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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, BATURDAY, OCTOBER 121929 PAGE Th FT Boy Scouts Make An Early Start On Their Christmas Effo Water Commission To Resume Connections To City Homes Where Sickness Prevails Commissioners Decide Yes: terday to Co-operate With Board of Health in Con: tinuing Supply Although Accounts In Arrears WILL CUT OFF WATER IN ALJ, OTHER CASES Persons in Arrears With Water Bills Must Prove Sickness in the Home to Avoid Having Supply Dis- continued The Water Commission will eo operate with the Hoard of Health in the matter of vesuming water connections to homes whera there in slokness regardless of whether puch customers ave In avers with thelr water hills or not, It wan de gilded at the regular meeting of the commission held In the oMos of Uity Engineer Bmith, yesterday af ternoon, Members of the commission eon sideved that it would he a hardship to deprive people af waler ln ohsei where there waa slokness in the home, The resolution passed you: terday. was the result of a request fram the Hoard of Health, The members desired it to he strietly understood, however, that the sepvieas will still he discon nected when customers ave In al rears of payment on thely secounts Only when it has heen proved that slokness exists in a home will the commission resume service for any gustamer until all arrears have bean paid, The commission refused to take any Aetion In connection with the question of supplying water oon nection to the olty farm whieh had bean referred to it hy the elty pros party commities , "Passing the Baek" "It seema to ma that the huek is heing passed to the commission," one of the members stated, First the matter waa brought to the at tenion of the elity eounell by the Board of Health, It was then re ferned to un" The general opinion was (hat the well at the olty farm would provide pure water, providing It was pros perly cleaned out, "The commission considered that If the vity property commission wished to have water ponneotion for the farm It should make the application In the regu ay way, 1 vr Pumps Oity Engineer Smith quoted fig ures relative to providing a larger papacity for the low level pumps atthe pumping station, At the pres sont time the capacity of the high level pumps Is muoh greater than those which pump the water Inte the filtration tank end the commis slon In considering hringing them up to the same capacity, No action wan taken yesterday on thin ques tion, Members present at yesterday's meeting Included Chalrman W, H, Ross, Mayor T, HB, Mitohall and comimasioners, HH, P, Bohell, © Johnston and Jas, Fowlds LABOR DISTRIBUTION Muggs! "You say you were in Par is only one week, That was altogeth er to short a time to see & city of that sige Howers: "Not at all, We divided the wark between us, My daughter took in the museums, wifey the stops es and shops, and 1 the theatres and cabarets," Blue Devils Ready For Keen Battle With Guelph Team (Hy Binft Repowt Guelph, Oe, 13=The Hue Davils arrived hove at 1145 amy, and wfier a Hght Tuneh set off for # brisk walk to Hmber up before the mame, Hveryone 18 In gond oondition, and nw keen battle with the Guelph Intermediates in ox pected, The starting Hne-up 18 as follows: flying wing, Wiginton; halves, Rowden, Hubble, Tribble} quarter, Carver; snap, Gray; on pldes, Wilson and Logan middles, Moove and Johnstony outsides, Walker and Hond; wubs, Lovie, Kohan, Cutler, Houlthee, Wack, Hobart, Hambton and Bilote, Of fletnls, ®, Armatrong and A, Chile ent The weather Is faly hut eloudy, OBITUARY a BARY DONALD MAKKEPEACR The death took place todey the Oshawns General Hosplial of Donald Makepeace, Infant son of Mp, and Mrs, Herhort Makepsaos, af 108 Alexander Houlevard The funeral will take planes from the Planay-Catt funeral parlours on Monday, October 14 There will he # service at 5.00 o'clock and ine torment will take place at the Un lan Ceamatary, ") in I, H, WALTON, CHICAGO The death aecurred recently of Reginald HH, Walton af Chileagn, who was a breather of Mes, |, Dul sondatera of i1 Himeos sires south, Oshawa, Mr, Walton was on his way to his afflea when he sud denly collapsed on the stvest And hefore madioal ald could he seour od he had passed away, The oause of death was given as heart falls ure, The funeral took place fram hig residence in Chicago on Thurs day, Oot, 10, This 1s the second heather that Mes, Dulsendstora has lost In the past few weeks, hoth deaths heing ativihuted to the same GRlune WAITING ON STEEL AT SKINNER PLANT Foundations Are Nearly Fin 'ished by the Contract. ing Company Foundations and oanereta fool ings for the steel work are nearly finished hy the general contrmet ord, the Ferguson Contracting Oampany of Toronto, wha are oon. structing the factory unit far the Aklnner Company, Limited, on Hlmooa street south At the present time, the contrass tors are Pushing the balance of the foundation wark te completion, hat ave wilting on steel from the Disher ®teel Canstruotion Comes pany of Taranto, whieh holds & sep. arate contract far the steel wark The Joh Is veady for aver half of the steal naw, and it 18 expected that It will arvive within & few days, the contractors reported yess terday, YARA was Mrs, Swank surprised when sha found out you were leaw ing her, oook™ "Oh, no, ma'am, She knew IL he fore 1 did "=-Rulletin, Bydney, Aaa =e Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA =~ TORONTO FARE~85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA (Eastern Standard Time) 7.00 a.m, and 7.30 a.m daily except Sunday 8.30 a.m. and every until 10.30 pm, daily hour on the half 11,18 pm, Sunday only, Leave Oshawa East ten minutes earlier, LEAVE TORONTO: (East, Stand, Time) 7.30 am, daily except Sunday, 8.30 am, and every hour on the half-hour until 11,30 pam. daily, Coach connections at Taronte for Stouffville, Rare vie, Ovillia, Midland, Cookstown, Brampton, On angeville, Hamilton, Brantford, "St, Catharines, Nia. Buffalo and intermediate points, Fath, Eek Comnention ot TUNIS Po ae taint. Tickets and intormation at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa Phone 2828 LIBERAL TAKING KEEN INTEREST IN BIG RALLY HERE INCREASE ALLOTMENT OF SEATS TO VISIT. ORS FROM OUTSIDE Large Number "Will Attend From Toronto And Ad: jacent Counties Liberals of Ontario wre taking » keen dnterest in the Liberal meeting whieh will he held in the Oshawa Armoyries next Wednesday evening Here it Is expected the Hon, W, I N, Binelair, the Liberal leader will deliver his Key-note address of the EUMmpiign Po 1 Mulgueen, vieg-president of the Toronto Men's Liberal Assoeli Hon and wha 1s in charge of the re served section tiekets for those who wre attending from outside the rid ini, informed the Times that the de mand for these tiekets 1s so heavy that he Is taking up the question ol a larger allotment of seats with W A Dryden, the ehislrman of the meel ng, and Gardon Conant, of the Com mittee In charge W. J. Bragg, member legislature for Durham, has written My, Mulgueen asking tor a bloek of 40 alter parties mato Ing to Oshawa fram the various part of his riding, Harold Liberal candidate fn Hast Y h party of 43 I he ante Indicates that I heen (ule of the lust eats to look Randers ark, ha demand In Tor will (815) and there he a hit chartered TR I lnrge number 'wa gunihes hive there will he Yule curs Arrangements for the broads address at YU o FA of the leading Pravines Fhese are CE RH, Toran Clu, London CONROY Ottawa and CK PR, Mid land Ainplihers are | inti dle In the Armouries so that everyone the large hall will be able ta hear the sheakers MESS L. ANNAND IS NAMED PRESIDENT | LOCAL TEACHERS OFFICERS ELECTED BY SO, ONTARIO TEACH. ERS' INSTITUTE G, P, Ego of Brooklin Vice-President of the Association in wind pri have Leen § Mi aver mpleted Binelaty A hook tutions of th KOA and 8 ol clog Wi 1 the South Ontario Teachery' ( vention which opened here yesterday at Centre school, gontinued wl at onesthirty MOTRIN yesterday attern eloek, I'he fou and Livny fon ession consisted of addresses, the Hirst Material Mothods in Nature Study" by Cornish of College of Educa ol Taronto, Ly Ricker, duped visur of musie me Oshawa spoke on a topie related 10 his work "Class dinning AMthough it 18 only very lately that musi been stressed upon wn the public sohools mn Oshawa the pupils have progress od rapidly with it, Follownig | Cannon's address on the "Department atternoon schools has MOTORIST FINED ASSAULT CHARGE James Carter Convicted of Stopping Horseman and Assaulting Him dames Carter was fined #85 and costs and was severaly lectured hy Mugintvate Hind when he was aonvieted on mn charge of assaulting Hurvy Wood, Carigr had laid an Information against Wood eharg: ng him with disarderly conduet hut this ease was dismissed hy His Mavehip, 7, K, Crelghton appeared fay Waad, The assnult charge was laid as vesilt of an Ineldent which no ourved heave vecontly when Waod, who wis dviving a horse and hug KY, Wan stopped ona street hy two men na matory ear, They kot ant af the ear and attempted ta lay hands on Wood hut hetare they enuld do him any serious harm he Urged his hovee forward and ascaped, The men, one of wham In wuld ta have been Carter, did not molest Wim further hut drove AWAY in thely on Waed arrived at the polos sia ton a few minutes Inter and re povied that two men had sttempl ef to hold him up On seeond thought he deelded however hat the men wera motivated by a da see to plek a quarrel and had no Intention of robbing him I'he aooupled the greater prt of Thursday alternann win not concluded until after welnok TUNIS BOYS GIVE BANAUET TO BAIL TEAMS OF CHURCH King Street Organization Had Merry Gathering Last Night Ning street | the see i" finn fil flye nited ghureh hanguet hall wa ne of 8 merry gath ' Fuxis Hoya FARE Church gave 4 bhanguet in hon Ful the Iw nection with Moffat ueted the hovs had mariaken of the i sipner, he | the teas and congratulated them oi thet showing during the season, Beveral wher speakers had wards | iy 10 the lads and at the we Fool this part of the program oy hod PTRHRILY sndging Phree numbers on the harmonies by Clayton Burnett were heartily ap planded and then Ray Way, the cap tain af the Junior team, thanked the hays for their undivided support and loyalty throughout the season and re gretted that he would he unable Ww he with them nest year Albert Walker then gave ing that kept the house in taughier Representatives of thy aunday Sel spoke ta the hays briefly on their showing of sports manahip and congratulated them an their achievements for their frst sea owas announced during the eonrse of the hanguet that the phy pial traning elass would have Ws ital meeting in the Y MCA next Wednesday night eight w'elock and the eleotion of oMmeers waukl take place at that meeting, The ban quer elosed with the singing of the Wl Test night when the ball teas that are run the ehureh M an chirman and alter in houn ua addres few ela jolned ine a vom His of sol al of Publie Sehoal Pupils" a diseussion wis held, led by GF, Kgo of Brook lin and Miss Ls Anand of Oshawa he last item on the afternoon's pro pram was "A Practieal Reading Les son demonstrated by Inspector R A Hutehison The program for Friday began a nine ovlock and the South Ontario Vonohers had as thew guests the Cos bowrg Institute, About twa hundred and Hity assemblod for the Friday MOTE program, The pracident of the South Qn trio Instiute, Jesse Arnott, address od the wathering and Jollowing his address there was a series of talks on subjects that present diffieuliies (0 teachers, Same of these were Noon Lunches," "Speed and Aceurs oy In Meghanioal Avithmeng," "Cops tions of lunaconracies in Baglish," Nature Notes" and "Noon and Res sy Diseipline," Migs Carrie Mallia ui of Centre shoal presented samg me sugeestions for "Oral Reading a her talk on that suhjeet,, The following repert of the nemine don committes was read Hones ary Presidents; Prof, Fy A. Knox, of Queen's University: Inspector | dhutehison President Miss Lo Anne and of Oshawy, vice president, Go 8 Fao of Broakling exeeutives My Jackling Miss Garrawy Miss Holmes, Co Cannon, Mr, Arnott and Me, Wal Wee, Auditors, Mr, Kutght and My, Harton, The motion was carried that this list be adapted as the Hiss of oxo coutives tor the term of | and HN 1 Helore the gathering dispel Cal, Odell, of Coburg, Soke briefly and thanked the Sth Ontario Teachers tor their Kindwess iy LOrtalnng the | Cobourg 1nstitute le iy IAL twelve o'tlock all those wha cared 10 go left Top wy neil | Draining Sehool at winanville, where they were invited for lanehenn and 10 make an inspeetion the soho! in the alieraoon Died MAKEPRAOR- «AL Oshawa Gone eral Hospital, Donald, infant san of My and. Mrs, Herbert Makepoaoe, Age 4 months, Funeral tram the Plney-Cott Funeral Home Monday, Oot, 14, 1938, Service at 3.30: inion ment Union Cemetery, National Anthem POLICE SEEK "LOST HEIR" The polices here have veesived word that Alexander J, Maclean is wanted fn Boston, Mass, Wet on A charge of falling to pay a hoard hl, hut ta receive a certain sub stantial sum of money 0 which he is the rightful heir, If the sald Alexander MacLean resides in oy near Or awa he had host eammuns loate with the pallies and make tracks for Boston where he way receive his Inheritanes fram one Charles O'Brian, barrister at law, Unless his olalm 1s mada within two months he will forfeit his vighy ta the Inheritance, v Alexander J. Maclean, the "lost holt" was horn in Prince Rdward Island, tha sen of John Maclean and Mary A. Machoan, formerly Marvy Gillis, He spent hs havhood at Atle Pay, Nava Bootla, and ia thought ta he still residing in Cane ada, RR -------- PETERBORO GIRL 1S FATALLY INJURED Potarhore, Oot, 19.~Miss Mary Johnston was fatally injured, and Loants Potviy sufteved hint nia oa When & heavy truek, dytven hy poy Carter, yan over thi pave ment and struek thew, Tha aceh dent was caused hy a calliston he \ the trnek deiven hy Carter th a touring oar driven hy W, |}, mith, TITTLRY no Yoving memary of J.J Tittley who dled Ost, 13, 193% "Thy will he dane," Wite and davnahter, (88) PETHIC=1n loving memery at Liste Pathio onlled ta vest Oot 18, 183%, Always lovingly vomembered by e. Ladd and faa (8a REGIMENT BAND T0 GIVE CONCERT First of Fall Series Sched: uled for Regent Theatre Tomorrow The band of tha Ontario Hegl ment 1s giving Ite fest of the fall and winter nevies of hand conespis tamoreaw night in the Regent The: atve, Under the dhle leadership of My, Dempsey, the hand has shown much tmprovement and has gained In popularity and some fine eons gers are promised as In farmer RORKONN, The organisation 18 practieslly intact from last year owing tn the fact that all the memhers are vesl dents of the sity, Var the apsne ing eoncert the hand 1s giving theese new numbers which have never heen played before an Osh awa audience before, the "Marah Lincoln Centennial" hy Les Ban fard, "Spirit of Youth" hy Fartun ato Bardilin, and the ""Hedouln Lave Bong" hy Clea Pinsutl The band has secured 9aul Ver land ax ther nest soloist for the avening, Mr, Verland ls a haritam palais and possesses wn pleasing voles His two numbers "Invies tus" hy Hrune Hohn, and "The Call," hy Herbert Oliver will nn doubt he mueh enjoyed. He will he Kocaompanied hy Haldwin al the plann The entive proceam Includes ant standing musle hut possiy "The Heauty af Bath! from Hamay Hioks' musical play will enmmand the most attention as 1 is full of potion aud Is only attempted - by well tralned hands, BOTH PARTIES IN ELFOTION VERY BUSY AT WHITBY Many New Names For The Voters' Lists--Rooms Are Opened Up gaveral hundred names will he tn His Honor Judge Tuesday whet he sls affioer on the valers used wt the farthoam Ing pravinelsl election Haturduy In the last day far Hilng thew with Town Clerk John WR, Frost, Liberal and Conservative argani pations tn the tawn have heen very busy vesently sathering In the names of eligihile votors and 11 Is anfe 1a say that eleation day fow will have hoon averlanksd The Conservatives have roams In the Richardson hlook, east slde of Hreoaek street south, and the Lik orale have taken the premises ve panty vatated hy Charles Hayes, awned hy Gears A, Rass, Gather ings of the falthful sve held in hoth eammitten roam nightly, Can servalive ladies have (help head quarters in the Masanio banguuet hall Quite a number of Liherals ave planning to attend the grand rally fn Oshawa next Wednesday even ing, when W, BE, N, Binelalr will make his speech of the campalen Friday night several 1oeal Oa servation attended F, Ly, Mason's meeting at Part Paryy "00 LATE TO CLASSIFY 00D GENERAL, NO WASHING Apply Bax 243 Times, or phone Whithy 2448 (70) ro LET HEMEBUNGALOW Wriek house on Mary stvest All PanveRlenoes Hardwoad floors Apply Bradley Hios, Simons ®t 8 (8% WANTER- COOK, GENERAL experienced for small family, (ood home, ARplY stating wagse BP, OQ Hox 676, Whithy, Ont, (87a) RIX ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT Opposite Pedlar plant, 863 Rims one Bt, Bouth, (ate) presented Huddy on ne TeVIRIng Hate 1a ui Coming Events A Conta por wand each ins sortion, Mintmwm eharge QONARRVATIVE LADIES ARR vited to the commities roams, 20 Himees Bt, Bouth any evening until election, (88h) AR SURE TO HEAR MISE OLAR-: foe Apencer, Reader, st King 84, Ohureh supper, Tuesday evens ing (8th) AT, ANDREW'S QHUROH ANNK VAUSATY BURRON ARd oaneert, Monday, Oct, 14th, E20 pow, Adults 508, ohildren 2, (ta) OENTRE STRERT HOME AND Sohal Association will weet, Monday, October 14, at § pw, (8a) ALL ROYAL SOARLET COM. PARIONE are requested (0 weet in the Orange Hall, Buaday, Ootober 13th, at 10.18 for \he purpose of attending Diyine Service, Hy M, Bateman, sera (34h) OBHAWA WINTER GARDENS, 'dancing Saturday night, 8.30 Wm, 10 Frank Carew and commanders, one of Torontes loading dance arehestras, oh) | AT THE REGENT THRATRE Sunday evening, October 13th, the Band of the Ontavie Reab | han EFFICIENCY OF FINGER PRINTS [5 EXPLAINED CHIEF FRIEND AD. DRESSES KINSMAN'S CLUB Chief Declares Oshawa Po lice Station Is Entirely Unsuitable The efficiency and Infallibility of the finger print system in dentifylig eriminils was explained tn a reining k while address presented hy Chief Cw en BD, Friend at the vegilar Tuneheon of the Kinsmen's Club held wn Weleh's Parlors, Thurs, night, Chief Friend modestly mentioned that Tie wih nat an orator hot before he hud hnished hin addr his hearers wep impressed with the faet that he is us expert in making speeches us he 1s Wo wpprehending ul the law Although a man change, although hie hinsell wints always remain the lend stated, He pointed out nan anaistentl with whieh they were phi tied th howed them the heel TT RPDERTRIEE 10H ny agile hig ne, HE THY wa Hues Chel that Hany whi dopied Griines HEE immediately when the polis hnger prints and taken fram heen towehed In Ir sui they pring whieh hit the altenders nt thi AWRys rdimen dyined, that 1! hieak nba your home wit "i ell the police alticers | uh imvestigation and iF possih Riger prints Chiet Friend studied the Nnger printing er twa ye pared @ dinfonhs mth wa ather faree Inetuding Flintaft and MeGiee have als Cpabie of reading fin nigel m PEF armng I CEES Lhiet aie ilu Fylend hanid tuneh ow wth le fi rst ihe ny thing cure Clenee al ars and parang wheel af th ocul Nei Heant member Detective Peteetive required dip loanan and wre HEP prints everal interesting tneidents deawn fron his own wide constable Were cited hy the value | described the CRPOTIENgs an aftive shied and police Chiel Friend to shin Nnper He als warkings of the central it Ottawa where FS0.000 K nt wi | | Prints hivreau Hel | 11) Prins OR Feet Mie Bus the logal fa Ottawa with the aid within Muh Lhe may | stink where the 111} ALLE ken ut aud sent will he Anger prints an Ale ery short pert nes polies i PRT ther | ientifeation of i the hn Prints wha 1a Hy he secured Hratus are # necessary requisite Ho wish in { hil ol thw fon modern laved (RIT an whe able fghter A aie have the str wisi Ia ANY IAN TELE Friend hig hurly thing else hut Ios nat of musele but he must the fares ay Wis n eg ie | polivem an 8 iy ih nth of a} Bolton, the WPAN AUTRNe (1 | hart | Hat Unused COMMITTEE ROOMS ~~ ARE BUSY TODAY Intense nolivity Felgned al the cammitien rooms of Yrank 1, Ma san, Conservative candidate, and W, BE, N, Binclalr, Liberal Iead er and Laheral oandidiste, his morning Voters crowded In to auoceriain whether thelr names were Ineludad an the Het far 3 Is now generally known thal today ts the last day In which loss) electors may have thelr names appended Lo the 1st provided they have heen amitied, Those In charge of the gammities raaoms Bre naw husy gheoking over the Hats and placing them tu proper order (p he wih mitted tn the elerk the caurl af revisien City News COMMITTED VOR TRIAL Horh Haveison, who appeared he fare Magistrate Hind yesterday on #oehavee of procuring, was sommit tod hy His Warship for trial al the next aul Juris Han gaunt ghmpeient HOTARY MEETING I, HL Gpaekm Canadian tHymph he the speaker al the Oshawa Hotary day, his addyes lanl Canning Gn Tuesday members of the oluh will attend an Inter-elub menting at Port Hops A member of thn Committees, will the meeting of Club an Man # halng on the sul the Qlymples fi numhey und evenin al ADVANCY Nuting W POLL TO BE HELD has heen Issued hb Al Inokson, returning aMew, advanos poll far rallway travallors and sallors will he W, A Hare's optieal pay Bimoeoe strast north, on Bath, BAth Bith af Opn har fram (wo five nm, each Any hin will ha the only advanes poll far the riding thant men held lars 111] TT and a the [COURT OF HEVISION Complaints against far Oshaws will he heard Wy Hig Honor Judge & Thompsan on Wadnesday, the 18th, In the eliy Rall, Oly Clerk Hare will aot as olork of the eaurt of revision, All applications far names ta Je added the valers' Mat must be made Af the sammition rooms of elther the Liberal or Oonservalive pap ias hafare tonight, 11 1s expected that A number of ohanges will have in he made in the lets AY, M © MEETS Regular meeting of the AN M.( was held last night, A shot husines wis held atter whieh min the voters meeting a Dandel and the sunsistency al Joh Chiel Friend pointed out that ey ery chiet had 1a have 4 good knowledge of the Criminal Code with ita 1,04) nae He elated that in his poaple game 14 him dadly and asked him for adyios on points of \ magistrate on the beneh and all the evidenge hetove him in deciding canes hit a police man was often tareed ta deeide with pit second whether an aot was A oriminal atense ur not, Iowish ta upset any nation that A class are stupid" the cantinued hey Hen And not INSANE 4s som " vonstahle pect UWE Saag law ha LIT sheaker erally clever reformers would suggest," Ihe ohiet warmed 10 hs suhieet when ha spoke of ponditians at the lool station, He vigorously atti ol that the present quarters were un fit for his department and elaimed that the cells were not suitable to the detention of an animal lot alone & being, He hoped that the question of providing Mleguaie ae \4 wi ALLL steel show practice was hesgun n oarnest. After the practiee, the vest of the evening was spent &t eards and badminton, AIL fellows wishing to get in the show are requested he on hand next Friday night at #8 a'elagl CHILD BADLY QUT Hirgh CHI, Ogt, Vivian Purk Hoof Kenndy Helghts, was taken the Riek Children's hospital this afternoon suffering fram gashes on her arms when she tripped in afield her home and al on broken neveral tendons in the ehild's arn were out and Rest aid was rend ered hy Dry Charles DD Farquhas sll of Agineourt Hear ---- . A -------- soon he deelded as many small towns could boast a much hotter police stan top than Oshawa the Kinsman geeatly appreciated Chief Friend's address and a vote af thanks was moved hy De W, H, Gils ford, President 1, Hubbell presided over last night's meeting, & lavge wt commodation and proper eells wonld tendanve of members heing present _ nr |. _ Scout Toy Shop Is Citizens Asked To Give and Broken Toy Opened, J Help of Wood-working Ex perts Needed to Superyise Repairs = Donations of Paint and Brushes Also Required TOY SHOP LOCATED IN MARKET BUILDING Boys Are Working With a Will on Their Task of Making Poor Kiddies Happy on Christmas Morning Ihe B Bi making an early ht a wt Christinus His of this ell wie wd determined of i bo needy families Heout tay shop in Wpply tn I'he the market hullding ha the WOrking ad thelr selfzimpoased tas) this hielig already hee i" apened, wand Love #re with uy Wil ivike work Ia rendered WER, Hol The Ive Primarily WM hy the Hoy families in the wl HPPOrtUniyY a Heat step in the wark | the golleetion of Whil and woused soya from fumbles Whe have, perhaps, 80 many teys as haat the haus children, sel fam tovel mnny of them, But thesa [toys that do not attraet the ehildeen thst have them, might he the peovls Wool many golden hours of Kapp! for same poor kiddie Hf he found it in Ma stoeking Christmas mi Wie being 1 help with Ihe alee, "hn i" ul hat the HERS I Repair and Paint Toys fact that WIRY hive he heokon Ia Hel ay he Ble of fring ob paint peed ful he & deterrent ta the generosity ol people who have them around the house, The eager Hugers af the Hee new hashes, and alsa the help of 1 V Tose muy he tele ab tha doy shan lame Plana Company's faotory Oy eall ta HIBW, THEW ar to | any THURSDAY NIGHT hi aii od AL tha Armories on Windy aly, and Bian Bhvaske, former The Regiment ia to he aoRE ate onl wrestlevs will Rug Wan aps host evening's sniertalnments ever Ta luni a) Original BOE IRE] give fa pay paint that will make thew look Cltigens to give then palgt dnd paint feouts Will Call the fire hall and opposite the Wil will gall for them upon & telephone WRESTLE HERE the fest wrestling houts She stas- Renata Gardint, ahamploh of Tis framed for the hig shaw, And IE 1 hellaved (hat several los 10 assure tha fans of one of the seouts will make elever repairs anil will touch them up with 8 cont of Hestdeos dann tions © of» fms, th Beonis need Henerous nidnded pong woodworking Hines ® va SUPeFVIRion the repair inthe market butlding at Niehgond and Peinee steeets whieh is behind they may he left at the ames of Th Oshawa Daily Times, or the Seouis Beant GARDINI WILL Many praminent tgures in the wrestling warld will be ment At WERE under the suspions of the d4ih Hagiment, 4 world's champion, will ha the high Hahts of the oad that ig bhelng tad upon obtaining swel wells Enown exports fav (hele firsh show pearanen on the wat, Gal, Bmith SAVE that everything 18 helng done presented at the Armories, went at 30 pow, (840) HON, WL BNL SINCLAIR ARMOURIES, Oshawa, Oct. 16 CULL HEAR THE LIBERAL LEADER AT THE BIGGEST MEETING OF THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN ¢ Next Wednesday Eve. | AMPLIFIERS WILL MAKE EVERY SEAT A FRONT SEAT Hon, My, Sinclair's Address will be hroadeant by Radio Stations, CFCA, CKPR, at ® pw, CFRE, CGC, CNRO, MUSIC BY 34th REGT, BAND W. A, DRYDEN, CHAIRMAN, DOORS OPEN ¥ PM, PROGRAM & P.M,

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