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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN MISS MACDONALD DENIES RUMOR OF HER ENGAGEMENT Had Been Coupled With That of Ralph | | Connor's Son -------- © (By Conadion Press Lassed Wire) seb Opt, 18,~Miss Tshhel seDonald daughter of Rt, Hon, 4, Athy MacDonald, premier of fireat Britain, Wednesday Inkued a flat denial to apart emanatin from the United States to the oe loot that she was engaged to he married, The reports coupled Miss MacDonald's name with that of Rev, J. King Gorden, son of Rav, 0, Gordon, (Ralph Conner), fams us novelist, who had accompanied per several times on various funes fons in New York, Through the efforts of Norman mith, representative of the Lan: flon Tabor Herald, accompanying Premier MacDonald, who had hean requested by cable from England for veritioation of the story, Miss MacDonald fssued hey denial lag! WALDRON SCORES TORONTO BY-LAW remrwen § Says Licensing of Plumbers an Abomination and An Outrage (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Taronta, Oct, 18 Cordon Wal dran, K.C,, eommasioner investi rating the Amalgamated Bullders' Dognetl and other arganlantions » the plumbing industry, yesisrda attacked Toronto municipal sye- | of Yeensing plumbers dudng the get of the commission, For p few minutes allegations of coms hines and price-fixing agveenments were forgotten while the commis: sioner expressed his indignation at Tavonto's leense inspectors, The storm brake while 'W, A Porter, head of a loeal wholesale frm, was on the witness stand ex plaiping that he had never sold to unlicensed plumhers heacauss a olty by-law fovhade anyone but a Me pnsed plumber to make (natalia tons, "Men have heen fined for breaking that by-law," he pointed put, iy know," Mr, Waldron broke In, "i's an abomination and an aut rage." The horse took longer to Eel you there, but you didn't have to drive hall-way back to hitehe Fublishers Byndieate, \ ee rey "1 TIME TABLES a LAAN C PF R, TIME TABLE Rifvallve ar ries J" Ll) " fatty cont Bundmy ), sgh Wy (Except Sunday) N v Dall (Exoant Sunday i ' wy I iw i jos iw, Bl nity h (Fwoep Bundy 0 Esco Bhatt) 1110 hans Dally (Bacon Ba turdad), a Bally pr L LWAYS cana BTR, A \ anda ro aan, Dali, exeent Sunday, i a Sunday enly LN am Dally, AF pay Dally excep Sunday, 200 5m, TRI, except Sunday, 47 no Daily, sheet Sunday, 42 pom, Daily ® pm, Rat woapt Batuiday, Les | haily, + wm, Maily AX am, Daily, AR am, Datly, al 4 i Vy satelt Sunday, aan, Dal i y ¥ fam daily, wept Sunday, LE om, ™ Vy, SAPeRt Buniday, Pan Dally, nly Suaday anly, pa, hit vent Sunday 4 ily, except Sunday, dn, Whithy, 3 VAY WW rt wa, Bowmanville ULE 0H 1) Ata ai 0 al ave lies soe - = 7% ECF FEE en aS -a rE BEETS POPET EF FS FE] E# 2:3:929F82223 L---- ¥ $3772 IL bo 2 3° FT - r9rrerrrreres 235955237558 KILLED WOMAN "WAS EXECUTED eek SS Machine Guns Used to Put Valusblg Cireus Animal 71 11/0 Death praT--_---- J (By Gonading Presa Lonsed Wire) Kenpwly, Ton, Oct, 17"Takon or a ride" hy his awn herd mates and "put on the spot" by his human friends, of the elreus lot, Black Digs mand, rogue elephant who Baturdey killed u woman at Corsleana, Lexis, with exeetited here yesterday, Bhurt machine guns like those eniployed hy gangsters were employed hy his exer Guanes With Black Digmend's death the glrous lost between ten and fifteen thousand lollart, hut rid itself of an animal, whieh, aeceording to {is far wer trainer, had killed three peoply, GIVES WARNING ON X-RAY FINS Ontarie Deputy-Fire Mare shal Points Out Their Dangers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Taranta, Oot, 1§, Legislation ghonld be enacted to prevent the keaplng of nitrous cellulose films for X-ray purposes In hospitals, Gyan Awl, deputy fire marghal of Li b 10, apd the Ontario po plat adiation convention heye gn Wed, He pointed to the Cleves Apel (tr last May, when de abot honot these films from the Heat and moisture of an exposed steam pipe cost many ves Biatle alagtvielty, he sald was ane of the wravest slements fn the oan of fire, Hapecially wag 1 necessary to exercise oars in the operating roam, where the anaes theties were largely of an explosive nature, ST, CATHARINES LOSES APPEAL Action Over Electric Rails way Dabentures Decided by Privy Council (By Canadian Press Lonsed Win) London, Oet, 1X The City of ft Oatharines, Ont, has lost dw appeal taathe Judicial committee of the privy eounetl wguinet an On tale Judemant in tn dispute with the Ontarie Hydro-Rlectrlp Commission, The disnnte was avey the right of the defendants ta ve tain debentures denasitad hv the oily In oonneation with a projested eleatrle rallwey JUKY & LOVELL'S OPTIGAL PARTLOW J. W. Worrall, Oph, nD, Hposight Npeclalisg PHONE 801d Pawar | ELEPHANT WHICH | Ii QUEBEC WAN FOUND GUILTY OF ROBBERY Gustave Dion Charged on pleaded gullty to Ave charges pres torved against him In the Court of King's Heneh will ha sentenced at the end of the tearm, Charleshourg branch of the ban que Canadienne Natlonale In Aus Wat, and owas sevasted a short time alter, durtng which he committed threa athay ovimens fhurgen, Court to Jatl, where he will he hot ELLA CINDERS-~Personal Wel. HARE OPTOMETRINT 23%; Simcoe St, North Hundreds of people wear with dimost comfort Have's Panltloss Lenses BR ER MENW WORK SHIM 49 pe ¢ 1. Collis & Sons 0M ~~ W, Phone Thiw Felt Bros. T he LEADING JEWELER Evieblished 1888 12 Simcoe St, South | ARN EE ade JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 2 IN Blwoae BL, Nowy Diamonds! id Bawsett's | On Oshawa's Mam Cornet THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Hh RV BATA AAACN 5 ar Aig FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 . Second Prince of England Takes the Ai Five Counts Will be Sentenced Later Quebees, Dot, 18 Ouwtave Dion hin eovtifiente, yestordyy, and his nly Hoenn, (1) Dion held up the manager of the Buniapen the erline pod Wie Churloy Ho pleaded and fo nll fram HRY th gully win led fount tad ut the until ghee ond of (he will he pronounesd Another mah to plead pulley with whieh he wan Wilfeld Hoehaon Haehon, who tor eonsplrnoy to Aelfraud wid he thn will he and af the arm Recommendation The photographs heve show Fig: land's Hying princes, The Pein of Wales has already qualified as # ovegular pilot snd has peeeived einen following tn the footsteps of his older heather and bs ramming fin Hore Heeont povteale of Prines ol Ww (8) Veinen George friends gondshy before Hoampahive for Bunningiale, George tal Tandy, In plane seat to ii) No, 8 Is Copyvight 1080, and Atlantie Photos, Ine, are shown term, when AUTO CRANE ER THEN tn SRI in | hint itn ndinuted ah twa | Arve 0 Was vent! AM, Augle " nian: | Ir | ughters I HW PRINCE GROBGE POLLOWE FO OTETHEN OF PRINCE OV WALEKR Walon, wleendy « anlifhdd ale pliat, | wa he bid his lonving Hinge him hy Polnee of Wales for his fight, aml Pines Georges hotogrmph Faeilh | | | ' win wv 0 UN T the best musieal eomposition, Thee a weakened hy hard works, My Lachanet Cine to § Johns A few dave later uw slight cold developed into pneamont a, cialis lw his death It is peported that during hig Mines hie had composed an "Ave Marla," HYDROELECTRIC BODY CRITICIZED IN JURY'S VERDICT 17 TOUNG CINADIN HUSICIAN IS DEAD Luelen Lachance Succumbs To Pneumonia While at £t, Johns Falls, Ont, Ol candamnation af th Hydra Wlegtrie tained in the verdiet of & coroner Jury whieh lust slpht tnvestigated thi death of Rav Cheswiek, eles after u oi hile engaged in painting on " fuwer, Chi In eontaet with Hi viva earrying 10000 vols Ih ull studiad under Arthur Letandgyl hii HR } WE vordier stated that 1 of the opin and Oetnve Pelletier in Montreal, and hist (his fatalit wa ue then had wone ta Europe, When h e's erie On Uh vars of the H ida | heois br officials in falling 1 ih enme haek 1h | \ ITLL th f TY fhatri | wred Heart] foreman of the additdon of 4) I oglrenit 1a the Wi 1pm Sram CIInIssion Us eon While on a vl Juhng, Ow Canada I Montreal, Oct, 16 ito Luelen Luehanes Tamlly ul Bi roel ted youngenl HURTS Vick eal | #h wt the age of with ean Iotiness Wie Hoth | Chureh, at Windsor, Ont, 8 year In ter he i A the post of eholrima | tor and organist of the Chureh Josep! + Woreester, Ma tof the Roelel \ al Quel 1 L100 cept hee | home whee fiddle ta his mn th wheand Always harmony the man plays wile Montran! Haro Punt ence aml Lettres at the This finest blend will be your final choice "SARA" Xa A 'Fresh from the gardens' ALLEGED HIJACKERS HELD FOR THEFT OF MACHINE GUN Datpalt, Oot, 18, Vor a holdup Niuval Heserve Armory dnd the theft of a machine gun with whieh tao Wise yum FUNNIES, nix men wre under Arrest Hen Bowles, 80, arvested aL Almerst: have, Ont, confessed, walved 8% tradition: and was brought to Des trol, he wld Howles nolieas and hit noeamplioes planned to equip & hon! IAsgueYnMing Ui un Opel ghava orate In order to hiiaeck rum run ners In the Detralt River '| SAYS NO DANGER OF GASOLINE SHORTAGE (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Get, 1H Definite ay witomobtle ownerd ol In nn danger af was Bven hy 1 fuel technologist of the Tardnta BUranes tht the Tutiure pre Fanaiine shorinpe H, Hoy |Qeneral Motors Corporation hefors the members of the Boslety of Au amotive Wuglneors of Toronto here By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb -- Maes Tn BETTER BGM UP WITH MR SWARGER, AFTER ALL | NEED SOMEONE TO LOOK, OUT FOR MY TALKING PICTURE a -------------- J-- EF hd -- ( i DONT MN CARE BD MUCH FOR THE, BRAMD OF SERVICE bo OFFERED WESTERDAY FAVE WOU ANN MEN DEAS |W STDC, THAT MAIGIAY INTEREST MEF OF, Capprighi 1939, Wi Newspaper hervis Bedi INGING UP FATHER f % THER E pee YUNG IN THE PAFRER ABOLT MY RINGS BENG 2TYaLEN? | THEY CALGMYT OnE ( OF THE Ban i ROBBERS 4 IELLING TOMMY \ --_ - RE -- HE COMPESSED HE \ SRLEALED OM THE OTHER \ WAD THAT Ca AWAY WAT THE CAS J J ( [1 "FOLD Waa ie A \ \ ( MY BROTHER d MAABINTT 1h i LTHAT Ban \ h | ROBREWRY 4 ( 1 ory A NEW (DEA, EBYERY TIME [| TAKE A BREATH AND | PRARTICE DEkR BREATHING TWENTY» Vi FOUR We Pp 7, A | REPRESENT THE BEST DIRECTORS, ACTORS AND WRITERS IN MaiTion PICTURES, MAND | KEEP MY CLIENTS WORKING 80 © WONT BTARMRE TO DEATH MYSELR] AND THAT'S THE 1XND OF AN AGENT ga Say MEED TO MUG T FOR, WOU IN . HOLWOO OD! » 3 a EPowen LAE ALITTLE MAN MOU CAM ALD THE NAME OF ELLA CINDRRS TO YOUR LST | Newer ANN EC ENT LIKED TO HAVE aay \ M1 of Ae N ) BEEN IN ON TT | I A (1 KNEW I'Y BRFDAR | BAW IY IM THE FARRER | MART Wim Ch "THE STREET WE SAID WE WOZENT IN TEWAN WHEN YY WAPRRENMNED _---- BUT HE SAD HE WeLu.Lh | J ¢ . py. -- HOW OLD 13 THE FLAG OF CHILE, DADDY © HAA THE CHILIAN FLAG 15 OME HUNDRED AND TWELVE YEARS OLD TODAY, TOMMY, 3h OCTOBER 1a, 7 GEN, BERNARDO O'MIGGINS, THE SUPREME DICTATOR OF CHILE, DECREED THE ADOPTION OF THE FLAG OF CHILE, IT consists OF A FIELD, THE LOWER HALF OF VIHICH 19 RED AMD THE UPPER WHITE WITH A BILUE CANTON In THE UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER OCCUPIED BY A LARGE FIVE POINTED SILVER STAR, LINE BANNER OF THE PRESIDENT OF CHILE CONSISTS OF THE MATICAL ERSIGH WT THE COATOF "ARMS OF THE COUNTRY THEREON, © VR bo Wing Foatorm Mund om fae Guay Divan sgh omeved s LLY DADDY SAYS CHILE HAS SOME OF THE PRETTIEST GIRLS IN THE WORLD, 1 WOMDER IF THATS A LOT OF "CHILE Sauce © : TILLIE THE TOILER--Attractive "Bait" ry .\ WHIT San © GETTING Too BIE FoR THR TO ve RT DRIVING A OA » enl LEARN IME DRIVE (vg INTERSTING ~ AFTER Vou LEARN TC AECOMES BECOND NATURE , WAS E WAY rR ME NOW = py a Of a) a ade v a y q NAT Wik & MAK Ef ') MM hee UM COUNTING ON Yau "To MY SUCCESS BY CaMiING IN ON THE BUSINESS, WILLIE, THE | 8NF pv i AL SONG To ME WHEN | @0 lal DLBINEES FOR / vous

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