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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1929, p. 7

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CALENDAR REFORM T0 BE DISCMSSED LEAGUE. NATIONS Conference May Be Held--Calendar : Committees Active Washington, D.C, Oct, 2d--Ass iakep by the 'Assembly of the Btlons at Je resent sey 1] a muss promise that i ie eranee 19 sim ily the LL, | : ay Chm ol "the eon ites on Calendir no Matement eons dvi ces he has Just ye: ta tal # resolution eld next year the Assembly 8! N of) Ita ly placed on the x: next meeting of the tretee on Com ad tion an Fansit, propa Des somber, the ndings of his eammit tee, the ealendar reform resolutions of the Marnationsl Chamber of om oreo, the vesommendations of ren and Belglum enlenday ommi tens, and vesnlutions adepted oY I] fhey natlonal and inters hone bod of, all directed to the 8 Communieations and pana cont renee, Mi vim wld, will efent for the League in the m fer ol cal ng an international eal andar sonference, and it wah hin be ef that the accumulation of fave facommendations from different Hes, nd those of the Internas not hut impress the eons renee Xi the time far interne tony action on ealendar veform ls "Heipre this Mast vis held, reports Abed he wid fromm malone ¢ elved Hania AF gommittees in Ces AY, ho Hungary and Pery, gis a and sever) other of the Latins Jers 1] Loni en, The Conferense ale have been informed of the wil ol of the ealendar refependun of the United Biates Chamber of lpia) now on Ll A pd among jon thamhers, whigh calls for opin on calendar simplification and Whailher there should he an Interna Hana! conferense in whieh the Uni i tates should Ratlisipate Mr, ANUNAN fu that Judaing by the hu hey 2 Aor Ne expressions al y tlven mber of Com morte inh ] by, Chambs during 1s Bl wrBeven shades, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, Creation | The New Pinaud Face | powder == Packaged in » | | very viech black bakelite | | sontainer, | wwe types == one [or | normal skin, one for dry skin, $1 & $2 Boxes KARN'S Drug Store NEXT POST OFFICE Phone 378 I. I --------_., own Inquiry, the referendum would show approval of calendar simpli wition, ST, KITS MEN TAKE TESTS FOR AIR PILOTS Hi, Cathavines==Nix students from the Ht, Calhavines Yiying Club yesterday took examinations for pilots' Heenses, Inspeetoy Cows ley, of Otlawis, put the men through the tests, five of which ware fop private Heensed und one eommeralal, Diok Hobinson took the tent for a commersial plot's Hoense while the five trying tor a private "tleket" wera Armold Aus tn, Don Kgeney, Fred Clddings, Gordon Collinson and Bil Moody, The examination Ia in two pavis, written and fying, In the flying teste the pupils go up solo and go through preseribed manosuvers, meluding flying aver & specified mark and landing In apeoified area, Most of the with have res ealved practioally all thely Tnstyun tion at the toes! alrpavt from Len Tripp and the showing they made vafleoty mreat ervedit upon him, AUSTRALIA BUYS MUCH, BUT SELLS LITTLE T0 STATES I. Government "Desires That Motor Cars Be Made at Home ------ Hydney, Outaler Whe With 1028 H+ BUres show Wotrade bilunee in fue vil of the United Bates of nround FLOB000,000, Australia ying to fied pens for Tporting less from Ameriei, Boversl weeks belore his gitbinet ewe a politlenl aropper ays of thie law to repeal federal industiyial wihitration, Stanley M, Wrnew, Prime Minister, warned the country that un food of cheap wrtieles might be exe pevted to result from the manufaels wring weeeleration. in the United flute, He appealed especially for Austin Han abo wapilueturee saying thas 1 the home dustrialisis Wold Hpdeys hie 10 mike parte, and generally worl up do thie prodegtion ef soi plete cir, the government wohld slop the lmperiation of Fars guns tiling parts thst could he ubtiied here, ¥ ()\ poodly portion of Australia's Hnports aonslats of automobiles, Now plants wre halng made for home pro duetion snd one Melbourne eompiuny has announeed the early appesranes of & oir cheaper thin, bint as good as, why American var of Mgred in Austins Hi, "WHITE LIST" OF PICTURES TO BE MADE FOR CHURG HEN The New York Vineriean sid apropos ul the eh and mation pleturesy Miatead of moaning and winging thelr hands, ehurelunen have decided to try ta find oul something good ahout mation pletures I'he Federal Connell of Churehed af Chviat in Am elena will not ask ter eonporship, On the atlier hand, a commission ha ean appainted 1a low k for pletures It considers wi And thoes plotures will be recommended to chiurgh people "Consorship, of course, Is repug nant to most of us, Wa want ta he free to decide for ourselves what to read and what 10 see on screen and stage, 10 in a forfeiture "of sollres pect, In ow sense, to have ROTI plernally saying thou shalt not do this or that, But anyone Is glad 10 BELA Alpgmestion goncerning # hoal or a play ie Federal Connell of Churches has wisely recognized this very important part of physiol Wy ith seRing ------ EE I a EES EE ir Ln ark FE Otis Meat Vir Sh THR ROWNTRER CO, T "| wil And it bi EE . othe le Milk uni the bar goodness LIMITRD OQRONTO A Closing Market Prices Market Bummary by Canadian Press Tovonto and New York Book Quotations Supplied hy #iohla, Horlony id Co, TORONTO WIOOK WXOHANGE Tovante, Qutb, 4iThe recovery lint gob underway In the Iasi lowes trading on the Toronto Block Bxihunge yesterday was sontinied with inevensed vigor In today's Honsion und gaing of one snd two polit were general throughout tha Huh, The upward movement ras ealved considerable impstug from Will Btveat, whaera values also hotinded foi ward wlay the severs rauetion of yesterday, With operators' still nervous ahaut the loeal situation owing to the ditferanee between the huysrs nud wellers of wheat and the Hght money gonditlons, the mors 1ik'n turnover wan only modersie ilued, Clone ohnervers of the Cunudian markets state that when the wheat eventuslly goes fore Wirt fo Ite ultimate marke, ves nehool foyer ae, MERRIE The M I Iouning the hundreds of millions af dolluvs of hank eredit now tied up In helping tarmers, grain deals oid und praln organisations held the grain, Thin would mean a norialn velenss of oredit whieh will be to the advantage of huss Henn Hrawllian "Meaction snd Interns tHouul Niokel provided the major povtion of the day's turnover, The former wan selling at 87 shortly Eley noon, wn net gain of two points as compared with yester day's olone, whils the latter onls hatneen BO and HL, the latter price representing an advances of 1% pulnie The olln were also wlronk and netive, British Ameriean firmed up Hi pointe at 618% 1 Tmperial and Internations! Pete were up % saoh netoHeig wn UN, respectively Pupartost was steady at #6 % and Hervion Hintlons galped BY points ut HEL, OF the distillery stocks Walks Bn firmed 4 at 104, and Distil Ti Henuram advanesd 146 at | I he nErlouitural slooks save » trong flvm display tn the fare of the present grain situstion, Musnoy-Harein gained 4 ot hy and Cookshutt Plow roxintored "1 navanes of 8% pointe at 00, NTANDARD MINING UXOHANGH Toronto, Oot, 4p Prioes failed th vaveal any definite trend In to day's sennlon of the Btandard Min Ing Nxehange, g@Mns und losses he INE about equal tn number, Hows OVAE, RAVANCAN Ware more substan til than losaes, Trading wan fale Nawheo falled to respond to re POPES that mn new strike had hean Mide ont he sompany's properly The took eased i points at 24 nA turnaver of over fifty thousand Shares, Norands was a Wrong fea ture, registering an advance of B00 at 468,00 the morning's high Faloonhrides soored a mein of 4K at NBN Five points pains wera reiintorad hy Albaria Pacitio at BAG Molntyre at 14,007 Mining Carparaton at 8,78 Khervit taps don at BBA; Mudbury Basin at 6.00] Took Hughes at 5.781 Dal housie at 1.00; Kast Orent at 1 ih and Ventures at 4.00, NEW YORK wroo ™ EXOHANGE Now York, Oct, 28 Prices ras hounded Aharply on the New York Hioek Kxohange today from the low levels vouched In yosteraay's Armatio welling, During the first hour of trading nearly two soare Anus gurged up 53 to B16 a share whiove Yenlandot final levels Trading wan fn large volume, the Hoker quotations soon falling about 18 minutes behind aotual transae: tone on the exchange floor, hut Activity fatied to sgual the fren. sled pace of youtorday VORRIGN EXOHANGR Now York, Oct, 20=Forelgn oxohange steady Great RMapltaln, EAT 00 Canadian dollars 81-88 Of One per oent, disedunt TORONTO ATOUKN Abitibi (TAM My He, A OF wd LLM Rell Tel, 14d 108% Hrompion #7 Bid, Brasil a" MN Rulld Fre 20 1 Cann, 1st 89 LL Cann, Ind 244% 2" Can, Bd, 2 2 Cookshutt a0y 1) Cosmos 2 2" Clty Daley 61 [1 Dig, Heap, 144 1 Dur, of ©, 18 Dam, Bron, ad fm, Plies, 84 Gan, 8 W an Goodyear 208 Ho Walk, 134 mt UHL A 38% Int, Nickel 81 Int, Pate ny Ind, Aleoh 14 Twp, OH ALE hp, Teh 10% Laura deo, 4 Loblaw A 14 LL (IAM 100% 1) b1 ] 11) 0 2 an 1! LL] 1A Ve an Mi 1) 280 1a Hy I MeCall W, | Mont Po, 188% | Dalhonsie ON F Dawe | ah hridga Yoo Massey WH, 4b ae Page He, 123 Pa Carp 1 Shawinigan Harv Bin Hieel of © Nioek Ateek LLM (1) LT AM High High MINES Stock Abana WY Yaa y ACORER win yy Alan VA Alberta Pacitie Amulet \" Atha \ Assoviated Gan ' Barry Hollinger Hig Missanr! Calmont Uanan | Uhemioal Resear Central Manitoba jaw Low LJ 180 1] 1 ne ny 1] 1% LEY) 28 INN LE 8 £38 2A an hn EA SAS hi Uranada HollIngoy sovvmmmne B40 Wid, Nome OI sive im 1400 AUTH L400 HOWBY wpmmmmmns ve fil 804 0 Hudkan BY wow $600 1586 1670 Kirkland Loko ,,,,.0 86 64 65 Kootenay Piorence ,, 108 10 10 Imke Whove . HA00 4400 B400 Mulariin aT hh H Mui tobn BAsIn yi 00 ij 1 Mayland OW ovum, B00 B00 KOO Malntyre AB00 1400 1400 Mining Corpn, » BIh BHO B70 Nawhen 4 omnes on a6 86 AN Norandn pr -- "4080 4000 4676 Pand Orsllle 4 umn B80 BBO B70 PAONBOY oo vim n rime B80 BH 06 Pramiay , 'e "110 170 170 Quemnnt von omnes BO DIG, Bhoreith Gord oo 00m BTR B40 B70 Winans 'h 7 1% 18 Hondbury Basin oo B80 B06 AT HW, Petrolsum we. 166 140 16 oul Hughes o«oome BOO B70 BOO Towagamne 4, , 146 180 120 Vipand tvs 18 10. 10 Vantures ,, wre MOB ABD 40D Wr, HAPRYORYER wns 150 148 140 Wiinwall ON wee IT 104 168 NEW YORK High BTA LIARS 1664 10% 14 Hy 116% 8 wh tm x] Low Close RTA BIB hop nov 108 160 Hoek Alehinon Ald, Ch Am, Own Am, Vr, Pr, Am, Liben, Am, Hud, Am, HI, MI, Am, Tel, ,, 800 Annoondu 100% Bilt, & Ohlo 181 Handix vv MB Heth, Hi 116% Briggs | FR Cun, Dey +0 Bh Can, Pan, Bi8% Cheyale , Oh Congolsum Cal, Gra Cw, Cn, NA Kris Fam Lien ten, Mat Gra, Paige told Dust Hoodyeay Houston Hupp Ih, Alehl i, Com Inapriion, Jhe, Man Kennnoot| Lawn Lae, Win Mok, Trok, Miss, Pace Mi, Ward Naeh Nor, Pao Overland Vacknrd Pn, Am Ply Fw m0 hh Y% Hi 14 161% hig LL iy i TY (13 1004 TEN ve BB 73 nil 1] ay 4% 100 ITY iY YAY I Pannsylve, 100% Poore Co [1] Usd, Bt One 14% Ph, Hr, NJ, 10% Pure O11 ,, 08 Radin ,,,, M2 Rd, Kt, Or, #0 fom, Radn BAN Hos, Insur, 68% Hohulte Ht, 1B Mew, Rhok, 148 hell ON LN) Hhnmons 104% fin, ON (00% Hthy Pao, 100% Hh, Rly, a Alaw, Wp, LI Atedubaker Tax, Cult Tim, Noll id, Alp, Ud, On, Unvl, Pips ULE, Nlesl W. Mary, White Wastghee, » 3 War, Hees, Woolworth Yellow Cah Bt, Ol NJ, Ht, OH N.Y, ATTRACTIVE WINDOW DISPLAY Ia AA A Javiisuinly tine window dis: LAR on view In Karn's West Window Just now, deploting Pls naud's Famous Face Oreation done Up In ALE otive Bak lite Hoxes, The display fs vary viohly done fn black and white with a hea Uiul sliver fan as background, oreating a rather striking effect ea pein | Ab RIE A With the red spat | The whole dlaplay In very attpaes tive and wall worth seeing, won -~ seus SE TS = Ds SD 5 MTEC DEED DW di IDE ~5 W PEFIE FiiwF F EEE - Some -- EZPEE SEPEEZE3S - - HOODIE D ess WTE Et I It ne THINK Ror THIS Forma Shae hut nothing des Rarything TR Teuton well as planets, have thei on | 3 Nome have a w Ne Ih 4) ot ora but Just wait and they RR hack AR BE BA BN ERE _R EB _ BR _ EB _BR_N_ NI BRY Wij Tov, ron EPR R= Rub The Spine It like a v otto % you believe the spine | most of your phvsival i Rp nore preple hk 3h thinking so every day, on fe ft a HON INARARS every with Jom Lane a Ne he he ok alts, Lots of folks ave gett i daily from Jury & Lovell, i Rig street east, and Ry Pharmacists The mame by Joints Bavessit is in Canada and 3 the one SINCLAIR DENIES FAVORING BEER AND WINE PLANK Doss Not Endorse Windsor Candidate's Platform, He Declares FE Wouthampton, Ost, B08, ~Km phatie denial that he ever favore the sale of heey and wine by the wing wap W, K, N, Binciair's reply tn reported siatements of Anthony Maventette, Liberal candidate in North Kasen, Mpenking here Lihersl lender rend the slutoment | "I hava never, and do not now, either Individually or as Liberal lander, ondoves sale of heer and wine hy the glass in dining rooms of hotels an ye utabla enfep nn 2 pollay of the Liberal party as an addition to er variation from the poliey Inia down in the manifesto of the party, 1 cannot endorse My Murentatte's polley as the polloy of the party, nor oan 1 control his own views on the matter, If he wishes to appesl to the sleetors on such a poliey 1 aannet deny him that right, but this ean not and must not be interpreted an any en- dorsation of sueh poliey by the party or myself," Mr, Marentette had stated that in private conferences with his fender In Toronto both his candi dature and his platform had been endorsed, Twn statements which he term od "election week stories' were vigorously denied hy W, B, N, Bins olalr, Tank night, The Liberal party, he Asclnred, has no intention of poling thelr Temiskaming and Northern Ontario rallway (0 the Canadian National rallways No Basis for Rumoy "This Is the time for stories, just before the sleotion," said Mr, Binelair, in dealing with the re port from the north, "What authority have they for this statement?" he asked, "None at all, 16 In absolutley false, There In nothing to It, Who started the T. & NO, rallway? It was » Liberal government, the Ross ad ministration, "The Liberals started It as » colonisation road, It still is & on) onisation road, and must he eon. tinued and extended, Many seo tons of the north peed sxtensions of thin rallway, and, if built, they will open up new areas and yleld noreased revenue to the pros ving," These people (the Conservatives) have hoon promising everything under the sun, and, now that they find the neni is going against them and thelr promises are no good, they start lying, One would think men pretending to be as patriotio an members of the Pere Euson government would be above that sort of thing, "Lot mo assure the pepale of the north that we In office will continue this ratlway and will soe that they receive the Inoreasing service from It 10 which they are entitled," Then, turning to the statement Attributed te rh Marentette, the Liberal leader declared headlines lu a Toronto morning paper were Misading and similar to those uaed at the time of his Fort Wik Ham speach, Their ohjeot was te orente unrest In the minds of "ant-Farguson voters" He alae resented newspaper in tarpratations of his refusal to som ant on the h for a) last night, 00 Bootle for any qulek rep! of that kind," he remarked, " "I like to think things over and when | make a reply | ok to 10," HOOVER'S DRY PLAN 5 BEING WEIGHED Official Circles Consider Man Outlined by President Out, 32, we President Hoover! Pohibition polioy, wilen Ee rt ru hi od the verbal Moadae " Po oh ome ellen Tah tf ain a L) LR yi tha ehiet wt Bis lined hin new p Mm in A White fe, i & oon Th pe a oy Ly dntent oo ohana y A YH hat mens dain of » Amine Inst night, the ollowlug aihinsion on still remain to be Shoots od out, hut that progress thu SROON A yar pos ay alison o the A ; hh HM ahr, "Ww in the Heover -- gram R ore isin) : ment will awalt re ot of the prohibition --t ULARLY for of the entire wait fram the Fn Ly of Jum | AWaTer, cannot of any Ap ne program as « months NNNAe Hh primary Tet, 19 Build up reapact for law a hai ihe q third, to enlist the ho gal} oroperation of state and elty ob fiolals With federal NX The iy N Ha Ay -- of Wt, ¥ i . Hy a As o] FH of Nquer to da vavery ¢ Ni, Nucke & wed int =-and a tbe far pH (TEN ANd arrhw fn Minnesota has been reatest radon > \ To in we Sau ---------------- a] The ban on hunting witha how | ltted by the State Legislature, PACE SEVEN BA FAMOUS NUMBER 88x It is the number of a Slipper Heel' Hose that is distin. guished for length of wear «the service sheer weight... the fine, firm texture...the smartness of the shades, ,, the "Slipper Heel" feature and the low price... $1.50 | Plocadilly) Avenue Riverside Regent Park Lane

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