- The Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City ot , Ont. News in Brief (By Canadian Press) Killed By #lor 'Rischener, ~lenty Arnold, 70, of Kitcliené r, was instantly killed when kicked by a horse on his farm three miles from St, Clements, Had F 'With P Windsor. ~Edward Trembley, 32, today Wis entenced to three months in ail as the Serals of a battle early y with Ernest Taylor of the Canadian Pacific railway police, Chicken 'Thief Sentenced Sarnia ~Delmar Drewitt, Moore township farmer, was sentenced to ning 1 months imprisonment in county police court here this afternoon when pleaded guilty to the theft of poultry? " . . Condition Bgtisfastory : Paris~Former Premier Poincare, who priderwent an operation yester- day mornin, was said to be in a "satisfactory" condition last night by his physicians, . Five Generals Executed Moscow, ~Five former generals of the imperial army, named Mikhailov, Vyssochansky, Dymman, Dekhanov and Schulga, were executed by a fir- «ng squad, New Minister Received Ottawa ~Diplomatic row in Ottawa a new embassy when Hon, I. 'M; Tokugawa presented his cre- dentials from the emperor of Japan to the governor-general, Viscount Willingdon, at Rideau hall, Four Burned to Death Regina ~The burned and charred bodies of Laurien Bereum, a farmer of the Allgrove, Sask, district, his wife and two daughters, were found in the remains of a hay stack on the Bereum farm today. Wins Air Race Detroit, Mich.--John Livingston of Aurora, Ills, who piloted a Waco biplane in the national air tour that ended in the rain and mud at Ford airport, was officially announced last night as the winner of the 5,000 mile flight. L] . Coal Gas Causos Death Ottawa. Mrs, Roy Yeatman, aged 39, died in hospital of catbon monoxide poisoning suffered Satur- day when coal gas spread from the furnace of her home in Ottawa West, Her husband was also over- come, but physicians look for his recovery, Jury On Hunger Strike Atlanta--A jurors hunger strike and emphatic protests by other mem. bere ll the superior court jury, who of a week's confinement, 1d t & guick mistrial y in the case of T. J Norman on bra Jomal 1 out of the collapse of the Colonial Trust company, Te Ralease Doskbebors Ottawa.~Thirty Doukhobors now in jail in Saskatchewan, are to be re- leased on ticket of leave, Hon, Lucien Cannon, solicitor-general, announced, Action has been taken, Mr, Cannon said, on request of Hon. M, A, Me- Pherson, attorney-general for Sask atchewan. * * Long Arm of Law Stratford. ~After a search that has lasted for nearly four months, Wil- liam Moulton, 21-year-old Stratford pout, was arrested at his home here v city police, He is wanted for an alleged assault against an 18-year- Bd loan) girl on the night of June ast, - - Ho Rush For Free Firewood Three Rivers. --Armed with axe and saw scores marched down the river bank and started Dbreaking up the Htanded barge Otis Shepherd which has been offered as free firewood to those who care to do their own lum- bering. About 100 cords of wood are in the hull which must be moved to make room for a Rew wharf : Driver Faces Chars Barrie. -- Charged With ® chien driving, og Lo300h almer, 60 Beach avenue, Toronto, chauffeur for G. O. Fleming. wil appear here on Wed- ng next, He spent last nights Jail. Showing picident, Vi the car, a rural niall box telephone pole all carfie to Doxjand Ye and the occupants of the car escapéd with minor injuries, » Prepare F or Hallowe'sn Port Credit, Bran of the chil dren on Hallowe'en night have dis- turbed the citizens of this town in other years and at the regular coun- cil meeting the chief of police was in- Structed to swear in several special to control the situation, te not desiring to suppress the n, the councillors decide '| that pro- perty must be be protected. Giant P Alteprheim, Thine Suse ~The giant 3 plane DO- Wb ay showed © greatest passenger-carrying conveyance in the history of aviation by ng 169 persons in flight for exa one hour over Con- stance, Almost directly 9cross the lake is hangared its chief rival in air trans tion, the Graf Zeppelin, which an average of about 60 § in - setti its round the Word Bight HE rile {i efit is Bey apt Binders sd ule hatdepe. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 15 Cente » Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TEN PAGES ROBBERY SUSPECTS ARRESTED HERE Municipal Government 'Changes - ARREST TWO Spectacular Arrest Made This Morning at Corner of King and Simcoe Streets Forty Minutes After Warning Had Come From Cobourg MEN HANDED OVER TO PROVINCIAL POLICE Goods Believed to Have Been Stolen from Store at Brighton Early Today Found in Rear Seat of Automobile Forty minutes after the police here had received word from Cobourg that two men in a high-powered mo- tor car had robbed a tobacco store and hardware store at Brighton early this morning, P, C, Alexander and P, C, Hele halted v, > men in a large sedan at the intersection of Simcoe and King strects and discovered the stolen goods hid under some blank. ets in the rear of the car, The men, who gave their names as Charles Lang and James Lattimer, both of Toronto, were placed under arrest and this forenoon were turned over | to Provincial Constable O'Brien, of Brighton, and Provincial Constable Storey, of Cobourg, It is thought that the duet has been responsible for a series of robberies which have taken place in towns along the high- way between Oshawa and Kingston within recent date. Courageous Action Courageous action on the part of the two local constables was respon sible for the arrest of the pair and the recovery of the stolen goods, The police here received a description of the car and the men at five o'clock this morning from Provincial Con stable Storey who telephoned from Cobourg. P. C, Alexander and P, ( Hele were on watch at the intersec- tion of Simcoe and King streets, for it was reported that the men were travelling. west towards Toronto, A car came west on King street travelling at high speed. Fortunately, Just at this time, the red light flash ed on and the car, a large Chrysler sedan, drew up to the side of the curb just cast of the intersection, (Continued on page 2) CHINESE REBELS MAKE ADVANCE General F g's Troops Break Through the National: ist Lines (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hankow, China, Oct, 22.~It was officially reported here this afters noon that the Huominchun, or "peo. le's army" led by Marshal Feng Hu- siang, has broken through the nas tionalist lines at Chengchow in their rive for Hankow and the other Wu. cities, han, « Huominchun advance guard occupied Sincheng, fifty miles south | of Chengchow in Northern Honan province, Sincheng is about 150 mil. es north of Hankow on the Kinhan railroad. DOMINION STORES TO TAKE UP OPTION ON LOBLAW GROCETERIAS Toronto, Oct, 22.---Dominion Store shareholders gave approval to the creation of new stock for the purpose of taking up the op- tion on Loblaw Groceteria stock at the special general meeting of shareholders held yesterday, Orillia Faces Power Famine Orillia, Oct, 22.~~With water lower in Lake Couchiching than ever before at this time of the year, Orillia is facing the imminent possibility of the {lure of the power plant of the Severn river near here, The load will be reduced imme- diately and unless there is copious rain within the week "some one in town will have to go without pows en", according to a member of the water, light and power coms mission. "The situation has never been so critical as it is at the present moment, If it does not ram before the freeze-up, I do not know what we shall do." three minutes the cause, creep occurred on the slope, a 50: OSHAWA POLICE OFFICERS WANTED MEN AND RECOVER STOLEN GOODS Sinclair Has A Heavy Program Liberal Leader Will Speak Eleven Times Before Election Toronto, Oct, til election day, W, LE, Liberal leader, will be Liberal headquarters here last night announced that Mr, « Sinclair will speak eleven times before concluding his election campaign on the night of Oct, 29, the evening before elec tion, Oct, 22=Afternoon, Waterloo; ning, Stratford, Oct; 23;~Evening, Sarnia, Oct, 24~South Ontario Qct, 25-Afterncon, Orillia; ing, Midland, Oct, 26-South Ontario, Oct, 28--Afternoon, Napanee; ning, Picton, Oct, 29-Afternoon, ening, Oakville, MacDonald's Visit 22 ~From now un- eve even eve Brampton; ¢ vs Is Nearing a Close Montreal, Oct, 22,-~Rt, Hon, Ramsay MacDonald, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ishbel Mac. Donald and members of his party, today was nearing the Lake St. John district where he will spend the time between now and next Friday entirely separated from cares of state or social duties, N. Sinclair, a busy man, " " - President Hoover Honors Edison Graham Bell, inventor of the (village, Dearborn, Mich, at RENOWNED INVENTOR LIVES TO SEE Unique In the annals of invention, and only paralleled In recent yoars by 'the recognition tendered to the late tele. phone, was the ceremony at Greenfield which FIFTIETH ANNIVERSAR Pre and scientists and [ financiers of world renown gathered | 'to do honor to an Bl.yeay« oid Romun, | Thomas Alva Edison, on the occasion | of the BOth anniversary of his inven tion of a practical incandescent slectrio light, The photograph shows (LEFT) Henry Ford, world's greatest automo. sldent Hoover Searching Aviators Plan Dash Into North Today Hunt For Winnipeg, Oct, 22. In the pale light of the northern moon, mes chanles and pilots worked feverish. ly last night making last prepara- tions for a search sortie to the Are tie elrele, On the success of a 4- plane dash, planned for dawn to. day rests the fate of Col, C, D, H, MacAlpine and seven mates, lost in the barrens for more than six weeks, Twinkling stars in a cloudless sky promised perfect weather for the hop-off of the advance patrol from Baker lake outpost, midway Brain Manitoba's northern boun | dary and the Arctic shore of Can ada. Departure of the quartette of search machines comes after two weeks and more of delay during the "In<between" season, when flying is impossible, Two Seriously Injured London, Ont,~=Alfred Montagu and his wife, of Byron, were seriously in« jured yesterday when the automobile in which they were riding collided with another car driven by W, Glea- son, of St, Thomas, Gleason is under arrest on a charge of causing bodily harm, King George Goes Hunting (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sandringham, Eng, Oct, 22-King George went hunting in Sandringham preserves today with a number of his friends. His Majesty, who is acknowledged to be one of the best shots in the United Kingdom, found his eye un- dimmed and his hand as steady as ever after his long illness, and many birds fell before { gun, It was understood oe royal house- hold will return to London sometime in November for a stay at Bucking- ham Palace, To McAlpine Party FRENCH STATESMEN Meetings Today EDSON RECOVERS | | | | Y OF HIN GREAT DISCOVERY bile manufacturer, who reconstructed Menlo park pb 000 for [the oocaniont Wart ot Sowne Preslaont Herbert ¥hover, who, by a long and comprehensive speech, made a gracious gesture of gratitude, snd (RIGHT) Thomas Alva Edison Copyright, 1029, Pacifio and Atlante holon, Ine, Are Discussed PETITION PRESENTED T0 CITY COUNCIL LAST YEAR 70 HAVE CONSIDERATION | Aviator Starts Across Ocean W. F. Diteman Hops Off From Newfoundland Airport (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nfld,, Oct, 22,~W, ¥F, Diteman, who flew from New York to New Brunswick recently and continued on to Newfoundland on October H, hopped off from the flying field at Harbor Grace today in an attemptt © cross the Atlantic to London, He left in hig Barling monoplane 1,16 p, m,, time (11.45 Atlantig ard Time), The plane of gasoline, St, John's, local Btand- at am, earried 165 gallons Weather conditions were perfect, Ten minutes after his departure, Diteman left the const of Newfoundland, north of here, He was flying in an easter ly direction STORM WARNINGS ON THE GREAT LAKES Cleveland, Oct, 22 ings were posted Great lakes today by the United Btates weather bureau, Strovg winds, which are expected to reach the proportions of a gale this afters noon, are sweeping toward the lakes from Central Ohlo, the warns Ing sald, Storm warn on all of the Premier Forced Northern Lumberjack Has Harrowing Experience As Wolves Chase Him On Track To Cancel His ARE RECOVERIN i Cs UFFERS FROM ILLNESSES Reported in Good Con- dition Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Oct, 22.-Georges Clemen ceau, "I'he Tiger," has weathered a storm which threatened him yester- day and today apparently was to be returned to the former surpris- Ing vigor of his 88 years, Dr, Laubry, completing his exam- ination of the former premier said he found him in "excellent condition" and in "his usual joking mood" af ter a fine night's rest, It was said he awoke occasionally during the night and twitted his watchers, who alarmed at the heart attack yesterday, had remained with him: "Why are you sitting up? Why don't you get some rest as 1 am do- ing?" Cheerful news came also from the bedside of France's other ailing statesman, Raymond Poincare, who yesterday underwent an operation for a disorder of the Pelvis region. The morning bulletin said he was "As well as possible," The hospital an. thorities added the former president had a very good night and "he is getting along extremely well," Oldest Citizen Dies Lindsay Frederick Reeves, aged 96 years, died at the home of his son Harry Reeves, here yesterday, He was Lindsay's oldest citizen and a pioneer contractor and builder, 500 Coal Miners In Pennsylvania Escape Death By Three Minutes (By Canadian Press Band Wire) Ashland, Pa, Oct, 22, --Five hundred men missed possible death in the bowels of the earth yesters day by three minutes. They fled their work 1,000 feet below the surfa in a coal mine fore hundreds of thousands of tons of coal and rock crashed down over the exit, It 'occurred in the Potts opera: tion of the Philadelphia and Read: ing Coal! and Iron company, A mine creep--the shifting of untold tons of rock and conl--was It shifted 100 feet, The degree piteh between the second and third levels. As soon as it he gan, mine officials sounded: an em- ergency call to get every man out of the workings, Cages rushed the men out of the lower lifts, The fourth lift was in no danger, so the men were dis: charged there every other trip, The last trip was being made and the cage had reached the fourth lift when, with a terrific rumbling, 30 sets of timbers crash- ed beneath the weight and the mouth of the lower workings was closed, FROM ATTACK OF BRONCHITIS inations Are Settled-- Communists Arrested (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 1) ! Toronto, Oct, 22.~Th¢ Ontario election campa ened, Rulings vesterday removed th last dispute over nominations, - Rev, | EE, Smith, Communist was dis qualified, Riving an acclamation to General D, M, Hogarth, Conservas tive, Eight members: have been els ected by that route, all Conserv | tives, In the remaining 104 constits uencies where contests will be ded on Oct, JO, intensive drives for support were begun by the candi dates and party leaders, to continue until the in Program for Leaders W. E, N. Sinclair, Liberal leader, anounced a speaking tour involy mg 11 meetings and ending at Oak- villa the night ot October 29° Pres mier Ferguson has planned to speak at seven meetings, the hnal meet: ing being hled in Toronto on Oct 25, Premier Ferguson was forced to cancel engagements vesterday be cause of an attack of bronchitis, but Conservatives headquarters announ ced last night that rumors he would have to abondon the campaign were untrue and that with the exception of today's meetings, which he has cancelled, he would be in the fight 10 the finish Communists Arrested The final drive started yesterday and drew charges and denials and led to the arrest of two Communist candidates in Toronto ridings, Tim Buck, candidate for Belwoods anc Charles Sims, candidate in Bracon- (Continued on page 3) pace of the gn has quicl deci | f the FAMOUS HEROINE OF BOER WAR PASSES (By Cynadian Press Leased Wire) | London, Oct, 22. --Lady Sarah | Wilson, one of London's famous | hostesses and heroine of many ad- | ventures In the Boer War, died in London today at the age of sixty. four, Lady Sarah was a daughter of the seventh Duke of Maribor- ough and was aunt of Winston Churehill, former Chancellor oi the Kxchequer, who ia visiting in the United States, { Inlet, FROM SEIZURE AT DEARBORN BANQUET monies Responsitle for Attack Mich, Oct, Sa fatigued by u day of ceremony in his honor that he had to leave a bans quet last night before raceident Hoos ver had spoken, Thomas A, Edison was described as in fair shape today, The inventor leit the hall immed. lately after he had delivered a brief speech, The' president's Ry sician, Lientenant-Commander Joel Boone, accompanied the mventor from the hall and examined him in al ante-room, Except for fatigue he found no indications of anything the matter, Later the inventor was taken to Henry Ford's home, A short time prior to his trip from his New Jersey home Mr, Edison suffered from pneumonia, He is 82 years old and Dearborn's day ol ceremony was trying, At times he stood in the rain, PILOT'S DEATH NOW BELIEVED CERTAIN no "a Dearboron, 2 Anchorage, Alaska, Oct, Mystery surrounding the disap~ pearance of Pilot Russell M, Mer- rill and hig aeroplane five weeks ago apparently has been solved, A piece of fabric covering from the tall stabilizer was hrought to Ans chorage by Charles Smith; a Tyo. nol fisherman, The material was identifield as part of Merrill's plane, It was badly battered and had been picked up on the heach by Smith, The plane was believed to have crashed either in Cook in- North Bay, Oct, 22.Chased by wolves and saved just in the nick of time by a T, and N,O, freight train, was the harrowing experi: ence of a lumberjack near Osbhgrne, The lumberjack, whose nama could not be learned, hut whose story was vouched for by Overton Lillie of freight train No, 87, set ont | from one of the camps back of Oss Clusiendesn, and Poincare Election Disputes Over Nom: Fatigue From Day of Cere:| borne in the afternoon, When about four miles from the railroad he heard wolves in the distance, He began to run but the wolves had the scent and he could not shake them off, He made the rail road track at Osborne, where there is a siding, and, with the wolves almost upon him, raced for the yard limit board, Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, he climbed to the top of the hoard, The wolves temporarily foiled, leaped for his feet, thelr Jaws lieking hungrily, CNR, train No, 2 passed and T, [the wolves, frightened by the train, disappeared, only to return again, The lumberjack then teok the olothes out of his pack and, ignits ing one plece at a time, dropped them into the pack, hoping to scare them away, A long hour passed and T, and NO, freight train No, 7 pulled into the siding to await the passage of No, 46, Toronto hound, The wolves again took to the bush and, losing no time, the lumberjack ran for the train and told his harrowing tale to the train orew, Winter Near On Prairies (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Oct, 22--Boreas breas thed unhospitably over the prairies today and western folk shuddered bes fore the advance of winter. No snow fell in the west during a chill night, but frost nipped lingering flowers, Empress, a little town in Southeast. ern Alberta, reparted the lowest tem. let or some river flowing into the Little hope was held that Merrill could have escaped death, perature-l16 degrees ahove zero, Sa- skatchewan also experienced a threat ening touch of wintry weather, | Toronto Motorists Are Termed The Most Discourteous On Continent (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tonto, Oct, 22=Dr, M, Crawford, chief coroner of this city, vates the courtesy of Torante moter car dri. vers to one another as "the worst in any city in the whole continent of North America" He said this vesterday, at an ins quest into the death of Miss Ina Jovee, 83, whom a jury found to have been accidentally killed when she was run down by a motor ear on Oct, & Dr, Crawford made it plain that he did not aim his opinion at the driver of the car which fatally ins jured Miss Toyee, lames McArthur, but at "all drivers in Toronto whose discourtesy to one another is a mark of this automobile age" City Council at Its Meeting Last Night, Decided to Consider the Advisability of Submitting Questions to the Electors NAMES ON PETITION TO BE CERTIFIED Proposal Made by Commit- tee to Have Vote Taken in January on Reducing Number of Aldermen Held Over for Further Consideration The petition presented to last year's city counell asking that a vote of the people be taken on the question of election of aldermen by general vote inmead of Ly the ward system and for the reduction in the glge of the counell from 16 to 10 aldermen, and brought down for discussion at the next meeting of the eounecil, wan de~ cided at the regular meeting of the civie fathers last night, The council also decided to consider at the next meeting the question of hte two-year term for aldermen The decision to hring down for discussion the petition, which has technically been "Jald. en the table for nearly a year, was mada on motion of Alderman Hart and Boddy, 'That the petition now iald on the table, re representa- tion. by ward ov otherwise, be brought down at the next meeting and disposed of, and that in the meantime the signatures be certl- fled," This motion came after much discussion on the whole ques. tion of municipal government, Committee's Proposal A clause contained in the report of the general purpose committes and the finance committes, recom- mending that the city counell ap- prove of the ward representatives being reduced in number from 2 to two, and that the term of each member of the council he increased from one to two years, and that the necessary by-laws emhodying these proposals be submitted to the electors at the next municipal elec. tion, was struck out and the mat. (Continued on page 2) LIBERALS ARE "VERY HOPEFUL Optimistic Forecast of Re. sult of the Election Is Issued (By Canadian Fress Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 22~Liberal head: quarters issued. an optimistic fore. cast of the result of the provineial election last night in which it was stated "the worst that can happen, from the oppositions point of view, is a combined anti- Ferguson eppo- sition of 60 seats." Liberal gains are Prdicted for Northern Ontario and it is stated that indications are that opposition to the government is consolidating in "Old Ontario, 80 HOOL BUS IN CRASH Chilliwack, B.C, Oct, 22-=Alice Brown, 14 year oli daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Hrown of Fat Chilliwack, ig dead; Jean Gillespie is in a critical condition, and ten other High school pupils are in the legal hospital following a collision eof a Canadian National Railways frei ht train with the East Chilliwack H school bus late yesterday, There High 21 children in the bus: Nine and the driver, I. McMullen, escaped injury, New Premier In Australia (By Canadian Press Ldased Wire) Canberra, Australia, Oct, 23, James Henry Seullin, 63-year-old leader of the Labor party, assum= ed the premiership of Australia yesterday, Premier Stanley Bruee 'resigned as a result of the Nation alist party's defeat in the recent general elections, and My, Souilin was called upon by Lord Stonehav. en, gavernor-general, to form a. new ministry, The first act of Mr, Seullin ua prime minister, was to cancel the dismissals of 1,700 telegraph linesmen, which had been ordered by the Bruce government following the award in a labgr dispute,