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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 12

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La ERLE EY SUNDAY - SCHOOL 'AT HOME | FAV DOK " Will Entertain People. of o.. Cairwiunity on Friday, SN "October 26 al Tih " i an L] 'o ? " ood pmo on Friday yer Phy A Ih whieh will be a Jala 1 in 4 Wiitgry of Harn yne vol, On that night the Sune AR RE srusd to come, No ne Ach singing (IY end Hunday be unity sing ides n geod pros ames for the primary tote wll he carried Fos a one oO il rug or the boys and firpw | be sureied on in the boys' and girls play busements, Games and Sonbests will be nrrnaged for the adults in the As. sembly Hall of the school, and afters wards lunch will be served to sll, You are asked to éonsider this a personal Invitation as it Is dificult to wot In toueh with everyone, Whether dn i "Kray, The less teal soap in 'the bar, the longet the walt for suds , , , and it's the suds that do the cleansing, Wich Su t, the all-pure tosp, the suds made {nstantly , , , pure soapy suds h cleanse mer Clothes 4 t ae so mil or X03 Snot hase hands ar fabrics, Th $3,000 porn ot Bia Bsn "your you have been coming to Sunday school or not we want you to come and help us make the evening a fuse 6h, ' , The Trall Rangers met pt the us: ednesday night with hoys present, The mest- " ol (he usual éeremion. es an [] UMINESS Period wie Sondusje ly AW ei for the club was ven Jhres o the boy, oh in yn ve ' on the 4th chap: ro Vth Who Dare" Games were then heartily enjoyed by them ull, or nn closed with prayer r tal hour wenty tw hi openg ' mins, rs Alan, A earsold doughter of Mr, Mrs, Albert Hollman Ta the ifotane of braking her right arm on W nesday about noon, She wis pla with othr children on a pore it 8 buck of her home, when whe fell buckwards with a "Kiddie Car," It was about a four foot drop, A doctor was called immediately hut the arm was swollen so had he found it necessary to have an x-Ray taken before he could set It, A had fracturé between the wrist and the el was found, Irene is restin nl ey naw and we hope it will no he very long before her arm will be ealed, China has a new clvil war, What did she do with the old one, trade it in P=Toledo Blade, n ordinary in action that they bt Guaranios on ered THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 ---- World Cruising Danisels Wear Great Variety of Costumes Wy ARB Corp iy or any other long winter voya is an experience yet to he enjoy whila they are salling the Hey Hoan, of diversions are planned for t ters, - The bpldee flend has tographer his camera expeditio of purchasing and trying on oe SICKNESS HINDERS FRENCH COLONIES Developiaent of Vast "Black France" Retarded by Sleeping Sickness (By George Hambleton, Canadian Press Haft Correspondent) Paris, Oct, IN Aw (reat Bnd tain has always done and 1s still de Ad ! tone, wee 3 Simple to Re having perfect tone easi operating key-board for the . al who wishes to play their own pieces. PIANO MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1849 Manufacturers also of the famous r 2To "Music Lovers® the Williams "Players a revelation in appear ance, construction, design and Ww ~~ play by anyone, yet dance cdaily the n M (Pla a ng ex will instantly recommend i you -- and it costs only ha transportation The reproduction of famous mditers, or the strain of popular orchestra reproduced. are. equally no bo a Yh Wemmggestthatyou seethis player, of ei years of Piano $695.00, THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa, Ont . People to whom a world erulse may wonder what those more fors tunate folk do to pass the time It may Interest the stays at-homes to know that the time spent on these pleasure jaunts rarely hangs heavy, for all sorts entertainment of the globestrot« bridge parties, the amateur pho and the dancer his dancing, but one of the most fascinating of all, to tha falr sex, at least, is thal fumes typleal of the various far- Plotured above, Round ~YWE WorRwD PayAMA Gig for Instance, is a bevy of beau ties phgtographed ahoard the worldseriining Canadian Pacitie liner "Empress of Australia' en route from China to Japan during her 1088-80 annual yound the world erulse, They are blossom ing out In dassling pajama suits which they purchased In the Orient, This collection of pasudo Chinese maidens must have eaus ed many a masoculine heart to mins 4 heat or two! The other group of ladies are wearing man darih coats acquired during an earlier trip around the world At practically every port of ime portance it is possible for pasken gers who are so inelined to pur chase some little mementn, he It a shawl, a miniature Buddha, a go ed en he lL] ne LN ing, France ia endeavoring ta de velop trade with her overseas do malin, She 4 bhullding rallways In her colonies; making ports fhe Is sending out medleal services The French system of publie in struction ls progressing in Franee beyond the seas Nine years agp 484,000 puptly in the Mrench enol ones were recsiving Instructions from HK. 506 teachers, Kurapesn and native together Last year, pupils numbered 450,000, teachers 12,000, By propaganda, effort Is made to stimulate demand in Franca for the neaduets of the French ealonies | When the five-pawer navel eonfers onoe a ealled, trade routes hetween France and her calonles will affeet Franch attitude towards erulser ie mitation mueh as the maintenanes of trade routes affects the attitude of Great Hpltain, Of France's total trade In 1088, 14.28 per cent was with her colon LL] Of her lmports, 19,64 per cent camel rom her colonies Of her exports, 16.83 went to her ecolontes A pamphlet lssued hy the arence soonomique of French Inde-Ching urges French people to eat rice from Indo-China rather than for olgn wheat, "Wa pay an annua! tribute of a thousand million fran to the fovelgner," so the pamphiey proceeds, "We: are depriving Frenchmen acres sthe seas; white and yellow, who buy from use each year about 1,600 wmilllon franes worth of goods, of profits they should have, which would inoreass their produe tions and, In consequence, thelr consumption, "We are committing a grave fault from the national, economic and political point of view, "France ought to consume more per cent ree, "fhe ought ta buy her vice in France, that is to say in Inde-Ohi na and in Madagasear." Scientists Patel French equatorial Africa, Frenoh solentists are hattling with sleeping slokness, French RHguatorial links up with Frenoh West Africa, South and east from British Nigeria, through the old Germas Cameroun (Which France holds under a Lea- gue mandate) French Fguaterial Africa stretohes to Pelwian Cone go, then follows the Sudan werth to the Libyan desert, It ia a Rlack France of roughly three-quarters af a million square miles, Ita native population numbers three millions; ita Burapean population, 3,000, And through this great belt of traploal Africa, sleeping slokness ia taking ita toll of death, "The number of hlacka killed by sleeping slokness," so writes ane h oh server, "must be counted hy wib Mons, It has emptied Immense gones and thus hecome one of the essential causes of the alow devel opment of our equatorial colonies It has had tmpossthle the raising of horses and cattle and the abe sence of pack animals has thoreas- od the use of men hearere----anather ther ace' In ana affected distriet, out of a population of TE0,000, there were 120.000 with steeping slokness, On the Congo, sleeping slokness fs reported im districts where it was unknown nine Years medical services are tackling the problem. In the Cam. araans, the campaign ageinst sleeps | ing slokness has assumed a squast: military air. A cordon is thrown In the great humid forests of |, ring, a native doll, a walking stick or other souvenir of thelr travels During a. world erulse of the "Empress of Heotland" sey eral years ago a crulse member from Denver, Col, purchased a toy elephant for pol member of the Denver Kiwanis Club of whieh he was a member and posed with his eollegtion of pachyderms for the vessel's corps of amateur photographers Bpanish shawls parasols and many other avtieles completa the Hat of possibilities for globe-trotters with a penchant far ealleeting The "Empress of Australia' will sal agaln on a glohe-glrdling voyage, leaving New York Decem ber 2 1080, for a erulse of 147 days ' round affected villages Without | exeaption, all are tnoeulated spain #l the disease Na native is allow od to slip away untreated Into the forest Much Ovitielsim But there 18 eritiolsm that outs | amalust sleeping slokness 1g not ps aotive as it sholdd he, Tt 18 ehary: | od that the medical servies 1s ine | pdeuate, that sleeping slokness (8 draining the bor, Indeed, to meet the need, Chis | nese labor 18 helng Imported into | French BEuatorial Afriea for rvatls | way construction work, The Chi nese are to be housed In special cantonments, isolated from the nas | tive huts, Tt 1s so far only an ex periment, But thelr is talk of yel low migration on a larger soale, should the experiment succeed, He forring to it, a writer In the Paris Journal observes: "Hpeclallsts in Chinese labor, Ike the Duteh plants er who was 15 years In Java, have assured me that we may look fom ward ta the Chinesa taking root there and perhaps even fusing with the blacks, China, ever-populated, with millions of men dying each year, ocoloniglng our exsanguined suatorial Africa 1s a prospect which, however audacious it may he ls worthy to be borne tn mind," | PROMPT ACTION SAVES PORT PERRY MILL Fire Had Broken Out in En gine Room--Caused by Spark (Ry Saft Reporter) Port Perry, Oct, 18-=Fire broke out tn the engine room of the Port Perry Milling Co, shortly after NOON yesterday but was extinguish» edt hrough the prompt arrival of the local five brigade, Little dams age was done. The mill 1a situated an the shore of Lake Sougos and ol 10 the town's business section, he ens gine roam ia separate from the main bullding apd it ia thought that the blaze Way have started from a flying spark, Because a faucet wan left open at Na e school in Ruekminster, Kags fan , for ve days, 000 gallons of water were wasted, and the rural council has charged the cost to the education committee, wr -- We wonder how many, if any, of the girls realize how mueh harder they ave making it for the tani framers to determine whether stookings are luxuries or neces. sittes --3pringdeld Union, A new York physoist elaims wo two mile he the wivetse Sante roOparat more than \ » Lob0.000,000.000 miles. That fel: low never ham travelled a detour Jacksonville Journal, Building In many large elties in aly han taken a spurt following the government announcement that ft would not in teasing agreements after the frat of the year, glide the Cameroons, the eampalan | § veservolr of black la- |§ They're Coming! They're Buying! They're Saving Money! Bankrupt SMASH OF THE ARCADE STOCK, WELLAND SELL! SELL! STOP AT NOTHI NG Let It Go" Fire It Out FOLLOW THE THRIFTY CROWDS DRESSES Dress Values that imply equalled w= who hought Dresses yesterday tell us that the Dresses cannot he customers these wre veally move than ow ndvertisement 100 Dresses Tomorrow, Millis, Mating, Novelty what a fine lot of lovely Frenehy Milks, Cropes == Dresses will go $5.95 tomorrow at Indicates, 5 DRESSES The veason you bay such lovely smart Dresses is quite platn, you buy in Terma of Bankruptoy sw otherwise It would be ens rely ont of the question to offer sue stunning dventons for wo Hitle mons ey They ave a treat fop Your eyes and hefove you buy a dress duywhore tos Morrow make ste yon these wonderful Dyosses Latest styles, Fables and volovs worth poco. 0, $7.95 $ao.co, Hen Values That Shout Bargains! Men's nd, Young OVERCOATS Navy Blue English Miltons, Nises i to 44, There ave 18 Coats in all every one should ga tomorow weft CONE VIRGO that canfiot be dus plicated anywhere, abaalutely fms possible, fay any store to towel this truly sensational value, $10.95 Men's Men's Men's ------ Faney T'w LTT Nand All Wool end ren r-- Reg. $1.60 Caps, 40 Rog. $2.00 Caps, 98¢ SN T------ Work Socks, | Men's Milk Nool -- Dress Socks a 0 Men's Nilk Vile Dress Socks ....... 29¢ Boy's Hibhed Nehool Hose -- Sule ......... 196 Girl's Nit hed Mohool Hosiery ....com 19¢ Vine Dvenn Men's Oxfords ....... $2.98 High Uirade Men's Work Shoes . $2.49 Niupdy Nehool Boy's gran $2.49 Shoes Faney Boy's ;.."MsSweaters sas SNES Heavy Winter Boy's O'Coats ........ $5.98 Al Boy's i, Jerseys Nmart New Girl's Coats .... aa] $ 4. 08 100 ALL WOOL Jumbo-Knit Sweaters Plled right tn Plain sight, This is one Bargain held back for Batu day's extra Rig feature == Plain colors, some Combination calor, It we don't sell every sweater hy Tomorrow night then I am afraid the men of Oshawa really do nos appdeciate sensational values, - $2.95 Women's and Misses' Yar y look smart, they are all new Fall wtyles, vont offering for CHINCHILLA COATS ktreet or sports wear, The Truly: an outstanding TOMORROW $8.50 All Wool Wind-Breakrs $2.49 Coat Niyle Work Shirts ....... 98¢ All Wool Flannel Work Shirts ... $1.39 All Weel 0B Plece Underwear ......... 98¢. Weavy Fleece Underwear... 69¢ Heavy Fleece Comb. U'wear $1.39" an Sweaters ......... $3.79 » Faney Men's I Work Pants ... $1.25 Moleskin Men's Reg. anno ants .... ns 91,98 Fine Men's 5 Pants... LL) $2.98 All Wool Camb, Underwear ..... $1.98 Men's Sik Men's Siri Comb. U'Wear $1.39 Men's "mb. . Underwear ...... $1.39 wa lity Men's Yoon Underwear ........ 69¢ SUITS and OVERCOATS There ought to be a flock of men ge avound the CQlething Neot o0 alncere in are will of your time and investigate what we believe ave the he some time, n Tomorrow, It you are as SAVING Money aa we in creating values, you surely spend a few minutes greatest elothe values seen in Oshawa for $14.95 KROCH BROS.|| 32 SIMCOE S1. S.

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