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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 A | The Whitby Daily Times | Advertising, Gasette and subsor and news will be received at the Whit nh 4 gud oo 23-=After Business Hours" Branch Office, at as, ' REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON hithy Would 'Join Oshawa in Municipal Airport Scheme Chamber of Commerce Names Committee to Confer With Committees of Oshawa City Council---Dominion Gov- emmment Will Be Asked to Undertake Extensive Im- provements Committees Named ~-- Plan Membership Luncheon Whithy Ohamber of Commerce, aL a well attended meeting held on Fiiday evening, desit with MeVeral matters, and passed two important Rosolutions, one favoring the estr ablishment of a municipal afrport fo serve both Whithy and Oshawa, and the other asking the Depart ment of Public Works at Ottawa to undertake extensive improvements at the Port Whitby harbor, In ade dition tndustrial and Juneheon and programme ocommiRtees were named, also a Apecisl membership committee, President R, A, Hutohls pon, BA, presided, and the ats tondance was over 80, Alrport Disevssed The meeting discussed the alr port question as it related to the proposed removal of Camp Hor den, It tanspired that an annoeunes: ment appeared in Friday's dally papers to the effect that the Gove ernment at Ottawa hat finally de olded to transfer the Camp Borden airport to Trenton, and it seemed to moat of the members that the question was finally settled, in whith event It was deemed useless for Whitby through its Council and Chamber of Commerce or both to take any further action, Home members were Inclined to take little notice of the newspaper an« nouncement And oArry on negotli tions with a view ta having Whit. by considered, The question of a municipal aire port was thought to be one of cons siderable tmportance, and after at Port Whitby Harbor--Three Important Drive and some discussion the following mo~ tion waa passed) "That & commitiee be appointed to confer with a committee of the Oshawa City Council on the gues tion of the establishment of a munioipal airport to serve the town of Whitby and City of Osh: AWA, and that the commitiee cons pint of the President, Hecretary, A, GO, Prawning, X.0., 4, M, Goodtel low and A, ll, Kearney, Mayor Dudley assured the meets Ing that the Town Counell would welgomu any suggestions and ase slatance on this and other matters which the Chamber of Commer:ie might oare to offer, Harbor Improvements Vice-president Theodore King Introduced the following motion, which wan passed unanimously! "Thai we recommend to tha Mine later of Publle Works (1) The desirability of having the Federal Department of Publie Works coms plete a complete survey of the aren of the Whithy harbor so that the goheme of dockage muy be lald out for future commercial needs of the harbor, (#) The completion of the west side of the western pler In cement work, (8) The cons tinuation of the south breakwater, (4) The deepening of the harhoy and the filling In of the adjacent marsh lands" FF, H, Annis thought that more attention should he pald to the aviation possibilities of the har bor front, but Mr, King and Hey. ----- Praise from NORWAY... Excess acid in the common eause of indigestion, It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which nentralies acid, The ) andes Magnes tha wan physicians in the 30 years since wl 4 il h i pa ul of Phillips' Milk of One MA neutralizes instaritly many times its volume in acid, It is hare leas and tasteless and its action is quick, You will never rely on erade methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quickly, how sloasantly this premier method acts #0 lot it show you-new, ® are to get the wenunine Phils lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed hy physicians for 80 years in correcting excess acids Hagh botie containg full dirgetion---any drug store, ing them on our, Poultry Mashes & Seratch Grains, We have a complete stock of SU. 8AM, FUL O' PRP and BLATCHFORD'S POULTRY MASHRS 5 4 wy " di * § Ly 3 LE . Cooper Smith Co. OSHAWA "adliver Ol, Regulators. ALP Supplies 16 Colina tn Prepare your hens wow for Winter Laying by Starke h : our Whitney opined that from an ndustrisl standpoint, and to do AWAY with an eyesore whic was a disgrace to the town, the resolu tion Just passed meant more to the town of Whithy than any aviation seheme, Three Committees were named Ly the Chamber M Jorlows, Membership---W.," A, Holliday, Don Wilson, Heymour Whitney, ¥red T. Rowe, Frank Threadgold, Industrial--Dr, 0, 1, Macdous- all, ¥, M, Melptyre, E¢, Bowman, F, MH, M, Irwin, ©, A, Brysny, John RB, Frost, ¥, 1, Descroft, Ww, P, Bvery, 4, M, Goodfellow, This committee acted last year and wan re-elected, luncheon and Programmes John MeClelland, J, M, Hieks, A, a, Reawntng, A, Archibald, W, A, Holliday, This committees was em: powered to add to Ite numbers, A membership drive was decided upon, and the committees will gel busy at once, Hold Luncheon Boon The president announced that It was hoped to hold a luncheon soon, and to have some importan' speaker come down for Lhe ooe wlon, The names of Canon Cod C¢, Ly Burton and Denton Mass! ware named and the secretary wi got In touch with them, It was also announced by 1h president that the names of F, H M, Irwin, F, J. Melntrye and O W, 1, Every had been added to the harbor commitiee appointed at last meeting, The minutes of the last meets Ing, read by the secretary, were vonfirmed, A ---- PICKERING Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Telephone 800 REV. D. RIDOUT OF TORONTO LECTURES Speaks at Jubilee Program of St. Paul's Church Young People Plokering Oot, 11.=The Jubllee rogram, presented hy Et, Paul's foun People, on Wednesday evens ing in the auditorium of the Chureh, was well attended and was very ine teresting, 'The young people prosents od & ahort play, ANA Takes a New Lease on Life" The play was based on the story of a statue which had been made by a famous senlpror, He fell in love with his handiwork, and implored her to come to life without suceess, Fashion, Sport, Pleasure, Mdueation, and Industry, all in turn appealed to Galatea, but nos thing moved her, until Service show: od the need of the unfortunate of the world, The performance contains od a strong moral, and was un & Pras printe approach 10 the illustrated leo: ture hy Rev, Dengll Ridout, of Tor onto, Mr, Ridout had spent the sum- mer travelling throughout thirteen countries of Europe, from whieh many of our Immigrants come, and he as able to give Arst hand® infor mation about the diffieulties, customs, and characteristion of these people I'he audience felt well re«paid for ats tending the meeting PICKERING BRIEFS Plokering, Oot, 1.e=Hugh Miller returned home last week after spends ng several monthe in Western Cans wa, The Iblie school pupils are enjoy. ing a holiday for two days this week while the teachers are attending the Convention in Oshawa, ah of St, Andrews Churgh- {LR LLU LLU \ the Sunday School We \ ot Th afternoon, The ladies took thei thimbles and quilted two quilia dur ing the afterpoon, Arrangements were made for the anniversary supper to be hold early in November, NEN CP. AGENT ARRIVE IN ESHAWA TAKE UP DUTIES In Ey To raday new duties, who has 0 yea a0 Mr, Ivey went to Kingston an frolght agent for the © \ He comes to Oshawa from tout oF AR ti ou 3 qm The Timea HW 6 fold CAA he would Mike La leaving Kingston, Mw, vay was presented with a ati ful wrist watoh by the stall of the frolght department, $35 $30 IT'S THR QUT OF HON. CHAS. M'REA T0 BE HERE MONDAY will Speak at First Meeting of This Campaign in Bowmanville The battle of the polls starts In Bowmanville In earnest next Mons day when the first public meeting of the campaign takes place in the Opera House, This meeting will he in the Interests of Mayer MI ton J, Elliott, the Conservative candidate, who will he one of the main speakers, The Hon, Charles MoCrea, Minister of Mines In the Ferguson Government will be the ohlef speaker and Col, Harry Mul: lina of Toronto will also be heard This meeting will he under the aus plees of Rawmanville Conservative Ausoolation of which CC, KE, Rehder is the president, The next Conservative rally will fake place In the Town Hall at Hampton on Wednesday, Ootohey 16, with Sam Snowden, prealdent of the Davlington Qonservative Association in the ehalr, Jos, Har ris, MPP, of Toronto, and Mrs Lougheed, also of Toronto, will be the ohief speakers at this meeting besides the candidate The Cavtwright Conservatives will hear Mayor Elliott on the tal lowing day in the Town Hall at Hiaokatook and at this meating he will he assisted by Arthur J, Tre Wileaek of Toronto, an old Bows manville boy, and A, J, Fallls of Millbrook, Henry Thompson of Cartwright will be In the ehalr on this oeehsion, On enquiring at the Liberal com. mittee rooms, the Times was given to understand that as yet no an rangementa had been made for meetings in the interests of Mp Bragk, It wan sxpected, however, that within the course of the next few dae, A aohedule of meetings would drawn up at which My, Nragg would place hefore the eleo torate hin stand on the lasuea of the election, Mr, Brags was out of town when the Times endeavs ored 10 get in touch with him eon: cerning his plans for the future, 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF TRINITY CHURCH ---- Special Features Arranged by This and Other Local Churches TE Special wervices will mark the fortieth anniversary of Trinity United Chureh tomorrow and Rev, Dry, ©, W, Bishop, principal of Al bert college, Belleville, and a fore mer pastor of Hherhourne street Methodist ohureh, Toronto, will preach at hoth the morning and evening services, Mualo hy the ohalr under the divection of Frans ols Hutton, organist and choir ab rector, will alse be a teature of Ah services, The pastor, the Rev, J, U, Robbins, will have oharge of the services, A cordial fnvitation to all oltisens of Rows wmanville and vicinity in extended the congregation and the hoard of stewards, In the afternoon at 230 %a'0lack, the local branch of the Loyal True Blues will hold LOOK FOR THE SOCIRTY BRAND LABEL IN THE POCKET Looking successful is the first step towards being successful N° one disputes the Impressive ness of good clothes, They Imply success , , , and in many cases, mark men out for the opportunities that lead to success, By good clothes, we don't mean ex: pensive clothes, Rather, we mean clothes of good fabrics, corgect cut, faultless tailoring, Soclety Brand Clothes in other words ++ + With the reputation of the maker behind them, They are Canada's standard of value, JOHNSTON'S Simeoe Bt, North YOUR CLOTHES "HAT COUNTS Ee hr Ant aha vd 2 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subseriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Fhe limes. TelephonesOfhee, B87, REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK thelr annual ohureh parade to the church and the pastor will deliver an address at this service, The parade will be led by the Oshawa ow The service af Wt BD, band Paul's Unilied Church will he conducted by the Rev, Dr, Best, whose subject will he the "Meoret of Taotfalness," Ow Ing to the servioes character of a special being held In Trinky Chiureh, only the morning service will be held In Wm The Mt Paul's Churoh Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh, whieh was last Sunday de olared vacant, will hald narvices the same as usual, and the Rev. iy Wallnea of Toronto will preach At hoth services Tha Rev, R, 1} Heldpon preach at the morning services In bal} row John's Anklioan Ohureh tamer There will he a calehration of the Holy Communion at 11 a.m The rector, the Rey will fH his own pulpit at the iw J Hives ay Ring service o of NPRAKN ON ROYN' WORK Rehder who 16 In charge boys' work In connection B, the With the Bowmanville Rotary Club wan the speaker at the elub's week Iy luncheon at the Ralmoral Hotel Yeuterday, He outlined the actls vitles of the olub along this line and explained to his fellow Rota fans what the elub was doling each Year for underprivileged hoys or the eltles, Thousands Now Eat QO Baiey A Delightiul Breaklast Food will | Library | News | One of the most interesting of | the new hooks ls Bun Cure by Al | fred Noyes, The central eharaoter IW 6 priggish curate who Is ensms« ored of the 'new peelry,' A oeols lege friend whose literary tusies are prosanted as more normal, ad. vines (he olergyman to try sun bathing tov the wake of his mens tal and physioal health, % he hes inkes himself to & convenient haneh, and there he has the mistar tune of losing his clothesi de privation which eompels him in hw denuded eogaition to spend rey | oral days In a clump of husnes, Hig cure 16 not effected by ihe wun, but hy what he overhears while he Is thus screened from hus Man Eake, 4 In The Major's Candlesticks the muthor, George Birmingham, ren. [ troduees n favorite character from | Hpagiish Gold, J, J, Maldon, While ancaping from his burning house [during the Irish Revolution, Major Kent han Yost hin candlesticks, up old friend, J, J, Meldon, blarneys or bullles him into stempting to salvage them, The resulting sas VORLIITEN APE vary Amusing, Visltor of Hugo hy Allee Rosman (a charmingly Hght story, Poor Hugo, the hero, Is not only suffers ing from an injury to his spine, hut, not quite In possession of hw normal eonselousness, balleves (hat [ hig doctor 18 8 conspirator keep | tng Wim In prison, From this oh pension he ls rescued by a charming girl who enters Inte one of those pretending engagements that al ways end happllys==In books Wepaffrall's' stories describe fo In the fleat and gallant Nights om fArist-hand experience, In his wt book Bhipmates, the ship ites are the squive's won and a luher hoy from & Oornlsh village The last hook of Donn Byrne, Meld of Hongr, carries the atmo phere of Treland, On a thread of romance the author has hung a se ries of events taking lKurepesn history from hefore the battle of | Prafalegnr ta the battle of Wate Even Lady Hester Btanhope and the post Mhelley make thely ppponrances, although the story young Ivishman whe works under blaody' Castlereagh,' The Happy Parrot Chambers 1s a story ef the trou blesome days preceding the War of 181%, and of Erie Birpke whe commanded the topsall schooner The Happy Parrot, engaged In the plave trade Young Muy Moon hy Martha Os fonea 8 the secount of a highly emotional woman, Marvels Gunther, who leaves her husband In a» fit of plague, but returns In a few hours to find that he has commits fed sulelde, Only Marela and her hushand's hest friend know (hat it was suloide, but with that knows lodge they wrestle for Years une tH they are able to come to come plete sanity and happiness, Other new totlon received: Ter ror at Btaups House hy ¥, King! Love Ohanees hy I, M, Ayres] Hale™ rigger Nrand hy R, ©, Pay kori Aseount Nendered hy Wy Forbes; Blood Roval hy D, Yates, The Inconsistent Villlans by N, A, | Te mple-R1lis; Bleeping Dogs hy © | Wella I'he Golden Mighander by [1 Roberts | One of the most Interesting Mags | raphies of the year 1a Daley, Prin pest of Pleas hy herself, It In the momairs of an Ivish-English wom an brought up In all tha freedom of an English country house, whe martled at sightean the Prince of Floss and went to lve in a German pantie where she was hedged In by aiff formality and etiquette of every kind As an HHlumination of history during the twenty-five | yours preceding the war, and of a | highly placed Englishwoman in tdermany during the war, the hook In unique Parents and the presachoal ehitd hy W, KB Hats and H, Hott is a | Kulde to the understanding and veining of the norgial ohild, The | authors are divectal and inatruets Lor In charge of parent sdueation | at the Ht, George sehool for ohild | study In Tarente Ad the prefs woe save, "Anyone who has works od with children knows that In avery ohild there ave manifest some forms of behavior which ave potentially the backround for more serious conditions," The atm of this hook 18 to point out ways and means of avoiding these cons ditions that He In the way of every ohlld In the course of hia social adjustments Rivd In Hand hy John Drinks hy NI Ww purporia to ha the lave story of a | wiler Is 4 play in three sols, The notion takes place in an old ng lsh Inn where Lravellers have wapped overnight (to aveld w vem rifle worm, The guests waleh the dignified ninetesnth century come Lo terme with the unshashed tweens teth, aw the tandlord's daughter wins a vietory over her father in the matter of 4 marriage "awove her station," Another Interesting hook of plays In Beven Modern Comediss by Lord Dunsany, They are oie aot plays, venlistio In wetting and In the wame theme as the author's onriler works, Your Mind In Action by ¥, A, Moun 18 genera) Intormation on the mind and how i works, how Ins talligenes fx come hy and how it may ha measured, Pinal chapters show the applioation of psychology In medicine, the detection of orime advertising and other problems of Intuptry and husiness Fleld-Marsha! Warl Hulg hy John Charteris 16 a notable place of biography, 'The author served with Lord Halg In India, at Alders shot and for the whole of the Grent War, except the last two months, The hook 1s a military Ifa of the great soldier, following his campaigns closely from Mong to the gattle of the Alsne, with a conoluding chapter on Halg's place in history, LARGE ATTENDANCE AT A THORNTON'S CORNERS SUPPER Chicken Ple Supper Nets Ladies of Community About $200 Thernton's Corners, Oat, 11.==The annual chicken ple supper was held Sunday sehoal an Thursday evening and was a decided sunecess Several hundred people wer fed and the ladies eleared ahout $200 Thanks are due Mr, A, N, Bharpe who loaned the use of a fine radi for the evening, Its musie was mueh appreciated while walting for the programme to begin Following was the program, which lengthened hy several encores Plano selo, "Neapolitadt = Danee," H, C, Treneer duet, "Come Bing to Me™ Myr, Walters and Mrs, Annis solo, "Sing, Sing, Bird on the Wing," H, C, Treneer) wale guartette, "A Catastrophe," Mosars, Hare, Staples Walters and Treneer) solo, "Marjory Green," Mrs, Annis wanologue, "A Musien!l Romanes," 1 LC, Trencer vooal duet, "H Travator," Mrs, An nie, Mr, Walters) oornet sole, "Cal vary," Clifford Staples "The Skippers of Bt, Ives," H, C, Treneer; nile quartette, "The Cobbler and the Crow," Messrs, Hare, Staples, tors and Treneer) recitation, Heown gets his hair out," Herbert ( Lreneer i sale, "Give Me the Qpen Road," Frank Walters plane sola, "Valse Chromatique," Herbert © Treneor CHIEF DRAPER HAS SENT ACCEPTANCE OF INVITATION Will Be the Speaker at Arm. istice Banquet of Can: adian Legion in the Wh sale, A definite acoeptance of an invis tation to address the Armistice ban quet to he held on Thursday, Novem her 7. has heen received from Reig. Gon, B,C, Draper, ehiot of police of Paronto, hy Melntyre Hood chalrman of the executive of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Le glon, which is sponsoring the bans guety Chief Draper's lotter of acoopts ance assures the loeal braneh thay, unless AOE URTOTOseen Circumstances arise that absolutely require his pr sence elsewhere on that evening, he will he delighted to he with the Osh Awa exsservice men on that date te address the gathering, "Uloketa for the banquet are now available, and, in view of the faet that Chief Dyas wor 18 10 be expected, a keon demand J them is anticipated, They ean be sepured from members of the Oshs REV. DW, CHRISTIE TWICE CALLED TO THE SAME CHURCH Well. Known Minister in St. Andrew's Church Tomorrow Rev, DD, Wallage Christie, of Rho des wvenus United ehureh, Toronto, wha Is ta conduct the anniversary services In Bt, Andrew's United chureh en Bunday, 18 ene of the most able and popular minister of that ety, and In his ministerial eareer has had the unique experience of helng called on two separate ocensions to the same church, Rev, My, Christie In native of Edinburgh, Scotland, and came ta this country hefore the war, He was for some years minister of the Rhodes avenue Preshyterian chureh, Taranto, hut left there in 1916 to become minister of Chalmers Preshyterian, now United ehureh of Woodstogk, Soon alter, however, he went overseas and served In France as ohaplain of one of the battalions of Canadian Highlanders, On his re turn, he resumed his pastoral duties In Oetoher, 1923, however, he re eolved un second eall fram the con pregation of Rhodes avenue United church, and returned to his former charge, Sinea his return, a splendid new church edifice, serving n larpe congregation In the east end of To ronta, has heen built under his min try, Mr, Christie Is a gifted preach or and speaker, and his services have heen greatly In demand all ever On tarlo for many years as a lesturer on the lighter side of Seettish Ni E HADIOTHONS . GE As Nn ' ' GENUI nv clear for life thats why radio salesmen Westinghouse TUBES INRBVERY SOCHKE Quick Relief Insurance Preparedness in the form of having Aral ald supplies on hand in the home, the shop, the office and the autoamos hile, will often prevent muoh needless aullering=-and may even save a life, FI that medioing eabinet now With such emergency requirements an Tinoture of Arnlea = top brufaes and bumps, Rorle Aold Holutlone=for an oye wash and for eleansing the logs serious wounds, Wam- pole's Hydrogen Peroxide, Wampole's Formolid Antls saptio Holution, or Wame pola's Hygoel-=for outs, wounds and. all antiseps te needs, Wampole's Ointmants «= for sprain, outa, bhrulses, ete Anta tho Gause-=ta put next to an open wound, Absorbent Cotton for dressing wounds, Adhesive Tapes for holding bandages, ote, Ask us about other imports ant "Firat Ald" temas, Karn's Drug Store The Family Drug Rtore with the Lowest Prices Phone #78 « Nest the 1, 0, awa branch of the Legion, FR today demands footwear that is smardly correct at all times, ONYX fascinating footwear is enchantingly stylish for impromptu dancing . . . for other social occasions , . , of for business wear, See the nice new models we are now showing. Our experience and Anewedge of shoe fing are at your service, The Burns Co., Ltd. King and Simcoe Streets Osha BLACHFORD SHOE FOR WOMEN

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