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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER '8, 1929 PACE FIVE EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: Lassa ss AMAA SlLSs Ass s ass ss 4 AAALALAL LS AAS 48400080008 s TT PTTTTTTTITITTTITTTY TTT YTYY Real Estate Transfer Brockville,~James 1}, Durant has purchased through N, 8, Cuth- bertson the roughcast dwelling No, 287 Brock street, the property of Mrs. T. Brady, Housewife Busy Port Hope,~~And now the busy housewife is house-cleaning, Ra- ther surprising how much dust and dirt has crept in since tne Bpring house-cleaning, isn't it? Realized Good Sum Kingston.~It was announced today that the "Tag Day' held on Beptember 28th by the Woman's Auxiliary of the General Hospital realized the sum of $884.22, \ Leg Broken Peterboro.~Witty Thornbeck, who had one leg broken and the other sprained in a rugby game with the Grove School two weexs ARO, is progressing favorably, His sepvices on his team will he miss~ od. Obtain Mall Contract Brockville~The Post Office department has awarded the Col- onial Coach Lines the contract for carrying the mails between Otta- wa, Manotick and North Gower, giving three mails daily in and out of these points, Caught In Washer Kingston,~~Donald' Oliver, 65 Charles street, was removed to the Kingston General Hospital afte: suffering from a badly Drulsed arm, received when it became caught in an electric washer, The injuries fortunately were not ser}- ous, Want 850,000 For Hospital Brockville, A campaign is about to be held in Cornwall and district to raise the sum of $50,- 000 with which to exterminate the debt of the Cornwall General hos- pital and leave a surplus to carry on its operations, The debt of the institution now stands in the neighborhood of $40,000. Mrs, McClellan's Brother Brockville,~Colonel CC, D, I, MacAlpine, head of Dominion Ex- plorers, who has been missing In the sub-Arctic with two aeroplane parties for some weeks, is a bro- ther 'of Mrs. W, G, MeClellan, formerly of Brockville, who is now at her home at 4 Colborne street, Lindsay, Ont, Charter Granted Kingston.--A provincial charter has been granted to Land O'Lan- ark Creameries Limited, with head office in Perth and with capital of $40,000, the incorporation be- ing MacKenze Robertson, Ethel May Robertson and Charles A, Cameron, all of Belleville: ana Harvey P, McNevin and Genevieve MeNevin, both of Kingston, May Got Water Works Colborne,~~Tha members of the counell of the village of Colborne are considering the installation of a water works system, the estimat- ed cost of which will be $77,038, The annual cost for a thirty year debenture plan on that amount would be about $5,000.00 power AAALAAAL SSS S ALLS S Ss sss $700.00, attendance and repairs $0600.00-~total $6,200.00, The average cost per family is estimat- ed to be about #1.60 per month, Special Crown Council Kingston, ~Announcement han been made of the appointment of A, B, Cunningham K, C,, of Kings ton, as A wmpecial crown counsel for the sessions of the supreme court in Toronto. A large number of cases are on the docket, Queen's Registration Kingston.~-Queen's University autumn and winter session regis- tration of students in actual at. tendance is 1,600, There are H14 in arts, 300 in science and 200 in medicine, The total registration at Queen's in all courses, includ. ing summer, will be over 8,600, Strawbervies 1Mest of October Pleton,~-The cold weather of the past few days would hardly give anyone to think that straws berries would continue to grow and ripen, but such is the case as Mr, B, T, Plows this week picked half a quart of ripe strawberries, This {8s unusual as the plants were not of the Everbearing 'variety, Actors Wanted Kingston,~A publie tryout far "Phe Drums of Oude," to be pro- duced by Drama Group of K, A, & M, Club in November, will be held in Club Rooms over Bank of Com- merce, on Monday evening from § to 6, It Is a British military play and seven male characters are re- quired, Anyone wishing to help welcome, Protect the Kiddies Port Hove,~-Just stand at the corner of Pine and Walton streets some day at twelve o'clock when the wee kiddies are coming from school and judge for yourself if the protest against motorists speeding was out of order, See for yourself and realize the dane ger, Selling Without License Port Hope.---~Abble Rosenbloom and Izzie Isherman of 'Toronto, were arrested near Gananoque for selling goods without a llcende Their car was laden with goods and back of a seat was found a bottle of Quebec Liguor Commis. sion brandy, Abbie was fined $12.50 In police court while Izzle, owner of the liquor, was fined #100 or three months in Jalil, Both were taken to Brockville to serve thelr time, Dead in St, Paul Brockville, Dr, Arthur W, Whitney, who died recently in St, Paul, Minn,, was the eldest son of the late W, A, Whitney, for 40 years a high school master in Iro- quols and Morrisburg, and taught school at Dixon's Corners before graduating In medicine from Queen's University, Later he prac- ticed for a short time In Merrck- ville and Morrisburg before taking up residence in St, Paul about 40 YOArs ago. Choir Opened Season Kingston,---The First Baptist Church Cholr opened the season Friday evening with a welner (TET BUY = HL 0000 AOE EAE Ihe Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles Our Service is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 -- Four Direct Lines to Central HEE | | LTE THT RTT TTA INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, Teeth To Be Cleaned There Isn't anything come plicated about a tooth brush and to some people they all look about the same, But for those who realize the importance of selecting the correct brushes for propers ly cleaning thelr teeth, you will wotice they choowso brushes sclentifically des signed, such as Klenzo Tooth Brushes, Klenzo Tooth Brushes Arve superior In more ways than one, They are mado of extra high grade, pure white bristles, These ave wiresdrawn In wolocted white bone and assorted colored celluloid handles, They are made in any style, size, or shape preferred, Some have three rows of bristles, others have four, They are priced from 1he to B0c¢ and all are sold on our guarantee to give satis. faction, JURY & LOVELL'S THE REXALL STORES | | i! | King K. Simcoe N, Phone 28 Phone 08 args py a i Sera TE roast, The "Dogs" p®ved to he very popular and disappeared with amazing rapidity, This was follow ed up with tempting pumpkin and lemon ples, cake and fruit, ol. lowing the supper an Informal so celal hour was spent which was cap ped by a little serious practice Some new. members were welcom od and a very helpful winter sea son is confidently looked forward to, Gordon Mcleod Coming Brockville--On the evening of Friday, October 18, Gordon Me Leod, the celebrated English actor, who is coming to Canada with an all-star British company, will open his tour at the New Theatre | fn a presentation of Edgar Wal Ince's famous detective story, "The Ringer." RR, J, Bleven, advance business manager of the company was here yesterday and completed the necessary arrangements, The tour In Canada, from coast to coast will extend over a period of 22 weeks, after which the prinel pal oities In the United States will be visited, Seymour Warren Leaving Pleton Pieton Mr, Seymour Warren Chief Ledger keeper at the Bank of Montreal, has resigned and In tak ing a position with the Bell Tele phone Co,, ut Montreal, During his stay In Pleton Mr, Warren has made a host of friends who will regpot hin departure, He has been very active In the work of the Unl ted Church, being a member of the choir, a leader (n Tuxis work, vides president of the Young People's Association for a year and this year the president, a member of the Sunday School Possessed of a fine volee as well as with musis cal talent he has been much in de- mand at concerts and social events The best wishes of his many friends go with him to his new nost, Reantiful Teco Window Peterboro.--A large number of people were attracted hy the dis. play of war souvenirs In the Teco store window Baturday morning, There were numerous German hels mets, bayonets, grenades, machine guns and other weapons, Whilst bringing to the mind the horrors of war, one could not help but feel that the thought uppermost in the minds of the onlookers, was of the | herole sacrifices which were maae in the Great War, particularly hy members of the 21st Canadian n- fantry Battalion, to whom the sous venirs belong, The back of the window was draped with the Union Jack surmounted by the crest of the battalion, Pedestals at each side are similarly draped ana form a beautiful setting for the pletures of Brig.-General W, St, Plerre Hughes and Lt.-Col, H. E, Penve, SPORTS OFFICIALS DENY MATERIALISM Writers Also Take Ex- ception to Pastor's Allegations Toronto, Oct, 8.~-Prominent men in the realm of literature, and representatives of the sporting element in Toronto, protested yes. terday against Prof, W, Marshall's sormon at Park road Baptist Church, Sunday night, in which he held that literature and sport were sacrificed on the altar of material fsm in this age, T. A. Reed, director of athletics at the University of Toronto, thought just the opposite as far as sport was concerned, "Sport was never standard than now, given the Impetus to sport and has given it a code of ethios, Cer: tainly it is far ahead of sport BO years ago," he sald, - That the word pioture drawn by the minister was too severe and not , proper representation, was the contention of J, M, Elson, president of the Canadian Litera- ture club, "I wouldn't say that a produc tion In prose such ax the Bridge of San Luls Rey was created by Thorton Wilder with an eye for the market or with an altrulstio motive, It was just intended to be at a higher ne Produce Prices in the ~ Commercial Markets Fv TORONTO HAY AND STRAW PRICES Wholesnle dealers in. hay and straw are quoting to shippers the following prices for carlots delivered on track, Toronto j= No, 2 Timothy, baled ton ,., $14 No, 3 Timothy, baled, ton Oats straw, per ton Wheat straw, baled, ton No, 1 Timothy loose, Is quoted at $19 to $20 per ton, delivered, TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro: duce to retall dealers at the following pris ces i Kggs=Yresh extras, in cartons, Soi fresh extras, loose, Sg; hist, loose, ei weconds, Butter=No, 1 creamery, prints, 4g; No. - greamery, prints, Ade Cheese~New, large, 210} twins, 21 1:2¢ triplets; i stiltons, 27¢, Old, large, #¢j twins, 29 1.0ei triplets and cuts, i} ob stiltons, Je, Poultry Chigkens, 5 hs, up ovvvineniies Do, 4 ta § lbs, ., Do, 3 to 4 Ibs Dao, under 3 Ibs Hens, over § Ihe Do, 4 to 5 I rollers Ducklings i000 TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trader dmoked nisats Hams, medium, 32 to Ye; cooked loing, 20 to Ser smoked rolls, 28; breaklust bacon, 2 10 Mey peamenled, 3 to 40¢; do, smoked 43 Cured meats=Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs,, $4e; 70 to 90 Ibs, ei 90 ww 110 Ibs, Ae, Heavywelght rolls, 400, Lightwelght rolls back, to 4 2c i Lard=Pure tierces, le; tubs, 15 1.4¢1 palls prints, 18 to 19%, Shortening, tierces ; tubs, 14 12¢; palls, 15¢; ting, 17¢ Pork loins, 3¢; New York shoulders, pork butts, 27 1:3e; pork hams, ¥ LX TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the dt, Lawrence market, Toronto AH , per dowen per doren , per pound , crenmery, per pound Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, dor, bunches Heats, dor, bunches Onions, dry, 11 gt, basket , Do, 6:1, bisket Cabbage ( liflowe Spinach, pee) Mushrooms, Leal lettuce Head lettuce, Fotuwes, bag Cucumbers, 11.gt , per bunch per pound three for ! lor This age has Hanana Ale Lireen bear | Plums, basket Grapes, 6 gt Cantaloupe, 16 gt ' a4 'ears, Il ut Peaches, 6 -------- a learned and philosophic cons tribution," he declared, ENGINEERS MEET TO DISCUSS TALKIES Papers on Technical Prob. lems Read at Semi-annual Convention I Toronto, Oct, ¥.~Technieal and golentifio problems facing the ores ative side of the motion pleture in« dustry, especially talkies' are be- ing dealt with at the semi-annual meeting of the Soclety of Motion 0é four-day session at the Royal York yesterday. Of a membership of 700 from all over the world, over 200 are here at the present meeting, The program consists of papers on diverse technical subjects and open discussion following, --_-- Pieture Engineers, which opened a | Honey Dew melons, sach Lreen peppers, six lor Quinces, 6 al iris Wine grapes, 11 gt, Cranberries, gt + esm-- TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crain dealers on the "loronto Hoard of Trade are making the following quotations for ear lots Manitobs Whest=No, | north: ern, #1,5 1.2; No, 2 horthersy $1.47 1:4 No, 3, BLA 1:2; Noo 4, 81.9 1:25 No, b, $08 1:2 No, 6, $1.08 1:31 feed, 96 Lids (ely Coders leh and May ports) Manitoba oste=~No, 1 feed, Oe; No, 2 feed, 04. 1:20, American corn=No, 2 yellow, $1.12 3:3 (all rail, delivered Totome, relghts,) Millleed, delivered Montreal freight bags included Bran roton, $M.254 shorts, per fon, 934,25; madmen, 1:28} Ontario fain eat, $1.00 10 $1.32, Outs 55 to dhe, Lrley, 70 to 75, ---- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Ogt, Ze=Demand lor eggs mp pears rather quiet, but at the same thine ihe wlock of wynilable fine egus Is not heavy and for this reason no declines sre expected now, Loday's future markets opened steady and quiet, and generally vemained wo throughout the session, Most grades ol but ter were firm and higer hon this morning's spot market, Jt would appear that a good many local operators look with ill [aver on any future advance now, The December but. ter option astracted bug little interest and worked without range today on the futuges busrd, all sales being at 44 1.4 Open commitments i Kyu 104; do, new, | M13; December 141, Degember, 717, amunry, 1, Ihree market receipts lutter~Today, 21, 120) Tusr year, 19981, Eggs~Today, 14,504; last year, 17,0811, Chicago spot market: Butters Extras, 44 bedey standards, Me, tone firm, Eggs--Cur rent firsts, 36 1.2 to 37 1:2¢; tone sieady New York spot murket=Butter: Extras, Mop tone firmer, Egus=Viests, 36 to do tone eusy, Four markets, on hand Jd w butter, 19520985; emus, 913,571 wha Butter J olay Ha 9%; lam y A250, Eggo~Loday, 12,085; last yom ARERR November, old, Butter Dutter 63,107,303; ow, Movement ot ten markets Hutter--net in 8,00, Egge=Net out, 28,194; last year, net out, MN), Fwenty six cltios==Dutter, your, WL A17, 404, Kune, 4,804.3 Mov, 108,504. 2051 Jun } last year, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Faust Buffalo, Oct, 7. ~Recelpts of hogs, 11, holdover 200; fanly active modi ' packers 10 to 20 cents below Saturday and » Wo cents unde; Sriday's average; bulk 0 The, M10 190 to 160 lbs, $1 0 Hoel; HO to 150 Jha, $10 10 $10.38 J to A400 lbs, butchers, ¥ ww $2.85; packing sows, Mow $850 Keceipts of cattle, keneral gual very plaing fed sieers and yearlings, 25 to 80 cents higher, 814 10 8151 other low, » flashy mrassers and short ends IAM; common seers aud hellers, $10.50 butcher cows, $8 ta 8.) M0 to 87.251 medium bulls, Receipts of calves, 1,00; $18 down Receipts of lambs wetive, generally cents higher, sorting rigid; ogod to choles natives, 811.75 wo 317 medium and weighty kinds, $11.50 wo $12.2 throwouts, $10.50 to $12.35 Int ewes In a paper $75 4 cutter grade MY ww vealers steady, on theatre acoustios yesterday afternoon, 8, K, stated that the original theories propounded by the late Prof, Sabine of Harvard and others, had been proved unsatisfactory In actual ex perience for sound pletures The fault lay in the fact that those the ories of theatre acousties were bum ed on the directly spoken speech of the players, It was obvious the same principles could not he ap plied to electrically reproduced speech, because a different rever- beration time is required In the latter, The problem was complicated, he declared, by the nooustioal con dition of the producing studios, If there was a "liveness" In the stu dio, this added to the difMeulties, Much research was under way, and production of a new set of laws for electrical reproduction ae ousties were being developed, Visitor--=And so vou help your mo- ther with the housework, do you? Little Helen--Yes, ma'am. Sh save | help her by keeping out of her way. ~Answers, Woliwe | Always Values Worth Investigating, Wednesday THE STORE IS OPEN ALL DAY ' tos BA RP Solid Leather Pouch & Underarm Purses In a pleasing variety of new stripes and colorings, Smart nickel and celluloid tops. Inside fitted with inside section and mirror, Genuine leather purses offered to you at as small a cost as purses of leather, Wednesday all day. THIS CHECK LINEN TEA TOWEL IS POSITIVELY UN. MATCHED AT 25¢ EACH There is weight enough to warrant their ability to absorb lots of water, There is size (22x32 inches full) that makes a good handful of towel, ready for use and with a tape loop for conveniently hanging up, Red and white check only, 392 Value for ...vvvvvvvivnvenio ONE DAY CLEARANCE BALANCE OF A SALE PURCHASE Girls' Fur-Trimmed TWEED COATS 16 Coats left over from the October 3 Big Days Sale, Splendid coats for school wear, Wonder- ful value for the money, Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, On Sale Wednesday, .. bd 0h ar AS Pd | | | i |" grey. bp 08 Ra Fownes Fine Italian Capeskin Gloves Reg. $2.50 Value on Sale for $1.79 Pair A special purchase enables us to offer you a most excep- | tional value in these fine Italian gloves for fall wear, One | dome style in all the shades of tan, brown, blonde and S'zes 6 to 71) imitation Fach 98¢ Hemmed EE $2.95 Ee a Ml SE i The owner of the place was amaz ed to find one of his new walking along one hot day dled up in elothing "Why on earth are y« , Par" paint U We many clothe have to abel on the "OI the Can MAYS this fu workmen all buns aring so ce and IL SAYA, | ---------- QUALITY | coaL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S "To obtain best results put on at least three coats," POT AND KETTLE The same folks who wonder: why the moth is such a darn fool as to fly into the flame, will try to beat # railroad train over a crossing, WHOSE FAULT? Teacher (at examination)=Archie, that is the fourth time I have seen you peeping over Gerald's shoulder! Archie--~Yes, 1 know, teacher, Ger ald writes so badly I can't read it the first time, ~Answers, The two remaining things that shun publicity, according to the Brooklyn Lagle are crime and cotton stockings, "You're a big, healthy man," said the lady, "Why don't you work?" "Well, mum,' said the loafer, "I'm a bit 'eavy for light work, and a bit light for 'cavy work" Mrs. Pankhurst, Britain's t suffrage lender, called constipation One go Kreatest modern menaces to publi safety, We worry about troubles which don't harm one person In a thousand, while bad body ralnage saps strength) And breeds disease, Take action now, uid Modi 4 LAX, new all-vegetable ve, ~ ou y per box, sold at all a Sold by H, Thompsons Druggist nn LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby tamber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 234 Whitby 19 INSURANCE 113 Slmcoa St, 8, Phones 1108 W-=Office 1808) --Realdonce For Your Dvug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Su, S.Weo Deliver ETAT _. STE an (} is GREATEST/ SATISFACTION 7 oS . Practically every line of busi. ness {es represented in this die rectory----a handy reference tor Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING T00 SMALL Adanac Machine Sh 10) King S¢. W. Vhone 1¥14 For Better Values Wn DIAMONDS Hurms' Jewairy Store Corner Ring and Prince Oash or Terms FOR SA 10 room brick house. Very central. Rleotrio light, ath & plece bath, Fino house, Stone foundation. Nice lot, Garage, eto, $3000, Only $300 down, DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1550 Ab American woman has been mars ried seven times in four years, Seven is @ large numberbut it must not be acquainted with the various business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! forgotten that four years is a long time,=London Opinion. COAL COAL 'hone 103 W.J. SARGANT Fard==nu Hoar Street Orders Promptly Delivered 3 LUMBER o Buildin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous ~~ Meek Ltd. -- High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Luraber Wo di TRICR COMPANY LIMITED 3 Albert Street Phones 230 & 18%, Real Estate insurance CUTLER & PRESTON & KIN 81, W, Telophone ATROR8 Night Calls 510-1300 STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply GARTSHORE CO. 183 King Sereet \Vest, Osbawa. Phone 1100 | =

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