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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 ---- ES Women': s Interests in 'the Home mm Social and Personal Miss Eleanor MeLaughlin 1s spending a few days in Toronto, . \ 1] Mr, Kenneth Hemp spent the lant week-end with friends In To- ronto, LJ Ld . Mr, and Mrs, Maitland Becor of Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs, Allan 'ipher yestorday, r, and Mr. Ny Knox, Wins Min, were recent visitors ol Miss Blanche Dull, Slmeoa Bt, . Mr, and Mrs, George Hawwle- wood, Bimeoe Bt, N,, attended the World Meries Daseball game In Chicago yesterday, LJ AJ LJ Messrs, W, Wil, A, Duffy, and Mulhall of Woodville, ware (he guests of Mr, and Mrs, Crouse, Burk Mt, . . LJ My, Btewart Alger of the Alger Yress and Mr, Btalnton of General Motors ave attending an Advertise ing Convention In Cleveland, Ohlo, LE J Mr, and Mrs Jack Callaghan and daughter, Jean, left this morn ing to attend the funeral of thelr unole, Mr, John Muckley, in Lan. onster,sN.Y, * * » Mr, and Mrs, R, i, Bhirley mot» ored from Cochrane and spent a week with the former's parents, nd I" PRINCESS SUGGESTION " Were In a moditied Princess frock in black crepe satin with | Mngorle touch noted in Alencon aoru lace Jabot at front caught underneath slashed opening and finished with two buttons, The longwalsted hodloe ia beau titully molded to the figure with deep-pointed treatment at back, with raised walstline at front, The olroular skirt dips ita hack hem, a ®racious afternoon fash. ion, \ Style No, 681 ia an exact copy of Paris model, You ean make it in two hours, it 1s #0 entirely simple, It comes in aines 16, 18, 20 years, 26, 28, 40 and 43 inchea bust, Black transparent velvet with dor lave will be stunning later for Fall wear, Black ohitfon in effective and dignitied for dimmer and restau ant, Black dull allk orepe with Jabot eggshell allk orepe, slate eo orepd Blaabeth with flesh oured © ito. Jabot, seal brown k orepe With beige ohiffon, purple canton orepe self-trimmed apd beige Wt satin with eoru 1400 aro only a few of many charms ing dean for ita development, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps of coin (ooln ix preferred), wrap opin eavetully, "We suggest that when you send pattern, you enclose 10 cents ditional for a copy of our new Il and Winter Fashion Maga °, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON » The Oshawa Dally Times Pattern a Eg DENT Ry FOTO | sevens MIRE Lune TLL ITITEEEE) Dr, and Mrs, wt, WW, ¥, LJ \ LJ Mr, and Mrs, A, 'W, Bell of Bim- eos HBL, N,, are enjoying an autumn motor trip through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Mary. land, district of Columbia and Vir- ginin, J. Bhirley, King CR Miss May Hilditeh who for the past six months has been shperin tendant of Dr, Grenfell's Hospital at Indign Harbor, Labrador, spent the week-end with Mrs, 18, Thomp gon, 114 Agnes Kt, + * MN Home Oshawa guests at the King Bdward supper dance last evening wera Migs Dabs Dryar, Miss Joey Dryer and Miss Helen Williams und Meonsrs, Nalph Hamilton, Duteh Henry, and Harold MINH champ, * ¥ » The wedding of Miss ton who has hoon dhe Health Nurse In thig elty for the past year is to take place In To route today, Bhe 1s being married to Mr, George Pervis Weddings NHOITRIDG EK iar! ALLANY Mary Irena Vallant and Leuels ous Henry Bhortridge, both of Osh awa, wera married at the Himeoe Bireet Church parsonage hy the Rev, HW, Harston, on Monday eve ning, October 7 The bride and groom were attended hy Miss Mad aline Alles Vallant, sister of the bride, and Wm, Trven Cook My and Mrs, Hhortridge will reside In North Oshawa WOMENS MEETINGS | KING NT, OHURCH The regular monthly mesting of the Alles Jaokson WY. A, of King it, Untied Chureh was held Tues any the home of Ms Blewett, Harold Mireet After dlaponing of 'rank Miohnol explained the hook In an most interesting Myrtle Ansburry favored Kuy Coll Puble WwW. ¥Y. A, evening at My ntud manne with an At the elo soeinl timo I hy Miss Velma Blewett | roup us of the meeting Wis and hey ory KING NT, HOA LLen Ht, Home and Fuesday evening at 7.80 Norris, the president ohntr, In a fow chosen pald tribute to the late Mra, A, 1, Wood, who was one of the older members of the elub Mra, Cruse's room won the prize for having the Inrgest of Mothers present, A program by the ohildren was an follow plano solo Jean Miller, recitations by Allan Bheridan, Joan Wilott, Mary Sheri dan, vooal duet hy Muriel Stewart and Ethyl Grigg, Mrs, KB, Conant Myers presented the prises won hy tha ohildren at the Sehool Fair After the meeting adjourned ve freshments were served hy the Kxeoutive & NUHOOL King Nehonol Club mer on Mre, (eno wan In the words she numbhbey Young People's Meetings AT, GEORGE'S AY. NA The first meeting of the Angi can Young People's Association wan held on Monday, October Tth, in the Parish Hall, Centra Hireet Canon del'encler acted as ohalrs man, The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn followed hy prayers, lad hy the Reotor, Klees tion of officers for the coming year was then earried on and the fol lowing officers were elected; Hon, President, Canon dePen olor; President, Harold Smith; ist Yice-Fresident, Clarence Keith; Strength After Childbart "After my baby wes born | wes wth & down, | MY not wow any hea a be around on my wothbu 1] wean proved too great and 1 vas real sich, for 3 about ol onthe, My vad 0) PILE] Vegetable Compound and | started © take it, You ahould have aeen the in we, I am pow well and ARRAN ARREARS ARAAARAARAARAARRAARR ARERR AA conta wach wd stamp = ap foln carehully, fee Our ] New Fall Line of Coars and Dresses at the strong and in good spirits, | have taken the Vegetable Compontd ever since if | feel my on lac Ning, | also take Liver Pills and | find them » wonderful hap for constipation," vs, Smes oan, h Cohn TUL Sl 1 HR TIN Vagetabie Gon nou FASHION SHOPPE 84 Nimeoe St, South the husiness, | IML, Andrew aland winter 8 wpent when hun I [thely president | | all Luxurious fur weaps Indlonting the trend of fashion this appear (1) A Max ovening wrap of figured lime pastel tones, showing the now pouch sleaves and fitted sithouet i winter, nhave, mode I ind Viee hurst Bdward Pan jont { {dent Finn ho | President, rd Vies- Presi Mildred Bull; 4th Vie Misg Katie Lack: Heovelur Doris Hopkina; "Treasurer, Ha Armatrong! Kxeoutlve fen Ty Pearce, Miss Doris Dobn Wil | Ham Gibble, Edward Jel J ania, Mrs, Pankhurst Following the. election Hainer gave voral re Miss WHlams sang enjoyed Hel than served and the meetin with "God Mave the Kin reshment NT, ANDREW'S I'he Youn YOUNG People United maoting term inst My he hy rHOP. Churth held the opening In the wan condueted MeLellan It wan deoldaed Fletoher he sion group for sneh the next two meeting he wit) drawn In favor of the upper, Oct. 14, and the guar meeting of the ¥ 'eopl ion, Oot, 31 M Younue sidént, 18 to he our del Rienial eonference of Quinte Young feop! Oot 6, 8% My Molanll, of | uinff, very hb on how our home community appreciated Fallowkhig the meating, were enjoyed In-the gymunsin lunch was served and the me was brought to a olose with a HONK, ELIZABETH LON CIRCLE HAVE A BANY VET: Mother and Daughter Banquet ehinly Mi hat In ohal Wonk LINO hind Anniver ng BAVe A i We nny by our eure Thin alk wil -------- Last evening the Wilgabeht Long Misslon COlrele of Slmeoe Bt, United Chureh had a Mother and Daugh ter Danguet, About fifty girls and thelr mothers sat down to the tables prettily decorated with red and white, After the supper Miss Mildred Johnston the President of the Clrole aoted as the Toast Miss tress and carried out the program in a very gracious manner, Follows ing the toast to the King Mra, Fleming and Mes, Holden played a plano duet, Miss Norah Mundy propased the toast to the Mothers to which Mra, Fleming responded, The Mismes MoNah well known In the oity for thelr pleasing voloes sang a duet and Miss Rvelyn Gay RAVE two readings, The toast to the Women's Missionary Soeclety, the mother society of the cirele was proposed hy Miss Darothy Cook and responded to hy Mea, BJ), Gay, President of the W.M.8 ul mpl The speaker of the evening was WERE the Community | i a a A ------------ a] IT the he helow hipn Note the helgo the in the nohidoved hveank hy Wii flying squnrveel of tiv leoves velvet which forma | The Hned with | A modish | collin cont apes nnd ipphii " (8) Mi M 1 of Kor with th pe CH morth Osha i, farmer! | forolen elament at Ontario, | 1] ho id niwa th | he tm nad 1] tn fainns [ wud kind to nna thelr minty { fl) n | Helpful Hints HOW TO CLEAN RUGS wiier CLOVER LEAF CHEESE Bl cuUITS wo cups | WR ns h | hortenin ho e, a cup Iry m redient add dong h hick and out 1 ol leaves minut » L] » MAPLE NUT TAPIOCA One and one-half cups hrown su Poeups hot water, 45 cup quiet tapioca, pineh salt, walnuts, 15 pint heavy hot water into denhle boiler, When boiling, add brown sugar, salt and | tapioca, Cook 1 hour, Whip cream stiff and add to mixture when coaled Add chopped walnuts last, Serve with plain gream favored with van chet ( i my und them Hake in |} nar chopped an, Pat cup ore DOLLY DIMPI.ES AND BOBBY BOUNCE | Torming day model of black Hussian pony trims med with gray lamb, (8) A | cout binek enrnenll trimmed | with two complet collae and from iN ht of the volver berets giving th of lung trimming In om new hlack silver fox oo | | Hine high forehond effect silver mesh teimming, (4) A hand some black and sliver figured lnme evening wrap enriched with + Black lynx collar, Note the fitted Hoes and break Just below the hips nehidoved hy two flares, hy means of ar The Women' $ Corner For Anything of Intere si to the Homemaker and the Housekeet.er IL will lund Lup Toy muoh « haly oan in than the rior | i" Damn If you dan Wiener | go to the Tl typ moh I'n \ water the hon pnd eannnt \ { an. enteh ran or distilled | only a { Wp and \ | | Tub a LADIE SAID WIL, E | "| BANQUET PLOWING MATCH WINNERS Myrtle Women Lay Plans for Occasion at End of This Month Myrtle; Okt Lhe { hold ts Qetober meeting f Mps, OO HH, Vternoon The pre Wilfred Graham presided ler part of tl n up with the was decided ta h Ladies! Ald tthe ham Wednes Mrs ear CAT Whey went 1 he wus taken wana! business, when it Id a banquet in the church haxement for the prise win ners, offielals, and all who eared to attend from the plowing mateh which ia being held at the. farm of BEd Whippey the latter part of the month Ai interesting program of gamos was then conducted by Mrs, Charlie Pilkey I'he prige winners far the horse shoe pitching being, Mrs, ¥l mar Cook, the ring and hook game Mrs, Robert Chishe and the buss contest, Miss Vance Afternoon tea was then served Preparations helng hold the special free will service on October 20 when Rev, Smart of Greenwood has heen eured to take charge of the services Miss Effie Graham returned on Sa turday from a week's visit with friends in Markham Miss M, Ross spent the latter part of last week with her nephew, Ii Lawrence of Lindsay oetin Im, made to Offering Mi Ll are | the Rodd Nrog, successful in Messrs, W. J. Cook, and Arthur Maw were i ---- ama streak Hua haty makes if have a fan make one shaving mild ip and adding boll oun do nt hy up som t it eloan If you it Lo Fub the hair MHRA NS Hil geod our Wp well to ge dundrutt it 1a be of ten the Tr much of thi alive few hou heli all Into the rool re the flen crusty le vivian Wi in eapeeinlly pon dolionte hetween time Wp Ih need oalp give tantoy Wi Lo MAHER HON make and vigarou them combing vhen wi \ Lo our mwushing Rin the nlter the will be in thorough op the Oupy walter head In gummy stioky overal war mwaters, Ada of hall a lemon to a rinse thin will eut the eurd main inse the le afterward, Vinegar of lemon 1y glen halt and Rinne Jule wale na which may 1m ver out th mon w wil Hake place hant Lo dry that hree but I you eannot do rub It between warm towels horses and Saturday, wr of entries, and thelr un Fale on i on Mark vl SLL keen in each noand Non again red ribh on their horses harness, that was do 1 Wi \ wrt \ | Lhe Ha pit in Iverwale teat ob dran il won the ated by the the (Gl) nt, Ming i oting at the 1s m on this weel Miss Graham who has returned re from a Mediterranean trip, 1a her nephew, Bert, Duft scholars did well on thelr at Hr school Fale on Fair girls Price home of yalurohy with their pres ve holding thew Mrs, Matti alternoon ol ently visiting Myrtl exhibit Mond M okiin Carmichael, Mole, and Heaverton Mes, J, A Miss Ros Mes, I} Rev. Mr, Nicol attended Fair on Friday, Farmers are and mane although a would nd husy getting in thels Is, Hoth are a fair rain a tow greatly ime apples Crag, weeks proved them Me, and Mrs family visited 1} sunday My for Hd fon on Russell good ann have Norman Scott and 'ontypool friends on Criffin who has heen working Whippey moved to Dunbags Fuesday Walker of Ashburn has heen painting and re-decorating the hasement of the church and it now presents a much better appearance Special Rally Day service was held here on Sunday alternoon when an teresting program was carried out, Wandering minstrels of Tndia play a strange looking twostringed fiddle ------ The secret of the varnish used by sStradivarl on his violing has been lost ville vi RALLY MEETING OF YOUNG PEOPLE OF MAPLE GROVE Rev. R. J. Shires, Bowman: ville, Spoke on "Lessons From the Harvest" Maple Creve, Oct, 7 A really of the young peopls was héld fn the hall on Wadnesday wvening when Rev, WW, J, Bhires, Bowman ville, gave un splendid address on the subject "Lessons from Lhe Harvest," Readings worse Elven hy lesen Mockin and Ruby Aldworth Miss Wen Gimblett played g plano solo, Two pretty dusts wera sung, one by Misses Winnle Lancaster und Dorothy MHlavens, and tha other hy Misses Netty and Mildred Mnowden After the PrOETAIN watermelon was served Next Wednesday avening the longue will he In char of Miss Kdne Hwallow when MP, Bialnton will speak on "If 1 Were Twenty One funduy Vite undny Rov Fave A Church sel nltended on of the pus Mr, Campbell, Eamborne, splendid on the Hae who hath ears to hear, let him hen Mra, Jacek Hopps, Howmanvlille, sang a pretty of the church service, The pastor ev, J, H, Biainton, was speakin nt the anniversary services at Camborne on Bunday unday the pastor ppenk on "Temperance, Mi Wigan Kirkton, Itde Miss Hilda und wore largely In the thon! nheenens Loy MOR RES words solo Naxt will Howman Foley on unday My Power rela Truman Vera, visited Hope on Bunday Landrd My, Krnlo Laird and Mr, Colin Kerr, To vonto, vietted tha former's sister Migs Annie Laird ot Yong's Point Munday Congratulations tended to Mr, and Hyerd on the birth of My, and My wd returned from {rely and are spending a few har M1 and Abernethy My W and Mra and danchiey tives in Port Miss Husle on are helng ex Mrs, George fn oHON DeNure have honeymoon dave with PATONLA, Mra, J Hamilton pent a faw with her father Aldworth, last week Mra, Charles White funday with hey Mra, J, D, Bley Mioevoes a 3 John My Oshawa nis, and nt und He Mi ons RFORGANITE NORTH | OSHAWAY.P. LEAGUE It in| the hale in the sun and | Reorganization of the cietv Will Take Place "3 s Friday Evening Narth Oshawa, Oct, T-=Runday services were hoth well attended (8) Kennedy Huperintendent of the Munday Hehool called a weet NERVES CONE CAN'T SLEEP? ¥Fruit-a-tives" restores good | health Are you tired? Downeast most of the tne? Worried at trifies? Can't sleep? Ms, 1. O: Ringheim, Wydnndel, B.Cy writesy AML Ses we ores Sivas oF "Frult-a-tives" Is a combination of Ine tensified fresh fruit julces and the mest schentific medicingl ingredients In a nl gentle way it stirs lazy lives, d kidneys, inte normal, healthy action, I the digestive tract, and troubled nerves, 25¢ gf B0c boxes at druggists, ing ufter the session In which it wae planned to have the League reorganized on Vriday evening sat elght o'clock when new officers will be elected and plans made for an Hallowe'en eptertainment, Hey, Mr, Bunner conducted the evs ening service The text was Luke 14: 14, Mr, Bunner remarked that he was gad of the Increased ats tandanoe In the BOTVYICeN ted that the necount of the Rally Day of Inet Bunday It was omit Mig Muriel Phillips read of the "Good Bhepherd," A fouture of the meeting of the Home Hehool Club for this Thursda will be election of pfficers for the next term Mr, and Mrs, Roy and ohildren, of Harmony, and Mr, and Mrs, John Lindsay, of Oshe AWH, Wi Hundny visitors of Mr, and Mi Kd, Woe, Mr and Vrs Nrooklin Mi und Mrs Nght, Oshawn! Mr, and Mrs, Gor don Glover and ohildren, of Hay mony and Mrg~W, Blight, were all pues at the home of Mr, Will (lover of Toronto, and Toronto, spent and Mrs, Uso, und evening Terwilligayr re John Blight, Archie unday und My Mise Kennedy, Mr, Hliek, also of Munday with Mi Kennedy Mr, and Mrs, W, Bunday In Oshawa, My Douglas Htuart Mi Kd and Glover My and Mra Myken tlover spent with Mr, and and Mr, and Hinge) Mra, Charlie and Mrs, Geo, Mi H, Gilbert, Mrs, Taylor, Parker, Mrs, White, Mrs, Mra, Wee, Mra, Alexander, Mra, Tattersall, Mrs Neott and Mrs, MoNab and Olive Taylor and Verna Moe accepted the Invitation to the League meeting at North Himeoe United Church on Monday evening with the result that league will he reorganized here, They res port a wall spent evening Mr, and Mrs, Frank Grimshaw who are attending a convention at Toronto from Detroit, are visiting her mother, Mrs, Will Parker, Rr, and other relatives In Oshawa, he fore returning home on Thursday My, and Mrs, Frank Watson, of Toronto visited Mrs, P, Vallant, Hunday My, and and Mrs tora at the A, Deokett Mina Harel Magea ia visiting her J, Hackett Mr, and Mrs, Fred Fudger, of Oshawa, snent Sunday with Mr, and Mpa, Oharlla Morris, Mr, and Mra, A, Neckett and Ming Verna RNeckett attended the Kennedy, Mr, Mra, Gordon Neokett Avriss were Runday vise home of My, and Mpa, of Columbus, grandmother, Mrs, falr at Markham Raturday, CE -- corn is one of nature's most appetizing and healthful grains. 12 million people every day enjoy the flavor of golden corn at its best % 5% in crisp, delicious Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Helloygs CORN FLAKES Extra good with fresh * ot fruite, hii FIraT cAME A BIAND WAGON DRAWN RAY Foul BLACK HoASES « San, WAS DRAG, FET ---------- "Tom, THE PIPER'S THEN came ® WI Rig Ratu Ras an bee, Goeat Ian deb asi ed With A PAIR of TAG " HE CAT FROM THE DAY PIRES UNDER Aone'came ow Kine Cole S Fioolers "THrew Mis ARM, --By Grace G. Drayton st {0-.% THEN CAME OLD KING Col® Wi VEAY OWN SELR

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