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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1929, p. 9

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v) THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY yOCTOBER 3, 1925 PRIZE WINNERS. AT SCHOOL FAIRS * ARE ANNOUNCED Complete List of Successful asad PICKERING Rural School Fall Fair, 1929 The following is a complete list of prize winners at the rural school fairs recently held at Pickering, Brougham and emont, as prepated or Ww. M. Croskery, District Agricultural Representative : . ss. 1 Irish Cobblers, 12 tubers-- 1, Jean Annan; 2, Lloyd Petty; 3, 'Stanley Balsdon; 4, Peter Crosby. Class 2. Green Mountains, 12 tub- ers--1, Muriel Torrance. Class 3. Dooleys, 12 tubers--I1, Ar- thur West; 2, Arthur Thompson; 3, Muriel Torrance ; 4, Leo Usity. + Class 4. Wheat, Goose, 1 quart-- 1, Gordon Petty. Class 5. Wheat, any variety, sheaf '=1, Gordon Petty; 2, Kenneth Bals- don; 3, Harold Sedman. Class 6. Barley, O.A.C. 21, 1 quart ~1, Norman Petty; 2, Johnnie Cul- etta, Class 8. Oats, Banner, 1 quart-- 1, Norman Petty. Class 9. Oats, any variety, sheaf --1, Robt. Osborne. Class 10. Sweet Corn, Golden Ban- tam, 6 ears--1, Dorothy Ferguson; 2, Doris Moore; 3, Tena Mutch; 4, Betty Arnold; 5, Jack Andrew; 6, Margaret Lowry. Class 11. Mangels, Giant White Sugar, 3 roots--1, Howard Sleys. Class 12. Turnips, Canadian Gem, 3 roots--1, Audrey Shortt. Class 13. Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 5 specimens--1, Mike Boychyn; 2, Gwendolyn Stephenson; 3, Maric Balsdon; 4, Alice Thurman; 5, Jack Boyes; 6, Wylda Spencer. Class 14. Carrots, Chantenay, 5 specimens--1, John Barker; 2, Alan Petty; 3, Harry Shortt; 4, Stanley Balsdon; 5, Allan Rittenhouse; 6, Hazel Petty. Class 15. Parsnips, Hollow Crown, 5 specimens--1, Eileen Annis; 2, Bertha Smith; 3, Winnifred Stephen- 'son. Class 16. Onions, Yellow Globe Danvers, 5 specimens--1, Blanche Balsdon; 2, Doris Bryant; 3, Flor- New Martin Now Playing The Man From : Headquarters A Secret Service Drama : COMEDY SAY IT WITH HAY-WIRE also : HODGE-PODGE Chapter 5 "Pirates of Panama" Vengeance ence Puckrin; 4, Herbie Morrison; 5, Fred .Stroud- Class 17. Mangels, any variety, named, 1 root--l1, Bob. Morrish; 2, Florence Mitchell; 3, Vincent Bye; 4, Paul Nicholson; 5, Grace Devine; 6, Harold Redman. Class 18. Turnips, any variety, 1 root, named--1, Paul Nicholson; 2, Harold Redman; 3, John Teefy; 4, Bob Morrish; 5, Florence Mitchell; 6, Harry Shortt. Class 19. Table beet, any variety, 1 specimen, named--I1, John chyn; 2, Earl Taylor; 3, Jack Boyes; 4, Hazel Petty; 5, Blanche Balsdon; #6, Kenneth Balsdon. Class 20. Table Carrott, an iety, named, 1 specimen--I, Torrance; 2, Florence Mitchell; 3, John Teefy; 4, Arthur Petty; 5, obt. Osborne; 6, John Boychyn, | Class 21. Onion, any variety, nam- ed, 1 specimen--I1, Esther Barkey; 2, Douglas Bryant; 3, Jack Boyer; 4, Susie Adams; 5, Connie Morrison; 6, Grace Devine. Class 22. Pumpkin, any variety, 1 specimen--1, Robt. Osborne; 2, Chas. Calladine ; 3, Stanley Tripp; 4, Harry Clark; 5, Russell Powell; 6th, Ken- neth Powell. Class 23. Northern Spy, 5 apples-- 1, Jack Boyes; 2, Jas. Armstrong; 3, Helen Chambers; 4, Hazel Patty; 5, Bruce McGregor; 6, Evelyn Hall, Class 24. McIntosh, 5 apples--I1, Bruce McGregor; 2, Helen Cham- bers; 3, Harry Shortt; 4, Audrey Shortt; 5, Susie Adams; 6, Jack Boyes. Class 25. Apple Collection--1, Jas. Hale; 2, Jack Boyes; 3, Betty Ar- nold; 4, Helen Chambers; 5 Mar- jorie MzGregor; 6, Bertha Smith, Class 26. Pears, any variety, nam- ed, 5 specimens--I1, Doris Moore; 2, Florence Puckrin; 3, Helen Cham- bers; 4, Arthur Petty; 5, Bertha Smith; 6, Wilma Richardson. Class 27. Tomatoes--1, Lloyd Pet- ty; 2, Betty Arnold; 3, Howard Sleep; 4th, Stanley Tripp; 5, Frank Sobol; 6, Kathleen Watson, Class 28. Salpiglossis--1, Alice Thurman; 2, Arthur Smith; 3, Mary Hickey; 4, Bobby Torrance; 5, Marie Balsdon; 6, Louie Reading. Class 29. Asters--I1, Audrey Shortt; 2, Herbie Morrison; 3, Susie Puck- rin. Class 30. Zinnias--1, Eileen Annis; 2, Norma Flett; 3, Gordon Watson; 4, Jack Boyes; 5, Marguerite Bye; 6, Alvin Pilkey. Class 31. Phlox--1, Kathleen Wat- son; 2, Gordon Petty; 3, Alan Petty; 4, Errol Mattingsley; 5, Jean King- ston. : Class 32. French Marigolds--1, Vernon Moore; 2, Helen Maddaford ; 3, Lloyd Courtice: 4, Isabel Richard- son; 5, Muriel Torrance. 6, Ger- trude Stephenson. Class 33. Pinks--I1, Lloyd Petty; 2, Florence Puckrin; 3, Leo Usity; 4, Winnifred Stephenson. Class 34. Table Bouquet, mixed flowers--1, Isabel Richardson: 2, Al- lan Rittenhouse; 3, Roy Flett; 4, Jack Boyes: 5, Margaret Somerville; 6, Evelyn Hall. Class 35. Dahlias--1, Allan Ritten- house; 2, Isabel Richardson; 3, Gor- don Petty; 4, Bob Morrish: 5, Mu- riel Torrance: 6, Marjorie White. Class 36. Gladioli--1, Walter Reid, 2, Eileen Annis; 3, Margaret Lowry; 4, Muriel Torrance; 5, Florence Puckrin; 6, Isabel Puckrin. Class 37. Oatmeal Macaroons--1, Helen Balsdon; 2, Florence Mitchell: 3, Doris Hogue; 4, La Rene Bryant, Class 38. Graham Muffins--1, Dor- othy Watson; 2, Grace Devine; 3, Betty Arnold; 4, Ada Arnold; §, Ve- ra Greenlaw: 6, Isabel Richard » | Class 39. Light layer cake--1, ",u- var- by Andrew; 2, Susic Adams; 3, Eve. Now Steinite pros itis needless To pay) more for s FANE RADIO $212.30 with tubes The spotlight of public favor is on the new Steinite --a Super Screen- Grid radio offering every wanted feature of modern radio --at $177. Check Steinite's features against all other radios. You will be surprised to find that all the new improve- ments in radio are among them! 'Three screen-grid tubes in a super screen-grid circuit--power detection --truly humless tone--push-pull am- plification--and an electro-dynamic speaker of magnificent tone! {This remarkable set is waiting for you on some Steinite dealer's floor. IA deserves your full consideration. |See it--hear it--compare it--and you will buy it! Gteinite SUPER _SCREEN-GRID RADIO SPOTTON ENGINEERING COMPANY GUELPH, ONT. 'No More Than This) At Any Price! . THREE SCREEN.GRID 1 TUBES iotal of 7 tubes. 'Four Condensers. Li: power detection | with sutomatie grid blus. | Push-pull audio power tage, using the newest SE cubew. S. Real humless reception. 6. "Battleship" chassis con- structions completely shielded. 4. 1. ELECTRO-Dynamie) speaker. 2 8. Gloriqus tone. 9. Magnificent consoles.) Lower Prices Offer Less; Higher Prices Give No More urie] | Rudd. ott; 6, Mary Hickey. Class 40. School lunch for one-- 1, Helen Scott; 2, Jean Kingston; 3, Helen Balsdon; 4, Florence Puckrin; Class 41. September Breakfast for 10-year-old girl--1, Audrey Shortt; 2, une Price; 3, Helen Balsdon; 4, etty Arnold; 5 Helen Scott; 6, Jean Annan, uh Class 42. Apple Pie--1, Evelyn Hall; 2, Grace Devine; 3, Hazel Pet- ty; 4, Helen Scott; 5, June Price; 6, Marjorie Stephenson. Class * 43. Wash cloth--1, Isabel Norma Flett; 4, Dorothy Watson; 5, Florence Mitchell; 6, Margaret us . "Class 44.. Darned Stocking--1, Ha- zel Petty; 2, Marjorie Stephenson. + Class 45. Clothe Pin Apron--1, Irene Elliott. Class 46. Covered Coat Hanger-- 1, Hazel Derty: : A Class 47, rawings of Wild Birds --1, Peter Crosby: 2, Betty Barker; 3, Dorothy Watson; 4, Frank Clark; 5. Margaret Rudd; 6, Leo Usity. Class 48. Agricultural Scrap Book --1, Peggy Stone; 2, Phyllis Grew; 3, Mildred Hollinger; 4, Alvin Pil- key; 5, Connie Morrison; 6, Alice Dingwall, Class 49. Collection of 20 Insects --1, Helen Scott; 2, Louie Reading. Class 50. Collection of 6 Snap shots of farm homes--I1, Margaret Lowry; 2, Eddie McDonald; 3, Paul Nicholson. Class 51. Collection of Vegetables --1, Dorothy Watson; 2, Alice Thur- man. Class 52, Writing--What I Should Do--1, Clinton Prouse; 2, Ross Burns; 3, Dorothy Bradley; 4, Leo Usity; 5, Jack Rigby; 6, Harold Scott. Class 53. Lullaby--I1, Dorothy Ferguson; 2, Phyllis Grew; 3, Isabel Richardson; 4, Frank Straughan; 5, Marie Balsdon; 6, Stephen Burdyka. Class 54. A Farewell--1, Marjorie Bell; 2, Hazel Petty; 3, Louie Read- ing; 4, Walter Reid; 5, Evelyn Hall; 6, Geraldine Bath, Class 55. Children's Song--1, Lena Culetta; 2, Ruth Hollinger; 3, Mary Hickey; 4, Wylda Spencer; 5, Fred Stroud; 6, Irene Gordon. Class 56. Crayon Drawing of a Brown Teddy Bear--1, Gordon Din- woodie; 2, Roy T.ylor; 3, Harry Clark; 4, May Guilbault; 5, Roy Flett; 6, John Culetta. Class 57. Crayon Drawing of an Apple--1, Leo Usity; 2, Geo. Gallop; 3, Howard Straughan; 4, Paul Ni- cholson; 5, Jas. MeRae; 6, Ross Burns. Class 58. Winter Landscape--I, Frank Straughan; 2, Eunice Rich- ards; 3, Alice Dingwall; 4, Lois Ra- vin; 5, Elmer Lec; 6, Stephen Bur- yka., Class 59. Tulip in water colors-- 1, Marjorie Stephenson; 2, Marjorie Bell; 3, Mary Spragge; 4, Harold Stroud; 5, Howard Leonard; 6, Ha- zel Petty. Class 60. Illustrative Drawing -- 1, Bertha Smith; 2, Lloyd Petty; 3, Ruth Hollinger; 4, Dorothy Rich- ards; 5, Dorothy Kennedy; 6, Har- old Tenny. Class 61. Essay on the Potato Situation--1, Ruth Hollinger; 2, Roy Pilkey; 3, Gordon Petty; 4, Leslie Beare; 5, Arthur Petty; 6, Susie Adams. s Class 62. Plasticine model of a dog--1, Muriel Torrance; 2, Roy Taylor; 3, Mike Boychyn; 4, Aileen Rodd; 5, Howard Straughan; 6, Mar- garet Lowry. Class. 63. Window Stick--1, Al- lan Petty; 2, Errol Mattingsley; 3, Paul Nicholson; 4, Leo Usity; 5, Harold Scott. Class 65. Bird house for wrens-- 1, Howard Robinson; 2, Arthur Pet- ty; 5, Walter Reid; 4, Arthur Smith. Class 66. B., P. Cockerel--1, Robt. Osborne; 2, Francis McQuay; 3, Earl Taylor; 4, Jas. Armstrong; 5, Ivan Barrett; 6, Jim Gillard. Class 67. B.P.R. Pullet--1, Don- ald Gilchrist; 2, Jas. Armstrong; 3, Herbie Morrison; 4, Francis Mc- Quay; 5, Robt. Osborne; 6, Vera Greenlaw. Class 68. White Leghorn Cockerel --1, Roy Pilkey; 2, Alvin Pilkey. Class 69. White Leghorn Pullet-- 1, Jas. McQuay; 2, Roy Pilkey; 3, Alvin Pilkey, Class 70. White Wyandotte Cock- erel--l, Allan Bath. Class 71. White Wyandotte Pul- | let--I1, Allan Bat! . Class 72. Feathered Pets--1, Elea- nor Legard; 2, Vincent Bye; 3, Gor- don Andrew; 4, Marjorie Bath; S, Lillian Cook; 6, Robt. Osborne. Class 73. Furred Pets--1, Hazel Petty; 2, Daphne Stone; 3, Harry Shortt; 4, Douglas Johns; 5, Donald Gilchrist; 6, Gordon Watson. Class 75. Calf, beef type.--1, Gor- don Wade. i i Class 79. First Aid Competition-- 1, Rosie Culetta; 2, Doris Taylor; 3, Paul Nicholson, \ Class 80. Alps Naming Contest-- 1, Evelyn Hall; 2, Bertha Smith; 3, Hazel Petty; 4, Marjorie MacGregor; 5, Verna Salisbury; 6, Roy Pilkey. Class 81. Harmonica Contest -- 1, Frank Sabol; 2, Frank Straughan, Class 82. Vocal Duet--1, Grace Devine and Mary Majulka; 2, Nor- ma Flett and Roy Flett; 3, Stanley Balsdon and Walter. Reid. a Class 83. Public Speaking Contest --Girls--1, Ruth Hollinger; 2, Marie Hickey; 3, Mildred Hollinger; 4, Marjorie Stevenson; 5, Phyllis Grew. Class 84. Public Speaking Contest --Boys--1, Arthur Smith; 2, Stanley Redman; 3, Clayton Grew. BROUGHAM Class 1. Irish Cobblers, 12 tubers --1, Allen Mitchell; 2, Norma Fuller; 3, Lawrence Gray; 4, Majorie Percy; 5, Ivan Fuller; 6, Doris Dolphin. Class 2. Green Mountain, 12 tub- crs--1, Stewart Tweedie; 2, Ella El- son; 3, Marie Ham; 4, Grant John ston. Class 3. Dooleys, 12 tubers--I, Norma Fuller; 2, Lorne Holtby; 3, Norval McAvoy; 4, Robt. Miller; 5, Ross Madill; 6, Shirley Froyer. Class'5. Wheat, any variety, sheaf 3 in. in diam.--1, Morris Gostick; 2, Ross Madill. 3 in. in diam--1, Robt. Miller. Class 8. Oats, Banngr, 1 quart--1; Norma Fuller; 2, Ross Madill; 3, Helen Farley. Class 9. Oats, any variety, sheaf 3 in. in diam.--1, Grant Johnston; 2, Robt. Miller; 3, Ross Madill. Class 10; Sweet Corn, Golden Ban- tam, 6 ears--1, Ross Wilson; 2, Au drey Plaxton; 3, Lois Draper; 4, John Puckrin; 5, Borden* Middleton; 6, Roy Davis. Class 11. Mangels, Giant White Hall; 4, Wylda Spencer; 5, Helen | Richardson; 2,. Esther - Barkey; 3,} Class 7. Barley, any variety, sheaf | Class 12. Tusrnips, Canadian Gem, 3 roots--1, Robt. Glidde n. A Class 13. Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 5 specitiens--1, Christina Milne; 2, Marjorie Percy; 3, Ella Elson; 4, Marion Stevenson; 5, Jean Hiltz; 6, Lois Draper. °° Class 14. Carrots, Chantenay, 5 specimens--1, Annie Ison; 2, Ru- by Booth; 3, Fern Malcolm; 4, Chas. Léhman; 5, Ross Wilson; 6, Geo. White. Ben Class 15, Parsnips, Hollow Crown, 5 specimens--1, 2, Kathleen McAvoy. Class 16." Onions, Yellow lobe Danvers, 5 specimens--1, Merle Holt- by; 2, Fred Lewis; 3, Gloria Wind- sor; 4, Gordon: Gray; 5, ~:Kathleen Wilson; 6, Lawrence Cammack. Class 22. Pumpkin, any variety, 1 specimen--1, Verna Fuller; 2, Chris- tina Milne; 3, Grant Johnston; 4, Audrey Plaxton; 5, Donald Duncan; 6, Geo, Hodgson, it Class 23. Northern Spy, 5 apples-- 1, Annie Coulson; 2, Allen Mitchell; 3, Henry Westney: 4, Geo. Willson: 5, Jessie Green; 6, Audrey Plaxton, Class 24. McIntosh, 5 apples ~1, Henry Westney; 2, Jack Carlton; 3, Gordon Carlton; 4, Shirley Froyer; 5, Lawrence Gray. Class 25. Apple Collection, best 6 varieties--1, Annie Coulson; 2, Julia Wilson; 3, Borden Middleton; 4, Ella Elson; 5, John Puckrin; 6, Grant Johnston, Class 26. Pears, any variety, nam- ed, 5 specimens--]1, Henry Westney; 2, Julia Wilson; 3, Lawrence Gray; 4, Blanche Tran; 5, Norma Fuller; 6, Shirley Froyer. . Class 27. Tomatoes, any variety, 5 specimens--1, Christina Milne; 2, Lorne Holtbhy; 3, Virginia White; 4, Lorraine Harriman; 5, Merle Hop- kins; 6, Gordon Carleton, Class 28. Salpiglossis, 12 sprays -- 1,. Christina Milne; 2, Fern Malcolm; 3, Gordon Cammack; 4, Marion Ste- venson; 5, Jean Hiltz. Class 29. Asters, 3 colors, 12 blooms--1, Fred Lewis; 2, Alma Ha- milton. Class 30. Zinnias, living-room ta- ble bouquet--1, Madeline Davis; 2, Frank McAvoy. Class 31. Phlox, living-room table bouquet--1, Gordon Gray; 2, Lillian Plaxton; 3, Ellen Kinnear; 4, Joh Ailles, . Class 32. French Marigolds--1 Roy Coulson; 2, Russell Gray; 3, Bobby Malcolr ; 4, Ross Madill; 5, Ruby Booth; 6, Pearl Hickson. . Class 33. Pinks--1, Ross Willson; 2, Douglas Rockham; 3, Harry Plax- ton; 4, Sybil Shaver; 5, Mary' Mal- colm, . Class 34. Table bouquet, mixed flowers--1, Leo Hagerman; 2, Vir- ginia White; 3, Margaret Bayles; 4, Annie Bayles; 5, Christina Milne; 6, Kathleen McAvoy. Class 35. Dahlias, 12 blooms--1, Lorraine Harniman; 2, Kathleen Mc- Avoy; 3, Virginia White; 4, Julia Wilson; 5, Margaret Bayles; 6, Ver- na Hopkins. Class 36. Gladoli, 9 spikes.--1, Ju- lia Wilson ; 2, Marjory Perry; 3, Leo Hagerman; 4, Merle Holtby; 5, Les- lie Randall; 6, Harold Cassie. Class 37. Oatmeal Macaroons -- 1, Annie Coulson; 2, Jean Hiltz; 3, Myrtle Gostick; 4, Betty Golden; 5, Mary Neale; 6, Sybil Shaver. Class 38. Graham Muffins, plate of 5--1, Billy Moore; 2, Muriel Gostick; 3, Blanche Tran; 4, Myrtle Randall; 5, Mary Malcolm; 6, Myrtle Elliott. Class 39. Light layer cake, plain white icing--1,. Virginia hite; 2, Marion Stevenson; 3, Marion Mec- Kay; 4, Margaret Bayles; 5, Evelyn Brown; 6, Marjorie Percy. Class 40. School lunch for one -- 1, Jessie Green; 2, Margaret Bayles; 3, Christina Milne; 4, Sybil Shaver; 5, Audrey Plaxton; 6, Pearl Hickson. Class 41, September breakfast for 10 year old girl--1, Margaret Bayles; 2, Jessie Green; 3, Christina Milne; 4, Virginia White; 5, Marion Mc- Kay; 6, Sybil Shaver. Class 42--.Apple Pie--1, Christina Milne; 2, Ella Elson; 3, Marion Mc- Kay: 4, Kathleen McAvoy; 5, Bil lie Moore; 6, Edythe Williams. Class 43. Wash. Cloth--1, Kathleen Gostick; 2, Merle Holtby; 3, Myrtle Gostick; 4, Gloria, Windsor. Class 44. Darned Stocking--I1, Christina Milne; 2, Leslie Randall; 3, Myrtle Randall; 4, Dora Mathews; , Lois Draper. Class 45. Clothes Pin Apron --1, Margaret Bayles; 2, Audrey Plax- ton; 3, Marjorie Percy; 4, Virginia White; 5, Ella Elson; 6, Marie Ham. Class 46. Covered coat hanger --1, Marie Ham; 2, Margaret Bayles; 3, Annie Coulson; 4, Julia Wilson; 5, Audrey Plaxton; 6, Virginia White. Class 47. Drawings of Wild Birds ~--1, Fred Tamplin; 2, Russell Brown; 3, Kathleen Gostick; 4, Myrtle Gos- tick; 5, Annie Coulson; 6, Mary Agisicaltural Scrap Book odgson; 2, Minnie Gos- tick; 3, Billie Moore; 4, Christina ilne. Class 49, Collection of 20 Insects-- 1, Ross Madill; 2, Robt. Miller. Class 50. Collection of 6 snap shots of farm homes--I1, Lorna Don- nelly; 2, Robt. Miller; 3, Ross Ma- dill; 4, Dora Mathews. Class 51, Collection of Vegetables, 8 varieties--I1, Christina Milne; 2, Loraine Harrison; 3, Norval Mec- Avoy; 4, Margaret Bayles; 5, Ross Willson; 6, Virginia White. Class 52. Writing "What I Should Do"--1, Kathleen McKay; 2, Donald Ailles; 3, Jean Hiltz; 4, Leo. Hager- man; 5, Bob Glidden; 6, Mary Pos- ti ill, Class 53. Writing--"Lullaby" -- 1, (Continued on page 10) Clara Bow "DANGEROUS CURVES" ADDED ATTRACTICIIC ! DON'T WAIT FOR DISEASE. Head it off. Don't let poisons creep into the system. Keep it clear and healthy. Your druggist says: JACK'S LAX. Jato own : Hvatinent for slow-mov- y functions. Quadruple action ~Bowels, Liver, Stomach, Kidneys. Sugar, 3 roots--I1, Morris Gostick. A Sold by H., Thompson, Druggist Iter Whitebread ; | A chance to the world's hear RADI ERE they are, the finest radios in the world, the Balanced-Unit Philcos, the radios that have revolutionized radio tone, doubled "the of radio selertivity, and widened by thousands of miles the circle of stations from which the radio ownér may choose. Seven handsome Philco models await your selection. When you hear the startling clearness with which they reproduce every p , DO matter how intricate, no matter whether instrumental or vocal--when ou tune interfering Programs into stillness by just a hairbreath turn f the Philco dial--when you bring in station after station from far out across the continent--then you will understand why Philco sales this year have shown a percentage increase nine times as great as the average for the whole industry. ; *1 7 ---------- Not only will Philco's extraordinary performance greatly increase your radio enjoyment, but Philco's cabinets are tinged with beauty that recalls the work of the fine old cabinet-makers of England. And yet, in spite of these juany valuable features, Philco prices are remarkably low--the result of exceptional manufacturing facilities. Do you know any sounder radio investment? Nobody does! A NEXT SUNDAY AT 5.30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra go on the air for the first time. Don't miss this, the most important and most enjoyable radio event of the year. But--if you want to hear the music of this great orchestra exactly mirrored in sound, be sure to tune in with a Balanced-Unit Philco. PHILCO BALANCED-UNIT SCREEN GRID LOWBOY, ONLY 00 Tubes Extra 69 Neutrodyne-Plus $185.00 A. UNIT LOWBOY Your nearest Philco dealer will be glad to arrange a free demonstration of any Philco model you may select. Easy terms if you decide to buy. BALANCED-UNIT HICHBOY Neutrodyne-plus . . $215.00 Screen Grid . » » ~ $199.00 BALANCED-UNIT HIGHBOY DE LUXE Neutrodyne-Plus . . $295.00 : All prices Screen Grid . « + o $280.00 less tubes Eo een Grid only BALANCED-UNIT TABIE MODEL $95.00 Electro-Dynamic Speaker $44.00 Cutten & Foster Limited, Toronto WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS BALANCED -UNIT RADIO Sole Agents A ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville Bargains In Footwear LADIES' KID STRAP SLIPPERS In fine dongola kid, one strap, rubber heels, sewn soles wide fitting. $1.19 Price ... For Fall! PATENT LEATHER $4.00 Agnew-Surpass offer 8 smart styles, snappy shapes or the new shade of brown, cuban heels, with rubber or leather top lifts. All new styles with new square toe, Price, 2814 SIMCOE SOUTH | Shoe Stores AGNEW -SURPASS PHONE 3057

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