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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 4

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BE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 Oshawa Bally Times Bussesdin 1] | THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Evtablished 1071) An independent newspaper published every slternons snsept Bundaye and legal holidays, ot Oshawa Conada, by Mundy Printing Company, Limited, Chas, M, Mundy, President; A R, Alloway, Bos: retary, Te bt sociation, The Ontarle Provinsial Dailies and the Audit Bureau of Civeulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvior, 106 0 week By mall In Canade view delve Hmite), $4.00 » vearj Bolten Binion, $5.00 » your, TORONTO OFFICE Bond Building 86 Temperance Btiost, Telophone " Adelaide nr H. D Teasldder, representative REPREBENIAVIVES IN VB, Powers and Stone, Ine, Now York snd Chisage a ------ --_---- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1929 THE CANDIDATES AND THE LIQUOR INSUE The prohibition versus government gontrel lesa haw found ita way fairly and eampletely into the ele tion campaign in Bouth Ontario, as it haa done all over the provinee of Ontario The two eandidates, WE, N, Binelalr, the Liberal nominee, and ¥, 1 Mason, the standardshearer of the Conservatives, have declared thelr positions, and it now resis with the elegtors to decide for themselves whieh position is more elosely In conformity with thelr awn individ wal views The position of My, Binelair, as he has enum lated it in his election manifesto as leader of the Liberal pirty, and in various speeches (n many paris of the pravinge, {x easily outlined, He states that sa lony as the Liguor Control Aet is on the statute hooks of Ontario, it must be vlghdly enforced, and he pledges hin party, if returned (0 power, 10 give IE sirigler ai faroement than is now being applied Mr, Mason's attitude to the lguer question, & given in his letter 10 the seerelaly ol the Ontario Prohibition Union, can best be given in his own wards, Ms follows | EE "My sympathies today are where 1 hops thoy shall ever he, namely, with those people and organisations whose alm fs 10 improve the moral and soelal eanditions of the [VH ul the revive of Ontario hy alimiating the ourse of drunkenness from soelely On the basis of these two statements, it 18 not going to he easy for he electors to decide whieh viewpoint they prefer, Hoth sandidates must be given eredit for belng sineere in thelr desires to promote temperance in the provines, se far a Hew In thelr power, And & voview of the situation throughout the provinee does not help & great deal, for while Pres wile Ferguson {x firm in his attitude that there shall Ya 10 references 10 the people 10 segure their views wi liquor legislation, and that the Liquor Control Ae must be continued until something he helleves more satisfactory ean be evolved, on the other hand, some of Mr, Sinelair's followers ave openly supporting the Ld nor Contral At, that, with Tittle to choose from fn the statements of the loval candidates, and with the party leaders and followers making statements which do not agree with each other, the elestors are placed very wueh In the position of the Englishman whe wanted te back & horse, and asked for the opinion of a hooks waker, and wan given the reply, "You pays your money and you takes your ehanee," THE EXTENSION COURSE a Tis announeed that the eltlsens of Oshawa are Again 10 have the privilege of taking advantage of the extension work of the University of Toronte, and that & special sonra in 19 be conducted this winten The frst abe Tessons of the sourke, it ix dnnouneed are 10 deal with postey, andl the next four are to be of & travelogue nature, (ntended to broaden the out Jook of the world of those who attend thew, This edueational extension work should he well vee eeived in Oshawa, It is not a course intended only for a seloet few, It is open 10 the whole eity, and carrion with ft educational benefita, an well an an ops portunity of avquiting a deeper inslght inte subjects of oultural dnterest with very lle expense, and the sxpenditnre of the mink of time, Untortunate i the community which ix 48 budy with business and commercial life that it has not the tine for the propes wie and development of the fier faculties of the wind, Oshawa 15 & buy industeial ity, a eity which has grown and progressed heeawss of 1a Industry, But iL needs Ahore pelinements of aultire which ean be found only bn the study of such Ahings as are 10 be presented to the peaple in the extension course, The SOFIE In Worth Supporting, in worth attending, aml showld ho follewed with wach interest by a large Amber of the peaple of this ei, 'A MISCONCEPTION WHICH STICKS Those who are diveetly taterested in the develops went of the Little Theatre movement in Oshawa are § Sl Anding, in spite af frequent announcements and Assurances, a grave and wnlortunate misconception of the place whith the Little Theatre tecuples in the community, There bx & very wistaken idea, whieh they ave Rnding in wan quarters, that the Lite Theatre tv something in the mature of a chaed ean POON, Gperated for the honefit of the chosen few of the supposed intelligentsia of the city, and that tore dn ne place ta for the masses of the people, There conhl he Bo grewter wistake While it has wile edicational possibilities, the ohief function of the Bittle Theatre IOVEment is 10 provide entertatis went oF The Bost Epo, entertatmment which wit help 16 NIE ose Whe eiey Bont of the wt of Abels war Radar He, ond ge them some intense enn ment What will make He happier for thew That is some sing whith Bb needed hy alt chases and wpe of people, and that fs why the Little Theatr epens Is subscribed list to the whole sommunity, In splits of the miseonaeption which stil enlists, It ean be emphasized mgain that the Little Theatres Is » movement for the whole sommunity, that Its doors wre wide open to all, and thet even thoss whe may fuel that they esnnot become subseribers, wid bs heartily weleomed at the performances of the splen« did plays which wre to he presented during the season which opens next week with the preduction of that delightful farce, "The Privite Beerstiry" THE NEW DIPLOMACY It wis a remarkable address which was delivered In New York Inst night by the Ri, Hen, Ramsay MasDonald, premier of Great Britain, and brosdeast over the radio, His was & message ringing with sine sorelty, sincerity for the eauss of world peace and for the creation of u better understanding between not only Great Briain and the United Bates, but be tween all the nations of the world, Even those whe merely listened In on the radio must have felt some thing of the magnetie personality of the man us he pleaded his enuse before a eritionl audience, the whole ul the world, Quistanding In the statements he made were his constant references to the new method of diplomsey which has arisen In the world since the war, and whieh found its greatest example in the resent eons veraations between himself and Coneral Dawes and, Inter still, President Hoover, As he sald, there was nothing hidden, nothing secret about these sonverss tons, Everything wis done openly, there was ne matehing of wits with a view (0 gaining sn advan Lage, 10 Jookeylng for position, The pleture whieh Mr, MacDonald drew of the eld type of secret diplomacy was an acourite one, The old ides was that when two statesmen met to diseuss international affairs, there was something sinister about It, and there were misgivings and susplelons, Ahab Idea 1a out of date, The meeting of Premier MagDonald and President Hoover was well an nounced, the subjects they were to discuss were well known, and the results of the conference were at ones given to the world, As the British premier se aptly said in his address, nothing was diseussed tht sould not be diseussed with all the nations on the (aes of the earth Toe dn this new type of diplomacy that the greatest hope of the warld uf permanent und enduring pease 15 00 be found, Sa long as it prevails, and {+ is only wa yet in ls dnfaney, there ean boo reason for the susplelons and Jealousies whieh give rise to war, In this reapent, Creat Beltaln and the United States have set the world a wonderful example, an example whieh, It followed, will go a long way towards the attainment of the ideal whieh My, MaaDonald last night pro claimed to his New York audience, and to his vas unseen audience all aver the continent, = ie. THE VALUE OF BUNBHINE Writing In the Lancet on the curative powers of Wira violet rays, Dr, Eldinow, a famous Britisidape Clalint, makes the following interesting statement | "In 183 canes tested, the germskilling blood properties were inerensed (n M5 per gent of vaes, two hours after irradiation, by 6.8 pe vent, In severe debility, tollowing ness, the treatment has hastened the return of vigor and health, On general body devadintion, the short ray therapy has improved the general health, lessening susceptibility to colds and aeute bronehitis Intensive radiation on hands and feet has completely cured ehil blaine by improving the elreutation " In view of the faet that the ultrasviolet rays are bot no pubstitute for natural sunshine, this summary Gh on value Is deeldedly Interesting, It shows that sunahine fteelf has curative values whieh are hardly realised hy the average (ndividual, and, more than that, willy If given &n opportunity, prevent some wi the diseases common to ohildron, Perhaps this Is why Canadians, as a race, are 0 healthy & people, The very fat that this country han 80 much sunshine for the greater part of the Year wives ita people a healthogiving element of whieh they should wake full advantage, EDITORIAL NOTES ------ The lst ts now alosed, and those who are refusal A vole on October JO have only themselves to blame, FEOREETR In honoring famous people, what about a statue in honor of the man whe invented pumpkin ple The Hartford Courant speaks of the need for small coins, Most of us would not object 10 any sls of ooing, and the bigaer the hetter, One of the veal reasons for much of the present day ness Is that the stomach has no centre! of the bral | (uw A Parle faohion note says that hooks and ayes and long rows of buttons ave coming into fashion again Puy the poor married man, The record of the Oshawa public library provides the strongest possible refutation of the statement that people are net reading as much as they wed to do, 10 ia a sure thing that there will wet be wach Jug: sling of the radio dials when Premier Ramsay Maw Donal gives ha message over the air, WE---------- The Cheistian Selence Monitor asks the pertinent question, "Do moter cars make ws Ray!" And the witions of pedestrians answer with one voles, "No" a ----------y It was a good thing that MacDonald and Hoover redehed their agreement before Tuesday, Once the world series started, they would Mave had litle ope PORIUAILY to arouse mueh interest in iv Sie Allan Cobham has Just completed anather aerial tp of 60000 miles, Yet the British newspapers do not seem 19 think i in anything 10 get excited over, Premier MacDonald's great reception in New York did not prevent the customs men making a thorough seareh of Na Ee --------------r With 30 much pease tlk in the ain, this years Armiatice Day celebration should be wore impressive than even A woman is reported 10 have wade S000 on the stock market while a prisoner tn JL Some men am GAN for waking Bot less than that before they Went wm The activivies of the cabinet wilnlsters of Reltain show that the Labor government is at least net afraid of ladon, Other Editor's Comments RASTIC-BUT RIGH How ord Beacon Rian, Cancel the permit of the man wha fs drun ¥h ¢ dnving arth 8 i dreastle proposal, but & sound one, Buch a driver, If allowed his sourse, ls apt to enncel viluable things than the Heense drive & ear, WOMEN'S INSTITUTES (Vandouver Vravinee) One of the objectives of the British Columble Women's Institutes, #s outlined hy the capable secretary rie V, B, MaeLaehlin, in fo Imprave the rursl school premises, 14 1s paints ed out that the country school yard Io wsully a bare, Joorly kept pros por Wamen would like to see the rin move 1] 1 orders of the yards planted with within and without, The women of the Institutes belleve that hygiene gonditions wre Important for school buildings and grounds, BRITISH SETTLERS FOR CANADA (Manchester Dispateh) Wagent happenings In the Dominion (of Canada) hive shown the dangers attending the dispute of Britlsh unemployed to that part af the Ems fire ust now, It Is ow sad thing te now that, with empty spaees sepa the sons and an excess of workers at home, wo eunnot find satisfactory witys and means of bringing the two together, The trouble, to a wrest ex tent, les In the fael that we ara » manulasturing nistlon and that our unemployed are townshred, 1 Is wo yee sending sueh to the open spaces But what af the youngsters whe have not yet found thelr Joh In He? With sultable preliminary training there Is ne ressan why they should net form the finest type of emigrant, A PENSION DIFFICULTY (Stratford Heagon-Herald) Ad the thing stands wt present the who hut He slon, but who has uw relative should be supplying wesistance, does not, 1a left holding the bay in told there ls a son or daughter wha should help, will not sipply room rent for a week, nor will it make cer tain the production of a single mea! It merely points ta a faulty eondl ton without taking a step to remy I he very faet that the pension hoard {a taking upon Itself the onus of denying asslatanes to applicants on these prounds, seems 10 place upon that hoard the responsibility of seeing that delinquent and daughters should da thelr duty LT | Bits of Humor to the traf "What did you say gop Nothing, answered Mr, Chugging "When a trafic cap starts a talk I'm no orator, Um Just a good listener," Frlends="Say, Pat, your hens have all been killed at the leve! orossing" Pate="Tt serves them volte, ICH lan them not to go book again" SOME MORE SCOTCH Wat's wrong with Sandy's Ooh, he had bad luek The Humoral thiver teenth MIGHT BRE TRUE "So you want to got off this after noon, oh M anorted the hess saves! ally, "1 suppose your grandmother died, oh} "Noy sin" tha office "She eloped," FAITHFUL CHAMELON The business men were talking over thelr employees, Well, old Fohnson = has grayshaired In ny service Paoh, 've gat a girl with me whe rown yellow, rowan and red Mm my service" WAY HE TOOK IT Brawn (ready to drive from tee) ] want to get a partiewlarly good dylve thin time hecause my wife has Just itt paver there nil hand ? ARRAN mateh Was Hi \ the man wi' a hay replied grown han hatred ratal Felend: Don't be absurd! y, show three hundred yards away You souldn't possibly hit her from hereoesThe Humorist LAROR DISTRIBUTION 1 "You say you were in Par in only one week, That was altogeth of 10 short a time to see a city of that sles, powers: "Net at all, We divided the work between us, My daughter took I the museins, wiley the stor on ad aheps, and 1 the theatres and cabarets" i Bits of Vers RARLY Ny Leonora Speyer Thin gray hour vobs the hills of aveen, hit a ho strength and wot of AR not of aky the olonda between, Inte the dawn a ouekon calls (Bly Bird among the dnpping trees), AL varus, tmpasaive Intervals, The awit fy than the MARS, With ttle, creaking, huey ones) A ound of water Mpples, Rows, Payond the And dawn the town (Bmall monntalnatream In shal OW Apate) vm \] lower Shrden and the gate, the toad and thrawgh ARG day fa here, Ita guist plan, Inevitable, is not disolosad, 13 not disonssed with any wan Only 10 these whe le awake IL yields Blunt promises of min, Whi 1 Way break, which it may N § and shrobs, They site tn see tUBgountry school made beautiful [* applicant wha Is entitled to a pens | wmron oy HOY OH Mobs on ") THE BANG TIMES, BAYN} THAT un redheaded hoy on a football field is always cons wpleons and any good playing le doos In seen mores veadily hy the erowd than Is the w of wny other player'? I'he reason, of course, that he diftarent, Towns should seek (0 he dif ferent from thelr nelghhors, Tourists don't want, to ses places that are as much alike an pow after vow of "company houses" In an olddime cond mining village, , Blyserspors, handsome homes, heautifu) shoolsstravelors oan Aon (Nose without leaving home, Tourists orave the odd and the platiresque, 'hey want Yeolor" And almost avery town has some | tonture that, If not unique, 1s at loant ununial, Almont averyons remembers the horned frog that amerged from the pourthouse eornarstons at Kast fund, Texan, When the new aourts house was hullt, the seuiptured Wianens of "Old Rip" was ohisaled on the walls and the Hieless firure of the frax has heen placed in ginansaneaned mausoleum In the pourthouns rotunda where It In viewed hy thousands of strangers anoh month Our elty, Ranger, mained fame for ita oll, Today, a fullsained der viek stands on Main street as a symbol of petroleum Lreanures, When the name of your elty In mentioned, It should suggest something else, asi Taos, arts Intny Cheyenne, the voundsan| Tray, collars, or Reno, dk VOrees, That something shout your town that 18 different will eaptirs the interest of the visitor and he will then nota your paved wstrests and hig factories, Me may mova thers ar Invest there, At least, he will Inter tell hig nelehhors ahaut your town and they will want ta visit i And an the tourists are spending four Willan dollars a YAAP, your olty should wo after Hs shave To's have Toss amphasis on mere sles or wealth and more stress on developing the pews sonality of a town, LET A (CVTYaINATEAD OF IMITATING EHICAGH OR HOLY YWOODJUNT BK IT NELY, FAKE NOTICE THAT 1, The Counell of the Corporation of the City « the points mentioned ATREET Ritson Road dl Roverley Street Patriela Avenue Alexandra Btrant First Plan 148 Howard Stvast wn 2. The speclal assessment 1s to he 1 A petition to he undertakon may he made from all ayer the world mst don last year to brin they had learned to cass of eancer, you are wert to fin of work ha hospital hospital wangrene or infection that terrible thing the bite of x mad dog, that equally terrible thing loek Jaw of a A ------ wrsuant to section 8 of The | That Body of Pours by ye Ww, Darton, M.D, LATEST ABOUT CANCER When you read that Jestarth nian n Lon together all ate about th aiurally out what thelr years discovered, Not one of these brilliant patient men had got any nearer the solu thon #8 to the cause of eancer, They discussed the value of surgery, ris dium and and treatment by chemical methods cancer of oertaln luni, Intestine | cancer caused by the patient's special kind of employment, Xeray trestment of cancer, OrgRiE=slomach, But when It came to what was sausing the cancer they were, and sill wre, up anainet & stone Some think It Is due to infestion some to some change In the normal tissies before birth, seme that it jy wall, combination of these two, Then us to the best form of treat ment, there were differences of opin ton, Some were for surgery alone some for X-rays, somes lead, some for radium, whilst sep were In favor of & combination of | any of the shove or eollolde Now this looks like a diseouragin conditlon of affairs, when we remem her that these men are giving Drag tleally all of thelr time ta the prob lem of cancer, and supportin are millions ef dollars which sighted generous people wre subserl bing annually, them fal But when you and I remember the problems that have heen solved in| the last fifty to seventy-five years theep should be no feeling of dis eoufapement, You and your loved ones enter the with no misgivings as to tetanus, small pox, malaria, the BINEEY PRIVATE Wine YO ALL PRINGIPAL HARKEYS YHAGUANOVY SANABA AND THE VNITER arava - F.O'HEARN &: YeRt lague, yellow fever, diphtheria, dia Petes, typhoid, and many other form. erly fatal conditions are now under enptrol, he cause of sancer will likely he discovered somes day, any day In fuet, In the meantime it Is known that eritation of a certain kind of tase causes cancer In certain Ine (Registered In wecordance with the dividuals, The day will come when the type of Individual In which cans oer oceurs will be known, The meth. od of preventing eancer in that type will alse be known, In the meantime any Irritation, any sore on any part of the bedy that Is slow in healing should be report ed ta your physician, This ttle pre ciution Ie ik thousands of fives annually, ne gancer, discovered early, ein bo cured Copyright Ast) Frome foRLoNG 4 @ 0 Se avis omorbe 8. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 ™ [ollowing first mortgage nierest and are recommen BURNS & CO, LIMITED Bie" ovamimne 81 vem 6% First Mort Bands Ri Wot don Manis Wipe Yom Landen, Ont, First Mortgage Bonds 5) First. Mart Bond JN Cn ip bons COBENERAL STEEL WARES, LIMITED THE HARRIS ABATTOIR CO, LTD, LAKE ST, JOMN POWER & PAPER CO, LTD §% First Mort Bonds 44 y rary [13 y Our October booklel " Imvesiments" comiaing deiails concerning Bie above Companies DoMmiINION SecuniTres d Offices TORONTO: 26 King 3t. B, are well secured a0 to principal for Investment | Price Ale 6.00% 5.99% 5.0% 100.00 6.50% Otome Now York Foitcharne ngten Landen, Bag, orricue SARNIA + OWEN BLUNB + (MONTREAL ie OOHAWA Gemnaha Hotel, Oshawa Telephone #700 Cr MEMBING NEW YORN SUAS BREHANSE (Ase've) STANDARD STORK 8 MINING BNGHANGE SHIGARO BOARD BF TRADE WINNIPE® GRAIN BEGNANGN NEW YORK PROBUGE BRENANGE LOCATION Mouth Limit North Roxhorough Ave, to Patrlala Ave Righmond Kt, to Reverley St 40° West of BE Limit Lot 4 Plan 219 to West Limi of Lot 6, Plan 2 Ave, of "Wade" Property to 378 9 of Lot 8) to North Limit pald In tow annual instalments, A ---------------- pa 53 FOE Ya trvtth . LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ~SID { Oshawa Intends to construct as local improvements, Sidewalks on the following streets hina Estimated Owner! Cont Side Rant South East Width Length a0 meee LULE mn nove or ------ (NILE 4 ' 'y 'y South ast TOTAL fonds to expecially assess a part of the cost upon the fand abutting directly on the work, representing at least one (MY of the value of the lots which are 10 ba specially assessed therefor, A A Rydaw for undertaking the work will he considered hy the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 4th day of November, 1930, or At a regular or special meeting thereof Dated, Oshawa, Oat, 11th 190, 10 be held thereafter, -------------- WALKS RLS] Hm AAS Han 180.00 Lm ate City's Per Ny, Share Figo, He em 190.9 ada) » LL 21 » He » "a Shave § HAN LE "rm a 11ée mn \ sald Connell will not avall to prevent {ts construe tion, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has heen onl Improvement Act, to the Raltway and Municipal Board, by & majority of the owners I, BE. HARE, Clity Clerk, FAKE NOTICE THAT "LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ~PAVEMENTS 1, The Counell of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to eonstruet as local improvements, Pavements on the following streets between the points mentioned | ATRERRY Broek Street W, Bloor Street Annis Street LOCATION A West Limit of Lot 4 Town Plait to 2¥* West of I, Limit of Lot 1, Town Pan, Howard Street to Drew Street, Wiftord St 10 West Limit of Lot 4 Plan Estimated Cogt LRA RIE 1,100.00 TaN Width Length Mee Nn me LL 100.00 TOTAL MN and intends 10 specially asness a part of the cost upon tha fand abutting directly on the work, 2 The speolal assessment Is to be paid in Afteen annual instalments, JA petition to 1he sald Council will not avail to preve 0 vetlion fof th undertaken way he made pursuant representing at least oneshalt of the va ue of the lots which are to be Lois! provamen Aa, \° the Railway ane pecially ansensed therefor, Property ab City Shave fo Lin, Fy, RIE ne He LT aad eram-------- § LING wr -- {ts conatruo tion, but a petition against the work or the manner in which dt has been Municipal Board, by a majority of 4 owners 4 A hydaw for undertaking the work will he considered by the Counell at a meeting thereol to he held on the 4th day of November, 1989, or at a regular or spell meeting thereof 10 be held thereafter, Dated, Oshawa, Oct, 11th, 199 FE HARE, City Clogk, LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ~SEWERS TARE NOTICR THAT: 1 The Connell the paints mentioned: STRERY Walle Street Rowena St to I Howard St, to of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa Intends to eenstruct as K SANITARY SEWERS LOCATION Rowena St, to Douglas St, \ wal improvements, Sewers on the following streets hetwesn Ti $110 . TAL STORM SEWER I 1N Draw St, Oxford St, to Oshawa Creek Ritson Rd to RA Mill St, to \ A w loge Ave Roar St TOTAL and Intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the faad abutting directly on the werk, 2 The special asvessmient is 10 be pald in Afreen annual instalments, JA petition to the said Councll will net avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has heen aidertaken Way be wade pursaant to section § of th representing at fast oneshalt of the value of the Mi which are to he spetially ansessed thereten, RA 18000 A. he 1080.00 100000 Te------ AAR Eoval Improvement Aet, to the Rallway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners 4 A hedaw for undertaking the work will be considered hy the Council at a meeting thereal to be held on the 4th day of November, 193% OF At a repwiar or special meeting thereof to be held thereaften Dated, Oshawa, Oct, 1th, 18%, \ Ww FB HARE, City Clerk,

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