THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, oer OBER 24, 1929 Trans-Atlantic Flier Long Overdue, And Entertained For His Safety | No Word Concerning Avi. ator Who Left Newfound- land for London TIME LIMIT PASSED an rr Diteman Himself _ Esti- "mated It at 26 Hours London, Oct, 24 ~--An uncléim- ed private cablegram for Urban F, Diteman Jr., last night was lying on a desk in the London Bureau of the Associated Press, and deem- ed likely to become a souveni: another air tragedy. Diteman on Tuesday left New- foundland in a small aeroplane with the hope of reaching England yesterday, The cablegram was sent soon af- ter he Jeft, and Jay here awnait- ing his arrival all day, Every few minutes there reached the same desk, messages from all parts of the British Isles and ships at sea, reporting that nothing had been heard of the aviator since he left Newfoundland, Last night there was grave doubt that Diteman would ever read his message, wor he was long overdue, Slight Hopes Held British air experts were pessi- mistic from the outset about Dite~ man ishing his at teat in his little machine, and ns the hours wore on they were more inclined to the belief that he had met disaster, but there was no re- laxation of the vigilance of wateh. ers, particularly along the west- ern coast of Ireland. The ehief hope remaining was the possibile {ty that the Montana cattle trot had been pleked up at sen by a vessel not equipped with radie, | The big floodlights at Oroxdan i Airport, his objective, were cilities should Diteman turn uy on all night to provide landing southwest Irish %oast Strong Fears The pessimism of the staff of the airport was increased last night hy adverse weather reports, Off the the wind was growing in strength and the sky becoming overcast and threat- ening a storm, May Make Landing f An Exchange telegraph despatcn from Copenhagen yesterday sald that it wos learned that the Green- land Trade Department two months ago hd been ordered to sendy gano to Julanshaab, Greenland, | a Mr, Diteman, reports that gasoline had Bae prdered for a man named an tobe ol in Greenland, caused speculation as to whether Urban ¥, Diteman Jr. had made public the complete plan for his flights, The note he left behind when he took off from Newfoundland sald that he was going "to Lon- on,"s but did not say by direct ight. In view of the fact that he had concealed all his previous movements and plans, except from his wife, it seemed possible that he had established a fuel base on the southwest coast of Green land, with the intention of break- ing his transatlantic alr voyage at least at one point. Story is Confirmed Billings, Mont, Oct, 23,--When asked last night about a shipment of gasoline to Jullanshaab, Green- land, for her husband, Mrs, Urban F, Ditem Jr. said that two months*aYo they had planned that fis flight would be to Europe vim Greenland and Jeeland, but that a few days ap he changed his mind and deelded Ro make one hep from Newfoundland, to London, He had grdered supplies previously deposited at the propose relay points, -- to be island Fred Stecker, 48 years old, was Raed an annulment of his mar- Mrs, Margaret Larson, by Ju Py I. ynch, in. Chicago. Stecker yd that he married her during a deapken stupor last July 30, a = id ced. a ¥ ter Days! . . . vig Early Spring! « « « alive! heat from tin, , dea McClary "Sunshine', Code Installed, costs only & Standard "about half as much as Hot Water 4 or Steam! Burns completely the 'smoke The 'excl es of fuell Even the gases are burn- mo 'VENTI- assures Economy iness. rv stigate to- GET A JAR AT KARN"S Drug Store Next P. O. TREES BROKEN N TUESDAY'S STORM Heavy Wind Allo Was "" Cause of Interruptions In Power i Porrecs were either blown down or broken, and several interruptions ere caused to the power service uring the heavy windstorm 'which el Whitby and district Tuesday ternooh and evening, A very heavy ain fell, and the wind for several hours displayed a velocity of at least 80 miles an hour, It was the worst storm since early spring. Traffic on the highway was very dangerous, due partly to fallen lea. ves, No accidents, however, were re ted at a late hour last night, Mo- rists with light cars experienced ifficulty in staying on the road, It is many a day since old Lake Qutario Bppeared in an angry a mood 'as he did Tuesday, Waves dashed aver the Greakwaters, but no damage has so far been reported, NOTED PREACHER COMING Anniversary services for Whitby United Church are arranged for Sunday week, Nov, 8rd. For the morning service, Dr, Charles Bishop, M.A., of Belleville, will be the special preacher, During the war Dr, Bishop was chief of Ca- nadian Y.M.C.A, work in France and afterwards was minister at Sharbourne St, Toronto, At. the ing seryice Denton Massey, the ader of the world's largest Bi- Hew Class, will be the preacher, ONTARIO COUNTY PLOWMEN DO WELL AT KINGSTON The Ontario County Junior Farmers' Plowing Team consisting of George Ianson, Greenbank, Charlie Clark, Uxbridge and Earl McCualg, Gamebridge, won third n the Inter-County Meet at the nternational' Mateh at Xingston, oing just eighteen m rks behind dterloo County who stood first George Ianson was high man on the Ontario County Team, The boys were all under twenty-one yearg of age, Other Ontario County J men who brought honor to their County were, Dave Tran, Atha, Stanley Thompson, Atha, and Nor man Smith, Sandford. TO GIVE SAFETY LECTURE The Ontario Safety League will send a man to Whitby on Decem- ber 2nd to give a safety pro- gramme to the pupils of the 'Schools, "It will be given in the ftornoon, presumably in the Town all, Last year the League car- riled the safety lesson to 148,000 children in 465 schools, in 115 eit- den, towns and villages throughout the province, The special school Wafety programme consists of talks illustrated by motion pletures and lantern slides and is given without cost, The Board of Education has sanctioned the programme, FIVE PIN BOWLING AT THE HOSPITAL Bowling at the Ontario 'Hospital Kot away to a flying start during last "week, and results in the first games showed mid-season form, Judging from the scores turned In there promises to be plenty of com- petition before the season advances very far. The Senators, last year's shield winners, slammed the little wooden soldiers for the high score of 2,232, while T. Rae the same team registered the highest total of 738 for three games. i The following is the league standing to Oct, 18: Team w Beaches, (Power House) 8 Wanderers, (Stores) uw. Lakesides, (Cottages) ...2 Falcons, (Pavillon) .....2 Senators, (Cottages) .....? Giants, (OMco) wins osed Cubs, (Office) ... RTT | Rovers, (Reception) ---- Leafs, (Farm) «+ A sein Rangers, (Cottages) ..... Hillcrests, (Infirmary) ..1 Tigers (Power House) ,.0 he J EL ttt] TO ee er BOO CO 20 EOE Reuasts Bu piNG FOR The property of the late F, J. Richardson, torner of Byron and : Colcrhe Streets, has been purchased by Miss J. McKee, RN, For the past year Miss McKee has occupied these prmises as the JropHietor of the Whitby Hospital, and she greatly re- one gat owing to improper facilis ork must be interrupted Fry due Rarly next spring uildifig will undrgo extensive al Sots and repairs prior to the re- opening as a first-class twelve bed MALARIA BEING ELIMINATED FRO OLD ITALIAN CITY Rome's Enenty of Centuries Being Vanquished by Modern Science pray or Rome, Oct, Zhe--Rome's; engiiy' § centuries, which: wasted arniies, fg duced cities and decimated the popn- lation time and again--deadly, dread- ed malaria--is fast being reduced fo a mere shadow of its former force, Figures just issued by the Governor's Health Office show how complete has been the victory of the sapitar forces, From time immemorial mil- lions of mosquitoes rose from swan py lands around Rome and piled up the malaria death list among the in- habitants, But there were only nine deaths in 1928, and 1,057 cases, Two years ago there were 14 deaths and 1,240 cases, And ten years ago the deaths were in the hundreds and the cases in the tens of thousands, Some years ago ull the dangerous swamp and ponds around Rome were rained, The swarms of mosquitoes which bred there perished or sought other homes, Examination of blood is carried on constantly at the Central Laboratory, Three thousand persons sent sam- ples of their blood to the Laboratory. to be examined during the present summer, Some 900 pounds of quin- ine prophylactic were used, The di- rect war of the Government against the mosquitoes is carried on without letup, The mosquito casualties read like casualty lists in the Great War and are just as heavy. ¥hrough mos- quito traps and other devices, the Government © captured on only onc "sector" at Ostia Antica, near the sea, 32,807 mosquitoes last year, SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULIN FOUND U.S.A. Research Workers. Claim Raw Starches Effect. | ive in Mild Cases D.C, in the October 24, form of un. Washington, Raw starches, cooked vegetables, are foreseen as a | possible substitute for insulin, in the treatment of mild diabetes. After two years of research, Dr, §, M, senthal, pharmacologist of the hy+ gienic laboratory, U.S, public health service, has found that raw starches may be eaten without an appreciable rise in blood sugar, The effect of insulin, which is in- jected, is to keep the guantity of sugar from rising in a patient's blood after a meal, Further tests are being carried out to determine whether raw vegetables, taken as & part of the meal, will nct be as effective as in- sulin Raw starches, fed both to nor | mal and diabetic patients in the form of uncooked carrots, turnips, onions, tomatoes, radishes, and some nuts, were found to prevent the rise in blood sugar, «= Rescarch is progressing to deter. mine whether the use of Insulin can be avoided in cases where it has been injected once or twice a day, Prom, ising results have rewarded the work, Dr, Rosenthal said, but no definitd conclusion has been reached, Dr, Rosenthal's discovery came as a by- product of a study of digestion, He cautioned that the raw starches will not act as a cure, no more than in- sulin, but will be valuable in the treatment, BEAR AND HUNTER ROLL OVER GRIP, IN DEAT | Fernie, B.C,, Oct. 24. Fighting for his lite In the grip of a huge | grizely bear, Joe Gorotskl was last seen by a companion rolling with | the bear over the edge of a steep | precipice on the mountain side be- | hind Trinity Mountain near here yesterday, i Such was the story brought to | Fernie by Joe Durowiak, who nad | been on a hunting trip with Gorot- oscape by taking to his heels, Provincial police have gone to search for the man, | ski, and who stated he made hin | private hospital, Miss MgKee ex- pects to leave town November lst | to spend the next six months in Tor. onto and New York City where she | has practised as a registered nurse for many years, She desires to thank | the physicians and citizens for their | kindly co-operation poss be, how Ww many Ne 'matter what your age mh long you have been troubled or n icines you have tried without success-- pL are a victim af Bladder Weakneds nd Irritation, A Yan and nights of p AR Rest, fou are invited to He the pmiazing value of Southworth's "Urataba" without slsk of cost unless pleased with resulta, Made rom a a ial formula ned by the Doctor for over years "Uratabs" are de. signed to awiltly Rar the pain asd mi: sery of Burning Urethral Ivritations,s Back. aches, frequent daily annoyance apd trouble some nights, Any good druggist will supply ou on a guarantee of money back on first i ot wonderl(ull BEL TRANIS ihad so vr tained, } Ro- | Now that Ben Lyon is a licensed pilot, he can look at his early flying experiences with that wistful remin iscent attitude, During, the filming of "The Flying Marine," Columbia's contribution to movie aviation now Playing at the New Martin' Theatre with dialogue, music and sound /- fects, in which Lyon has the featured role, several of these experiences were told, "I shall never forget my reactions ta my fist solo flight," narrated Lyon "EL went into the air with the utmost confidence in myself, However as the plane tock off, I said a prayer to myself But, I can honestly say 'hat | felt no fear, To the contrary, | ex perienced a feeling of exaltation, The entire performance went off smooth ly. The landing was one of the best 1 have ever made" "However, let me add that the case of the first performances was not Rookie Pilots Have Too | Much Faith in Their Skill repeated on the second trip, Be cause of faulty control, | had trouble with banks and side- lipping. This shocked my sense of confidence and in landing I bumped wildly across the field, 1 went up again immediately after that to regain faith in my abil ity, as is the case with all rookie- pilots, This attitude leads to lots of foolhardy tricks," "But in tine, a pilot reaches the stage of flying maturity in the sense that recklessness is replaced by a steady fearless conservatism, This is the stage which I think I have al- ready passed into, In "The Flying Marine," 1 had to reassume that cock sure, reckless spirit to more perfect. ly interpret the role of the carefree, daredevil young marine," Appearing in this production with Ben Lyon ure Shirley Mason and Jason Robards, Albert 8S, Rogell di- rected, PRESCOTT T0 VOTE ON OCTOBER 30 Chief Election Officer Says Lists Will be Ready Toronto, Oct, %4- "The provincial election in Prescott will not be ferred, "The election in Prescott will take place on Oct, 30 as in the other constituencies of Ontario," Allan M Dymond, chief electoral officer, de finitely stated tonight, A report had been published that the election in Prescott would probably have to be postponed, de The basis for the article laid in the fact that Crown Attorney Thistle waite, , Prescott, who had charge of the revision of the voters' list in the riding, died before completion of the work, "This work is being com pleted," Mr, Dymond declared, Assis tant Chief Electoral Officer Wilkin son, he said, had visited Prescott about a week ago and there was no danger of any delzv in bh " list fully prepared in time for election, the THE EMPIRE'S YUTURE (London Evening Btandard) There are probanly some 25,000 { millon acres of land within our available for development, In Canada alone barely one-tenth of the possible soll Is actually in use and theer is much the samo story to be told nll over the world, wher. over the British races hold sway, Ee . 4 ny ys VAL 1E This Crest tr on ® 7% hur Lah Due to superior points In construction, and dhe use 8; hese hoes last finest materials p than ordinary shoes, and the a "to Hi ft om Ub cheapest in cont you less ho you buy tovee Eh peor year, snd becouse they outwear ordinary shoes, Sold and Recommended by ics BURNS CO., LIMITED King and Simcoe Sts, Oshawa ai We need not, selves to poverty, not ple in the world, people tinlly ont known, A party of 27 England in the P ranald to take tralia, then, only the the We reconcile our- are potens richest but algo the rich world has British boys and O, liner Bal- up farming in peo over relief by blood in the lower bowel, ting and salves fail, Dr, Roid, a harmless fablst, is "guaran quickly and safely misery or money bac left Aug» Kuvarantee, Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting removing the Eaves Congestion of Nothing. bit an internal remedy can do thig=that's why cut- wonhardt"s Hem. 10 banish any form of Pile k. Jury & Lovell Ltd, and druggists everywhere sell it with this Phil of the sobp family I'm Lather-O , + direct LATHER- + + + + but champion of them all when it comes to removing dirt from the hands . . . . quickly as you please . . , . In hard, soft, hot or cold water . . , . without serub- bing or hard rubbing. RED RIVER CEREAL Pkg. 24° Layer X Ee Rue tere Fresh and Meaty Stoneless Dates Cluster Raisins Mars ymallows RE Brend-- oy AS Crown ok Pheoe SPECIAL~ CRISCO | NBL Tiv Pkg. 39¢ Tin 34¢ y | «Ib. ny then rinse . . . . and your hands will again be immaculately clean, h and refr "Keep me handy In the bath. room and office washroom, motor oar + + « « you'll find Jme very use ful 4 + + +» very often." MARKED SPECIAL ON SALE FOR WEEK OF OCT. 25th «- OCT. 31st THE MODERN WAY OF CLEANING THE HANDS "Just lather me over your hands as you would any tollot soap Reg. Price 14c cake w SPECIAL we 2 cakes 25° ROBIN HOOD OATS Fudew 26° Fresh Valencia Cake LOBLAW'S. its escvssonaran Lb. le Walnuts For Fryi rying G6' Mixed Nuts + In Shell--Exceptional Vales, , Mincemeat LIBBY'S Finest Quality. Mincemeat Chava Jelly Lb. 4c Lb. 19¢ 1b. 160 ese Lb, 408 jAgR AND JILL Brand -- AARI ARR RIAN Shelled Filberts clean . Tin lle "Box 19¢ Box 89¢ Box 15¢ . Bag 12¢ 4b. Bag 6c Quince Jelly Peanut Butter Cranbe Rich Fruit and Nut HA. PURE LARD 3 Bars | SPECIAL Kello CORN FAKES 1 Small COMBINATION OFFER ET bly 29 MOANA iin real troat--123¢ on, Jar 'eae ry Sauce AYLMER vy, Dau Jaro Jar 34¢ Jar 24¢ Jar 18¢ Jar 160 Gon. Juv. ARROW Brand The World's Best--G.0n. Jar, oo Delicious Cherry Cake Lb. 36¢ Caki Lb. 32¢ LOBLAW'S, 1s. LOBLAW'S, iii ianae "ane FLUID BEEF &B.'s | CATSUP ioe 24°