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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNMENT SALE (Continued from page 1) ernment, and the submission of this Aet to the Privy Counetl wo test Lhe anthority of the Frovines over nufacture, ff 8 passing of an Aet pros hibiting the manufacture and sale of heverage sleahol within the Fras vines to the extent of the powers thereof, to soma inte operstion when approved hy a majority vole of the electors, ascertpined hy » roperly coducted plebiscite ov ye srendum, "18, In ease of the adoption of wn prohibitory Inw Ny SB the making of the necessary ve pldue of the manufacture and wile of wleahol tov industrial, selentific, medicinal and sueramentnl purposes n Government monopoly, A V'Eeeange Kyperimemt" "Naw, let me make a few ohe servations In vogard (0 the pro- gramme taken an nu whole, One must conclude that in order to ofrey out an undertaking of wuch 8 vast character, it would take many years of consistent, persis: tent and prolonged epdenyour dur ing whieh thousands of things may come Ipto the plete that would rander (he objective absolutely hopeless of accomplishment, While I strongly sympathies with the ens deavour of the Prohibition Union, ta hring ahout a hetter eondition of Boelety, T am Inclined to think they do not fully understand the method required to carry out Leg: {elation in this way, Let me ex nin, The suggestion that a law ha passed hy a Laxislative hody and then submitted to Mitigation by that same hody Is a clrenmstanee aulte unfamiliar to me, When we remember that the legal questions involved in the Mowal Pleblsclte togk a period of over elght years hafare an Answer was received, it rather fnellnes me to doubt the wisdom of vepeating this sirange ant, "When one recalls the fruitless harvest which followed the three great plebiseltes upan this qnes tion, the one submitted hy Rip Ollver Mowat, the second hy the Han, Biv, Wiltvid Laurier, and the third hy the Hon, (1, W, Ross, we may surely he pardoned if we hang our falth upon a mare direct meth od of getting vesults, May '1 say RAINROW QUILT BLOCKS ROMETHING NEW Ideal Rirthdoy, Wedding, or Christmas Gifts, Phone 17080W for Demonstration or apply 486 Burk st, hit | am prepared Lo unite with any hody of law makers or with muy arganigation, in parliament oy oul of parliament, and that 1 win hearitly support any measure which In my humble judgment will tena to sliminate tram snclety the curse of drinkednoss or mitigate the evil gsonsequences which arise from excessive Indulgence fu #l eaholle beverages, "Ine waying this ¥ helleve | am only uiterdng the sentiments which have directed the Conservative pay ty in the Dominion of Canada aver wines Confederation, not anly with: In the rank and Ale of that party hut 4inony ith great leaders of thought, Let me point with pride to the names of Bly, Leonard Ti) ley, Bly George 1, Postar, Bly Chai len Tupper, whose prohihitory law vovered # Iargey surfaces of the aren of the earth than that of any other statesman that ever ved And herve lot me mention the name of Bly William Hearst, the martyr: ad Pramier of the Pravines of One turin, ' "Coming to our own County, 1.81 me mention the Hon, 7, N, Gibhe, the Hon, John B, Larke snd the ravered name of Hdward Carswell, all of whom were wall known plans oers and aggressive orusaders in the cause of temperance, and yet we are given to understand hy many of our opponents to-day that this great Conservative party are appeased Tn principle to the Inter: outs of mankind and the hetlers ment of soclety In this regard repudiate the fnsinuation and stand hers to say that 1 am proud of what this party has sceomplishs ed along the lines that 1 have ins diented and to say to all that it Is only falr to the Hon, 0, Hawara Ferguson that the great experiment of Government Cantral which he has innusueniod fu the Provines of Ontario should have & longer trial than that of two years to ane corvinin whether It Is effective or otherwise, pastieularly in the ace of his vecent manifesto and pledges whevehy he ways that hy amend: ments and otherwise he shall hones astly endeavour to make of his law an effective wesns of grappling with this gveat question and that if this method fal he 16 perfectly willing to abandsn it pamething elas, "Ladies and Genbomen: Tn this statement I have oWNeavoured to oxpress my honest sy iments and gonvietions upon this , by these expressions fudged hy the elector Ontario, Right or wron I stand ar fall" . Several other matters we Ison ed hy Mr, Mason during his dress "Mr, Sinclair has deelar Premier Ferguson was thrust upon the rural districts tional measures which they did want, Mr, Ferguson has repeate stated that he would pass merely and try hy them enabling aet--ane that gave the mw loipal educational authorities powe ta act on giving improved education in thelr schools if they desire," Mi Mason deelared Should Relieve Counties The speaker lauded Premier Foy guson for establishing the travelling schools In Northern Ontario, which he suid, had solved the big problem of educating the children of the ham lets in these distriets dusational Matters The counties should he given same Sm "For vs, Herle Del they hel me very much, mr vionds." The» If thoy ave kept strong Ded condition to do thelr work purifying the blood, Weak, down wamen should a trial as once, them on many occasions ta many of to good health lies through the Kid nm all the [Joh itiiies are strained out of the bleed, s Kidney Pills keop the Kidneys in goed ive Dodd's Kidney Pills hey bring speedy relief, S0¢ MANE Sle, dn Good Remedy for Kidneys and Bladder Says Guelph Lady whe Used Dodd's Kidney Pills po I was bothered with Kidney and Bladder trouble," writes hbie, 20% Liverpeal 3 § "I weak several boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and ty Cluslph, DODDS KIDNEY PILLS and wall, of cleansing and srvaus, Rup. ( NIDNEY City of Oshawa TAXES The time for ayment without penalty te the Second Instalment of the 1929 taxes, has heen extended to Tuesday, October 15th After that date A Penalty of FIVE PER CENT, will Tax delinquents, Municipal Offices, Oshawa, Ontario, ember 30th, 1929, ositively he added ta the unpaid taxes; and the allector will immediately proceed te collect from P. A, BLACKRAURN, City Treasurer. TEN FEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER . COOL IN SUMMER MIETRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, \¢ able velief in the percentage they are for- ged ta pay te the Provinelal gover ment on the eanstruction of Pras vinelal highways, he declared, giving a pledge "that if elected, he would give full support for a yelief mes sire slong this line, He declared that while warden of the county, the comnty roads system had been put in te wood shape, "You can't (ell pe where my opponent has done am thing towards the betterment of ou ons system," Mr, Masan declared The county had paid ta the pros vinee $574 000 In payments for pro vinelal highways, while it had veceiys ed in grants from the pravines $610, 000 towards the county roads systen, sil the speaker, But there were some mare provincial highways thi should bie built in the eoulty and the present 20 per pent, that the county had to pay should he re duced or entirely wiped aut, "Tl pravineial government was seriously considering reducing this persentag: he said, A large part of the increased ex pendtiure of the last few years in the Ontario Gavernment wis due to the fact that the Dominian Cavern ment had cut off the agrienltural grants, ta the provinces, The pro vinee had inereased the agricultural grants $800.000 in the last two or three Years, he sald, The Ontario Keseareh Federation had heen established primarily fas the heneht of agriculture, My FT on sald, painting out that W, A, Dry den and George MeLaughling repre sentatives af this county an the Fed eration, were hoth agrienliural men Sinclair's Promises Mean Deficit My, Sinclair's promises of reduced taxation and increased grants meant a dehelt of $7,000,000 per year, clared Mr, Mason Bouth Ontario was faced with a hig problem in the hydra situation, he suid, want anybody in this caunty ta tell me when Mr, Binelals has even volunteered any assistance in this question, All he wave was dy struetive eritieism," he Liguer Mr, Mason referres issue af the "Times" to his answer to the lon regarding Hs platform dies my appone! stand on question 1" re Mason asked referred ta Mr, Binelair's statement wt Fort William. that the 1919 Pra hibition plank was ne longer appl ee westion ta last night's with referenes Prohibition Un "Where this Hi "Mr, Singlalr cast aside prohibi noand fatly said he was in favor avernment Control" declared My any "Hut back in South Ontark g started to wabhle And if you 1d Il me where he's wobbling 10 \ ta know, ML lair says in his manifest will give a plebiseite when nalderable body of thought What's geing 1a he th AUeSHOR Ary ie going 1a bie beer Ly the wlass He doesn't say he will RIVE YOU 8 \ferendum, A plebiseit 8 nat bin Covernment--a refer eNTy ¢ifective measure, rod olair tells you what legislation he will wise, then he has Until then you pum 1s 1) When My nd af temper troduee In the fined his poli fe in the dark, Eight Year so It ook eight yea san an the Wieatly af whether vopravinees ardomitgn eantrolled SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 Old Age Pensions had been erented, Ald to charitable institutions has heen doubled, Advanced sacial legs islation meh ip the establishment af juvenile sourts gid domestic rela tons eourte, had heen passed, In 20 years of service, net ane questioning hoger canld ever he piinted at My + AT sald Dr, Ames, m Dr, Kaiser wo Phe next speaker was Dr, 1, I, aloer, MP, of Oshawa, "Did anys body thie yeur see AY HY, of in: toxieation at the Cayadian National Exhibition or any other fair?" ask ed Dy, Kaiser The provision made hy the Pravin elal Government that munieipalities should pay uo pereentage of the Old Ake Pensions wis a wise move, he caine It provided that the municipal es investigated the hong hides of the glaiims for the pensions, Neve theless, the Conservative government hd taken the stand in the House of Commons that Old Age Vensions wis # federal question, and should have been entirely handled by the Liberal Daminian Government ~The attitude of the Frahibition Un lon of the eounty in declaring it would not support a Conservitive wih unjust and imfale, Dr, Kalser dus claved, The Conservative party stood far legislation that was praetieal and that eanld he enforced, and that were for the uplift af mankind, he said, RASPBERRIES AT ENNISKILLEN ON SATURDAY LAST Mrs, Henry Strong Picked the Berries in Her Garden Hoantakillen, Oot, §,-~Mrs, Henry Birang pleked enough red vaspher vies In her own garden on Batur day to make & couple of ples My, and Mrs, Alhert dtatnton and gon OlHHard, Taranto, spent the week-end with Mrs, John Pye, Rev, W, W, Jones, Millhrank, formerly of Hampton, will take the warviees here next Sunday as the pastar, Rev, J M, Whyte, 1s preaching ANRIVEFSAYY BOFMONS al Millbrook Mrs tenrge spent a few Hwastman Mr, und Mys, John Blemon have returned ta thelr home after spending a few weeks with thely daughter, Mrs, Hugh Annis Me, and Mrs, George Yellard and friends, of Ingersal, ealled on Mrs, Wm, Oke, vecantly Mr, and Mrs, Creighton and Larne have returned to thelr home In Alberta Mrs, Then Blemen and John accompanied them ta To aranta an Thursday last Mrs, Hidhard Ashton visited My and Mra, Thos, MetGill on Bunday This community was saddenad to hear of the death of TB Holdge, youngest son of Rev, Jo seph Holdge, Hampton, who died on Ooteher 8 In Vaneauver, B, © The late My, Haldge was a former soleol tencher and ehole-leader herve, and is a hrother-in-law af Mrs, W, Oke Quite & number took in Orann falr on Wednesday last and anloy od the fine display of exhibits The showers which came Tues day were mich needed, to hreak the long dry spell Althougn the grass Is quite green here, north of Lindsay the pastures are all raw, and some farmers are feed. ing thelr stoek inslde Miss I, Taylor, Blaokstook, vis ited her sister, Mrs, Bldney Trew Tavranta, Mr, W (vex days with He manutacture hae, The ea ng out of the Yohih an Union's ey on this quion Wald tie up 10 peranee destion Jar elght ars or longer, sl My, Khon, Fhe speaker thelynade Ws state nt oon the quest I stand by that sYement wnted hy what 1» 1 ven iF 1 had promis (hing the Prohibitiof I would net receive | if 4 ean't represent people of this riding opponent ean, 1 don't pple here tonight ta da every nen asked wpport, Hu temperance well as wy t 10 be ol sted, Ever ainee | hal heen ele ted, | have hoon approa®d by ten perance peaple who haveRamised 10 vote for me," he declares Mra, George Hood ol Qigag 1s land reiterated her statem® an the Hguar question which shade at the Conservative meeting i@shawa Dr, Ames Pry CA, Ames, past prefent of the Prohibition - Union oN arth York, declared that his firs®asan for swinging hack to the p the Conservative party, was gords of Insurance companies United States which showed, hy Wy inerease in deaths in ale CHRON, "The Brohibition Union of Ong wide a foal of me in the last ony They will never make a dome again he declared, ade that the Liberal party had igne the will of the peaple on the Tempd Ange question on every plebiscite had taken," Government's Achievements Dry Ames reviewed the wark af the {3 rious departments of the Ferguson vernment, He declared that in the iL six yets the agen wealth the provinge had inereased three mes aver, The attendance at all choals in the provinge had almast oubled and the price of text hooks asl been reduged to a minimum, The cpartment of health had equipped he doctors of the pravinee with ser WS 10 cure - many Shy y The vaRes of women a ris had heen culated, Mot -~ Bub Rind and I ------ EE UH Britishers Attention! Fa money stands ln the way Paonia 1) hg 67 Yonge Nt, Toronta. | Poowm 198 in The monthly meeting of the W Ts 1929 PAGE FIVE Sa 8, wan held Wednesday ot the Ghureh, A temperance program wis carried out, Mrs, Trawin pres glided, taking the devotional wer vies, A mola was well glven hy Mrs, RB, MeO, prayer hy Mrs Pye and Mrs, 1, Tole, Mrs, Col ville of Bowmanville sang two vo eal numbers, Then a siirving wi dress on "Give VPrahibitlon »a Chance," way given hy Ms, V Brown of Bowmanville, Mya, Tole and Mys, Dy, Blemon also spoke on the situation, "When In ony ravines there are one hall & mil lon permits issued In Iwo yeni, and one tn every nine has 4 pel mit, 16 is high time tor every wom wn to vole agsinst this evil of our land," It was declared, A dninty funeh was served hy Mes, |, G1] heart's group, Miss Wmma Weary, Tovanlo, vis ited her niece, Men, HK, Ovmiston and Myw, Lloyd Ashton, on Bunday H, Gillelan, of Millan, & forme) sehonl-teacher, visited My, ano Mrs, D, Burgmasiey over Bunduay My, and Mrs, W, Biaintan vislied friends at Cambray and Uxhridge recently, My, and Mrs, Bluart Rodman, Bongos Island, spent Bunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs B, 0, Ashion, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Blevens and son Gordon spent Bunday with friends in Oshawa, Dy, and Myre, Perguson attended the vughy game In Toronto on Bat urdny, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Oka al tended Markham falr and visited Mr, and Mya, George Hobhing, Malvern, and Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Robbins, Plekering, Enniskillen young people's dri matle elub Presented thely play to a full house st the Foot Chureh on Bougos Island on Monday night Arthur Juokson, Toronto, spent the week-end with My, and Mrs Russel Ormiston Miss Hive Grin was presented with a vope of pearls In recopn! ton of her services of five years hy My, and Mrs, Mathews, of To Fonte BROUGHAMNOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEETS Report Booklet "Early His tory of Brooklin" Finds Ready Sale Brougham, Oo, § Brougham | Women's Institute held Its October | meeting at the home of Mrs, John Ehitlips on Tuesday afternoon, | The meeting was apened In the | usual manner, the president, Mrs Halthy, presiding The vommities appointed ta pur chase material for a slo voom emergency bag, raporied thelr | work almost completed A Koad onlleation of articles needed (0 care | far the slek 18 now ready far any | OM ergenay, Mrs, Hrown, historioal vesdareh | canvenor reported the sule of the | haoklet "Early History of Brough | wm had quite fulfilled the ex pectations far It, Mrs, Bhapherd | gave an excellent paper on "A Wal, | Balanoed Diet," Roll eall wan to be | answered hy Hallowe'en quota tons, hut several of the members | gave a few facts along Temperance lines, & subject of vital interest tn women these days Al the conclusion of the husiness session the hostess served sativa tive refreshments and many sub Joots of Interest was discussed aver | the teacups, All left for thelr | heen pleasantly and profitably homes feeling the afteradan W pent, 1 \ 1 "LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Woes Yard, Phone Oshawa B54 Whithy 18 INSURANCE 1134 Slmeos 81, 8, We Otfice Your Dvug Needs RON PSON'S we So We Deliver DUMPING CLAUSE APPLICATION I VERY WELCOME Will Protect Steel Industry Against Unfair Competition Cault Ble, Maris fel 14.8 ha annoineement made Uy Hon, W, I Buler, ministar of national vey fine, that the five prseent dump ng clause would he removed and that hevenfler the special dump Ing elas would he wpphied on sil goods coming Inte Canada, when aver the prices is below the tah avkel prige dn the eauntry in whieh they were produced, Is wel somed hy oMmelals of the Algoma Bleel Corporation as one which Is Important to the steel industry, Phe wunauneement means A great deal to us,' sald President W. VFrang, vesterday, "As protect us against wu greal desl of unfate eompetition" The Algoma Bleel Corporation haw tn Wa tariff aajustment appli gations urged that hig five per sent elause should ha abolished A vaferanos to the vesards shows hut the corporation suggested sieh action In Ue fivsl applies thon In April, 1084 I will VERY BERIOUS "What makes you look so mise able?" I would LE Win Hut that "Hut 1 haven't Ike tn ehange & wevious" Ulk, In nothing Hol (he Berlin, "In my native town & man horn in 1800. "Lipousinie," "Nol wt wll |} tombstone myself," wis | "My friend" sald dhe rellwayants riage hove, "things wre In 6 very = sarious shila) Lhe prospeel 1s threat: J ening; the hovizon 1s black, the outs look ig dark, 1 ask you, can. you alssara ons Wight spol 10 Lhe pias ent situation?" "Yeu, 1 ean yeplied the vigtim am geting out el the next sli thon read Woon hig "Hus he made up his mind yet?' "Baopls Vike thal don't heave minds they have sensations =The Hu movil FROST- cop is pe Won't Boil as Easily as Water y Think what this means to youl You can All up with Prowt-Cop today, It makes no difference whether it stays mild for 8 month or more, for Frost-Cop won't boil off or evaporate , , . and all the tims you know yowr ear is protested againgt a sudden cold map wi NU Won't Freeze at H° Below It gives complete protection from split radiators ond other expensive damage, Th won't slog and ia nonin jurious to paint, metal oF rubber, Fill your radiator with ¥rost-Cop today snd forget It for the winter, FROST COP ROST=-COP ANTIFIREE® KE BY THE FAIRVIEW CHEMICAL CO.LTD TORONTO £7 REGINA et MADE Sole Distributors: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Whitby Bowmanville Oshawa -- ¥ ---- a Sia Keep Your Wife In Hot W BUY NOW THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE COAL ot Water er Burning Fuel The Clear, Bright Egg, Stove and Chestnut HAMILTON WOOD! Beautiful Dry Hardwood Blocks for Grate or Furnace McLaughlin Coal and Supplies 110 KING STREET, WEST S 2000 POUNDS BY-PRODUCT COKE The Faultless Fuel WOOD! Hard and Soft Wood Slabs PHONE 2146 "Do You Own Your O wn Home? ne FTA ness in represented in this dh rectary---a handy reference tov Mags Rgpery Routing NG 100 SMALL BXOHANGE: On account of other business will exehange wy 7 voom howse Wn Trenton Oshawa property, fee DISNEY REAL RSTATR Phone 1880 List Your Fivm in the "Times" Business Divectory! LUMBER @ Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous M Ltd. Nigh Clase Interior Tvim and Dressed Lumber We & TRIUR COMPANY LIMITED A Albert Ntreet Phones 200 & 18%, - Real Rstate Tasurance We have several desivable hoses for vent, CUTLER & PRESTON 8 Ring St, West Telephone ATR=208 Night calla B10==1 300 for DIA Bare Varney sald the sehoal teacher, taking hia y smiling twee have=Rvening Advertisen dwindon, THIS LAD KNOWS "With & single stroke of & brush," around the National Galley, Wh Reynolds could ohanse & 0 & fawning one" YEO oan my mother" sald & small COAL COAL Phone Iw W., J. SARGANT Vaid Moar 'treet &, Orders Pramptly Doliveved STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply R AMES & GARTSHORE CO, IF WANTING INSURANCE hav See fe nan | \ 3 H.R LUKE ee | 100 King Sereet Wea, Onhawa, Phone 1180

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