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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1929, p. 8

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ns 14 4 HT FIRST W| THE | OBHAWA DAILY FIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1 929 TLING SHOW A SUCCESS - "BLUE DEVILS" WORK HARI ri I EL i... e® Oshawa Sport Pleased "Fans Are ith The First Pro. Wrestling Program Gardin and Shysko Make Big Hit With Fans -- An other Wrestling Card to We routed on Thursdey nt Sein btn made Wh B Awe het fig iy # loon Ar ay Rindend » wt wl or lve, We matehe Iigh olaeg Salibte i it] silihe fat i tn) way if thaly a body Altay i Fane hat a he only thn pleased | {ihe 10 ORhAWR # nl wrestle oly A af wating finds : fink t Any th ne Hing to h yd i of ahuvie, Thig la a very 4 bg Ju ih apt wid Riis 4 Fa ton rEvely found TH rte Hor fit i hy It weve well fe " the al dhe, 60 mush! #0 In fact, that | Amadint ly afk a tght, Dr, Mean Minds nt Another ] ented. hers att ant "ale Tr " foul ah tthe Armonia fa that Avening h Wh ehadmpl Wl ' ry! people we Mal aay - pl Resale G front tha porsihiiitios on i aeslonal weastihig fn Oshawa i he hetw wid Trinh a oT Niel § WE RAW Lhat 16 hina heen shawn HM these Huis will ha npprand doh hr or avowd oan he papeeiad fav nant Thursday night, I'he veleyres (A sharks of the Pighin lush night wan Jao porhen, thier Hehtwelght ohamitan of Canin, Forbes hahled tha hots 'apy haf inking special rare [hit the HELE wes dene Tpaide ad apt Siaide the yapes, 4 hretimi WAtY 8 Dray Fhe preliminary MALIN aturied ight on time Ald for the nest th Ply minutos the frie were kept Plight un eden, Opwbay Rogers oie lared the AEA welght af Bil Aad Ned MoCker at 840, Undoubts ; I there was more Runithment handed aur in this Hehe than fn ther of the other twa , seraps th ho 4 dt 1 radnlved hi Bf Wild Teishman, Ned A ARew. w ngled ahaa and Isughier fram the orowd hy the tle w nap in whieh he houneed MW ol Wier pun hon ev ie oe " Akt an i Honneaherg" hut BES Wak 1064 & shade too fast to haasnught hh Ing and Rogers graphed aly, Wheatlovs (vlad hard tn lat Pow minutes Aid #8 & res the haw tossed wp sonder able and Jack Farhes was eal) On to Walon for faul (aetios w { the and of thirty were tried % hath men, In Haht was stopped and ' Shnioment NHAURORA A A da, | Ploases Fan hOut was boro Rene wehiiiplon ot- pt mee fan din Mhaw dw» in A bedullan arm i» oN Shnesially Meaning Hh Body Timo LL] i ARAL Mango Alb \ iy At 100Kad ka & supe He Lh along, Hoth L1) fi sald We 100 hades awd {Miike the Hiht they he ving bat Wat long he ond Rhy : tion hi) Yrhaven . DING, when w Mh | A es BAN rt Khe \ iN iT i he appons fp be ) wetting hawt n Na [Y! 3 Wat ta (A oF high class WL M " PR A uke: H at 230 poun B Aya Went ™ A AURIS AL $18, ky Rith 4 will (i he a wily 0k Jia Frene tle ah walt we and Ww! a es Hine Wen uth ] ated A Ne Boge N A) i VI \ fi [7] o three wr 1% oR olubs A aupled a NE ON ceptain chang: oh, pames fram 18 ends ta 14, DLL Win ] #oa Shee uf apinton to oXInt A610 the WARImUM walght A hay ™ wht a Ting Hi Guelph' ha ORF LY Toam n Suffering Guelph, Oct, 15- Thon hy to ORV, Intermedink nite Ht, Catharines the datona nme of the Mh i ule, they will ha Wm rahah 4 out of A herson .\ oid of raesive a the hattie Hue Bevile laut Hatup HA ho WOUEnt Brantiean, he hardest wew sit gre LCT heen the lass 0 fam yA VOgUIAY quarterback, whe ia ty tn with » hve on " hal Tantardinl and ode he two of the club's mest sta hk Inasman are wae Suffering win rastured 1imbs, Heveral new have (irhed ot with the team wok, and of these, Ja nh 4 wn and Hert Bhane, tool towing up well il othe Hike Ratan tn take the Hoof tha ¢ AA YON IAS Whe nN the wrinpion int Chirlers Ask 'For A Revival Of Interest ' Phe tari Curling Association J My Heth annual meeting Ald here this week Intinshed [ mavement to revive the "roarin' wma' In eentres where Interest (al heen allowed to lapse of late The matter was hrought to the ate tention af the gathering hy Pres): dent 1, 7, Lighthourn wha, tn his vellving address, stated that the membership showed a decreasa of 40 last winter, Three clubs had heen automationlly Srapped, And ous hell tendered ite resignation, Two naw clubs applied tor admit tance this Jinn however, Pars Me lolol and the Reral Ognadian Club of Torente, The firep tn membership aroused some dlsgusaion, and on the we ton amas Rennie, four som: mittenl ware appointed eovering various distriots to lend the eam: phlan for the vevival of Interest Phere 0 AL Will visit the pans Hd ha partionlar localitieg tn ww n {TH rear Ahigniion of hearever possible, The cam mittens named were as follows Western Distriot-=F, 00, Burden, DB, DuMeld, Detroit, Oantral riot ene dod BD Wel, HJ, Hime, Luhener, whe and Nisgara Disteiot ll Davis, Dy, 0 Ay Rerham, i bog bn RN Ro #" 0'Con oh F al (LJ Hobo wf Heduee oh Fa 1] the Files Were Ome Hime was ho wis the reduction of the This will tend to speed Wp hoanspiels nd Make Lhe Play lead strapuaus than In the Phat The amendment In the waelght of sanes Over Until next year whey as found The most important amen ment d It VR irae 1 to Hy a masimum was thought a A fo this oooh would work - Jan Dither a \ N\ fi He A Hy - AC WM, limi Siwn he Wondeney ah " atanes, ag het a MO AM oly ot og \ 0 those eammun 4 ore It NAW heen oan ld, ad ht found at me had heen alven Ll An tt [LI thi WA 5 Waln novaps umber af Shih en HE pe Ae a ig) ol : iy 1 oune hy ¥ other willng i fatten, ha SUR HERR Ar mel We of 0 deur sant AM a Wh the Winn Wn. x . we Hime aw N won LLL fa Ana 3 Lo ARIUS welt Aplels, thallanse to take na Jon et tat fram . Ma Ny ; ps a ith fall, TORRS, h A ie Cy he ond aan wap ho My aa " a The MN SI 1, hy EA i} '. ith ¢ A he en 4 " AR Na nn \ MT WAY » the op I He was in (he V N . TUN a a A \he i TR a a) ww ah and LILLE) wa ; PR 0 JL et within nae SR Hw WoAths, ba Be elanger And aut Are Both Confident With the uni prachnttle expres Hor one of eanfidence, "Pranehy' HA anudian flywelght Am pioi and Wagons Haut of wimg, Vrs Lo) whkinplon of Bip rT Jia due red them HM verdy Toy | " Fiatlonal out at Hiv AVann tonight, Hoth aolpred themuelves In fle howt of condition, down (0 he roqulvad Ht: nt af Ale Jiunds a ad LLU ar & gruelling hout, Yestorda Mi ternoon they did a Hil A fi hi LMnIng to, keep thelr muscles inher hut the heavy wark of thely condi tfonin AAMPAIEN wis ended Sy ra hoxl Is # VW ULL hls [1] boy un Tovanta, his ih WE ah hin CORtInenE, au & matter of feet, ap: ere to he tavarite ayer (he low) Ad, Many of those whe have seen im Aid 1) Anring the pant week | wl he will "defest * Helanger, 16 MANY other fans have form: the same opinion from reading H the Rranohimans Aehieyens 9 In training Hust han shown hie self a good boxer and & hard Wi tor, He does not sppear to he ne rd A hitter an Belanger, hut he HA steady puncher with plenty of welwht healing Wis wows, the type of hose onloulated tn wear hin APRONARL down Pathol than win hy A oonespuneh Knackout, The paly wre well matehed Phrkieally ath strong and wellhullt, Belanger ling proven mse as well able tO WIkhatand punishment when nee BREALY AN mate IE oul, while Hua Blvd every Indieation af helng Able ta continue when under hoaw five, Matohmaker Playfaly ~~ Hrown MAGE & slrvey of tha Arann yew tardny and avderad the Installation # B00 additional vingslde sents To states that (the aoonmmondation I uel that 16 1s posslhle to hyeek the attendancn veeard set at the Collen lant winter, . Ab that time GRA BROW was sald to have drawn L700 peaple, hut un oheoking of the HEures later showed that the Aotunl attendance was 0,600, Last RIGhE the seating plan had net heen antively sold aut, but It Is 1ikely Chat seh will ha the ease hy this AVORInE, and that evan the general admission kets will he very mush In demand There Is one ohange th the pre Hininary oavd, "Dandy" Allen of Pletshuvg, who veosntly gave Jahn WY Batts a geod bout, replacing Art Wander of Buffalo against daokie Johnston, local feathen Walght, The camplete program, the first haut of which sommences ai BAO, 1x an follows Tammy Bland, Taronta, v, Bd dle Judge, Tovento, 4 rounds at 100 pounds, Eenle Weoaks, Tor ante, ¥, UIRIY Waods, Indianapn He, 8 pounds at LIN pounds, Jack 0 Jahnstan, Taranto, v, Dandy Als on, Pitisburs, # vounds at 184 BouRds. Hearse Flfnld, Tarento onnle Headley, Ottawa, Ho sou 14N PouAge Frenohy olanger, Toventn, v, Bugens Huat, rane, 10 rounds at 118 pounds Maple Leafs To Report In The Morning Tarauia, Oot, 14 Fomorrow morning 18 players who will strive fan places on the Maple Lat lines Wh far the approaching Natlonsl Ioague senson will report ta Man ARAP Bmythe at the Avene gardens ARd undoubiedly they wi' ha ther WN Bly oheoked aver hy Tommy ly who ts anxious 1a see haw It HH work ha will have to dao to get (he lads tn shape, The players wie SAIL arviving tn the ality, and WY tantght 10 ts expected the ens 108 Aevad will he ol hand, Danny Arcived on Wednesday aven IE And yesterday moriing signed Ba eantraot aftep shart canter Reh with the Wmanaeer, The play He Who are he 01d 10 YOR are: don), Larne Chabot and Benny ay defence, Llatente Day, Aw Wi Dunean, Ald Horner, | ane We Amith wl Ollftard Mos Lg DULLES AY Blair and Rrle Patti A Mah wings, Ivvin Rryvdaan and Ohare Hey, Go Al Nol aft wings, Daniel 0. Cotten and Rolly he party will gh Ml a ay Bothiy lal valk WAY |] ¥ ay by ho we Hania themselves thee at ay i i: hy ih conte Son re Mon 1 1 Korea, Oot, 18-Rid hae Ann Won the 100: AL international I Meet hatween A od Ta date aday h, y on WOANAN, | how new hg) Ih ton: Was a NW awa Wham ot | ¥ WhO WOR ihe Women's 100: 1) in 1? Neon flav The PISO VORENESR OORT 100 metres 0anRds, set hy Chat Paddeel, Ne Amerioon spasvster, fw 1921, ® WORMMR'S Wary (ow on the 5 es LER = 1p held hy Miss ROM and Miss on of Ohlvage --, World's LL! Portugal Will inorease fis public | health and 300i! insurance Misa beth Rabi. | RENATO GARDIMI L 40 kh v1 Ay Pa HENATO GARDIN Phe above a a plotwes of He wh Aiter the flighty Garding thanked Gavin, ehamplon of aly, who the erawd and expressed his wills made a big hie with the evowd Inst | ingness (0 give Wis services free Mahe at the Avmonrion, Hin victory | for any chatty purpose aver Manoogan was o popular ane, | " HR SPORT SNAPSHOTS ------------ EHR A OSHAWA'S FIRST WREATLING AHOW ¢ th | Wh re looks to he Wilko ta ourand neekin Wel th Wie Test night i you 00 Bays Bah nie hei Cl | Sei At Hh pari wid he found in w's Hardware store Tes tionale Aemonries last night tha Hay, ah b But aren's i hey st hug ond pither to death dF Hel pa | Fhe ring whit have HW tah winide the ring TEE) wi \ \ ght | With nthe alm a Pay WEE would have any ne of thas hi nh autaide FIGHTE ARE GOOD WM hing in HRRLT the ALL hs did each b the lw SUE pie FI Reeling WE pis 1 he seited a erent yy | TERA Cardin thie Hal the preliminary LRULUL aang they dueed and his eh, Liardind aunoun al vhiarge Mare nae 1h the goad over Mano god that h ih drowd vietory made HARI WAR § pom Hig F the mw And Right Tree 1 sharin wl ----_-- AY PUNTS and » TACKLES hy Whe 'Dopemter ddd ddd dd bd by db dbdy The gang enjoyed a wifE works oul nk Hf Tost evening and syerys one (alt very mueh hensfitied by ft, The interference In vastly Im proved and on (heir next Appear. anes should ive the fans plenty to Ahan hint, . A ineh i! the team went down Co wel the wrestling al the Avimop len aftey praciies, And how they aid enjoy 1, That sure ls veal ae tion aven If at times 10 In a trifle ronhy ian I owiure did our hearts good to wen omahody eles getting humped around instead of ourselves, And how (hey do bump them in that An ' . . LJ You oan expect almost any kind of tantien In our next practios from tae-holds to wrist-looks LJ J * Hut It was & good evening's en tartainment and something entire iv new and Interesting All the KANE were really quite snthusiastio about 1, but would ka to have Wing allowed . J Eaehinouts ways to French the husky Innlde wing iE you pull your tos,' which he promptly Anes Bad Wilson Immediately alarin to oheer for Bee Bisouts, Los pulling helng a favourita phstime of ihe husky Inslde wings "ryan don't 1et go my toe, I'l tweak your nous, 't ways AeesBineuis' Fesnoh tanEting mate, snd this he promptly starts to do which evokes pralaes loud and long from Jullus Gray, BoM, who enjoys nothing hetiey than & real old-fashioned nose IWeakingE matoh \d » My . and Wigsle ware mueh taken up with Gardinl's famous flying mare, Hut they were yelling Phat im off tor & high taokls' OF anuras What mare could you expect fram two staring autaldes, they would have to ha EYousing abunt wamething * N Randy * Afar the bouts, Gloom Hessel wood lasuad 8 challange to ANYans tying at Torwin House, outside of CHEE Pound, Band, Watt and Wis inten Fanny he had no takers al A . » , Al Moore and Loman are all hat up aver (his wrestling, elalming Bat wa take far harder humps than Noy da and we don't get & onl ot remuneration, while they get pald for (aking a few humps . 8 W Hut you must remember, (8ay ahildrai, thik we ave amatoars and \ they are parfashiingis ® LJ 3 A ohall talk 1a ealled for aaven a'olank In the Industrial Relations Hutiding, AN members are Panuasi i" \ | 1) \ | provided the bouts were helng TOMORROW AL RLE AWAY play LOCAL COLLEGIATE PLAY Fhe oneal lads the Cull A sondors travel 1a Uy 1 he he rom AWAY On in Polerbon mothe Is honed wh ih fuiiors play these Iw LL LAL) ARNE BPRRE Oana boys were detated hy here in Oshawa wind Hi aut to even things wp * ICE SURFACE AT CURLING RINK HAS IMPROVED Cn the Rink the suriaes all that eould he desired hut © ha prey topdily wl Hales apening nis It at the Curlin 10¢ Wak nit been ha and now there 18 a perfect sheet people In the sity seein to think that there ix» Iv three sights in the weeks There 1a skating every night Wm the week and ALR saturday afternoons, Last wired the evening when the power Wit work Wiha ny He full swing every waht To a On night a rather unfortunate aveids siddend he management tried a the trouble has heen tube in the Orthaphoni replace the tube hut wer will he ' » CLOSING DAY AT QOLF CLUR TOMORROW day at the Oshawa Golf Club and after that Weve, remedied and avery thing Again tonight » Famarmaw is elosing the "bugs" will have ta gontent the future and indoor practise with the thoughts of the maelves . . STRIKES, SPARES AND BLOWS TOMORROW Athletics Are Honoured At Big Banquet I Philadelphia, Pa, Oot, 18 aThe vietorians Athietion, winners of the WOH series for TRH, were feled LORLERL hy the olty, the chamber of commen and the Philadelphia | ARATE Walters! association, MBO Har A, Mackay, wha * rT Albert St, Lose Senior Rugby Game Although ALhart street tem fost 1 flvat game at evening a Us tra Bentors, thay showed thew | vou possessed of ana of the best tare In the hg and 1 they \ "lh A X AR PASRRA IPOm the side of President pot RloKing was the awtstanding | yg Na ar Take the wre of the tn White Weare | IRHOTS Bit Wom Phe HUIS ES BOY Shido og! i a -- PARR AS Was Loastimaster, and he 19 tear through his appow: | \ old Connie Maok, the Athistios Ee a galas AR 1000 ther guests fuse how ne " Abert dtodpap, Bteve Lavaon WReR Philadelphia appreciates the Winning of the RMghest haners 18 insides, George Wilson, John Ravd; middies, Pate Muslok, Qaorae Hall LLL os, RB Olarke, W, ayia | hisaball, Clty otfiolnds, ndues and prawd OyiaE wing, Bvdney Dopmates Ra JI Button; halves, daha | Honver MARE BUEiness Man sat side By side 8, John Calder, Ross Cowper | Pete Malawski a Ani Eaap, Men! insides, Baroy Ha Clemens: widdies, James | Crawiord, Banior Fraser: aulaides Harty Clemens, Jimmie Gong AVIRE WINE, Steve Osmak: quaniey Hoe Fraderiohi halves, George | "bat wa WHE have to Hah al NS \ v Paterson. Hoh Cans | WAN OWE GpRansnis ar already bh JORR Paterson, Boh Oy Balada Ride Ah ietion enllaetively and Individa LR LEA SY ww Wad Practically avery pegular Maver on the team delivered a helt aw Avene Hope 16 Win Neat Year "Wea hope 1a win anather pen RARE ROXE YORR YY Connie Mack said, Hillis Ray ase | WAR RAIA Vary | hand out to the hays | . A] A) EWith athintes and dust plain fans | ARG detuned th Abe cheers for the | off tn he present as Coach Pound important dope to KEEP 'EM WIDE LJ uw J Comedy or Tragedy? One member af the olub pulled & fant one on himself the nthe night Coach Pound wld the gang te ran around the traek atier practios, ao thin Ardent gent starts out hot fool Around the aval, thinking he was Aptiing the pues for the gang, He kept hooting it along at an awful pate and although telng, he was BOURA he WARR'L BolnE 10 surrender Nin Heat place position without & struggle. He van himsslf inte a alate of AlMost samplate exhaus ton, Haally gaining his abjeotive, the waln sats, still ahead of the mob, Much to his ehagrin, hows aver, ha turned areund and saw wo ale bahind Nim at all, The rest of the Bank Wadn't followed at all Bt ware tratting down Blwens 8 (8 the olub rooms, instead of runs wing around the tek, Centre St. Juniors Defeat Ritson Rd. Very Close Game pee, A vary ole contented $n the Juniep LM took FA ponday aftarnsan ater AN Aadinm hetween Aion 4, An South HUMess teams, resulting in A Win far Sowth Himees, althedph Ritson's 1AM PIAY Was mush Rattan The COW plays of gonth ny Hed them Wan Alas Ath | Treent RO MORE IN VOY apetaoniar fun of a0 RN ATORRA iE ORPOs nents end PA tone, Bverett Harmer and Garfield Nelalan of Ritson taokied aplendidly bat My haek 100 far on extens PAY Was very even thre ny (} AWS, Bh whneoe position J. Derawniok, , sap F. Hooper inaides }. Marsh aides O D, Lanrence middies , Thrasher Ro Rladon wmiddiss RB, Donald \, Ribitiok outsides M. Loopie D Deeley outnides RB, Higatae A Savaent BF wing A fey A Hadgsen Quay 0 Rallan PI Maxymae halves J Jy ieha [1 Balmer Wie Hy W Yenreviek ry Apt, Fa Wer (4, Taurens Lonntek ¢, Howl » Bhi Peter Riaak Al Ve Lon Ewmith RAWEW POR Blea | Darban, | WY aval, | foal Rute Wy have Wil ha \i wil hath Palle ta hWetag anether ohamplon WW AS hes a A " | Ale heiweon A ADS LANEY al UI Abstain heth Tohanneshwrg and aonth Alves, Bathing wigs are vogue in Par N Nimeee | Ia Quariey PIR Snaner | a Quarter | "Blue Devils" Practise Faithfully For Game With St. Catherines Team I AY UE Hyvery Intermediate, Interssolastio | Gray's kicks, the bo s Indulge In + and senor OL, team in the pros | Ditle poad work, Alter that Cosel vines of af Ontario with the excep | Pound puts the beys through the Hon of General Motors Blue Devils | pases, Vvery pla ] tried out, kiek will be seen In wetlon In reuhlar she | in excepted, wh the manne yle wames this Baturday, The Blue wh hh the ply Yom not sult H Devils, owing 16 the fet that they | they keep trying until i does, Alte wre wrouped ino three team league | this comes the showers and the first Uhin year, drew & bye for (this Biatur | ald treatment of the ailing ones flay while Bt, Catharines and Guelph | 'This type of practices Is used ever hold the stage, As & vesuls of HH other night, The alternstive Is | fon pus schedules In all he remaining | much more strenuous practices, Fal Wi leagues In the OFLU, not even | these practioes the hays go ous padd an exhibition game eould he svenrud | ed md alter the usiil trot, they ge hy the management of the loss) grid: | down to real business, Heri mmagi den and followers of the team will | und Intrierenes are worked al, hard he fopeed (0 await the visit of the | Then they go hack to they Avessing Guelph tam before veosiving an | rooms for showers and the aiventlor they yt idivan td shit, of Trainer Bam Johnston, 14 bs me Fhe Guelph affair here on Nov, 2] moved, that after the light practices will he an event worth looking | some of the bays tey voller Whating forward 10, however, "The agurewn: | while others try howling, However tion from the Royal City are i sol as becomes rugby players, they de ortul outhe and make up In deter: | not star al either of these sports, 1 mination what they lack in exper | fact, well vou know what | mean eee Under valuable eonehing | Last year a great don! of interes whigh will for a eertalnity evidence | was shown In the team, considering iaell ws the season progresses, thie] that it was Oshawa's first year o Hitle team has achieved a wholesoiie respect in Ma own little neek of the woulds and the Blue Devils are far From being the last to appreciate that they will have no easy times of i next Baturday, In the meantime, the team will en Joy wn open diate this Saturday and if is expected that a goodly number of them will Journey to Toronto to Blok ur a few keels from the MeoCill VAY me at Varsity stadium he ofl Devila" are leaving no stone unturned in thely efforts to re peat Inst year's font, the winning of the tntefimediate ON UL Cham plonship, Every night the Yoys are to be seen at Alexandra Park, One night the practice takes the form of a Hight work out, After everybody has teled thelr hand, or rather foul at equalling Hubbell's punts and Ah Quartier Final Beare Intermediate Woghy, This year they Ih even more Interest being, shown Every night thers are & sore ol people at the Park watohing the practice with o eritieal eye, Most ol them know a good deal about the game while others are there Just 1 learn all they ean shout it owas mide evident by the at tendanee of the first game of th senson, that the people of Oshawi are interested In the team and tha they are going to support them, Th "Wie Devils" tn both of thely gofes this season, have shown that the are worthy of Interest and oor and taken all in all it looks as | fuphy 18 (0 have a big year In Osh awn, with u real possibility of an other trophy to those already won hy © hawa teams during thy year 1920 ) de ping the one-sided fant "Ih first round FRENCH TENNIS STARS DEFEATED Tokyo, Oot, 1N==The French tennis aces, Henvl Cochet and Jae Ques Hrugnon, were defeated hy Apanese stare this afternoon while five priones of imperial blood 100% od on, They seamed hardly (to have recovered htelp land logs afte) thelr long Bea Yoyane akeloh| Haranda defeated Coohet 68 and G:8, while Jiro Nato, 4 student al Wanada university, defeated Apu non B:4, 40 and 11:8, The matels on were played at the Tokye laws tennis elub In the doubles ¥arade and Aokl ware leading Bande and Rodel 6:8, 6:0 and 6:8 when ti mate was called on aseount of dnviiness, Coohel apparently wat out of condition, pPIAYInE an slr HONE baseline game SOCCER NOTES The Oshawa Nationals, Malo League champlons, travel to To Fonte on Haturdey, to mest the strong Mimion Rovers, whe will ln All probability finish pannerasup in the league, The bus leaves Prines BE ab 1,00 pow, sharp, The game in oalled for A08 at Melrose Hohool Grounds, The following players will travel! Rivlek, adie Hayd, Qol), Davideon, Conners, B Dougall Mothielsh, Bratden, Fallen ton, Molean, and Allan, All plays ore Are requested to he on Hime, Ra in a] in Ritson 180 Quartey nil Quartier rd UArLeP 4, ih UAFLOF Floal Beare |, Referens 0, J Nihal, Genaro Defeats Ernie Jarvis In London, England London, Oot, 18 =~Frankie Gen Are of New York antpeinted Evils Jarvin of Bagland In & 18 pound hout tenight at Albert Hall, Gen APO Wan ahout as he pleased, tak Ing 18 of the 16 rounds, The New York Hallam set tha pace fram th First round, earrying tha Heht wo JAPYIE, whose efforts after the third round were handieapped A badly out left eye The apening rounds all were In for of Genard, who outgeneralied and outhoxed the Englishman by a wide margin, For seven rounds It was A hosing affale pure and simple, hut Genera unleased his heaviest guns in the alghth to give Jarvis a territie heating, The Hells ON Was AMS, however, and took all the Jalian had 0 offer without & backward step, The final bell found Jarvie weary and hatterad hut standing on hin fest Just the Mme I the sembMnal Prime Car wera, Ttalian giant, wan a taehnioal Knoekout over Jaek Hanley, Hage Hah heavywelaht, the referess ato) A I LAST CUNARD SAILINGS THIS YEAR FROM MONTREAL FRIDAY, NOV, 22nD a LAST CALLE See the Sh Lawrence in its autumn glory... a1 you cross to Burope, in Cunerd comfort Catch the last Cunard sailings from Montreal this season, Book on these famous ships, + + « Senavire abot Cine ard and Anchen hua Pook though Ye Robert Reid Uw Limited, some of Py Wellgo RT A wa) Bet LAR SL Leann + TOU RINY "ee THIRD CARIN & THIRD ClARN

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