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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, i ad ) "The WIFE WHO FAILED And the Girl who Saved Garrard from His Crimte---- And Brought Happiness, 1! Instalment Nineteen BARVEY GARRARD, finds 1 business which be fn» about bankrupt, re- idle lite and turns p And. sympathy to his SLBBED: who has thelr - property tied up tor f, But she falls him ut in his orisis and Indig- nantly leaves him with the word that she married him oply to be supported In luxe ury Harvey finds a stranger alone in his office late at night dead in 8 chair, with a million fn negotiable securities in his ' possession, The temptation to appropriate this money to 4elp tide over the business Is too strong, The man was EBENEZER SWAYLE, but there seems to have beésn no record of the fortune he Was carrying, and Harvey's theft fs undiscovered, A new phase is put on the situation, however, with the appearance of the desd man's granddaughter, | GRACE BWAYLE, wno had an engagement to meet her grandfather and was expecting him tp have an inhecitanre i'veady for her, The giri pets ' Harvey's promise that «he shall be looked after, aud, while here ls pondering how much she might know of the million, he is forced 'nt) A business trip to Amerioy, and tinds her on ghiphoard virtual Iv forcing horself on nim as his secretary, Although guarding himself against any slip which may reveal his sec- ret, he finds the situatisn not unpleasant as thelr friendship grows, Suddenly, however, he hears that Sootland Yard has traced her stolen bonds to his bank account, Now Go On With the Ktory | When, after an exceeding busy afternoon, Harvey called for Grace at 8 o'clock that evening, nothing further had happenedfi 8he enters "od the little sitting room inta which he had been shown---the sittiys room of her tiny flat in Chelsea-- with a delightful suggestion of self. consciousness, Her eyes sought his simost appealingly, He loked across at her with quizzical but very genu- Ine admiration, "Now, he exclaimed, "I know why you asked for the afternoon Rl y "For tonight," she confided, "it was necessary that 1 had a new gown, You approve?" "1 approve," he assured her, and for the moment safd nothing else, He would indeed have found words difficult, It seemed to him that avery day since her appearance she had spent in growing more beautls ful, At first it had been ouly her tharm of manner and movement wd the naturalness of her expres. don which had attracted him, He realized mow the almost alahaster whiteness of her arms and neck, the taint, graceful development of her Hgure, the gentle swelling of her lips, the delicate outline of her bosom, Her new gown was of jome soft white material, modesly fashioned yet daringly scanty, She wag stil) without araments, for she bad firmly refused any offering of elry, "Well?" ghe exclaimed, stil! with that note of questioning in her lone, "To tell you the truth," he eon- fessed, "I was wondering why you looked so adorable, You oughtn't to. White shouldn't be your color, with your creamy complexion and those brilliant lips of yours, bute well--you take my breath away, I feel that I ought to be taking you lo the Ritz at least," cause it Is expensive, The lights ave low upon the tables, and-~llsten to the elderly man-~the cooking Is excellent,' "One ham sandwich and a movin. gue for junch," she confided trag- leally, "and I am young and still growing, with a maximum of six cigarettes a day and nothing at all to disturb my appetite----oxcept be- fug in, love-~ and somehow or oth- ar tonight," she added, taking his hand, "I don't think that even that is going to make any difference, Do you know, my dear, grave com. panion, that this evening you real: ly=--almeost kissed me," "Almost?" "Confess," she pleaded "that you could do even hetter still if it were. n't for that absurd consciente of yours," "I could!" he anawered, drawing her toward him with sudden pas: slon, Grace approved nf the restaurant approved of the dinner her com» panion ordered, approved of the cocktail whieh the bartender him- gelf shook before them, and flually approved with enthusiasm o! the champagne---golden and with Its Httle fire of bubbles--=which pres- ently filled her glass, "In Paris," she told him, "there are several places something like this== places where Senators and men of thes serious world who like good cooking and who cannot be seen to mueh in publie hring thelr sweethearts discreetly or other Fen- ators to talk polities, 1 lave it all, There is just a faint atmosphere of mystery here, It suggests intrigue or love making, We will ¢iv'e of ten, Harvey, We will coma here, will we not, when we are in the great mood-=not when we feal most frivolous, but when the mule we hear in our hearts Is the music of the organ and not the violin, You fight so hard against me, deur, hut 80 uselegsly, Wauld you realiv like to think that I had no share ar part in the life ghead?™ "Grace," he began, but she ways ed back his speech with a litile ime perinus gesture, "It 1s enough" "Your tone speaks, You ars not yet In the mood, Never mini, Put on all your armour, Get ready all your seriousness, Tonight Is the rpert ptinek, and bahald" hor eves mocked his--"It is 1, poor. liltle, weak me, who conquers," He opened his lips and elosed them again, Tt was like striking through the alr at a beautiful! buts terfly to crush her adorable "rire "Did any one in the worll ever resist you?" he asked, "Alas," she assured him, "often but not in this mood, because have never heen in this moad hefore, My mood tonight is as new as my gown, Tt- is born of something w.ich belongs te you, sn when | try to answer your guestion T ean only say that I have had no expers lence," There was a short silence, Har. vey, his mind a little confused reals {zed himself somehow at a priiiious disadvantage against her cherm and perfect naturalness, felt a sense almost of veilef at the arrival of thelr fivst course whose service was presided over by a loquacious hut respectful maitre d'hotel, When they were left to themsalves auain she gave him a brief respite from what he was heginning to lent nnan es a nuisite hut poignant torture, "Please tell me," she berwed, "exactly what, happened this afters noon, It seems amazing to wn: that your great warehouses shoull ave stood open while T was absent." "There was a difference," he ad: mitted, "However perhaps the others didn't notice 1t as mueh as 1 did, Everything went--ta auote the words of those old hulleting-- acvording te plan, Mr, Chalmer the accountant, arrived at 8 o'clock and If such a respectable inearna- she laughed, By E. Phillips Op Sopright by enheim ppenheim Almost eagerly, , Their tone became lighter again a8 the service of dinner proceeded, Grace, with her second giass of champaigne, abandoned all pretense at serious conversation, and Hers vey, in a sort of reaction frum the terrors of the day followed Ler ox» ample, The little room In which they sat--it was one of a suite of four---was presently empty, and when the walter had departed for thelr last course, she leaned across the table and kissed him lightly on the lips, "You are happy, dear," she mur: mured, : Her eyes berought nim, her hands In his, Dear Grace," he sald, "to he with you 1s the greatest happiness I have ever found in life," Harvey dismissed his ear oulside the block of flats and Grace langh- od goftly as they ascended the stairs together, her arm through hie, 'Now, Indeed, you have coms promised yourself, dear lover," she mocked him, "Your ehauffenr is dlgmissed You are planta fel, In the middle of a desolate and lax! less nelghborhood, fn a tiny little room on the fourthfloar, alone with me---with Grace | 44d Ha took You have fear? He kissed her at the bend of the stairs "Why should 17" he answered "It 1s a quarter of an hour's walk to my vanms and 1 have had nn ex ercise all day, Since you sav nn supper and no dancing, why keep an automonile in attendance®" "Supper! Dancing!" she senfled "Theses things are for anciher night," He followed: her inte the Hitle sitting room tolerant enough, for the tenant of the flat was an artist, temporarily fn Nop mandy, The great divan to whieh she le dhim was soft and eamfart. ahle, 8he flitted phout the ream, buse on her task of making enffee "Why do you nat smoke, ami?" she demanded YT gm 80 content, "that 1 forgot," Her eyes glowed at him, She suddenly abandoned her walehing of the great glass haw), epnssad the floar swiftly, sank on her knees by his side and nlaced her lips to his "Ah, my friend," she murmured "why are vou always so stern and Arities with me? It {s neeless, You know what Lam, Tt is In my awn wav that I am fated ta live" "Does any one At you'r age know how they wish to live!" he protest. ed he answered, "Idiot! she scoffed, 'At 21 years ald in my countrve=for think that I am more than half Franohethe irl exists no longer and the soul of the woman is horn I am no longer in my adolescence Ones and far all you must leave aff this attempt to treat me like a ehild, T am'a woman, Harvey your woman," Ha held her hands lovingly, kiss ed her eyes to aveld her Hps and was glad for the bubbling In the bowl which sent her hurriedly back tn her task, She replaced th» caf fee with metionlous skill, Then with an ale of triumph, she hanged out of the cupboard a quaintivihap ed bottle, tull of orange colorad lig. ueur "I heard yon arder this onee. she confided, "I went into uw vreat wine morghant's affiee fn Pall Mall and ther laughed at me when | asked for ane battle, hut thay sold it to me. Then I stopped at Albe- marie street, at a shop where 1 had seen these two mlnsses In the wine dow, and 1 bought them." She poured tha Houweur Into some old goblets, pulled the small gate- legged table up to the divan and seated hevse!l hy his side, "Now," she proclaimed, "we have everything, There are cigarettes, amtohes, coffee and liquenrs---and, incidentally, each other, Tha mom. mon | upon your grandfather, (I was all perfectly true except for Lhis uns voeordes ineldent, 1 wes in my of- fice late and I saw a laht in the walling room, 1 went thers and | was shocked to find your grands fether dead, They had forgetien to tell me that he was walling for an interview, 1 had no idea even of his name, T opened his dispateh how simply to discover who ne was, and I found there American Treas: ury hands for a very large amrunt," "But you sald nothing of this at the Inquest,' "Naturally," he reinined, cause I stole the honds," "I don't believe I(t," passionately, "My dear, it is the truth," he ase sured her, "The anly thing Is that when 1 took them I managed fo pers suade myself that I was horvowing them, I had just arrived from abroad to find the business, with whieh T pad never anything to ao, in a desperate slate, The hank had presented me with an ultimats um demanding a large sum, rither In cash or approved securities I went to a financier whom 1 knew, and tried to harrow money, Tt was Impossible, TY was In despair, My sreat-grandfather founded the | ness of Garrard & Garrard, and It had heen the pride of my grands father's and my father's lives The Idea of allowing It to go Inte banks ruptoy was torture to me, Our need of money was urgent ani even then T was beginning ta helle/s that with time I eould save the hnsiness, Tt seemed as though thnse honds had come Inte my hands at that praciee moment for one nurpose and one purpose only It wa desperate visk, hecause, for any thing T knew, your grandfather minht have had friends or valatives with him who know of thelr axist enee, and If that had heen the epse my theft would have heen digcovs eved In lees than twenty-four hours However, It was elther the hands ar bankruptey for Garrard & Gare rard, and 1 took the risk, helleve me, as mueh for the sake of those others who pave gone as for my nwn I loeked the bands in my desk, left your grandfather lying there and appeared to he surprised ed an everyainn else when I heard of his death, The next morning 1 de. posited the bonds In my Hark es security far the peecount "Are they lost?" she asked quiet ¥ "Heavens, "hes she -eried nal!" he answered [ "But for some absurd technicalities they would have heen In my Yinnds days ago, and 1 shou'd have handed them aver to yal and made my cans fession, The bank has no further elalm upon them, 8a far fram ows ing them any monev, we have made # great fartane, At the lagi mn ment, hawever, as I told you, the luelk want against me, 1 expepted to he arrested this afternoon, The police are probanly walting wath they wet a eamplete Het fram Amers loa, Tomovr aw or the next day will be the end" fhe was sti] sitting a Hitle ava from him, but it was lack af ery hanelon mare than rnything alse which was troubling her "Hut my dear," she demar! "what have the pollee got tr with it? You say that the eats are stil there, and 1 am sur: Yin you Were very, very weleame Io them, even if they had heen lost, it vou wish, 1 shall tell them th | hegged vou to take care of tiem for me." He shook pis head, hut alvandy there was a great relief fu his hei 0 He. returned the pressure of as finwars which had edasped his rac "You have not even appiare upon the scene," he painted ou "You, dear Grace, will T hops ¢ five we, because of aur friendshin nd beepuse you will not he ong fanv the wargs off, You mish bs content, hut it 1s no longer vou n'a decide, Tt Is the police whe | rosa. uta "Aut that 1s absurd." she see! "1 give you the bonds, See, To how mueh da ] én ed they are yours they amount ®™ "A million dollars," he replied "Very well she declamd, 1 alive them to you, Yan cannot sten! Your awn propert Who Is thew now ta acouse yout" "The law," he answered w---- (Continued Tomarraw) @he laughed, Even if white Is not my calor," . she said, "IT wanted to waar it to- night aud. I should hate the Rita, at 1 should really like would be a small restaurant where the tables . ave not too wide or too close togeth- er and where, if there is musle, ft * will not be loud enough to drown the things that I want te heav you ay." "A comprehensive program," he laughed, "Howaver, I'll see Ww' 1t we can do, Are you ready? "Not until you have kissed me" she answered, with a little grimace, "Here we are all alone and you don't seem to have thought ef 1%, Was there ever in this world se provoking a lover?" "Rut ehild," he protested grave- ly, "T am nat your lover." She twined her arma around his neck and drew his head down to " heart and i heart your heart and in my py she declared, "T am u #4 to have it so. Kisy me at! © onee" Their lips: met, and in his over: wrought state Harvey was conscious afterward that for those few sec: ' ands be perhaps forgot the restric. : tions which he had placed wpen himself, After all, he wan still young and she was adopable, Wer , arms and her lips drew from him what he tried so hard to suppress, She laughed happily as they passed down the stairs, ; = "Where do we dine?" the atked, "At a rvestaupant in Soha" he © told her, "which T must confaes has vot a'together the beat of reputa. tiers" fihe laughed once more, "And vou take me theré--you, mv Preux: Chevalier!" "Don't make fun of me," he beg ged. "I am taking rou there hee i eves it gather neavest (a anv nlped XT know to fulfilling your condi 130s, There are few diners be. show enthusiasm he showed i(, tion of pompesity could poasihly He has written a book to prove that all businesses above a certain size should be fmeorporated, and ha not only anproved of my idea hut of every detail in connection with it, The fact that I have chesen just this wement for Incarporation seemed to him, as he put it, tuspir- ed, We are placing the capital at two and a half millions and offer. ing only five hundred thousand pounds' worth of the ordinary shares to the publie" "A foreign language," olared, shaking her head. you are satisfied?" "Absolutely. " "You remain at the heal?!" she asked anxiously, He looked into his glass for a mo. mnet, "Unless something occurs," ha replied, "I managing director, "And it T get my money, may ! have some shares and be permanent secretary? she begged, "Certainly," he promised. For a moment she waa serious, "I 'wisp T could get 11," she sigh- ed, "You have no news yet, Har vey!" YT ean only tell you this" he sald, "You will get it very shortly, within a few days, I think, and 1t will be much more than you ever imagined, Try to be patient until the time comes, dear, You can draw what you will in advance." : - hate - and 1 love Re she eclared, "Fn ang way it gives me a thrill, dear hana. to sit here with you and feal that it is vou who have paid far everything I have on, and vet, in another way, I want it to be me who 18 giving vou thins, T should tove to have a bheantiful haute of mv awn to weloame vou in, hdant'ful frocks and hegutitul jews els far vou to pdmire she de "But unfortunate shall be "That will come," he assured her, ent has arrived when I shall make to you a great request, I shall ask you tell We exactly what this mys: atery is In which you are surround. ing yourself, You are in some sort of trouble. Remember that I am your faithful little friend and let me share it." She was almost In his arms, her head upon his shoulder, the sweet: ness of her enveloping him In a cloud of mystery and delight, There came to him suddenly a flash of in. epivation, There was after all one weapon left which he could use, and almost an the idea presented itself he gels: ed upon it, "Very well," he agreed, "1 will make my confesalon, I will tell you what I never dreamed I should tell a lving soul, 1 will tell you the secret which I have carried about with me ever since the night after T returned ta England." She sald nothing, only held him a little tighter to show her content. "Be prepaved for a shook," he warned her, "It vou T who stole or borrowads--whi "=p you MNke te call it--honds wi' vour grand: father meant for vou, the night he died! In a days time they would have heen restored to your posses alon, but the lek has gone against me, The police, although you have keit baok your list, discovered the numbers of oi 3 of the honds which your grandfather hrought from Am- erica, and when the bank sent fer we this morning it was to ask for an explanation, Scotland Yan! hed already communicated with them." She drew perself away frow him, but it was obriously in hlank ssten- fshment rather than from any othe oF veason, "What absurdity fs this?" she ex- claimed. "Do you know what you are saving? It la ineredible.' "Nevertheless 1b 1s true he went on, "Yau have road the evids ence whnlep was given at the laguest | WORLD RECORD MADE BY COSTES 5,000 Miles Covered in One Straight Line--Paris to Manchuria Paris, Oet, T.~=The French Alr ministry last night announced that Dieudonne Costes, who took off from Le-bourget ailvdromd, just outside Paris, on Friday moming, September 27, in his plane, "The Question Mark," accompanied hy Jacques Hellonte, his wmeehanie, had established a new world's veo: ord far airplane distance flight in a straight line, The aly ministry's announcement followed receipt hy the fovelgn of floa of ofaial despatches from Moscow stating that Costes and hig fight companion landed safely last Sunday afternoon at Tealtais han northeast of Haitbin, Manehus ria, This 18 in round figures, §,000 miles from Parla, The previews world's record of 4,476 was estab: lished hy the Italian aviators Ay. ture Ferrarin and Carlo Dal Prete on a flight tn July 1928, from a fleld near Rame to a beach ten wiles north of Natal, Rpasil, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1929 a PAGE FIVE, WOULD ENTERTAIN CHANGE IN APPEALS Lord Birkenhead Discusses Dominions' Elimination of Privy Council Montreal, Oet, 7"1f there is de finite evidence of a feeling wimon the people of Canada and their leg representatives of a desire to abolish appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Couneil, | see no reason why Britain should have (he slightest hesitation in acceding ta it" sald the Earl of Birkenhead, former Lord Chancellor of England farmer Hris tish Attorney-General, and one-time Beeretary of State for India, who i§ a guest at the Ritg-Carlton, when in- terviewed on one of the matters for decision by the next Imperial Confers ence, to be held during 1930 "I have no doubt, however, that there will be found in the Dominion a number of peaple who do not share this view, and jt seems to me that the expression of opinions will have to be yery dehinite before any change is made," he continued, "After all, what does all this mean to England It just means a lot of additional work, whieh, I think I may fairly say has heen well done hy the Judicial Com mittee, Rut gannot imagine that there will be any desire to hold on to the existing system, should Can ada, or any other part of the Empire fael that it prefers to maintain is last court of apnesl within its own tervitarial Himirs," Lord Birkenhead declined to enter taln disoussion of the watter with Canada's newly attained national status us a background Wi merely losing ourselves in wards, we bring that into the matter" Whe ure THE COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, 30 dosing Just rubon ys, Colds Phone 1078 sald, "Canada's wish 14 the important angle of the question, which should he eonsidered on a broad seale, solely on that basis, What | am offering 1s whelly my own epinion, however," he added Questioned yegarding the resent sensation Wi British newspaper eps eles hy Lord Nothermere's vevelation of his 47 per eent interest in Lord Beaverhraok's papers, the farmer ord Chaneellor, who 1s himself a vegilar contributor to Britannia and ve, voleed the opinion that, alter all, as Lord Wathermere hus na con trolling interest in the Beaverbrook wihligations, he had nothing to ose hy any opposition he might velee (o wards it, "As | see i," he sald, "he ean only gain either hy apgmenting lils own eireulations, or those of his supposed opponent, in whieh he is In terested think that he is quite Justified in taking whatever stand he sees Ot, and 1 do not helieve that he has made any very vigorous attack on Lard Beaverbrook in fact 1 think that whatever aggression there ma have heen has been rather from the other side" Plsetissing the unemployment sifu atlon In Great Britain, the forme Cabinet Minister held that eonditions were eanstantly subjected (0 Hross exagueration, "We hear of sno many unemployed," he explained, "but the figures are not permanent, All these waple who are constantly pletured as pans out of work do not remain so permanently, They eome in for some period of employment, and then, lle Blige they 'eome around alain" "Theye 1s a significant fact, which peaple do not seem able to realize, and that Is that there are more pea ple employed In Great Beitain today than there were In August, 1914, wn that allows for approximately 1,000, 000 killed in the war, That Agure | worth considering, for, whereas Eng land's population today is shout 41 GOO000, it mwst he recognized that Armies, Factory and Vead Office Branches and Warehaiset Tommie, Montesl, Onawe, Winnipeg, Regina, 4 own thane fell in the Great Way | were men of @ type to be rated as wha ON'T he misled, as potential fathers of Tainilles, at any rate" A The Earl, who arvived. fsam he middle-western United Biates last evening, Is making a briel visit Jo Montreal partly, as he explained, No | carry out Ws custom of always visit ing Canada when he visits ake United Slates, and also to malie the &egusin tance of his Canadian asseeigtes | Imperial Chemical Indutries, Lid, as represented in this solintey hy 0 on VISIT IN MONTREAL H. A. Gwynne Will Hold Several Conferences at McGill University Montreal, Oot, §,==0ne of Bng+ land's outstanding editors; MM, A, Gwynne, of the London . Morning Post, who Is eoming to Canada ta gat flvst hand Information on eon dittans In the Dominion, He will visht MeGill University nest week on the guest of Col, XX, BR, Thomp fon, professor of acenuntaney My, Gwynne will meet Premisy Tascherean in Queees on Monday and will Hkely be in Montreal the middle of next weak when he will sonfer with Professor Thompson at Metill on Canadian Industrial conditions and the openings for move Heitlsh capital fn the Domdn an The London editor hops had a vi ried career as a eovrespondent for various large lnglish newspapers Including the London Times, Bines 1X00 he has had a number of for Alen asslanments In VArIONE Darts of Burape, Asia and Houth Africa He wan appolnted editor of the Uwithout Machines, g Btandard In 1004 whieh post ha re "You'll like them Twice UCH ONE bowl of Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes makes you want another, That famous flavor of PEP and erlspness which Kell has given them aren't found In any other bran flakes, So nourishing == you get the vitamins, the mineral salts of the wheat and just enough bran to keep you fit, Bold In the red: fren ackage, Made by Kellogg n London, Ontarle, PEP Bran FLAKES BETTER BRAN FLAKES planed In 1011 to luke over the editorship of the Morning Post you look inlo the €eoffiele- washer washes clothes CLEANER FASTER like many men will often create a false impression, The worker that makes the most fuss is not always doing the best work ; it is the steady unobtrusive worker that pleases most in the long run, The Coffield Gyrator Electric Washer is just worker, You perhaps don't see such boisterous surface action, but if you look care. fully you will see the water swirling and boiling deep down in the bottom of the tub, doing the work where the work is needed; cleaning your clothes as no other washer can do it, When you lift out your washing examine the collars and shirt cuffs, There you will see what a real washer can do for you, ectric such a YT | | | Washer Made in Canada by oD HAMILTON, ONTARIO C Bal Sole Agents 70 Simeoe $t. N. wea -- ET 11 -- |} a dng e € On cment Pasments . LEHR Hh A Il | ie NI SR NE NE NN TH Liilnaammaiiit i! Electric Motor or Gas Engine as Required ry DEMONSTRATION NOW ON at Bowra Electric Shop

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