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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Oct 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR he Osh 0 Badly Times oi Io geri o Mira ar St, = Ny or Be vo Th Drees Bly Tae + ma ft Go sn is Owe Frama snd the UBBCRIPTION RATES Deivid by an math By wall in Connde Couteis Dihewe sarrae sarge delivery Hmite), $440 » TORONTO iby 7 Bond Building, 06 |emperance Bion, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative REPRESENTATIVES IN V. Pawees sud Btonn, Ines New York snd Chisage dA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1929. NOMINATIONS ALR IN A T-- Today the aes nominations of candidates In the provineial general eleetion are in At twa @'slosk thin afterneon, throughout the provinee of Ontario, the Nave were gloved and the die vast by the eontands IE parties In the content, a contest brought on for ne partieular reason, but one which will decide the kind af government Ontaria is going to have for the next (ew years, Ab the tune of wilting this, of euurag, the somplels Hots wre not available, su ib is impossible 10 say SRRCHY how many eandidaten are in the held, how many lieve been elected by meelamation, and how MANY Gonatituenelen are (0 have thrve-carivied Lghts Whers aig dodigntions however, thst shout di to 440 aandidates will be in the held tor the Hig seats In Phe IRE RINIE MI BY sings Bl BUEN BEE we RUGS Jar eneh Beat, Bo miek be wd itied tak the Conse vauyes, with SNARE 1 Lhe eld 1h svery Tidings Sad Wik skye ernl of their nominees sure ob vlad hy Seelanee MOR, Are 1B Strang PORILOn, Aheir uppunenis are 0 A sertnin extent divided, fer the Lanerals have shout W candidates, the Progressives about & dogen, and the others ave either independnet enndidates of varying shades of apinion or straight UFQ, nomi noes, And where there are threescarnered sontenty, invariably there are one Conservative and twa ape position eandidates In the Reid, 'Uhe effect of this division of toress in the apposition will be of greut importance in many places, and will doubtless have a strong effent on the eleelion result, The nominations ave in, however, and on Thursday, October 30, the ballots will be east, Up to that time, the gampaigh will go on vigurously, and the leaders of the this main parties will make every effort 10 convines the eleetary of the Justies of their argu: ments and appeals for support, 'Fhe chief activity which should he sarvied on, hows ever, should be mimed at having as large & vote as possible wesorded, In an alestion without any ew standing political Tssves, there 1s » weave danger of aueh apathy that the vote will be small, and will not be truly vepresentative ei the will of the peuple, 10 should not he necessary (0 wppeal 10 the elesten 19 wie the franchise which has been so dearly bought for them by their loaders of the past, "That should "he done ax a matter of duty and reapnaibllity 10 the sate, And in additeln, it should he considered a high [privilege 10 have a part ln the election of a legisla tive assembly which will guide the future destinies of the provings, Kvery elector wha has the wright te vote shonld make wp his or her mind new 10 exe orelae that right, se that when October 30 comes around, it will not be said that the legislature has been elected by & munerity of the elvisens of the provinee, I ------------------ A PLEA FOR THE DOUKHORORA EE From time 10 time The Tiwies has pointed out that I very mistaken idea prevails in Eastern Canada, and © in seme parts of the west an well, In connection with the large solony of Doukhobers in this country, The view of The Times has been that the majority of the - Doukhobars are industrious, lmw-abiding people, and © that the whele of them are being condemned because of the oseapades of a few whe are a1 representative - of the whels, | MoANAE OW\ VIN view, A Interesting letter appears ™ the i of The Western Tribune, a week published in Vancouver, This lene by a woman whe apparently knows hey oy andy in view of the resent contreversy yes goding these poeple, it In of apecial interest, I 8 § dh an follows | an dt ae hd AN dors | HE \ WN Al Ln 10 deport + A rE i ER 10) zi ap a not REE A - i PO 10 try Ww thls UTR Le EERE i -- vol ha hat 1 A So mative, They ave v AY ver eden in A A A anyone iy 1 if they Ne fon ov] oe AN sen. partiod ow, | wN ekge 8 not, Mois a Fong me sine the fisst shipload cane to Canada to find 4 sanctuary from oppression, THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1929 and, ue the uri, B ian i hl GNe om Int, "i SE FA . at hav " we Li A fi " rom thelr i A Wi ANDERSON, "Burnaby Lake, CANADA'S WAR MEMORIAL PICTURES laid ald The approach of Armistice Day, with all ite mem arias, brings haak to mind the fast that Canada has a wanderful callsstion of erigingl war paintings hidden away In some of Ith vaults at Ottuwn, Thess valuable paintings, valued at hall & millon dallars, forme a pletorinl vesord, in exquisite solering and Niedike art veprodustions of many of the high Nights of Canada's participation In the war, They have been recognised #8 some of the outstanding works of art produced in the way peried, and Canada is fortunate that, largely through the efforts and the generasity of Lord Beave erbroak, these paintings have heen made avaliable to the natlen, But Is 16 not a great pity that these paintings should be stored away In & vault, hidden from the public eye, Eleven years have passed since the war oame to a slots, and surely in that peried there has heen time to secure or erest seme place worthy of housing these paintings In sueh & manner ae would minke them available for publie inspection, They wold he an Inpsiration to Canadians, for they des plet something of the wehlevements of Canadian troops, They would he an object lesson against war, for same of them show the horrors and the térren of war, At this time of the year, when the eelehration of Armistice Day Is near, It is appropriate that the subs Jost of providing & home for these pletures should he revived, and the government again vrwed, an it has heen: many times In the past, te create for them a Hall of Fame, or some other such place In Ottawa where they sould be seen at all and any time hy the Canadian peapls, RICKNESS AND LORS Speaking at Orillia In connection with a Health Week campaign, the Han, Dr, Forbes Godfrey, pro: vinelal fr af hanlth, gave some startling Aaures a0 to the cont of slekness and Hines 1a Ontario avery year, He stated that the cont of iliness every year in the pravines of Ontario was aver $33,000,000, hased on the average Auuees of 73.740 persons in the pravinee avery' day, over 9.000 af them heing pas tients in the hospitals of the tawns and sities of On taro, And that Agure of $33.000000, he went an 18 say, did nat inglude any allowance for the ameunt ol money lost through the lines of wagesearners, This Is a situation whieh should provide much foad for thought, snd should lead te a consideration of the value of preventive, vather than eurative medi eine, There uted ta he a Axed rule that there was ne need for a doctor until sameans was slek, That iden, however, Is rapidly disappearing far the vogue of prevantive hy Is growing, and many peeple are making a practice of having periodieal medioal examinations, so as ta keep well, rather than forget tng all about the dogter until iliness makes It neers: sary to call upon his serviees This thought was expressed very well in an ade dress delivered by Dr, Allan Cralg, of New York, In an address at a banquet of the Ontaria Hospital Ase sociation in Taranto the ather night, In his address, he aid: Our students now are trained 1a study " yalology and anatemy fram the viewpaink disease, but the dime is (ast approaching when we will realise that prevention is mays far tant than eure, Mord al eur Wark will 10 keep peaple healthy, and we must begin Ww io 1eath our students ta concentrate on the Normal human rather than the diseased une' His remarks have & very definite hearing on the figures of Dy, Godirey, for they suggest at onee the remedy 10 be applied in an effory ta relieve the peaple of Ontarie fram the tremendous losses they are aus taining every year through (ness, A GOOD CROP The repart of Dean Rutherford of the University of Baskatehewan regarding the 1989 wheat orp of Canada shows the remarkably hgh quality of the wheat which has heen produced on the western plang this year, Much has heen said and written about the fallure of the erp in quantity, Now it is time te say a great deal more to the world about ite quality, It is remarkable 10 And that less than one per cont of the erop ls below the eantract grades which have been Aned, and that ever ninety nine per cont falls within the atatntery grades This has & strong bearing on the value of the 199 orap, It means that, apart altogether fram the nas tural increase in price aver Inet year ereated by the short supply, thera will be a further stiffening of the price on A of the high grades of the wheat, And this will mean that each Individual grower will receive 40 mush mare for every hushel of wheat he ph in Ws final ab. Ns ued will be [1] 4 18 your when a erep in quane tity and low In quality wae produced, ---- BDITORIAL NOTES I hav ohen sald that Hauer and gaseling de not mix well ther do liquar and polities, EEC -- A New York clergyman savs i da a aveat advan: ie for a young man 10 he pear, Newadays most of them would prefer to do without (his advantage, Wonder it there was tome special destin tn having MaeKenaie King seated next 10 Ishhel MacDonald at the banquet in Ottawa? post complaing In a letter to the press, that 9% poets do not receive justice, Which is a very lueky thing for some of them, Ii really were Hguer eontral hore might be some hope for it, but Hauer can never be contralled so long a it is sold openly, T---- Sanit Ste, Marie ts 8 fortunate gity when its agws: paper finds ft necessary to offer a dollar for epi olsms of things in (the community Most places oan got plenty of onlticism without having to pay for i WE Ramsay MacDonald is something of a real paces waker when he can bring Promior King and RB Bonnett together as speakers &t the same dinner able, Just ke the Hon and the hmb sitting down ogether, Other Edit Comments 4 ll x Ws oe: OFAFY Wi {or hav the' veturn horrowed hooks, Fring hooks weuld itn bh iy ab home, If ¢ rey AH angnined hak, 4 THY RORY Ra Jena The a4 ep i. f of fin adhe! yi U wind ir RL Tiguty Fuk oe 1) L] ihe on Ine a a HL i fl opi BE nion ; then let us Jone wa" hidonts of i them, wage, 1 Sidon iy ' empl Wn AERINNL Wi Pears fa in FUP Jehnary sill gone om 0] whera there 1a alr " i of repulsion 1) ha this method of advertising he same wave should sirike rio, where the most ahjeet hy ference seem to prevail In gavernment ciyeles, 16 Is elthey that ar fear af offending certain farmers, who derive a esviain vey enna fram hilthasvds, that pre vants legislative aotlon In this pravinee, WANTA MORK INDUSTHINS (Onlgary Hevald) Bpeaking In Edmonton a few avanings ama, Premier Brownles sald he would Hke to kes a pros vinelal Industrial development hoard organized with a view to al teaeltng Industries tn Alherin Manttahs has an oveanisation of the kind which has produced ox eallent vesulis hut the situation in that pravines 1s nat the same as In Alharia, In the sister pravines san eontration In passihie In the Inter sate of a sindle olty, Winnines Is the ana Impaviant Industrial eantvg In the neaviness, Tn Alberta there ara A hall dagen eammunities an slaus ta snoure Industries | Bits of Humor A RIT CONFUSED The tart positio of ws Demoerats is & hit eanfused, but we've still agin what the Republicans are for REVERSE wife play bridge fos "Daeg yous Wi "Na, but her opponents dee Hiratford Heasan-Herald OBEDIENT PAIR Ninjweer (calling at the Aranaff's) «Well, my litle fell iw, da you al wh A RE YOUP INRIA A yout ithe Joe=Yen, Bir, § do, And sa Jon Pie] Fart William Times Gurna Geldeteint "Wherever you ga in the world you always find we Jews i, the leading poeple," MoCiragor A$hy man, how aboot the North Po le} Galdateint "Vell, seoteh name I" ONE FOR BUSINESS "Came here, Letty," said & vial 0) he daughter al her hostges 'oll me how old you are" "Da you mean when I'm at home or when I'm traveling I" asked Letty =ANIWErS, ORIGIN OF A Johnny same back from the elon eh exleted YOhy mamma!" he ox dtined "Katie spilled SOME REAR on the geaund, and what do you think happened The elephant picked them with his vacuum eleanes," atehman: Examines ARS OMMODATING Mys, ¢ on Was Ahaw 10 eng A NEW servant girl, * legherg aln't wo | INVENTION 'And da yo LRU 10 he called nv the morming she at, | \ A fhliean as 10 he, mum," the girl roo wR you happens 10 need we, TARCONVET BAT, NO PLA YORTY, ton Void and lean the weiter, "1 have heen pe 8 drama changing a wal hey " there, working on iv ull my PA Were evamped and aching, and body weary from the Wd, R's hal the producer LTO work and=na play" x Fron VANDERRIL A tien sh the ohil Roekieller Iv, weve ines of the family's q aR 'akler in his of the and wl Oil found th on hi) ohn 1 [8 Fy AR dren a ey Ea hnself with aN all dilapidated k An Ro hh father's plese at Sy A neighbor's hoy along and turned wp his i he ad why dent HAN ta the athe Wy A Matar WA) WY he explained Wi AT " Rink we ho Re IRC TR City ¥ soul doy AT TLE Ra RR es i) RRR YO God of hosts, ian Mh Lord, How lovely is the When " slave, how's The brightness of Thy fae" A THE HEART Yau have me ar at least heard of the Bite fstein righ the pedy ud fh attached to the leg, will neasure the distance one walks dur ne & Alited tine, Jota A Hew Inet riiang yi hh 4 Wiel Ean Hoy lie nities fA tat & mine " y over the heart in He ner " i the haart 3 ht | Hii shred lor ny dedlve ine | ile the subjest goes h fod he daily | B Wiis, Ab yay know (he heart rate varies ) peed Aéeord ng 10 the work hein ane hy the , Alterations td emperiture, W funn ahave hl) ig Viriaus he ly lin 18 U6 dlgestion JM Fiahirut 0, the Hh fons BYE thought wel | indy of disegss sate Ani fhovement puch an ptt i the hapd tn the fn ohh he ringing of + fo phone hell, the mere sight of ood, fulekens the heart eonsiderahly," The wire attaghed ta the Inst ment Is sixty feet In length so hat the subject goes shout his work and the instrument records the heart heats In ancther room that distanee AWAY The subject ents, sleeps and writes, studies, takes exercises and so forth, aid the heart heats are aeeurately veearded all the time, It wis found that when the average subject waa #1 vest hut awake id pulse rate was shout 6d 0 the min wie for males, and 68 for females, whereas when asleep was ahout 8 tor males and 60 in female hus we see that the Wie Fite during sleep 1s the heat guide as to the actual vate af the heart heat, Now of what value is this know lode ? Phere wre many individuals with papi hearts all the time and others who have hearts that beat very rap ily for two or three minutes up a wi hour ar mare and then slow down Nain Now If there is any veal trouble In the system sueh as the severe type al weitere whieh makes the heart heal rapidly, or a fever ar Infection wf any ind, or of there 1s any real dame we to the heart ttaelf, the heart will miinue to beat rapidly even during sleep, wheres If the rapidity is dus fo nervousness, oF emotional distur hanee, it will slow down during sleep I'he work af Des, K.P, Boas anil M, M. Weiss with this instrament is likely ta prove great value in distinguishing between real organ heart ablments and those that are really ol no signiieanes (Reghatered in pecordance with the Copyright Aet) I owas mush interested tn vending in the Rangoon, Harma, India, Times an address made hy His Exvelleney, alr Charles Tunis, Gavernar af Buy mi, to graduates of the University of Rangoan, In part the Governae ETI "Ones you have heen taught ta think, you ain Saparisnss, You have a chance of hesamin what is known as & man of § indgsment, Alin you hesome mere and mere santitleraty of the # plntens » "i w Mibkes of ath: or Yor you And owt for your soll haw diffienlt it is 10 asquive H vight ndgement n all things, "We in the Government are ae gustomed ta erie, Indeed, every day of my Hie wy the! ROT ATY puts up to me the oripiflams made in the press and elsewhere of ! Lio arnment of Burma, and 1 read thew with dive attention AY) sueh philoses some of thew are valuable 1 some inslueere, TY Ihe) SOO A010 We, SOE AERin ar A mere repetition of current polities ontehwords which in other eauntries, an well as Burma, are apt 1a take the trend of palitieal thewghy, phy as 1 may, SCrittelen an meh sa you like, hut at least let your SULA fain, informed and thought eas' RF uAR hy | INR i) ane oa MINING COMPANIRS MERGE Sydney, ANstral, © Oot, 1==Rxtens sive poll mining de hen hy various Australian an ih Can: panies invalving $25000000 The Ww OF PANY Will Gherate an NUN POSE hy WATE Tels an W hoM valisshle timber concessions, In order 10 develop these Rivne 0% 10 the why Wott a Tailway ys - WN veyed Tom the coast to Na miles ns And and a town site Ly al PO ioted At the tesminmg, Killed 1) BUOROS Alves \ Killed and another Metlon WoW: dod in ating last evening hetween SURROTIAIS Ald aRponsiis of Yo ent Yrigayen in the RNA Rie anth of September (YY 0% shots wo, tired, nm A-------- Was , The AVIARY IROAIS Of & CORPS: | tant Bat Tn the United States is F0.000 & year, with PUOLE AVOIREIRE Weaver em $4,000 ale wall FRANCE BUILDS A GREAT EMPIRE "Black Francs" Is Groster J ii tines | fr 4 8 Ab f San, France Bau ult ne or ha » fa Hi new mples, P writers fake ipacial oh oo oh ih "hon bactirars are ian 1 " sou J oF, nolo rn, iL fa oy Jom t the ni oghs by demon To wank J (rate wyond In Aronter | dads 3 Rr HIE oe the Mouth Paoltle, On ares, Hinek France almost rivals the empire she wan and las in North Amerie, Within the LLL ig af Franee In Africa, tha four British colonies of the Gold Const and Nigeria seams |i tie mare than wedaes with the ses an one aide and France all about Hotwean the two territorians--Hrl th and Franeheethore are 11 un defended frontiers, And thess pa jer frontiers mark mare than pe: TH houndarien, They mark twe Alfterant palitieal philosophies, anol of which will leave Is mark an the ward, Francs aentraligen ritalin alms at desoantealisation Britain endeavours ta hulld wp hey nolonial administration on the ba ule of Jooal Institutions, "Let Af ries he Afriea and Burape, Rutope An African should he a good Af vioan and not 8 Hurepeah, alther hiended ar varnished," ™e Frenoh (dea In different, Adminis tration of the Frenoh ealoniss fol Inwa, or aime to follow eventual: ly, the tunes of administration In France, France In Francs, hisek or white, An Imperial Paria ment at Westminster sraws faints ar with the Passing years, In ad dition ta Algeria (Which like the mainland, han fie administration hy departments and ite pariiamen tary representation), The French nlonias elect nine mamhers to the Ohambar of Dapntiog and four to the Henate, The tulldieaden Honepniene mayor of Dakiape=aap! tal of French West Afvioa==in a deputy, Nor does one have (0 trav: ol Tar In France without coming Aorans & hiaok In uniform, Frenoh Went Afvion 18 the lars ast of all Freneh ealonies, Tia thivteen and 8 half millions of na tive (and only 14,000 of Huropean) population In sealiered aver An Ares of voushly ene And three: auarier million Hy miles & APSA RING Limes as on, MA o 0 ranen, Ite ehief po har within nine days' sall o ha raiion And only Whtet dara " ale from Toulouse, 11 hase weekly alvmall sorvion fram Francs via Moranen ie mhitary ale sarvien LLL) SAE B10 landing wreunds, Thirteen are previded with han a And workahops, Thera ave Add public sohools of various wrades, attend od hy A0,000 puplia, Apart tram thous thave are AH snsealind private shoots kept hy Oathelle or Pro tastant misslonavies and T0148 Koranle sohanle---aehaals in which MArAhautE teach natives the radi ments af the Karan, Hut all this development han Ha veantiane, A] aavit salam wt! veantione, ative 1a making new a fo han the vole Ho rather likes the uniform, Hut he's Ret quite so Neen An he Was avery Reanuts And, In whimaloa! vain, A WH enrtasnonden tho deseriben Dakar, where pea nut Is kin War the whites, thare fs anly and thing that eauntsl the Dob nak Ry the he Reh, 14 1a the YW ats 1a (the extent hi the ter ~ intereated in b ut SN they tir hit LL he pon Aut hey produce AN Ww tvs, 4 ¥ the Pent, to Wy 'henhone' hracalata tay the! wives, | {thant ly POR Bub Ia there nO salvation, YHUL unfartunately he an must he sawn, uy She ported, Reh these | Lid were wa The MY of vin low, A hae, sania Hye on = Aothing, Pi Wat ne, hing wood he |] rots 00) ih ARN A RR oy A MATH aihe his his Nor Wither " GOAR'Y Work mo I afl sleaton, he hotoin] he i y 8oelal naw SORAMAHORH, | hs A Son Ty a ov vine \ by 24 Weenie he Const, a tah in the Camer "ne Mnintration doen wha foam, Rut IE in useless to pon orens and fauna bg oF N A Wa 3 hh W flan wit \hy AR The Prob: fom Ia te Wi 10 salve, Bw 4) pasaing new He nee J) toe | EN gLsh MUSIC FESTIVAL Court and Folk-Song and Dance November 13-18 = at Toronto Six Entrancing Days and a Thousand Years of England's Finest Music Five Completely Different Programmes Wednesday, November 13th The English Singers, In Madriga's and Yolk No olk Dancers In MORRIN AND COUNTHR 0] rom he fap Koll dance Woelety, ! DANCES Thursday, November Hh Felix Salmond, the Divine "Cellise Norman Wilka, Brilliant Planio Edgar Mureh, Boy Noprane Dancers from the Margaret Eaton Behool, In COURT DANCES Port Arthur Ladies' Chole, In Madeigats and Part Nonge Volkdaneers from the English Folkdanee Boolety Friday, November 18th: R Yau han Willlama' Opara dues "Hugh' "HUGH THE DROVER," by Alfred Heather, conducted by Ernest MacMillan played by Allan Jones of the Opéra Comique and Deauville Opera Saturday, November 161hi Herbert Heyner, England's Great Baritone Jeanne Dusseau, Canada's Supreme Boprane Hart House Niving Ounrigt Canada's Pride Bea:Chantey Play, "BOL ND FOR THE RIO GRANDR," by Fredoriehk Wilam Wallnee Otiawa Tempe Chole, In English Ohoruses, Anclent and Modern Sacred Concert on Sunday, November 11h deanne Dusseau Hoprane Hevbart Heyne Haritons Hart House Niglag Quartets The Festival Quarietie Harvey Robb, Organist, on the great ( Ault DFEAn Monday, November 10h Repeat Performances of "Hudh the Drover" Puring hed erneons af Thursday, Friday and Saturday here be Folkmusie Tear, Also lectures on En lieh Musie by J, Campbell Melnnes, Musieal Birector: HAROLD BUSTACR KRY Modorals Boiss of We Howl ( angerl Fiepets from 0100 0 01) HHH Nownd Toi Aan M: R, JOHNSON, City Ticket Agent 11 King Street East Fon porernaitons and count Hebobi 40 0ly be Travel Taiormation Purses ROYAL YORK HOTEL TORO how: | StosiEFbRrLONG ced od ito Nor mad 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 An International Bridge oe] Ly 7h ES ae N Now BR Jone paians SR oon he hlaoke w BARAT PRIVATE Wee TO ALL BRINGIM WARE SANARA AND THR WRITER ATaTee © HT * TYoRONIR VBRAWA al ---- a VRE ES BARNA + (NONTREAW F,.O'HEARN & CO. WEN SOUND WENRLRY NEW TORN SURE BEAN Bea) AEANBARD BION A MINING SRORANSL VRIGAGD RRARR OF TRAM WANNIRED BRAIN BRONANGE NEW LRN PRORVRR REARS

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