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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 14

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RADE BALANCE WITH THE STATES 15 MORE ADVERSE imports Are Increased While Exports Take a Serious ; Drop nalon, Dy Qety dole Wn hoth exports snd imports ehandise for rl nd the (E] Wr o over son n DEFIOAs OF IAS Year, wef {] WH edierdey by the sammered Eaports ta Canndi for the sigh i oie Jatallnd #0 yeh pif HALA, and port from that he United Bates aan | he Mion to WF auninst $371,191, ar the corresponding period of iH ort during th fe yer were iA 4 " te surrosponding O38, the Pavres being 1920, $3,407, 0018, fd 1928 SA WOH, Inte hoy | pied #25 0 0,008, with #3 | and 0 for 190 and $a, 80,450,448 or 1028, Far August Imports vecards da substantial inerease of Bddnid, fi over August last year, with Hlovs eight months 201400 Feith period of iy Rik 0, wparts to the United Kingdom ihowed an increase hoth for Aug st and the eight months period, hile fiperts to the United Biates diminished both during August and the first eight months of this year, LA ta the like periods in ports ta the United Ringel had & total value of $AI7A41,108 far the hy manths of og against bY Wd Tmparts for the LH gonths B23 400 087 awalnat B31 OR 0 KITCHENER MEN * GIVEN 7 DAYS IN JAIL Heapeler, Of, T Clarenes Miller, West Ring street anid Milton Wis mer, Samuel street, Kitehener, pleads \ JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J, Wi Womall, Oph, D, Epoaight Specialise TIME TABLES GAR TIME TABLE, Effective Apdl B, 1W, ' i " Jo FFE? P37: SPEPS PEs z [XL * Aidit 3 Ran \ LWAYS CANA AN. h) A i) Vy v DIY, Sheeht Bunday, {OL vy 3 Saent Sunday, Va » 3 am, Daily, sasent Sunday, am, Sunday ealy, 4 il » iN Wh, hen Funda: AW Daily AS : 1) N HM ewer Batuiday ¥ ba Bi rn da LTANS an u ¥ only HE py » PPOPPPPT T E338233533999 rat AEE tA , Axports ineveaned $4,048, 500, howd as sampared tw) ld od willy in plies eaur wl Hetpelis vasterday to ehinrgen of being drank while delving i motor vehiele, result, enely wis sentenced to seven tre in ie sounty ll, A fd me wits [miposed on ensh of thew on w charge pA drunk In a J" Wig pluie, Magistrate Wer passed sen tenee, The ehiges ware laid ws the result of a naling wt Mespeler Manday everlng when a frucle belonging 14 the Ritehener- Windsor Transp Wie ny and driven by Miller and Wiser knocked over & "silent pols gman," crashed through a harrier where men were Nxing a street " nearly knocked down the foreman n the Joh, owe Unique Revolution In Great Britain London, Ot, 12=Rt, Hon, Georges Lanshuiy, Minister of Works, in eon menting on the Labor party vanloers ence at Height, expressed his helio hat Belial is undergoing a rgnarks whle revolution, his, he sald, 'was certainly true and best demonsteated in the Held of rglin affairs, The evacuation of the Khineland, the signing of the ops tonal elise tn The Hague Covenant e| the resumption of relations with the Union of Baviet Boelalise Republies, the naval vegotiations with the Unis ted Btates, the settlement wl the VORINK reparations question und the wrtempt to reach an agreement with taypt, he pointed aut, had all heen welieyvod shies the Labor Government Mob Apa pewer, and now efforts gra being directed (0 secure satisfaetion for Fics aspisntions Phere are rumors today that the Government intends granting Dang indent status to odin, #0 snneunes went concerning which will he made when Parligiment ronssenble Na Sonirsbion of tits ean be today, and It te unhikely Government will do anything the Blmon Commission makes wrt, In the apinton of ministers, vowever, Dominion status for India wat come and India oust take her plage smenm the ether Dominions of the Kinplre Biman Report Haw this ean he red only the Simon veport will show, bot i de un derstond that Labor fs anxious tu add # settlement with India to Hs eatin lngrue al achievements tu present the eountry al the appropriate mu ment, Meanwhile -- : abitained that the until 1s re Labovites are warning EE 'WE MOVE We move with care, skilled parking careful trained wien And Fest class mone Or sgwipment, Nu wWorey, Boer lee, Mos darn Borage Wares hovse, MEN" WORK HHIRTS AT it xans.34 49¢ I. Collis & Sons NM King W, Phone Tiiw Pe JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, ERE 3 Fel! Bros. 7 Ae LEADING JEWELER 12 Simeoe St. South || EXCLUSIVE AGENTS - Diamonds! | Bassetts | On Oshawa's Mam Corner i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 { Prepare For Winter Now BY ORDERING YOUR STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS We Measure, manufacture, have glased and installed, Millard's Planing Mill "A BETTER QUALITY" the Cabinet that white success fy the held af fovelgn affable In gratiying the aeld test 18 unemployment Wednestlny neat Right Hon, J Phomus will agaln meet the owners tn wn endeavor to lesen from them hw thay uri HOlng t eampets In the Canadian market with Amey oii weil, Me hopes (0 have alan some vesulis tn the milstng of British and Nove Booths eonl, experiments in whieh sre now taking pla Me, hows hirought hack guantd ties of Nova Reotian coal from Wis recent trip ta Canada for this pu pase and he heleves that IF proper mixing ean he seldeved, not only will British woul exnorts ta Canada In crease hut also eonsumption of Novi Bootian eon! will vise tn opposition to American coal Ln Tha only war wa can think of Just now that would help this soun try would he a war hetwesn he oorn hare and the potato hugs Kay Vontures, ELLA CINDERS--The Right TWO ARE KILLED IN MOTOR COACH CRASH Keno, Nev, Oct, 1=Twa proh were killed wod ten seriously In) when w Yelloway motor eosch he for Balt Lake Cy turned aver § wiring w motor car seven miles of here last night, Two uiddent persons were erushed under the erturned hous and two hours wlio pecident they had net he Hin helleved they are dead "orem Committed Bulside Napanee | Parry, 6 tod sulelde here yesterday hy I Ing Wimnelf tn ow room over his ¢ He leaves wu widow and a large i Ani, the aaith, In about 6000 piles nw WL nile gigest eantinen and oval THT "al north Cue. whiy rol nd diay Yun hed ( th wed Hit wn for LET v REVISION OF MONETARY SYSTEM NOW SUGGESTED Chancellor of The Exchequer Is Asked to Make Survey Landon, Oct, 14 A ol (ha Wagheh monetary systam sigh we might vavive Industry and nehleve a selentifie solution of the unemployment prohilem was strong ly recommended In the seanami survey whieh Chancellor of the Wx ehaguar Philip snowdon received today from the conferences of Indus trial and eammereinl avganisntions The survey wigsd the wppelul ment of wu commisglon to Invest! gate the antive warking of the pra BENE Monetary system nnd canslde) the tnearporation of such shanges an the general revival af Inaustry might regulve It was suggested that the com mission contain an adequate yepra peEntation of apvicuiiurs!l and wm Austring Intevests, The survey was planed hy vepressntatives of uplnners, motor, wool, silk, gas and potiery industries and VAYIOUN ehamhers af commer I wiwn contnihed the sgnsiures of well known business men and seonom Intw Cammenting an MONBIAYY syatam, the Wea are not seekine oureaney, Wa sesh the expansion af CUPIBROY On propery caver so that the prineiph cantyovertihiiing nto gold hultton an demand might be maintained more Fevisiom (M1 he present iryey sald wn Infutian of nl OHELLY than at | present without the ueed of & high Wank rate "Wa lea waek thal movementi of gold shall conse Lo contral the litarnationnl eredit position and tha weneral level of prives | " PORT PERRY BRIEFS " | Part Perry, Oot, B8.04The all masting of the Ladies' Ald of he Port. Farry Unbted Chureh wis held wt the parsonage on Weidnes any, Oct, 4, with shout B56 members present, Viens worse made fov au vhlekon pla supper to he held on Tuesaday, Out, 45, During the aller noon a pleasing vous! dust wa Kiven hy the Misses Grace Caw hey und Helen Willard Mra, Harold Goode and family nf Ovonn wera Kluests of hay mother, Mew, Jou, Davey, Tast wank Mr snd Mew, Geant Garrow wep In Hutfalo lanl week Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Huryln, wind Mew Halt Hitwon wil Maegsrs, Jahn, Rabart snd "Tom Harvie ware woosk-ond guests of Mi, und Mis I, I, Eaekhuim Comharmere Mw, WW. Hrues Halthy and family Mi, and Mes, Kennet) have laft ta make thelr home In Taranto My and Mw, Wilson have taken the house on Crandell wirant vaontad by the Fealloks Meo and Mes, Carruthers snd | Navsan, of Clean Major, spent Hun fay with Mr, and Mis, A, DD Peters Alex Braln and Waltey WYNK of Taronton visited My, and Mya HL Calluentt dn Wednesday Vi Marton Goode of wik home for the week-end Irvine LA fohn Km hop of Torente and My, and My \ oulthard nl Whithy Wore af My Can, Contes an Mi In vikiting W Munohesto Vinliok 'oranto Contes Jani Wie | fay fre, Hugh Lucas of (RUACITY | | BERVIEE J The wise man never waits till he is dilven by neces» uity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best services are avallable, \Conerr Lzanet Coa Co. Lived J. H.R. LUK Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W Manager, Visited Ww IL wh Mis | I Bl We | Lawin | Whith | Bunda) with John 1rvine Part Perey felendns lust All Quiet HellayilloeMaginirate Mikel foi the pant week has heen fn the nol ther part of Hastings County hold lngn courts for tha placing of nimes on the hoteps' Hels far the goming elsctions, All ts yulel In poben clrelon no arrests helng made ghnes the hegintug of the wesk, No serious poeldents have heen rer povied oli Loyd Runtle of waek Faronto pont ond with I'viends In Part Mic and Mrs were the Grant Gerrow on Gao, lent of Lind Mi Bundy Kuen of in ---me BL Ea KB number fram this vicin thi Mahiham fal Wulim atinnded in whieh buildings 4 and several natives a reparted fran e Transvanl und Routh Afrien WH ow ke of Bugger of haw Change By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plush 4 THE LINES TALKING PETURE! GO HOME AMD THEM UT LEW FEELING AND \ a hap Fr Mesnpaii -- RRC TH 0 WITH Fb khaki) Neowipapst ane -- ik BRINGING UP FATHER CW ED BEF (hh) AS al] ' Chl LS ETL p-- AMY BO u " THES SAND. _-- (A | em f \ Eve VIAVE A LEOOW CEN [Wy Hi ee TELLING TOMMY frond J WHAT DID THE VOYAGT OF COLUMOUS | COB WHEN WE | SCOVERED AMERICA, ) DADDY © a ap IT 18 ESTIMATED THAT THE VOYAGE WOULD BE THI FQUIVALENY OF Lu OLUMBUS RECEIVED 1900 PESITAS - of i CAL GH TER, OF on DAEs LD 5 AFRAID OF Ho mA COME, aA) FROM BEMIND THAT CURTAIN, YOu) MOREL, OR BALL (3 ad - Wt man ps. <a a ES \ " arm A COMI CING & CAS Ta -- Fare RTE AY ENS ART COME {| TD "Tree COMME D BEEF YT | -= ABOUT $300 A YEAR AS THE COMMANDER OF THE SANTA MARW, THE CAPTAINS OF THE OTHER Sei, THE NINA AND TRE PINTA, RICEMD 900 PHALTAS A YEAR A g a -- nT NEO | HOCORNMED - AR NO WONDER) By Geo. McManue [wou Br | OVER, \"T" © 1000, 101 Pontus Bervies, [ne (rreal Byitain rights reserved WELL IT ISNT THE ORIGIMAL CONT ITS THE UPKEEP ThAT IT COST ARQUT $7000 10 DISCOVER AMERICA BETTY Ea wo wv i A \ ae Khe MEMBERS OF THE CREW WERE AWD ' © A SUM FQUAL TO $2,50 A MONTH NOW, THE FOOD COST ABOUT $1.50 A MONTH wp TN PER MAN, THE CANNON ON h 4 ALL THREE SHIPS COST ABOUT 14,000 PESETAS, \ Soadeate hae Come Bran gn 'ward | Wh - POR SUMBEING WR CAN MAE CAN MAKE NEY) MONEY FOR QuRYRLE

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