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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 1929 PAGE FIVE | CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNMENT SALE (Continued from page 1) ernment, and the submission of this Aet to the Privy Council to toast the authority of the Provinces over manufacture, 16 The passing of an Ael pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of heverage aleohol within the Pros vines to the extent of the powers thereof, to coms Inte operation when approved hy a majority vole of the electors, ascertained hy roperly coducted plebiscite ov ve prendum, YOR, In ease of the adoption of w prohibitory law Pere the making of the necessary ve sldue of the manufacture and wile of sleohal for Industrial, selentific, medicinal and saoramentisl purposes a Government monopoly,' A 'Rtrange Kyperiment! "Now, let me make a few obs servations In vegard to the pros gramme taken as a whole, One must conclude that In order 10 cArey out an undertaking of such a vast oharseter, it would take many years of consistent, persis tent and prolonged endeavour dur ing whieh thousands of things may come into the pleture that would vander the objective absolutely hopeless of acoumplishment, While I strongly sympathize with the en deavour of the Prohibition Union, to hring' shout a better eondition of Boelety, 1 am Inclined to think they do not fully understand the method requived to earry out Log: islation in this way, Let me ex pinin, The suggestion that a law a passed hy a DLaslalative hody and then submitted to tigation by that same hody 18 a elvenmsatanes quite unfamiliar to me, When we ramember that the legal questions involved in the Mowat Pleblsolte togk a period of over slght years heafare an Answer was received, ii vather Melines me to doubt the wisdom of repeating this strange experfment, YWhen one recalls the fraltless harvest which followed the three great plebiseltes upan this ques tion, the one submitted hy Hip Oliver Mowat, tha second hy the Hon, Aly, Wilivid Laurier, and the third hy the Hon, G0, W, Ross, we may surely he pardoned If we hang our falth upon a more diveot meth od of getting vesults, May 1 say _--~ - - RAINBOW QUILT BLOCKS SOMETHING NEW Ideal Rirthdoy, Wedding, or Christmas Gifts, Phone 1708W for Domonctwation or apply 8860 Hark Nt, that + am prepared Lo unite with wny hody of law makers ar with muy organigation, in parliament oy oul of parliament, and thet 1 win 1A Lly support any measure which In my humble Judgment will tena to sliminate from society the ourse of drunkedness or mitigate the evil sonsequences which arise from excessive Indulgences In al saholle beverages, "Iu saying this 1 helleve | am only ntteng the sentiments which have diracted the Conservative pay ty In the Dominion of Canada ever ines Confederation, not only with In the rank and file of that party hut among ts great leaders of thought, Let me point with pride to the names of Bir, Leonard 70 ley, Biv George KH, Vostar, Bly Ohi les Tupper, whose prohibitory law covered 6 larger wsuvines of the urea of the earth than that of any other siatesman that every lived And here lel me mention the name of Bir William Hearst, the martyr ad Framier of the Provinee of On tario, HCOoming to our own County, Let me mention the Hon, 7, N, Gibbs, the Hon, John B, Larke snd the revered name of Wdward Carswell, all of whom were well known plone fers and ngeressive crusaders in the caune of temperance, and yet we are given to understand hy many of aur apponents to-day that this rront Conservative party are onpased Tn principle to the Inters oste of mankind and the hetters ment of sHoolety in this regard, I repudiate the fnstuntion and I stand leva to say that T am proud of what (hig party has accomplishes od along tha Hnes that T have ins dleaten and to say to all that It Is only faly to the Hon, 1, Howara Foarpuson that the great experiment of Government Control which he haw nauseated fy the Provines of Ontario should have & longer trial than that of two years to as certain whsther It 1s effective or otherwise, partleularly in the aes of his recent manifesto and pledges whereby he ways that hy amend ments and otherwise he shall hone antly endeavour to make of his law an effective mesns of wrapping with this great question and that If this method falls he is perfectly willing to abundant and try something elie, "Ladies and Cenbemen: In this patement I have efgeavoured to express my honest s&yiments and ponvietions upon this Nestion, hy these expressions | ye to he Judged hy the eleotor®ar South Ontario, Right or Wron® hy them I stand or fall" \ Several other matters we "isons ed by Mp, Mason during his Ydress "Myr, Sinclair has Premier Ferguson thrust upon the rural districts el, tional measures which they did want, Mr, Ferguson has repeate stated that he would pass merely enabling act--ane that gave the mut Wis to act on giving improved education in their schools if they desire My Mason deelared Should Relieve Counties The speaker lauded Premier Fer guson for establishing the travelling sohools in Northern Ontario, which he sald, had solved the hig problem of educating the ohildeen of the ham lets in these distriets ducational Matters does at Fort ioipal educational authorities powegable Relief from Eczema "DDD, Is the Perinet Antiseptic iL relief In the percentage they are foi eed to pay ta the Provinelsl govern ment on the construction of Pre vinelal highways, he declared, giving i pledge thst if elected, he woul give full support for a relief moa sire wong this dine, He declared thst while warden of the sounty, the county roads system had been put In to wood shape, "Yeu ean't tell me where my opponent has done om thing towards the betterment of ouy rons system," Mr, Mason declared 4 he county had pald ta the pro vines #578 00 In payments for pro vinelal highways, while it had vecplys ed In grants from the provinee Halo, 000 towards the county rounds system, sald the speaker, Hut there wore some mare provinelsl highways that should be built in the eaulity and the present 20 per gent, that the gounty had to pay should be re duced or entirely wiped out, The pravinelal government was seriously considering reducing this pereentag: he sald, A large part of the Inereased ex pendtiure of the last few years in the Ontario Government wis due to the fuer that the Dominion Gavern ment had out off the agrienltural rants, to the provinges, The pro vinge had inereased (he wErienltural rants $R0000 tn the last two wr three Years, he sald The Ontario Researeh Federation had heen established primarily for the benefit of agrieulture, Mr, Mas on sald, painting out that W, A, Dry den and George MeLaughling repre sentitives of this county on the Fed eration, were both agrienltural men Sinslair's Promises Mean Deficit My, Binelair's promises of reduead taxation and Inereased grants meant un defielt of $7,000,000 per year, di olared Mr, Mason South Ontario was faced with a big problem in the hydro sliuation, he sald, want anybody in this county to tell me when Me, Binelaly has even volunteered any assistance in this question, All he gave was de structive erttiosm," : The Liguer Question Mr, Mason referred to last night's Issue af the "Times" with referenced to his answer to the Prohibition Un lon regarding (a platform, "Where my apponent stand on this question?" Mr, Mason asked He Felerred to Mr, Sinclair's statement William that the 1819 Pra hibition plank was ne longer appli "Mr, Singlalr east aside prohibi an and fatly said he was in favor wovernment Control" declared My oly "Hut back In Seuth Ontario o started to wobble And Hf you Il me where he's wobbling « to know, "MAS ielaie says in his manifesto i i thiat Will Mive a plebiseite when OVEN B Nusiderable body of thought demand What's going 1a be the Fhe counties should he gives same A SA Ss "For Ms, "I rook seve they hel " ' 4 friends," The neys, If purifying she blood, own women should a wind ar once, 0c tabla ped me very much, 1 om OR MANY occasions to many of road 10 good health les through the Kid. hey ave kept Hong and well, a the impurities are strained out of the blood, Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the Kidneys in good condition 10 do their work of cleansing and Weak, Nervous, Run: ( Pp ive Dodd's Kidney Pills hey HR speedy relief, ay or hy Mail from The Lad, Toronto &, Omi, Good Remedy for Kidneys and Bladder Says Guelph Lady who Used Dodd's Kidney Pills va 1 was bathered with Kidney and Bladder trouble," writes win Dobbie, 203 Liverpeal 8, Guelph, Ons, val boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and have recom: DODDS KIDNEY PILLS NTI City of TAXES The time for payment without penalty to the Second pe 1929 taxes, has heen extended to Tuesday, October 15th Instalment of ¢ Oshawa SUeRHION Fr ie going 10 be beer by the sla Ho doesn't say he will HIVE YOM 8 \forendum: A plebiscite % not Bing Sovernment==a refer vy efevtive measur red clair tells you what legislation he will traduee in the use, then he has fied Ris bet Until then you € I RE SREY Rd Mr, Mason, Eight Year: ta\oy Decision I ook elghtyeal 10 met a de san on the Siesta of whether ¢ pravinees ardemifon eantrolled Ae manufacture y HOLY he oa fini ont of the Yahibon. Union's ley on this qusion Wald tie up 0 AOIMPeTRNee Coston Jor eight ars or longer, b My, nam he speaker thetynade Ms state: |B nt on the questy I stand hy that Mement, smpple wonted by what 18 here tonight ven iE 1 had promiy 1a da every thing the ProhibitionU nian asked I would not revsive support, Huy iL ean't represent temperance | people of this viding {well a8 my opponent ean, 1 don't \it to he ol ected, Mver since | abs eles un is When My nd ul tempera { \ | ted, 1 have hoon approa\d hy ten perance people who hav@amised 10 vote for me," he declare Mra, George Hood ol \ugag 14 land reiterated her statem\Tan the Hauoar question whieh shade at the Conservative meeting Mghawa Dr, Ames After that date A Penalty of FIVE PER CENT, will positively he added ta the unpaid taxes; and the Tax Collector will immediately proceed te collect from delinquents, Municipal Offices, Oshawa, Ontario, ember 30th, 1929, P. A. BLACKBURN, City Treasurer, mS INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER « COOL IN SUMMER ETRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED ORHANA, ONT, and Mrs to hear soph on Ootoher § wlio! have, and falr on Wednesday od the fine dlaplay of exhibits the long dry grass In quite green here, north of Ldndnay Old Age Pensions had been created, Ald to eharitable institutions had heen doubled, Advaneed sneial legs inlation, sushi us the establishment of juvenile sourts und domentls reli tone gene(s, had heen pissed, In 30 yewrs of service, not questionin pointed at ; ane figger eanld over be r + Ay sald Dr, Ames, ' Dr, Kalser ha next spenlser wis Dr, 1, 1, Kalser, MD, of Oshawa, "Did any» bady this yeny see evidences of in toxleatian at the Canadian National Lxhibition or any other fair" ask ed Dr, Kilpor Fhe provision made by the Provip elal Government that munielpaliiies should pay u pergentuge of the Old Ake Pensions wis a wise move, he citing 16 provided that the municipal ites Investigated the hong Hides of the elas for the pensions, Never theless, the Conservative government hind taken the stand in the House of Cammians that Old Age Pensions wis i federal question, and should have been entirely handled by the Liberal Dominion Government The attitude of the Prohibition Uns lon of the sounty In declaring it would not support a Conservative wih unjust and infale, Dr, Kalser des elaved, The Conservative party stood for legislation that was praetieal and that could be enforced, and that were for the uplift ef mankind, he sald, RASPBERRIES AT ENNISKILLEN ON SATURDAY LAST Mrs, Henry Strong Picked the Berries in Her Garden Koniskillen, Oot, § Mra, Henry Hirong ploked enough red raspher les In her own garden on Batuy day to make a couple of ples Mr, and Mrs, Albert dtalnton and son Olftord, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mra, John Pye Rev, W, W, Jones, Millthrook, formerly of Hampton, will take the warvices here next Munday as the pastor Ray | M, Whyte, Is prenching anniversary sermons at Millbrook Mrs, George spent a few Hwaslman Mr, and Mrs, John Blemon have returned to thelr home after spending a few weeks with thely daughter, Mrs, Hugh Annis Mr, and Mrs, George Yellard and friends, of Ingersnl, ealled on Mrs, Wm, Oke, vecontly My, and Mrs, COpelghton ana Larne have returned to thelr home In Alberta Mrs, Then HBlemon Taroanta, Mm, W Greg days with and John accompanied them ta To aronto mm Thursday last Richard Ashton vistted My Thos, Motil! on Bunday community was saddened of the death of TB youngest son of Rev, Jao Hampton, who died in Vaneouver, i, © Holdge was a former and ohaole-leader hvotherdn law of Mrs This Holdue, Huoldge he Inte My tonohep is a Mm, W, Oke Quite & number took In Orono Inst and anjoy The showers which came Tues lay were much needed, ta hreak spell Althousn the the pastures are all rows, And some farmers are feed ne thelr stoek Inside Miss LL. Tayvior, Blackstook, vise ted her alstor, Mvs, Bldney Trew. in The monthly meeting of the W M: B, was held Wednesday at the church, A temperance program was oarried out, Mrs, Trawin pres wded, taking the devotional wer vies, A mole was well glven hy Mrs, RB, MelGIll, prayer hy Mew Pye and Mrs, 1, Pole, Mrs, Col ville of Bowmanville sang two yo onl numbers, Then un stirring wd dress on. "Give Prohibition » Chance," was given hy Ms, Brown of Bowmanville, Ms, Tole and Mrs, Dr, Blemon also spoke on the situstion, "When In om provinte there are ane half & mil lon permits Issued In two years, and one In every nine han au pe) mit, 1 is high time tor every wom An to vole against this evil of ow land," It wan declaved, A dainty lineh was served by Mes, 1, G11 heart's group, Miss imma Werry, Tovonto, vis iad her nieve, Mrs, |, Ormiston and Myw, Lloyd Ashton, on Bunday H, Gillelan, of Milton, & formes schoolteacher, visited Mr, ano Mrs, D, Burgmaster over Sunday My, and Mes, W, Blalnton visited friends at Cambray and Uxbridge recently, My, and Mra, Btuart Rodman, Nougon Inland, spent Bunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mu H, 0, Ashton, Mr, and Mrs, Howard HBlevens and son Gordon spent Bunday with friends in Oshawa, Dr, and Mrs, Ferguson attended the rughy game In Toronto on Hat urday, Mr, and Mre, Wesley Okan al tended Muvkham falr and visliod Mr, and Mya, George Roblin, Malvern, and Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Hohbing, Plokering, Enniskillen young people's dra matle elub Prasonted thelr play to a full house st the Foot Church on Bougos Island on Monday night Arthur Juokson, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs Hussel Ormiston Miss Hive CriMn was presented with a rope of pearls in recogni tion of her services of five years hy Mr, and Mrs, Mathews, of To ronto, BROUGHAMWOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETS Report Booklet "Early His | tory of Brooklin" Finds Ready Sale Arougham, Oe, § Hrougham Women's Institute held ity Ootaber | meeting at the home of Mrs, John Phillips an Tuesday afternoon The meeting was opened In the | usual manner, the president, Mrs, | Halthy, presiding, | The committees appointed to pur chase material for a slek voom emergency hag, raparied thelr work simost completed A Hood collation of artioles needed to care | for the slek In now ready for any | amergenny, | Mrs, Brown, historioal veséaroh | convenor reported the sale of the | hooklet "Karly History of Brough amt had guile fulfilled the ex peotations far It, Mrs, Hhepherd | Eave an excellent paper on "A Wel, Balanced Diet," Roll oall was to be answered hy Hallowe'sn quota tions, hut several of the members | gave a few Mavis along Temperance Hines, a subject of vital interest to women theses days At the conelusion of the business session the hostess served attyrae tive refreshments and wany sub Jools of Interest wan disonssed aver | the teacups, All left for thelr | homes fesling the afteradon had | heen pleasantly and profitably apent, { "LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa #54 Whiihy 19 Dry CA Ames, past Ma af the Prohibition Union ofann Vork, declared that his Rsk oy for swinging hack 10 the py o the Conservative party, was pords of insurance COMPames \ he United States which showed, hy g Wy inerease in deaths in aleyyd DRONE, "The Prohibition Union of Og wade a foal of me Wn the last ony, They will never make a dome again he declared, ad that the Liberal party had igne the will af the people on the Tempe ange question on every plebiseite had taken" Government's Achievements Dr, Ames reviewed the work of the! fous departments of the Ferguson vernment, He declared that in the iN yon the revit) wealth the provinge had inoreased three mes over, The attendance at all chools in the provinee had almost onbled and the price of text hooks ad been redueed to a minimum, The opartment of health had equipped he doctors of the provines with ser We to eure many diseases, The wages of women and girls had heen culated, Mothers' allowances and Britishers Attention! Sede oe] br 14 without tateret NT Ste Steet dae Toronto " Poem Ha PUSYE th Prince St hawa, Ont 'V. A. Henry INSURANCE 113 Slmeoe 8, 8B, Fhohes LIMA W==Oftice Your Dvug Needs OM PSON'S neon mn Smo Deliver nest in represented in this db rectory---a handy reference tor -- ery Repairing Fo NG TOO my NG TOO NMALL Machine Sh W. Vhone 1¥1 DUMPING CLAUSE APPLICATION [8 VERY WELCOME Will Protect Steel Industry Against Unfair Competition Cault Bre, Marie fel 12.4 he announcement made WY Hon, W, Waler, miniwior of nwtlonnl vey anne, that the five prevent dump Ing olouse would he pemoved and thal hevesfior the special dump ng elwnss would he applied on al goods coming Inte Ganada, when aver the prices is below the fab market prige In the country in which they ware produced, Is wal pomed hy oMcials of the Algoma Hieol Corporation as one which Is important to the steel industry, "The wuunouncement means a grant deal to us,' suid President W, Frans, yesterday, "As it will protect us against nu great doal of unfuly competition," The Algoma Blas) Corporation haw tn Ha tariff adjustment upp entions urged that (his five per oont elause should ha abolished A vaferanee to the records shows that the georporation suggested ghieh aetion In Hw fleet applies thon In April, 1084 VERY SERIOUS What makes you look ahle?" YT owould hint YHut that 18 nothing "Hut 1 haven't got Herlin, BO Mine Hke to ehange wu $80 worioun" One Ulk, "In my native town & man horn in 1800," "Empousihle," "Nol st ull I tombstong myself," read IL on "Hug he made up his mind yet?" "Paople Vike that don't have minds Phu they have sensations movist ------- "My friend" wild the rallwargass Flage hove, "things wre In a very | serious slate; the prospect is re ening, the hovigon Is blaek, the ou look 1s dark, 1 pk you, san you disor sme Wight spol In Lhe pres ent situation?" "Yaw, I ean" ypeplied the vistim " Am getting out ul the nest si on" NO Won't Boil as Easily as Water Think what this means to youl You can All up with Fros.-Cop today, whether it stays mild for & month or more, for Frost-Cap won't hoil off or evaporate , , , all the time you know your ear in protsgted agninet a sudden cold map Won't Freeze at 40° Below It gives complets protection from split radigton snd other supensive damages, is nonin jurlous to paint, metal or rubber, FROST-COP), nd It makes no difference "nd meek" It won't clog snd Fill your radiator with Frost:Cep today sad WATER ---- forget it for the winter, FROST" COP ROST-COP ANTIFIREED KE MAD BY THE FAIRVIEW CHEMICAL CO.LTD TORONTO EZ REGINA Sole Distributors: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa Whitby Bowmanville eep Your Wife In Hot Water tA yo Vig, The Clear, Bright Burning Fuel EVERY TON MEAN HAMILTON WOOD! Beautiful Dry Hardwood Blocks for Grate or Furnace Hard and Soft Wood Slabs McLaughlin Coal and Supplies 110 KING STREET, WEST BUY NOW THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE COAL Egg, Stove and Chestnut S 2000 POUNDS BY-PRODUCT COKE The Faultless Fuel WOOD! PHONE 2146 Do You Own Your Own Home? f \ | those who wish to become acquainted with the variow business houses, List Your Fivm in the "Times" Business Divectory! sald the sehoal teacher, taki hi olasa around the National aa . 'Joshua Rey W smiling face tate & frowning one" baye=Ryening Advertiser, swindon, THIS LAD KNOWS "With & single stroke of a hash Gallery, nolda could ehange "HO oan my mother" sald a small COAL COAL "hone TW W. J. SARGANT Nardin [} Bloor 'treat §, Orders Promptly Dalivored LUMBER © Bulidin Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Class Interior Trim oy and Dressed Lumber W. & TRICK COMPANY LIMITED «Al Ntveet hi Se 200 & a8, - Real Estate We have several honaes for vens, CUTLER & PRESTON Tatrhon MO WAO Night onlin 8101300 Tasnrance desivabie STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply R AMES & GARTSHORE CO, 18 King Sweet Weal, Oshawa, Phone 1100

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