THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 PACE THREE Building Permits For October Nearly Half Million Dollars. Br me ee Sr LD YS, Rev. A. M. Irwin Declares F. L. Mason Did Not Stick To Facts "ELECTED TO OFFICE Wi M, HOBKITRON, General advertising manager of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, of (fhawn, who was elected a vienspresidont of the Association of Cannding Adve ners, ney at HE annunl meets Ani in Torani this week, BRITISH PREMIER NOW AT CAPITAL (Bontinued trom page 1) the five and energy whieh has eharaetorised his aratory thus fay, were delivered by Mp, MacDonald Then the stlin hasan to tell upon Mw and, at the final oftiolal en EREement of the day, a vaeeption Elven In hig behalf hy the govern ment of Ontario, ha was ton weary to shake hands with thousands of oltisens wha deslved (0 mest him He remained at the reception, how evar, until those who had came ta meet him fled past, As the line wound hy the hate upon whieh he at hehiind & number of protecting polloamen, the Bettleh labor leader smiled and howed The evening was frea fram of flolal engasements, The Prime Minister had dluner at Government fitohen Where he han beep a guest ainea camming ta Toronto, and vest od three, Later ha motored to tne station and boapded the special train which teak him 0 Oltawa for oanversations with Prime Min inter MaoKenste King, The train loft fap OHAWA at Widnight The three speeches of the Labo premier were miven at funotions of A widely differing nature, In the morning shaply atte ten o'clock, he Wai HAR 18 the eanven: ton of the Ameriean Federation of Lahor, wheve hath he and his davahier spake, Hera My, Mavbon ald ald of his sympathy for the working wan, of hia desive Toy PEACE Deenuae Wir meant terrible PEAEOAY, WARE And misery (0 the la horing classes, and of his Paneurs mn HRding that the sympathies of Ameriean labor were behind his peace afforis, Hands of Rinplee But Hidde time intervened hes tween the Labor premiers Ties Apesch of the day, and his second Address In the Ereat Tuneheon raom of the Royal York Hotel draped with flags and omamenied with flowers for the aotasion, he faced an overtlowing Shocking of of the Torontn Canadian Cluk, Hee Ris theme changed, He dealt with those mysterious sutities Which 19. EoLher oampose the Brith Cows WORWeRlth af Nations, At The Universally The University of Notonto had axpressad 118 desire 16 canter wpon MP, MacDonald the honorary io gree of Doctor of baws, and this PETRI RY LORE Plate aa the nexl Hem On (he day's PrOsTRMme, Here, again, the Labor leader made A helel address, Raueation, said the Prime Minister, tn tha wards of Jahn Kuoay, should Veantiihuie 19 the camiart af the cammon. wealth," The Univesity af Toran. 10, he felt, had pighly twitiied hat condition, "It has eantrthats od 10 the mental cambort, not only SF YOUR country But of many oth ARG IR A very substantia way ft has contributed Aa the Wealth AR comfort of the body of men Rd Women throu hawt (he Whale workl,'! he asserted, "Dom Lor-on TUestay, Oct, 13, 192% RM and Arve Garman Gt, I Ae AveRWe 4 daughter a wh HECIES, 18, SAAR ARE Ve 10 Rea Aha CS Heh, Bury, Aloha ee = ky Danishon sive Branutated He redness, RFR MAL § Hoan h PRR, healthy oy Wat hwy & Lavell (ATW N NON BOF GRY drag store, "300 an PETTITS SALVE At Cherrywood Chairman of Oshawa Pro: 'hibitien Union Replies to Statement of Conservative Candidate Regarding Union's Support of W, E, N, Sinclair QUOTES MINUTE OF UNION MEETING Mr, Irwin Declares Loeal Union Took Ne Action on Supporting a Candidate, A reply to the statements made hy ¥, L, Mason, Conservative Uan dldate, wt Cherrywood Tuesday BVERInE, wid made today hy Rey, Ac MM, lewing ehaleman of the Osh AWE Prowthition Unten, He deolay ef tn his veply that My, Mason did Nob sLiek to fuels, and quoted fram the minutes of a meeting of the Oshawa union to substantinte hin olnime Mr, Tewin stated In the follow INE Jetiar, which was sent to The Times thin morning, that the weal hEaneh of the Feahibition Unlon referred the question of support IE & onndidate (a the sounty oy ganization) that the Ministerial Aw HOC ation of the elty met hat would not even diseuss the problem un HE My, Mason's stand on the tem peranes question had not yet heen mada bli And hint the sxseu ve soimmitien af the enunty Pro Bibitlon Union had followed the BRIE Gnlves My, Tewin's Lottey Me) Tewin's 1etier Was ae lows fal Oahawa, Oot To Oshnwa Dally limes Acoording to your columns of vosterday, 1 LL, Mason, Uanserva Hive Candidate for Bouth Ontari, has heen doting me honors at Chey rywood, But his eampliments are AER B BL askew ported "A aeetlon of Union mesting ERE hatore | was nomineted od that My, Blaelaty tH suppaee" Now, If Mr, Mason would come to me, I'd give him the facets In AAVANOS and save him the canta BOR BF IRBeOUPACY Altarwards The Oshawa Prahibition Unlon hat hold only one meeting this aes 800, Thursday, dept, 36, 1806, and here 18 the minute of this mesis i Tor Mr, Mason's heneti "I wis moved hy De, Flateher and see anded hy RH. A Wadge, that tt is the mind of this meeting that a meeting of the Uaunty Ovsanisn ton he eallad for the purpose of piving leadership In the coming alaotian=--oarried naanimounsly Mareaver, the Mintsterial elation af Oshawa ealled to oan sider the question of candidates Wel, And heonuse Mr, Mason's pos Hon on the temperance leans of the day had not yet come helape them, would not even diseuss the problem, hut adiouerned until sueh A He an Me, Mason's stand would he made publie A slimtlar eonrae OF action was followed hy tha On rie Prohibition Unlan, which made He deelalan on the matiey at Braakiin, Get, 16, 188% Iowould seem that oup friend has heen looking in Wrong plason hole (atuned) A, MANBRLL IRWIN Chairman of Oshawa Prohibition Unian 17, 1880 He SAYS #8 ve he nm Prahibition Oahiawa the nint Wis the Wan \ SRO aad the In Memoriam CLEMENTI loving wmewmary af Ta Naomia Clement, danghioy of My, and Mes, J Clament, who dled Oar, 17, 192%, Not dead ta those wha loved hey Not lost hat gone batore Bho Hyves with us th memory And will far evermore hy Mother, Father, Laura, Julia and Blow, imum charge or each Insertion, ae, ORHAWA WINTER GARDENS. Thursday, Oot, 1Tth, 8.30 pW, Piss Fax Trot Nighy, Handsome ARK Carew's Commandey On chestra In latest motion pleture arehestrations, (AON) MADAME BROWN, PALMIRY Phone Appointments 2R38F. Ba Lanisa Ripoey, (R11 Y) RUMMAGR BALE HOLY TRIN Hy Chureh basement, Fyiday, Ooh, 181A at 1.38, (Oh) ORRAWA WINTER GARDENS, Falday, Of, 18%, 8380 pw, Share and rund danelng, A king Pal Jones will he the oalate of the evening. Pet RhaRnen and his Haymakers Orohestve Lae BALE OF CHILDREN'S CLOTH: ME ang HH wale AL market, Peiday 3 olen (Ma) COME TO THR 3001AL IN 8% Gregory's Hall, Thursday, Oo, 1A, pal WN and dane IRE Admission ¥00 (PON) RUMMAGE FALR IN Ls Georges Parish Hall, Contre 8, OR Fuiday, wb 1% al 3 aw . &% OVER 900 ATTEND KING ST, CHURCH SUPPER, CONCERT Miss Clarlee Spencer, To- ronto, Was Feature Arte tist on the Program Toanday svening wan Lhe avant of the wnnual ohiuveh supper snd oon wort ab King sivest Untied Chuveh, Al In former youve Lhe taliles wars arranged in the large room in the Wanement and they wera Lastly des gorated tn orange with hougueis of marigolds and baskets of dellelons looking frult, Huelwesn the hours af BO and K.00 aver nine hundred usils were perved Hetore the program of the svens Ing began the huke ovowd In the ehurel was entertained hy oom munity singing, AL KBD with the mnging of a well-known hymn the goneart was started, The Hey, ¢ Wy, Ural noted as shalriman Misa Clarice Bpensar, of Tovanin, wad the outstanding artist of the ovaning, Bhe wis a clover and vey futile entertained ah won Lhe hearts of her audisnos hy hw harming and friendly manney, Hej feat selection was an Irish monn apie Alter wn Taod of aplaine pha veolted a Nitle poem ht ied UWaolah Question, This reading wis followed hy uw selection from the trig composed of Mig Leah arrow, Misd Joan Keds und Md, W, Hare hey were Reonm panied hy Mya, Fy Hallet Minn Apencer's second number was en titled "Lumberman of Calaveras ANd Ble HAVE BE BO BREOTE JB poe wilbien by A suldiep during the war, "Hun Above the trey," Hes Walsh who has appeared before ehinwa CUTLASS muny ties, | Ang I his usualy fine manner # nk, "Bavonahive Cream and [[T]] Hig eneore entitled, "Little Feanoh Baby WHE BUNE 10 Bn plans Ing dramath Mise Hpeneer was ealled went and tw [Hime gave a musioal monologue a plane hy hse mo oalled shonded Why Won pompanted at th ye with Wile { {vey I'hvin | Pan' and | nin phn | | Yhit Al olen renee Kine played a ausint old ta panded arEaniat ar " nureh Ahi and TOF an encore hy playin MEINE, hy Urelp | Leah Uavraw sang a solo and | haing enforesd BNE A dainty sons putitied "he Hafand Minuet I Hpenvar's nest veeltation wis "An Ohiigin' Lady und hay ramh | manner 0 portrayed » werYant HOW Wiaty Wrought of langhiey Liha andianos Her anoore alte Fil e number wis In Soateish ditoet Phe last time that Mise Npanoes was oalled upon she vend a detinit ful poaem by Hugene Meld called WR Things at Night anonra whieh n TOanAdIan wivie wan vary [The dust hy My Mi SEY mpathy wa meh | and Pavadiae hoard Mrs, Walsh slug [wi aires that she has 8 na her husband nl the uh i whieh TRiking ghouls (TLE | Ibias haantifnl Win and piioyed ne antitied hose who Far Tw nan PIBARINS ATE thin tad Pave 0 | ® voloy | Rum hey the King |W ond DETROITER PUT ON PROBATION Wm, Dunn Convicted by Magistrate Hind for As sault on Constable Win, Bunn, of Detroll, wis placed wider suspended sentence Ve wo fears whel he waa vonvieted a po Pe oonrt Lin Morning by Magistraty Hd Ol A elie of The bah wa Booth, pease offiser, Tha bene moved 1 lenteney due wth faut that Dunn pleaded that he did not realize that Hooth was a LONMALIS at the tine the assault took place Magistrate Hind pomted ont, how sven, that whether the actus d Knew this or not he had wo seh Wo lay hands on Hooth WIE this had oveurred in the coun fy where there is same danger of highway rabhery, said His Worship 1 Dui 1 probably wenld net have convicted you, But an {1 oeonrred wn hrighily lighted plrvet 1 sannot take hf Roexowse Recor: 1 the evidence § 1 {hs coun he A GOONER A, Wha wan driving nA motes with his brother Ewart Dunn, of Bw, asked the watvhiman at the ! RTORMNE OR Nios atest SOWA 10 open the gates and let thew PASE As the train | SR HONE, he WAtehman did Rot appear Wm cout VE OVIIONCe hut (oF soe ream [¥) called Roath, whe wa GN, &, Raab, fem the station. Reeth yoached the tae wen and wm Hon he running hoard of their say ® claimed that he was straek face by Wi Dunn and Knocked atthowsh Duan stated that he had wy reed him off hy giving him a The wen then started south on fh. 3 street and Booth hail & al and gave ohase Alter aitching around Rebion's ane vast the Dany were fnatly CAMERA IR A lane leading 1 the yes ve of G0 BD Conant Ww, Daan deetared WRAL IL was then for the fist We that he realised pt his pas Was an officer of he law The tha men retined 1 the police station with Boa Bwart Dunn abo offered evidence ad he Crown deolded 1 withdraw A disorderly conduet oharge whieh Bad Doe RR asainst haw TK Creighton appeared for the detenge while Cyown Atoamey Mee 111 Wah the ine hi pane HBROR Avted a8 Proseautog, A a Oshawa Hospital Is Ag ain Given Ful wim. By The College Of Surgeons The Oshawa General hosphial has Agi this year been rated an "Fully Approved" by the Amerienn College ub Burgeans, wecording ta the wn Hil report of the College presented WEE wiial meeting In Chicago this week, Phils vating, (he highest that 1s gl Ven to any hospitil Indientes that the Oshiwi Hampi iil 16 heling kept Wpetoedute In every partieulnr, and that every limproveiment in the fae Hon or frestment of disease and say Wig of Hie 0a taken advantage of hy the tnagement of the local nal fabian, In the report, the Oshinwi hospital ts rated us ain BO-hed Insti tution, and Is among the 48 hospi whe throughout the Provines of i turla piven the fully approved ral hy Hosplial standardigution with the HA publiention of the approved lat for the gwidanes and benefit of the pubis was begun by the Amerl FUNERAL HELD OF MISS M. MMILLAN Deceased Was Daughter of | Founder of Western Bank of Canada Lhe funeral was held yesterday af from the yestdenee wtf het Mea, 11 WW, Cowan, J Bin Me Millan, descendant Wilh, of the late Miss Vio ul th y ldent Feapevied Tami I'he late MI Millan had been taken suddenly several dave apo and passed Bway al the General hospital Tust Monday wight, Hey TH shook: to members friend Wh feria n slelug, let May fue alivel a ei) y My death came HOVETy ul her family and in Clahiiew i deceased was born | | } Ming | ' Ming { | 1 hh from | La rain anid herd | [A relpion she was Walsh YARAreaT | | | | the BE h daughter of the late Hy H MoMulan, general manager of thie Western Bank ol t and My MoMillan, Her parents were him Bured among the most pi WIN Y Bl @ when Oshiaws was but a sinatl, strug hing town, Fo HE Me Man took WHE part In the touting of Weatorn Bank which had office Waly aries the Banda d Hank (Hap pl Lonnie rve) How TENE Bane ind institution pi voll oF jirest value to Hh Ione tries w the largest Ri nu che ul the we LRH 11 Hi Wh whore (R11) mm Hort Wen are Hy wiwl rod wil Mave Saihered aon aid best established In the oily iW played in Hh pv sina ll distethuting cents pari Heveiupinent of CUsh AE ARATE Cui hy 0 wall 10 RI port Hane Me M HURIY Wns ihe late Miss pra eatly atl her dite in the he was beloved by all who knew hel Anglican LC hureh RIT | fod an real eit) ui dtiended BL Liearge's rovtary on Athol or fesidenve ul indy and wa ehureh hy the Tamily Bey, Canon UNI dugted the aneral service by the Rey, N { nunitber of beautiiul Mossapes ol feeived spoke wi sireet the th presented (17) Wal nel Hi Poneler eon Yealvidu)y Tarren floral tn A mpathy aaiiated hw hutes anal Which were Yuen Iv of the love and esteem with whivh the deeensed was held, Intrment was made nn the MoMillan family ploy at thy WON vemeteryy the pallbearers boing Mader KR, C0 Cowan Adan Ph Bppe, and Col WB Phillips, Osh awa, nephews af the deceased, Cap ain Medpen, Toronto, a vousin, and Major Hedging and Barton Mather [silly of Oshawa Maur | LITLN \ | sind Phone surviving elude fous N Mpa Fede Dart oF California of Beattie: Mes, W, BE, Phil Me BOWS Cowan and Mis Adin MeMitlan, of Oshawa and twa heothers, Harvey 1 MeMillan, of Pa Pia, Franee : and Arthur Me Millan, of Howimanville REV. R. A WHATTAN GIVES AN ADDRESS tina Rew, Ry A, Whattam, of this oly, has DOOR A0tIve IR RPeAKIRE AL varl ous mestings of the Ontario Pros hibition Union, having heen relia of of hin ohureh duties an pastor of Albert Rivest United Chureh hore for the duration of the ales Hon camalan to take up thin work, Ne Whattam spoke at Doarohews or haat BERL addressing the meets IRE An A Teprenentative of the One tare. ro tn Union and in the interest of J, 4, Lethbridge, Pros (PoRRive leader, told the gathering EARL PRORIRION Was the Matar ques HOR IR the present campalan, He deplored threscornered contests Whee (he Prohibition Walt may be 3 LURE Id A plea hetore the Went Middlesey voters that means he found Where My Lethhidge WORE have hut & single opponent, PR LM, Feele, of Glance, the CORRRrvative namines Wm thin vid " and Thomas G, Tarmbull the Liberal, "00 LATE 0 CLASSIFY § ROO A FARTIRNT aT A heat, Central, $38 pay MORIA, WL Purnish iF desired, Ap Ply Hox 24% Times (her) FOR FARR TWO STOR Tore tars, 1 aves, | small cheap, Apply na RB Haynes, Harmony The \ TANTEI FRVEN RL roamed howse for axchangs on A ANT farm, with or withewt steek and Implaments, Jones Real Batate, Phone LALLE (Me) FU RERTE ROCHTT HOUR WHA far garages, Oshawa Riv Jone: Real Batate, Phone my \ (le ul uh | | thy and most highly | ULE NAL and | Me Mian | win College of Burgeons twelve years Ae AGN shes MEY e there ins veaplied uw reduetion in fea splitting dolar I pragilee vigor ous 4 eombiutied hy the Colluge, I'he soileenyunts for osplialy wy madern physleal plant, res from sandy, WIth & competent governing body, An effielent, ehlef executive superhitendent with w competent pe LUT A Ap orgaplged medical staff of qual hed physleians and surgeons who hold veuular meetings to review and evilynte the professional work of the hosplial A thorough system for vesording vonditlons, treatment and progress o euch patient, Avveptahle diagnos peutle facilities Definite evidence that members wre apposed (a fe OF payment of gommiseions hy peng for patients refereed 10 City News ABHES CAUGHT FIRE Hot ashes nm wooden wninst the side of wn frame house wl the southeenst eormer of King und Queen streets vaused the Bre hrlpude to mk e wo run this morning when the wonden containers gaupht Hirg whl the Bames threatened to spread to the butlding, Poi tunately no ae was done, The house Ly Tus, Fowlds and oc fer Kauphley Gin ATILL MIBBING uli sli Ned aed 17, ul and thera the stall pitting iL them redapialih Haun I owned upied by Wal ui eal hin HUMANE SOCIETY 10 REORGANIZE TUESDAY NIGHT Interested Citizens Invited to Meeting In City Couns ell Chambers The Oshwwa Humane Soelety will resurganies for the ensuing year al Wwomeeting thst has been onlled for newt Tuesday evening, October 24, In the elty goungll embers ut elghi u'eloek Tha buslness of the evening will Include eleetion of affieers and other rearganlgantion work, Thera was no FosOrgianieation last yeu wing the Mness of N, 8B, Bard, loeal hu mine ofieer, and eltigens Interested I the work of the Humane Society wre partenlurl wiged to attend the meeting Tuesday night avenue, who has been missing from her home singe Tust Sunday morning When lust seen the girl wis weurin voplinde hat, pladd dress, snd patent lonthor shoes, No reasons ean be vieneod for her disappearance, sxeepl tht she recolved uw telephone eal rom i WINE an a few inte huetors left wil whe Died on Waednes 1000, Mall Of the late WHLAH «In Oshidwa an Ootober 16h, fan Warden, widow Thomas Walsh Funeral trom her lets residenos U1 Arlington avenue an Friday nt pm (hin) Total Building For Year Is $1,377,340 To Date May Reach $1,750,000 | Permits for Parts and Ser vice Building at $128,000 and For Skinner Com» pany's Factory at $260, 000 Ald Mgterlally in In- creasing October Total THIS MONTH'S FIGURE OVER OCTOBER 1928 October, 1020, Already Has $423,260 in Building ~ Over Same Month Last Year and Also Higher Than Previous High Month of 1929 With hullding permite for the month of October wlvendy vepehing SAU, 000, the total far 1hER Lo date is w1 077.040, wooording to figures complied hy the olty eh ginear's department The permit fer the Paris and Barvien axtansion of the lees! Con oral Motors plant, whieh hak heen fused at a flgure of B1EG,000, holped to Inevenss the Detober Tg ure, The permit for the plant of the nino this lane month, ns a. Come to Business is Good with Us Comsiatantly, Hay ing Town and well lon" enables th hay hay Deelting foe Omer to purchase hotter merehnnds Ing nt the lowest price possible, Will py You to Investigate the val andl Hain wes affered In men's MOR's Mls OIverennts, Furnishings, BUY NOW berry Men's Overcoats Talloved fram all wool English Overcoatings in the new averchecks and plaid patterns, featuring shades of sand, oy and Uselling for Cash"y enables us Mhiluner Company Limited was [ 219 iat lt Taviaor, 48 King sireat wosl previously reported, ot on figure of $460,000, Other permits wes for (hres homes wh $10,600; 6 wlleru: thon Jabs wl §E0,0005 ane huginess wtruoture ul BE6001 6 garages wi $1,000 ang & other stractures wl $1,460, The total for October wlresdy pusnes hy nu Wilds margin tha total for Quetoher last your and wis the Lobel far the previous high month this year, duly, In Optaber, 104K, 08 permits were Issued wl a Lo tl of BUGA LEH, and In July of this your 41 permits weer lswied fov Lota) of $480, A0, Aman the lurker perinlia yet ta he lasted hile your Ih ane far the new prep ol helwoen 100,000 and BLAGO0U, wo that Lhe total Tar the yar will go wall over the $1500, 000 murk wud veach #1,760,000 The parmite Insued Lu the last fnelude ane for a R3.600 dwelling bhelng bullt at E06 Cray hun avenue hy PF, Kulybhai pei mite for garages to HW, Hagerman, 140 Wigin street ent, J, 18 Cron, BN Queen stpsat; CD, Young, 1108 Warren avenual. Robi, Wiggins 170 Prince streat, 1H, Macey, Hdd Himone streat north, andi, Tams, LON Rows slreal, Other 0 inoluding alterations, fs hak done hy Holt Wiggins, 170 Princes wtraett Wradley Brothers "at §4 Hlmoean street uorth! 0. Wagle, al Ollve avenue 7 Muvray, al MeKim strant and Mrs, | Whak Tome, Vln oy hil and styles, All ITT IRI grey, brown hlue, All trimmed, Spedial I" YOURE and Men's Trousers The famous "guaranteed trousers, Neat patterns in navy hlue, pin stripes and oxford grey stripes, Pore All slaen, Special ARIANA RI New F all Suits feotly tailored, Faney Tweed, Blue, Pin hdigs ie -- won aby All slnes, "Business Is Good With Us" 9 For These Week-end i Wap 0 or hotbed value Specials stove satin sires, $9450 195 ='19" | Gordon brand, English Moos PYJAMAS Good quality English in neat stripe finished and M Pair BROADCLOTH SHIRTS shirts, Neat, stripe patterns in oream or bine ground, Fully guaranteed, Separate collar to mateh, Sa 1344 0 17 ae PURE WOOL SOCKS All wool vib socks, Black, heather grey or lovat shades "All AEALAARARARMAAAARARE ARAN PATON, At "$1 95 broadelath styles and colors, dined, $149 All sizes 39¢ make, Flannelette Properly "Rig RA" oollar, Al sixes Rash annie NEW FALL HATS Finest quality Felt Hats, All area MARA SWEATER COATS All wool, medivm weight, in sand or lovat shades, Penman AANA WORK SHIRTS Grey Piok & Pick Flannel Shits, brands Newest $2.45 Silk oveat, $1.95 with attached ATTTTLILE RERNY 95¢ back, FALL UNDERWEAR "Woolton"! vib, cream sha trimmed, All fac Wk $1 49 CREW NECK SWEATERS Pure wool, black with "Collegiate" colors or black with Al alnes, Each ARRALLLRAAANE § AeA FALL GLOVES Finest grade, chamoisette gloves in arey, sun metal or canary shades, with black silk points on AN sled iv Combinations, Elastio "aeroplane $2.95 EE ---------------- a a EEE ---------- ------ $1.00 Poat Office J Opposite -SIBERRY'S -- ---- LM