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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 by Magistrate J, Albert Page, to with » iceabl anand | UC 0080 0 AD 0 HMA ire woven days in the counties Ards Which were fie L 4 ull on n charge of being intoxicat- P d P [] o he Decembers, NEWS 4 | ed In charge of a car. A mile TO uce rices m t upturn wis at ao + ; gompanion appeared also this Open commitments, morning and pald $10 fine and $8 + | costs for conkuming liquor in an Commercial Markets Hovember, gem Lo 0 os illegal place, December, : SEs LAST TRIP FOR THRESHER ok woafl 8f one of the are willy ----n ane. a. w= The threshing eggs on her ap. An TEMPLE DEDICATED Whalesale dealers in and straw " ge wr ha Het rah i " Pld Found Not Gully JED (y + OAL jutekine po its 1886. trip \ sit Bo of the bas: Lindsay == About 200 Musous Quoting: fo shinpers the ins 0 for | 'ae i a Sct, £10 SAS a i A 00 oe SHE SRA EM BRL w ll SOLVAY COKE ant Vary 800d con- | everything. No police metion fa | fo tah SINITIEE BYERRA Gh SRR: | N63 slmothy baled Vd Ain ue Under and' ley po an Autom In Negligence BN (eidoriag 'ary' Weather, being taken, 8 tion of 'the new Masonic Vemple | Onis Fie pak Am ors poviries 990 1000 | feed: ole ' ---- : \ yi | tor King Rdward Lodge, AN, & | Wheat straw, baled, ton { Mit 9.50 10, » American SomNo. 2 yellow, $1.06 1.2 (all | Toronto, Ot, 23,~~Chas, Catron, SENTENCED FOR ABSA i TERRY INSPEOYED | 2" rR oq ill a 4 Timothy looss, Is ow at $19 to] rail, delivered frolght), local street yallway motorman, was 090 a $ A . 4 i underland, The new | s20 per ton, delivered. Millfoed pro tiny real Iie ie, bags a © Lin James Russell, ~= The' third Field | temple is a fine building. ug it way -- ine ued ran, ¥ $15,25; shorts, per |Bequitted herey esterday by a jury Brace o, wag gonitenced to oy Batt 7 otea twp weeks' drill former} the Preshyterian Churgh, TORONTO PRODUCE ton, $17.28 which found him not guilty of *® ft WwW ad we a 4 { month og wl ry was fin %, pe 4 y nights ouch week last he 4, edlcation dbp To cone Toronto wholesals dealers are offering pro. Snare unio il Pick whens, Ee the, criminal negligence In contection ¢ 00 A 8 by Judge' W. D, Sway rdny | night/and 'was Inspected by Gen- ae by Grand - Master, Rt. C, | duce to ratuil deslers at the following bil: with the death of John Ba , kil) | 1 "when I$ pieadnd rib eral Anderson of Kingston, com-| Dargavel, of Toronto, sestwted by | "Liss rert, extras, in cartons, 60c; frech VASK BVETALD Li VE STOCK vd April 20, when the ail Hota | CORD WW OOD charge of indecent Shy Another mandant of the military district, '| other, Grand Ledge officers wud a Stray loose, bes first, loose, Sic; seconds, ois it Rullalo, a woh feels of flows 1, ne as driving Ya ooask by » f harge was, laid ageinet him but { Sv-- number of Masons ware. impres- co | fui ' port? i ly 18 higher; | Btreet car driven by Cairns, neigh * Si " FELL ON ROAD--BROKE sive, About 20 members of Faith: 4, greeny orig 1c » prints, dle; No, far dev ts ow, sendy; ul 10 1a] Cairns was' also charged with eS Sv---- 1 ! HIS ARM tul Brethren and Goths Lodges, | Chesse~New, laine, flei Stine a 1.0; 20 lw hod oe 8 7810 wo; Pilih manslaughter in the same case, but SCRAMBLED! Belleville--VFred Keller, son of | Lindsay, were present for the eer- tile, fi, sultan, Ze. le larga, ot wan 8) Tl Bat ! the court instructed the uy to 18 L Fenders on, two ca Walter Kellar, 20 St. Paul Street, | gmonjes and GG. W. Hall, Lon Wice | itiltons, se, ' Regelpts of "cutie, 1605 cows predominat: | nore this charge, ' T WENT Y (20 DELIVERY VEHICL and, about x dosin ogin Muff oo while' running soross the round in| kett, A, J. McBride and W,.D, | Poultiy-- Dressed | I septs of cava grades, $42 cud -- ) ES fn a t the oorner of play gall and broke his vight #ymi| Stovens, of Lindsay, assisted in' CHIckent 5 the, up cosmic 7, ' Burglaries Solved INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY # : ) fst, He was taken to 0 LOTCIORION, + Nocalpty "of sheen, 700; Tambs fair) ive] ooo Tig Foter 8 tom | » a local physician where the frac; the Sedicuting cefemor y wy food "0" Chole #13. to ks isin " b Guelph. ~~ 0th 33.--A series of] ing down Bt. Peter Street and the | ture was reduced ' fg | dfn and "seme as ns yf; [burglaries was cleaned up ester. | y ' ' TEAM RUNS AWAY 8 . Shrowaits, §l 10,507 Tat ewes, 43.23 10 | day with the arrest of four youths other going along Queen Street, A -- Btirling---A rather exofting win. | BrOURES ++ vs H ' who admitted their gulit in police | turned at the séme and ran VIOLATED L.C.A, Aig mn Laer iy gn ' jane admitted thls Sullt JD. Dalles J into each other doing little dam. Brookvlle--A local man was ar. [ AWAY occurred on Monciy & I £ FUTURES y " ( OA age to the fender but hurting no-| rested last evenng end this morns when Karl Wallace, who a TORONTO PROVISION PRICES _ciitcege vRORYE ) he Spor aux iarket woek for sentence. y - , i the Marmora Rond was proceeding / one. A woman was sitting in the log in police court was sentenced) = Shamrock Choose. Factory : With oll ouenta wholesale dealers arg q ong the rem aping plete firm 1 we otations, |. from an online To hn is milk, the horse took the Jolng, 50 | er und moved upwhrd vamewhat further dur. sponsible recently for the destruc- TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES tn bin tos on urriving at tho Tall. | 1 pte fd Kublai | Ine Uhgicall, This srenath wns larytly die | tion ot efghty tons of opal fn u sid: p H way Crossng, soon the wagon, milk | smoked 45 to 47, drawl In the si { pikes yesterday, and a | Ing, T would like some of that sort : and Barl were left against a t@le- 1h red etta~Lo oh web tosis" 70 tendeny i) worl Ngher alter Jsserday's of coal this winter.~The Pass EAA 000 AE SAS OAS OA AAP 01 phone pole the horse and staffs | 27 Us is, be Lightweight rors | **ihae 6 closg wan shout gency. ing Show, . went to Stirling, crossing Mr. Mat-] 35 L 5 The butter spot market avy Hoday, | thew's lawn on to [Front street, " arg bure 4 Slorees, fei bs, Mes pai, a AA A Ah where it crashed onto the pave- 1h to"fSc! "bs " bl odes only The! tins, Te - nt at th lun corner 'but | vrints, 16c, Here, you will find a unified dis ment in he. Sapser Ene rk loins, 3201 New York shoulders 26 [oo 3 ug prices ale Ade or Sr meats | The Novembers } {t | =amys, medium -- ww | DOMINION STORES | + pleking itself up it proceeded up bh play of Lumber and Building Pro- et on hs DiGawatk lon | 1st vork butts, 25 1%; park Ham, 20 1: ducts -- a truly impressive aggre dangering pedestrians, windows TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET fi . d f ' Il d and telephone poles and finally The following are quotations, retall, in gation comprised of nationally ad- landed up in the yard at the Wet: | eect on the St, Lawrence market, Toronto) 1 e chor House, neither man or bhenst Pi vertised materials, for every purs was Injured and wstrangs to may 4 i ra ri -- fran and purpose. the milk even was Intact, Butter, dairy, per pound , Do., creamery, per pound sees 0 42 Fruits and Vegetables There is an old trite saying, "He ENFIELD BRIEFS Carrots, bushel 1vueseririinienses LivieD | lieets, bushel -- ( d n b: is well paid who i 18 well satisfied." Enfleld, Oct. 22 Mr, and Mrs cnt he barked ' This can be applied to your lumber way " Or miston, Bowigniivltte: Cauliflower i visited Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Ormis- | Spinach, pee purchases, not only in the product f ton, ushrooms, per pound : : : " Loaf let h fo alone, but by knowing that it will My, and Mrs, J, H, Jardine, 'o- | ifend ettice. 2 for ropnto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Frank | Potatoes, ba be backed by courteous treatment Ye Gilbert. Curb Parsley, per bunch and the right kind of service, Mr, and Mra, H. L. Pascoa 8nd | Cress, three for ,,. Mr, Walton Pageoe, Columbus, | Celery, per bundle , Mr, and Mrs, EK. W, Pascos and Lamont, ver. dosent , \ Mp, and Mrs, C, L, Mackey, Brook- | Anples, 6.at. basket rn. Hn, Mr, and Mre, J, Alexander, | (reen beans, 11 at, y Nshawn, Miss Wiizabeth Pascoe, Sums: DANKE vires Toronto, and Mr, F. Hanson, Nor | Pears, 1 at, . val, were recent visitors at the Fae hey, 8 ot. y ai n mev he meions Cc home of I. O. Pascoe, (ireen panpers; six for Albert Niddery, Toronto, visited | Ouinces, 6 at 4 . 0 ! hy Mr, and Mrs, J, Hepburn, Cranberries, at, .. A" David MeXonzle, Columbus ind friend spent the week-end TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS " A Grain dealers on the Toremia Board of with Mr, and Mrs, M. J. Hobbw, Trade are making the following quotations Mrs, L, CO. Pascoe and Mrs, J. | (or car lotst Manitoba wheat, No, 1 north. Hepburn spent a few days In To ' ronto, Godfrey Rowman and Wallace 28 Ritson Road North Pascoe attended the plowing QUALITY metal at Kineston last week \ : TELEPHONE 2821.2820 ! There 1x to bo n concert and ple COAL | 5 woelal In the hall on Thursday : SAM. COWAN. TREVOR ©. EM FRED. W. STEWART, nizht, Oct, 24. Miss Velma Ferguson recently Phone 3080 Ceneral Superintendem, Avidord Wchndons Vie roid Secretary, suffered the misfortune of & a Born County Antrim, Ireland, Born London, dw Bern Hastings, Onterie, broken ¢ollar bone N ' A TR Customers of this Institution have long been Impressed with in different eapacities, each of whom has come from the the evident desire of every Dominion Store employee to be ranks, A Canadian institution, Dgminion Stores oud of of utmost wervice in making shopping a pleasant experience. the fact that each of these men has been born within the But behind this great army of loyal clerks are many men Rritish Empire, and therefore can be counted upon to oarry A li t his who never have the opportunity of making personal a Then on in such a way as to strengthen the bonds that exist bee | with the customer, but who, nevertheless, serve In even a tween Canadian shoppers and this Canadian institution, greater way by directing the many and varied activities of From time to time we will bring your attention to other im. this great Canadian enterprise, t exccutives, whose constant enderyer is to séyve you AT THE REXALL STORE Month 8} 1 moi imme ore sot an ise 00 Saal 52 ollow th of our important executives who serve "behind the scenes" $1.75 $1.00 SOC EN EL AVIN iQ CREAM VIKING Armand's Compact FAY'S BREAKFAST a0 GILLETTE BLADES Hot Water Boll ol ] Complete with refill and puff. ' Crosse & Blackwell's | COCOA 15-1b. Tin 25¢ SPECIAL -- ALL FOR aoc BL Suds Size Moul $1.19 May bo had tn gold or 4Q BRANSTON | CRISCO lb, Tin 24 J3-lb. Tin 7 2c Year, fpbolal . . silver finish? +. vives Save money on Patents VAPURE ' TOMATO CATSUP 10-02. Bottle 15¢ Baby's Own Tablets ...... 900 MILE OF MAGNESIA TOO PASTE A Wonderful and quick reliet PICKLE NAYY Braman Balts «oso... i O00 KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH fui he, lagi owe. of (Sweet Chutney) TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls 23e Proper Shape with Pure White Bristles HEAD COLDS Scott's Emulsion .... 90¢ & 480 he u . GINGER SNAPS 2 bs. 25¢ encom] Kifer dge | "ges | 35 Zc soe | ROLLED OATS. 3mm 15¢/ \ 1] LEARN} LR) 200 . ! SNREDDED OR DESICCATED oan Lan. Stop. via cOuGH! COCOANUT i. 196 er's Liver Pills 00s MILLION-DOLLAR AUTO STROP RAZOR, | Fae ier eve Cheb er STROP AND ONE BLADE | Cook's Friend CRABAPPLE UELLY avo 1039... Dreco Tonle «..iovcvvves 000 Syrup wu... 38¢ & 60c § LAVENDER MENTHOLATED SHAVING | H A BING tron 8 4 Coos. 800 & $1.00 GAS rene l-B EGGWEAT NOODLES ig. 10e Teolion, Hilem past, me pe foe ora Timon ai 332 38¢ The Four for. : 5 POWDER SH RIMPS American Beauty Tin 2le Riser... 350, 800 & 00 | wor Fine Cake Bantng | TODDY eid. Tin 33 Gin Pills .,... 88¢, 8 for $1.00 RIKER'S MILK OF MAGNESIA -- 6 ox. u . NE \ SY RUP Lyle's Golden 21b. Tin27ec Woodward's Gripe Water . 8% ANTIACID AND LAXATIVE Chase's K & L Pills ,.......800 Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 'Live . fq | | Tin ] 1 HE NEW MUFFETS Pkg: 12¢ Nervlline (.....ovveveve. 880 fthout Scratching Adlerlka .....iioin..s. $1.00 Both for 43¢ 50¢ & $1.00 - "18s -- , - LIVES 20-0z. Mason Jar 'Queen's J)c _Sal Hepatica ..30c, 63c & $1.35 Puretest Emulsion. A WHEN You wax © CANDY " Be i |i MN . -- - - i --- WHEATENA For Breakfast Pkg. 29. SOLD FINSH LOM POWDER VANTY || or Tlie Burke] | oF someone BNE HLH HAWES' LEMON OIL souis 23e CHERISETTE FACE POWDER ur Huplona i B00 'WNT co A pe ' LARGE Both 5 FAVOURITE SHAD 60c lb. Boots Je. on, SIN | PER ASN | | WHITEBEANS .%%%: 210s. 17e or Ll eppe i L] With 1 enn $1.00. I X 9 4 id £ : h, jo $8s oe Viele aan EC ESILAARAEGS | | Shirritt's Jelly Powders WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS QUICKLY PHONE -- Wl a Bl] meters 4rsw 19. JURY & LOVELL we ar Rl = 7 M&° | Ea se i : RIT E "DRUG TORE S ; - ; KING EAST FOUNTAIN © SIMCOE SoUTH | | Ontario Grown Potatoes "31c pk.-$1.85 bag Kidd A Hin We suggest you only buy immediate requirements at present, as we expect to put on a sale of Prince Edward Island otatoes in the immediate future.

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