"All the News While B Is News" The Oshawa Daily Times / Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City VoL. 3--NO, NO. 91 Abilities -" gars oo Ont, ru 4 ry OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 17, , 1929 15 Cents . Week; 3 Cents a Copy, FOURTEEN PAGES SINCLAIR SPEAKS AT BIG LIBERAL RALLY South Ontario Liberals Crowd Armouries to Acclaim Leader of Provincial Liberal Party candidate in the riding of South Ontario, graph of Mr, Sinclair, -- vo AGRE SEE * t News in Brief TRE Chntilap Frat) Bede des t vee ra aaa AS ARRAY Missing Boys gara Falls, Ont,--Three boys, g from thelr homes In Guelph since Saturday, were plek- ed up by polled here last night when they sought to Jot lodgingn, \ Dropped Dead Abington, Qot, hd deel here yesterday, . M, A. Kendrick, anoribed heart dleosno as the eative of death, 11pe-lomen Ring Noa Rxecuted Pola, Italy, ~Viadimir Cortan, ene of the ring leaders of the Hers plan group who were charged with aving fired on lines of electors a. Pisno last election day was execut- od bY a Ming *yund today. Plan *Atlantio Fight Rome---Five large Italian planes rere, reported tonight as being pre- for a simultaneouh transat- Jared light, It was sald that the Minister of Aeronautics would be a passenger in one. New Internat ional Bridge Amherstburg, Ont.~--"The Inter national bridge joining this com- munity with Grosse Tle will be un- der construction not later than next January 1, according to an announcement by Mayor George Jones, wang lg Four of Family Injured Toronto,~ Four members of one family were injured last night when an automobile crashed over [) sldewalk here, The injured are: Antonto Novako, his wife, his faughter, Delsle, and thelr infant shild, LI J Sauerkraut Cost Rises Kitohener,---Lovera . of - sauer- kraut--and there are thousands in this section of the country--prob- ably will have to pay more for their favorite dish this year be- cause of the failure of the cabbage orep, . LJ Candidate Withdraws London, Ont.~J, M, Donahue, who recently announced that he would contend the seat in North London in the coming election, terday withdrew, Hila with. [awa may give J. Perey Moore, K.O., who represented the riding In the last legislature, ap acolama- 4 » » LB ko . Out ~=Thirty pulp 'in the lum- 111, Shabaqua, ooh eo np ber cam tmh of CR Ont, Job 8, went i strike, em- ment officers at the Mead of @ Lakes have been advised, Op- erations on a reduced scale are being carried out at the camp, as only Sonton workers walked out, ---------------- A \ In centred 'over covers the North. while © an of Nah pee ue Salada the thward to Supers or nat Mexivo, The weather has fair and wnseasonably in the western v and unsettled with from the Ottawa valley HE Goronsr LIBERAL LEADER RENEWS CHALLENGES TO PREMIER ON THE Lue QUESTION ENCE "AND HURLS PREMIER FERGUSON AS HE MAKES COMPARI. | SON OF THE PLATFORMS AND POLICIES OF THE LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE PARTIES, Mr Sinclair Declares That Premier Called Election This | CANDIDATE FOR RIO--DELIVERS A NEW CHALLENGES AT Year Because He Was Afraid History Would Repeat | Itself and He Would Be Defeated If He Waited Until | Next Year -- Claims Mr, Ferguson Can Easily Secure | Figures For The Consumption of Liquor For The Present Year, and Challenges Him to Produce Report. Addressing a huge gathering of mouries, W, E, N, Sinclair, leader of the Liberal party in the province of Ontario, and Liberal candidate for the riding of South Ontario, aroused his audience to great heights of enthusiasm by a fighting speech, in which he hurled challenge after challenge at Premier Ferguson, made spirited replies to statements made by the premier | a clear-cut enunciation of the Liberal platform and policies as laid down Mr, Sinclalr was thoroughly at home before a in his election manifesto, great home audience, augmented by other parts of the province, which filled the Armouries to capacity, many peaple being compelled to stand in to the speeches through amplifiers placed on the outside of the building, The speech of the Liberal leader was also sent throughout the whole provinee by radio, a network of five stations being hooked up to the micro. phones on the speakers' table, so that it was heard by countless thousands in addition to those who assembled in the building, di people last night in the Oshawa Ar n recent campaign speeches, and gave prominent Liberals from Toronto and the hallway, and not a few to listen In addressing this great a Mr, Sinclair delivered one of his most effective Shecches of the came ign, He spoke for exactly one our, but in that time he covered a wide range of topics of vital ine terest in he campaign, and made clear his attitude on public queys tions, He was particularly caustic in reply to Premier Ferguson's ass sertions that he did not know where he (Mr, Sinclair) stood on the liquor question, his declaration that if the premier had not enough intelligence to know that, he had not enough intelligence to be the premier of Ontario, ge chairman of the meeting was W, Dryden, of Brookin, and the' her speakers were A. J, Graves, former aklers wan of Oshawa, and J. C, McRuer, K.C, of Toronto, On the Platform On the platform, in 'addition te the speakers, 'were alcolm For. vthe, Claremont; Theodore King, Whithy; G, D, anally abana; A G, Rrownin hithy ; R. R. Mowbray, Whitoates J. CM, Gers man, Toronto: W, J. Bragg, Bows manville;; W. Borsherry, ahawa § M, A. Holliday, Whitby Mitchell, Whithy; & olton, Belleville; B , H, MeCreath, Toron. tog Charles "Colling, Toronto; Gen West, Oshawa: George Ross, "White by: Miss ea Port Whitby; Mays or Dudle Mhitby i My, and Samuel Forte y Port Pepry; rles Lambert, Oshawa; IL, I Mes Laughlin, Oshawa; Te, George Ross, W iby: Mrs, "Edith Myers, Oshawa; Mrs, W, A, Dryden, Brook lin; Mrs, W, EN, Sinclair, hawa | Mrs, A. W. Rell, Oshawa, 'and Mrs, A. J. Stalter, Oshawa, W. A, Dryden "WW, E. N, Sinclair has promised that if he is elected to the premiers ship of Ontario that he will work for (Continued on Page 10) otenh R $100,000 Fire In Weyburn, Saskatchewan Brigade From | Regina, Nine- ty Miles Away, Helped Check Fire Weyburn, Sask, Oct, 17,--~Fire which threatened to destroy the town of Weyburn was brought under control early this morning. pons estimated at $100,000 had een sustained in the destruction of a large flour mill and a grain elevator hefore the flames were considered to have heen checked, Weyburn 1s a town of some 8,000 Jopation, 50 miles southeast of XY firefighters, called in to ald Weyburn officials, aiding in halting the advance of the blase, a large pumper manned hy Fire Chief White and five other men S| vushed to the town within a short time after the warning had heen sounded late last night, The Hoo Line flour mill and grain elevator were totally destroyed an the conflagration was advancing tows ard the town: when the firemen placed it under control, Lipsticks, shampoo powders, hair lotions and other aids to heauty cost the women of England 2300,000,000 fn the last 13 mon 1 SCENE IN ARMOURIES AT LAST NIGHT'S BIG LIBERAL RALLY The Oshawa Armouries last night was the scene of an enthusiastic gathering of the Liberals of South Ontario and adjacent sections of the Province to hear a fighting speech delivered by W, E, Clilew Rings In E. Windsor (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Kast Windsor, Ont, Oct, 17, The curfew bell was rung here at nine o'clock last night for the first tima In the history of the commun. ity, A yope was fastened to the bell In the tower 'of the olty hall #0 that an officer in the police de: partm on the fiver floor could sound, the call without leaving his office, The curfew ls to be a pers manent feature Wm An effort to break up the children's wireet cor ner gangs, Ontario To Pay V.C.'sExpenses Will See That All Can At: tend Prince of Wales' Dinner Newmarket, Ot, 17 Announces ment was made here last night by Promier GG, Howard Ferguson that his Government will pay the ex penses of al Ontario V.0's to the Prince of Wales's complimentary dinner In old London next month, In speaking of the contriputton in manhood made by the Province In the late war, the Prime Minister reonlled the newspaper detalls of the Prince's banquet, and pointed out that: "We In Ontario have » lot of fellows who did deeds of herolam at the risk of thelr awn lives, and won for themselves this most coveted distinotion in the world," Bome of these fellows, he added, were not in the best of oir: cumstances, financially, and with. out ald could not take advantage of his Royal Highness's invitation, "So the Province of Ontario," he sald, "proposes to make it possi ble, from the funds of the Prav- Ince, for every V.C, we have here to go aver there and have the ap- portunity of meeting thelr former comrades and of apending a day or #0 with the Prince" A great quthurst of applause greeted My, Ferguson's announces ment, "I'm very glad," he maid, "that you approve of it in that way, I believe our action will have the endoraation of every one," --------------------------- CONSECRATION OF TEMPLE LODGE Grand Master. « of Ontario to Visit Local Masonic Body This Evening Temple Lodge, AF, & AM, No. 849, Q.R.C,, will be constituted and consecrated at a special service to be held this evening, The ceremony will be conduoted by M, W, Bro, R, I, Dargavel, Toronto, Grand Magter of the Grand Lodge of Canada of AF, & AM, In the province of Ontario, while other members of the Grand Lodge will also be press ent, including R, W, Bre, \G, M, Linton, Orono, DD.GM, Ontario Iateiot, This will he the firat off. lal vialt of the Grand Lodge to Ontario District and will be a bans ner night in the history ot Temple Lodge, Three Planes Missing; Fear New Tragedies One Machine With Two Men Missing for More Bt, Fellolen, Que. Oot, 17, New | diMoultios and possibilities of new" tragedies faced the weary rescue party leaders Inst night they laid plans for renewed combine of the north country for missing fiers, Tonlght three planes Aare Aes counted missing, Pilot Bill Can- non, Mechanle Leon Lisotte, and thelr machine have heen lost since they took off from this base last Wednesday for Merrill Island, Lake Dore, They have not heen seen since the Indians at Pemonka Ia: land slighted them through whirl Ing snow eddies, Last Saturday another alreraft of the Chibougamau tral! joined the pageant of missing planes, this time a Falrehild en rowte to Chis hougamau from Oskelanen River, No trace has been found of plane or orew Last night the governs ment plane, loaped to ald in the search and piloted by Lieut, Borns ard, had not returned to port, Bore nard took off from Ht, Fellolen at 10,80 yesterday morning and was expected to return hy 2 o'clock at he latest, Ottawa authorities have hoon notified of hia faflure to re. turn, Base Chosen As Starting Point For New Search Five Aeroplanes Teo Conduct Search for Missing Men Near Arctic Circle Winnipeg, Oct, 17.~Bathurst Inlet on the Arctio rim of Canada's mainland, ia to ba the base of the aerial search for elght explorers loat for almost alx weeks in the unoharterad barvers, It was offiel. Ally announced alat night that tive aeroplanes will conduct the hunt from the radio-equippedapost with. in the Arétlo Clrole, East and weat along the sea- coast and southward inate the wastelands, the quintete of search- planes will sean the anow-awept areas for a trace of Col, C.D, WM, MoAlpine and his even missin mates, This 11 the statement of 1. Brintnell, operating manager of the Western Canada y Prong who fn directing search activities from Winnipeg, All five machines pow stationed At Baker Lake, 800 miles west of Hudson Bay, awaltin the freeue up will proceed to thurst ime mediately ski-equipped flying w possible Mr, Brintuell stated, The announcement comes as AN unex. oted ohange in search plan, uns or which it had been expected that Baker Lake, on the east of the search area, would 'be the base. Conservative List Complete (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wine) Carp, Ont,, Oct, 17 By a mar gin of only five votes over his nearest Acres, M resent the Conservatives of the vounty of Carleton at a convention here yesterday, With this nomina- tion the Conservative party has placed a candidate in each of the 118 ridings In the Ontario provia olal eleotiont* Extensive Raid On Bootleggers Fortified Storehouse And Unlicensed Radio Station Discovered (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Oot, 17.-Striking suddenly along a wide front ex tending from Atlantie Qity, NJ, to the eastern tip of Long lsland, a small army of federal agents and New Jersey slate troopers yesters day conducted one of the most elaborately planned offennives against hootleggers in recent years, Prompt at the stroke of 4.80 pm, whichkhad been assigned ws the 'sera Hour, the officer cons duoted 36 simultaneous raids, They arrested at least #2 men and res ported that they had uncovered a fortified liquor storehouse in High Lands, NJ, and an unlicensed radio broadeastihg station near that town, which they sald, was used In communicating with rum ships along the Atlantic Coast, -------------- LETHBRIDGE SAYS NO PROMISE WAS MADE TO RETIRE Progressive "Loader Speaks at Meeting Held in His Own Riding (Ry W, R, Wheatley, Canadian Preas Staff Writer) Dorohester, Ont, Oqt, 19.-J, Q, Lethbridge, leader of the Provins clal Progressive party, gave no promise at the last eleption that he would refire from the political flald and today he takes the same atand, It re-aleoted,' in 'regard to ihe present election, At a meeting fa his behalf here last night the Progresalve Ohlettain deolared em. phatioally that he had never given any official pramise that he would retire, nor had hew ritten a letter, "to a prominent Liberal," that he would not again be a candidate, Noriawsly Crushed Guelph, Oot, 16-Suffering from futernal injuries and nossibly a hroken back, J, W, Hetkay, of Drayton, ia in the General Hoeapis tal here in a oritioal condition as the result of being orushed be. tween his motor gar and a barn on the farm of Mason Armstrong, Maryborough Township, N. Sinclair, K The above picture shows a section of the huge crowd in the Armouries just before the start of the proceedings which were broadcast to the whole of Ontario over a network of five radio stations, HOR C., leader of the Liberal Party In Ontarle, and Inset is a photos BRITISH PREMIER GIVEN WARM WELCOME TO THE CAPITAL OF THE DOMINION SINCLAIR T0 SPEAK IN OXFORD COUNTY Liquor Quution Emphasiz. ed in Speeches of Party Leaders | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 17 With lead ors of three parties, making ele tion pleas from platforms in Cen tral and Western Ontario last night, emphasis was placed on the | Hguor question as the dominant fesse of the Ontario provinelal election eninpalen, Promler Ferguson will speak at Ploton and Napanee today, Mr Hinelale will ha heard tomorrow in Ingersoll and Tillsonburg, in the Oxford South iin MexicoChanges Its Penal Code Gives Father Right to Kill for Offence Against Daughter's Honor (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexion Clty, Oct, 17.==A father has the right to kill his daughter and her seducer 1n cases where the girl sacrifices her honor, ao» cording to the terms of the new pearl code drown up under extras ordinary powers granted to Preal- dent Portes Gil, The code Ia now appearing In instalments in the Offlolal Qasette, The code also says that the huss hand who kills his wife's partner In a mavital offense shall not be punished, The same holds trae for the wife against the hushand, SCIENCE LOSES IN DESPERATE FIGHT Mrs. John Neilson, Victim of Burns, Died in Toronto Today (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 17. ==Within a few hours of the hirth of her stillshoarn ohlld, Mrs, Helen Neilson, who with her husband, John, was terri bly hurned when a stove exploded in the kitohen of their home died in St, Michael's Hospital early tos day fram the effects of the burns and the added strain of hearing the ohild, After the birth of the ehild does tors redoubled thelr eftarts to save the mother; a blood transfusion was given but after a short wally, she died, Was Received at Ottawa Station by Premier King and Members of the Fed eral Cabinet, and Taken to Government House, Where He Will Be Guest for Three Days ' MUCH REFRESHED BY TRAIN JOURNEY! Premier MacDonald Had & Strenuous Day in Torens to Yesterday, and Was Fatigued and Suffering from Neuritis When He Left There Tr---- (Ny Ray Brown, Canadian Press Nal Suriapandent Ottawa, Oct, 17,~The capital of the Dominion today welcomed Great Hritain's Labor prime miniss er, When the speetal train hear Ing J, Ramsay MacDonald, . his daughter, Tshbel, and members of thelr party veached Oitawa shorts ly after nine o'clock this 'morning, Premier Mackensie King, members of the Dominion eabinet, Tefreds ontatives from the various | tions, and Sir Willlam Olark, tish high commissioner were on hand tog reet them, There was no ceremony of any kind hevend the usual hand-shaking and express sions of pleasure at the safe arrival of the prime minister of Great Beis tan, Through lines of policemen, the prime ministerial party was esgorts ed to the station entrance where OAPE were in walting, Mr, Maes Donald and his daughter, stepped Into one of them, members of thele party did the same, and the ears started without delay for Governs ment House, There, Mr, MacDons Ald and his danahter will he guests for the three days they spend here, It was stated this morning that the Reitish premier ia feeling vests od and refreshed after his night an the train, Fis strenuous day in Toronto loft him somewhat fasged out, dhut then ight helmed him ta veounarate, Fe will have ware freedom and a less strenuous time while he 1s In Ottawa, A Crow'ed Day (Ay Rav Aroww, Canadian Press Stat Write Tarante, Oot, 18--A oro day, the only one which he wilt spend In the olty af Taranto during his visit to Canada, left Great Reis tatn's lahor premier rather apent at ts close, Three important speeches, Into which he asain pud (Continued on page 1) i a ---------- Died tn Dentist's Office Waterloo. =While sitting on tha lounge fw the walting-room of a los eal dentist, Mra, Louls Farwell of St. Catharines died suddenly from cerebral hemorrhage, death ne almost instantaneous, The We Mus, Forwell was @8 years of ame. Her husband, five sons and twa daughters survive, - )