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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1929 PAGE FIVE TEXT OF BRITAIN'S INVITATION 0 FIVE- POWER CONFERENCE (Continued from page 1) that it should be held in London, starting the third week of Janus ary, It states that "informal cons versations" will continue with the diplomats representatives of the five interested powers and the Bri tish government will communignte in "due course thelr views as to the subjecis which they think should be discussed at the confer. ence, and will be glad to receive a corresponding ¢ om mu ni eation" from each of the other powers, Significant Pavagraph Thon In w concluding paragraph, the most significant one in the document, Prime Minister Mane. Donald's secretary of state for fore elgn affairs, Arthur Henderson, Who signs the invitations, de- claves: "I should ke to emphasize thai His Majesty's government has dis oovered no faelination in any quare ter to set wp new machinery' for dealing with the naval disarmn ment question; on the contrary, it fs hoped that hy this means a text ean he elaborated which will fa- ellitate the task of the Leagua of Nations' preparatory commission and of the subsequent general dis armament conference," The Invitation, a composite pro» duct, was drawn with the utmost confidence to anticipate possible French and Italian objections, ews pecially such an answer as France returned to the American invita tion for the futile Geneva confers ence of 1927, when France declin ed to attend on the ground that the subject of naval lHmitations was already before the league, and gould only be taken up ns one fae tor in a general land, alr and sea disarmament, Thus the last paragraph was not only drafted to assure Franew and other league membars nag the old objection no longer hole, but in order to harmonize with Britain's established league poli), and with Mr, MacDonald's often res peated aspirations for a subse. quent general disarmament treaty, engineered hy the league, Vrom this, however, the United HKtates would hold itselt aloof under the present administration, Hope to Aholish Bubmarines The fact that abolition of subs marines was set out as one of the four points caused some surprise, since it 1s well known that nelthe, France nor Japan nor Italy will consent to abolition, The I"rench program calle for 96,000 tons of undersea boats, Japan demanded 70,000 a Geneva, But the apoars ent design I to include a trading point of & principle from which GENUINE RADIOTRONS AY ALL DE ALEFRYN Give every radio its best chance | thats why ll manufactures recommend WE MOVE WITH CARE a, We move with care, skilled packing, careful trained men and first class mos tor equipment, No worry, Nervieo, Mo. "ern Storage Ware. ONGAMSTANCE First Lady of Eskimo Land Ill in Vancouver Hospital 0 Hngiand and the United States can recede ax a concession in return for those of the other three pow ors, No mention was made at Pres! dent Hoover's request of the Hiri tish and American orulser figures, #lthough the virtual accord reach ed on this wore point, which thwarted the Geneva conference, Is the real reason why it was poss! ble at this time to ask the other powers to come again to the con ference table, That this enigma has heen solve ed, however, is implied in the iu. vitation's statement that the 'ine formal conversations' between Mr, MacDonald and Ambassador Dawes, ag the American Intermed! ary In London, have "now reached A stage at which it 1s possible to way that there is no point outs standing of such wmerions impor tance an to prevent an agreement," RAMSAY URGES RATE T0 BF # KEPT DOWN Suspension of Coastal Law Held Out as Alterna. tive Winnipeg, Oct, 8 Canadian ship owners should see that thelr rates do not reach the point where publie opinion would fores the Dominion government Into orders ing suspension of coastal laws, In the opinion of KE, B, Ramsay, ohaly man of the board of grain coms missioners, Lakehead shipping of flolala were In conference yesters day with the grain board to res quest that no opening he left for United States vessels to take on storage cargoes at the head of the lakes for spring shipment to Cana dian ports, Rates should he kept down hy Canadian vessel owners to somos where near the level claimed hy United States vessels, sald Mr, Ramsay, if they wished to have no application made for suspension of coastal laws, The chairman stated that no application from United Staten shipowners for suspension of the laws had yet been received by Canadian authorities, During the lant several years, permission han been granted to the United Htates hoats to take on "lant trip" oArgoen, "Speaking for myself," sald Mr, Ramsay, "I am In favor of bullding up a Canadian merchant marine, but that {a a matter of government polley, This commission ia prim. arily interested in the movement of grain, . Toll on Farmers "Competition from American veaseln fn always In the backs ground, T would suggest that Canadian vessel-ownera keap thelr rates somewhere near the United States rates, Wheat Is a commod: ity which enjoys no protection; it One Month Rise 79 Simcoe St. aE REDUCE You Excess WEIGHT wn The Nature Way--By HERBS Our Improved Herbal Obesity Treatment good for steady veduetion without weed of tedious exercise or diet=contalng no mineral drags or (other injurious matter «just nonspolsonous suns dried HERBS which, in addition to reducing, ify the blood, correct kidney and Arouble, and regulate the bowels, Unquestionably a Very Reliable Means to Reduce Withowt Any MN Effects=80, Why Carry the Burden? liver Package, 83.00, Oltainable From Any of Our 25 Herbal Stores in Ontario, Jour Nearest Store; , Oshawa Dr. Thuna Balsam Remedies Limited Phone 2558 Ar ---------------------------- has to be marketed on a world market, If Canadian rates are out of line with competing rates, It moeanyg a direct toll from the pro ducer, 1t does not come out of the country's treasury," W, C, FFolllott, coarse grain salen manager of the Canadian Wheat reol, wan the only speaker who favored suspension of conctal lawn "We naturally want all possible competing ehannels open for in shipping," he stated, Suspension of the laws, he sald, would create # broader market for Canadian gran, Frank King of the Dominion Marine association, contended that no definite reason had heen ad vanesd hy those favoring constal lnw suspension, Canadian constal laws wore a woak and fragile bar rier compared: with those of the United Biates, "Our coastal laws Bre the laughing stock of the trade and Canadian ships have to share Not only In the ridievls but in the financial loss those laws entail," The constal law was being vaded by Amerloan vessels earry NE Frain from one Canadian port to another, with a transhipment batween ports, he contended, Nuch fh bractice would be Impossible under 1 lnws, which prohibit ny portion of a coastal trip from belug performed by other than American The veunels suspension elause in the File loft the vessel owner never Mure when he had a coastal law and when he had not, stated Mr King Canadian shipowners have higher rates In and fall in order to compensate for the months when thelr boats were tied up without any grain to carey, he explained, This has heen a discouraging Summer for Canadian vessel own ord, contended N, M, Paterson, president of the Paterson Steam ship Lines, He considered ft unfale to place any further handioap on the shippers by suspension of coantal laws "We have had some hoats tied up In Montreal since August on Aocount of the grain congestion.' he sald, "Wo got $6,000 to send o ship to Montreal, and it costs us $156,000 before she gets away." Difficulty would be encountered finding men when the Canadian float started walling again, fore. oast TT, R. Enderby, presidént of the Canada Steamship Lines, Most of the crews, he sald, oxoept cons tract officers, had heen lald off because of congestion at the grain ports, FALL COLLAPSES DURING HS TRIAL Former U.S. Secretary of Interior Assisted Out of Court Washington, Oot, Albert RB, Fall, former meoretary of the in terlor, now on trial charged with accept a bribe of $100,000 from Hdward IL, Doheny for naval oll land lessen, collapsed in court Yous terday, and his physiolan asked that he he permitted to go to hin hotel, The breakdown came at had to the spring [] Bom, and the jury was withdrawn from the room until the defend- ant could be taken away, NF, Fall had heen lstening to the statements of the attorneys, Owen Jd, Roberts for the governs ment, and Frank J. Hogan for the defense, but had coughed a great deal, Judge William Hite, who Ia trying the case, when Informed that Mr, Fall had a hemorrhage of the throat and rising temperas ture oall&¥ the lawyer about him and after a brief conference orders ed tha court officers to take the fury out, Mr, Hogan declared that if hin ollent hecame any worse he would have to be brought in on a atretoher, FAMILY MIGRATION HELD UNFAVORABLE Hon, G. Lambert Says Hus- bands Should First Pave Way Abroad SAILS FOR ENGLAND Most of Training of Settlers in Old Country Thought Useless Montreal, Oct, 8.~Hritish settlers should come to and establish send for their the opinion ol women folk Right Hon entrained for Quebec mentary which attended recent group und Calgary, Fo prove his contention that men should establish themselves first he cited an idyll which began in his During his tour he met the couple again, own village of Devonshire Now Prosperows "I'he man told me od hard for two or three at times he told me he went hungry he was able to send hourt in the Httle and today they are a very happily mareied couple "Young male \Mter for eight conditions can find on the land of the training out here are so entirely different "I am perfectly confident that there is no more loyal portion of the Bri Dom We want to foster closer Dominions and the Mother Country and for this purpose there could he no more froit tub process than visits such as we tish Empire than. that of the inton of Canada closer eommunieations and trade between the great have enjoyed, "I hope that fustead of SR TE IR RA, Dustbane Sweeps Clean I Without Dust Limited Ottawa, Ont. male Canada first themselves and then his is Lory: Lambert, MI", who just before he en route England that generally speaking, he does not favor family migration, My Lambert was a member 01 the parlia conventiop of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Edmonton that he arrived here with very little money but work years and during this time YOArs his sweet Devonshire village Prosperous migrants who are prepared to adapt themselves to the Aocertaim ature I am afrald that much in the Old Country, however, 18 useless as the conditions United States capital fertiliaing the groat re sources of the Dominion, British caps SSL Eatna, daughter of Capt, Christian Klengenberg, and Gramar, an Kaki mo, and the wife of Uyoknuk Rav, known as key Bolt, has been brought to a Vancouver hospital after nine months of suffering in her aretic home, Her father Is dean of fur traders and to her belongs the credit of stamping opt the old Eskimo cus tom of killing female baubles The hotographs here show: (1) Tkey lolt und his wife In thelr costumes made by Eatna, best needlewoman in the Aretle, (2) Two native Eskimos in thelr elaborate = ceremonial eos tumes, and (3) Tkey's pup, now grown into one of the best northland dogs Ikey claims that he laughs at jokes, wid Jo Lpunptoddo us savy jim [vl fitable employment, "Of one thing 1 am sure, and that Is that Ramsay MacDonald will have a Witting welcome In Amerien; 1 am apposed to the Prime Minister in pol ities but naturally 1 hope that he will succeed In bringing shout that good understanding which must be a pre lude to clearing away all suspicions between the English speaking peo ples, No greater pervice could he rendered to humanity than that the British Empire und the United States should unite to lead the world in the path of disarmament and peace, Those present ut the luncheon gly» en in honor of Mr, Lambert by the Montreal members of the Canadian Chamber of Commeree yesterday were: Dr, John Ross, chairman of the national 'executive, who presided; I, A, Paulus, Joseph Beaubien, Geo MeDonald, ehatrman of the Board of rade; J, Stanley Cook, secretary of the Board of Trade; A, O, Dawson, George Hogg, mayor of Westmount } George Henderson and W Mel, Clark, secretary Canadian Chamber ol Commerce, URGENCY 1S FELT IN SUDDEN MOVES IN EASTERN FIELD Observers Wonder What Is Motive Behind De- velopments London, Oct, 9-=The being discussed in some quarters as to what is the urgency behind the Labor Government's speeding up in the Foreign Affairs field, and why it has heen found necessary suddenly to arrange for the evacuation of Kgypt, support the independence of Irak and now, according to usually well informed writers, prepare to an nounce, before December 1, the grant ing of Dominton status to India, for a British India is considered to be the alm of His Majesty's Government though the latter is qualified by the explanation that Dominion status will be only obtainable by a gradual pro COAN, In contrast there is Arthur Hen derson's blunt refusal to even diss cuss the relinguishment of the Pals esting mandate The question is being asked: "Has the Labor Government any informas tion compelling hasty negotiations in affairs of such magnitude, or is the Government doing it as a windows dressing preparation for another gens eral election," In any case men of knowledge on the Indian situation are inclined to the view that to hold out the pross peot of Dominions status to India, coupled with the warning that it cans not have it for a long time, is tantas mount to carrying a match into a powder magagine-<there might not he an explosion, but if there was one, the matehscarrier would not be there to shoulder the blame, The rosignation of Mahmud Pasha came as forecast hore, and with the accession of Adley Yeghen Pasha to the Premiership the Anglo-Egyptian crisis has taken a more reassuring turn, as the Wald leaders are less hostile to him and the Wald rank and file are too satisfied by the fall of Mahmud and the restoration of "eonstitutionalism" to worry about the personnel of a temporary Cabs met, + Adley is relative of the Egyptian royal family and has had experience in the Egyptian Foreign Ofilee dur+ ing the British occupation, He has been Foreign Minister and Profier. The Ministry ix a coalition ineludi several Tepretentutives of the Wald, and the clections are to be held un. der the parliamentary system, Lam told that conferences between Sir Perey Loraine and Nahas Pasha have resulted in something approach. Ing an understanding between Nahas who is the Nationalist leader and the British High Commissioner Jt is oven hinted that the Watd may sups port the Anglo-Egyptian treaty, question Is C price! suede-like fabrics, . with the lavish fur trimming winter coat mode, The furs importantly featured are wolf, fox, beaver, caracul, French beaver and opossum, We OATS Here are the most important coat fashions of the season, at a decidedly low Beautifully fashioned of broadcloth, tweed and the wondrously soft that distinguishes * the ". Hl These Luxuriously: Furred Winter RY Coats Priced i AFTER NEW YEAR'S Student of Things Astro nomical Suggests a New Calendar New York, Oct, 9.~For those who find that Christmas and New Year's Day already come too close together to prevent complete recovery from headaches, the latest offering in the way of simplified calendars bodes no rood, As things now are, a full week sep arates the two holidays, but under URGES CHRISTMAS | the proposal of Jean Ch, Myrvanth, student of things astronomical, Christ mas would follow New Year's by two day his seemingly strange state of affairs would be necessary hogaus Myranth would have the year begin the day after winter Solstice, which is now December 22, I Christma is to be kept, in its present relation to the Solstice, it would thévefor have to be January 3 Thus the holi days would come like this, he yeur would end on Saturday, the 28th day of the 18th month, Pax, which is what Myranth would call the extra month ha would insert bos tween December and January, The next day would belong to no, mouth, no week, It would be a universal holiday to take care of that Josh day which irks calendar simphitiors Then would some Sunday, January 1, with Christmas following on the Jrd, Every year it would be the samc except that on leap years there would be two df the extra, unafliliated hol idays between Pax 28 and Janvary | Aside from beginning the year just after the winter Solstice, Myranth's "Universal Kualendar" is much lke other 13 month proposals, in which the month}, each of 28 days, would begin on Sunday and be, the same every year, Just where the fourth of July or Dominion Day or your birthday would ome under the new calendar In a matter of higher mathematios, A -------- RR A IAS, promises he will pro King George V of England with all those trifles fig his enlendar is adopted itted it to the , which In expected to call nal Co Htication next year Myranth de a table Lint ured out if -------- He has of Nati an Internat endar my sul League Until 1847 postage was pal nference on Cal A ball of cork 10 meter weighs more pounds, foot In In the Bay of Fundy, tides often than extead G0 feet, SS once pald $5,000 for a rare stamp, d by the person receiving the letter, dia« 4000 STORM WINDOWS Made in Oshawa Good workmanship and good material producing a window to fit your opening and in the style you desire, yet they are cheaper than out of town pros duets, Others have proved it, why not yom? Vik COMES MILLARD'S PLANING MILL PHONE 2354 City of Oshawa TAXES The tie for payment without penalty to the Second Instelment of the 1929 taxes, has been extended to Tuesday, October 15th After that date A Penalty of FIVE PER CENT. will positively be added to the unpaid taxes; and the Tax Collector will immediately proceed te collect from delinquents, Municipal Offices, P. A. BLACKBURN, Oshawa, Ontario, City Treasurer September 30th, 1929, aaa S5 a I UXBRIDGE POTATOES Hogg and Lytle Limited | Phone 203

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