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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 1

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"News in Brief (By Canadien Prose) Great Polo Do enna of te Wu a) Pog at the Bk: a Munye, "Gon Abholn a "a A in Ms oy x, here ilnataton to take over his a = Piayer Dies tt dled Age TorobOA ers pung boys ridin "ole trick were injured yester aftgrnoan in a eollislon with » the earner of Laslle street 08} avenue, / " 4 hs and 6 VeAr Yowt Vives feattle, Wash, ~=Eight men lost Juels Hyon and 14 persons were ins ured In a five that sent billows i sheking smoke, through the Portland hotel herd and trapped Hosts As they wept, . Ranator Has Operation ntrent wo HOnator Bmeaton 38 Jublisher of the Oasette, 1s sill nt At the Ross Memorial Royal Vietoria hospital, + 6 WAN operated wpon ier | ahha ndieltls during the night, His ition Is Jood Allve TILL Lk Veaubert, a, Pot an em ite Rallway, was buried alive id died before ny Soul reac! when a bank fave SAYe hero h " o hh ane pit, ' ne Hilien novth of Larehwood, UR Hotel "0 VIWOA A Sarpin~The A Hotel, pt Btreet, has heen sold to the od ployee of the Ohad AN ia Branch of the Y, W, 0 Shite, arsnted in late an i : » . ™ Al pproved Mer ogg ng Setland.---The Ha Wi mare fet. The Arlington WAR B00 ana private nank inte a hotel, It for 80 years by a arms wh lee watd stols had Wi the ® Bent out a Ag » Hn hE ohaufteur, | aed ta en lh SE in th, oharge was an the afte a yan > fa Siourred ooh y 3, tween in he vo dan dia IR RL ; Over 00 RASA Among the ataiche. oll ried slat an Ly a, - on rn Amissad. Le a askea we PA ws Rowand Tun Prockvitton and a par Arms NL Ra er iE uri EL ar in on the and | ¢ dito, Justion | hand out written coples to those The Oshmua Daily Tunes Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Publ Th A Growing Newspaper in & Growing Chy AREAL "OSHAWA ONTARIO FRIDAY, ( OCTOBER ER 18, 1929 16 Conts » Week 3 Cents a Copy, SIXT EEN IN PAGES ANADIAN WOMEN WIN GREAT VICTORY | BE ELEGIBLE IN THE CANADIAN SENATE Final Judgment Is Given in Case Brought by Alberta Women to Define the Word "Persons" as Cone tained in British North America Act CANADIAN COURTS REFUSED APPEAL Unusual Practice of Reading the Judgment in Full to the Privy Council Was Followed by the British Lord Chancellor (By Canadian Press Lonsed Win) Londen, Oet, 18~Ruling that wo- men are eligible to be summoned and to become members of the Canadian Senate, the judicial eommittes of the Privy Couneil today emphasized that it was unwise to apply to modern Canada the decisions which had been taken, probably Hb by those aps plying the law in different cenlliries and Titerent elrenmstances, The Privy Council disagreed with the opinion of the Supreme Court ef Canada, and declared that appeal to Roman law and early English deels slons was not a secure foundation on Yhieh dul inter tiation § of the ritlsh North A sald the guy i | wnmon "qualified p fons to the di hey and Yi wal eH Sanire to do so, the wlan v hellaved they should give the net a yw lseral interpretation so that Canada may to » ecriain extent be mistress in her awn house as the Provinges to a great extent are mists Fenses in theirs, The opinion uf Mh Privy Connell was secured by he the appeal ah i api adde Thay representative adian residents within the pravine borin, and the ap peal Rr not _-- hy the Dominion fovemment. 1 "oh eo Lord Chancellor of Britain, Lord Manley, nivered the Judement, (aking the unusual |g course of reading 1h In tail before the court, For some years it haw been the praction merely to an nounce the general result and to Interested, Of Exceptional Interest The Judgment was of exceptional fntevest, not only for the conatitus tional point involved, but becausw it alse. ralsed the question of the general status of women, The appellants were Hon, Irene Pariby of Ala, one of the ftirat wo men In the Empire to hecame a cabinet minlater; Mra, Loulne Mes Kinney of Qitresholme, fret woman 10 the Alberta legislature; Mra, Nelle MeOlung, writer and lecturer Who haa vepresented Kd monton In thel exlalature; Mrs, O O. Bdwarts, at NeGlond, nar expert who has n iP On ae hoy the Natlonal Counell of and Magistrate Emily Mar phy hob or moni, one of the fivet two epor y Canada to he ap nied Mag! ir | "fede Ah to 10 the Privy A ofl for a h interpretation of the vital olause tn the RNA, Aet, tol lowing the rallng of the Rupreme vy 5 hd not heen opposed hy (We Dominion or. Ath thely lortab 10 consider the le \ WOmen A the " pa (8 On pane #) FOR SEATS NINGSTON BOY IS INSTANTLY KILLED Driver of Car Did Not See Him Until Too Late Kington, Oct, 16-~Harold But. tall, aged 11 years, was instantly killed here last evening when struck by an automobile driven by (George Francisco, The driver of the ear stated that he did not see the lad until he wan ton late to stop the ear, Feanolsco was on his way home at the time and though he gave what amslatance he could, he hoy was found to have heen Instantly killed, An Inquest han been or dered, The young land's father in on the subordinate staff of the Royal Military College, ------ Oran, Algeria, Oot, 18-~Maoy ish Tribesmen have made another ald on French troops on the souht sopes of the Atlas Mountaine, outs Unk up A column of the French Forlegn Lewlon, Fifty leglonnalires and antive soldiers were killed and twenty-one wounded. The Tribes hen ott many dead on the tleld, {| Two More Planes Added ToPa Jobe rty Waiti arch "For Winnipeg, "oot, 1, Nine. eap able alvmen are hom with thelr planes on the outer edges of the barren northern area where Col, 0, B, H, MeAlpine and seven mates are bholleved to he walling redone, At least two of the mach: ines had already heen equipped with skis an dihe remainder were betng hurriedly made over for win. tor flying, Two Royal Canadian Ale Farce machines tonight had completed a long Journey from Ottawa to join the alr hunt for the elght explom "Phioted hy Plight-Lisut, W, Maw: sley and Squadron Leader R, Grane dy, they hopped off from Winnipeg thin afternoon on three hour Jump to Cormorant Take tn Nom ther Manitoba, Plot Kenneth Dewar and Capt, Oharies Sutton are already at Rtoney Rapids In Northern Sashatohowan. pon ---- France Sees No Necessity For Italian Parley Prefers to Discuss Naval Problems Through Dip. lomatic Channels fy Condon Proms Loaaed Wire) Tare Oct, 18 ==Authoritative olralen sald today the Frenoh gov Sent MW RO Mare necesally of on Raval limitation with ty pre hunt to the Londen RUARY verpawer than any other nation, Conses qa, although 1t waa admitted AME hetween the we ih (1) x, ANY preliminary Av Tentions he the (Wo gov arnmenta will Fy through at matte channels Instead of a sepa: ale conference an waa BM Ly Haly yestewnday, IL wan pointed ent that Trance Me Sid prior to ita formal accepts of Aho London invitation that TRATY QORVOTRALIONS 4 va hoth Great and ho We) poatiion A reAtthmed, med by oH } REACNES MILK AGREEMENT » Thomas, Oot, 18, A gamer: WIEO AETOAMONL Was Teas Milk Meat' Amooiation -~ the heads of Ap Ani hore yesten FRR HEL ag Se +N t 2 ) "> TE mW A attective Lin ERs aw] cone Ral \ - conference | of Premier Gives Empress of Canada While on Rocks CPR, FLAGAHIP NOW FRER OF RACE ROOKS RENY The photegraph here shows the | Empress of Canada, OPK, flagship Rd the Pacifie fleet, aftap sha van on "Jagged Race reska at Albert Hap, Condition Of Bishop Fallon Very Serious London, Opt, 1 The condition of Right Rev, Michael ¥, Fallon, Hishop of the diocese of London, remaing unchanged thin morning, gonauitation of attending phys slolans will he held during the morning Bishop Fallon, who has heen seriously Hl for ten days, auf fared a series of relapses yeatem day, Last nlght hia oondition hes CAME BO HYAYE he wan given the lant plies of the ehurel, AGNES MACPHAIL HIGHLY PLEASED WITH DECISION Says Debt of Gratitude Ow: ing to Alberta Women wa r-- Owen Sound, Oct, 18.="1 am very Kind that last women have hoon recognised an 'paracns, sald Misa Agnes MaePhall, MP, for sautheast (vay, when oalled by telephone by the Canadian Press at her home at Oaylon, following receipt of the deapateh fram Lows don which queted the deslaton of the Judicial committen of the privy counell making women aligthie to be AummMoned And heoome members the Canadian senate SF think all Canadian women awe a great deal to those five Alberta Yomen who earvied thelr appeal thrauih #0 sucossatully, and so fav AR women In the senite are tow corned there Ia no reason why wae Wen CARROL all there an well as wen dia ant A] For We ! first Aime In many years, ninetean great white herons have Han 10 hulld nesta tn lake Na N Pear Mountain Park, w Assurance On Pension Plans wth Sakae ae tor of right WN WR WhO Nt Ar ERE whith uve, Ly ORL owt to ar near Victoria, BC, in a dense Toy, while sn raute fram Neotland ta Van oauver, After 48 hours' work on the art of the Halvage King, headed hy ap noted skipper, Capt, Howson, the Polioe-Admit Clue Lacking Of Missing Man Student of Toronto Unis versity Has Completely Disappeared Taronta, Oot 1 N= Dateotives Inst night admitted that they were Sup against a stone wall" with ves gard 10 the disappearance of Hows avd 0, Robinson, University of Tar onto student, who has not heen Aeon Alnoe last Baturday, A search whieh has heen In Progvess alnee ha disappearance has disolosed ah solutely nothing, Robinson had friends of hoth sexes whom not evel his heother, with whom he roomed, knew, and was of a seoret ive nature, hin parents stated last nlaht, CHESLEY MAN DIES FROM HIS INJURIES Death Followed Fall From Limb of an Apple Tree (By Conadion Press Lomssd Wine) Owen Round, Oot, 18-=Willlam Cavill, to, of Chel, died on Thursday niaht 1h ® Hanover Memorial Hospital as the result of a fall af 30 fest fram an Apple tree tn the arehard of Adam Ruth: ven, He had complated his work when the Mmb on which he was standing broke and he was thrown 10 the ground, Several riba were hroken, hia hip was fractured and he sustained internal injuries which caused hin death, » has heen a resident of Chesley or 80 years Three children suk i ACCLAMATION IS LIKELY IN OTTAWA No Opponent in Sight For Mayor Arthur Ellis in I Olawa, Oot 18 Unless a sam prise candidate appears before noon omarraw, Mayer Ani Raddy will he eleoted hy a W La " » he ih Pitty YR "ww + heli ion Th Vhion TA awn. \ Mhiinted JE ~ . hat Swine 1 Hina hy AR on a wn 4 WA the on short time R de AAR Empress of Canada was floated slear af her dangerous berth en Ost, 18 Damage ta the ship In sstimated y at about 000, Capyright, rough oe, Paolflo and Atlante Photos Ine SHOOTING ON Another "I'm Alone" Case Being Considered | WOMEN ARE DECLARED T0 ON CANADIAN VESSEL BY COASTGUARDS IS SUBJECT OF PROTEST ANOTHER TERM FOR MAIMED CONVICT Man Who Lost Am in Peni. tentiary Keeps His Vow My Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, Oct, 18, ~Arthur Cardin. al fn on his way hack to Forts mouth Penitentiary for a twosyear term, having "won his came" against the provinee When Cardinal was discharged from Portsmouth Penitentiary » fow years ago, his vight arm sev: ered at the shoulder an the results of an seeldent In the prison aun dry, ha vowed that the Frovinee would keep him for the remainder of his site, Binee then he has pur possly broken the law many thnes, taking the subsequent Jall and re formatory sentences a8 his Just due Yesterday Magistrate Hopewsll sentenced him to two years for attempted shop-hreaking, A shrine has heen built in a hol low trunk of a tree between Dieppe | and | nudehed-on- Cau, France, . |Party. headers Make Final Speeches Today Before The Nominations In Election! Makes Plea For Medical Aid oT North Country Toronta, Out, 1h, ="The people of the North are entliled to 8s much henefit fram medical selpnee Af we are, sald Hoo, Dr, Forbes Godtvey, Ontario mintster of health, In an address before the Ontario Hospital Assoolation in convention here yesterday, 'We have some marvellons medieal men in the North, and often they have to send thelr people down here, It fan't fale, and frequently GaRnhot be athorded. NACDONALD NOW MEMBER OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL * British Premios of Swom in an Member of the Can. adian Body Ottawa, Oat, 18.-=Like hin pre: decessor In afee, the Ri, How, J Ramaay MacDonald today became » member of the privy eounell of Canada, thus continuing the preces dent established two years a when the Rt, Hon, Stanley Bald win was admitted to the Canadian privy counoll during hie tenure as prime mintater of Great Hritaln, nn MacDonald was awern In by BE, J, lamalre, KO, clerk of the od | privy counetl, at government house this forenoon, nity this Tt dhe the prime Wikiiet WW Britain ancompanied AU ton, Iahbhel, and hy Mae bX. prime de Boy of Canada, procead: od ta the National Gallery of Cane adi, where Lord Willingdon, Qew Gen, tarmally apened a loan exht hiton of Hedtish plotures, Mn Ramsay MacDonald's interest in all Watters pertaining to an a welh KNOW, TEER RE T_-- Sinclair Makes Generous Move In Norfolk Co. fKimeas, Ot, 18.A generous waa the hoat o ER tt hay I Tavontn, Oot, Th YI yon are content that thin present law ia a fallure, 1 am content to go out of publle Hee," Premier Ferguson told a Napanea audience last night in eontinuing his preselection tour of Ontario ridings, He was Pee turning to his defense of the Liquor Control Aol, which he has mains tained throughout the oampalgn han improved conditions In Ontario, and sald hat the attaeks on the act wera "tnotured" with a deslye to get vid of Ferguson and asked If that was the sort of ea-aperation thes avernment was going to get in Ha attempt to enfopree he act, Today Mr, Ferguson and W, KE, N, Binolale, Liberal Leader, will make thelr final addresses hafore candidates are ofelally nominate od, Tomarraw returning oMoers will alt between the hours of 1 and 2 o'olook In the afternoon, In each of the 112 ridings In the provines, for the aMolal nomination of oan. didates tn the general election, Om tober 49, The campalan will then enter ita final orawded ten days, Ri Ferguson will speak at Gan: ue and Bmith's Falls and Pert bv A Mp Binolate will speak at Inger aol! and Tillsonburg, PORTUGAL READY T0 WELCOME KING | Rumors That British Ruler May Seek Health There Unconfirmed in London Lisbon, Fortun Oot, 18-11 wan reported here from several Joutens § at Ring Geotes ot Bn nd, forbidden ha phystolans from spending the winter in Bag Jad, ay Ome to RA The Rare sald hat mod of A the King's a were 0 atudy \Re olimate and an a i. on hat portion of the coast which ts known as the Plagues Riviena, At the forelgn office 1h was sald What ne hint of aueh an intention had heen received, hut that the oraratgy AON CARRE UPAR A WATE ome fram the Portuguese Lc Bin Ahd carlin heaps RN out Rin stay, 1 wan sal \ Duke Palmella had MN RAROK fa § a4 A LOIMPOTATY home an hy Boa Known in London London, Oot, Ad-=laquiry at Ruehinahon palace hronaht w te ply th holbl oes RRown there concerning the OR TeROTY hit dodtore were ivy ry Portugal to RTE ol AY 8 x argh hunters, a ---- Canadian Legation Asks the State Department at Washington for Report on Incident in Which Cruiser "Shawnee" Was Fired on by U.S, Vessel CAPTAIN SAYS HE WAS OUTSIDE LIMIT Assistant Secretary of Unite od States Treasury Claims Canadian Ship Was Ene geged in Rum-Running Operations ------ (By Canadian Prose Lossed Win) Washington, RC, Oct, 18=Ans other gage of the United States puard Arlng at a C anadinn vessel joined the famous "I'm Along" inels dent as the subject of diplomatie or changes between the Ottawa and Washington governments, The Canadian legation has asked the state department for a report on the aetion of a coast guard firing upon the Canadian motor "i Hhawnes on the night of Rept, |} 0 aff New York harbor, At the same time, the version of the Canadian master, John MacLeod, was su mi: ted the \W ty wn nt hedisiar Ly "PR Pik ha EEL prah Hon, hat neribed he LL lyuop Sra conneete the fun AINEEINE ViE expose alld Wong the New York and gonrt oi Wednesday Hig the dneident to ! LL aury, the const guard seid hae, Shawnee was og) without and that two loaded Shelly wats (0 at the vessel only Mier three blank oharges had heen exploded, apiain's Version Captain ' aokood alleged hia lhe lind ben fired wpon 17 miles off 1 United Niates oh after we 4 hotated a Heitish in re challenge of the A Har sid further that. his vesse fa ver heen ahle to wake mors knots an hour and that he was i fore, outalde the "eng hours, distance" from share provide UNE RINE NE treaty aa the ho Toe const gual operations against fay pected vessels Captain Indioted Washington, Oct, 18-=Asisstant Reerotary Lowman, wn Diva ® of pro hibition, announced today that Sih \ tain John Mackeod, of the Can ship Shawnee hs heen indiote A federal grand Jury on a 00nN aoy charge in connection with he am AR syndicate une in raids two diy age along the New Jersey const, Lawman said MacLeod Ma heen arrested an a result of dictment as his vessel paca 8 jvard patiol Noata during the heoAUEe It was outside the Her nity He cannot he extradited from Ca» nada as his alleged offense iN OF WR oxtraditable one wider Brivish=Awser lant which killa lions has "ea Ouida South Afriea, Whe & latge number of curved hoe on ita peed vessel, and these ol In trying to tear oul the lone sometimes oan wn sSMUREInG Agreements, am i i Known as the svanple plant, It in the oats and feet nlinak, thelr manths, with pl ae bo Wy

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