THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 The Whitby Daily Times mht ts A EEE REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Advertising, Gasette and is WHITBY ABANDONS HOPE OF LANDING GOVT. AIR CAMP Council Appreciates Osha- wa's Contract Awarded So far ag the Town Council is concerned, the Town ef Whithy has given up hope of belug chosen as the new location for Camp Bor don, AL the Council's meeting on Monday evening a letter was read from the City Clerk of Oshawa advising that a committee ad been named by the City Council to meet with u committee of Whit by Counell to consider what steps might he taken towards having Camp Borden located on the site between the municipalities, Mayor L, W, Dudley told Couns ell that in his opinion the Geverns ment at Ottawa had finally de« cided to re-establish Camp Bors da wit Trenton, The malin fagte in reaching this decision, sald Hin Worshp, was the very fine bay of calm water, Council passed hte following motion; "That this Council wish to express thely gratification st the offer of co-operation from the Council of the City of Oshawa re the establishing of Camp Borden between Oshawa and Whithy, and deeply vet that owing to & final announcament from Ottawa that the camp will he re-established at Trenton, any effort at thig time would be too late to he effective, Cantract Awarded recommendation of the the contract On Btreets Couwmittee, for moving a steel ohased from the Department of Highways, sind formerly in use just north of the town on the Whithy- Lindsay Highway, to the new Wala son Street abhiNments, WAS AWArd. od to W, A, Hall for 8400.00, subs ject to the payment by Mr, Hall to tha town tremsurer of the re- quired marked cheque as a guar | antee that the wark will he com pleted, A request from William Little, for financial assistance towards the establishment of an open alr vink and toboggan dlide on the north end of the Towm Park, was referred to the Town Property Committee for considevation, My, Little, who has just recently eome ta town, proposes a rink 100 feet long und 756 or 80 feet wide, and asked the Council to supply B00 feet ¢ lumber and the necessary water connections, Tight in Seale House A request from the caretaker, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is net Riving satisfaction we o repaly ud make it tell the correct me D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER a G.M.C. AUDITORIUM WED., THURS, OCTOBER 23-24 'I Prices--$81.00 and $1.80 w=@ll Reserved-- Tickets Now on Sale at JURY & LOVELL'S Rexall Drug Store i bridge pur: |, 'whig! Fred Little, for the installation of a Nght in the scale house, granted, Mr, Little will take to see that the work Is done, Accounts amounting to a little aver $400, the smallest list for months, weve passed for payment, ro T0 COMPLETE THE PURCHASE OF PIT FROM TOWNSHIP ---------- Council Names Special Com. mittee to Meet Township Council Tuesday The purchase by (he Town of Whithy from the Township of Whitby of hall of the gravel pit on the Heard farm north of the town will in all probability be fin. ally completed this week, The gravel pit question has new been hanging five for over two years, At the Council meeting on Mon« day evening Reeve J, M, Kenny reported that he had been shown by Reeve Croxsll, of Whithy Town. ahi. a blueprint of the proposed division of the pit, and was Ins formed that the township was willing to take any half of it and have the description of same ins corporated In the agreement of purehase, Counell named a special coms mittee of the Reeve and Couns.n Davidson, Ormiston, Reid and Broughton and the Town Treas: urer to meet with the Township Counell st Brooklin on Tuesday night, The committees was given power, {{ everything is satisfac: tory, ta close the deal, The tewn wii pay $1,000 for halt of the iit, Wants a Light A request from R, MeNee for a ligh 'one block north from Reecond Btreut on King to light up a dark point was referred to the Fire and Light Committee The Fire and Light Commities recommended that the request of W. J, Hallett for a Hght on the road west of the House of Refuge he not granted as same was not Seemed advisable at the present time, TAG DAY FOR JR. RED CROSS NETTED $68.00 The Tag Day for the Junior Red Crops, held in Whithy on Haturs day, netted the sum of §68,00, an amount far exceeding the expecta tiong of the energetic commitiee und taggers In charge, The Junior Red Cross holds sway at King Street Publio Bohbol and carrion on health and chart able work among school children, Part of the money veallged on COUNCIL. DEFERS ACTION ON BY-LAW ON- LICENSE FEES Transient Traders Would Have to Pay $100 in Whit. by If Bylaw Passed After some discussion In coms mittee of the whole, Whitby Town Council on Monday evening lad over for further copsideration wu bylaw introduced by Coun, OQ, ¥, Broughton, which would ineresse the leense fee for transelent trad- ors to $100, In necordance with nu recent amendment to the Munlel pal Act, Coun, Broughton, the Counoll that his object in Introducing the bylaw was to comply with the Act, s Uouncll opinion generally was to the effect that while the In ereaned fee would protect the town from operations of merchants ol the fly-by-night type, It would prove a hardship to those who wished to start & new business |i i small way in the town, It would also re-act on landlords who would find it move difficuls to secure ton- ants for thelr stores, At present the town collect » leense fae of $06.00 from stores ansessed rder $1,000, and 850 for those assessed for more, The bylaw hit worked out very satisfactorily in the town, inssmuch ws those paying the lHeense and remaining In the town for a specified length of time have had the amount of fea paid credited on thelr taxes, There have been from time to time those who have come Into the town, partioulsrly around Christ: mas, disposed of considerable quantities of gods, and departed without klving thanks In the form of a contribution to the elvie treasury, However, in recent years merchants of that type have heen made to pay something to the town, Regret was expressed by some members of Ceunell that the transelent traders' hylaw ooull not be made to apply to outside merchants and manufacturers sell: Ing and peddling thelr wares in towns lke Whithy, The majority of these operate ss manufacturers and are thus protected * from the demands of the town tax collsetor, After further discussion 11 was decided to lay» the hylaw aver for further consideration, as the Couns ell was not thoroughly posted on ita provisions, Haturday will be used for the pure chase of a fivet ald kit which has heen needed very Vadly In' the hoo) for years, Those In charge of the drive are very grateful to the oltisens for thely vary generous Pesponss, PICKERING Telephone 800 Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent CAR ABANDONED NEAR PICKERING STOLEN IN TORONTO Pickering, Ot, 22-A McLaughlin. Huick touring ear, bearing the Tors onto license No, Phe 1 was abans doned on the Pravinelal Highway a mile and a hall cast of the village on Saturday evening, The ear was first noticed at 8 o'olock and when it was in the same place three hours Inter, these living in the vicinity natis fied the Jalles. aunty Constable R, ¥ nvestigated and discov: the gus tank was empty, the car brought into Law's id, dot n touch with The e, Who reported thet the car had been at on 0 owner f1 Ao receiv of ihe far, a 8! to receive I" PICKERING BRIEFS Rick A Qet, 22-W. yw Qet, 22-W, G, H Phd a visitor J an of ing the week-end. iss Mildred Douglas, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her grands mother . A. Burrell, A a A, W. Clark and daughter of Lukefield, spent dhe week-end with yh arn, ~ " ta Raon, and Chas. Mar. orente, wer 3 i) ¢ tork and Mrs, Stork on' Sun: \ Nii ra Andrew, of To spen Sunday with her parents, + and Mrs, Andrew, m. = af teturaed home on \ or Apen sovera with friends in Nofthern Ie ra, A good representation of oung people of the two UI urches attended the Yeung ple's i on Fy the fi onvention held at. Greenwood on and evening, at , H, tn, Toronto, was the main speaker and gave two vy Inapiring a drome, 0) aster Tack tulate son ving won ene of the Jie presented by T. Eaton Co, ta o pupils obtaining the largest num- ber of awards at the Rural Scheel Fair, held at Plekering # few weeks EO, "Nise Myra Cronk, of spent the week-end at here, Miss lda Cook, Toronto, was the guest of her ungle and aunt, A, G, nd Mrs, Clark, during the week: ona, Toranta, her home NO USE TALKING (Fram the Washington Star) What's the use o' tellin' The troubles that you find Within your Ad dwellin' To spoll your frame of wind? Although they seem oppressive, Your good ald friends of yore Won't prige your words excessive They've heard 'em all before, What's the use o' talkin 'Hout what is goin' wrong When all the world is moekin And askin' for a song! Though controversy rages The folks who will explore Those old, historlo pages Have heard it all hefore. ~ Philander Johnson Men! Don't Miss This ! 167 Real Smooth shaves in each tube of Klenso Shaving Cream----it's real sconomy to | use this cream at 600 a tube, [i Gentlamen's after-ahaving | tale ha the skin a velvety | smoothness and vanishes the shine-price 48a a tin, | Here's the real BARGAIN | 80¢ Klenzo Shaving | Cream | 38¢c After Shave Talcum 80¢ Pkg. Gillette Blades $1.38 Value Special, All For wage AT THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell | Ring WB, Phone 28 Phone ON | $35 he styling, to $30 17's THR GUT OF YOUR LOOK YOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL IN THE rOeRRT You can't lift yourself by your boot-straps OR cap you look your best and be your best in 8 commonplace suit of clothes, The fabric may be faultless, but there is just that some: thing missihg in the lines, the drape, + + + that mysterious something which Society Brand has captured and re: flected in every model, Truly, the eut , , , or design , , . of your clothes Is paramount, bined with dependable fabrics and skilled railoring, it puns Bociery Brand values beyond dispute, JOHNSTON'S Simeos Bt, North Com: OQUNTH CLOTHES THAT @ PETITION WiLL BE CONSIDERED BY CITY COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1) ter veferved baok to the commities far further consideration when pannel oarried an amendment maved hy Alderman P, MacDonald and seconded by Alderman Morris Heealls Potition Ald, Geo, Hurt declared thet he was In favar of the principle of reducing the number of aldermen from Afteen to ten but he pointed Out that » petition had been placnd hetors the counell last year hy oftisens urging that the munieipal government of the vorperation he changed so that each alderman would he elected hy the elty an a whole and not as the representa tive of & single ward, In view al the fact that no action had as yet been taken on the petition hy last your's eounell or this year's coun oll he eould net, as one wha had stened the petition, support this elause, He therefore, moved an amendment that the petition, with regard to the glection of aldermen by the olty as a whole versus the present ward system, he soted ups on, The amendment was seconds od hy Mayor 1, HB, Mitchell as counell was In commitien of the whole an the repart, This sotion an the part of Alders man Hart brought the Counell as gain faoe ta face with a question which was laid aon the shelf hy last your's council and which hes not as yet heen dealt with by the council of 1086, Petition Questioned "That petition was olvoulated at & rughy game," Ald Douglas com mented sarcastically, "I da not helleve that all those who signed the document were valld ratepay: ors" "This counell has no right to des bate the hona fide names of the petition," veplied Alderman Hart, It has beep presented ta the couns oll and 1 do not hellave that we have any right ta ignore ft." Alderman Morte was of the ap: Infon that the petition had nothin ta do with the clause contalne in the committes's report and he thought that Alderman Hart was out of order, Some Oppoaitd "T am opposed to Tequcing the members of the caunell beard," Alderman Preston declared, He olaimed that hy reducing the mew: hers, the Interest taken hy the pub. lo in the aftalva of the olty would ba lessened, He also distrusted the scheme for eleeting councils fore for two periads for this rear son, Only at election Sime he thought that the people were aroused to take an interest ln mun. tolpal affairs, Alderman Carnell favored the clause, He helleved that a counell of ten members would be | Whe wlaldy than a council af fifteen and alsa pointed out that if the number were reduced five experi enced men, former members of caunall, could quality far the new publie utilities commission, Council's Duty Mayor Mitohell declared that he bellaved that the council should deal with the petition, In anawer ta Ald, Douglas he pointed out that any petition presented to the eounoll might bear a few unguals {fed signatures, Alderman Morrla favoured the petition but he did net think that It should be discussed in the report of the general purpose committee. Naforred to Committe wn "1 will mave that elause & tn the repert he atruck out and that the matter of munioipal governs ment be referred back ta the eam. mittea far further consideration! stated Alderman PF. MacDonald. Ald. Morvly seconded this amend. went to the amendmant, \ The last amendment was put to the vote and earvied, Twa other clauses in the gen eral purpose sommitien's report were carried without amendment, as follows That the application of ¥, 0, Kireluk, 608 Albert Btreet, for an Additions) piiliard table he grant ® That the application of (iearge (ints for the transfer of the billiard leanse of Nick Powlenchuk, 14% Bloor Birest, East, to himself he granted, OSHAWA POLICE ARREST TWO MEN (Continued from Page 1) and then started on again, The eon stables immediately approached awl with revalvers levelled commanded the occupants af the sedan 10 halt, Lhe men relucantly obeyed and while one constable held them at the paint af his gun the other lifted up gone blankets in the rear of the sedan and discovered a large quantity ef ta haeoos and many articles of hard wire including two high-powered 7 les which had been stolen in Brigh Lon, Attempied to Eosape Neither Lang or Lattimer offered any resistance until they were hrought to the poles station, when the larger of the (we, attempied tv ninke ' dish for liberty, He was wamiply grappled hy Sergeant M awman and after a brief tussle als lowed himssll to be placed in the vells, Robbery Early Today The stores, inehiding Roblin's hardware and Clouston's tabaceo and peal ream were entered shortly als ter three welack this morning, Mrs, Clouston, whe 1s & widew ahd lives wa Hat shave her glare, was arouse ed from her sleep and looking out af her bedroom window she spied tween walking fram the ators (e # oar with boxes of elgara and elgaie i sttes piled In their arms, She abil old 4 SEvcription of the men but wis unable 10 secure the license numbers of the car because the lignes plates were covered hy handkerchiefs, As she had na one upon whem she could call for assistance she slipped out through & vear entrance and ran three hocks 10 the home of fri ™ The polige were thew informed ba by this time the men had made goad their escape with (he loot and weie sading west an the Loss! Polls a a Provi Constable plo, of Wi Brighton, warned the police at diffs erent pointy pon the hahway but it was not until the men reached Qshs awa that they were appethended, The authorities & lanl ne warn in thelr praise © ih action on the PIL of the local peligs The men stated y Ahat hii they were aceoat BC Alex ander and B,C, Help that they abr tempted to "step on the gas Ab the pavement a slip th however, the wheels ski nd they were Wnahle 10 esca wide oa) forge 1s handie capped By the fagl that it has net & woter ear in which it gould give ohase, Hoth Lang and Latthugr ave said to have stil records, The stalen Aoods were aH this morning and fetaraed 10 NW .* @ Chief Friend secured the men's fine or prints and has wailed thew to AWA, ih palice state that the car wed by the wen had heen stolen ington anto. 1t bore lioense No, 92.2 THE LIFE WE LEAD London Sunday Express) Givg + hechelon Shoggh the and a) a on get Mise ted up " on 4 n drives & drink the wn it from the bag seal . he average woman would prefer that men looked round at her than WR ta hor s : When a wan falls for a gle he eNbhally loses his balance at the an REPRESENTATIVE~B, EVENTS OF WEEK IN BOWMANVILLE Important Happenings List ed to Be Held During Week Tusuday there wik he ua consent given In the Opera House unde the auspleen of the Eastern Btu Lodge and the program, whieh In under the supervision of Miss Kd ith Pasrdon will include folk dune ing, drills, pythmle dances, sword dance and highland fling, A male quartette will also provide part of the program, On Thuraday the annus! Judging competition ef the Burham County foie Parmers will be Leld In Hamptan, Priges Include a trip to the Royal Winter Bhaw at Taranto far the Ind scoring the highest alnts, and the same for the len Rlkhent hoys aver sixteen and un dey twenty-one, and alse the usual onsh awards Friday the Bowmanyille Wa men's Institute will hold thelr ve {gular monthly meeting In the Bans of Hngland Hall and the program will he In charge of Mps, W, KH Armatrang's group, In the evening al the Opera House the eounty Frohibition Un fon are holding a meeting &t whish It 1s expected that several promin ent speakers on this subject will be heard The Boys' Training Sehonl will he the seene af an Interesting oere many when the new gymnasium will he formally opened at eight n'olonk This 18 an Invitation ev ent and the general publie are not admitted Among the prominent perenne that will he present are ienst Vierkoetter and Oliva Gutter dam, wha give exhibitions fn the swimming poal and two Canadian divers wha will alsa demonstrate thelr skill, There will alsa he & champlonshin haskethall gama hie tween Taranto West Hand Y M.OA and Ontarie YMCA, Central ¥ af Toronto will stage an axhibition of gymnastion and Japaness experia will extall the virtues af Jul Jitsu Canadian champions will alsa give an exhibition of wrestling On Saturday afternoon the Petar pare Junter rugby team will play Bawmanville high sehool at the faly grounds, The local lads will be practicing hard this week to regaln thelr lost laurels, BANQUET HELD BY LOYAL TRUE BLUES Many High Officers of Lodge Took Part in Sues cessful Event About seventy«five members and friends of Confederation Lodge, Loyal True Blues, attended the sumptuous hanguet of that Argan: fgntion at the Halmoral Hotel last night, Worshipful Mistress K, Mit ehall was In the chair and after opening the meeting handed the chalr aver ta District Deputy Bis ter Fallls af Millbrook The toast ta the King was pre vosed hy Fred W, Bawen and was Jatowsd by the toast to "The Bm ire"! afferad hy the Rev, J, U ahhing and answered hy the County Master Orelghton Davitt af Blackstock, a aur Organization" was pros oased hy Hupreme Grand Hepratary ive, Btawart and was respanded ta hy Supreme Grand Treasurer Heo Carrie, Warehiptul Mistress Blister Loge: man of Oshawa proposed (he toast ta the laa) lodge Which was answered hy Warshipful Mises Sister Mitehell of the Howmanville ol a, This was followed hy Ahe toast ta the Orange and True Blue Home at Richmand Hill, proposed by Past supreme Grand Master Bra, Fituge fh who explained to the atharing the aims and ahjects af he home and told 1h & Vary graph: fo nd informatory manner (ne and that was belng done hy that natitution, Bra, Fltagerald, who is seventy years af age, ls generally cognised as the father af that he a and although he tald Mitle of Ms shave fn the wark of the home mest af those present fully understoed that without the time and energy he had spent in cane BW ( with the we stil have hean the Anes Was, hen Rva, W Los bo) vy Me fines ¥ Ries of speaking, ho Wan gree Ww applause, Whith only subsided al: tor several minutes, Other speakers wave Mus, Fred Rowen and Deputy Mistress hiskle wring the course of the Baws quel, hatwaen each speech, all took in community singing and af or the conclusion af the address os, all wha caved indulged in a Rhee whieh lasted until midnight o singing of "God Save (he Ring" hrausht to & close tha most sucoessful function that the local lodge had had since ite tnception a fow years ag TT PRMIGNING ---- Little Sugan == Mra, Browatng, will you draw something for we? Visiar-=Why, my dear ehild, | can't draw! Little Susan mother says You're » designing woman! Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephonss--~Oftice, 587; HERBERT MORTLOCK (LIBERAL MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT IN BOWMANVILLE HARRY L, SIFTON AND MRS, A. McGREGOR SPEAKERS Wi J, Brags, Liberal Cand. date, Reiterated His Views on Liquor Issue The fest gun of the Liberal cam" palgn In Durham County sles the naminating eanvention wan fired lash night In dhe awn hall at How manville when Hapey 1, Bilton, of Paventa, was the main spake Helfave a erawd gf three hundred alectars, Mp, Biftan eritiglsed the Forguson administration fay 1s many alleged misdemeanaurs dur Ing He tenure of oMee, Me meeting opened Ix Mayor Thomas Holgaln In the shall In hig uddress veferred (0 W. J, Hragi, the Liberal eandidute af Vou vald pellable friend," Al ter enlling an other spepliers (0 day & few wards he introduced My, Sif the noble san af 4 noble with tan ne sire! Havey Ly Bifton In opening hin remarks, My tan made velerencs to & speech hy Mr, Farguson rveeantly, when he glatmed that thera were really nn las ta thi aleotinn hen why he pebiod, "wis IL NEARER Y ta hold an election st all," Tonehing hvlefly an the high ways, he sald he was plensad with the development af this hraneh af the government's work, hut wai deved why the present government glalmed the oredit far what Was # al the Brury administra He followed qulokly iu sue slon a diseussion of tha expend ures af the government and silat od that the last year ef the Drury raging the expenditures were He mithon dollars, while Tas year they amounted to the colossal sum al al milion or a gain ol 30 pillion In Ex Year he Ontario debt al the present time was larger thik the debit af the whale Daminion be fore the wad and this Was made an pulley fg culled potvenehmient Fh Phat wis shown Bt Lhe and of the lust Heoaly Mp, Bilton named as pretenses aud geoused the Ferguson government of helng the mest veoklies said axtFAvaEAnL 1h the history of the pravines Mp, Biftan then taunehed into # vigorous ovitlelam af he govern ment's atiltude In eonnsetion with the Bt, Lawrence Walerways and accused Mp, Fergusoan with healing dictated ta hy the power lords of Bt, James street Montreal and With not favoring the developmeits of that pradect whieh he thaught meant sa mue ho this peavinee In regard to the export af power he questioned the vight of tha gay grnment ta ration tha peaple af On trie during the war and letting the United Hiates have &ll they wanted I have hean aeoused hy the premier, the speaker sald, Yof making a meuntaln oul of a male Ri and with having interests in some power ayndieate in Of awa, This ts the fest that | have heard of 1" he deelared, Wo 4 Benge bringing forward the lguer the main ane in this election, Mp, Bragg sinted that the pramier had wade 14 the wale lsaua at the last sleetion hut seam: ad 10 dislike It baling heawght up in this ensuing one, Hae veviewed hE caveer tn the house during the product Han con ul wala In HUesiian as a: Bil | IRA I ------ A NM lhl wesglons and assured his heaps Grn Lhat any pesibie promies that he had made when elected tn 1086 he had kepl an dilist they sould he WUPe that any he muds al this eles Hon would he ptriekly adhered Lo, IE the Ldheral paviy vegalned paws 6r, ha would taithiully follow his leader's program and vole ty In dividual veperis on cash Wquop BLOVe Hepa RIElY, the payment of the full BU per cent of the old age penglonn, of whieh the Baminlen would pay the athey halt and theye hy wvelleving the municipalities of Any payment; the taking over of the whole vesponsihiiity of the hullding of ghe highways hy the avernment and yelleving the mins glpalities of thely shave of BO pey gant tay a plebiscite an the Hguoy guestion ag Koon as Lhe electorate anked for ome; and any set hak with brought up that would siablis 46 the expenditures of the Prove Ines, In conclusion he asked for his hearers' suporl al the spproaehs Ing polls an he had a them tn the het of his ability as & mem" har of the minority party in the house Mus, Alex MoGvogor, Tavonto Mus, MeUregar Intrediced hers well us a ponflvmed Liberal fram Tavantn and leunehed vight inte & eritisiem of the 1L,UA This set which was suposed (0 he advanced temperance legals than was a fallure, she elaimed and the only thing that had heen alls vanosd was the interests of the hrawevies and the distitievies, Voy the past two and a hall yeups the LAheval party had taken an "ati tude af watehtul wating," In tha hope thal glues the enactment of the 1,0A pame improvement might he seen in the Hguor situa tan, Hho commented on the fast Phat ten yours ao there was only fiveh reweries In the ety of Tay ante, and there wan naw 14, Drunk gnness had inevesned espesally MRORE YOUNE peaple and the prove ines a8 A whole was no nedpey (he golutlan of the problem as It Was hefara this act was brought nie fare Mra, Metiregar elassed the 1,0 A, ff 8 thief and 8 murderer I had slalen veputations, self respect, and had vohhed homes nt theh avast necessities, Tt was dally gommitting murders an the high wave and wan causing many to Hil a dvunkard's grave "Wa are Taps al selatmed, "with a vigtim gad pravinea and ave letting Fey Fuson vale tn an autecratie man ner! The ehalrman of the Ligour Cantpol Board wsde the statement that "Ontaria was fast heeaming the mreatest whiskey Avinking pravines tn the Daminlen.' The main features of My, Grave's spaseh wad a denundiation of the Lot), A, whieh he desovibed as #& Kloking baby which at Lhvea YBArs af age was getting out of cant), Phe aol he compared ta (he Tassel of Balshazor tn the Bible which wis wolghed In the balance and found Wanting, CONSERVATIVE MEETING AT ORONO § 1. A. Anderson, M.P,, Spoke in Mace of Hon, G, 8, Henry i pha Nearly threes hundred people als tended the wmesting in the Tewn Hall at Oona In the interests of Miltan J. Billatt, Conservative ean: diduta last night Many wera diss appointed that the Hon, George HN, Henry, wha had heen snneuned to speak was natp vesant, hut awing ta A last minute change of plans, Me, Henry had to speak fram Brantford aver a hoek " af five Canadian radio stations, His place was taken hy J, A, Anderson, M, 1, wha ahly presented ta Ris Audis anon & voeard of achievements and thet wire policies of the Ferguson Gavernment Mish Hessle MeMurehy, wells known lady speaker laa addpeased the meeting and as 4 wama gus her views supporting tha L Aa And other measures, Milton ¥i- Hatt presented his platform ta the gathering and asked for their sup: part In the farthoaming sieotion, | ,. Oh, you ean! \ EW. GILLETT a0, TORONTR, GAN, - LL