THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, 1JUOR STORE WORKFRS FIRED, TORIES GO IN Returned "Soldiers Are Among Those Dismissed in British Columbian 'Vancouver, Oct, Lh=Within the pant few days eight or ten em. ploy: of government Vguer stores In this elty have been lel pub, Boma of these are returned soldiers, Home have been on the p of the lanor heard almost nis Je beginning of government 4 1] They have been veplaced hy members of the Conservative fs sociation, whp are now hossting that fithery hid 40 os tor th ] ne given for the do ave allegations that they have heen guilty of conduct uns becoming Hauer hoard Smployhos in yesommending the sale of paps tlowdgy brands, Evidence of (hid "erime' hag bean matheved at the expense of thousands of dollars spread over almost a whale year's time, A, I Griffiths, tha Hguoy heard in- vestigator specially employed hy Attorney fleneral 'Pooley, has heen working since last November and has employed a great many Assists ants, His object has heen to obtain evidence which would warrant the dismiss] of Hauer baad officials go that Conservatives could he ap painted in thely place, The search a8 heen longer and more costly than was antielnated, hut My Pooley has not heen discouraged, for Mr, Griffiths Is still on the jab, THE REMEDY (Glasgow Herald) Two women In rallway compart ment were quarreling about the win down, and insisted on ealling the guard, "If it's opened I shall eateh eold and dig" said the one "If it's elosed 1 shall retorted the athe A langssuffering man here inter: veined, "First ¢ en the Window," he told the guard, that will kill one Then shut it, that will get vid of the other, Then the rest of us ean all ko to sleep, suffocate," New Martin Theatre AN ALL TALKING PICTURK Masquerade With Alan Birmingham Lella Hyams Clyde Cook Arnold Ley Farvell Macdonald ADDED ATTRACTIONN js Contiienee hat Col, Mae Mping and his paviy ave safe though pevhaps Yfeosen In" on ane of the small novihern Iakos, was exe pressed hy Mes, WV, Baker of ---------------------- comp ----y TORONTO WONAN, TERRIBLY BINED FIGHTS FOR LIFE Doctors Are Amazad by Fact That She Is Stil Living Ot, 10H Bulfeving in sprayed every #0 min tannie meld to euriall spread of septic Infection, her hed tent heated gleetrl lamps to keap IE at uniform tam paratuve, watohed every second hy skilled surgeons and sympatheti nurses, Mrs, John Nellnon, axeper tant mother, freightfully burned last Baturday, still Hes Minute after minute hour the grim, dramatic battle in Ht, Michael's hospital wears on with medical selence gaining new ground=--ever #0 slightly---=hut gaining, When a gasoline explosion filled har home with flames on Saturday afternoon, the flesh was hurmed from ihrvessquarters of her hody and face, Kyven under ordinary er cumstances persons so burned vss ually survive hut fram two to eight hours, Tn her conse death was ex ected momentarily, if not from wins alone, then from shook ats tendant upon her condition of we maternity Mra, Nellson's oases, her vitality, her vallant hattle for Hie, and the fact that the unhoarn babe has net heen harmed, have aroused intense interest and even astonishment in the medieal profession, Unable to he granted survoonse of pain hy the large quantities of morphine way ally given in sueh cases, she vel has now a fighting ehanea far tile, physlolans say Tavonta aredibly utes with with great hour after "For 3 Days Ei) 1 wey Lining INE PEAIRN 1) MONDAY THEAA AR X BROS. SHAW - EATEN vork Colborne, wite of Col, Rabe art Baker, who is 8 member of the missing pavty, VIE soems Imposs #ibla that both machines could rash at once, and I one hand PICKER ING Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent Telephone 800 FORMER PICKERING RESIDENT DIES AT BROCKVILE W. O, Law Was Highly Respected Citizen of Community 0 Brockville, Oct, Te Willred Oliver Law, well known and highly respect ed resident of Brockville for the past 20 years, died very suddenly on yl day night at the family residence, 19 Wall Bireet I'he deceased was born at Pleker Ing, Ont, a son « the late Mr, and Mrs, James Law, and when he frst came ta Brockville was emplayed us a hody hullder in the plant of the Canada Carriage Co, | ol Fallawing the disastreus fire which destroyed the a ape butlding in Cletaher, 1UlH, he (NY Me Law hecamie go ton of Wall Street Undted Chureh a position he retained until his sud den demise, For caretaker af Vigto, ln sehool Hesides his wile he is survived hy four daughters and three song, nue ly, Mrs, C, M, Parslaow, Mrs, Harald 1, Gardiner, Broekvillg Miss Mabel, James, Oswald, George and Miss Jessie, at home, Hy Itaves one brother and u sister are Mv, Albert Lhw, of Piel and Mrs, Edward Stonehouse, of Markham Deceasnd was a member of Wall Street United Chrueh, and of LOI Nao During his long residence in Brockville the late Mr, Law won the WAFL estes of many wed disteiet, Hg fn time he was also Oudenshury alin hey ering respect and eitizens of the town was a skilled wmeehanie at his trade in the Canada Carriage Co, and while employed there enjoyed the re spect and esteem of officials and em players alike In his vears as sexton of Wall Street United Chureh he became het ter known to a greater number al eitigens and was always found ta he a courteous obliging and employe of the congregation, one who was valued by the officials ol the ehureh and members as well His demise is a matter of deep vo pret and wueh sympathy is felt fo the bereaved relatives in the sudden loss of hushand and father, capable MISSION HAND HAN BIRTHDAY PARTY Pickering, Oct, 14--The Busy Ree Mission Hand of St. Andrews' Church, held birthday party, at its SR ALL DAY 32 STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY WATCH | your home Paper, Will carry Full details | tomorrow evening KROCH BROS. Simcoe St. Soutle crashed the other would surely have come out for help, Mrs, Haker sald, The Inyont shows left, Min, Robert ¥, Baker, and right Col, Baker with his two son Bob, left, and Burt, right, A ---------- - --- regular meeting on Saturday after noon, in honour of Misses Mary Neale, Doris Hogue, and Daoroth Ferguson, whose birthdays had oc eurred during the week, After th usual warship serviee, games wer played, after which sandwiches, birth diy enke and gandy were served, In tend of bringing gifts to the threes little hostesses, the ehildren hrought suppers to buy something for the asian hand hale ST, PAUL'S CHURCH HOLDS A SOCIAL Cet, "I'he GONKTegN anal social held in the 8.5, on Fri duy evening in eamnection with Si Paul's Jubilee celebrations, was en loyed hy all wha attended, v A pro Mram was given by loeal talent, The ehildren of the songregation conduct od hy Mis, Rickard, presented some thanksgiving deills and MADE BONES In Lvery ereditghle manner, Voeal num hers were given by Mes, FF, 1, Bunt he, Mrs Wallseo, and Misses Loans Spencer and Mildred Barrett Rev, BK, H, Rickard read & very in teresting histary of the congregation from the time of the building of the present chureh in 1829, Following the PrOErAm games were snjayed, oh Be Wn which refreshments were served ANNIVERSARY AT ST, PAUL'S CHURCH Plekering, Oct, 14 The anniver ry services at St, Paul's Chureh on Sunday, Oct, 10h, were well attend pd, du the marping, Rev, A, Rish ards, of the Tabernacle, Whithy, was the speaker and was well received Kev, 1, K, Bek, of Hampton, ehaly wan of the Oshawa Preshytery, was speaker in the evening, taking Abra hin wn an example of ane living hy tith, and dealt with the subject in An acceptable manner, Rey, I, § Ferguson, of Hi, Andrew's Chureh, whose eongregation withdrew (1s eve to Join with 8t, Paul's, aasintod tn the servige, Special music wis provided hy the local chair, PICKERING BRIEFS Plekering, Oot, M=Mr, and Mrs I, Jones, and ehild, of Ottawa, spent Sunday with Win, and Mrs, Murkas Win, and Mrs, Stark, af Belleville, spent the woeksond with the former's parents, Robt, and Mrs, Stork AH Clark and sons, of Lakefield are spending a week with W, J) and Mes, Clark Miss M, Douglas, of Taronte, of Paronto, and Miss Lillian Wiman, uf Peterbora, visited their grandmother, Mes, A, Barrell, over the week-end The Misses Rose, of Taranto, have hoon visiting their unele and aunt, Danald and Mrs, Munre, during the past week Miss Laura Andrew spent the week-end at the home af her parents, Fas, and Mrs, Andrew, Mrs, Grant Armet, is visiting at her hame in Torevto ewing to the ness of her mother Arthur and Mrs, Boyes, and son, LAW, and Mes, Boyes and ohildren, spent Sunday with Austin and Mrs, Franklin in Port Porey, Mr, and Mes, WV, J, Coakwell, of Oshawa, were in the village on Suns day attending the ARRIVOTSATY Seis vies at Bt Paul's Churoh, On Tuesday evening, the pupils of the Cantinnation Sehoal ehavierad a bus and attended the presentation of "Julie Caesar" at the Princess Theas tre, Toronto, Since the play was ane that the pupils has studied, it was eapeeiatly teresting © thew, Members {rom the Friends' weet Ing from several outside points have hoon in the illage during the week end attending the Quarterly meets MAN A number of masons fram the tos 0 lodge A to Rivchelitte on Friday evening, and were the guests of the lodge there, Miss 1 Rumble, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Ida Sterrith, on Sunday, Mp and Mes, Williams are vist ng friends at Little Current, Manis toulin Island, Mra, Dr, Crawford and Mrs, 1, Carlton, Miss Madeline Crawiond, and Garnet Crawford spent Sunday at Loaside, Mrs A, Gormley has been spends hig few days at the hame al Man and Mrs, Williams, ab Sieoe Point, Kuown thronghout England as tha barbed wire King, becguse of his heralam in setting up ahd outs tig barbed wire daring he World War, Hidney Damell, DOM, died recently at Pet Wek, He waa buried with military honors, merly of the Northamptonshire regiment, Darnell went aver the toh on 43 occasions, and on the last, while working an the wive, Was aniped and severely wounded I the knee, Plekering Lig ONIN servis, OBER 15, 1929 -- BETTER BY FAR Try Kelloggs Pep Bran Flakes, They are crisper, They have a better flavor the famous flaver of PEP, More nourishing tho, You et the vitamin and mineral salts from the wheat, Just enough to be mildly laxe. five,, Bold In the red-and green ge, Made by Kellogg London, Ontarlo, | GRANTS T0 ROADS WILL BE DOUBLED Premier Makes Generous Promises at Meeting in Orangeville Orangeville, Oot 14 (lavern ment grants ta township and enun by vords will he more than doubled, running as high or higher than KO per cent of the cont In some cases, under theh ighway expansion pro gram now helng Inld hefore the el attorate hy the Ferguson govern men! Bo Premier Ferguson dis alased hove tonight In an address delivered before more than 700 peo ple gathered in the looal town hall "I undevatand you are recelving 80 op 40 per cont grants now,' the pramier stated, "1 expect you will pot twlee that much or more under aur new program.' In an appeal for tha co-operation of all true tem perance heople fn the solution of the Hguoar evil, the premier guos tioned the stneerity of organised orition of the law hare Wal & smack of hypoorisy olared, "abuot the charges that the LCA, had driven lguer inte the home If the publia has deolared fog somal arm of hoverasa law,' he sald, "and It ls agreed that it 1s better not to hava publle deinking, where are you going to have ity! Overflow Meoting \ It was imposible ta aocommodate all wha sought admittanes to the malin meeting and an everflow meeting waa areanged In a nearby theatre, At top form, the premier tira hoth audiences to a piel of enthusiasm that inspired Dufferin PAFLY sthlwarta with a sturdy oan. Idenoe that the viding this time would he restored to the Conservas tive column, In 1024 1 was taken fram the government hy 71. K, Nlaek, Progressive, who Is again a oandidate, The Conservative standard-haar er, Dp, OG H, Campbell, was given A ronsing reception, ° prosent ' he de | IFFAIRS IN EAST LOOKING BRIGHTER Retirement "of Mahmud Clears Way for Egyptian Election Landon, Oct, 15/The Near Hast shitmation, including Lgypt 18 momens tanily quiescent, with a more cheer: ful praspeet for Anglo-Egyptian prar posals since the retirement of he mid fram the Premiership, Within two months it is expected that # neutral ministry will call for 8 gen eral elestion with something appro w¥imating wnlversi ranehise, hut without making the AnglosEgyptian camnromise uo specific issue of the election sinee Nahas Pasha and athe er Wald leaders point out that the unpopularity gf Mahmud will preh ably prove highly damaging te the pro kal, 7 Nahiss holds that the Wald ean: not he expected to give formal bless Ing to the iesid hefare the ol ectians or to an arrangement where in they had no part, hut the Wald ado that the suggesied terms wre the Lest that could he expected, and Egyptian leaders, I am infarmed, an fully eognisant of the British gave arnment's attitude, which 1s that the wapased treaty he arranged for the Dench of kgypt and pot Britain, and goes as far as any British fii istry ean possibly agree to, After the election, if the Wald are returns od, whieh 1s thought inevitable, & wrlod of negatiation will fellow, herein Wald leaders and the Brit hh representatives will partieipate raniing the actual terms of the eaty and wiving the Wald leaders the opportunity to Inform the people that they have taken thelr share of responsibility . Ihe British Government's Insist ance on # reneral eleetion, they have heen told, 18 hased on the absolute necessity of Anglo-Kgyptian terms hein arranged with the consent and approval of the Egyptian nation and nat with #& small coterie af polit clans The Wald approval of the terms means that representatives of 70 per cent, of the Egyptians will a ree though there Is always the possibility that the Qrlentals will hift the position if popular feeling veers against the arrangement, In Irak the outlook is brighter since Hreitalrgs apreement ta support the plea far admission ta the Leaguy of Nations, Acceptance hy the Lea gue Is a foregone eanelusion . Palestine eontinues to he superh elally quiet, though private advices [ have seen report dangerous unders That these exist (8 proved Arah hayveott and numerous af assassination currents hy the CRAeS CORNWALL MAN DIES IN HOSPITAL Victim of Foundry Accident Passed Away Saturday Morning Len Ole af an aeoldent at several weeks 6.00 o'sloek Cornwall Oot 1h ment, vietim Bingley's Vounary ARO, passed Away at Haturday morning at Wie Hotel Dieu hospital, Me, Olament haa heen in the hospital far the past thie oF four weeks, suffering fram # fractured pelvis and & rups tured hindder suffered when = hatter fell upon him at the William Ninwley and Hon foundry, Oloment In 84 years of age and resided on Lawrence Avenus, He had only been employed 8t the foundry far about two and a half weeks prioe ta the accident, Fras vious to this he was employed hy Lloyd MacDonald on Sheffield street as a motor meehanie, He has spent the Eraater part of his Hite In Cornwall, He fs sur vived hy one slater, Hi KRNREAD DEFENDS RRIT ISH IN PALRSTINR ORINIS vhonhead, who vecently PATE A vist to Canada, is shown Wm the hore with his Lat Rivkens hond, watil vecontly secretary of state for India, and formerly lod hah chancellor doalaved, in Palestine orisls, that we countny contd maintain adequate police hi in that sect of the comme wh A NOTED PAGE NINE EC -------------- a a A ae VALUE! 102x SLirrer Hegr HOSIERY Here is a full fashioned hose which Is famous for its out-standing long wearing qualities, The fine quality of THE SEASON'S NEW Wf SHADES ay NN A A Plocadilly Avenue Regent Park Lane silk reaches right up to the narrow lisle hem, All in all it is the ideal hose for everyday wear, In Service Weight $1.95