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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1929, p. 12

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ai "PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1929 dia CC i ¥ RODKEIN SCHOOL BEST IN COUNTY (Continued from page 3) f books donated the same company for the high- points in the respective schoois stion were Marjorie Bell, 8. 8. "le nner belongs; Wr : West Whitby Township; E is for East Whitby; and U indi loh School section. Class 1--Irish Cobblers, 12 tub- ers--Harold Bray 9, Jack Bray 9, + Clifford Wilson 9, Jack Bond 2W, Teddy Draper 3W, Harvey Wilson 9. Class 2--Green Mountains, 12 tubers--Jack Bond 2W, Clifford Wil- aon 9, John Lockyer 6W, Sydney y 8. Class 3--Dooleys, 12 tubers--Reta Parish 6W, Marjorie Bell 6W, Clif- ford Wilson 9E, Doris Davis 1W, Blanche Centowitz 6W, Doris Cook Class 4--Wheat Goose, 1 {tom seed supplied)--Harold Class b6--Wheat, any variety, sheaf 3 Inches in diameter--Harold Bray 9, Marian Hubbard 8E, Jack Bray 9, Harvey Wilson 9, Stewart Bray 9, Marporie Bray 9. Class 7 -- Barley, any variety, sheaf 8 inches in diameter--Harold Bray 9, Marjorie Bray 9. Class 8--Oats, Banner, 1 quart (from seed supplied)--John McKen- zie, 8, Harold Crawforth 2, Jack Thompson 4W. ndicates Un- uart ray Class 9-~Oats, any variety, sheaf 7 3 inches in diameter--Jack Bray 9, Clifford Wilson 9, Harold Bray 9, Stewart Bray 9, Evelyn Lewis 1, Marjorie Bray 9. Class 10--8weet Corn, Goldén Bantam, 6 ears husked (from seed sup lied)-- Helen Hutchings bE, Jack Bond 8W, Jno. McKenzie 3, Margaret Diape; 3, Gwen Thompson 8, Audrey Hall 3. Class 11--Mangels, Giant White Sugar, 3 roots (from seed supplied) ack Bond 3, Fred Lyon 3. Class 12--Turnips, Canadian Gem 8 roots (from seed supplied) Cecil Disney 8, Jno. Maw 4, Harvey Wil- son 9, Clifford Wilson 9, Lewis 1. Class 18--Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 6 specimens (from 8.8.) Lloyd Rahme GE, George Malyon 8, Pearl Merriam 4, Doris Cook GE, Alfred Malyon 8, Lawrie Boyes 3. Class 14--Carrots, Chantenay, 5 specimens (from seed supplied)-- Earl Disney 3, Reta Parish 6W, Bruce Bright 9, Elger Spears 3, George Malyon '8, Rupert Merriam Evelyn Class 15--Parsnips, Hollow Crown, 5 specimens (from seed supplied)-- , Jean Patterson 3, Pearl Merriam 4, Rupert Merriam 4, Marjorie McCul- lock 7E, Jack Bray 9. Class 16--Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers, b specimens (from 8.8.)-- Jack Bond 3, Marjorie Bray 9. Inez Wilson 9, Stewart Bray 9, Frank Downey 4, Harvey Wilson 9. Class 17--Mangels, any variety named, 1 root--Clifford Wilson 9, Frank Hayes 6E, Gladys Rahme GE, =<} a lively chap and seems to Bison much of the time, BUFFALO 'The buffal calf born. a dt AND 178 MA IN PARK 0 Pile ads caine AT OSHAWA Lakeview Gardens, Oshawa, is time ¢ the place y much, His mother is a busy of him, * He weighed 50 Ibs. at birth. Erlane Hayes 6E, Lloyd Rahme GE, Stanley Grills 7E. Class 18--Turnips, any variety named, 1 root (for stock feed)-- Horace Grills 7E, Frank Hayes 6E, John G. Webber 6E, Evelyn Lewis 1, Alfred Fisher TW, Clifford Wilson 9. Class 19--Table Beet, any variety named, 1 specimen--Margaret Bea- mish 8, Herbie Parkin U2, Phyllis Trull 7W, Marian Hubbard 8E, Fred Lyon 8, Anne Graham 4, Class 20--Table Carrot, any vari- ety, named, 1 specimen-- Morley Terwillegar 6E, Mary Conn 1, Ver- na Maye 9, Ruth Jull, Lillian Jones 6W, Teddy Draper 3. Class 21--Onion, any variety named, 1 specimen--Grace Batty 1, Marjorie Bray 9, Fred Buldyke 2, Gordon Jull 8, Lorna Davie 1, Reta Parish 6. y Class 2 Sum pin, any variety, 1 specimen--Harold Bray 9, alyon 8, Marjorie Bell 3, Patricia Hodson 1, Ialeen Dehart 6W, Lloyd Prouse 6W. Class 23--Northern Spy, 5 apples ~Marjorie Bell 5W, Audrey Bell U2, Fern Stephen 7W, Phyllis Trull W, Fern Hannam 2. Class 24--MecIntosh, 5 apples-- Frank Hayes GE, Beatrice Clarke 1, Grace Batty 1, Ruth Trull TW, Fern Ftaphen TW, Herbie Parkin U2, lass 26--Apple Collection, best six varieties--Doris Cook 5E, John Lockyer 6W, Evelyn Lewis 1, Gor- don Cook 3. Class 26--Pears, any variety. nam- ed, 5 specimens--Ralph Hannam 2, Louie Boyes 3, Fern Hannam 2, John Maw 4, Reta Parish 6W, Mary Conn 1, . Class 27--Tomatoes, any variety, 5 specimens--Billie Beamish 8, Hel- en Hutchings 6E, May Brooking 3, Margaret Beamish 8, Rupert Mer- riam 4, Jack Bond 3. Class 28--Salpiglossis, 12 sprays (from seed supplied) Martha Vipond 3, Robena Merriam 4W, Lawrie Bay- es J. Class 29--Asters, 8 colors, 12 blooms (from seed supplied)--Mar- jorie Bell 5W, Lloyd Evans 9, Ileen Pereman 5E, Allan McKenzie TE. Class 80 -- Zinnias, living-room table bouquet (from seed supplied) --Gordon Cook 3, Myron Vipond 3, Hugh Ormiston 3, Robert Young thew Agar 3. ., Class 81--Phlox, living-room table bouquet (from seed supplied)-- Lloyd Prouse 6W, Margaret Draper 8, Muriel Terwilléegar bE, Alfred Fisher TW, Marjorie Gammon 8R, Jack Bray 9, Class 32--French Marigolds, din- ing-room table" bouquet (from seed supplied) -- Marguerite Hunter 1, Helen McBain 3, Margaret Agar 3, KEEP 'FIGUR YOU ARE a Drink a little YOUTHFUL Do Not Clog Your System with Excess Food that Encourages Fatty. Tissues BEING NOURISHED IF EVERY DAY YOU Eat a little Less Heavy Food nd | More Bovril BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat YOUR E SURE OF | Alfred | 7 U2, Marjorie McCullough 7E, Mat- | 3 | book--Merlin Earl Ormiston 3, Bruce Bright 9E, Myrtle Gascoyne 6W. table bouquet (from seed supplied) ~Margaret Beamish 8, Lois Heddon bE, Inez Tummonds 8E, Mary Col- lard 1. ' Class 34--Table bouquet, mixed flowers--Helen McBain 3, Patricia Hodson 1, Beth Luke 3, Irene Spears 3, Verna Maye 9, Victoria Agar 8. Class 35--Dahlias, 12 blooms-- Gordon Cook 3, Ialeen Dehart 6W, Lorna Evans 9E, Eileen Parkin U2, Marjorie Bell 5W, Tommy Price 4W. Class 36--Gladioli, 9 spikes-- Grace Batty 1, Helen Gormley U2, Victoria Agar 3, Ialeen Dehart 6W, Ileen Pereman GE, Marjorie Bell 5W. Class 387 -- Oatmeal Macaroons, plate of 5 (second book)--Erlene Hayes 6E, Reta Branton 2W, Mur- iel Bell U2, Margaret Lockyer 6W, Sila Holmes 2W, Ruth Goodman Class 88--Graham Muffins, plate of 5 (third book)--Lorna Evans 9E, Verna Maye 9K, Doris Cork bE, Lorna Davie 1, Beatrice Clark 1, Irene Malyon SE. Class 39--Light layer cake, plain white icing (fourth book)--Evelyn Lewis 1, Doris Jackson 6W, Marion Hubbard 8K, Ruth Trull 7W, May Brooking 3, Patricia Hodson 1. Class 40--School Lunch for one (open class)--Marguerite Hunter 1, Marjorie Bell 5W, Doris Cork GE, Inez Wilson 9E, Tommy Price 4W, Marjorie Fisher TW. Clag® 41 -- September break ill for 10 year old girl (open class)-- Marguerite Hunter 1, Marjorie Bell 5W, Roxena Ledgett U2, Doris Cork a Lorna Evans 9E, Verna Maye on Class 42--Apple Pie (open class) --Doris Cook HE, Verna Maye 9E, Inez Wilson 9E, Doris Davie 1, Lor- na Davie 1, May Brooking 3. Class 42--Wash Cloth, Turkish towelling (second book) -- Gwen Thompson 3. Class 44--Dared Stocking, (third book)--Jean Patterson 3, Merlin Slute 8E, Beatrice Blask 1, Audrey Hall 3, Verna Maye 9E. Class 45--Clothes Pin Apron, machine made (fourth book)--Mar- jorie Beli 6W, I'rances Hayes 6E, Marguerite Hall 8, Evelyn Lewis 1, Helen Barron U2, Claire Patterson Class 46--Covered Coat Hangar (open class)-- Marjorie Bell 6W, Frances Hayes 6K, Margaret Beam- ish 3, Verna Maye 9E, Marian Hub- bard BE, Gladys Rahme 5E. Class 47--Drawings of wild birds (second class afd under) -- Ruth Goodman 7E, Fred McKenzie TE, Jack Bond 3, Stewart Bray 9. Class 48 -- Agricultural Scrap Book (third book)--Roseina Grills TE, Lloyd Rahme GE, Merlin Slute 8K, Mayme McKenzie 7E, Norene Ormiston 7E, Jack Bray 9E. Class 50--~Collection of 6 snap shots of farm homes (open class) -- Inez Wilson 9E, Harold Bray 9, Roseina Grills 7E, Marjorie McCul- loch TE. Class 61--Collection of Vegetables (open class)--Doris Cork 5E, Har- old Bray 9, Jack Bray 9. Class 52--"What 'I Should Do" (pencil) 1st book--Helen Hutchings ros Stanley Lade 3W, Frank Par- rinder 6W, Gwen Thompson 8W, Joonard Slute 8E; Anne Graham 4W. Class 53--""Lullaby" (pencil) 2nd Slute 8E, Wilma Branton 2W, Irene Malyon 8E, Laur- ena Graham 4W, Barbara Wilson | 3W, Gladys Rahme 5E. Class 54--"A Farewell" (ink)-- 8rd book--Betty Bickle 8W, Katié Kot, 2W, Mary Wilson 2W, Ruth Trull 7W, Evelyn Stacey GE, Irene Spears 3W. . Class 66--"Children's Song" (Ink) --Margarét Draper 8W, George Mayon 8E, 1 ] Wilson 2W, Fran- ces Hayes SE, Helen Claughton 4W, Jessie Ormiston TE. Class 66--Crayon deawing of a Brown Teddy Bear (primer)--Lloyd Prouse 6W, Helen Jackson 6W, Laurene Bradley 4W, Ialeen DeHart 6W, Jack Thompson 4W, Victoria Agar 3W. apple--1st book -- Frank Downe 4W, Stanley Lade 3W, Kennet Maynard 6W, Anne Graham 4W, Reta Branton 2W, Frank Parrinder 6W. Class 68 -- Winter landscape in crayon, showing sky and land (2nd book)--Willie Gammon 38W, Glen Robinson 83W, John Hopkins 7W, Merlin Slute SE, Reggie Middleton TW, Irene Malyon SE. Class 69--Tulip in Water Colors (3rd book)--Roseina Grills TE, Mar- jorie McCulloch TE, Norene Ormis- ton TE, John Lockyer 6E, Lois Tor- diff 4W, Katie Kot 2W. drawing) --Ethel Gascoyne 6W, Eva Merriam 4W, Helen Claughton 4W, Catharine Ormiston 7E, Rena Coop- er 4W, Florence Love HE. Class. 61--Essay on "The Potato Situation in Ontario" (open class)-- Laural Holliday U2. Class 6la--Essay on "Why Shall I not touch Strong Drink" (open class)--Laural Holliday U2, Walter Anderson TW, . Helen Barron U2, Clarence Grey GE, Herbie Parkin Class 62--Plasticine model of a dog on a piece of cardboard' (primer Class 33 -- Pinks, dining-room |: Class 67--Crayon drawing of an | Class 60--4th, book (illustrative |: and 1st class) ~ Henry Perry 1, Stewart Bray 9. : 1 63--Window stick, three fiotebes (2nd book)--Leonard 'Slute 64--Wooden model of toy windmill, 12 in. in height, (3rd book) Merlin Slute 8E, Lloyd Rahme SE, Jack Bray 9E. i Class 05--Bird House for wrens, --Horace Grills TE, Allan McKenzie 7E, Harold Bray 9K, Herbie Parkin U2, Earl Whitney 7E. Class. 66--Barred Rock, bred-to- lay strain--Cockerel--Evelyn Lewis 1, Barbara Wilson 8, Beatrice Clark 1, Lillian Jones 6W, Harold Bray 9, Wilma Branton 2E. outh Rock. Class 67--Barred toay strain, Pullet-- Harold Bray 9, Marjorie Bray 9, Jack -Bray 9, Kenneth Jull 3, Fern Stephen TW, Beatrice Clark 1. Class 68--White Leghorn--Cock- erel--Ralph Hannam U2, Fern Han- nam U2, Hugh Ormiston 3, Lorna David 1, John Lambert 3, Jessie Spencer 3, Class 69--White Leghorn--Pullet --Mary R. Wilson U2, Isabel Wilson U2, Ralph Hannam v2, Fern Han- nam U2, John Lambert 3, Barbara Wilson 3. Class' 70-- White Wyandotte -- Cockerel--Rglph Hannam U2, Clay- entrance 7-8 inch in dia. (4th class) |U2 ton Miller 9, Mary Wilson U2, Fern Hannam U2, Class 71--White Wyandotte--Pul- let--Ralph Hannam U2, Fern Han- nam U2, Isabel Wilson U2, Clayton Miller 9, Beatrice Clark 1. Class 72--Feathered Pets-- John Lockyer 6W, Harold Brown 3, Dor- othy Rodd 4W, John Hopkins 7W, Lloyd Prouse 6W, Robert V. Young Class 73--Furred Pets-- Tommy Price 4, Marjorie Gammon 8, Lester Beadle 4, Earl Innes 8, Allan Hol- liday U2, John Lockyer 6W. Ci 76--Calf, Dairy type, or pure-bred heifer or pure- bull . ' 8, La Holliday no. La - U2, Ma on fiabbarg 8. Luh Class 77-- Ma Type. Lamb, (not to weigh over 90 1bs.)--Mathew Agar 3, > Class 79--First Aid Contest-- Marian Hubbard 8, Inez Tummonds, Merlin Slute, Inez Wilson 9, Lillian Timms, Dorothy Bright. Eileen Parkin U2, Laural Holli- day, Jean Ledgett, Patricia Hodson 1, Evelyn Lewis, Doris Davie. Class 80--Apple Naming Contest ~Frank Hayes 6E, Blanche Cendo- Sat ow Motley Torwegar Ey rval Rahme 5E, Hen: , John' Lockyer 6W, id = Class 82--Vocal Duet--Margaret Lockyer and John Lockyer,' 6W; Doris Davis and Lorna Davis 1. Class 83--Public Speaking Con- test--Girls--time limit 3 minutées-- Marjorie Bell 5W, Inez Tummonds 8E, Evelyn Lewis 1, Laural Holli- day U2, Class 84--Public Speaking Con- test--boys--time limit 3 minutes-- Lloyd Rahme 5E. Tr IMPORT GOODS--EXPORT MEN (La Patrie. Montreal) During the last twelve months our imports from the United States showed an increase over the pre- ceding twelve months of $140,000,- 000. They now reach a total of #902,000,000, which amounts to saying that we buy from the Un- ited States three million dollars worth of good a day, for the most part manufactured articles, often made out of primary products of Canadian origin. So long as our commerce develops in this manner it will be in vain to try and stop the exodus of our workers, who are (irresistibly attracted to the |: other side of the frontier by the prospects of employment. MONEY IN IT (Boston Post) There must be more money in writing poetry than is generally supposed. Stephen Vincent Benet, » OFF TO SCHOOL WITH A JUMP - - READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY SHREDDED WHEAT With all the bran of the whole wheat So easy to give children a warm, nourishing breakfast. All the food elements their growing bodies need, in such a de. licious, digestible form. Saves mother a lot of work and worry, da 14 who won the Pulitzer prize for | and twenty-eight trunks and haude poetry this year, recently arrived | bags. in New York from a trip abroad. The ship news reporters relate that he was accompanied by his wife, his two. children, a nurse, a dng Some people are blessed with a great deal of tact, others just tell the truth.-- The Looker-On, VICTOR RADIO-ELECTROLA R $375 Complete with 1wbes RLU LR AL 4 ES | i (ELL sensitive to a super-degree. Improved radio-circuit dei precedented fidelity, volume--no distortion, Exclusive super-automatic lector as illustrated. Three distinct units--all Marvelous new. all-Victor \O Co ~~ OO Un bh WW [3S] picture. . Features of VICTOR'S Greatest Instrument 'A vemarkable new and improved Electrola that reproduces VE. Orthophonic Records with thril- ling new power--depth--color, Micro-synchronons balance: every element in micro-exact resonance at any frequency. Select and Two new Radiotrons 245 in the circuit; increased Quickly removable for inspection. re-creates music from the air ar record--beau- sifully! ww. = True trebles--irue bass notes. Exquisitely designed compact Victor cabinet. T'rademarked "His Master's Voice". most famous guarantee in three words and a the greatest instrument of all The marvellous new Micro- Synchronous Radio combined with the new and improved Electrola E43 + * * * * * * both in one superb instrument at only $375 VICTOR RADIO CONSOLE R-32 $255 Compleie with tubes FF ¥ / J \ / TUT ¢ VICTOR FULL VISION ILLUMINATED SUPER-AUTOMATIC STATION SELECTOR-- all siasions plainly and perfectly visible=--]uss slide knob--and iurn for microexacs " A T last... an instrument that crystallizes in one magnificent cabinet -- Victor's thirty years of leadership . . . Victor's ex- quisite craftsmanship . . . Victor's pre-emi- nent engineering genius. An instrument that brings new glory to "His Master's Voice" trademark . . . an instru- ment that gives you music from the air sur- passing anything you ever heard before . . .. music from V.E. Orthophonic records you eloped by Victor--un- \ never thought possible. full vision station se- scientifically shielded. eleciro-dynamic speaker The world's" A duo-instrument combining a radically new type Victor Radio with the new and improved Electrola . . .. both specially designed and ; built for each other . . . both related and balanced with true Victor precision . .... both housed in one handsome cabinet. | Never before was radio so easy to tune. All stations fully visible -- always before you. Never before has radio offered such start- ling clarity of tong -- such warmth, rich- ness, color. Never before was radio-record enjoyment placed on a plane so near perfection, Switch from station to VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL adjustment. * «An record at the mere turn of a tiny knob -- and get radio reproduction that at last matches the marvelous tone of the new Orthophonic records. Only $375 for the entire instrument with ten tubes! The new Victor Radio can of course be had separately -- in handsome cabinet of original design «we +s. price only $255. TO-DAY--Whether or not you own a radio or a talking machine or both -- set aside fifteen minutes for the musical thrill of your life. It will be the most amazing demonstration you have ever heard! Go to your nearest Victor Dealer -- see and hear Victor's latest and greatest contris | bution to musical Canada. It will be an experi- | ence you'll never forget . .. in radio and record enjoyment. TODAY--DON'T MISS IT!

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