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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Oct 1929, p. 2

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fads 3} 3 |) The Whitby Daily Times da THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MON mn Garo wad Chromeo Too ove 2- be received at the Phone 309. Office, at "REPRESENTATIVEJAMES H. ORMISTON «IN THREE wag we a 1 wok Overhented Pipe, Pile of Gave Firemen a Run i re Toa within as many hours on Baturday forenoon, o first call was to the resi. J, Underwood, Surtor of Ma rote, X 1] A 'pips had thioatenad trouble, , The firemen made a quick response but no dam. Agow un done, ' About eleven o'glock n plle of Jumber and sawdust, behind the new residence of Dr, OG, L. Mao dougall, Green street, became a~ blase, starting, it is said, by a rk trom a nearvy bonfire, The Hremen used both chemicals and hose and kept the blase well In cheek, The loss of the lumber, was notg reat, and no damage wos dgne to adjoining buildings, After this fire the two trucks had Just hean placed back in the fire hall when the bell rang again, A grass five, started from a pile of burning leaves at the head of Trent street, near Mrs, A, TT. Lawler's residence, threatened to spread to adjoining bulldings. A fow mine utes' applieation of the hose ox- tinguished the hinge before any damage was dona, Honfires were numerous throughs out the tow non Saturday as many oltisans were burning thelr leaves, Therew as a high wind blowing and fires had to be diligently watehed, Fire Chief Willlam Smith calls upon citizens to exercise the greatest care in hurning leaves at this time of the year, Fires should be Mt an far away from buildings as possible and they should be con stantly watched, The use of oll In starting plies of wet rubbish should be avolded, i lh lt COUNCIL MENTS TONIGHT The regular meeting of the Town Council will be held this (Monday) evening at eight o'clock, There is a considerable amount of business for the town leglalators to deal with, Tenders will be op- ened and the contract awarded, it in expected, dor the moving of the steel portion of the new Watson Street Bridge, "In a' ma seeven-ansthirty years o marreit Nie," sald MeGraw, "I ha'e never wance deceived ma wile-pues enasfully," | Backache Can Be often In a few hours, It you are losing pep, health and strength from Getting 7) Nights, Backache, Nladder /onknons, Burning, Log or Groin Pains, or Rheumatio Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Teat? Get Cystex (ropnounced Slss-tex) today at any drag store, for only Money back If you don't soon sleep fine, feel y stronger, and full of pep. HOURS Department wnswe | thelr ehurch home, A host of sacs red memories oling to the build ne. Pullt About 1888 Ho far as records go, the church wan bullt about 1808, It was nam- od after the late James Almonds who gave a deed from the prupers ty known as the Whitby Chapel of the Wesleyan Methodist Church In Oanada to the Trustee Board, At that time the Wesleyan Clreult in. eluded Whithy, Almonds, Brookin, Kinsnde, Myrtle Station, Salem and other places, The church today In part of the Whithy charge but op- erates as an entirely separate unit, regular Sunday Behool and chureh pervices being held every Bunday afternoon, The Rev, A, I, Rich. ards, B.A, DD, Is the minister in charge, ec -------------- MEDICAL MEN MEET TUESDAY Fall Meeting in Whitby of the Neuro Psychiatric Associatoin Prominent medical men, particu. larly those Interested In the care and treatment of mental patients wil lassemble at the Ontario Hos pital on Tuesday afternoon for the autumn meeting of the Neuro: Payohiatrio Association, when sev. oral prominent speakers will be heard, nome Interesting papers read and importanth usiness transacted, At the gathering also will he members of the Medical Association of the County of Ontario, comprise ing leading physicians of Oshawa, Whitby, Uxbrige, Port Perry, Rea verton, and other places In the county, The guests will be welcomed on behalf of the Hospital by Dr, G, NH, Stevenson, medioal superintendent, and by His Worship Mayer Dudley, on behalf of the Town of Whitby, After the meeting there will be a dinuer for all attending, The Ontario Hospital is one of the finest on the continent, and from time to time is visited hy outs standing medical and health men from all nations, Ep m------------ WILE'PAY FRATERNAL VIAITY Greenwood Lodge, 1,0,.0.F,, To. ronto, 'will ita annual frater- nal to ity 1,0,0.F, lodge on Tues evening, A fine pros gramme been arranged for the the visitors, The Apel he of the evening will be Bre, LU] lod n Lindsay, of Whitby, h WL Torley the regular 13] N x tion for working olass fire 1 age HEAVY TRAFFIC, NO ACCIDE Fine Weather Sunday Brings Out Many Cars on the Highway i -------- The exceptionally fine weather 'of 'Sunday increased the volume of traftlo on the Kingston High- way, particulary in the afternoon, but, nevertheless, not one adel dent was reported to Trattle Offi cer Bidney Hilliard or to the of- floer operating on the porth high. way, Chief of Police Gunson, of White ». did not have one call all day, ue main intersection between one and ten o'clock, Traftle seemed to be particularly heavy on the busses, many of which went through after six o'clock, ; The trafie signal system was shut off during Maturday night when one of the large lights burn. ed out, It was restored early Bun. day morning, 14 DAYS IN JAIL FOR INTOXICATION WHILE DRIVING Magistrate Advises Prisoner | to Read Oshawa's News- paper and See His Warnings Fourteen days In the county jail At Whitby was the sentence meted out by Magistrate Hind to John Parrish, young East Whithy man, who pleaded guilty in pellce court today on a charge of being Intox) oited while In charge of a motor vehicle, "Don't you read the Oshawa pa per, Parrish " Mis Worship asked, "Ooconionally," the acoused re- plied, "It would be better for you it you would," Magistrate Hind ad- vised, "then you might know that I have issued a warning against drunken drivers," Parrish must pay the ooata of prosecution or serve a further seven days, TRNDERS FOR BANK Tenders are being oalled for the alterations to the bullding next to the post office recently leased by the Royal Dank of Canada, Plans oall for a very tine bullding both from an exterior and Interior point of view, Work, it In sald, will eommence soon, COMMUNISTS HAVE ISSUED MANIFESTO (Continued from page 1) Individual income in excess of $80, 000 per annum, "Abolition of bank mortgages for poor farmers, Erabiipmani of workers sohools in factories and industries for the training of young workers, Wages to he paid young workers at trade union rates, These gh are 10 he under the control of the trade unions and the workers' com- ttoes, "Hlimination of all im Hatle, militaristic and veligle teach: iH trom school books and sui ' on Abolition of cadets ut oth: on practices in the sa \ Free school books in schools, a . "A guaranteed minis, ed through state \ onnd tos running where raking are rl Led i Hamilton Haat, snd AE, Smit Arthun HUGE SUMS PAID Ww ) in n Ss 8 L) m in a preconcerted drive against the syndicate, William J. Cathoun, prohibition ad. inistrator for New Jersey, said the book contained, in a to nota h traffic passed over the town's | (xy) ys ii APPOINTED SECRETARY | gt Ww W. 4, Gallow whose appol ay Wocretary of the Now orican Life Assurance Company was recently announced, tions showing the profits whieh were divided in ratios of seven to 23 per Sent among the members, closely written memoranda of large sums pad to local officers for protection, otations showed, he said, that last March the syndicate. spent $700, In Montreal, Que, for "ships, the purchase of I'quor and operating ex- penses, Calhoun sald that seven banks in New Joreey Manhattan and Brook lyn with w Meh the ring did business, would be called upon to produce thelr records of the transactions, DREDGING WELL UNDER WAY AT THE OSHAWA HARBOR Canada Dredging Co, Starts Work on Dredging of Harbor Basin CREEK DIVERSION This Work Also Proceeding Steadily---Cut Creeks 40 Feet Wide Dredging operations at the Osh. awg Harbor are proceeding steadily, us 1a also the work on the diversion of the Oshawa creck, The work on this undertaking got well under way this week, and is being pushed as rapidly as possible so that a consid« erable amount of it may be done bes fore winter sets in, ' The dredge of the Canadian Dred wing Co, of Midland, which has the general contract for the work, has started operations on the turning basin of the new harbor, The cite of this turning basin is practically all marsh, and it 's being dredied out to a uepth of 15 feet and an area of 480 by 550 feet, It Is hoped to have this largely completed this fall, The dredging of the entrance slip will not be proceeded with at the present time, and probably not une ul next spring, The Times was ins formed, This a due to the fact that the water on the lake is too rough at this season of the year for these operations, The dredeing operations require the laying of a he line of pipes to carry the silt back to where the marsh surrounding the harbor is being filled and reclaimed, and it is impossible to keep this pipe line in. tact In rough water, Steady progress is being made on the diversion of the Oshawa creek by the Randolph-MacDonald Com puny of Randolph and Whitby, which as the sub-contract for this work, The equipment of this company has started work on the weat end of the creek diversion, near the bridge on Simeoe street, and in carrying the work forward on a line due east, to where it will meet the Wilson road crook, Both creeks will then be dis verted te flow outside the harbor ine stead of inside it, as at present, The seers will be qut to a width of 40 eet, : JUNIOR FARMERS " VINTRIP TO FAI Young Men of This County Engage in Judging Come petition ---- The Ontar under twenty-one in uA the winners of this trip yo decided by means of a County Live Stock and Crops Judging Competh tion te he held November 1, The boys will be required to udge olasses of heavy horses, altle, dairy oattle, afore Square hai dante ota - ow E STILL AT IT York sity, hay been the world's pros fessional skating chamnion for 28 vears. Now $0 years oll, he set a haliantle record when he was 16 which still stands, ; Government YR i he Ran Fea el so we DAY, OCTOBER 21, 1929 Bowmanville News, Daily Times and subscriptions will be received at the advertising : * Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--Oftice, 687; REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK BOWMANVILLE WINS FROM PORT HOPE BY" SCORE. OF 10 HOME TEAM WINS BY SUPERIOR TEAMWORK SATURDAY meme Two Minutes' Silence Ob. served in Memory of Fred Butler "Port Hope travelled to Bowmans ville on Saturday afternoon for their return game with the local boys in the Interscholastic Rughy League, Previous to the commencement of the game the players with bowed heads and their helmets in their handy stood silent for two minutes as a mark of respect to Fred Butler, a member of the Bowmanville team who died from an Injury sustained the first game of the season at Port Hope, dhe game was exceptionally clean and fast and supecior team play brought victory to the Bowmanvilly uiteen by a seore of 1 to 0, Lhe Port Hope team like Oshawa was much the heavier but this advantage fails ed to discourage or hold back the Bowmanville lads, In the first quarter both teams started In with a fighting spirit and the local boys were bueyed up by the return of some of thew players who had been out of the game through injuries received in previous games and at practice, The hey WAS Very even and the quarter finished with. out either team scoring, In the second quarter Bowmanville scored" their only point on a kick which Port Hope halves failed to run back, Bowmanville had the better oi the play in this period, In the last half the play was very even both teams making determined efforts to score a touchdown which failed, how ever, to materialize, As the game neared its end Port Hope fought hard to even up the score and made many fine dashes, including one of nearly twenty yards, This Ist spurt on the visitors part proved a little too late and the game ended with Bowman ville the winners by a narrow mar in, Clever bucking by Bowmanville ck Aelders gained many yards for them, while Hudson, the centre hall for Port Hope seemed to be their most spectucnlar player, The line up wa 1) Jotiows; ort M, Roa A. Emmett L. Carr Pos. Bowmanville anap K. Mitchell insides M, Vanston 4 K: Morels J, Minore As Williams , Vanstone L. Osborne H. Slemon D, Williams W, Ingram H, Colmer Leo Gunn N, Hacknor W. Bagnell Cy Oke A. Osborne N. Osborne flying win W. Houston dione P, Sommerville i I Canela Outsides G, Leonard , n C, Roebuck W, Symons B, Hudson H, Meldrum Neaton Sothby R. Emmett PF. Ryan C, Kelley M, Ferguson Te ------------------------ NOMINATIONS ARE HELD IN DURHAM Melbourne Wight is Agent for W. J. Bragg; Alan Camp. bell for M, J. Elliott quar ter halves " " subs | 1] " Nominations for the constituency of Durlam took place at Orono, the county seat, between one and twe o'clock on Saturday afternoon, There were no speeches made and in their A to carry % Very few peos Toll dim ver. ot McCoy's Cod Lis for a couple of i 9 flesh be refund: re woman put on 13 pounds in six weeks, Children grow robust and strong-=feeble old people feel young: ¥4 OF your money wi | ale GOURTICE GARAGE Radio and Cash Stolen From Nicholl's Garage on Sunday Robbers broke Into Nicholl's Gar. age at Courtice In the early hours of Sunday morning snd stole two dol lars, which was all there was in the cash register 'and a radio, The intru- ders bio ov entrance through a door that was boarded up and from which they removed the boards, Nothing was heard by any pevion living near und It was not rd until Mr, 0, C, Stevenson, an employee of Mi Nicholls came down to open up In th morning, Finding the door open he entered and found the cash regi ster wide open and the contents gone, Making further investigation he found that the radio had heen stolen also, The matter was reported to the police at Bowmanville whe are in vestigating, YOUNGw=MARLATT fit, John's AngMean Chureh was the soene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday when Gladys Haxel, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Wi Ham HM, Marlatt, of Toronto, be came the bride of George Wilfred, youngest son of Mrs, A, Young, of Shires ofelated, To the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin played by Mrs, John Gunn, the bride entered the ehureh on the arm of her fath or, whog ave her away, Nhe wore a period gown of white erepe trim med with broeaded satin and white kid shoes with hrilliant huelkles Her embroidered vell was held In place 'hy a coronet of orange hos som and she carried a houquet of Butterfly roses with baby's breath and lly af they alley The bridesmald, Miss Rorothy Rooms, of Taronto, wore a period creation of baby blue silk moire trimmed with the same material in pink, H8he carried a bouquet of pale pink echrvsanthemums and baby's brenth, The flower girl, it. tle Irene Wright, was prettily ats tired In a frook of raw silk and oream lace and she carried a has ket of sweet peas and fall blooms Oscar Andrus, A hrother-in-lnw supported the groom During the signing of the resister, Mr, Gunn played an orran solo, "Gloaming " After the ceremony a veeaption wan held at the bride's apartment, apd the guests were vecelved hy Mra Young and Mya, Marlatt, 'The eved ding cake which stood two tlers hirh and wan heautitully loed, was out in the traditional manner bv theh ride, Ahont 25 friends and relatives attended this function, The groom's gift to the bride wis a Mit=ree pendant set with saphires to the bhridesmald a sliver mesh hand bag, te the hest man go'a ouff Maks and to the flower girl, a pearl necklace After the reception the happy couple laft on a short honeymoon trip to Toronto, The hride travels ed In a drean of hlue velvat with blue hat, coat and shoes, Mr, and Mra, Young will reside In Bowman. ville, LOCAL NASONIC LODGES ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE (Continued from page 1) honestly tried or not, David had done his best in performing certain humble tasks preparatory to the building of the temple and even #0 it was possible to judge whether men, if given the opportunity could achieve great things, } the faithiulpess and seal With which they performed les: ser tanks, judges by a different standard "God he on" the apeatar tinued, 0) a will come when those who are most hight Jovored and praised be regarded aa " wmbleat w those ho are lowliest now may, be oad upon th 8, reat oat favon © Jesus For the LN shall be fist and the first shall last, h wl This was in kee with the tea of Jesus and the example of His olors ing to the parable of the Gob Sa- maritan he tit was not the skill with the Samaritan dressed the 's wound which t and sym: i ich gave iw aly. aN a Sir Taunveles the start of ha quest for the Help wre Nelghbory s believed in helping their rs and fale play towards all, or stated, a Holy Grail on coln to. & ht no & 10 beggar h or? bin By IN * Bawnoe: lot t when after re. rom his Quest, d uncelo! nme v 3 shared with him his orust 1 was for this act had come 1 \ Mrs. 0. M, Mundy rendered in tine soprano veloe the sole "Nat Understood" while a aplendid selection was contributed by Mw, ¥ Converse Smith, er in a fow weeks, HAVE COMPETITION IN HOME PLOWING Ontario County Junior Far mers May Make Entries Before October 24 a ---- A home plowing competition in which the ecompetitop must plow three neres and which 1s opm w hoys sixteen to twenty-one is helng organised hy the Ontario County Department of Agriculture, There will he two classes, one in sed, the other In stubble and hoth for jointer plows, I've cash prises are helng offered in each class, ¥n- (ries must be sent to W, M, Cros kery, Department of Agrisulture, Uxbridge befora October 24 and the Dioving must he ready for judging November 4, The basis on which the plots will he judged Is as follows: gens ern] appearance, 20; straightness, evenness of width and depth, 26; packing and skimming, 15; erown, 80; "finish, 15; Ins and outs, 5, EE HARMONY pm Harmony, Oct, 19/~Mr, and Mrs, Harry Gimbplett, Miss Verna Gimblett and Mr, R, Gimblett spent Sunday in Laronto, Mr, and Mrs, George Farewell, of Sault Ste, Marie 1s visiting relatives here and in the eity, Miss Jean Kher has ronto to work, She wil from the C6173 Piekell, of Wing fps to Tox be missed y Mr, and Mrs, J, ham visited Mr, and Mrs, H, Willson on 'Juesday, Mys, Braden of Bobeaygeon, visit ed Mr, and Mrs, J, hunking this week Misslrene Vanes, of Taremto, has heen visiting relatives here for a few days, Mr, and Mrs, Goddard have re turned to Toronto after the work on the bridges have been completed, Mr, and Mrs, A, 1%, Wells and Mr BR, Wells, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mys, HH, Willson on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, Carroughers, of Thedford, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Sleeman, Miss Jean Barlow is much {me proved and home visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Barlow, Junior Red Cross meeting at the school on Friday afternoon, Room committed report and health report given, A committee appointed to ar range for refreshmenis for the next meeting, A short program was en Juyed, Reeltation, Killeen Trull, read mgs hy Catharine Lander aml George Munking Mis, W, Bonnetta of Whithy, vise ited Mr, and Mrs, H, Willson on Thursday, Afternoon tea and sewing class at the school an Wednesday, Oct, 2rd from 2.30 to § o'clock "Sunday school "At Home" day, Oct, 25th enjoyable social evening, on Fil sa £m a a a REPAIRING WALCHES® OUR SPRCIALYY If your wateh ls not giving satisfaction we ean yepalr and make it tell the correct time D, J. BROWN THE JEWELER Offielal Watch Inspector for Oanadian National and Osh. awa Rallroads Come and have aul TAR - PROMOTES CLEYELAND ROW. J. G, Karl, a former vowing ens thusiast of Bt, Louls, how residing in Cleveland, has started a campaign in Cleveland to. popularize the art of seulling and sweep rowing, -- rr PENNANT WINNERS Clark Griffith, Bil Carrigan, Jims my Collins and Stanley Harris of the Ameriean leagues and Wilbert Roly Inson, Pat Moran. and Bill MeKechs nie of the National league, won two major league pennants each, ( iE Lg By ; [Prema wr Litany ' nv rtain nad NOW PLAYING Janet Gaynor '4 DEVILS" In her tivst talking pleture ADDED ATTRACTIONS Regular Prices NEW MARTIN ~THEATRE=~ "The College Coquette" With RUTH TAYLOR Added Attractions Now Playing G.M.C. AUDITORIUM WED,, THURS, OCTOBER 23-24 10 King Ht, W, Phope 180 Prices--$1,00 and $1.50 w=All Reserved Tickets Now on Sale at JURY & LOVELL'S Rexall Drug Store F \] Bonin his, ow NORTH . HEAD OFFICE Avoid Throat Trouble Correct the Irregular Action of Your Tonsils-Adenolds Removed thelr inflammed, enlarged and disoased condition, Use Thuna's Tonsil And Adenoid Tablets ALWAYS RELIABLE FOR CHIL A OR ADULY BA . DRPHUNAHALSAM R flawl FELT BROS. The Leading Jewellers 10 RINOOR 87 8, Every girl deserves «++. & fine DIAMOND To match her beauty=--a stone of rare equal her charm=---a brilliance, tion, ,, Every + stone in our selection was chosen with as much though *'the to wear | PHEVS we know the diamond want 13 here. Mountings, too, in pl gold, equally as distinctive, await your approval, care 88 " were t's why you gl atinum or white MRO RW,

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