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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 9

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a aa "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 ALL PASTIME HOLDS SWAY THROUGOUT THE PROVINCE TODAY So -------------- | O.H.A. Issues = Standing of All Teams In R-- plications at its first meeting, Groups will be arranged after al) entries are in and the districts will he wrranged by the OHA, exeecu- i PUNTS # Fe -- Strikes, a = Provincial Rugby Groups Will Be Changed To-day ' Queen's-Varsity Shapes Up Like a Great Battle--Two Intercollegiate Losers To Meet Today -- Big Four Leaders Also Meet Today Toronto, Ont, Oct, 18~There Il be wome radical changes in eo standing of various football 'teams in the Intercollegiate, Inter- ] ineial and Benlor Ontario rug- : + football unions after thelr © games today, That changes are in. 3 ble is conceded on all sides, glance at the schedule, more than' anything else, brings out, is fn Yor one thing, the two ron ams in the Intercolle- te gue, Toronto Varsity and een's ara to meet in what would an epochal game, Both squads i» ire veported to be in excellent eon~ * §itlon, and are helleved to be stronger than they have heen for eo time, Both have scored vies fn thelr first scheduled mes of the season, Varsity down- g Western 27-3, and Queen's ting MeGill 11-1, The two los. in last week's tussles are to t meet in Montreal, This game, too, should give the enthusiasts a real | insight into the chances of the Mustangs, In thelr first start L ngainst Varsity, the Londoners de- monstrated their lack of experi: i ence in big-time rugby, but claim . that it will be different tomorrow, The Big Four's most promising battle 1s that between Hamilton [ Migers and Argonauts, in Toronto, L An in the case of the Interprovin- olal, ast week's winning teams will fight it out, and the losing teams will aleo meet, Montreal Winged Wheelers are to tackle the Ottawa Senators In the calptal, and a8 both squads have claimed' last week's defeats wera caused hy lark of seasoning, and that they are i@- roved, This struggle, too, should = Bn Interesting one. Ho far an Tledrs-Arsos are concerned, any- thing is likely to result, but Ars onauts are not worrying about hat at all, At any rate, the game fs ereating tremendous interest in both Hamilten and Toronto, The Renlor O.R.F.U, will also De in the limelight to a great ex~ ten this week-end, Sarnia Im- fis are scheduled to tackle Var. in the league while the "On sor last week-end, Barnia beat Hamilton Cubs 18-1 on the same occasion, Balmy Beach, sccording to all indications, should dispose of Camp Borden at the Flying Wield, 'fhe Deachers demonstrated plenty of class In downing Kitchener 19-11 last week, apd came from behind to do ft, Warding's crew has been henten twice, by Kitchener ana ft, Michael's, but is conceded wo he a fighting organization, and may make things interesting for the Beach, The surprising Windsor aggre- gation 18 Invading Hamilton, Wind. sor upsett he dope by beating the "Orfuns" last week, and may or may not repeat over the Cubs, Tt should be a worthy tussle, with the nod going either way, When Bt, Michael's upset all dope hy heating Camp Borden last week, they are to meet the strong a8 being a team to watch, This week, they aret 0 meet the strong Kitchener-Waterloo aggregation, and are in for a hard game, Kitch. ener beat Camp Norden 7-0, while the Irish defented the Flyers, 18- 0, which doesn't mean A thing, ex- cept that the Trish are stronger than anyona thought until they got into action last week, At the present time, Toronto and Queens are in first place In the Intercolleginte; Argos and Hamilton in the premier position in the Interprovinelnl; while Bar- nis, Windsor, Kitchener, Balmy Beach and St, Mikes have all won one game each in the Henlor OR, ry, HAMILTON WINS SOFTBALL FINAL Hamilton, Oct, 11Closing out a series that proved thelr undoubt- od superiority in every way, Rise. lays Hamilton intermeldate nsoft- ball ehamplons, defeated the Mare nin Imperials in the second game of the Intermediate O, H, A, Tinals at Vietoria park here, The score was 16 to 2 for the locals, The new championg' offensive broke loose in the third and from then on they seldom ceased thelr bombardment, Corry, pitching for the visitors, had nothing with which to bhafMe the locals arter the second inning and they plled up a total of 24 hits, Pasel for the homesters allowed only four safeties during the nine frames Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys Both stocks and five ping have heen falling steadily this week, And How! Oshawa Is sure getting to he a groat bowling city, Lvery night in the week there Is un howling league of some kind golng on Both Wullle and Jack are coms plaining of not enough chances Lo brush up their bowling, The following lst of the known leagues which are operating in the local alleys at the present time, This gives the readers just what & hold bowling hag taken on the people of Oshawa, Kvery nignt the alleys are erowded and the nents are all ocoupled with people who are either walting thelr turn or are just there to look on, They don't look on long, however, before the "bug' gets them and they too are up there spilling them down, Here In the list: Ladies' Major; Mixed: Major; Paris and Hervige, Duco Woys, Standards, O.M.A.C, Girls, Dally Times, Phillips, Oslis awn Dalry, and City Five Pin Leas gue, All the leagues In the eity are not glven hecause there are other leagues which are Just stare Ing up, CENTRAL BOWLING ALLEYS On Thursday night the City Five Pin League had thelr roll of ana the his Bangs were victorious with & total seore of 88061 for Nf teen games, Coco Colas wera nec ond with 8166, and the Dumbells wera third with 3068, The mem bers of the winning team are Mackie, Button O'Regan, Brady, Dobson and Roots, Practioally all these boys have signed up In the new Clty Five Pin League had thelr roll off and name down yet? Thera are thirty names on the Hot now and they are still coming in, If you want to be in a real len gue, you'll have to get husy, Mend your name to the Times or to Jacek Purdie, The O.M.A.C, Orly opened thely league on Wednesday evening and ean they howl! Well, Just come out and see for yourself, Miss Bourrie started the season off right SPORT SNAPSHOTS OBHAWA RUGHY THAME ARN IN ACTION TODAY Oshawa are going to be well represented In the world of rughy to day, or at home, pny Benlovs and the Bowmanville Juniors, All the Oshawa teams will be seen in action today, either The two loenl Collegiate Tenms ure entertaining the Lind nwiy Last Baturday the loeal luds mel these two tems on thelr grounds and were successful in bringing home w victory aphese, They therefore expect to win again today, The games will be Played at Alexandr Pavk starting at 2,00 o'clock sharp, w v LJ ¥ "BLUE DEVILS" ARI AWAY The Intermediate team, better known as the "Blue Devils", are visil ing Guelph for the Arst the this season and they also expect to out ua win, Here's hoplog, By the way how that we had In yesterday's paper? le Very! that cartoon Johnny has did you Clever, Yes! promised the boys that he will be only too glad to do anything we want, BO you enn he expecting more, Ld Ll A LJ HOCKEY MEETING ON MONDAY The Oshawn Blimeos Hockey Club are going to hold thelr third meet Ing of the season on Monday night ut the YMCA, at § pm, a wpeclal meeting and very important business 1s to be discussed, This Is All players wishing to turn oul with the club, members of the executive, and wll others who are In any way Interested in the welfare of this club are asked to be present at this meeting, ¥ * * ¥ THE CITY HOCKEY TEAM? No doubt many of the local hockey fans have been wondering if the Oshawa Clty hotkey team have forgotten that You need have no fear on that seore, winter Is approaching Get this one, The Oshawa Clty Hockey Club, whieh lust year operated an intermediate team, are going lo enter a team In the NenlorIntermedinte League, This League Is a new League which the OHA, are going to operate this year for the frst time, cities of Ontario, The Idea of this league Is to have teams entered from the large: Among those cities who have already signified hel Intentions of Joining this league, are Windsor, Peterboro, Galt, Belleville, Kingston, and Oshawa, good hockey ger for the team, Laeky Btrikes, Invineibles, Tollers, Whis Bangs and the Rookies, The Rookies seem (0 have chosen a good name ax they are ut the bot tom of the heap, the standing he Ing the same as the order of names given, However, even the Duplates may whuttior contrary to thelr name, and then wateh the fun MOTOR CITY You, and they Ing plenty of fun domain this week I'he Parts and Noerviga Improved on the night but not enough proat number of softhall players In this longue hut when It « sriking out It dosen't thing Ask Drinle Trot ter, Harker, Toppings and the ALLEYS have heen hav up In Wuallle's woeoond here In a ames to moan i Gate others, "They miss "em but that'll In TT ------ Man, oh, man, but doesn't that sound lke some The loeal team have decided to have Walter Lett as mana Hips ugaln gomes into the Hmellght with a total of K46 for three games, Quite falr hut If you don't do It again we will consider IL a fluke Now, watch Walt, bowl plenty Ladies' High Monthly prise Is util coming to Bunty Goold unless somebody ean better her mark of ah, lenny Morgan is in line for the high weekly prise with "Foarless' Jorry MoCabe must ba even more Beoteh than Wail for in a Hpeelal Competition Game of Ton Plas Jerry beat Wullle and to do it he established a high ten pin mark for this season in Osh 6 2 3 2h 3 and \ TACKLES} i A pA y 4 " Last night Couch Pound took the boys through uw short snappy chalk Lith IC was u valuable evening spent in theoretical work, * w . Viveryone was greatly benefited by thin phase of the training os IL gave each player a very definite concep tion of what his particular duty is " w 18 Wepeelnlly valuable 1s this system in teaching Interference und need lows to say that was what Conch Pound dwelt on for the greater part of the evening, J LJ » Bob Armstrong and vill handle today's game, These tw oMelals have always rated ong hun dved percent with our elub, wo we need have no fear as to the handl ing of the game, ¥ # . The team arrived In Guelph Just hefore twelve and Immediately were herded into the dining hall for a Heght lunch By The Dopestey A rprprprap derail dp lp dp er Ah Chileolt COC No, dear readers, It didn't tuke an awlul lot of persuasion to get them Inte the eating pavior, ho lunch they had walle for fHfteen minutes and went haek to the hotel for w vest before getting dressed for game a brisk then little the After 4 Instructions To Members Toronto, Oct, 11,The Ontario Hockey Association, through Be retary W. A, Hewitt, last night 1s sued is annual instructions to clubs and players, They nve as follows: New clubs must obtain an appli eation form, slgn it, and return to OLA, nocretary, with a Het of ofs flears and prospective players and colors, Bend fees with application, New clubs must pay #11 (86 en trance and 86 annual memborship foe) for one team, $6 additions! for onch ad@® ional team entered, Pres sont members do nol require to pay entrance fee, hut must pay the annual membership fee, The OH A, executive will pass on new aps | cortifionte tive to the best advantage of all clubs concerned, Buggestions for grouping are vequested, Clubs are asked to get entries in early and make it & point to have a delegate at the annual meets ing, which Is to he held at 10 a.m, on Saturday, Nov, 16, 1020, at the Woval York Hotel, Toronto, ¥ach alub Is entitled to one delegate wha must he a club member, No proxies, No player can play without & Certificates will he din- tributed to the clubs on payment of dues, Junior players must he under 20 years of age, Jan, 1, 1080, Ofelia) birth certificates will he re- yuired from all players hefore being allowed to play, ' Hyveryons feels fine and are quite sonfident of a win, We sincerely hope Bo, BNYWAY, Sd 1 Skating MONDAY Come and enjoy a good evening's sport with your GOOD ICE Contest friends, MONDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 14th CURLING RINK Special prize to be given, GOOD MUSIC Watch for Coming Events, EL RESTLING Oshawa Armouries THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 The World's Great: est Wrestlers Vill Be Here sity: "Orfuns" in Toronto, News £9 squad is helleved one of the tu ni" dropped a decision to Wind ' and was never in trouble, by winning a special prise for the | never bring strikes howling high ningle, This prize, which was given hy the management, was a five pound box of choeolates, Jack fs pretty canny at that He mives nwi, Any man that oan beat Wul He In special competition at his Own game must be fal Quite fale, 288 1s the mark, Thinking of having a try at 1? -------- INCLUDING RENATO GARDINI Champion of Italy, STAN SBYSZKO former world's champion Under the Auspices of the 34th Regiment 'SPARTON' "RADIO?" Satisties The Press The sthndards started thelr sea on on Friday with WW, H, Clarke rolling the first ball down the alley There's a ramour going around that he kept the ball on the alley and yet didn't knook down any ping, Htrange! Btrange! to how! te reduce, Clover, Yea? Very, The following officers were ap pointed to run the Major Mixed League, Walt, Phillips, President Reg, Norris, See, and Kd, Higgins, Tres, WW. E, Phillips have a nice lea gue consisting of eight teams, The Aley«Cats, nome fine Walt Phil In the weekly roll off soores were turned in Dulphates, Diehards, | | them chocolates and then they have EE I AN i \ i (H \¥ V | | RY f NER This Message taken from the Oshawa Dally Times Issue of October 0, 1080 R ADIO Ncupsieis ius now buen lfusd to + sew plane. A new fascination has been given to the hundreds of thrilling and entertaining programs that are constantly oa the air, Now a radio that virtually "brings you face to face" with the world's greatest musical artists, celebrities and entertainers--a radio in ad: vance with the times, Only by hearing it and operating it yourself can you credit the perfo'tion that has been attained, It wa only to be expected that this mgterpiece should be the product of Wytinghouse, for Westinghouse has gatheed together the greatest scientists of th radio age . . \ Westinghouse-- in radio~have for years carried research in this field . . is the world's foremost organization, 'Brings you The Consolaire is NEW from super sensitive circuit to distinctive cabinet de« sign, It embodies the new synchro dynamic speaker---new exclusive tone modulator + «+ + new magnified illum. inated tuning, and many other entirely new achievements that make this instru. ment like no other in existence, To see it, is to admire it==to hear it, is to desire it. face to face" ILSON & LEE 71 SIMCOE STREET NORTH PHONE 2388 Be sure hear the new 4 (onsolaire "Radior Pleasure Craft" Westinghouse Se _ RELAND'S 67 Bark Street Phone 2588W

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