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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1929, p. 9

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CHALLENGES ARE ISSUED TO W.EN. SINCLAIR (Continued from page /) public life, but had nccepted the " mination only after muc wrgin believe that I ean be o e ° the the riding of South Ontario, if if isct- e gislature," said M BL AAR briefly to cord in Municipal life. h guson government wi WAS he H best the pr rir ls has ever had r, Mason, It had ini much for the province, on every de- partment, In the department of mines, this Jay particy A feted. he said, Agriculture had also long strides forward in the we five ears, and the rural population has necreased by 35,000 during this per- , he declared, The development of Northern On- tario was not beih neglected, and no government could have done more for Northern Ontario than the Fer- guson administration, he said, Mr, Mason quoted an item from The Times, regarding Mr, Sinclair's claims that he would reduce taxation, despite the fact that the Liberals ould take over the municipalities' bi, of Provincial Highways, and the municipalities' share of Age Pensions, and relieve munici ities from other obligations, ee was impossible, declared Mr. Mason, appealing for support of the "sound business principles" of the Ferguson government, Highway Construction The Conservative 3, evernment had constructed over 1 miles of con- crete highways in six years, which was immensely to the interest of Qihuw's chief industry, said Mr, ason Mr, Sinclair's Shallenge that he had done his duty to the electors, was accepted b Wr. Mason, who declared that this district and all Central On- tario had been wrestling with the Hydro problem, and W, E, N, Sin. clair _had never raised his voice in assisfance of . Oshawa and _ other places in his riding, Mr, Sinclair never raised his voice in the legis- lature to have the counties relieved of their 20 per cent, share of the cost of Provincial Highways," Mr. Mason said, "but when he gets out on the platform with his harping, bigoted addresses, he criticizes the govern- ment on this question," This was the only part of Mr, Sinclair's manifesto he accepted, Mr, Mason said, declar- ing that he got the idea originally from Hen, G, S, Henry, Minister of his o>. wor lssue Mr, Mason declared that he hadn't one kind word to say about the li- quor traffic, and declared that he had no support for any measure that would ingrease the manufacture or consumption of liquor, "The first vote I polled was in favor of pro- hibition, I am a strong temperance man, but any legislation must be strongly su sipported by public opin ion," said, "Mr, Sinclair says he is in favor of a plebiscite, I challenge Mr, Sin- clair, Will he submit a referendum? A plebiscite is an expression of op- inion, with no obligation on the peo- ple submitting it, "A referendum is for the people's re of a bill given first and second reading in the house with the legislature's promise to pass he bill if the people ap- prove it, A plebiscite is not worth the paper it is written oh," he de- clared, The speaker asked the electors to give the Liquor Control Act a fur. ther trial, "I can sce some serious defects in this act, and | have no doubt that if it is kept in force it will be amended, But it is the best solution of the liquor problem so far introduced," he declared, If the pubs lic men of the province would cast aside political differences and sit around a table to figure out a solu- tion to the temperance problem, no doubt much greater Jrogress could be made towards a solution, he add- ed, Mr, Mason Mpueaied for a fair and square contest in Eh riding without any wisrspresalitetl ong, Mrs, George H Mrs, George Hood of Is- land was the next speaker, e ap- pealed to every elector to cast his vote, Although the cost of govern- ment had increased, it only was keep- ng Pice with the added cost of live ing, she said, I'he Ferguson government was giving the children of the province a better opportunity for education than any o .er province, she said. Mr, Mason had been a total ab. stainer for hii years, Mrs, Hood declared, "I challenge Mr, Sinclair as a so-called temperance man, tr declare such a record for himself," she said, "Mr, Sinclair has fooled the temperance people long enough in regard to his views on the liquor question," John Stacey The candidate in the 1 1926 slection, John Stacey, said that it would b foing too far to pass an act prohibits ng the use of liquor, because it could not be enforced. During the last three years he had been well satis. fied with the working out of the L. C A. The government of the day way endeavouring to do the pros vince's business in the best way and deserved support, 'said Mr, Stacey, Miss MacM Miss Bessie MacMurchy, Toronto, declared that the Ferguson governs ment was not extravagant, but had put the government on a sound fins ancial basis, Premier Ferguson had done a great work in developing the educational work of the province, He had es- tablished schonls for crippled chil- dren, and deaf children, auxiliary classes for subnormal children, and had done much else for children in other sections of the province, said the speaker, Premier Ferguson had been instru. mental in extending hydro to the farms, and women in the rural dis. ficn were particularly interested in r. Ferguson's promise of cheaper power, said Miss MacMurchy, His government had done . much for health, and in establishing the Mo. ther's Allowances and Old Age Pen- sions in the province, she said, The Liquor Control Act did not prevent temperance education, said i sided at the organ, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1929 Ass A who appealed for a lon- the spea) phe wer trial 4 # 1 hs th. i ly lat oir a ec evenin, M.P, for this fiding. io Mr, Sinclair was Jeader of the Liberal Party for the province, the Deodle here had t # representative in the ad lature who w best represent he said, "ibaa and South Ontario had al- s been & aod. had temperance cone pi ner ini Siven great fem- perance men. to Cangda, he sald, The province was now experimenting with Government Control, longgr time was necessary to i tke efficiency or otherwise, said Dr, ser, RALLY DAY HELD AT NORTH OSHAWA Sunday School Holds Fine Services to Inaugurate Winter's Work North Oshawa, Sept, 30.~The Ral- ly Day services at North Oshawa were well attended, The afternoon service was taken from the shect "In Quest of Others," Rev, Mr, Bunner assisted the Supt, Mr, Kennedy with the details, Miss Alberta Dennis pre- Mrs, Alexander Miss Fice and Miss Dennis helped with the singing, and Mr, Sampson of Oshawa was the speaker for the afternoon, He compared a soldier of the army to a soldier of Jesus, How both must obey orders to make a success of thelr undertakings. Mr. Sampson has favored us before for some years and we hope to have him again real soon, A chorus of girls, A Alexander, Olive Taylor, Muriel McNally, Geraldine Tattersall, Alberta Solomon, Verna Fice, Will- ma Powell, Velma Solomon, Mabel Sears, Margaret Tattersall, Noreen Heaslip and Violet Sears, sang chor- uses, They were [puch enjoyed, The collection was $21.56, In the evening, Rev. Mr, Bunner spoke on the 148th Psalm, (Both young men and maid. ens, old men and children, Jet them praise the name of the Lord for His name alone is excellent. His glory is above the earth and Heaven), Mr, Kennedy sang a solo with the chil- dren joining in the chorus and Verna Fice, Olive Taylor, and Frances Al- exander sang a prett little song called "Raindrops," e hope Rally Day will continue from now on in the attendance, All are welcome, warhipath is extended Mrs, James Warren, Mr, and Mrs, David War- ren and family and Mr, and Mrs, Butt in the death of Mr, James War- ren, Mr, Warren passed away Sa- turday evening after a lingering ill- ness at the home of his son, David, The funeral will take place Tuesday from the residence of Mr, John Cox, section foreman, to Prince Albert cemetery, Miss Grace Marshall gavea party to her friends on Saturday evening to celebrate her birthday, All had a. pleasant evening. Mrs, Marshall served refreshments, Many happy returns, Grace, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Glover had a small pol party on Saturday even: hy They were presented with an elceizig & Sanding amy as a wedding gift, Mr, rs, Glover's thir- teenth wedding day being on Friday. Refreshments were served at mid: night, The guests were entertained with music on the radio and pldyed exciting games of euchre and pedro, Doris Kirby has scarlet fever, and is under quaréntine, We hope she will soon be better, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Walker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Glover, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Vallant, Port Whitby, Sundayed with Mr, and Mrs, Will Powell, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Glover and children Betty and Joan, Harmony, visited Mr, and Mrs. T, H, Solomon, Sunday, Mrs, Albert Beckett and Miss Vel na Beckett hag returned from a two weeks visit with the former's parents Mr, nd Mrs, Joe Grills at New On tari Mos. Caldwell of Peterboro spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs, . mer, Mr, Percy Burrows is under the Doctor's care. We understand he is to be in his bed for the next two months, We hope that he will soon | show signs of improvement, Mrs, Reese has returned home af- ter a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs, Parks at Toronto, THREE KILLED ON LIGHTHOUSE TUG Explosion on US. Vessel Off Wisconsin Shore Bay Field, Wis, Oot, 8,--Threo officers of the lighthouse tende: Marigold, were killed instantly in an explosion on the White bay buoy late yesterday and four able seamen aboard the tender, which was moored several yards away, were injured. The 'Marigold, a vessel in the fleet of the United States light. house service, was engaged in in- specting and re-cartridging lake buoys in preparation for the fall shipping season, It recently had oalled in Duluth and was working jie way back to its berth in De- roit, Quick Pile Relief -- Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Rold 'is! guardnteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back, It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases, Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the lower bowel--- the cause of piles. It brings joyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing.. Jury and Lovell, Ltd. and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee, | of 1 the argos of or sunls Aid of Lake Noemi for 2000 years, - it now pens attr | drained away, the waters of the lake hi Stock Bell Tel, Braz, Latest Fina ncial News Market Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Sto ck Quotations Supplied by Forlong and Co, Stoble, TORONTO High 160 71% Br..-A, Oil ot Carl, .. Cn, Brd. Cockshut Can, Malt, Can, 2nd Cty, Dry 25 t 20 20% 201% G0 Alcohol 18% Ask Dur, Mot, 16 Ford Can, 38 Gypsum Hm, Imp, Ol} It, Pet, It, Nkl, Ms, Hr, Meo, Trt, 8, Station Spr. Tat, Walkers Malar, Mn, Bs, McDoug. Mein, Mn, Cr, Newbee Siscoe 8d, Bw, 8.W, Pt, Tk, Hg. Tow. .. Vipond Ventures Wr, Hr, Wainwaell Brd, Hys, Whi, 27% b2 Bid 48 37% 27% bo bo 34 a6" 77% a0 15% Low 166 70% 65% 6 24 29 20% Ve h% 05 Ya 20% bb bo 35% 2 36 15 Standard Mines 7 15 a6 1390 380 a0 65200 4106 28 1756 600 83 6650 280 510 126 62 B60 145 16 + 132 H He. 'on Howey Hd, By, Kd, Lk, Kt. Flr, Lk, 8h, . Btock 285 i 20 240 900 200 3b 21 «04h 1800 oh 1650 ha 11% 2025 Amer, Can, Atchison Balt & Ohio Briggs M Can, fg. 2 Pace, Can, Dry .. 847 11 an 13806 480 ah 6o2n 400 28 176 bso 74 02h 270 KOO 120 a0 L650 141 1 125 0) Xl If 240 noo 106 000 20 LX 1) 1800 1] 1600 1} 11% 20006 NEW YORK Hig h Low 166% 268 5 120% 20 b 2158 on an 12,20 166 70% 043% LU} ah a9 20%, 20 ls 1] 1300 J80 36 BOLO 411 28 176 600 74 660 270 BOO 125 02 hh60 1456 15 126 283 20 245 000 106 900 a1 hah 1800 92 1686 ha 11% 2015 2 pm, 166 84 268 % 100% 0g 35% 83 Your Big Help for Use Old Dutch and protect your home with Nealihful Claanlinvss | Because of its marvelous efficiency and distinctive cleansing qualities Old Dutch is YOUR BIG HELP for housecleaning. 'A little Old Dutch ons amp cloth or sponge quickly, removes dirt and finger marks from enamelled or painted woodwork, You simply wipe the surface gently. Old Dutch and a few strokes of the mop makes floors spotlessly clean, You'll like Old Dutch for cleaning metals, fixtures, etc. It is perfect tor porcelain and enamel, marble and tile, it does not scratch, Ideal for all housecleaning requirements. Old Datch brings Healthful Cleanliness into every nook and corner. Its flaky, flat-shaped particles remove the dangerous invisible impurities as well as the visible dirt and grime. Old Dutch doesn't scratch =~doesn't harm the hands. The high standard of cleanliness which Old Dutch has definitely ese tablished meets the most exacting ce. quirements of hygiene... good health Cleanser homes are healthful hbmes. Made in Canada 257 v2 24 50% 14 066% 17% Gh 5% ( 'ongoloum Fam, Cen, Gra, Mot, Pulgo (fold Dust Hud, Mot, 174% Hupp +0..0 41% It, Com, .. 42% It, Nk. ... hé% Kly, Rgfd, 8 Mt, Ward 113% Mek, Trek, 90% Nt, Pr, Lgt. b7% "hil. Pet, a0 Pan, A, "BB" 035% Packard 26% Itadio 88% Sra, Rbek, 164% 152% Hin, Ol 24% 34 Bt, Ol NJ. 76% 4% Studebaker 03 62 Simmons 176 108 td, Afr, 106% 102% U4, Nubber H1%% 50% U.8, Steel 224 217% Wily. Ovid, 18% 183% Woolworth 07 84% Yellow Cab 27% 26% Rd, Kth, Or, 383 37 Money 6 per cent, EUROPEAN MARKET MAY BE 10ST FOR YEARS, 15 FEAR Dual Poaltion Held to Con- flict With Best Public Interest Ottawa, Oct, 3.--"There is deep con- cern among public men and others in the capital over the grain conges- tion While the resultant conditions will testrict purchases, defer collections, decrease transportation revenue and increase unemployment, there is an equally disastrous inter-imperial re- sult possible, Some British delegates to the chamber of commerce mect- ing in Calgary openly stated that the wheat pool sought to force the British and other luropean people to pay an exorbitant and unjustifi- able price for wheat and flour, They said that British and Dutch imports ers were always ready to play the game with the exporters, but they refused to be "held up," which they dn Ten, claimed the wheat pool was attemyt- ing to do, Canada's wheat trade with Great Britain and JHolland has received a serious setback and the relations ure placed, there can be little relief this season, The tramp, which is the grain carrier, is in other ports on the se- ven seas, and the lake carriers are heing sent into winter quarters, Yor years to come, Canada will have di- fiiculty in placing its wheat crop, if Europe can satisfy its demands else. where, Conditions Against Policy Conditions are not too favorable for the wheat pool policy of "stand and deliver," 'There is a visible world's supply of over 100,000,000 hue shels greater than at this period last year, France will export this year while that country was an importing hostile. It wll take years to remove the impression made in Great Brits ain and Holland through the Cana dian wheat pool taking advantage of conditions to force wheat prices a bove those in the United States, Ar. gentine, Australia and other compet to its rivals and the St, Lawrence is deserted of its autumn grain fleet, except the 50 lake boats that cane not unload their cargoes, Even now, if wheat charters are nation in 1928, Italy will not require more than half the imports of wheat that it did formerly, Russia will, 10 some extent, again become an ex- porting nation, and the abnubian provinces have a large crop, Canada is faced with carrying over this car's crop, if not in its entirety at east a large percentage until next spring, The anomalous pofition of I. Ramsay, chairman of the grain Bea is causing much comment, Apparent- fy he is still associated with, the wheat pool of which he was selling manager, As chairman of the grain board his business is to prevent con- gestion and keep the crop moving to its ultimate market, yet he states the conditions in the grain trade are nearly normal, It is suggested, and not officially denied, Mr, Ramsay, while chairman of the grain board, is still acting as wheat pool se Ming ma. nager, 'This division of activity is un- i and is a dangerous prece- ent RALLY DAY HELD AT MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Oct. 1.--Over a hun- dred attended the Rally Day service in the Sunday School on Sunday, September 29th, The Rally Day pro. gramme was followed throughout, Miss Susie Laird telling the story of "The Good Shepherd," in a most in- teresting manner, The story of John Wesley given by Mrs, Fred Stevens and the story of Dr. Sweitzer of Ar- rica told by Mrs. Ivison Munday were also much enjoyed, The pastor, Rev. A H, Stainton gave a very brief talk on the Lost ing grain countries, British orders have been transferred from Canada and Found column of the Bible, which at the church setvice tha tor preached, a pind the words Ly Hears with God," Mutie by 'th ed greatly to the se ministered, Campbell, speaker, Mund his brothers, here, hourg, Providence and Miss endattle visited the Truman Power, and Mrs, mother, Me, aids Mrs, Stuark M Mr, and Mrs. Rant or, prinrénts, Nok Ri chile ah After the regular service the sacre ment of the Lord's Supper was ad Regular senvices will he! held next Sunday when Rev. "Mr. Cambourne will bé Miss Winnie Rickard, Newcastlh ghent the week end with Miss Grets a : Mr. WW. Power, Ottawa Bs" vipitip: Mr. George i g Cliester Power, and other relative: The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr, Arthur Burgess and his sons in the loss of a 'wife and Power, There was a splendid phd hy fu Fruitadtive the A suflre from théuthatiom for Ho2t Toh) al Boh matin can't give Sve rot reljef hl von y Go- Ri days! Get LL3 borne, Mr. ja work, | torture all the time? "Fruit-a-tives" it. has helped thou Nov / PAGE NINE. AGE NINE Trouble of f Long Standing , B.C, tu bof cht agonizing pains gue Rally x hill bg he a night Wheh ro v1 R. social, 'Wed- er will FT| 4 se. Bopmanyville, After league there will be a melou ' L » / » - ' YOUR FAVORITE FRUITS SWEETENED DELICIOUSLY AND "JELLED" MSLARENS o INVINCIBLE everyone enjoyed, JELLY POWDERS "INVINCIBLE IN NAME AND IN QUALITY McLARENS LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT, \ ? ARVEST TIME! With crops a bounti- H ful yield--Harvest Time too at this a bountiful yield of Groceteria--with "Quality Foods at Low Prices" -- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE HARVEST SPECIALS Ho Try this new tea--you'll like the flavor--you'll like the strength--and above all, you'll like the value! Black only. Harvest Speeill ccc iiiinnciniiiniiuniniirssgeiris isis Fragrant and vest Special ~a dainty toilet soap. Har. caressing lather Serhan value No. 2 Tender golden wax Beans--a real value tin harvest special «voveeee ORANG The Jitter sweet touch to an tizing Breakfast, Harvest EEE EE EE EE ET EE) Made from ripe choice toma- toes and pure spices =The Quality Cateup ,..covieinnnns Extra Special Peameal Cottage 26¢ Ib. } CHIPS Large ' Cloance Sale & 33¢ Paints and Varnishes 59¢ | Discontinued Lines While They Last | » EATO C= a Nall: = ROPER AT ID ~ | YS a R= LUX TOILET SOAP 4 Cakes for AX BEANS 2 tins for : MAR MALADE 40 oz. Jar 1C & B CATSUP Large Bottle for or N we 24. 18 Choice Ripe ..... ~ 30¢ doz. (JAN > ® ofr A a

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