curry pow- der; 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce of Chili Sauce; 2 teaspoon pa- prika; 1 cup kidney beans, Cover meat with hot water, cover and cook slowly until tender, With the excep- tion of the beans add all other in- gredients then add the beans, Cover meat with hot water, cover and cook slowly until tender. With the ex- ception of the beans add all other ingredients then add the beans just long cnough to heat them through. Flour may be used ta thicken if ne- cessary, Serve with cooked rice, More than five and a million horse power in hydro electric en. ergy is.now being produced in Can- uda, Additional underiakings now under way will add another tw million horse power. : . clean them | sorh enough water to | makes a very tasty supper dish | getting cooler, | te daily to assure long life" SAYS INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS PHYSICIAN "The surface of the body must be thoroughly cleansed at regular intervals and at all times kept as clean as possible. After the daily tub, bath there should be brisk rubbing with the bath towel. or shower A clean and active skin is an important factor in giving alertness to the mind, flexibility to the muscles, elasticity to to the blood vessels and the assurance of long life." In the bath, Lifebuoy's creamy, antiseptic lather penetrates the countless, tiny them up . . . cleanses . . . them active. Thus is given "flexibility to the blood vessels" and you feel invigorated and refreshed. Furthermore, Lifebuoy's antiseptic ingredient stands guard as an invisible shield against infection. LIFEBUO THE BATH SOAP SUPREME skin Purifies and Protects Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Mg Lb05" por opens purifies . . . makes To Keep Well to the muscles, elasticigy persis tion odour By the daily use of Lifebuoy Soap. oh DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE LAUREL TREE 1 THE LAD HAD CiSAPPEARED. AND IN His STEAD ROSE A mMisT- RE rE ---------- AMIGHTY WIND BLEW. AnD THERE Ww 1HE ENCHANTED hs THE DRAGON'S DESIRE WAS NoT LONG 10 moon- SET. = il Woe 18 mE WOE 13 MER I DoNT care HE'S A mean, HORRID, OLD DRAGON GARDEN = AND (N & SAT THE BIRD op -AND 1 T1T7 N _ N Quierty DotlY foro THe 2ir0 ent! ERRAND, "ALAS SAID THE GIRO-- . WoF 15ME. IT 13 my LiFe Fon Trine WHEN pout "HEARD MAR = DO SEAS oo iN THAT sHe WAS THE IND SAD UNLESS They WENT Back DdTH wouro PERISH --By Grace G. Drayton WE Must y fon pi ee ------ I:

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