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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1929, p. 6

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TH HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1929 ERESTING A Study Of Statistics Of | "Blue Devils" Discloses. Some Anieiiing Facts "ders Have Enviable Age, Height and Weight Aver|), _ agos--Tonnage Is Equal Ned, folks, how would you like to it by run up gail t, & Mer ih) Hine Bute Master Bix Four Sedan? If you are wonder rf as "what we are getting at, here The total weight of the "Blue is" rugh oy in equivalent to welght of such u ear, When we team" we mean the twelve re s and the eight subs which a clu 2 lowed for a jing, . Many of the loeal rugby enthusi- mis wii be surprised to learn these statistics of the General Motors Rug- by team, The majority of the fans knew that the team was heavy but ust how heavy they did not know, hen you begin to study the "Blue Devils" in terms of pounds you get down to a base which everybody can appreciate wlthough to one who is not pequainted with the different mem- bers of the team It becomes a revelu- tion, There is little wonder that the gam Is doing so well in their quest or another 1) RFU, champlonship, a, hy rughy fans, is known us ne of . team, sonupiie of Ed, son, 1, Logan, Moore, M, Harri * i "Ale o oy These are 6 anap, the ve insides and the two me ., total oh of the "Blue Devil' iH in 913 pounds, An average of 182 per man, Further. more, In two eases, the substitutes of ih different positions weigh more than the regulars, Se much for the PR FEI ETE Rg se pe FEET TE a w---- lin she twelve regulars together weigh pounds or an average of 1/8 ie th a an ide {L just how husky these boys are, Qurse, there are some éxdeptional iy avy men who Je Average Away up, such as Gray, Alex bh 19 5, when in sondition, hw he wee 4 los the beam at 137 That's what the other ho ne have to face when they meet the local lads on the gridder field, Practically two tons of hrisin and brawn, ontly brawn. That is not meant as a dirty crack, but you can welgh the brawn while the hrains have to be measured, Sam Johnston can supply the weights of the oi Marthe players, Hes Cliff, er commodity, The hy its share of seasoned play: LiL] b the aoaer but as a team it Is ot old, average age of y+ yors, Tok ond 84 (1) included, po wi years and nine pair bs Walker, and Moore have been me for several years, more (ih an there are several players fe team who are atill dn thelr . Just children=but they play tie, Carver and Houltbee hese L t, The average height 4 ar | 8 ive Ti ten and a qua hy den contributes t thee to Ro total height in » sate the "Nap oleon" Wi Hubbell, Wilson ang Johns : rR Rig yp it we, 5 5 The $i months and Rha she, tod he ul n it. oy i n 2 ans in the a man in Rvery Fe apoct ta the team averages ment oned "PNB =With weight, age and a on 0 Wr WB) -. Ld i # v - H Ha {a ; ' H \ ' 8 & ! L » ¥ ' * : ¥ Ho i ' » N + an oF 8 Ba : . + ¥ f ' H 5" i In thelr favour, Ao Sher gxperience In ntermediate £oimpuny, He Xo "Devils" look good to repeat last year's performs ance, that of winning an Ontarle bi a» longhip, They hive taken two hig 4 eps In that direction already this yesy name V4 the defeating of Bt, Kitts and Gel Confidenen ] shown _sverywhese amang the players and officials of the i ub there 1 ith Ayear's ut thers Is no aver-confidence, very team is treated like a finalist and every ame lke a championship ttle, th this spirit which is win= " hor Hd "Blue Devils" the earns t support of the Oshawa rughy fans _ also of numerous rughy enthusis asts outside of Oshawa, '| STORY OF THE GAME BETWEEN RIVALS OF "BLUE DEVILS" Sarnia, Oct, 80,~=The London Gus House Gang were defeated 17-7 in an Intermediate OW FU, pories game here Baturday with the Wanderers, The locals tried hard to got back the lead taken hy Lon- don in the Vorest City in the pres vious week, London carried the advantage of welght, hut the fght- ing spirit was paramount with the Sarniang, Churchill, Ardiel and Wanless, all threateners for the Sarnia squad, were decidedly inao tive yesterday, as compared to the previous weoek-end's clash, Harnl- a's star punters, Nels McPhedran; his running mate, Norm Geary Quarter back Mike Hurlelgh, and the fast travelling ends of the team, deserve the gredit for the performance, Harnla's line Was veavier and better on the bucks, Elliott, of London, was the cham: fon line man of the visitors, and fonk's fumbles were costly, It waa fn good gama from the spectators' viewpoint, In the fivet peried Avdiel was rouged for the flipst point; Jenkins made a try on Arvdiel's fumble for a try which Geary converted, In the second stangs Burleigh and Finoh grahbed off Bonk's fumble for trys which were converted, In the third frame Elliott bucked over a try which Churehill converts od, A kick to the deadline net tad another point for London to soore In the first period Harnia Wanderers ing wing: MoPhedran, N, Geory, halfhacks; quarter; Murphy, snap; Margulis, Insden; Jackson, eh ards, middles: ¥inoh, Belton, out sides; Jenkins, Corry, Lampell, Karl, N, (eery, Htrichherry McKay, Fred MoPhedvan subs, Tondon---Churohil), flying wing Wanleas, Ardiel, Johnson, halves; | Fltemaurice, quarter] tourke, snap; Elivatt, RIN Gillespie, Ins slides; George CGlllesple, Bryant, middles; Graham, Bice, outsides; Little, Haynes, Balkwell, Lehmen, Mortin, Rupple, Bonk, Hall subs, WORLD'S CHAMP WINS AGAIN New York, Oct Richard Shis kat, recognized hy the Pennsylvania and New York state athletic eommias slons as world's champion heavy. eight wrestler, defeated . Vanka alta of New York here last 0 yA wis declared the winner fter 22 minutes 15 seconds of wrest. Is head on the floor, jhe pok., "the Village where 1 trail 'ta Jew, Get me?" "Yes" when Sclesnink was in no cons to continue the bout, "ThE REASON replied Jew, "that! : why the place you came from is a village, White, fly Robinson, Burleigh Ferguson, 2 t had sidestepped ane of the An American nd a Jewish travels frhors Ithea and the latter through the ropes and v were in the same compartment A pants tell, and let it soak in" said cars tha . wnerial JACK BOND Abave yw a pleture of dack Bond, Captain of the "Hine Devils, wh who In G8 years of age, In ily better than six feet tall welghs 165 pounds, Jduek pin 8 AL outside wing for the Hive Devils! wera he soos, hears, and tells ull that's delng on the other side of the line, He wan with the "Blue Devils" last year and before that he had ens Joyed three years with the Queen's Intercolleglnty Banlors and one year with Osgoode Hall, His wide experience y valuable nuset to the team for It enables him to vead the other team's plays almost as well as they do themse ves, Not only does Jack find out the secrets hut he Is not. slow to Impare his knowl. edge 10 the vest of te team, A real lveswive and an excellent chalea for Captain, MAPLE LEAFS START TRAINING Port Elgin, Ont, Oct, Manager Conny Hmythe and his Toronto Maple Leafs arrived here yesterday and wasted litle time hatora starting thelr training for the winter hockey season, The first radu that has fallen here for weeks kraeted the hoekeylats, so the town a ge gymnasium was invaded, and the party spent most of the afternoon tossing the medicine ball around, | BEAVERBRODK PLAN 1 BEING PRESSED Free Trade Within Emplie Proposals Are Gaining Support | | | =, 22 Lard Leavy rec I'rade vam med with we ish daily states | PROF by London, Oe brooks Lmpire pain hus been I newed vigor, with ghp ments giving gqualined men of substance sueh us CA Mg Curdy, dir James Cooper, di fiaies | Pare and Colonel uraat Marden, | But perhaps the aval eyiienee of the mementum 8 shown hy the tut | that the Labor organ, the Duly Hel ald is driven to give the sulijeet two columns with a front page heading, "Hy an eminent economist" snd an editor! the sarcasm of which seems to indicate that Lord Heavotbrook hus got wader the Laboy skin by his Argent s, hor's Alternative Editerially the Daily Herald glaims that & better method al wercasing Empire trade would be he catablish ment in Britain of a publicly euntrols ed import board dealing wih organs weed selling agencies in the Dosinion or elsewhere; buying in bulk from ci ganized exporters tor men wlinie use oF asta reserve, It restates the ars gument that tariffs always mean low wages, The econamist's article plays up heavily the claim that ¥5 per cent of the trate within ths lpire 1a free trade ignoring the fact that In dia is preparing to establish a tant system which will reduce he free trade area inunensely, Lord Beaverbrook's appeals to the British farmer are AbpArORLly partials ly effective judging by the ieftevs Cine cussing the idea that the Hritish far. mer 18 entitled 3 protection equally with industry, This is not surprisin in view of the damage to the farmers interests that ix being done by the petition of Germany with bounty- fod rain, The Grantham brane a ational Farmers' Lien passed resolutions "That this hd 1 in favor of Free Trade within the Rritlah Emp te and full protegiive dus Vo Ag all other countries," tariats generally fee by Wh ed protectionists, there would be such an arientation of Br Brits ih ities that it would change the o face of the situation, The nin Ri within the Conservative Party {or a stronger line on Kwpire SOONG questions is increasing, als vy h there is nothing in the nature a serious revolt against the leads tanley Baldwin visible "ed Ba But y the party confers ence will see a vigorous effort to compel { he ors to take def stand, Wessex National Unease 'wt rons aclygon for Stance, has a eselition This soul erence yeaftiras resolution the last {our " view ol the success ol grence and safeguard: olds the best hope for an a Co Risrvative Gove in the w Melchears\ & Ad» vocaey of a definite paley EL ty development and the safounarding adustries - unfair foreign come PeUtion, aw hg its leaders, now uatramelled by previous pledges to place the poliey ol Ewpire security nd security for British indus toy and Britian wages i the fureiront of the PATTY program, \ ------------ Speen AND THRY BIDN'T MERT (Ottawa Journal) 5 Those. two distinguished Celts, Jamies Ramsay MacDonald and Cuore ia fiscal ly h early return rumen les aeling MaoGitiowddy, were in Phk adelphia at the same the PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo, Cameseiy, Sports Editor The Weight, Helght and Have you vead that story of other side of the page, team from a physical point of view, Age of the "Blue Devils" the "Blue Devils" which is on the It gives some very interesting facts about the These averages which are given, have been computed fram a complete report of each and every player, These figures (numerals gre meant) will surprise the majority of yughy fans who have been taking an Interest in the team, worth your while, Give & look, it's 1] L] The "Blue Devils" Review Today we have started a new plan, It is our intention te publish ong or more pictures every day of seme member of the rughy team and glve some particulars shout him, In this way we hope to supply the rugby fans of the eity with information which will promote thels interest in the team, The pletures be shown, af all members of the team will not Only those players wha are more or less strangers to the people of Oshawa will have their picture in the paper, m u Oshawa Girls Need To Got Busy Last night over at the Curling Rink, the management of the Club donated two prizes to the best, and second hest, pair of girl skaters The first prize was won by Darathy Long and Hilda Long Southwell and E prize went to K from Whithy, Four Whithy girls Rink, We congratulate them, hoped that they will "get together Ld » As far the I'he second Meal take the These four girls wll eam out of an Oshawa iis to be Priges Oshawa girls and uphold their name ¥ » Wrestling On Thursday Night Hive held an Thursday night at the sponsoring the show and it was made evident last week is going to he popular among the tid=hit Cinrdind Mat wd last week and many will be and Ned ure oro will be published tomorrow you hought your tieket far the wrestling Arinauries its kind which has heen staged mn this eity sporting of the evening's performance will be the mateh between R Ciardint made pulling for him ta show whieh is being his is the second altalr of The Mth Regiment ar that the sport Fh fraternity of Oshawa with the Oshawa a hig hit full card * win Boxing Competition In Belleville On November | of Belleville, erected the Cntario, are putting new ring and they are Vinee Barvie, Amateur pected the and Meaty ¥ . STRIKI SPARES oleeloeiefeeeaduedesedfeodecfededrodeodedridenodeidedeod 4 PUNTS and Ny TACKLES ors dedrdedrdei din irgede dele If you haven't received your copy of the last Snapback, thera ave still [8 number af eoples available [the news of the Blue Devils, . LJ Ra Ag ¥ Coach Pound drove the team through a torrid signal and then a seri practios tainly laid on the whip last and the gang were mighty when practice Was over, r LJ He ool night glad Ws heen absent for wid baok large as lite and hitting them like nothing on earth, There's nothing that Kohen, Brown and a coupla more of the hoys like better, than to get Kohen, wha A Tow nights, aver on the serub team and break | up plays, «4 Tonight will see another tussle and then the Coach will taper the training off in preparation for Hat urday's struggle tn 8t, Catherines . . * Bd Wilson and Logan were oarrying the hall high, wide and handsome last night, They want every man to he a good hall ear rier, Kvidently they purpose using NEW MARTIN =THEATRE~ "The College Coquette" With RUTH TAYLOR Added Attractions Now Playing ANAL Ltd wy, NOW PLAYING Janet Gaynor '4 DEVILS" In her first talking plotwre ADDED ATTRACTIONS Regular Prices Hritish En on # hos all ready Addr will be entered tn the em AND BLOW Head | Hnapbaek and get all the vita | practiee | Hyaneh No, § ing I'he Leag far the hig shay I Champion of Ontario, Ted | pire Nevviee Longue how il vpetition » . TOMORROW Hue plunging game in future games . ' : Killott fs still on the ao Injuries Clalie ing 1st dua shoulder It heging | though Claire would be for a while yet ' » ' Gord Cooke and BH Tribble are sti suffering fram bad ankles and fare helng given caveful considera | tan by Tratner Hustlin . N + The gang ave In good trim and ean hold: their any other team around In that upeet Their plays ave helng exe outed hettar every time out and they are vapMly assuming the ap pearance of the well balanced wa chine of last season ¥ ® KEEP IN CONDITION MILITARY ECONOMY PROGRAM PLANNED [London Dally Mail Ane nounces Plan to Assist Pensions mi to lis look iol ne tht Hag Him phyatond awn with ia London, Oct, 22-The British ernment 15 contemplating a4 special seanamy program which wmoludes re duction of the military garrison at Cobraltar and the naval lorces al Malta, 10 cover the heavy finaneial burden whieh would be imposed hy the proposed additional widows and old age pensions and the proposcd pensioning of aged industrial works ors, the political expert of the Daily Mail said today, Faced with the problem of finding several anillions of dollars whieh would be necessary under the pros posed measures, the Government is considering a considerable veduetion in the statf af the Admiralty and the possibility of employing government dockyards on remunerative ship ves WIE construction work, the Dally all writer said, The article also added that it was believed Chancellor of the Exehequer Philip Snowden might soon introduce a land ax, THE WORLD®AS | FIND IT They say the world's a weary place, Where tears are never dried, Whete pleasures pass like breath on glass, And only woes abide, It may be so=1 cannot know-= Yet this 1 dare to say, My lot has had more glad than sad, And 30 It has today, Lays They say that love's a Srvel josty They tell af woman's wiles-- That paisen dips Wm pouting lips And death mn dimpled smiles, It may be so=1 cannot know== Yet sure of this 1 am One heart is found above the ground Whose love 1s not a shaw, They say that life's a bitter eurse, That hearts are wade to ache, That jest and song are wravely WIONE, And health a vast wistake, It may be sol cannot know Rut let thew talk their fill 1 hike my lite and love my wile, And mean to do so still, wtrederick Langbridge, ECONOMY (Pathtinder) "Why did you have only one of the twins photographed "They looked so much alike, it was RO Use 10 spend the waney, | | Will Huat Meet "Izzy" Scl Schwartz? Taranta, ont, Of, Oot, 88, ~Wheth- er Hugene Hilt, sensational Kuve pean flywelght champion, and Coys poral lesy Behwarts, present hold ar of the mueh-disputed world's i» tie, mest in Madison Bauare Gar den on Nov, 4 depends upon Flay fair Hrawn Matchmaker of Lhe Hhamroeck Athletie Club here, Phil Bernstein, manager of Hohwarte, signed an agreement with the local promoter on Og, 1, committing Behwartg to fight In the flywelght tournament now under way herve, and the agree ment oplls for Hehwarte to moel an opponent selected hy Hrown during the month of November, in which case the loeal Hght Impreg pario would have prior vights over the Garden, Hernsteln today 1aics graphed Brown, definitely stating that Behwarig had not heen mateh ad against Huat for the Garden date, and that Brown ean have the mateh for the asking BASEBALL PLAYER FATALLY INJURED Walter National Halvimore (Peek) Lerian Leave enteher, Md Opt, 32 Phi'adelphia * died early this morn frog muries sustained diy afternoon when he was hy truck which vaulted the sid witlk and drove him against a brick butlding North Bay Honors Its Champions North Bay Oct, B82 Ia tHe many receptions ta he given In re cognition of the feat of the Rink ay Dinks, fn wlaning the girl intermediate softhall ehamplonshin af the was held this ave ning, fepm, management and conches were the guests the Llanes oh at thelr we lineheon Among the the Han, Peter Heenan, wha delly ared a uplendld address, emphasiz the part that sparta play af iy Many congratulatory ware read hy Lion Ald husines manager of yoster struck it pravines when the nl Ki) BUBEIE Was HE hl ih Bam telegram B,J, Ba the neluded felary il hese Hay, nei champion Mahel men's the sociation Uline of ation aud president Women afthall My W. J B'Ale dra, Taranto, and Tony captain of the Canadian solthadl team Among the M, Flunnary Hyn oluh pres ROCratavy W. Larden arn Ontaria sociation: Frances Larden af the Hinkey Dinka tan, Ernie MIN ponch Mant Fe Fred Ball, associat Rinkey Dinksi Jackie Hinkeyv's pliehing ace the Baha Ruth of the 0H, Odinm I'he entertainment was headed hy Herh Havy tions were given hy the Tose eph's Academy orohestea, Holos were sung hy Kama Langlels and Misa Nellla Margan, Fallowing the entertainment, a delegation was appointed to interview the elty eounell regavding ita plans far the entertainment of the Rinkeys and the purchase of suitable prises The caunell without hesitation vot ed 33400 for this purposes, and pro mised move if this {5 not deemed sufMelent The Rinkey Dinks, were tonight the guests of the Capital theatre Next Saturday afternoon the eity caunell, hoard of trade, Lions elub, Rotary club, the Motor League and other publiosapivited organizations will unite In a monster demonstra tion tn honor of he champions, MENDES QETS K, 0, Redford,» Mass, Oat, Mendes, al this eity, seared a knockout aver George Cook, of Australia in the fourth nd of a tensround bout here last night, Cook went down tram a left hook ta the stomach, Cook claimed a foul which was disallowed, Twa doctors examin: ed Cook and found no imdieations of a foul |, Cook was ordered to ves sue fighting hut refused and the fight was awarded 10 Mendes on a knockout, Cook's money was held up hy the deputy Sn hioner Cook weighed 10), Mendes 122 fram Wi of faronta " wh Maehay Landis pea kers were W William Dyeany, Ala Avihuy Heattie, Lions dent; W A, Thampson, of the N.OHA Mrs president of the North Women's Halthall as Cantala irish Johns Wih Harris, Himan Manager conch of the Fallman Dot Gare, team, and A, Aommittes Betde fit New 2 Johnny | t Ti Ya, | wv | Roeh the | No Upsets Likely In Any Of Senior Rugby Games To. Be Played This Saturday Varsity to Meet the Mus. tangs Who Have Already Been Tamed =~ Queen's BINGER WINE BOUT New York, Oel, 24=Al Binger great litle Nghpwelght fram the Bronx, found a pugele last night. in Davey Abut, and elusive hrownsakia ned Jad from Vanama but finally sal ved it ta the satistuetion of all and brought the Palestine velief fund gard to a close with @ stirring 10=rgund viglary The popular singer, last of five Jewish boys ta eanguer thel ropa ents na thrilling series of strugeles that packed the garden and hrowght i wile of $100,000 ta the relief of ValeSting sufferers, found #& most troublesome foe in the ealm fend Davey fram Beuth America Far eight rounds he eouldn't whip Davey because he eouldn't hit him, OLD COUNTRY SOCCER RESULTS The following are (he er games played in Ialen an Baturday rg results of the British ENGLIEH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 4d Girimshy Ty Aston Villa 1 Loleester Cily Halton Wan ! Wlaekburn KW Hurnle 5 Bhefield | Derby County Liverpool verion i Middle Leeds United I Born ingham Munehester Cityd West Ham | Portsmouth vod Manhester | heeld Wedy 3 Huddersfield underland | Neweastle Uy Second Division tal City | West H Hury Harusley ldham Millwall win 1] 14} hough Hri Heistal Ciry | Cardift Cit | Charlton Ath | Hull Ci i Notts Count Chelsea rest ih id Blaeky | Reading ) uitinghe Blake Cit Alli Athletig || n ml authampten Hyadiord mpton Lal Hotspur Ui Third Division Northern i \Wigan 1 Crewe \ ] | uth Wal ern Hon borough H \| United 0} ET {| ENE gw Heighton | Yark Cly RR Harrow sees Part Valk . Wrexham | tak port ( 0 Seetion Wattard Heighton, Hove Merthyr Town | Hranttord u swindown Tawanl Plymouth (A | Newport | Hpistal Rovers Clapton Optent | Torquay Uni | Laveniry Lily SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Alrvleanian I Hamilton Aeads ( Ave United Dundee United Celt Oueen's Park | Cawdenbeathi N ilinarnoek Pune FIDO rnians 44 Hearts ABSRAeEN +110 y Motherwell Falkirk Partick Thistle 0 Rangers Nt Johnstone (3 Clyde A fal B lxeten Fulham Cillling ham Luton Tauwn Northampton I Norwich City | n's Park RK, 1 wouthend United) Wilsall hl BTN Cily 3 () Wi at, Mirren MOON yarns Rivigion Hornard's 4, 1 Miia wm Rovers 4 1 Raith Ravers 1" J Alloa " Clyde hank "web l { Hoeand Arinadale \ Ho'ness Dumbarton 4 ast File (i144 Fast Murling Forfar Athletic 4 Leith Athletio 4 Montrose | Stenhousemuir (3 Phivd Lanark \ \ A 0) wi A i King's Park . Hreohin City Queen of Jouth Puntermine A Avhroath no YOu REALIER he trouble | think with us all Is the lack of high ooneelt, IT each man thought he was seat 0 this spat To make It a bit more aweet, ) Tao soon we would gladden the world How easily plght all wrong, it nohady shitked and each one orked To hi he fellow along Coase wondering why you come, a looking for faults and AWE, Rize wp today in your pride and First Great | A .- 3 LUMAR "T am part of the Cansei" However full the world, There ta room far an eavhest man, It has roam for me, or 1 would net he, I am here to strengthen the plam, 1] the 0 hope | Aunt | YAY, | Heare | the least Will Entertain McGill Balmy Beach Meet Fliers Tavonta, Ont, Oat gi week-end doesn' Promising one or upsets so al eastern Canada rughy Leama concerned, and the (ame wh this fay away, Inks to he the h Hght af all is that hetween Hovder Citles--Barnla tons, In the senlor Ontarie Fu foathall uplen, Tavantae Varsity will aft-leked Western wguad, and wines It hiue that started Wi road ta ahlivien, not play wis the arn on mueh This look 1'ke a very far "re leh, 1ghe the AEE Ar hy University hig the hops Is held out for the Mustangs, who ao far haven't finlehed 3 game the winning side, If anything, tussle should place the nea leglans Hitle move firmly Becand plaes MoGH will invade the Limest City Tar thely trlsenlar, and while many that the triple-coloved ag will hea foreed ta hits it doesn't appear Hkely, CHEE hasn't shown a great deal Eation heen golng stronger every | | put Montreal the winged 'wh have a battle on pEaingt the vamping, Hamilton, whe lesb w end administered a most hum ing defeat to Ottawa hy © a'l There tan' n oe neday, hut 1 would 4 mich ehanew "| Tigers running it that high on APPERE that nn the onl n ane Gngagement with will gre the M this while the Kingstonlans have Ime gels thelp shands vading Tigers wel at hfi=f at Hat they will dispose of (he Quebedkers Otawi 15 ta vialt Arona and, judging fram week end formaness, will once again be fented, The hytown squad haw \ mare than disappeinting; wo the squad have hean pife Tory time, and Judging from the "pit exhibition against Hamiltan he founded on faot | hityve Arapped they last two! ga smallest favored possible 111) win hy the and are Ottawa With title Hel 1 the tercnlloginte far the senny the Hhaly fh n nd pasaibility of nterpravineial leagues i m ORFU, (nh pro firaworks, If any, [ Without a #veat deal of disfisulty, Ula, pel de ee Bay Rumors af dissension 1) ama ul may Argonauts mes win, Inet up ne pine vide this week-end, and for the seeong week in sueesssion (his loan wl afl ta far axeolitemant, & Harnia Twmpeviala and Nin loak= daay Miemaes will once asain Heht 1 AN EVOUD, Harnia dewned Hovder ORtlen crew last week and maved Into fiat p should repeat, and @ | ho [thelr lend, \ | Halmy Beach first pla In the seeand group, will or Camp Bopdan, -and judg f piel performances, should d the flyers quite easily, dl orew has pever hen in the wing at all this season, ahd { out, with Windsor, Raving alehanea Lio tle for Ht place In the west the ani They date Ider tain Om awn 1 § HUE fols lowing thelr defeat at \ha hands af §t, Michael's Baturday sve out af the contention entively | Hows aver, If Heaeh should lose Kitehener ov Hi, Mike's wii Will be a tie fop fired plac Hamilton Cubs will visi Orfuns tn a same that Wile effect an the wim sults, Hamilton apa ny iil in the western a Orfuns are in last over, tha twa Hap avanly Watehed, An Watering " wateh | fehael's are a LLLE tam ahonld win th viah sho A BOER of fom Aint the an SAAR ow wh Wh A --", } {From the Te Recently sident of a olass a ky next day he presided ar the meeting, Ter all business ha hey said on't know how to close meeting, but it's loved, anyhow" and thera 1) hie ER) ihe at ad heen this Wrestling Thurs. Night, Oct. 24 Some of the World's Best Known Wrestlers will wrestle Hundreds Watched the famous Gardini last week wreatle SEE GARDINI va, CARR THIS WEEK Under the Auspices of the 34th Regiment | | FIGURES ON THE "TONNAGE" OF THE "BLUE DEVILS" | |

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