I [ VIA y % 4 ¥ id » \ Y i { » 4 » i, [ST ig #9). 4 ji 4 A LADIES' SOFTBALL BANQUET LAST NIGHT - WRESTLING TONIGHT Oshawa Ladies' Softball League Closes Season ith Annual Banquet League Has Enjoyed » Sue cessful Year From Every Standpoint ~ Prizes Are Donated to Winners -- Speakers Congratulate All Teams She Oshawa Ladies' fofthall Langue, closed thely 1080 season LR with thelr annual bane ' hanguet, which wag keld in Bt. Andrew's Sunday Achool, was Ihe font of the hoary work, & comp HUOOOHE, 6 League has pt what has been, one of thelr mont successful years since organs ination, A table Was Seb al the head of the 1 or the speakers of the evening members of the exe: oplly o league, Another table provi OF each separate boo and decorated in the team vs. The umpires and other of fiolals mat in the centre at a table Jared Hn all ie dolors, musle was provide y Mp, Reynolds and Mr, Norrish, After h ying ealt kindly with the "Inns J the program was opened the President of the League, ps, RN, Norris, who oeceupled the ohale, Mrs, Norris thanked the Rotary Club, and Mp, Nieoll, fo? thelr help in providing a park for p rh Mr, Bowman then or a toast to His Majesty, pH ing: The Cheve were then \u to sing and responded Vory a ¥ oposing A toast to the Las tthall Assoelation, Mr, Nis Vined bristly, the history of 0 4 sport and made, Several ourRbhle comments on the softs TAT ams of Oshawa and on all sport In weneral, He congratulats 4 he Association for the mreat oh whieh they have se well oar out, In toast was anawered by Mia ™ y well-known as the Hecyes lary of the Ontare Ladies' Hoft- hall ablon, Miss Ray spoke highly of Oshawa's wofthall spon. « Mrs, Norris and Mra, Pirie, fle pointed out that they had done '¥ deal tn promote this sport ae UU NEW MARTIN NOW MOLLY AND ME RINGING AND TALKING WITH NELLE RENNETT JOR NROWN COMEDY A Barber's Only DAUGHTER Chapter ¥ PIRTIN KRARY T OF PANAMA KA KARTOON Tro -- In Oshawa and that they are valu able organisers, Ming Ray also spoke on the Chev-Owen Bound game fn Toronto, from the view point of an eyo witness, Miss Hay wtated that she helleved Oshawa to ha a better balanced team than Owen Bound, and she thought they should have won, Miss Hay went on to show how the organisation had grown since 1084 until now there are over 2,000 signed mem~ bers of the Association in Ontarle, Miss Ray closed her remarks hy Sushma that Oshawa Gttempt a senior Teague or at least enter u senfor team in the Toronto League, The crowd then indulged in a few OnKn, Mrs, Pirie, the next speaker th he ealled on, proposed a toast to the Rotary Club, who, she pointed out, were doing a noble work in more ways than one, throughout the efty, Mrs, Virle, on hehalf of the league, presented Mr, C, Cans non with dlleque, Mr, Cannon, In replying, thank ed Ms, Viele, for her favouriahle remarks and assured the gathering that the cheque would he used in A worthy cause, My, Cannon then went on to discuss softball, Ha ex pressed his opinlon that softhall WhE A popular game hecaise It Was not as restviotive as other sports, He remarked that even better soft ball might he produced, If the erowd could he taught to let the fle play the game an they saw fit nw closing, Mp, Cannon gave the keynote of the whole banquet, when he told the glvle that what te do wal "to win without boasting and lose without excuses,' he Malleahles then gave a song, wh leh was followed by an aeccordian wola, hy Willle Myles, and a solo hy Mr, Henry Alderman Boddy, re presenting the efty, then presented the eup (0 N, Mallatt, manager of the vietorious Chevs, After this the orowd Joined In, while Willie plays ed, "My Wild Irish Rose," PRESENTATION OF PRIZES Presentation of Prises The next item was tha most in terest part of the program Namely, the presentation of the prises, The prises. were presented by Alderman Noddy The fiver prige was for the hest tielding average, which was danat ed hy Mr, Holden, This was won by Doris Kilburn Haocond prise hy the same do. nov, went to Marion Kay, The prise for the most home runs, dos nated hy the Arveade, went to Isa MaDonald, Three others wera -in the draw, Thelma Parker, Mabel Billott, and Mary Blow, The prise for three hase hits, given hy the league, went to Mary Blow, who was luokler than ©, #ihloek or Nel Ia Diale, Mabel Hiliott get the hreak over N, Ferguson in the draw for twa base hits' prise, Rosle Reece won the stolen hase prise, which was donated hy A, O, Felt Nuchanang save Doris Kennedy a prise for the heat batting aver ape Marion Kay took her second prige from Luke Furniture for "put outs by eatoher," Eileen Pisher won the Marting' Theatre prige for the most strike outs, Ab Kina gave a prige for the heat ins fielding averare, which was won hy Ina Gould, Agele Blair gol the SAT BR pe] Ask us to demonstrate NOW !, C. Alichin Ltd. 18 Church Street, Oshawa looks like & big night, Ld LA Nicoll und Alderman Boddy were The complete lst of priee winners audience, "Am 1 Bluet" » LJ LJ * Ingheld, 6G, Creamer, \W Dunstall, § Hrowne A . victory over the Si Toronto Branch--888 Bay Street SPORT SNAPSHOTS WRESTLING TONIGHT Last night the Armouries held a large erowd who went to listen to one slde af the present politieal fight, large crowd who are thers to sea both sides of threw great fights, Fhe 34th Regiment have taken great care to provide a card that will not only satisfy tonight's erowd but will promote interest In wrestling #0 that they gan be assured of success in thelr next endeavour, reidy, several hundred tickets have heen sold and taken all In all It BEE YOU THERE, Tonight there will be another Al \ LJ THE LADIES BOFTBALL BANQUET Last night the Ladies' Bofthall League of Oshaws closed their 1029 season with thelr annpal banguet, Miss M, Ray, CF, Cannon, MH, the ehiel ppeakers of the evening, was arrived at and the prises were all donated by Alderman Boddy, who was aeting on behalf of the Mayor, The feature of the program was the unearthing of hidden talent, Means Ing XK, Elliott and A. Walker, They certainly went over big with thelr Ll A JUVENILE LACROSSE PLAYERS There's still some ticket sellers whg have not made thelr returns for the tickets for the City Juvenile Champlonship games, Stable and Juek Rupert are anxious to have these returns at once All persons who received tiekets for these games ure asked to make thelr report to elther of these two men at once, Hert Cone LJ . THE CITY FIVE PIN LEAGUE The City Flye Pin League have practically sompleted thelr list for bowlers, but there are still several vacancies left to be filled, case any person has heen holding out because ho In afraid that he would not knew anybody In the league it hasbeen thought advisable to publish the names of those who have signed up, C, Mason, B, Higaing, 8, Howe, K, Otto, H, Hester, 1, Eldridge, B, Hod- Weaneh, J. Dale, J, Huxtable, A; Haley, Brady, W, Donald, MH, Price, H, Miners, ¥, Prink, A, Price, J, Goodall, A, Gower, IF, Kunkel, 1, Tatton, K, Higgins, J, Bates, F, Frobel, ¥, Roots, T, McKay, J, Purdie, R, Ross, Now that you know Just who are going te he in the league vou cian come along and enjoy yourself, Give your name to Jack Pur die at the Central Alleys or send your name to The Times Office, In Here they ave Ji Pp, Kilburn, W, + ¥ WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT OUR RUGRY TEAM! The following is a clipping taken from the 8t, Catharines' Standard, "If they eontinue the elip they have established already, it be ging to look already like the second stralght win for the General Motors rughylsts in the Intermediate golumn, Guelph by 25-4 was only the few odd points away from the 37-3 Kitts inters and it will need all the ability of Walt Parnall's dozen sof local huskies to negotiate a victory over the Guelphites here this Saturday to keep them in the running for Thelr defeat of the appearance of the Oshawans in St Kitts on the 36th" The writer has grasped the right idea exactly, Oshawa are going to do, Barring aceldents, That's just what Another ehamplonship for Oshawa is the slogan, Watch them gol prise for the heat flelding average This prise was given by Jury & Lavell, More sining was enjoyed by everyone and Kdith Kilott and Annie Walker canned a near riot with thelr interpretation of "Am 1 Blue," A clever recitation was given by Hagel MoDonald Mp, Terry, on behall of the man agement of the Malleable team, presented each member of the O, M, 1, team with a compact, as A token of appreciation of thelr ef forts, North Bay Rinkey Dinks Another solo was given hy Mr, flonry and then Mrs, Mores thank of all the teams and officials tor the splendid way In whieh they had supported her throughout the year, A most sugosssful evening's ens tertalnment was then brought to a close hy three oheers for the League, Mr, Nichol acting as cheer leader, The National Anthem Was then sung and everybody left for home, feeling that a very sucosss: ful year had heen brought to a close In a Miting manner, m-- Win From Owen Sound To Even Up The Final Series Sm---- Miss Fellman Puts in Heroic Effort--Edgar and Finlay Alo Star North Bay, Oct, 17. ~Regalning fid-seanon form and completely outplaying thelr opponents in avery department, Rinkey Dinks, North. orn Ontario champions, todny avens od the series for the Ontario inver mediate mirls' softball champion ship when they defeated wwen Hound Wawas 8 to 1 before 4,400 tans, Wawas won the first game played Saturday at Owen Sound 14 10 4, This afternoon Wawas ap peared to he suffering from the same allment that afflicted the Rinkeys In Owen Round, when some of the younger players were overcome by . stage fright, The third and dneiding game will be played next Haturday at Orillia, Gaining an early lead, Rinker were never headed and during the progress of the game, their heavy hitters, Dot Gore and Eb eanor Johnaton, accounted for threschomers, Gore alashed out two of these, one of them being banged up against the vight-tield fence and the other satling low ov or the cantre-tielder's head, Johns ton's homer was driven to deep oft, Tn each instance there was A runner on first base, Making her first avpearance two months before a home town orowd, Jackie Fellman, Rinkeys' pliohing ace, who broke her leg in the Northern Ontario finals, gave A Most courageous display in the box, Although lHmping badly, Fell Wan pltohed a remarkable game, tiel foc ily and contributed we or team's hits, She had to hop to firat hase on one foot, The 18yearald twitler gave the Most courageous display ever wits Ruied n Norham Smbue After the game she apaed m the intense PAIN in her lox, Flelding honors were captured hy Greta ay In centrestield, Quota spared « thing that came har way and culminated a fine pears formance hy rushing in to second base to make a shoestring cateh of a line and & few momenta later wont to deep centrenvight to the most sensational -oateh ded stab the axception aft he sew anh inking, Wawas ever threads on Wt aponed with a doy ble, The Rinkeys tried to oatoh her with throws to third and home, but both were wild, For the Wawas, Ndgar, the third base player, earned the fielding honors, Mary MoKee, Rinkeys' oatoher, turned in a olever performance be. hind the bat, Rinkey Dinks All R ~~ - Sai] KB, Johnston, If, MoKe®, 0, vyovss O Gore, IH, (i 1iuny 8 MoManus, 8h, vy & Finlay, of vane A Wdwards, rf, 4 Follman, By wwii 8 TOMB SE - We eit a | POO wma = = Totals Taylor, of, Arklon, an, yy ¢ MoGHIL, Bh (yoni 4 Keollng, 1b «voy 8 Bdgar, db, ov Trout, Oe cova Pembroke, rf, Paddon, Bonn artmoe'hy, If ee Totals xFinlay running for Fellman, out In second innings for interfer Ing with tlelder... «+ v4 vs» Wawas vy 00000010 0d Rinkey Dinka 102082801 xed Summary: Home runs----Gare 2, E. Johnston 1, Twoshase hits Trout, Htolen bases-K, Johnston, MoManus, Edwards, Paddon, Mo. Gill, Grimoldbhy, Earned range Rinkeya §, Owen Sound 0, First base on errore-=Rinkeys 7, Owen Sound 4, Left on bases Rinkeya f, Owen Sound T. Struck oute= Ny Paddon T, Fellman 3, Base on balls Off Paddon 2, Follman 0, Rrrere-lee, Landen, MoKee, Fellman 2, Aarkies, Moai, Wagar 2, Trout §, broke, Paddon 2, TWO LONDON TEAMS TRAVEL TO SARNIA THIS SATURDAY Sarnia, Oct, 1T«While many Sarnia fans will make the trip to Windsor on Saturday to see haw the seniors fare against their clos eat flvals there will at the same time be a large erowd remaining 10 see the derera and Col seniors make their reapse hy 4 Mohuts att Rando Justa, N ner 0) ay 8B Cook and Tiere tenon, former members of the seniors, nto the termediate ranks, and he a working Nis days hard (his week, 2. Xr: x = wl ooomssesas = 1 - 1 SAREE) 3 Sbyszko « Jeanuett Match Shapes Up Like Great Battle--Great Crowd Is Expected to Attend Osha- wa's First Wrestling Show Tonlght sees the ushering Into Oshawi of professional wrestling, 1 remilng to he seen just how it will be recelved by the people of Oshawa Present Indications point to a good attendance, These wrestling matches are being sponsored by the Mth Regiment, The Keglment Is to be congratulated on thelr foresight in hripging to Oshs awa, what vH proved he # very popular sport, in Toronto and Hamil ton, Even the Toronto newspapers were & little dubious about its recep tion In Toronto, but now the Arena In being filled whenever a wrestling show Is put on, The persons in charge of the show have spared no efforts to make the onrd no success, Adequate seating a commodation has heen raided and the price of admission set (5 not pros hibitive to a record attendance, "I'he wrestlers progured for the evening assure three first class battles, The preliminary, which is to last from thirty ta forty minutes, Is between Nat MeCarr, the wild Irishman, and Cowboy Rogers, the World's Cham lon Dagwer, The pemi-final Is to be a thirty<forty minute serap he tween Renato Gardinl, champion of Italy and Charles Manoogan The tidshit of the evening 1s the last mateh Stanislaus Shyseka, former world ehamplons, meets Archie Jean uett, the French Age I'hig. promises to be a real serap and the hh will he right out of thelr seats all the time, For the final mateh the win ner will be decided by the best twa falls out af three The fun com mences at elght thirty, What ever you do don't be late, In wrestling, as in every other sport, the time when you, are away is likely to he jnst the time when the best part of the per = Wrestling Makes Its Bow In Oshawa At The Local Armouries Tonight pr ff A Aa Se -- | formance is pulled off, To avald this be on time, hese matches are worthy of sipport und they are worth you money, That is why the Toronto and Hamilton crowds are growing larger each night Come out and see some real wrentlers in real action you The Dopestey probed dedodoird ddd Cosel Pound is worried, He's losing sleep and can't out, and all beonuse of Injuries to his team, SETI TTTTTITT TTT It seems that every night that he onlls a rough practice, he has a couple more Injured players on his hands, Last evening Claire BEillott came oul to try out hig bad shoulder and woe how IL would stand up unde fire Hingo Ho got a arack on It that sent him seampering to the showers In a hurry Then HNlack got In the way of somebody's knee and he was fold od up with semblances of a bad Charley Horse Kd Wilson ts reeslving treatment nightly now from Trainer Bam, for a badly Injured hip, while Improves ment Is noted to a small degree, nevertheless (4 Is doubtful if Wil son will play again for a week or ao, Hubbell thought he had come through Saturday's necking party all right, hut now he finds he nas a very bad strain in his thigh, A coupla of ruptured hlood vessels have added to ocomplieations and Hubby on the reserve let for the present, Moore 1s also slightly laid up The Big Boy hag humped his elhow po alten that a fluld hes formed on iLoand it In im much pain wnd Ineonvenlence CHURN nround 1s that na wi 0 taking it wll wander Conch Paund ha ried look on his fae Prealner Bam Johnson preseribhes rest an the only eure for oll these 1s, wo looking at 1 from that an le 10 Isn't a had stunt at all, not But love , , . marriage until they are able to That is what we mean because the income Woad Nios i TORONTO federation Life Polley rom it is sure an principal cannot be lost, Write nosw for opr pamph in 20 Years," You wd ERR -- having a game here Baturday, A smaller turn-out than usual: wal an hand for drill last night | ahd the eoaeh and sxscutive were + not to pleased, The positions on that team are nol so secures and anyone ls open to anybody whe will produces the right goods Coma on out and glve It & Bo KEEP "EM EXTENDED Mare than 5000000 tons of eos! were mined in Great Britain in & re cent week Love can be Measured in Dollars and Sense! N the first flush of youth love takes no count of the morrow (which is as it should be), + ++ ¢hildren , , , bring re sponsibilities, The measure of love can then only be determined by the efforts of the pro- vider... to insure provision for loved anes, provide for themaelves, vy saying that love can be measured in dollars and sense, It is not suggested that man should deny him: self the common comforts of life to do it, But it is wise and affectionate to set aside one's earnings to create an immediate life in. surance estate that will be available if the neces. sity arises, This can best be done with a Con. payable in instalments, of the I oy | fav Rig Confederation Life Association i fo EY'RE Tee country. Console Model 8088 A popular Lowboy contain. water Kent Noreen Grid 6 tube receiver and KleotresDynamie Speaker AsaT.00 J -- talking about it every. The new Atwater' Kent Screen+Grid Radio has swept the What new reality | What immense new power ! far-off stations ! What sweetness of What a round-up of tone ! rR KENT SCREEN-GRID RADIO And what beauty=--in the handsome new console models made by one of Canada's leading furniture makers | See and hear it today ! Tt will in. stantly prove itsel{ ta you for it does full justice to all the programs on the air, RADIO MERCHANBISERS LIMITED 431 King Street Weat AN Atwater Kent Recelvers are equipped with OG E-=R.V.C, Rad otvons