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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. © OCTOBER 24, 1929 PAGE; FIVE The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at o 23-=After Business Hours--'Phone 369, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Gasette and Chron ==Telephon Whitby Street Fair Plans Now Finally Completed vent Under Auspices of Canadian Legion and Citizens' 'Band on Hallowe' Night, October 31st, or Followin Evening in Fumi oot Parade to be a L Fastutts W ith Sthool Children Taking . {Rites Nagies and Chairman of Booths and ET ---- With the Whithy Btreet Falr to this year to the Bireet parade, The pe held Hallowe'en night Oct, 81, | route has heen mapped gut, It lass than twa weeks away, plans will form up at (he Town Hall, of hte varlous eommitiees have Fi north, apd proceed to Dune now assumed definite alinpe, At a dan Street, west to Hyon, north well attended Executive meeting | to Kim, east to Dundas and south on Monday evening juiges for the | to the Yaviowing stand near (he rade were selected, They are | Pour Corners, In the parade will , H, Moore, Dr, 'T, B. Kalser, M, | ha decorated env, trucks, hleyelos, P., and Mrs, George A, Noss, and fancy costumes kulore, The The location of all booths was | school children this year ara baling decided upon, 'The Tewn Engin: | fnvited to Join and they are offer eer, H, L, Pringle, very kindly | ed special prises as noted on page prepared a plan of the Fale aven | fony of this Issue, Frea Jars horns which proved very useful to the | will he given to every ohlld in the committee, Threadgold Nros, have | parade, the eontract for the erection of The ehalrmen of the the hooths, hooths are as follows! Apactal | attention Is being paid | HH. LL. Taylor; Bwealers, Aifferent Hiankets, John RW, In every Way most excellent, The Quality never varies, 44 or Nil Your Summer Home Can Look Mii as Attractive cover the walls and Ni with reproof tightficting sheets of Gyproc a a decorate. Gypoawilia also make it cooler on hot days--warmer on cold nights, For Sale By Wakrous-Meok, Limited N McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Oshawa Lumber Company w Lumber Co, W. J, Trick Company, L -- -------- Oshawa, Ont. - Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont, hawa, Ont, Limited - Qala Ont, I a = _ INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER A OIETRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OBNAWA, ONT, | ghaol | with BI AVUTANE routs eveltiun Migs Wprowl) horse race, W, O, Town, Uhlet Gun. won box ball game, W, Brown, K, Lomax; oughlons, J, M, Hicks; Lardware, CO, Rioe; groceries, J, Humphrey and Vrank Webb; hot dogs, H, Wilson nnd W, Hewls) darts, John MaClelland; country store, Frank Evskine; Hoop Ia, Vernon Rowe; milk bottles, It, Mes Nea; dolls, ig Milly, Hupt, G, W, I, Kvery, of the P, 11,0, will ses that nf alent Hghts are placed for the different booths, A splendid muslenl programme will he given during the evening by the Whithy Citizens' Hand, The Committees expecls that hundreds of people will come fn from outside places, Last year the attendance was over 4,000, If the wasther Is not favorable Hal. lowe'en Night, the Faly will he held the following evening, Nor vemher 1st, The Committee hag purchased AS one of the prises a fine new radio from Mr, Fred Landon, It 1s now on view in My, Landen's wine dow on Brook Kreat north, WHITBY SCHOOLS HAVE MORE PUPILY THAN EVER BEFORE Principal's Report to the Board of Education--Night Classes Do We'l The attendance at the Whithy High and Public Behools taday is th highest tn the town's history weeord Ing 10 geports presented by the prin gipals 10 the A | of Education at Its Oct, meeting, The congestion Is the greatest at the Publie Hehools Pringipal RK, A, Sennett, of the Publie Schools, reported his registra Hoan as follows King At, School Dundas 5t, Behool Hroek St, Schoal 208 | 10m 0 Tol Principal A reported fiz | Archibald, of the High | an atiendave ol aul of 196, the largest | un record in the school, There are 60) oulnty pupils, The Night Industrial Classes are lag boing exceptionally well attend ed this vear, 'They were started on October 1st, and the vegistration new 45 The pringipal, My, Bennet, | reported that there muy be more new classes opened, Educational Granth The Seoretary, be, CF, MeGills | vray, veparted that he had received A Hovernment grant tor the High school amounting to hg (5 alse a Publig Behoal grant of $128.7 The grant for the veoatio a olus wes 18 $7050, wo that the night school Is costing the taxpayers of Whithy very little money, Give Safety Lectures The Ontario Safety League was piven permission to hold the usual altgrnoon lecture an salety measures partienlarly for children, same to he tlustrated, The lecture will he yiven on December 2nd, when all school ohildeen will be assembled together We une plas Ge On Tour ineipal Avehibald, of the High Scheel, reported that six members of the Agriewltural Class will participate in the four days' edueational tour of Ontario being put on by the Qutario Department al halt Good ress is being Jat 0 in this de partment of the school, ant Use of Gymnasivm To the dSohool Management Come mittee for a report at the next meets ing was referred a requst from the Tuxls Bove of the United Chureh for permission to use the High School gymnasium every Friday evs ening for physical culture oxoroives, The Tuxis want the gym because of its very fine equipment and ape willlng to pay for it, This proved to be somewhat of a ontentionious matter, opposition being voiged by Trustees Ning and Larkin, It was pointed out 'hat the Tuxis Boys res present all religious denominations in the town, some being without any partionlar ehureh affiliation, Tv was thought best, after same disousaion, ta let the Commitiee report on the request, ENGINEERS HAVE STARTED SURVEY WHITBY HARBOUR In veaponse to a vesolution forwarded by the Whithy Chamber of Commerce to the Mintster of Public Warks at Ottawa two weeks ago, asking that a survey be made of the whole aves of Whithy Harbow, alse that ropaivs be undertakes on to the plers and breaks waters, engineers fram the Des partment arcived in Whihy this week and started work, The engineers, It Is presumed, WIL carey owt the requests outlined tn the resolution, and submit a report to the Mine ister at the capital, The Town Counedl, which alsa sent a ves solution on this subject, and the Chamber of Commeres, are hopeful that soane money will be placed in the next ses thmates for Whithy Harbor work, Improvements and des velopments in that area would wundonbiedly mean wach to Whithy at the pres | daughter | Pearl ont Lime, Whitby Industry Announces Some Changes In Business The directors of the Haigh Mig, Cao, of Whithy, spnouncs that Mr, Clive Hath and My, Russel Hatoh, who have been associated with the Company for mn grest Many Years, have severed thelr connections with the sompuny 10 take up activities fn other spheres, The polley of the company #a outlined and carried an hy the late Mr, freq Hateh will be continued by The ladon Company, d New Lines A ., of new kindred Hines in malleable tran, brass and stamp. od steal hardware will he added to those glveady manufactured, It I alae Intended to anter (he mani. facture of automablle supply pare and trunk and hag hardwars, The Haleh Co, also Bnnounce wovers) Abbuintments. Mim BH, H, Harvey will pet an secretary -treaus urer of the combany, Mr, George Whitelaw and Mr M, Pringle will constitute the sales executive and Mr. Rolin Nicholson will he In eharge of the warehouse and shlpping department, Town's Largest Industry The Hatch Manufacturing Com pany's plant ia Whithy's largest {n~ dustry, and hes heen for many yours, 'Thare gre 160 on the roll, including one hundred heads of families who have thelr homes hithy, The factory i a ver AL one, and Is equipped with the Intest machinery for the trade, Weddings ---- LOMA X= USN LL All Balnts' Chureh, Whithy, was the weena of a very pretly weds ding on Monday, October 81st 11,80 nom, when Miss Grace Rl sell, daughter of My, and Mrs, W, Husnell, Oshawn, hacame the bride of Mr, George Marton Lomax, son of My, and Mrs, BM, Lomax, the ceremony helng performed hy flav, J, M, Crisall, Promptly at 11,80 o'eloek, the bride entered the ehureh leaning en the arm of or father and (was prettily gowns od In fvory erape silk, and bridal vell, Hha oarrvied a shower hou quet of voses and Hiysofthe-vallay The bride wus assisted hy Mins Cretan Nrettingham, of Toronto, while Mr, Alvin Hturgess, of Whit hy, supported the - groom Mra Marsh, organist of the church, played the wedding musie The ideal party and guests later re palred to the home of the groom's parents, on King street, where a regeption was held, Later Mr, and Mra, Lomas left on a motor trip ta Orillia and other points; the bride travelling In a fawn sult with hat and shoes to mateh, and wora a red fox fur, the gift of the groom, Mr, and Mrs, Lomax will take up residence In town CHICK=PHILLIPN Trinlty ehureh, Hrookville, was the seens of a very pretty wedding when Miss Leah Irene Phillips of the Inte John M Phillips, and of Mrs, Phillips, 230 nirent west, and sister of Mra W, C, Town, of Whithy, and Mr, Harold Chick, son af My, and Mra Ueorge Chlek Hilsahath town, wera united In the holy bonds of matrimony the Ven No matter how attractive and benutiful you are, your whole ap pedrance will be rulned if your eyelids are even the least In flamed! DR PHTTIT'H EYK BALYE, 120 yours in effective use qulekly oeorre Inflammation of the Hades, that ugly erust magleally disappears Healthy eyelids with luxurious lashes oan. easily he yours, f0¢ and Boe a oJury & Lovell, Lid, § King 8t, KB, or any drugstore, Dr PETTITS hy 1) EYE SALVE | arable Archdspoon ¥, Desltyy Waodeock, In the presence of the Immediate relatives and close friendy of the contracting couple, The bride, who was ven in marriage by her brother, Mr, J, A Phillips, was attragtively witivnd In white fiat erepe with a pleture hat of lace and oarried wu bridal bouquet of Bwestheart roses, Miss Olive Karl and Mr, 0, ¥, Lloyd Phillips, another hrother of the Liride, noted an witnesses and dur ing the ceremony the wedding musle wag played on the organ by Mr, Arthur Row, During the plgning of the register "0 Prom: Ine Me" was sung by Alderman Harry RW, Phillips, brother of the bride Following the ceremony, Mr and Mrs, Chick left hy motor 10 visit In Toronto and other western ints hefore taking up vesidence n lisahethtown, Perth road Going away the bride wore a sult Of navy hive and hat te mateh The bridal couple have many friends with whom they are de: varvadly popular and sll Join in extending hearty Sonsratvintions, MAS, Ww, THOMPRON After an a of six weeks, death oh Wednendny morning einimed Mary Hheridan, beloved wite of Willlam WH, Thompson, In her B0th year, The deceased had heen a vesldent of Whithy for 42 venrs, heing "orn rt Highland Creek, Mhe had a wide eolrole of friends who held her In high osteem and who deeply regret her passing, The decensed was a mem her and remular attendant of Mt Hernard's Chureh, * her loss are her hushand, one daughter, Mra, Maffey, a nephew, Mr, Frank Wehh whom deceased had cared for since Infaney) three hrathers, John and Peter, Whithy, and James of Oshawa, also four dlsters, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs, For enter and Mra, R, Brown, of Whit. hy, and Mrs, Dwyer, of Plokering The funeral will take place from her late residence, Hyron street south, on Friday to Nt, Bernard's Chureh, where mass will he held Ah am, Interment will take place In Highland Qreek cemetery, IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY At the United Chuveh on Bunday Harvest Thanksgiving wervices will be held, with special messanes by the pastor, and Rev, A, H, Uo fog, BA, of Peterbore, Appre priste eholr musi, At the Baptist Ohureh the min ister, Capt, Heat, will tell his eon: gresation something of the con vention held recently In Ottawa, The programmes for the various Laft to mourn |* FACTS~ As supplied by these all-Cana- dian Markets in Quality, Price and Service prove beyond words that Arnold's are studying your needs in all departments, "Don't Miss These Splendid reunities Cholcest Canadian Meats Better Groceries LAMB Leg Ib. 30 Frome iv, 1 Ge NDER AND TARTY BEEF HEINZ BAKED BEANS 9 Med Jum Sized Tins Rump Ib. 23 Wing Roast Ib. 34¢ Blade Roast Ib. 220 I'resh LARD Hams 1b, 24¢ S4c April PATH Pack Storage Extras Storage Firsts EGGS oon Ade vor. 4d Nome-Made Sausage |b, X $o Beef Bologne 1b, 330 hunch Queen VICTORY BRAND Olives 20.02, Me Jar Fresh Butta Pork «+ Ib. 3 (J Macaroni Loaf « « Ih. 39 Soap Flakespuikzia. 21 HEINZ ASSORTED QNow \ PH Bot. 25¢ Lislden Bantam Aylmer Arnold's Korff's MILD CURED BMOKED Fillcis ww. 18¢ MILD OURED OHIUKEN HadJddie mn 16 GOLDEN CURED Ciscoes w. 31 Arcadia Salt Cod Lb, Pkg, 22¢ Hl ® era 0; MoGregor's Kippers® § FRESH SILVER BRIGHT Salmon wn. 23 Ray $1 Corn vvivvv1 dint Corn , 1 4 Rad Chocolate Bars, ....2 for Be Hallowe'en Jelly Beans ,... Ib, 10¢ FRUITSand VEGETABLES ORANGES COOKING APPLES 19 Tokay Ciapes 1 Ns NANNY THC TAY SL SR i churches for the week follows) At All Balnts' Church in the eve. ning Rev, UO, I Les, af the mis slon at Maye Mines, Yukon, wil preach All Walnte' CharchemRey, J, NM, Optsall, reotoy Hunday, Oetobes BTth,, Bind Hunday after Trinity, 11 am, moarning prayer 7 pm, evening prayer, Holy Communion after evening prayer Hpecial preacher, Rev, A, I" Lesa, of the Mayo Mine Mission, Yukon Whithy Baptist Chureh PF, Best, pastor, Hunday, Th, 10 am, Hunday dehoaol, My A LL Wilhelm, supt, 11 am "Eparks fram the Anvil of the Of tawa Oonventon, 7 pm, "The Hest Convention Bermon."" The pans tor at both services, Monday, ¥ pom Junter BY BU, Rpm, He ner BY. PU, Thursday, §& pm Weekly prayer and pratse meeting Visltors wlways welcome The United Church Richards, B.D, minister, Sunday, Qoteher 27th Hpeolal Harves Thanksgiving services, 11 a.m, the minister will eonduet wovahilp and preach 2 poy, Habbath Rohool with classes for all, 7 pm, eve ning service, special preacher the Rev, A, H, Going, NA, of Peter bara, Hpeelal Harvest Home mus alo hy ehalr at each service, Morn ing, sole, "The Hiranger of Gans toa" NMra, Li, M, Michael] evening, solo, "Thanks Re To God Mra John Perry, Jr, Monday, & pw, The Young People's Hoclety win hold the annual Hallowe'sn Man Rev, A, L Rev T Ootoher 2 h' 28¢ Ne, 8 wise am 176 Coffee ....,, Ib, 48¢ 2 doz. 31¢ O hs, 24¢c tie Tonherd Laitues, ' obo Ale querade, Wednesday, & pn, the mid-week sarvios, OT Fook 4h pom, Trall Ranger programme for boys 10:10 Friday, 7.00, Tuxis Hoya Club Visttore are always made welcome at the Habbath sers Viger and week night meetings, BARA re ws Preshyterlan Chavo Rev, John Lindsay, pass Loy Bunday, October 27th, 11 a, m,, subject, "The Heavenly Bhaep herd," 8 pow, Hahbath Hehool and Rible Htudy, 7 pm, subject, "New Days and Old Habits Monday evening, §& pm, October BNL, Young People's Meeting, A hearty weloome atended to all, Poland 1s now shipping hent woad furniture to other parts of the world, on - Do You Own Your Own Home? | $800 CARH «= Balance rent==8 poomed brick tage, AN canventenoes, Worth 88800, You can buy iv for SHAO0O, DINNRY Phone 1380 an fot HALLIDAY in 16 Jackson St HAMIL Le Al OOOURY PRTERBORO PULMT aan On dunday next Trinity Chureh Poterboro, will have as a missions ary deputation Rev, A. Land Mra. Richards, of Whithy, The morning service will be. conduits od and the address given hy. Mus, Richards while Mr, Richards will PASTOR AND WIFR|S have charge at night, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! THOMPSON'S || Afansc Machine Shop 10 Slmooe 3 See Deliver LUMBER o Building Materials Prompt. Delivery Right Price Waterous Meek Led. High Class Interior eu ners ivie Lumber AAR RR ARS a a, RENT STORE FO HEN Night vals 810=-1300 WN King st, West, A MS 0 TE

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