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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 CH Closing Market Prices Market Summary by Canadian Views Toronte ind Kotte Sorions ANGY Td of the lowes ool "divided in Lone Tare, and Interns von nEain the sib: gt t offered with Nyh , and ot LILLE] rl stocks were In good do: Rahs fr md " your, RE homed bok! on wii - nM rrintonte "uit ht Nuparions at oe "ie ned tons Ka Sdvancer w To ponred po "1 Wi Cons Fin 1! Lo Ta! HAY Han 5 at B11 and i ANA ly Bur il ' J of the Mat wh (gi ih oy ner, NTANDARD MINING WXONANGY Toronto, Oot, 18,~-Afler un |r regular opening, prices on the Btandard Mining Exehanme flrm od up Mulvey through the sessinn and tha majority of lusnes rennys erad part of thely earlier danlines and in some ones showad advanory on the mornin®'s prooaedinms, Abana was the most neaminent in orerard to activity, "Tha stosh onaned nt 1TH, lems to LYK, and then brake ta 16K, At noon It wan selling at 1,079, a Inn of ona noint a8 compared with yesterday's elnne, The oils webs also Aotively tended in, Alay firmed A at 10M Alberta Pacifio wan off 6 at 0.70 Calmont O11 flrmad 1 at 1,90 Commonwealth Pale advanosd 1A ab BP) Meyland vecaded AN at PART BW, Pate walnat IK nl 1.408 Walnwell was un 8B at 17, And Dathansla wag o* 10 at 1.00 Amuiat at 8.70, Palannvides at R00, Novanda at 48.00, "Terk MWurhan rt BAN and Arno at 94 were unchanged FORNYGN IXONANGE New York, Oot, 18--Farelen eRohanpa stronmt damand rales Grant Beltain 4.00% Canndian dollars, one per cent, diseount TORONTO High 1) Ho \e 100 LULA 10 an 11 Hoek Low Olowe Ho 146 TEN 10 10% ud Brew 10% an, 1st 80 Nid no Bed, RRL mos ( Oly, Dry, 01 Dat, Bean, 17TH LEA in iit ih LL 200 a 1" in oxilar| H thi Gypsum 874 " Ww H, Walk, It, Nki, 1d, Alahl, Imp, ON imp, "Yah, Ira, Meo Loh, "A" My, Hr, Meo, I, Mi, Pwr, Ye, Her, Pwr, Cy, Whawin, MH, Biation Wi, of On, AA. Blocks ADRK 444) Acondn 44s AINE ins Alberts oes Amulet 444, Arno Assoelnted Harry 4 Cunners Chem Rese Dalhousle ( Dame ,,, ant Crest Fileonhridgo onthill Ciranada i000 Hollinger Home Ol Howey Haylund © Hudson Ha Kirkland 1 Kantenay ¥ Lake Bhore Mulartl Man Basin Mayland ( MeDougnll Malntyri Mining Cor Nowhere Noranada Pend Orel) Ploneay Pramioy Hhaveit Go Hinogn woh L] Holl Minourl, Calmont 1,00, il, Along Bupplied hy 4% TH% hi I I 74 0 180 ars vr B91 200 | A 200 100 00 100) , 010 , 180 nl) 250 1 80 vin 1480 , 0) Jol Vv Joss wlio, 70 lor, 1 te ee en He Ginn areh i, 2028 Bid 4 Bid v LI [1] | 1880 Bid KCL 34 ANN 16 vos » i Nudhury Hantn NW, Pair Vipond Vantnres Wr, Harry Walnwell Minok Atohinon Ad Amey Am, Am, Am, Had Am, itl, M Am, Tel Anneonda Malt & Olle Hendin Hoth, Me), MLL LUE LL a Pee hrynler Chem Can Fr, Pr Leo, Pry oletim ,, Took Hurhes Townpama he RAYON on NEW YORK High INN RRR 1701 160M ay Ty I 1ThEN JEN 118 LAY 9 1INW vo EW LATS 11] vv BTN (1 0 Bid 1 "AFRAID SHE WOULD NEVER BE WEL "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Completely Relieved Dyspopela Mn, a Mone io had yrisd +0 a howls Yt =k FF figh Le BT = Ea Congoleum tol, Crap, Conn N.Y, nl, Lk, Wi, Beis 000 I'am, Ply, Gen, Mot, rn, Page 1300 | told Dust 04 Ooodyeny ing A50 {{o)nton i N% 16028 Upp ieee 40% of | Hudson. T0% 10041 14, Al RL It, Cam, ,, #9 apr ve 40 The, Han, 800% Kannot, +0 NOK Loews ,,,, M1 Iwo, Win, TH Mak, Trek ZR" Mis, Pao (TR ML, Ward 104 Nuh oe | Mion, Lead 100% Nor, Pan, 108% Nyeriand 17% Pnokard oh Yan, A, "RY AB Pannaylvn, 1014 Yanra Co M% Pd, BE Car 1604 Uh, Hr. NJ, 1140 Fava OF ,, IY Nadin ATTY na, K nen Ram, LRH Noa, nse Hehulty Mt Hrs, Rhok, "halt O11, Fimmnong fin, ON Bhi. Par, Hithen, Rly, it, Wear, Hinde aker Tex, Oult Tim, Woll, Ma, Ale, 100 "a, Cor, My nly, Pine AW 100) 100 U0 190 00) 147 LEN] 250 19 S55 1] 100% 16K --------- mee ER I #;qEF $58 1400 hl $50 1625 iL) 104 # 1 S50 34 13 S80 b h FIFA ho) {1} J ANON AN2S 410 HOO HOA 874 BG B40 vo 1TH 1TH 17 y G00 BTH BAD vo. 18.170. 18 , 070 04K Ako o 1406 180 1480 , BOO KARO RRO + 108 THA 186 , 18 6 76 vo ARK AKD ARN , 150 14K IRA 17.11 11 / Jon Or fain Law Close 2K Nob 10TW 144 1MIy IR Ny LL 1104 TAN CLA ------ a --- - - = == -~ IL 1904 5 ti TH, Real BI Y W, Mary a White | hy -w BIbes DRT DDI TOAST IDET eet IH THD I WD TERT BOD I WL DDS - - - - CANADIAN MARCONI! OWNING AND OPERATING RADIO STATION OFOF AT MONTREAL=MAKERS OF THE MAROON! A V,0, RADIOTRONS | MARCONI RESEARCH Hat of 'made < 4 L E | | I) WAS inevitable that the standard of Radio performs nea you taleted upon be offured. you und or aroonl ausploos, It was ble that to the long Marconi triumphs, 3 roe yoars ow added upreme re A hy he An to the Marconi name and providing, in the R for of ae Rig Powe eB Fob the Mareen denler prove ony yon or COMPANY | glam, RUSE WIGINTON Who Is today In Oshawa Oaneral Hospital receiving attention to a Injured thigh sustained in arnin Wednesday, Wikinton is keeping Boott Hubliell som janx but Is cartain to he In unis rm for tomorrow's deciding game, D0 BENM BAENY 1] 08% Ti Westing, 2 rng, Brow, Woolworth Yallow Cub Bt, Ol NJ, MS Bt, ON NY, 44H Money 6 per cent COHIUAGO (IRAIN Chioago, Oat, 18-~Halpad hy unexpected higher quotations al Liverpool and hy oontinued ad: YOrae orop reports from Argenting, wheat prices hore averaned higher oArly today, Argentine dlapatohes Ald general rains were needed badly and that the wheat erop sit Untion was haooming erition) Opening MW to 14 higher, Ohloagn wheat afterward held near the Initinl range, Corn and oats wore Alan firmer, with corn starting 4 to 4 up, ht sihnaguently reant Ohlongn Gain Opening Ohlonra, Oct, 1K» Wheat, 181M Maw, 100% corn, IAW Mar, 0 1 oats, BOM Mar, 68 14 WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, Oot 14 Oot io to oe higher at 1484 to AI Nav, We higher at 140% oe, %o ta Woe higher at Md to 144 May, % ta We Meher at 161 to 160% Oatal Oot, WM hither at 63 Deo, 0 0 higher at 64% to 6481 May, %o to Wo higher at GON to ANH Dee, Deo, Dae, Wheat - PAGE NINE aa aa aaa BOYS SUITS hawing of Fawn, Brown, fewsing phoning tweeds in two Bloomer and Breeches with 8.8. or DB, Cont, $8.75 to $15.00 Inap Cirey and fancy 1 Bloomer or Seasonable Clothing and Fixings for Boys $12 75cto $1.50 BOYS MITTS & GAUNTLETTS In wood quality Leather, ROYW V neck ar eoline style, $1.50 to $1.76 Pure Wool Jerseys In Plain and Fancy Knlts with Kiddies Wool Suits worsted yarn in protiy shades and colorings, $2.00 to $3.50 HOYN BHEAKKKRN In Good Quality Hrown with knitted enls Tar, onli & waist hand, Wool Hned and flapped poes hots, $6.06 $7.78 LEATH, Hit WIND HOYN WIND HREAKKRA Lionthoy vy mea mackinaw Made from hoa: woal eloth In ditferant onl: ars and patterns $3,60-§4,00 Owercoats Made in real manish styles from Blue Chinchilla or fancy tweeds Kiddies Suits In Grey, Brown and Navy cloth with knickers, Golf Coat and Vest, Very manish, BOY'S to $18.50 $8.80 to $13.50 of £) oA ; he - At ait Aig Hf a WY | wi Deir Tile The feroent of the oat treihe In sald to he the red African lynx, and not the lon, tiger or leap ard, Here and There The Canadian Chambers of Com. Meroe who have heen making a tour of western Canada, has reltorated Ita previous stand in favor of & cons Unuanes of assisted emigration of selected Britiah settlers of a deste Able type, A report of the nas Honal committon on Immigration, Lp the ehalrmanship of Qeorgs Allen, KO, of Winnipes, whioh Nas made an exhaustive survey of the subject, han heen presented and aoeepled, RXprossing "the firm oonviotion hat China wan deslrous of obtain ing foreign eapital and that it held Ro aympathy for Rolahoviem, Taum CM, one of the Chinese delonntes to the recent International Postal Congress at Geneva, reached Ques hoo recently on SH, Empress of Bootland, en route for Hhanghal, Pack from a six wooka' Inapaes ton trip tn the United States and western Canada, W. R, Maclnnes, Vien-Praaidan, and George Hies Be Frelaht Traftla Manager, | wn ® Rookies showed very ROroAses this year oiflo Rallway, said t at i om ad that hare hac] he RE of pessimism In the Prairie Previn 0 to Vaneauver, Vie. LL) Wr ---- | I in expected that His Majesty King George, or Hin Royal High. he he mee of Wales, will un. y War Memorial in | 3 Weg rigadier-General TH, | of, of Viotaria, chief angineer . Canadian Rattiafields oh Comminalon in Franos and Bel: interviewed on HA Monts royal on his arrival in Canada re eently Wwe N BU SRWE pana vv "WwW w wo ad eq _-- Roar hy Fh JA0N Bul, 'ahve FE Lh - "ih slqniepiTRe. BEI IR alt -- \ WH We ® "iy "we rg Sy LL we va Ha ¥ ------ hop ul | dean dey ---------- nn «iw FRA WIE dey Buje go LTR TT a hd Rie} 0 40 Bageng Sut» LR 1, TE] ara ry aoy wa a - R. Johnston's SIMCOE STREET NORTH dust like Dads in pretty tweed, Chinchilla or plata cloths with inverted pleat at back and halt helt, Kiddies Quwercoats $7.80 to $12.00 PHONE 676 a TORONTO MAN T0 FACE CHARGE DRUNKEN DRIVING Kitchener, Oot 16=Arthur X Doutly of Taranto, who is now in th Kitohener hospital with a broken log will be eharged with boing deunk tn charge of a ear on his release fron the institution, the Reoopd learned vesterday from Inspector Rae of the pro vinelal police The mishap oeeurred two miles this side of Elmira on Thursday night net far from the spot when Tosiah Ehy of Elmira met his death rooently and where Mr, and Mrs amos Yrever of Kitehener lost thw liven more han A Year a donll's machine, hoavy Ph ovlinduey UNE, WAN * padi wreeked when it 1/7 NOMIN Liberals and Yaa RIN Hamilton's sidings, ORABAVAR 10 Wiest the seat fi Treloaven (0) Shera, \ -- wa Morrison, the centre ry IN In the West LR forms, John A, Soule (3) Labora), ONL pertiplie in the Herguson oh bin NAMI, Vel have named In Contre Ry ea Q BrsOn won this seas in oN. Which has been in . left the highway, turned aver several times In the diteh and fnished up on the rallway tracks, SKELETON FOUND IN SHIP BALLAST TANK Probably Remains of Stow. away---Remaved by Brooklyn Police Brooklyn, N.Y, Oat, \ Lodged tn the forward ballasts tank of the Bull Line freighter Mas lor Whealer, detectives found a human akeloton-=prabably the re mang of a SLOWAWAY, No olothing was found in the tank, and there was no flesh on the hones, Indioating that death had oeourred month The Akeleton Wah disoovar Wn oly - H HN AR three of Thi (1) Liberal \W thy Bonnie Rn 0 Oia 0 y he Conservative Ne Sten ie Bn FORD Save minister with i] od In fapiamber, when the Major Wheeler in at Han Pedro, Ranta Dom BE The ballast tanks were pumped out te allow the Ahip==n sugar oarrier-=to take on OATES, An obstruction developed in one of the outlets and John Hanson, the ship's engineer, went helow to Investigate, He found the outlet blocked by & human skull, Captain Wiliam ©, Lord order: od members of the orew 0 remove the skeleton from the tank, but they refused, He then mot POF IE: ston to hring the ship tn Brooklyn, where the hones were hronght out yesterday hy Detective Louls Ran: heh who was lowered Inte the (ARK, p= Rum Runners Adpity Detroit, Oot, 18=Two ram-run: ners In a disabled speedboat, both men nearly starved and exhausted from exposure, were pleked up in Lake Erie hetween Detroit ana Falrport, by the orew of the steams of Thomas Lynoh af the Plttaburg Meamahip Company, Car Wirikes Water Wagon vikes or Woodataok, ~~ Four persons were Injured on the highway east of the eity when an autpmoblle erashed into the rear of a heavy watertank WARN, EE i Ohinvsa Alarmed Toklo==Advices from Mukden tonight sald that Chinese mary headquarters at Kirin were mue alarmed hy the advanea up the Hungarl River hy Roviet troops whioh ocoupled Linkianghsien, ---- Homeliness Oshawa Lumber ! CONPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821

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