THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURBDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1949 PAGE FI EVEN W. EN, SINCLAR SPEAS AT RALLY (Captinued (rom. mains? We say tha wet eantrol, upd | 6 a regu ob Joes these wife He gular Elvetions "Phere is 11h gueshon of regular Section doviady Wi hose elestion 1s ne peapla's ar Fergnson'at 6 bo gare thinking ful they sty that i 1s they elostion, The pee ler sugnante that Is " Wi Brish 1 \#¥e " 0) ery fone yeurs, ht the 3 it Hor Amin Ait the iis that, ay thik unless # pavement is defeited or anne i BENE arises Lo ganas an eles Han, hers phayid § Wh election ily we Hy he that is the ' Horm Aheral party, Shresenintion "The ww PEApOTLanAle Pepe samtation in an fmpsrtant ane, Hes et ation should not he the subs i merrymmnder, as wis done . Iai redistribution, Toavanta he all within five on of the parlinment buildings, Ward Oar, in the Conservative Ee 10) hose whe pay i there WH i autonomy In lost wleven members in the legislative assembly, und fest were added 1a the sides, Norihern Ontarl has only thivieen members fin serve that vast ferpitar How ean these few members yen oF Bey eg fu he settlers, the people whi ars ding the planer work, What 1s the pen ihbity Tor Nites menihgrs (os Woranta and only thirteen for the whole af Northern Ontario, 'The ri viel people have heen disfranehised and the veiee of rural Cntavia mul fed, and the Liheral pasiy 1s fledged ta vechd juste this condition and wlve them PEONEE FRpEOReiabion g miy, alse, that there should he the altemative vals where thie candidates are running, so that hy wing the second ehotee, the apinion al the people hal Pi BU Eme, re that pulls ain ai. shill ghvern the pravines, sul not party ateilegy Relief Fram Tasation "he nest divisan of our policy," sild My, Bineladr deals with relief from the burdens af taxation, We say there must he & survey of (asa tain, sa ws to elbpingte double lisa Hang relieve the people rong unjust tases, and redyeg taxation {he ji mie hat aki Mow Axes are ta he ont, and Whett or We Wire golng In fh the # van al Ontavle, He ean not see how else we are gulng a do it Ferguson said wn short time redistribution, are that he could nat see anyone on HAWES Rit Housecleaning eh brings Healthful res ned is -- ren ol Fea wi a Sinha En | endo the horlgon ta take his place im sire he sees it hy now, And If the people of this pravines give wa the if we will shaw them how 1a da i, Yeemier Ferman has full that the government prepared ta find N other means of eying 0 eb fh fli other services for he fir vines, On the eve of an ethion he promises fia people mors 3 gn ih i say that the Viator whith we hive anneineed repaeding Haklion | funetriesiy jen 1a TT rember Ferguson Hi Finansing Mi Si then touehed wpan the fjiestion ol pravinelal Wghway hnane fg, "As these highways wre fp the iilvantape ul the whale pravines," he declared, "the provinelal governs ment y i kn the (rhale ehh hey are Jus "y he hanes ol hi wholes » Pen! A 1] the { is for the whale Ie of € whe "Wa debated this Wiestion In he legltlature, and divide th ike Gn if, hut the Hevernmen voted anlinst wa "On the tawnihip yaad gran' said the gpenbiur, "we sy we will inks Hien wgual ill aver the pravines, the prenent Hime they range Trem Hiieky Aa peventy per vent of the vast ul the Whar, fepdndin ul the Avarite kite wh ta what the tawne slips reel YE ti Propose te ma the grants forty vo SENE Inatend of 1 fe the Aili, thirty per sent, and rants uniform aver the whale pper Ne and in addition, 10 A vn "he does) eatnells shuld have moss power than they have new, Hie they are a the malar poy dan of the burden, We prapass i Make atop hpenae fees only & ne inal alm, | s de all the fess or Pere 0 milion heeniine fn One LAER there are many cars whith 1) riven of only. six months af he veut, We propose ta make the | Eening of ears and the tssuing ef LA Womatter of serviee, rathey Watt a means af lmpasing tanation, Gasoline Tas "Ti vepard ta the gasoline tax, we aay i Whew he reduced 1a 8 sum siligtent to meet road east, and nol ua Ab pressnt, to provide revenue for athey departments af the "governs ment, The wavernment says that those who wee the vands shopld pay ar them, hut 10 takes millions of dollars In wasaline taxes; and hands them aver 10 other deparimenty (9 help earry an the government, Th premier would make you believe that the waseling tax wit helng vied a weet eapital expenditures, hut pot o gent of 11 1s helng weed that way Phat 1s met hy harrowed money, The anly part of the gasoline tax that HOE fe the roads AH 10 pravide fay malntenanes, and we say the ax should he only suMelent to mest that PXRENEE TOP FOR purposes, Old Age Pensions "Roparding Old Age Feuslans, we phy the provinge sh ull earey the [ whole burden, The federal govern Ment fives Rity pus pont, leaving Nl ty per sent for the provines, Yet In Ontaria the government has passad the hat, and Is sallecting tevly per pent al that amount fram the mun vipalitles Ver the movernment takes the whale nie left when & pension or dies, Jd een pa Haell for is share helen BF PRE Binly per sent lovee ment | veally VAVINR lt VaR Vor hank eh of VA mnie lpalitisg t 40 has pal, While the 0 ON PAYNE without Aly 18 yi here 18 & Tepirt Narth hh that i the Liberals are WIRE (0 ROWE there will he no ol Ale pensions, Let me assure the Aan i$ In Nopth Vark (hat no matter which party 48 returned, the ald age pensions heaves will go aut an No vomber 1, tn spite of the whispering pamnan. that ts soing on, and the a people need have no fear aban wetting thelr ehagues" The next seetion of his mantiaste dealt with hy My Rinelsic was thal which touehed on the social wellare of the peuple while "There {sn a nee " yl "i Neparte i wf ch salely he loss of on the high wavs 1s We tt Praperty | lamane \ ad » on o f ayitioi 8 in STAN e Are ton N hig went wail! save A . lives | na neaple, World save money, ay AEN sive eomiort and safety an the high wavs Ab present, this wark fa ane dev the minister of highways, hut in plow of the appalling (ah ol pv the pravinee should take eave of the peony and da all in (a power 0 ve hem on anlar and safely, Forguaam' high © Fate Loar | "Where are treme Plans to edneationd township whoo! hoants, He pio de waive rily eb CROWDS! CROWDS! 1remendous Response It Was a From All Stampede Directions | BankruptSmash ARCADE STOCK, WELLAND MUST GO QUICK Mt Wt Stock: op hb n A Your Winter KROCH BROS. 3% Simcoe Su South [ihe aide, ouiek rr work In the igh sshooly, wid high #tbiant work in the whit sehanls, aked My, Binglalr, "In & speseh al Landon he suid these grew velorms af his exeelled the velorme sl Li Hyerson, Where wre flex new! They Wie nat in his thay febta, hut they wre in the report wb the minister of uention for 1038, and If he 16 elie ted ha will go ahead with them and diy he his & mandate fran the ha pie ta pik them lig eet 8 wikit ne tinkering wi aivenion a educational matiers, hit we wan! 16 an expert edusatlanist us minister of sdueation, with & sauneil of ef ' Eaton, named hy the Cntarle Ke anal Aisecistlan, made up af YH Kher trustees and professors, In ore dtr that he shall hive the best ad vies gn these Ja bana work wil policy ta ad aed he Wire we A of the gra oa My, snl hai" oan th oowe fh fame to hig, Mer oF Auestion, ' The eral party iy Wi 4 Mani uh ta, he weld, "and or platlarm i th i" t gf shall he » ol he pen ple an the auestion, ig nent of jay. | palities, w he h demiided, nthe athey hid Ergun ys 'Noy Mi hair, thers will THI IR he CIT the gaye ernment 18 in power wand 1 happen ta he at the head af i" "Therd is the Issue. Ona yp # " bin the wity of having iW al the peqyle decide such an (Hh 4 this, We wiry that a yale will spe and the ausstion will ha settled In the only wity passible, quietly and apart from Wh election, te seelie a frie desl Bian Mr, Binglale Mierpd nid mda by Prem 0 pirding the apinion of General Hig Kine un the temperined fueation, and duated an Inserview given hy Gow eral Migiing In veply tn ih } prefer, n he his expressed the opinion that the anly V4 the genio i onl he pettlod w we hy A al the pea Hf i] jl [1 ARINPR EN fhe slate MAA LL] ple apart J 10 & NFO § diva on to me," sald My. Binelaley "a Knew that se antstanding & man as General Hig jing 1a an the platform en wie | nd, In eommenting on this al Heterhara Prowler Ferguson aig he does not know where © stand he truth 1s ha does nat want 10 know i he would red the ews pupera and my apeeehes he would seel And au \f he does not know where 1 sland he inet intelligent enough 0 Wi any longer the TH al Ontarle argos lament "The premier HH sive that Sin alalr went ta Niagara Falls, and en darsed tha eandidature af & heer ap wing enndidate would say 9 hin that 1 have nat heen near Niaghod Falls for months and net In this Halls {or Hore we have the I miler mieestating fats Jie TI Wi when 1 went haek 10 Osliawa, \ [| not know where. | would he, Well, here Tam hack in Oshiwa, and 1 am in the centre of a Ang h Wel af foo ploy with my friends who are here to disenss public questions, and to toll Promer Ferguson that they have no wae whatever far him IE has heen sald [no 8 whispering ampaign" went on My, Blnelair, that | hve adopied government gonial | ohallenge anyone a pradues a sin Io word af mine 10 shaw that | have dons ue they Be Wp and dawn wliney with " J iapering Sa Hn sald we had VARY eh LR ad the result af the vale the people, and na ane oan deny What Hut we wake and vale ARAL 1 3 hi "5 lature "My Fy tay KH sald in his ferehal hit WAR Bing 9 iW prove the Linger Cs Contfal Aet and the Highway Ty ol, 60 AW nol enly send ol gn drivers a all hut 1a auepend thelr permite, Ha My heen In the Taw sine 19 hela SPEVEAN Went fia aiftep, ak thy how many peaple have heen sanvieied ol lon nk while drunk a Ag Wh and ow TARY Pers have \ eaneelled sinen June, RLULRL Alb veh ie the ans bs "Na [11 ghthan (0 ha "Ar a. sontinned My, Kin plain "he was i 0 wive the amaunt of sales fa i RESROAL YOAT, havauae he h . 0 eheck an thew, al WW on Whe year he wid, A Soaks Right In And Limbers Up Stiff Joints ------ SER Ry RE Bs Sh. yO N i orale \ " stavia Tlak y Intlamed, oteaky, ho Ww, Te WY WAR Who "aed = LULL wh py ody that eth the milion of ® ORR OF Mave Joints A attention, y %. 8 Mretiied aunty a awa he A or WW 14 he In knee, elbow, nook on Huger and "we RY Theumatiam Whe W hs : whether \t oF spmethl y aur 1 a Mey ht § PAL AW ond \e & tpt AllMents 8 w» ROWELL, AORIRE WANS, MI \U NIRS ROAR OF sere ag ae reba of any ooh hecanse af 1a pan Hon, Bat what 1 1s ves dod fav a atimen WN Whate N hy or & tbe af ¢ Rae" W Wie 1 Saveral times In one roanite, baoawse TOnER | on] ha Rly A NW second MW SATRIY WB 8 swily FAR and oy Watts wader \Re Nin, ut | H We PHEAL 1 10 ond AM JRlat Aron wade In Canada oaata Rly ® SRRtE-- diy & Lavell Wd, RIMES RB dipenses 1 RIE de Tet Clase ATagEte everywhere nat he would know, Bul he said I would be far, far helow $70,000,000 op WZ 00000, wid sven below 60000, O00 be $65 000000, But Framer Ver Hunan aie Ww knew that the re Wirne same bin ta the conteal pes, hsenmpe, speaking ab Bpsnserville in {oly he amd that I unyans bough « pattie wk Bynes he wold knew with InAs hanes, d Bir Henry Wisye bah, when | doked him hw lors fh the pulls aesaunts committee it he hil dividual vepuaris wn the sues, sid that he had nat ipdividusl reports, Lut had pn of the iwinl sales eich diby uw Ble Henry knows tha siblen wp % the present Hime, and if Premier Vergusan hos nut peeled fron | wl he Pes [Ta PRT T out ie, palitieal speeches for & day, tu Taranto, aif telephone H Hengy Drayton and " the Ngure wi the danar Contral Board, "They yo there right wp ta the det, | say Peru ght tu knew, And | say furiincn dace know, and that he hay Wot bo (ell the peop 16 the amount be jars this election Another Challenge Mr Ferguson save he is golng 0 have # surplus, Bul haw dees he knaw Hf he does nos naw the Hauer yovenug 4d demand that he tell the peaple wb Onburia whit the sales WFR Wp tn la Hat dey night, Al the ol of the your, he says, he wil know and will be whi ta tll, heenuge the Taw sips he mist, But if, as he pays, he in wpnhle ta tell the smoun al Howes snlen, fo does he know they are below $68,000,000 ar $75,000, 000, 1 sad there win poing by hie an eleationt he sald he did nul giaw, | way naw the lyuer sales are $78,000,000 i $00,000,000, anil he does nat haw," Northern Ontarin The nest spgtlan af the manifesta with that dealing with the ssanamie welfare of Ontarlo, Under (hat heading, sald My, Blnelalr, came the WLLL sets of Marthetn Cntiela Wir ¥ iho Canservation Asi of 1040," Tig pid, "his heen yo ally, he pilleies of of pre-timher cammpenign days wre sill helng fol: howl A ides sdbinlsteation aired, ail we shy we laut oil A Ir wiid sive tie farests for the wei # ol the pravines The department wl mines should ner he a recording Branch only, hut uo depariment to wid the prospect Py drilling and in addition su survey the iron wis passives, se thst we will know wheres we stand "With welerenes ta the fish and gag depariment, we say thers shawld bs mors pravinelsl parks, so that wild life san lin conserved, "hae BOVREHINENRE IB BHEOUVREING Tours ta gimme ta this provines saftey hel and game, tanvisid who have elesnei wilh thelr awn states, snd Ontarla 1 paiidly appronehing the sume stage, hers mint he sonssrvation af (he wild Niu of the provines, and that is Pek af wie pulley, "Phere must he wld to speleuliire wid settlement, Deainages and yond work must he earrled on und theya musk he a survey for setilement, "Tha department of Aurieyltupn mnt he mide ta funetion, There must his mare vepressntabion far narthern Ons ERP, new ne par ean eames of men and women In easel riding ta wanfer with the members, Wy linw clue enn the worth country he hall Wp wid developed wnless the peaple ol the navth sauntry lmve a voles in the wovernment, The minister al Inds and forests shold he a nareth SEN Imen FRPPARENTINE on northern ping woman in sloss eantact with the needs af the peapls Agriculture "With regard to agrleulivre, thers must he un elose study of ita yegulre ments There must he ald In market Ini, less tasntion far the farmary more local sutonamy, and the aid sf i research foundation, in arder tht EE an cpr EASY TO BERVE--EASY TO DIGEST SHREDDED With all the bran of the whole Ivan With Sheedded Whint fl SHS ula by ent It with wii " a the he Yar kr eliclows a efi NE Supper' n berries or lcd ANANAG, EN asa EE i a LE lL. eee WEI ul ure may prosper us iv ought Wa dey bor HF wgrlenliure tule, all alba ih 7 hod full "hean wre sone of our policies for the people of Ontario, 1 ask yon whether they da net stand aut far ahave any polieles announced hy Framier Ferguson, Are they not vl tl ta the people of Ontiila b Lut the people vate far their own wel fare, wid for fe plattorm 4 hava Kiven Ye ton bani 'Candidates "There ure Between ninety and apn hundeed Liberal candidates, splendid mm and wamen, too, 1am sled 1a diy Dur sandidates wee sll sapabl and autatanding men and wapien, have met many of them, and If wa are entrusted with aes, we hive plenty af men of ahillry, able to cars ry an and give u better Business ads ministration than the present gave ernment, 1 asl you, as people of Ontario, to villy to the enuse of the FAleral party, 10 eloet these outstail ne men and women, te de youl duty sa that the people of Cntr will Wess the day when Premlel Verguson said "IF vou don't likes ma kigk me out! and the peapls of On rin have the apportunity to do st un Cletaher $0.1 Me, Binclaly glosed hia addres with an appeal (a the [] foes ol Bouth Ontario 8: rally eh nd him wel lant bie with & handsemes mw army Mr, Binelalr was the Tass theRkan po the meeting closed wigly the sin nie of the National CH thi hand of the Ontario fH inent whieh had played many exeelient and appeapriate selestions hetore snd (§ the semrse of the meeting lending WW the sinning "Mant Mane hey fraw tm a wit " trang af reeks, no he ly hem nanareh th the mounining reba af elavds, ho dindom of snow," n catering in Ialtiens WA fu The haw fs Adu, Wf A Batarday 8 nme WPOHRKS THO Mime WM #0 Hlmeon Bi ATORE HOURS n Pally B ame Wednesday B Ame AT fi pw «180 0 pm N Ny OCT, 17» RIDEAU CREAM A} ELE Al CHE I) A) ) Ye 19° Charm Chonan Booms hg 10a nnnn Ammonia Powder ATAR we HANDY Bead Floor Was OLIN ENE LIE Pash The Renol THETA LRLLE ELT) Ee NU.JELL 2 pres. 15° NTT Frnitre Pollok, Rinse Boobs (hotlist WBE pmvrvenamranin Hein fs Lima vans Fons taht LIER LR A RR Tvary Soap At pele 06 Foon bon bebo, See Bee. "i TRUER TERA RR ERR ARR MAGIC BAKING POWDER on Th Jo C& B's BRANSTON PICKLES Jn 23° MUSTARD a KREN'S PURK ------------ Brille Choant Whe Behowteg ged Pe. unin Pu hn 1 "Witter bors BD ihtatid TITER ELITE SET EEE --- TLLAERRAAR ANA LA ahead CHRISTIE'S SODA WAFERS Weal Gaal Qvale EERE ET SRN RY a Load Peaches Chore Swed 0 Valves nA Svvup ov Coandonsed Milk IR. AURA ERAN AAMAS ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL ON SALE 2 Pigs, 180 ARR LL EAN) Tha 6% a + SPCR A TY RRR Aa 3 LL SER Sn RP. NL 2 Potts 830 PEE CUTER wad Ng, 380 HAMA, Wo ali enly | | \, al sing ideals te Retin bh | AN BRAY WN A at the wan AS doth Ha y SPECIAL PURITY FLOUR 2410, $1.14 OCT, 23 BAG « Pele RCIA L-- SANI-FLUSH Bottle B60 Page, B80 EVRA ERA UN Ma 1% CE Te 2 ham 170 Ng Be 2 Tim Ble 2 Twe M0 2 Tw MMe WH Tame TH M0 ™ be Lhe 290 [- bh he a Wh We LE LL e-- LD | 2 Tim MMe Th 3 Tin Me Tha ite