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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 10

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"Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship King St. ee Church nv, go H. ORAGG, MA, DD, MINIWINR Address; 160 King B, Parsonage-Telophone 918 hone S487 Sunday Service, October 13 11 a.m.--Communion, Reception of New Member 2.30 p.m ~Sunday School 6.48 p.m.~Song Service, 7 pm "Our Greatest Task" THANK OFFERING SERVICES Oct, 20th with Rev, 8. C, Moore and Mr, Denton Mas- say of Toronto as special speakers, ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, R, A, WHATTAM, Minister, "Rev, 8, C, Moore, BA. BD, of Belleville, will preach oh, 11 am==The Royal Scarlet it Chair of the Orange As sociation will worship with 0 p of Pi At Sen." m~Sunday Scheel and "Eire Bible Class, Warm Welcome to All CALVARY BAPTIST Athol Street West, Near Simooe Mrs. Eva Rose York WILL SPEAK SUNDAY AT BOTH SERVICES Also each week night at S--~Monday to Friday and at both pervices nest Sunday Simcoe Btrees Nurth and Brook Street Rev, Duncan Munroe 84 Brock St, W, Phone 8834 Sunday, October 13 1AM, "Avturn Loaves'! 8 pmeflunday fiohool TAM ould "What Gospel W Paul Take to Rome?" First Baptist Church King St, East Sunday, Qetober 13 11 am-~Mornlng Wore ship, § pmo~Bunday HBehool, T pm, = Hvening Wore ship Mon, 8 pm, B, Y meeting, Tue, meeting, Wed, § pom, == Church Quarterly busiress meeting, all members are urged to be present, Apeaker, Mr, Hehult of Toronto, WRLOOME TO ALL LA § pm, Teacher's WESLEYAN TABERNACLE THE SONS OF EA ae THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 121929 Sunday Services in The Oshawa Churches Unity Truth Centre The reiting service of Unity Truih Centre will he held in Weleh's Vas lors, Bunday, Holy Trinity Churek Rev, B, C, Jarrett, the rector, will conduct the regular service wt Hnly Trinity Anglican chureh tomorrow, Fre "Methodist Rev, Casement, the pastor, will iH ar 6 of the services of the Free Methodist Chureli tomo row, Pentecostal Assembly Rev, J, T, Ball will conduet the regular services of Pentecostal Ase sembly on Bunday Oshawa Pentesostal Holiness Mr, George Hall, of Toronto, is fo be in eharge of both tervices wt Oshe awa Pentecostal Holiness Chureh on Sunday, Christian Selonce "Are Bin, Disease and Death Real!" is the subject which will be discussed at the regular morning ser viee of the First Church of Christ Belentist next Bunday, Knox Presbyterian "Autumn Leaves" will he the sub ject of the pastor, Rey, Duncan Mun roe, at the morning servies in Knox Presbyterian Chureh, In the evening he will speak on "What Cospe Would Paul Take to Rome," Wesleyan Tabernacle The services of the Wesleyan Tah ernacle tomarrow will he the last In the Sons of Eagland Hall, Next Sun day the pastor, Rev, A, J, Wilson, will epen an evangelistic campaign In thy eement church at 200 King St Ww, First Baptist Chureh The regular services will be gon ducted in the First Baptist Chureh on sunday, Next Wednesday night the annual auarierly business meet ing will be held and all members are urged to be present, 'The speaker will he Mr, Schult, of Toronto, ---- Albert Street United The Royal Searlet Chapter of the Orange Association of -Oshawa and vieinity will worship with the eongre wation at the morning service at Al bert street United ohureh, tomorrow Rev, 8, C, Moore, of Belleville, will eanduct hath serviees and in the eve ning he will speak on "Ships at Sea" 85, Andrew's United Rev, DD, Wallace Christie is to he the speaker at both serviees in Hi Andrew's United Chureh tomorrow, which is anniversary Sunday, The pasar, Rey, fanwell, will he unable ta he present but members of the congregation are pleased to learn that his vonditien is steadily improy HY Balvation Army The regular Balvation "Army 4 vices will be held Bunday with tne sign and Mrs, Ar Dixon in charge, Christ Chaves The rector, Rev, i, B, Patterson will eonduet the services In Bt George's Anglican Church on Bune diy, Mi, George's | The annual harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at Christ Chureh (Anglican) on Sunday and Rey, Canon Higley, vector Bt, Mark's, Port Hope, and former Dean of Trin iy College, will preach at both ser vices, North Simeoe Street Uplted New members will be received Into the gongregation at the morning ser viee of North Bimeoe Street Unitud Chureh temorrow, "The Lord's Bup ad will also he ohssrved, Rev, J , Clinpton, BA, B.D, Is to he the speaker at the evening service, Bimeae Biveet United "The March of the Army" will be the subject of the pastor, Rev, IL Harstan at the uarning service In Himeoa Street United Chureh, In the evening he will speak on the "Prime Minister," King Bireet United The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be observed at the mornin service In King Street United ( 4 on Sunday, Bow members will also he welcomed to the gongregation, In the evening Rev, C1, Crag, the pastor, will present an address on "Our Greatest Vask," Grace Lutheran Rev, A, C, Hahn will return to the Catechism sermon series and preach on the third part of Luther's Small Catechism at the morning service in Grace Lutheran Chureh, The first regular voting meeting of the eon gregation will be convened at 4X Sunday afternoon Contre Birest United Rev, Dr, HL, 8, Dougall, former pus tor of Bimeoe Htreet United Chureh, will preach at the morning service in Centre Street United Chureh to morrow, The evening service will he conducted by Mr, Fred Riding of Emmanuel College, Toronto Bible Tea her at Calvary Baptist Mrs, Miva Rose York, well known Bible teacher, will commence a se ries of meetings at Calvary Baptist Chureh tomorrow, Mrs, York will ppeak at the morning and evening services on Munday and each weeks night except Haturday at § o'clook This, ls har third vislt tn Oaivary Chueh where she 1s held In very high osteam, AN always, Mrs York's meetings ave undenoming tional In ohavacter and everyone I cordially invited, | Women of The Frontiers | Our Chureh, acting through her Board of Home Misslons and tinans ood, under the Missionary and Mains tenance und, opened up fifty-two new home missions last year--one per week In naw territory, What does this mean? It Indl ontes among other things the entry of wives of home misstonaries with refining Influence into vough plons oor places, Hhall wa not put the seal of our approval on thelr yor ton te Christ and the Chureh are aocustomed, where help where there ls no money Lo pay for It If It were obtainable, In parsons akes where there Ia provided the minimum of necessities, few oon: venlences and an almost absence of comforts, thelr homes places of paramount Interest Without audible complaint, hravely vear thelr families tn the A fear of God, find time to be leaders to toll and inured Is unavailable complete they make communities, they to whole Mm multifarious forma of Church aes or, 11 8, Dougall former pastor of Bimeoe Btreet United Chureh, whe will preach in Centre Street Uns ited Chureh at the Sunday morn NK service, who Jumps uahore, After the boat has heen pulled to safely one must walk several rods In shallow water to the shore or be carried In the arma or upon the back of a native, The latter Is an embarrassing experiences for our lady missionaries, They are Usually brave and frequently more plucky than the men, A few years WEG one of our large lady missions aries was being carried ashore hy A native man through about two and a half feel of water when all at onea he dropped her unoeres moniously Into the water, Ho [ar as I can learn 16 In the first time A untive has ever dropped a mis slonary while carrying the passen kor ashore, To this day the native people take delight In tantalising thelr brother hecause of his mis hap, The coral islands are unlike the mountainous islands In that thelr land 1s poor and very unproductive Cocoanuts will grow well on the sandy soll, hut not so well In gra vel, especially If the gravel Is 000 PRE In fact the eoconnut Is the only staple native food here, It will grow hy the sea side and still he sweet and dellelous, even more #0 than thoss grown on the moun tain sides In some Islands Thin Is a wonderful provision, Indeed, that the Lord has made for these poor native people, Home flees are to ha found, hut they do not grow and bear well, The papaya frult grows well In some Islands, while the hreadfrult and banana will not grow unless mountain dirt Is taken ta the coral Islands to fertilise the soll, Fish abound in the lagoons and open sen near the reels, Pleas and ohilokans are raised for commereial and home consumption, Canned foods, especially ments, ean ha pur chased from the Chinesa mereh ants and forelgn traders, Crabs lobuters and the "mother of pearl" are plentiful in some Islands The Islands being near the equa tor are very warm, and being wo low, with no mountain protestion, they are exposed to the trade winds and severe gales, also to the severe windatorms that frequently sweep over them But even In theses low oceral, sandy, unfertile and isolated isles of the sea many men and women have found God and a way to ex prea Him fn thelr lives, Although thele aking are dark, thelr eustoms different, and thelr environment fot a0 wholesome an ours, God Ia working in and with them in fulfil ing his promises to the peoples of and tries to swim cd PAGE SEV, EN / "hh All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome "Enter Into His Courts With Preise" ----p-- The House of Friendship Good Si Fine Fin PO Helpful Services Sunday Services "am 7pm. SIMCOE ST.UNITED CHURCH Minister, REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. Phone 148 Phone 3128 "The March of the Army" 3 p,m.~Sunday School "The Prime Minister" The Minister will preach at both Services, Strangers Cordially Invited A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here REV, CO, W, GORDON Dean of Canadian writers, known to thousands the world over as Halph Connor, author of the romances, belleves that modern Hterature of the salacious type in doomed, "And the reason Is that the public will not stand for 16," he sald recently, "When a sensational hook is published there are enough persons to give it a fair sale at fests Then © dion a natural death, for the great majority of the redding publie is clean minded, and wil not tolerate suggestive or ols soene works" were the ghildren of Mr, sen, who came to this country two years ago from Denmark, with his hought » hundred-acre farm near Belton snd One of the Jensen didn't year wife ane Is doin girly, eleven Know a wor seven children, well, ears old, who 0 Eoulish two Carl Jens Ago, wis one of the best speakers In the oratory contest, eapturing second prise, The Jensen children wore par tieularly good nt sewing and | making which they learned In publ school back in Denmark, Incomer like the Jensens are a real asset tg our rural communities Yaky Pliot" and a dosen other |} St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of The United Church of Canada Rev. F. J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss Pr Fletcher, Sunday, Oe h - Qetober 13 Anniversary - Rev. D. Wallace Christie, B.D,, will speak at both services, 3 pm.--Sunday School and Bible Classes, You are Invited to all these Helpful Services THE ROAD BEYOND The road beyond In so very straight; I travel along Put It must walt, The road beyond In so very lon! It's silent and still} I sing a song, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Ueline Birest Opposite Maple He. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH OCorner Court and Harvie Ste. REV, 8 C steady 4 ph of this nationsbullds hfe ENGLAND HALL Ing work Willes, maintain the morale of the a fitreet Kast Of theses women, the new report | wo of thelr churches, eneou! V, KE J, WILSON fH] of the Board of Home Missions will [age Bushands in the dark Minister [way days, and al hoo) sunny and Services YHyven nobler than fhelr huss | height and Weta) unwilling to 2 pm=Hunday Bohool pands {8 that band of worthy wos |dhange places wi tN UNOS ds Who a pwmo=Freaching, men--mistressen of the home mis: [seek gatiataction In comtarta nw yot T pome--Kvangeliatio, slon manses, Denled the sultural [in luxuries, 16 Is doubtful if Siwy This will he the last Huns gurroundings tn which most of [other hody of women oan be found day in our present location, them were veared, without the ves fgnywhera in thin esuntey who so fn Buniay Oct, 30th we ave fining abundance of art and music [wohly serve, so herdoeally endure, openiag an Evangelistic lland even literature to which these patiently suffer orpre so whole Campaign in the cement women of the centres of population 'somely content." church at 200 King Street Weal, Wateh for further Announcement, J Life In The Far Away Free Methodist | South Sea Islands] | ! CHURCH in Canada french Ocoania) y | The coral fslands that le 100 OVER ARCADE : miles east of Tahitl are #0 mueh SIMCON AND OAK Services Conducted algn Mvs, A, 11 a,m.~Holineas Meeting, 2 pw~Pralse Meeting, 1 pm.o~Salvation Meeting, Sunday Sohool--10 am, and 2pm, 10 am-=Sundey 80 A sm =Morning sh v pm~-Evangeliotia Bore vice, Mn George Nall of Toe Tolle in charge, saday--4 pm, Prayer or 3 pm ~~Sunday Behool, Wednead be Te Mopids hil i ¥ pm Brensony and er and enjoy thews [US Sermon, Services With Uy, i Oped Se. : ap of compiling them, Mr, Seripps " Christian Science an answer by wire reading: "Offe 1) -- - a -- Fret Chueh of ohne, Salentiag, sceegted, What do you want Whe n n deliver Eni rf for the t Jor rd Tw A ---- Qolberae Coke 13 stat tie 2 to show} tt 3h o re. anit? Me, Seripps' hun nC Dison and Death Real?" TO ALL fgares thereupon tamed Morning Service at 11 'am, School 12.10 am, WELCOME 1} MMIGRANTS (St. Mary's JournalsArgus) Among the most suegessiil prizes yhoo! | A noludtag testimontes of Healing through Ohristian Selence. winners at the Jelion A You are sorta lavited oa ond hy. services and to make wee of the $ Free Public Reading Room : REAL TA | Inoum 30 Fairbanks St. ' am -=Noly Commun. The road beyond Will remain for ages, I travel on An Important TO TVD With SOA. - Movement - WHAT WOULD IT PROVE? \ (Editor and Publisher) Rev, Deets Pickett, research sees retary of the Methodist Hoard of Public Morals, recently lssued some statistics showing that prohibition has increased the national wealth hy 22.000,000,000, Later the National ndusteial Conference Roard issned figures showing that prohibition has Sastansed | he national. wealth hy $1,38,000,000, Whi Umar caused R, F, Paine to No that his hy publisher, hot erippy, once deal red some ata eh on national matters and © ° iY am ~Mating and LiL n Tim laymen present at the last meeting af the Oshawa P'reahytary of the Unued Ohureh of Canada, resolved unanimously to form a Lay Association, Organisations for men are num: oroud but thoughttyl men readily rO0ORnIge, that com fd with any of them, the Chureh 18 without a vival, It Includes and seeks to help every class and colour, An's make er of character and hullder of the tion the Church is supreme, It in therefore reasonable and oom: mendable that the men interested should get together to promote fel lowship and consider methods hy which they oan most oftectively further the splendid work of the Chureh, Te advance the alme of the Asa: olation a Banguet and Conference will he held in. King 8, Chureh, Oshawa, on Thureday, October 24, at ¥ pong It in hoped that Sth one of the 28 congvemations in during Mah tide Awa Presbytery will be well vrepres The reefs are also dangerous tdsented on that occasion, An attraes those landing wpou them, Onejive and helpful programme is be. A boys fo whale in the ship's hoat, or In a native's canoe, Great care SERA Se, must be taken in selecting the pro. YOU THAT PASS AY per wave which carries your boat | § nover knows what he has miss On Ita orest to a sate landing on 3 of the top of the reel, where ft must | \ Hie unhappy motorist; then be pulled 10 & safe placw his the wayside privilege, Many times mistakes ave made in| 4 \remulous secrets of the hedge selecting the ® wave and the | LDRriRht unresting birds: the tow OAL 18 capsized, THiS 18 AARROTONS, ely starry flowers below Rot only top ak Who Are WRACOU | 4 tamed to suels a Nie, but many Ad [times natives are Killed or injured. Sometimes they are sucked inte these large ie hog the sera) ledge an ved a professional satistioien in down into deep water at al erent ashington $12000 to do the werk angles, Others are hgh all are very precipitovaly formed, formed, into which the sea with mreat strength and ra with the Inrushing and vapid ceding tide, whieh balls wp recedes through the many hol the top of the reef, This wakes, nh dangerous for an wRRcoOUM® ® different in their formation, veges tation and foods fram the WMouns talnous islands, which ave covered with dense and vichly colored vem elation that one would nov Ahink they are only a few miles apart, but sueh in many times the case, Ri falands are clrenlar and obs in shape, and are very low, TH TAN 9, He ¥ ivy a Sunday, October 13 8.00 pw lervice Rev, RE, Casement, Pastor, preach SIMON tO walk safely upon t wy feet ahove high [1 subfounded by a fo! a whieh fa all the Ww feet to several rods Ba GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING prion phe, JI $20 am mu 10,7 L. --_ Moratng we A. ©, Hahn, 12 Alice Street Centre St, United Church REV, W, I FLETCHER, AL ID, Il am==Rev, Dr. H, 8 Dougall former pas: tor of Simeoe St, Chureh., 2.30Sunday Scheel, 7.00 pm, -- Mr, Fred Pentecostal Assemby ROTARY CLUB BLD, Centre 8, ) oh dro \ HINT Christ Church She Cor, Hillel and Mary Sts, Rev. RB, Patterson, M.A, ucumbent, $08 Mammon ¥t Sunday, October 13 £00 amo--Holy Come munion. Cooperate A W \ A 11,00 am ~Moraing Ren Rew. J TN W Sunday, Ouivbersid PRA where Th a sty the spider weaves: low hues of Ry fener rose hy the river's brim Note) a primrose is to him} And ney of meeen 2: of the wien, appeals nat he roar of wheel: width, The lana 1 - Tow i to a mile In SE trom 3 to § pa 10 am.=Sunday School Il a wm == Morning Waorsh a Unit oF $.30 pw. = Sunday Sohool 1.00 =Rventag Prayer Oot, 20M, oreby Xi a. wh te the tm [ro coming tide to Ala over the reet and sandless, orazgly coral hed ta EL 0% Others ho unded to death by he the reel, iN upon the aly He thing to do whea the boat or canoe capaiges tx to clam the hrk ne'er so song from any shiv Riding of Emmanuel College. orship. 7pm == Evangelistic Service. why, % BLOR Truth Conte Ne AWS Soy vive, a and Harvest Thanneniving, 10 1, and although one fe ¢ © #0 ps Life I Wier, worth the while tively safe thea, he atill st YALA MXIT S000 to the wile} better ohanee to live than the oae 18 in y Foy Qbserves the lagoon, The reefs are peculiarly tormed in places, Some are law and slope Mon, 8 Bw. Young People's 1 The Message for You 11 ame-NMoralng Sere Lg

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