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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 3

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vif PAGE THREP, onservdatives H HR Hs THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 -- eld Three Meetings in This pos Total Sum Ot $63,000 Has Been Subscribed Towards Oshawa Directors of the Company, Which Was Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce, "Are Confident That Mini mum of $100,000 Will be Secured FORMED TO FOSTER NEW INDUSTRIES Function of the Company Will be to Provide Build- ings in Which New Indus- tries Will Find Suitable Locations in This City ---- The sum of $63,300 had been sub- seribed towards the Oshawa Founda: tion sad, Leon Frazer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce reported this morning, The Oshawa Founda- tion Lad, is a company formed to faster the construction of buildings in which new industries might find suit able locations, A minimum of $100, (000 is required and the Chamber of Commerge is confident that this sum may he secured ia have been Issued at a par value af R100 each, The company will not eall upon any individual share: halder to pay more than 20 per gent, of his subseription at any one time, and no subsequent calls will he mady thereniter for a period of 60 days, ne ell to exceed 20 per cent, of the amount subseribed, The directors will call for funds only when definite plans for con struction have been projected, No commissions are being wiven for the wile of the shares and the campaign is under the direction of Mr, Frazer, This company, when it gets Into operation, will, na doubt, provide a real talking point for. the Industrial Commissioner and the members of the Joint Industrial Committee of the city eoungil apd the Chamber of Commeree, when they are interviews ing executives of prospective Indust vies, Dug to the action af the rate payers in approving a by-law to es tablish an industrial wrea, the city can now offer industries suitablc land at & reasonable price, and with the operation of the Industrial Fou dation, Limited, firms considering lo cating in Oshawa can be offered fa gilities for the erection of a bullding stitable for thelr needs; at a mini mum of outlay on their part, This will no doubt, attract & number of smaller industries to the ety and ald in the diversifiention of the eity's in dustries, 'a goal at which the eity has been wlming for senie time YOUNG PEOPLE T0 TAKE SERVICES AT MAPLE GROVE Oshawa Young People's Union to Assist Next Sunday Maple Grove, Oot, 38.-In the absence of the pastor, Rev, J, I, Stainton, who was preaching ane niversary services at Almonds on Sunday, Nev, G, W, Irvine of Oshawa ably ocoupled the pulpht here, Next sunday the ehureh ser vice will be in charge of the Young People's Union of Oshawa, The Young People's Meeting Wednesday evening was opened with Miss Marjorie Stevens, presi= dent, in the chair, After the de: votlonal period Willlam Laled, and vice-president took oharge, and the followng Program Was given: Bible reading, Chavile Col: Her; duets hy Misses Etelka and Lavonne Trimble and Miss Edna swallow and Brae Laird; readings hy Miss Klsle Samis, Maleolm Law nnd Clitford Bwallow, a solo by Miss May Freeman, After this part of the program a short cans test wan enjoyed, MP, and Mra, Lewis, son Rus sel apd Miss Gladys Green, Peters hore visited thely cousin, Mrs, H, (, Freaman on Runday, ME and Mrs, Lou Heckin visits ed friends in Oshawa on Hunday, Mr, and Mpa, Ray Snowden, Torapto, spent Sunday wit™ thelv parents herve, Ni and Mprs, Loekhart and son, Price, Niagara Falls, Mr, Sid Lanoaster, Port Granby, visled thelr sister, Mrs, Ivison Munday over the week-end, : Me, and Mrs, Sam Saowden, Mra onarlle Sowden and Mr, Charles Axtord spent Friday in Toreato, My. and Mra, A, Trenouth, sen vank and Mve, George Taylor, ampton, visited their cousin, Mrs, arry Freeman on Thuraday, n Memoriam 3 ------ : RAIG-~1In loving memory of our £ dear husband and tatner, Lance | Hergt, Jamse Cralf, who dled of wounds in France, Oet, 24, 1014, Rest on, dear Jimmie, thy work is \ o'er, Thy willing hands will toll no more On earth there's strife in Heaven reat We Wiss you most who loves you ent, Severau only "Till He Come", Inserted hy his wile and son, 437.30th Ave, K., | resousd the Vancouver, B.C. | Court set out after leaving the | Foundation WINDOW AT O.L.C, BROKEN BY WIND The high wind of Tuesdny night did consider to the fine stained win. dow at the head of the stale in the great hall of the One tavio Ladies' College here, The upper part of the window was blown out and destroyed, while oink h window was a ble plece of art, and was installed over fifty years ago, when the college was known as Teatal aay Castle, the residence of Fherlff Reynolds, The win. dow hove the cont of arms of the Reynolds family, rr MANY LIVES ARE FEARED LOST ON THE GREAT LAKES (Continued from Page 1) miles from Nessen wreck | expected te be refloated yesterday, FOUND LAST NIGHT Barge Lake Frugality, which was adrift In Lake Superior for many hours, Crew all safe, Barge aground at Paint au Sable, Tug Barrellton, from which Lake Frugality broke away, Crew believed | all wife, "Wag on way to Munising, Mich, Lives in Danger The fate of a hundred men wis left in doubt early yesterday as th winter's first gale! lashed itself oul in final outhursts of fury wong the 1,000-mile shoreline of the great lake alter taking a heavy tol shipping and property, . A crew of 32 glung to the storm swept freighter Witham HW, Pilkey, fast on the rocks of Gravel island, Lake Superior, while tugs and const guard vessels battled in vain through | stricken liinent a heavy surf 10 reach the ship, whieh sppeared in danger of breaking up, Another 20 men stood steamer Maple Court, aground on Magnetic reef, Lake Huron, while a shifting wind made the position ol the ship inereasingly perilous, From Chicago came word Capt, Harry Miller and a orew pov 4) men in a lifeboat were unres ported for more than 34 hours after putting out In lake Buperior to the ald of a stranded barge, And in Lake Michigan the Grand Trunk automobile ferry Milwaukee, carrying M passengers oul of Grand Haven, was ro averdue, Nalety of several score of men for whom fears had been entertained was assured, meanwhile, as radio messag: es which filtered through the final hours of the equinoetial storm ac counted Tuesday night for other ves sels which had been reported miss Ing or aground, Rescues Effected At Leamington, Ont, 12 men and one woman were brought safely as shore from the stranded steamer N, 1, Nessen during a spectacular reas cue in whieh an heroic effort oue in whieh 'an heraie lifeboat crow of lake fishermen twice fought their way to the side of the grounded ship, It seemed cettain yesterday morning that the Nessen would be a total less, Five miles from the scene of the Nessen wreck, the sand barge C, W Cadwell, of Windsor, was fast a ground off Paint Pelee, Thy erew of nine on the 280-foat vessel appears ed in no danger, and it was believed that the Cadwell, would be refloated at dawn, At Point Au Sable, the barge Lake Fragality founder Tuesday night als ter drifting helplessly for hours on Lake Superior, The erew of ten swam ashore, Seveyal hours later, the tug Harralion, reported A after breaking loose {rom the Lake rugal- ity, was picked up by the tug Semis nole of the United States coast guard and was taken into Munising, For nearly 48 hours every harbor on the lakes wat evammed with ship ping driven to shelter hy the raging storm, : In each of the ports damage which will total several million dollars, was sustained by waterfront property and wi vtieh he Chi lak damage along the Chicago or share od tated at $1,000,000, while Michigan City, Ind, suffered a loss of $300,000, Throughout many towns of Indiana, Wisconsin, Michi. gan and Hhnois, residents were fore ged to flee their homes, Sault Ste, Marie, Mich, Oct, 34, ~Twentysthree seamen and oftio ern of the stranded steamer, Maple Court of the Canadian Steamships Lines, were rescued by a coast guard cutter at 4,80 am, today from thelr vessel, which has heen aground off Magnetic Reef, Cocke burn Ialand, in Lake Huron, sincg 4 am, Sunday, The Maple Court was reported to he in 'very bad shape' hy mews hers of the erew, who reached Detour thisgmorning, The ship they sald, T wedsed on ¥ rook and being severely pounded by the hy the that ul waves, Netther Captain NM, Staulkes, the commander, nor any of the rest of the crew suffered from their three and a half day battle with the lake, The crew planned ta take a bus to the Sault this morning. ; Another Vessel ground The coast guard cutter whish crew of the Maple of lives, | Oshawa Vote in Last Election Upon ihe request of weveral readers, The Times today publishes the detailed vote In this elty on December 1, 1026, the last elec tion, to the Ontario legis: lature, In this election, W, dg, N, Binclaly defeated his oppenant, John Biecey, hy a majority of hbproximately 2,400, gaining a plurality in every munis elpality In the riding, The figures for each municipsls ity were published in The Times a tew days ago, and the folowing are the detalled figures for the elty of Oshawa! ron Minclaly 1 Aly hia M4 100 Al} LF) np 1] Q-4 11} All 11] HP [3 Q-7 11) AG 140 HM 184 N-% 10g AD T} Th el, 101 78 MH i LT) We 07 04 Al) 147 H-0 146 1% 16 Al} 134 H-0 10 Pe 0 A+} Ag HM 7H N-%4 0K A= OM N+¥ Wiacey Ko 108 ho i i i 106 [1] 71 H in LE LU Lh] 71 ni KO LL] 101 UL) an Wl 180 na i Hp 0% Advance Pol) Totals 11064 Majority Alnolalr 1507 Nel fon {3 seamen at Detour for the 402 foot ore earvler, William 1, Pilkey which has been aground for than a day on Gravel laland, elght miles east of Detour OMcers of the coast guard hoat #ald they passed the grounded freighter while hringing In the orew of the Maple Court, They re ported seeing no sign of fe aboard the vessel and sald the fires apparently had heen put out, Thay sald It was not Hght enough to de termine definitely whether any one was aboard or whether the vessel | was badly damaged The oerew of A) seamen and officers might have found some means of getting ashore on Gravel Island, they sald While the storm was reported abating somewhat In the upper lakes there 1a still a falrly rougn goa running which makes vescoua efforts hazardous, marine men sald today, Another Crew Saved According to reports reaching her the Lake Frugality lies high and dry on the beach four miles off Point an Sauble in Lake Superior, The erew were saved by the tng Barrallion, Ihe Fragality's bow 1s well up on the strand and the stern 1% in six feet of water, The United States coast Seminole, which participated in thy search for the Marrallton and the Lake Frugality is at Whitefish age cording tu reporis, Teall of Damage Chatham, Oct, 24,~=A heavy trall of damage resulted from the storm of the past two days, Al Erie Beach, a large lee house was dashed off its foundation and pounded to pleces, All dooks in the out were awapt away ang flahing nets demolished, Rondeau wai the scene of destruction, Hun» dreds of "hides, used by duek hunters were blown away, and tims ber barge was forced aground, At Rarnia, two tugs, hound for Fort Willlam,, returned when It was found tht Lake Huven wes too rough, Last night, elght large freighters Were at anchor in the 8, Clalr River, Two lpemen were slightly injured when they were blown fram a pole on whieh they were making repairs, Maple Court Crew Rescued Autemobile ferry Milwaukee, gn Lake Michigan, Lifeboat carrying ovew of pine on Lake Superior, PROPERTY DAMAGE Several million dollars, ine $1,000,000 in Chicagoh SHIPS AGROUND Ove carrier William B, Pilkey piled up on Gravel island, Lake Superior) erew of 42 in imminent danger Freighter Maple Court, fast on Magnetic reef, Lake Huyon, with 20 nen aboard; position reported a8 perilons, Freighter N, ) to pieces near Leamington, crow of 13 rescued. Steamer C. M, Cadwell, ashore five « \ Se-- RAIN DRENCHES CROWD A heavy downpour of vain caus od discomfort to thousands of Oshawana at noon teday as they hureied home from stoves, schools, shops and offices, Many had for tunately provided themfelves with rubbers, umbrellas, and raincoats, but not a few were unprepared for the shower and had to hvave the elements as beat they could, ward tug lading Nessen, pounding Ont "What Do You Know About Town Planning? After a look at towns and elties as they are one might fairly conclude that nobody knows A newspaper heading veads® anything about it--=Torouta Stay, more ! CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | CAI RECOVERED The Chevrolet car which was re- ported yesterday uns stolen was found by the polles on Athol street last night, The eur belonged Lo ¥, G, Crawley of this eity and was stolen from outside the Negent Theatre on Monday night, -------- THOUGHT CHIMNEY WAN ON Ving When some small boys saw Sparia issuing from a chimney on Imeos street south, last night, they thought that the ehimney was on fire and turned in an alarm to tha fire department, The fires men discovered, however, that the sparks were caused hy an fire in the furnace, re. "eh NOT ISSUING PROGRAM Hambly Brothers, wish It to he made known that they have no eon nection with any eanvawsers who wre solloiting advertising for a pros Kram In connection with the new hockey arens, Ho far as they are concerned, no such proposal Is he ing sponsored, and they ask that the publie he Informed of this fact ------------ IMPORTANT LEGION MEETING An important meeting of the Osh awa Branch of the Canadian Legion has been called for this evening, when further plans for the Armistice celebration and Poppy Day will Ie considered, In addition, the branch will diseuss the sending of a delg wate to the annual Dominion eonvens tion at Reming, Sask, in November, aiid will probably name thelr repre sentative to that impdrtant meeting In view of the Important business, i large attendance of members Is re quested COMMISSIONER TO BENS AIRS IS VISITING OSHAWA 'E. L. McColl Will Interview| | Industries of This City Tomorrow K, 1, MeColl, the Canadian Trade | Commissioner to Argentine, Uru guy and Chile, will visit this elty tomorrow, according Lo an wn Inouncement made by Leon Frazer, seoretary of the Oshawa Chamber of Commeroe During his stay herve, Mr, MeColl will Interview all Oshawa firms de airing to inaugurate or develop tynde with the countries comprised in the territory, Appointments are now being arranged hy seversl firma with My, MeCaoll, through the loeal Chamber of Commeres Hilts Kmpive Vale The visit (0 Mr, MoeCall ta Osh AWA at this time Is particularly In teresting due to the iteieh Kime pire Fale, which Is to he held at Nuenos Ayres during Webruary anu March of 1081, The Canadian Government has taken a bhullding of 40,000 square feel, which will be utilised for the demonstration of Canadian produbts, Canadian producers interested are Invited to write to the Depagtment of Trade and Commerce top particulars, Avgenting imports more than 800,000,000 worth of goods ane nually, Canadian imports ta this republle have inoreased from 84, 500,00 In 1008 to $17,000,000 tor the 12 months ending July, 1029 Mr, MgColl's Record KB, Li McColl 1s a native of Top onto and a graduate of Toronto University (RA, 1814), He serv od overseas With the @ih Hattery, Canadian itleld Artillery, returning to Canada With the rank of major Nefore entering the Commercial intelli narvice, Mr, MoColl had ten Yea experience in huniness, He wan Appointed as asslatant trade oner at Rio de Janeiro in d wa promoter to the rank eo commissioner the same years) In 1038 Mr, MoColl wan tranaferred to Buenos Alves where he gtouples the post of Trade Cam missioner to Argentine, Uruguay and Ohlle, A pamphlet hy Mr, MoColl deal Ig with "Trade Possibilities in gentine, Chile, Uruguay © and raguay,t will shortly be publish. od, copy will ha nent free to any subsoriher to the Commercial Ine telligence Journal, To other than subsoribers the price da 25 gents Requents for this Bubleation should he addressed ta the Denartment of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, SUPERLATIVE "Is this considered a pretty good restaurant I" ane customer asked ans other, "Yes, ineed, 1 you order a fresh ONE You LW the freshest in the workl it vou order a good eup of coffee you got the hest in the wereld, if you "Huy, | ordered a small steak" er a Manila's proposed 'blue law" ov dinanee fixing the hours at whioh Atores may abey on Hupdays and holidays, haa been declared uneon atitutional, I \ Thomas Farrow, aged 8, died recently at Hull, England, from hemorrhage caused hy a wound received in an aceldent 20 years TTL EE --------_---- Government authorities and planters of North Sumatra, Neth erland Rast Indies, ave trylag to | Induce natives of Java to settle | there IN CONFERENCE SECRITARY Nav, A, C, Hahn, pastor of Grace Lutheran Chureh in this wily, 1s wecretnry of the Western Ontario Distriet Lutheran Chureh wonference being held in Clffora, Ont, this week, Mr, and Mrs, Hahn are being entertained by Rev, and Mrs, Hovaee Krdmann eof Clifford, Rey, Mr, Erdmann heing a former gollege chum of Mr, Hahn, A-------- VACER CHARGER IN TORONTO Ross Anderson, 17, of Canning: ton, who was shot hy Provinelsl OMear Taylor while he wap pe tempting to rob a store in Cannings ton, will face several charges in Toronto when he is released from Lindsay Hospital, where his bullet wound is helng treated, Anderson ia helleved hy police to have heen the intruder who entered an apart ment on Jarvis street, Toronto, last Friday, and intimidating them with & revolver, held np two girls Hying there, The Intruder was seared hy thelr screams and made # hasty getaway, The description given hy the givis tallies with that of Anderson, police claim BUSH FIRE RAGING West. Hill, Qete 28 e=Firemen under Chief 0, Love, of the Weay boro five brigade, wera tonight continuing an attack on & hush fire whieh has been hurning for three | weekly on the subdivision of Living stone park, Latest reports indiest ad that the fire was gradunlly he ing stopped despite the handloap to firefighters in having to travel woven miles for water, There are ahout 200 acres of hush In the aren, hut so tar only seven or slght are ablare Residents with cot tages nearby. have onrried many paJis, of water to dampen the ground SEALS FALL OFF TUMBLERS, COURT | OFFICERS AT LOSS Inadequacy of City Police Station Is Again Demonstrated | Da tumbler Waoltean his kn oll i" unusual question #sked hb Magistrate Hind startled room this morning in the the trial of Gerdon \Yolliran who was ehariged in peliee court this murming with having Nguor other than that | purchased on hig individual permit, | But there was good ground lor th question which indirectly and auain brought to light the wo ful inadequacy of the local police sta tion, \When the police had visited | Wallran's home on one occasion last | June they claimed that there were | several men deinking beer in 4 room and they seized three tumblers which they sald were being his mor ming Ls 8, Hyman, defense counsel expressed the wish that the glasses he exhibited to the gourt, And then the tale was uniolded Fach tumbler had been marked with a seal and placed among sever al other objects of similar natuee in one of the infamous cells of the Rich mond street "hlack hole Recent! on account of the heat in the cell the seals fell off and the police are now at a loss to distinguish Wall ran's tumblers from any other tumb lors, Magistrate Hind had, therefore, made the suggestion that | sary the defendant and his counsel might visit the makeshift police eup board in an effort to identily the | former's tumblers, Mr, Hyman waly ed the point, however, and the ease proceeded, It was not completed this | morning and is proceeding this after noon, COUNTY JUDGING COMPETITION AT BRODKLIN, NY. Junior Farmers Up to 25 Years of Age From All Parts of County Eligible Ontario County young farmers will have a chance to try their skill in nding live stoek, poultry, grain and roots at Brooklin on Friday, Novem ber 1, The competition will start at 9 am, sharp, Contestants will be re. quired to judge tour entries in each class and hand in their placings on cards which will he supplied, Young wen from all parts of Ontario Couns ty up to twenty five years of nye ate eligible, To the ten high boys between sixes teen and twenty-one years of age will be awarded a foursday trip to the Raval Winter Fair, alt expenses paid, three beautiful silver cups have bei tonaied a Soitdws: ai or highest standing in judging: heavy Rones. donpted-h | Lg Ro . dy 1 dairy cattle, donated hy Douglas Thomson, Brookling sheep, donated by R. Ray Melaughlin,d Oshawa. Cash prizes will alse be given. and the three high bays in the whale competition will be given the hone of representing Ontario County in the Inter-County Judging Competis tion at the Guelph and Royal \Vinter Fairs No applications are necessary, Rays intending to take part will simply be on hand at Brooklin hotel at 8X wrt | course ol the « eaneerned used neces. | | plumbing, am, Friday, November 1, Built Church _ Without Debt Just what edn be dows hy congregation In the buwllghg « church when thelr minds are made up that they ars going to pay for it when it 1s completed, "18 seen by the afforis nf the Onis) Chureh in Batliehoro on the Port Hope-Veterharo highway, "Tig ew terprising congregnion dechded rebuild thelr present chuveh: at aont of 08,600 and this Is how thay secomplished it, A canvas was made of the vilv Inge and the result of this was the gratifying receipt of $8,000, When the churelh re-opened ithe eollestion for the morning snd evening mervices amounted. 16 $1,086, which left 81706 yet Lo get, The Indies of the . church , then decided to put on a hot suppay, on the following Tuesday evening and for this event they sold 660 tokels at 60 cents each making an addition to the (reasury, of $486, and incidently leaving the ehureh with a balance Instead of the usual debt, Orme Gamshy of Orono assisted at the services and sang several solos, In addition to the supper on the Tuesdny evan. ing a fine program was given and was attended hy an overflowing house » to | ma Conservativ Brook HERE TOMORROW" Obituary | The death occurred on Haturday, || « October 10, at the Women's Col lege Honpital, Torvento, of Mary Mellisen, wife of MW, (0, Riches, in| her B4th year, Mr, Riches is the) son of 'the late Mr, and Mrs, John Riches of 180 Colborne street, Osh awa, and Is well known In this eity, The funeral was held from her late verldence, 1414 Barton Ave nue, Toronto, on Monday, Oct, 81, and Interment took place in Pros pect cemetery, | Among the relatives attending the funeral from Oshawa were Wil fred Thomas and Mrs, Mary Tham-'| aus of 110 Alloe street, My, and Mrs, || Kveret Thomas Himeoe street south, and Miss Louisa Niches, of 100 Colborne street HOUSEBUILDING © ACTIVITY. IN OFFY | #harega pf having HAS BEEN NORMAL Many New Houses Are Now Under Way While Others Are Completed =!" Housebullding activity has heey progressing hormally cand read Hy In the olty this year, although | the bhullding season 8 Bow reach ing a point where faw mare pro jects will be stavied until next spring A large number of new houses have heen erected this year In the olty, and others are haw In various' precesses of completion Alderman 8, MH, Jackson Is yap idly completing a house an Gl don avenue, This dwelling, which will cost $4,500, ia of brick ven oer construetion, 11 staveys high, and the Interlar Is now bheiny trimmed Suboontraots were awarded follows sleotrioal work, 1 plumbing, W, J Nrown: heating and tinamithing, R, J. Lockwood; plastering, Hut oliffe and Sage; all of Oshaws, NW, Haynes, 181 King streey wert, Is rooting a 82,600 fram house at 287 Park road Blactrion] work was let to 4G, A, Townsend) WW. J. Brown: heating! F. Rowden, all of Oshawa, KN, Walker 202 Hillside avenue Lian started work ona $5,000 briek veneer house at 247 Tresane street Trades are helng arranged, Pallds Many Houses J.P Marks, 0 Roxhogoughl avenue, has practioally completed a 36,000 belek veneer house at 83 Roxborough avenus and has found dation work well under way on a similar house at #8 Rexboreugy avenue, This bullder has erdoted seven houses thin year on this street, healdes bullding wevewa! other houses for awners an other streets in the elty, Bub-oontracter: on hie houses wever eleotried) work, RB, Parker: plumbing asl heating, ¥, PP. Guscott} slaving, W, KE, Phillips Cot plastering W, Jo Triek Ca, Ltd: sheet metal work, W, I, Rowden; all of Oph. awa, A A $8,600 brlok house 1a bhalug Olive avenine hv an Parker) Ww econstrueted on Frank Koberndok, 328 Rita roan south, Brickwork Js, haypeins rapidly, and traded, have, heen awarded as follows! © electrical work, Nowra Electro Rhop: 'fap: tering, Tony Paryki HE be ert Ireland: klasing Wo 11H Coy all AS Uhawa, A $1.8500 addition to his ] at 280 Olive avenue 1a hig idly completed by C. Follest, FW, Watkinann, 3402Dearhorn avenue, ta plastering the LNA hriek veneer house whieh he In bullding at 183 Warren weenye for J. RB Waterous 56 Warran avenue, C, R. DeGuerre fu Roti the electrical work; €° 11 "Annis hte plumbing, W, F, Rowden tha heating: and KF, Mareo the masters Ing, All these wan are of Qehawe Norman Pringle . of Haowsanvite in doing' the Masdnry Wark, ! Several other houses ath under away in the olty, and a 1a Nine her have been. completed thi year And are now. bhelng oocupiad. HEE at CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING | a aS - ot) 94, = Wiest, Dog, | 1948 Mar, 188; Copw, Dee, POAT Mar, CRY CORN, Ber 19%: May, 82%. Chicago, {ptore them | $10.00 for choles | tor selects ov WL MeCOLEY Canadian Trade Complsgloner to Argentine, Uruguay and Chile, who will visit Oshawa's Tnduse telex tomorrow, LIQUOR CHARGE ARGUMENT 10 BE HEARD TUESDAY Gordon Wolfran Tried. in Police Court for B.L.C.A. Adjournment Ww mule "TL Tuesday, Oct, 20th, In the case of fordon Waollvan, who appeared be are Magistrate Hind in police Aourt this morning to answer to a / Hguor osher than hat purchased on his individual permit Woltran pleaded. netgud 0 and wan defended by Louie My man Crown Attorney MoGjbben sondueted the prosecution, Agoording tothe evidenes ni De tective Nergeants 1"inkoff 'and Me who visited, Waolfran's home Me YM King wirel east, 'en' the sight of Saturday, Junhdé §, they found four men in a room. Three of the men, they stated, had heer and they weledd sdme timbers and bottles of" hese on & subsequent occasion they "Avnin Wialted Wollvan's place und found # quantity of heer This "they did Wat welee an IL was kept An a proper place, On June 27th they retorned wothivd time and found Two strang® ors dvinkiug beer fu one of the Mons Byidence was glven hy two men Who admitted that they ware at Wolfran's on the night of the Kth af June, They sald that bees had heen placed before thom, but they wera not asked to pay for IL, nels ther did they offer Wollran any money, Waolfran admitted that he had purehased large quantities of heer at Toronto and Port Hope gram the government Maung Btoged hut he denlad that he Yep! Ww wide, Oconalonally, he stated, mean would oall at his plage and he L would treat them, As considerable evidanes was of« wore Gee, fared It was not untl) after twelve o'olook this morning that the Crawn fintahed oross-examination (of the defendant, It was thorafore agraed thah adjournment would ha made until the 28th when hoth edtunkela will be able to present argument, EA BRIDGE DISPUTE -------- {i Ril Cn Over BN 3 A & Tl aninevile Bridgq Me |! (10 Being Argued, |! 25 3 gis sa» COM ise off the Downshipasi Pleks ering vi, the County of Ontario, over the Whitevale bridge, which was des oidedidn favor of the conte Nb Honer Judge Ruddy in County Court at Whitby in ly, haa tbl dhneals ed and is being argued todas in the Second Division Court TLC Chief Justice Latehford, presiding Clwet + Justice, avid WM) This ix a case where tha township of Plekering brought an application before the connty Midge for'an onder to have the Whitevale hedge deoclars od a county bridge The order was refused by Judge Ruddy and tthe township appealed to the Conrthig Appeal, WOM, Tilley, K.CJ and |W, Jo Beaton, hoth af Toronto, are ap pearivg for the township and Gad Conant of Oshawa for the comm ui Ontarie, ETT FORONTO LIVESTOUR AYR " te' re reoeipty, ' 18: at 18,00 to Toronta, Oot LR oalpia, none: oalt calves sold steady receipts, 44, Hogs Lnsets bids at $10.78 FON, &t 312.00 off ea AR 0 Hog tlod with for hacons Sheep Reo, 204 Lambs elosed ston yd at $11.00 fev pool ewes and wethers: Sheep steady, | Declares Conditions _--_n Last Night in Cedardale, in, Ukranian Hall ings F. L. 'Mason, Conservative Candidate in This Riding, "". 'Glves Three Addresses' to Electors of Brooklin' and South Oshawa 11 HARRIS, TORONTO, SPOKE AT BROOKLIN Are Much Improved Under the L.CA, --~ Outlines Record and Achievements of the Ferguson Adminis tration Ww Three addressed weld delivered by 17, Li, Mason, Cohnervarlvd sane didate 1h thig viding last night, The candidate first addressed' meeting In Byooklin, then went to the Temperance Hall, Cedardale, und dinally spoke to & Ukranian meeting in the Prosvita Hall, 11 Alhert street, Other speakers at the Cedurddld meeting included Dr, T,X, Kalsor, MP, Mrs, Robert D, Preston, snd BL, Vickery, all of this oly, Al derman D, Douglas was chairmahy Hrooklin Meetin cl The chisel speaker at te Brook Hn mesting, besides the onndidate, was 0) Harris, MP, of Toronto Wu 'outlined the achievements of the Terguson administration, and declared that the Liquor Control Act was a real plece of temperanoe legislation Dr, James Moore was chairmen ofthe Brooklin meeting which was fairly well attended, The Conservative candidate, », Too Manon, was the first speaker, Me declared that the Verguson ad ministration had governed faith fully and, well, He said that if Premier Ferguson wever id wu olter public aer, "the travelling owhools 'he had established «MW northern Ontario warranted pub He wupport Hla touched on the work of wal fons other deparinients of the pov eriment, stresding the social Tepe lation, 'dncluding the public inst! tutions Temperance Wide Inspe ' My, Mason again referred to the temperance question as a "'kide is pre soaimply a vote-ontbher,' Mi Ninalale has for 16 years heen play mg the temperance people" wml Mayne" the other side equally us hardy The minds of the temper ance people have been poisewed" (Continued on page 13) WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Whinipeg, Oot, 24 "Wheat, O01, Lie Lo, 8 lower at 136 to A064: Nov, 15 to 1 Tower at 104 to 196% Dee, YW to 14 lower at 100% to 187%; May, "§ to 1% lower at 140.ta 144 Oats! Dot, h laler.at 02; Nov, BEER Pianos shaped to fit oyer horse's back are belng manufactur od In Germany for transportation Into the Intevlor of Africa, uit' HERI trated dPtic of, who has Just started her du tiga on the Jmamou Roady, |» 24 xepen pld mal a isl. No L i 4 FN "Card 'of Thinky "+ ar nis Mawitan and daughter," Jean, wish +o thank i NED 1 heen andarel Dp ; w Oxprossions | 8 Ne Bem during grfavement, (4H Lr ad Mrs, nthony FOR HALE--ARIATOORAT' BAR. red Rook cookerels, Exhibition combination of high * standard, Tepe '$2 and $2.28) 20T Verdun Road, (AT) a Cents sortion, for each | ORHAWA Ed ORHAN square day, O rousing ap the featurg Shannon and orohesatm, \ CATHOLIC Rummage § day, Oot, 38, RUNMAGK 8 basement, pom, n WIR py A CARDERS: Thupaday, Oot, 24th, 8.80 p.m. Prize. Waltx Night, LR ® Atlaga th the beit walla couple, Frank Carew's Codimander Op Ohestra in latest motion Plott arohestrations, L988) AN ATTRACTIVE OLD" TIMR Comvert will be preséated 'in | \ Centre Street United Ohureh Sohoot Room at & pom, Friday, Qetaber' 38 Admission Children 180

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