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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 2

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MERE veap & harvest in this line, oY LA the eity are litera faruly | Marie ta the |! i Hi wy ail "he! tr fe % Maar of the Reintrivuting ot aah i ather pars phe ip that |] Tons ae an Ione "During the 1 ee there Rave heen yA i offered for $a Hike PETE VOR, and fi Ag Aref ass to the atin Theatre ( 4) two) to oes with THE MOST P sho watches d NR, Holden for [first and th highest fialding and batting average; the Olympia Cafe, a net to the winning rely wd thelr executives; Lhe Arcade $30.00 garment FOI THAN MOT HOME RUNA; hte Babette Haire BLY Parlor will PERMAN. ENTLY wave the hair " the head ol he an THAT RAPE O ve Tie HAEE-BAGGERR (lye } i) ho fhe winner hi We to undred): a pair of phoes, a Neill FOR THE MONT WJIWO-BAGGERS, Other valuable rises will be given by Arthur oit, JO) lark. nd Luke FPurnis W R_ATOLEN BABES and t t BTRIKE OUTS BY PITCHERS," "hin io the first year that the wivie baseball in Oshawa has re- aelved such wonderful support by tha business men of the elty, and the various awards will tend to make the quality of baseball play- ed this summer aven mors desery- ing of these prises," ain=~the following appeared in the same column, "Sport Bnap- ahaly', on Wednesday, July Brd, "HL "anothar prise has been offered to the lady ball players of the eity, Buchanan's tore has donated a sllksknit dress to the Oshawa Ladies' fofthall League to be presented to the mirl HAV. ING THE HIGHEST AVERAGE In the league for the season, The two pairs of hose, kindly donated Ly Atkin's Silk Bhop are to be for the INFIELDER HAVING THR HIOH- AVERAGE FOR THE REAS- "With all these priv awaiting them at the end of the season there is not much chance of many games being purposely made olose #0 As to draw a gate as each girl ia out for one or. more of the awards," Further quotations Unnecessary, Now, Jet us look for a moment or two at the averages and find Vou Bt are surely 'A Dalightiul Breakfast Food Ra ee i IT BEATS ALL |, How Those Old Creaky Sef ts Unk Joii- Ease Ale Save r partner-~down the osh; but don't it fesl ve those old Jobs rk, a8 4mMooth and easy as t [Sha shunlar at the Fair! "rion i how Jolut-Kase soaks right 4 and in two minutes thin skin and flesh way own ws ne ligaments and bons, It surely does oll 'em up; takes out all the stiffness, lameness, Kinks, oreaks, soren il oan bu in, be I Tor ad SHEE Mote Ra NA Whether in fodt, anki Ku. M Teck, Moulder. sidow, spine and for that pun ag the fastest sell bing oents at w 2 n St, KE, and remem ber THR, Joint- Kase heh in Joint Agony Feta out=-quiek! " i ext 16 no time, pnd makes | An [the government he a ogy pt these ofr ol ch ak winner of the iin han the B86, Dus. how iL eomes that Minn was fra the bh) R, ol "were the comen. the Olym Cafe a i i A the the queen's of spjoyed it to ; $3 vie. Wes won Marian Fis with Aire, orla A " i want to ine Ye but thelr names wan't 88 in the draw at 8) th" seven Marion Biot, on a luoky draw from A, Perguson, The stolen bases prise, donated by A, 0, Veit, was won hy Doris Kilburn With thirtesn, Rosle Reece was second with elght, and Rosle got it, Buchanan store prise was won by Dori ure with 1430, Mat lon Kay 'was second with Who got it, or was it shangsd te to Kive » girl a Pret in the Brine winners I find that hd ennedy Jan it tor the best batting AVATARS, figures in that dee Darhent ne being 485, and she cers nly 'led there, Ina Goold stood alone in pers contages as an Inflelder, her totel being 088, She vecelved The At- kin's Bilk Shop prise, The Jury & Lovell prise for beet fielding average vy won by Doris Kilburn with 946; Ina Goold was second with 988; MH, Melean was third with 018; Marion Kay was fourth with 013; KB, Piphe and Lena Watson were fifth with pig M Billott was sisth wit B00; R, Reece was seventh with LLY Ea Blow was eighth with Reb; V, Bark was nin'h with 089) A, Walker wag tenth with ne ' MeDonald was eleventh with 870) Mary Forrester was twelfth with 860; and Agnes Blalr was thin teenth with 857. Who sot It? Agr gle Blair on a lucky draw, So there you are, Read It and. digest it, then tel yours truly if he was right in his' previous remarks, The question of "ringers" did not figure In the making of the rule against any one player res oelving more than one prise save a oateher, No; things went despar than that-=too deep for youm draly ho hen only the framers The rier is pulling for no one Payer in the learun, and does not now the youns lady who won and lost most of the prises to which she was, by all laws of clean sport, antitied to, Lot's have justice ut least in the #irls' league' where 'ringers' are the exception and not the rule, So why bring thet up? My Revious epistle to your paper stands word for word as It was writs en, an I ftv found no valid reason ir. oha 2% or title of it, [1 Sharing of 'Tu entered larges R in the Mlatribution of prizes and OT playing ability, Whitby plays ors oN in he 3 UR draws, but Wire 0 in one of them, mere unis x your city showe the JONT + spirit a the dons donation o the prises, but § erred bad ally hn Lio ig fork den rule the element of ™ 'In Hot=Feesin wile ha H w cdo ni d pleasant drop, irs truly, * SINCLAIR CLOSES WESTERN ONTARID SPEAKING TOUR Inst say on the . uh : rule 'and let the vi n, | Makes Attack on Adwinis- tration of Lands and Forests' Department (By Frank Fiaherty, Canadian Prose Stat Writer) Sars, Oct Jbl sem al Ontarl y N. Sinclatr, Liberal leader, ia tos day on his way baok to his A viding of South Ontario, where io will address two mestings ton tn Port Perry and Whitby, ak oe - ft hy "i rgest meetings of the here and launched for the fimst time inte an attack on the ine istration of the department of landa attack was In part A reply to the ed of Hon, W, N, Price that he had nothing to eritleise in but the nor fatal Act, It had another signh in view of the fact that en Friday Mr. Sinclair is to address ix 1s Wasting 1a the riding of the dn and forests, Hon, William Finlayson, one at Orillia and the other at Midlend, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 P13 10 ASOINATE ITALIAN PRINCE (Bontinued fron from page mony, while bands hss i Han anthems, later returning to the alisn embassy where he 1s stop. ping, Srnt---- Brussels, Ost, §4,-~Crown Princes Humbert, after his return from the unknown soldier's tomb where he oncaped assassination, was recely- ing members of the italien colony his fiancee, Princess Marie Jose arrived. fhe hurriedly ran ta him and fell In his arms, kissing him passionately, The pale som plexion of the princess hore evi- 4 of how deeply moved she ha the attempt on her fiance's Prince Humbert then received the congratulations of King Albert, Queen Elisabeth and other mem~ 0 | bers of the Royal Family who ae companied the incess, hen the king and quedn and the 'Belgian Princess shook hands with Humbert, they questioned him shout the ineident, Hmiling and apparently not the least upset, the JI prince replied: "Perhaps If my parents had not chosen the date of the anniversary of thelr marria 0, I might have had Joss luck, All's wall that ends well, and I have myself informed my mother that nothing happened to her son," : TA oii og TO Rome, Oct, Mo~Liallans were hors ror-stricken today at news from Brussels that the Crown Prince, pot bert, a heen fred upon today le partiel ipating In a Seromony at {th ¢ Belgian Unknown fhe fom ee NEWS WAS COMMUNICA. ted to Hina Vietor Emanuel and een Elena st the palace at San ossoregh, Their majesties echoed the national sentiment of relief that he escaped unhurt, The attempt was attributed here to resentment of . anth-Fascists in Brussels against the condemnation and executlon recently at Pola of Viadimir Oortan, Jugoslavian "Ters rotist" who fired on a line of voters last election day. Pope Plus' when Informed of the attempted assassination said he was kind the prince had escaped and he Was sorry seh an event had hap: pened to gloud the happiness of the youthful "roy i lconple; COMMUNISTS HAD TWO MEETINGS ON TORONTO STREETS Election Candidates Were Allowed by Police to Address. Crowds Toronte, 'Oet, B4,~Communist candidates for the coming provine ola] election were successful in holding two politioal meetings last night without mterruption, Police were présent at hoth meetings, hut merely assisted In keeping the roadway and sidewalks clear for traftio, At Dellwoeds and Dundas streets, Tim Buck spoke for more than an hour, "We have to stand out here in the road," he sald, "he cause 1 can't rent a hall In Too ronto, There's no owner oF mans ager whe dares to rent me a hall for fear of having his license ean- called: I could eall this election fllexa! becanse I wan officially xem ged, because we had not the right to meet In a hall as all the other parties do, "We have never disdained to seknowledpe that we aim to over throw capitalism and emancipate the worker, and that revolutionary means will ba used," he sald, Oharles Aims, the second eandi- date for Toronto ridings, spoke at the corner of Dundas and Rhaw streets, and aw in the ease of the ance was heokling, ------------------ CHICAGO GRAIN Ohioa oy Oct, 24.~~Wheat prices collapse cents a bushel! today under a So acoumulation of selling orders t that found few will. ing to buy, May wheat, closing last night at 81.644 to %, drep- Jed to #1,81% during t » first ur's trading on the Chicago Board of Trade Judas. There was no overnight rt business to tations wore the tra o and Liverpool tions were Foner than antl large offer. A oy Aired gy SEVERE ITCHING BURNING ECZEMA Covered Chest and Throat. % 1 Ri, NA # , 1 MEMBERS TO BE RETURNED T0 LEGISLATURE ¥ROM 119 RIDINGS ' The mp shove shows how Ontario i BIvided, for provinela) elestion pups ose, Into, 112 ridings, each entitled A Ons representative in the lexisiature Up unth 1004 there were 108 ridings, | Tovanto has 16 seats, Hamilion, 8, but In that year five were added by | London & Ottawa i, and Windsor 4, 8 vedintribution; and In 1025 the repre: |b eave seri [OWA LRUBIlY haying a rural section Included, are snl) sentation wan Inoveased hy one seat ited Lo one representative PASTOR WELCOMED AT ORONO AFTER EXTENDED TOUR i Rev. William Sterling Ten. dered Reception After Three Mos, Vacation Orono, Ost, 84,~Rev, William Sterling, pastor of Oronp elreuft, United Chiureh of Canada, snd Mry, Merling were given a vagal wel. come on thelr return home Inst week from a threes month¥ yaea- tion spent in Western Canada, A radeption and mocial evening was held in Fark street chureh, Which was filled almost to overtlo M, W, Btaples officiated a» ghalrman when a good impromptu program was rendered, and gréets ings wera brought by John Thomp- pon for Leskard, and Mr, Isaac Chapman of the Kirby appoint. ment, The pastor and Mrs, Ber. ling feelingly thanked their peo- ple for thely demonstration of good will, also the generosity of the ohureh board in'paying the expens- of of the supply for the full three months during thelr absence, + Another surprise was given them on thelr return by the Women's Association, who had beautifully redecorated and furnished ona of the rooms und made other changes for thelr evmfort at the parsen- age; and mill another, when on behalf of the association the Presi dent, Mrs, Dickson, made the pres- entation of over forty cans of fruft and plokies, At the close refresh ments were served and a pleasant evening brought to a close Miss Viola Townsend of Pitts burg, PA, Ia visiting Dr, and Mm Keralake Kverett Oihson and lady friend ot Toronto spent a couple of days at the home of his father, John Gibson, Martin Linton and Mr, Astridge have placed new radios in thelr homes; Clarence McMullen, night wateh- man on the Orono highway, was thrown from his bleyele when ft hit a stone in the road during his rounds, and loosened several teeth and Injured his kneeseap of his left le, He continues to stay In hin Job, however, rs, B. GO, Carsondden, Leskard, sustained a painful acoldent on Monday evening lust, Hhe was walking along the hardwood floor at her home when she tripped on the rug and In falling fractured her hip bone, Drs, Colville of Op. ono and MeNell of Pontypool were summoned and attended to her In. juries, The following day she Ya taken In an ambulance to 8, M ohael's Hoaptial, Toronto, 3 Di a i That Mody of Pours By Jems WV, Dore, M.D. CURING PARALYSIS You have seen & man or one leg, and with one arm hangin limply at the aide or yJathaps he across the chest by a sling, You TecONN a the dondition as "paralysis", and have rightly been ol the opinion that there wasn't anys ih Me that could be done that would help the condition to any extent, Rovever J it so Wd al that cer» tain cases of this kind had an attack ol go A and after the attack pass» od Away, some were seen 10 he vastly impraved in so far as the pacalysis he concerned, esearch men then began experi: eating with these cases, and it wae tiseovered iy cures had actually taken hace nA number of hothitale ccordingly all over the world ex- periments were undertaken, but the rosults were not uniform: in one lage Hamilton, Canada, for instance, rilllant results were abtained, in Pilver places results were disappoints Woman walking along the atraet anf In "Ene experiment consists of jects ing the organising of malaria into Jationt Shit set i a lever, which kept withi imits by the use of quinine, Lh they age os: tablishing special places where pas o | hibits at Toreate, BIG BUILDING PRO- GRAM FOR BUFFALO Buffalo, N.Y This elty Is as suming a new henuty snd dignity under the impetus of construction now under wey This program In the elty, coupled with snormous development outside In the metro politan wren, will result In the next five years In expenditurss of hes twaan B50.000,000 and $100, 000,000 for bridges, publie build Ings and parkways wlone The elty of Buffalo Heelf has under way a municipal plan involv ing expenditure of $45,000,000 This, with the work the siate is doing, calls for completion of the civig centre in Nipgars Bgunre, where the $7,000,000 city hall 1s heing constructed on one side and fn B400,000 state office bullding on the other In. Delaware Ave, ona block from Niagara Square, fs the new elty court building just finished al a cost of $1,000,000 tients muy go to he treated, It has been found thet gertuln "strains" or families of malaria oi ganisims are better sulted for the « periment than others, and the den now Is to have research men secure the strain that has proven most su cessful, When you think that this condition Is one that has been known to mun pinee the dawn of history, and tha nothing has even heen in any wi effective In curing it, until the malas I trentment was discovered It cer tainly makes you wonder If this search fAeld of medicine bins not been somewhat neglected, The fact tht quinine ean complately wantrel th attack of malprin phen the exper! ment sale Now the percentage of cures date Is not large, hut mmny eases have so completely recovered the u of their arms and legs that ene woul scarcely suspect that they had eve heen paralysed, (Registered In acetrdunce Copyright Act), with th Kven Tory mothers of Great Nv! tain are now ealling thelr boys "Philip" Home pre being oalled inowden," Nrookville Necorder and Times, 1 In revenge for being knooked probability become bald, Is the ve- | down hy the motarayele of a farm gent declaration of doctors and | er, a Wrench farm hand vecently hairdressers in Melbourne, Austra! lay In walt for the oyellst's returns, Ia, then shot hin y dead Copleg afier the model farm in Central Park, New York, a section for British domestie and farm ani mals may be added to the London Zoo, ] Women who smoke will In sll ------ ha ip eid hy the phtughaphor at Ottawa last Governor General | i weok, and Premier MacDonald, snapped Photographs here show four of, Industries Kyposition, (2) B, W, those who are attending the Dalry | Chandler, Creamery Package Oo, Industries Kxposition, featuring [of the same assoclation, (3) Fred aver a million dollars worth of ox® | Rasmussen, sooretary of Interna They are: W, tional Association of lee Cream ChevrysBurrell. Corp, | Supplies, and (4) Dudley M, Dos director of fry and lee Cpeam (man, president of International Machinery Supplied Association, | Association of Tee Cream Manufaes | Cherry, baby || of the girls || 5 MCLARENS © INVINCIBLE | JELLY POWDERS fthod fo thelr "INVINCIBLE in name and in quality " MELARENS UMITED ~H Am IvTON ONT ad Fayorite § Star Goes C.P.R. Travelling from Winnipeg to Montreal by Imperial Limited, erack Canadian Pacific Flyer, Cols leen Moore, smiling Irish actress opened her eyes to more than aver. age widenesn an whe got her first fips of the prairies and the ast from the luxurious comparts ment of a Canadian Pacific train de luxe, Bhe told Interviewers DRAMATIC END TO WATER BOY'S REIGN Former King of Afghanistan Surrenders To His Successor (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Kabul, 'Atghanistan, Oct, 24, After holding out for nearly a week In the fortress Jebal-Herad), Bachan Bakao, erstwhile King of Arvghanistan, and former 'water way of the north", surrendered yesterday with 1,000 loyal adhers ents to Nadir Khan, Afghanistan's new king, on condition that thelr ven ho spared Thus the tumultuous vegin of the former watersoarfer who tasted the sweets of kingship toy ten months after driving Amanuls lah from the throne, came to a dramatio close, A new rallway Is to connfet Cairo and Suen, Egypt, that she had been In a condition of amazement all through her trip and the word "wonderful" was con tinually on her lips, Bhe is shown herve stepping from the train at the Windsor street station, Montreal, {ust before receiving an ovation from her countless admirers who gathered at the depot and later at the theatre where she appeared .d person, SERIOUS EXPLOSION IN HOLLYWOOD, CAL. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hollywe od Calif, Ogt, Mr =An ex» ploston and five destroyed the labora» tory of the Consolidated Film Induse tries here early today, causing a loss estimated as Nigh as $5,000,000, Fifty persons In the building fled to safety ducing intervals between four des tonations which wrecked the plage, One man was Killed, Round World Fliers Strike Bad Storm North Platte, Nebr, Oct, Half thelr cross country journey over, the four Russian round-the- world flyers sald they would he content to make Chloage hy tor night Their tri-motored plane, "Land of the Noviets," rode through some rough weather to reagh here from Halt Lake Qlty yesterday, The flyers expect to remain In Chicago over the waek- end, 2m Eamonn De Valera would solve Irish unemployment hy instituting arbi protection, I _. A Es N\ With Meals \ Oistes Diy GINGER ALE Puts an Edge On Your Appetite O'Koefu's Beverages Limited, Toronto Prepare For Winter Now By ordering your STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS Good Storm Windows, well fitted, will prevent both wind and rain from causing worry and discomfort, beat at Millard's Planing Mill Phone 2384 sponsoring organisation for Dalry { turers, You get the d St, E,

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