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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Oct 1929, p. 2

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. PAGE TWO | * ! The Whit Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby nest the post office,~~Toelephone 434, --ROBERT H, HOLDEN | . INPROVEMENTS 10 GERTAIN - STREETS + ARE: AUTHORIZ Dandas Street East And Ash 44 + 'Street To Be Im- TOWN COUNCIL MET Division. of the Gravel Pit Was Again Up For ur Discussion ' fo 5 m-- A bylaw was passed at the couns Mt meeting last night to borrow money from the bank not to. ex- ceed $2,600, for improvements to be made to Dundas street east and Ash "stréet, The bylaw provides for $1,800 to be spent on the east sid® of Ash 'street in tiling and fills fng in the ditoh and $1,200 for A cement culvert under Dundas street ondt and filling in and raising the sidewalk from Ash to Hickory Sts. on the north side, These Improve~ ments have been necessitated large Jy through the new garage building which Threadgold Brothers have redently built, This will make an fmiprovement which has long been wanted in this section, 'A request was received from Mr, Sbnnett, principal of the King St, school, requesting the council that the "Junior Red Cross Soclety of that school be permitted to hold a tag day In the town in the near future, A few of the councillors ware of the opinfon that the re quest was just and that the per~ {salon should he granted, Reeve Renny thought that the council exa®ly where the funds would go before granting ernifssion for & tag day, It was decided to obtain further informa- tion from Mr, Sennett before grant. ing permission, ¥ Road to Hospital A communication was recelved from the provincial treasurer's de- partment regarding. the paving of the road from the C.N.R, bridge to t . hospital, The communication stated that this matter would be on up in due time but that ne reement could be found on file whereby © the government had agreed to pay for the upkeep of this . road. his agreement wah thought by some of the councillors -- FT Thousands 'Now Eat a should know 'REPRESENTATIVE fo have heh made some time ago, « A-tommunication was recelved from the Roya! Canadian Humane Boclety with regard to'the present ing of & cartificate for bravery to "Jack Wilson, who saved a youth of his own age from drowning, It wan decided by the couneil that this certifiante whould he framed and prosgy Jack Wilson at the next luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce, A motion was passed to frcorporate this, The following accounts were pre- sented by the finance committee, tound to be correct and passed! #50 y charged to streets; $20.77 charged to tire and light; town pro perty $44.68; Watson street bridge 813,88; Dundas street oulvert, 6.31 and A number of others, Gravel Pit Discussed The division of the gravel pit of which the 'town has recently pure chased a half, came up for consid erable discussion, A request had been made to the township clerk for a description of the pit so that a fair diviston might be made, This apparently has not heen dene, The engineer, Mr, Herb, Pringle, was instructed by the town ecounell to obtain the particulars of the sur vay from the surveyors, The en« ginser and the streets committees have een delegated to go over the pit with the township counell in the near future, These precauntiony are being taken by the counell te fnsure a proper division of the pit 50 that both parties will receive an equal amount of gravel, Transient Traders Counetllor Broughton formally informed the council that he would bring in amendments to the bylaws with regard to transient traders' leensen at the next meeting, It was explained that due to the ef- forts of the Retall Merchants' As- sociation the provincial government had enacted legislation whereby towns were to charge $100 to $300 for such leenses and covered par. ties who started business in a town gr olty where they had not been residents for more than three months, The present bylaw on the statute books fixes the amount of this lHoenwe at $25, Dogs At Large A communication was received from Mr, Martin who lves In the north, section of the town, asking for Gamages for a number of rab- bits whictr had been killed by dogs running at large, Yesterday morn. ing it was explained, Mr, Martin had Jost ten Chinchilla rabbits and he was under the Impression that the town was responsible, Aa the town is only responsible for sheep Killed in this manner, the eounen will inform Mr, Martin that they are not responsible In this matter but, that he is entitled to shoat the dog providing it Is on his own pre- perty, There was a full turnout at the meeting with Mayor Dudley in the chalr, Reeve Kenny, Deputy Reeve Bowman, Councillors Pringle, Da vidson, Ormiston, Reid, Hroughton and Daverell; town clerk Frost, «i gineer H, Pringle and Chief Gune "1A _Delightiul Breakfast Food son in attendance, x a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1929 i Office, Dundos Street, POLICE REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER | BEFORE COUNCIL Chief Gunson Reports on Activities for Last Month The police report for the month of Neptember was presented to the coynell and passed at the meeting last night, The report showed that the fines for the month amohnted to #211 and were made up as fol. lows, Under' the highway tramo act, #43, Fines for violatton of the Liquor Control Act, $160, Vio. Iatlons of the town bylaw, #0, The report showed that under the town bylaws, 18 cases had been prowe- outed with 6 convictions, Under the. lMguor control aot, 2 cases had been prosecuted with 2 convictions, For violation of the highway traffic act, 16 oases had been prosecuted with 0 convictions, Jor violation of the eriminal code, 6 oases had heen prosecuted with # convictions and 2 remands, During September the police had found the doors of 6 business places unlocked at night, The chief also informed the council that he had warned every store selling foe cream and confee- tionery in the town with regard to selling goods on Rhnday, The chief has warned theses merchants thet action would be taken if any violation of the Lord's Day Alliance Aot occurred In future, According to the act bread and milk are the only foods which may be sold and taken off the premises, Any othar foods sold on Bunday must be eat. en on the premises, The council Informed the chief that several places In town were serving meals and lunches without restaurant leenses, As these only cost $1, llconses must he taken out by these stores at once or police court action will he taken, FIRE CHIEF SMITH MAKING INSPECTION -- Fire Chief William Smith is make ing his annual inspection of sohools factories, publie butldings and busi. ness places In connection with fire prevention week, No far he has found conditions to be quite satis factory, The town of Whithy has been very fortunate of late years in having very low tire losses, This, however, 18 no guarantee that this condition will continue and the eitl- send should take every precaution in preventing fires, Whithy has excellent fire fighting equipment and a well organised brigade and the ¢ltizgens would do well to co operate In every way In keeping the fire loss aslow as possible, i Sy i ASS AAA r | Open Tues | EVENING CLASSES Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute day, October 8th at 7.30 Registration Begins Same Date COURSES OFFERED Commercial French Nursing Physics English Shop Mathematics Chemistry Matriculation Subjects Domestic Science Dressmaking & Cooking Woodworking Arithmetic Building Construction lish for New Registration Begine On October 8th, at 7.30 Classes in other subjects may be offered if there is sutficlent Demand. Certificates given to all students who rake satislociory progress, A Chance to Improve Your * Education and Qualify for a Better Position | applied Bowmanville SHORT MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD LAST NIGHT Elgin Street Residents Ask for Pavement to be Laid This Fall HYDRO PURCHASE Chamber of Commerce Asks Council to Call Meeting The town counoll at thelr-regu- lar monthly meeting made short work of the large amount of busi ness that came up hefore them, Mayor Elliott was In the chalr and nll members were present except Councillor Corbett, After the read. ing of the minutes of the last mest. Ing the town fathers settled down to business In earnest, A communleation was read from Mrs, 1K, G, Mitohel concerning the dangerous condition of the side walk on Nelson street, leading to the Canning Factory, This was re ferred to the Roads and Hireets ocommittea with power to act, Thomas Bennet asked for pers migsion to cut down un tree on his property on HOUROK street Ne ferred to roads and streets with power to act A petition wax presented by re. sldents of the north part of Blgin atreét asking for pavement to be Jald before the frost set in, There was some little discussion over who should do the work as one man had put in a tender at the request of the ratepayers of that section but the council decided that an tenders should come through them when asked, Tse petition waa fin. ally sranted and the matter of paving was left fu the hands of the department responsible for that work, It Is expected that the suge gestion of Reeve Thickson that the town do the work themselves will be foll®wed, ¢ Oshawa General Hospital sent communication to the effect of the admission of a Bowmanville eltl- gon to that Institution, This was filed A letter was read from the Ll quor Control Board regarding a fine collected by the town that sreuld have heen pald to that board, Motion was earvied that cheque for the required amount be forwarded to the proper officials, Nydro Purchase The Chamber of Commerce wrole asking for the counell to aet aside a time for A meeting to be held to conalder the purchase of the -Nydro System, It was decided that the mayor and president of the Cham- ber arrange for a meeting the first week In November, to which some engineer of the Commission would be able to he present to explain the details, It was also mentioned that the ratepayers would have the op- portunity of voting on this ques: tion at the next municipal election, A Toronto firm of accountants for the auditing of the hooks for the present fiscal year, put the council decided that this should be left on the table for the finance committes to report on At the next meeting, A letter was read from MoeCarthy & MeCarthy, of Toronto, asking for fees to he paid to a My, Peters in | conneation with the MoGill Estate, Thin matter was left with the Fine lance Committed to take up at A meeting with My, MeCarthy, Heveral women's socleties of the town called the attention of the council to the lack of scenery on the stage in the Opera House which they hire at different times only tor find that much ef the scenery has been lost, strayed or stolen, The matter was referred to the public property committee to re- port at the next meeting, A letter was read In which Con stable Gordon Blackwell tendered his resignation which was accepted, The report of the finance chair man was then read and accounts totalling $1,884.18 were ordered paid, Expense of Roads Reeve Thickson, chairman of the roads and streets committee, obs jected to the charging to his de- partment of expenses incurred on work for which money was provid od last year, Several items that were really the completing of last year's work had been oharged to him and he stated that these would oversrun his estimates for the year The finance, waterworks and roads and streets committees will meat to decide how much of this work shall be oharged to the local im provements of 1028, Ofter of Parking Lot T, 0, Rosas, manager of the Royal 'Theatre, offered the lot next to the show for a parking station to re- lieve the congestion on King street, during the rush hours if the coun~ oll would fix up the approach, He also offered to pay for any gasoline that was used by the town in grads ing the lot to make it suitable for the purpose in mmd, Couneilior James in telling of Mr, Rosa' offer remarked that he though that this generous offer should not he over tooked snd that the lot would ace comodate about thirty oars whioh would bring relief to the Silver 8t, {ntersection, Referred to the roads antl streets committee. Waterworks department submits ted accounts for SHIA. 18 and the renort on these was accepted, Couns ofl ndiourned at 9.80 pam, Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be reovived at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones=-Office, 687 HERBERT MORTLOCK PRESENTATION T0 CHAMPIONS | P SOFTBALL TEAM GOODYEARS BANQUET. TED BY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ------------ Convention of Goodyear Branch Managers to be Held Here -- About forty members of the Goodyear Athletic Association met In the Bowman House on Haturday evening last to tender to the plant softball team winners of both the town and township leagues & ban+ quet, The most interesting part of the ceremonies was the presenta. tion of the Town Cup, In hand. ing thet rophy to John Mooreraft the skipper of the Goodyear team Bill Crossey, president of the Bow: manville Hofthall Association made the following comments! "Centlemen, As president of the Association of which yon are members, I take great pleasure in presenting to you (his cup which you have won for the 1049 season, 1 sincerely hops that you will all be out AgAIn next yeas with the same spirit and In the same fighting mood to endeavour to hold this token of the Town foftball ehamplonship, 1 would Ike to thank every one of you for the hearty co-operation whieh you have given me both on and off the tleld," Mr, Joe O'Neil, in the absence of Mr, Crawford, the manager oi the Canadian Bank of Commeroes, then presented the cup, which was given hy that bank for the Town. ship winners who beat Kbanesar ii the playoff on fair day, My, Bert Colwell, In happy but brief stech, socepted this on behalf of the rest of the team, Mr, Hardy, superin- tendent of the loeal Goodyear plant, spoke on the value of sport, and for the company expressed his appreciation of the winners' efforts to bring the cup to the plant and hoped that the same spirit of loy« alty shown in thelr duties in the fagtery would always be present in thelr sporti. Htaw James, on bes halt of the Goodyear Association, then presentod each member of the team wilh a sweater, the gift of recognition of that hedy, each one bearing the word Goodyear in outs standing lettering on the breast, The meating broke up with the singing of the National Anthem, To Hold Convention About thirty branch managers of the Coodyear Tire and Rubber Company will hold a convention in the Wingfoot Hall at the local plant on Wednesday, In the morn. ing discussions on the different products of the company will take piace, and some of the prominent speakers who will discuss the mathe ering include, Mr, McCarthy, Gene eral Bales Manager, Mr, Koken, (leneral Huperintendent, and Mr, A. M, Hardy, superintendent eof the Bowmanville plant, Immediately after lunch, a tour of the factory will be made and will be followed by more discuss stone, mainly of plans for the mar keting of the new 1980 products The chairman of the gathering will be Mr, MoCrea, sales manager of the mechanioal goods manufaetuy- od by the company, This conven: tion (a now taking on the aspect of an annual affair and an endea« vor will he made to hold one in ench succeeding year, The value of these get together meetings cannot be over-estimated, and lost business come to Haght and go to the making of a hetter produet and the cutting down of overhead expenses, NOWLING NRARON OPENS The howling season opened at hen the (loodyear league pluye was witnessed and the alght teams comprising the league settled down and completed thelr firat schedule in the course of the evening, The results, which will have lit. tle bearing on the season, as they were more a getting back to form than anything, were as follows: Hose Room beat Relt Room in three games out of four, Mat room beat the porters by the same mar gin, The Pyramids alse landed! three games of four from the of. floe In the most interesting play of the night, Callander Room hands od white washing to the Enmineers ing Department, winning all tour games, These teams will meet evs ery Monday night In future and any employee of the plant who {a Interested in the sport ia asked to be present at next week's tour nament, @® m---- INQU-RST TOMORROW NIGHT The Times learn on good author ity that both the main witnesses will he unable to he present at the inquest to be held tomorrow night to hue inte the death of Mrs, R. B, Wakefield, who had her neck broken in the accident on the Kingston Highway east of town last Wednesday, Mr, Wakefield ia still tn Bowmanville Hospital, suffering from wounds he recelv- od, and Mp, Marrow, who is in the Oshawa General Hospital, will also not he well enough to appear, Crown Attorney's office ta Cos hourg that the inquest will be pros ceeded With as was previously ine tended. FIXING ROADS BEFORE FROST Works Department Is Hav- ing » Busy Fall Season a x The public works department are now busy fixing up the roads that are not yot paved before the frost sets in and makes It impos. sible to get them fin trim for the winter, Previous to this, the mat tery of fixing ronds preparatory to the cold season was almost out of the question, it evidently being thought that they would be het- ter left till spring, With this view in mind, several of the streets in the north and south wards have heen fashioally impassable when a midewinter thaw set in for a» few days, Last' spring some of these streets were in such a bad state that an automobile could not make its way up them, Hooves of Joads of good, heavy gravel have been. aid in the past few weeks and a better condition is looked for this year, ¥ive hundred fee) of new storm sawer have been INA recently on Liberty Mtreet North and five man- holes installed to control the was ter in this section, which has done a lot of damage to property in the vicinity after every heavy rain. storm, The work has been done under the direction of J, M, Ken- nedy, water works superintendent and Mr, A, Bloke! of the roads and streets department, HOME AND ROHOOL, CLUB The Home and Hchool Club are holding thelr tirst meeting of the present season at Central Publio Behool on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock sharp, Every mems ber is asked to he present If pos sible and a good program has heen arranged, Any persons Interest od and who oare to join the elub will receive a hearty welcome, AX. PA ORGANTEKRN The Anglican Young People's Association of Bt, John's Church held thelr opening meeting in the Parish Hall Jest night, The Hey NR, J, Bhires openad with prayer and than all settled down to the business session which followed Last year's president took the chair and the election of officers ensued, Mr, Jack Gunn was unans imously resalected to fill the office of president for another year and Roland Mate takes the office of vivespresident, Mrs, 1, Dilling Is the new treasure; and Misa Green the secretary, The differant committees that funotion during the season will not be selected until the next meeting, whieh will take place on October village on Munday, attending Wt, Paul's Jubilee services, Mrs, €, B, Collins, of Toronto spent the week-end with W. J, and Mrs, Monney, Miss Helen Douglas, of Toron to, spent Bunday with her grand mother, Mrs, A, Burrell, Mrs, (Dr) Bateman, of Tor« onto, visited with her sisters, Mus- o Bertha and Ida Duntng, on Bun~ ay, Mr, Frank Leavens, of Bolton, whi in the village on Bunday, ate tending Ht, Paul's serices, Mensrs, A, and ¥, Linton, of Tor« onto, spent Bunday with Plokering friends, W, J, Clark and family motored to Burford on Baturday and spent the week-end with ¥, ¥, and Mrs, Balsdon, Upon thelr return trip they were nocompanied hy Mrs, Clark, who had been spending & week there, Messrs, James and John Murray, of Toronto spent the week-end at their home here, Ney, J, KB, Ferguson wae in Bow manvilie on Bunday ind the pulpit of Bt, Paul's Chureh, while its minister, Rev, Mr. Best, con- ducted anniversary warvices at Mt, John's, Brougham, re W. Week, of Yori Dal house, was in the village on Mon. day, I noe sleeping car wan The first built in 1806, The Arcade Will Be Open Wednesdays, All Day, Until Fur- ther Notice 50 Krinkle x9 A KEEP SMILING 21. A short business session con. oluded the meeting for the night and the first program will be given at the next meeting, PICKERING PERSONALS Plekering, Oct, 7 «= Ming Ida Cook, of the Mimieo Migh School staff, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss 1, Mork, Miss Marjorie Robertson, of Tor onto, was the guest of W, J, and Mrs, Monney; on Sunday, Miss Myra Oronk, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here, WW, F and Mra, law und daughter, Mise Winnifred, of Mark« ham, were the guests of Gordon and Mrs, Law, on Sunday, Rev, W, A, and Mrs, Hunner, Miss Vivian, and Mrs, Rymons and sons, of Bowmanville, wers In the P_ es On sale at, each, On Sale Wednesday Afternoon at 2 p.m, Striped effects in blue or pink, size 80 in. in, On sale at, each, : 98c (Second Floor) On Sale Wednesday Afternoon All-Feather Pillows Covered with Feather Proof Art Ticking. 59c¢ (Second Floor) The Arcade Phone 1000 Bedspreads many good Ideas which would be | in the every-day routine of | Martyns Bowling Alleys last night | off their firat games, Following An early start some fine bowling | Ward has been received from the | true nourishment at breakisst-time to the cldest > J and to Eon 1] wit For Mothers--"FRY'S" a delicious form, FRY'S Cocoa is # through the day, and another at ine will help sound restful FRY'S ie an aid to un and a gentle hoy A tived, over-wro utmost care to ensure purity and gq cocoa and chocolate manufacturers in the world, White for Free Recipe Book. J. 8 FRY & SONS (Canad) Limited, Montreal, Que, A cup ht --

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