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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 6

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PRAYER POR A LI LITTLE HOME| send evi " ry home au A 10 whet we FoR | iow Yiew Sighs miler ghalrs wor [] Sou sin y at tally In ttle Naoks Bim rh owt, of hook 8) pvr an each wa ot many things, a all, send ual ile ground, wl trees ly fA p vorhead the 8 role ir row FER od borage ibs lov, ¥ homeggind bh Rowe, ) A 9 # hh Crain of Ottawa, h visting hy ed J, Bulk of Jones AW. oh hw - ivian Mason, dnughier of ©, Manono AWR, ia In town with Canes n review, Yubrier. rman Ms, voup of the Ladies' Ald Booth » fy Bnureh ad a ten at n Ay My of Mrs, Norman Lenge, Colborne Bt, W. During the after noon plans were made for ralsing money before Christmas, | been put on for them, The ovder of Chosen Vriends hald thelr nad Initiation wi wy Ihe po HN lodge room i There os (] - dl i noe of About one Hundre nd ine members, Forty-five new mbore ware initiated gh thy i WAN put on we the H fan De ot a unde Pe 0 -- PA er us, a ow. ll lo, I, poved 3 oon, 0, ng people, onfea Hr Fo 1 daline Krouws, D, © , Winnie from P, Mra, Anderwon, M, Mrs, pleman, W, Misa Pox, OG. Bussle orp and ftandard Hearern Missse Wve Williams, Ruth Coleman, Mva Coleman, Mr, Fox, J, Robinsew, tavenson, Miho ov a order tates this the best degree work that has evey After initiation exercises prives Hh presented to the two ladies haVing the highest namber of new wembers for the month of Hep: tember, The first was Mrs, Marks, and her prise was a silver butter dish, The second was won by Mrs, aay who was presented Ww iy Buananies on tlogh, It wig stated for fier one Al the most tig kets for the dance that in to he next week, Before the evening was brought to a close refresh ments were served, rer ------ ba a prive given | 2 Th Th Comp fons "of Hoots land ot Oshawa entertained the WOMEN'S MEETINGS ar] Halg Camp and Dunedin mp of Toronto to & Aoelal and noe last evening, Mrs, Promp- ton of Toronto aang Aeveral wnloa and others were sung hy My Hendrid of Oshawa, Helestions on the aceordian were rendered by HH Miles of Oshawa, To close the Tang Mra, J, A Aykes of Oshawa wan harm! youterday afternoon at a evening's entertainment eve oined hands and sang Auld mingly arranged bride tea at Faleon, The guests, who num- bored 70, came from many parts of the Province, Mra, Arie, WHAT wi grey ohitfon and an hfeyin M Lady | oo Hingdon yy + hor guests in the Tudor Room, Ww was quaintly decorated with Jowe'an favors and autumn flow: are, Her sister, Mrs, R, H, Pal or, of Brantford, who was amart: attired In black lace and sArtied merioan Heauy hones, received with her, Mrs, Owens and Mrs, HC Lass sion ar Wednedier ' aveninn Oot, #9, Cedardale Young People's we held thelr usual weekly eating In the Hunday © Behool oom, The meeting Was opened with a hymn followed With a bi or led by Rev, G4, W, Irvine, The dent, Mr, B, Hay had oharee of the svaning. The sepipture les: wan read by M, O'Connell, he program was opened with a solo hy Mrs, Lappin, followed by a violin solo by Ruby MeFarlane, Mr, J, Alaa, the sheaker of the alk on hl ad. pais da soelal hour " fi pent, JERR PANTON AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of; the Jessle Tanton Missionary Auxiifary was held on evening In the Bt, Andrew's Chure Parlors, The President, Miss Prins file preaided, Attar the usual opens ne exeveines the Treasurer's res port was read and It showed that the result of the Rummage Hale was very mratitying, Plans were made for the ahinual thank-afters hy meeting to he d on Novem ber 86, Work on the quilt eontine ued after which tes was parve and the ladles indulged In a soci halt hour, . WOMEN'S INNTITUTR ih Ootoher meeting of the Clare: mont Branch of the Women's in atitue an address on "The Rights of the Child" proved very Inte onting and instructive, There were savaral rights that wepe enpecinlly emphasized these were the right to be well horn, the right to he twught obedience, abrervation, fhonsibinity, Kindness, Inonatién of high ideals, wark and Ay and the importance of the "Fam fly Altar" In the AHealty Talk", slok pool dled wan fMlscussed and diets different forms of Hiness werd suggested and a demonstration on bandaging was given, Tha oun rent events that were disuse ware of sduoational value, The wal a short address on Infantd Paralysis given, nS ---- Women in the Bouth Hea Inland Are poor eonversationalista, a travs eler reparts, The poor things have no Ladies' Ald meetings, Wood. stook Bentinel-Review, SS a sald, "Why de of Marie Antoinette \'t they sat sake?" 'Wonder how much more emphatic she a ond Tuesday, eb) | tor ELT Provines sunning ALLEL TTTTTTINY ES RR wb. i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 MOLDED HIPN Sender two-piece type that wud ita hip and waistline to cons tribute a hit of formality tor gene oral daytime ocoasions, The di Aronal neckline with pabot fridl is smart detall of femininity noted In frocks of tallered sports ohare aoter, The edge of bodice Ia seals loped, vapaated in turn-back outta and 8 akirt 1 hem, The akirt In attached to a cami sole bhoadlea with shoulder straps, and ls platted across front forme NE bax-plalt at center 40 add Eth to slthouette, Biyle No, 460 1s an exact copy ot Paris model in printed sheer vel vou in dot motifs in reverse velour scheme, The skirt ts seal brown with beige dota, with badies in belke with matehing brown rings, The Jabet and cuffs use the brown valvet, It's luxuriously smart and yout so wearable, Hatin In navy blue, wine red canton hd with beige jabet cuits, hinok allk crepe with oEnahell contrast, w jersey in hunter's green and feathers welght woolen In Hag ory hrown hig Attractive, dealgned flees 14, 18, 20 roan, a4, A, and 42 thohos hue Pattern price 20 cents, In stamps or coin (ooln 1a preferred), Wrap ooln oarvefully, We suggest that when you send RELATE, You enclose 10 canta additional for a sony of our new Fa toy an Maspsine PATTERN PURCHAAR COUPON MR, og "wh » Ha RL TEETER TTY ~~ LLL IES) TT TITTTITTPRTPIIP ORO | ITIL LLL LTTE TET M9 Lams nn AAARRIELLL IEEE TY Name AAR LEE EA EE IE LET EL TL TILL TTY Address won Town ARAL hi "ee "The Wouet's Gro ho Anything of g of Interest to the omemaker and the House: keep BLACK MAS (loves have [} f fol uf black m yy because o nurked pre An or ath i Oh ng uw that ghosts o sov Fhelh Lil It must Sirk have nt that the tel hdeney 1g tor dimitte aurves has something to de a EN IN NEW under the od Wille nek has become the most fulked of thing In glove fashion wt the moment, its Wiure is by ne means ner od an a style for future vols at beck in purely a fash: on som by dhe ment a conceded tied or : yA X doeskin, y hot nek ime portant as a costume style and eons sidering that the ensemble ls bein constantly more highly developed, it s only natural that It should extend no he field of negensorles, Dyring the past Jlonth retall shops have been exploiting binck suede wloves with hatehing hand bags, shoes, belts and hats, An appreciable number of voinen ave [TH qo ob served with sleeve Vik drghoes, the expanse of arm lending a sharp contrast, At the recent couturler showings uw number of dressmakers presented black suede gloves for both day time und evening wear, sometims ming them elaborately or using the Jl black suede ap i colored frock, i wrk or tones have heen adeepied In hows lery and the adoption of black may be a symbol of future interest in darker tones for gloves, The black nosensory must be eonaldered for its contrast value as well as for its dis ination fir relation to Wisek costumes, It has heen most effective with black and white prin in the late mney and ean be well assembled with shades of red and green, FUR TRIM Many three-quarters coat sults for puttin have elaborate fur trim, A wrown and belye tweed has a whole oke, front panel and coat edging in fain dyed the hele tone, MoDIsH FOR EVENING One of th most suconssiul Ing frocks of this season ls made of orange Jersey tulle with a prinegss line and spiral rullles on the skirte A NOTE OF WHITE There is & toush==but Just a touch «of white at the gellar and ents of som of the new black wating ani crepes for day Wear IN BLACK VELVETY Phe black velvet dress that Ix the style leader of the moment is made with a long snd Hiaborate hy " a comparatively simple fen relieved with a Nt . volt bo Le the collar, Plaids for fall are developed in taflota, crepe, velvets and in tweeds, and In bright colors as well as in combination of dull tones, Plaids that give the impression of being beige of gray are very smart, BERETS FOR EVERYONE Hevets made of twied, velvet and of braided fabries are being sent ove) in large quantities, in such variety that there ia really a type for every face, In any of the smart Parls hous: en, the bags are nade of leather, exaotly | mateh the tone of the cos tume, 'The newest shape is an abs long affair with reunded corners, WERT CP---- Helpful | Hints SUBSTITUTE PY POTATO When making salmon loaf and minus soda hitoulte, y use an equal quantity of cold mashed potato, Otte will not notice the difference, ---------------- To KREE R} RAINS FROM It you will jh gn ood ohapper until very hot in boiling water bes fe ' yunning raising through it you will find they will not stick to the blades of the grinder, Ian As hy CA A RMApuh ane drove ant | ] S50 pon and hatte. " ENAMELLING A BED hoy fy ted to Kua pid slinary Bickel hed: i their cos eo Hreat \o ad labor entailed ol ing of Lg patience needed work to anything near 3 on he tna vy on te enamel has heen in a. o colors, Four of paint are needed, foltowd ve a the hie erneath, A much sh SE NWN paint, Hp ATE rl we he minum paint a) sk COVERING POWs yt nee i gy w Swisthing | iy Fy is itor oy io Me sheat, on the pantry place where she keeps he, I 5 Wha [YY Hine i sheets of or home a by ins im and hutt van Rok oh butt oh pv pain ry NO he WN vigorously, fairly thick, hala and serye theese pi vide 4 ne 1 High x PREY hit hes ond he elatin delved abe § teaspoon of He t Ap lee, apo, ¢ it sauce or hard sauge, SUN'S RAYS GIVE -------- Berlin A BW use for artittotal sunlight and wltarviolet raya has been discovered suggests pleasant vislona of ta _- and bigger and better Em ahi and evenin th L) x a The Sh Neen hit atau world time, Ment were atruttin farmyard rt ely Fo EEE (| hth Welcome cockerels | Hl od the sale fone, months 5 which ald a presen N.S in the latest autuma op oils tn RR Yet my wash 1s never scrubbed or boiled { How my secret amaned her! } A ve Inurhed aloud to see how BOUL he was, 1 guess she never saw ough gleam ng, mmowy linens, "Is this eloth new?" she demanded, Newt" | Inughed, "I've had 1b ever was married,' ae my linens are dingy, yellow] ean't understand it, Some of my tables aloths are threadbare from sorubbing, yet they never look an white as thin" A glow of pleasire surged through me, I knew I was a good housekeeper, I wouldn't Whink of permitting wy wash to ba sorubbed + + + Why, that's so olds fashioned | In *'My linens never touch a washboard, 7 sald enjoying her amasement, "Then how does your, lnundress get them so much whiter than mined!' "I have her use Rinso==you know, the & granulated soap, It soak out dirt, Tt gets clothes so white, serubbing and | ling aren't necessary, That saves elothes," "you mean to say & mere soap oan make such a differencel" "No other soap 8 like Rinse! Tta sude are the richest, oreamibsl you ever RaW. | poap goes One cupful of this granulate farther than two ouphils of those lights weight, puffedsup soaps,' YI must get some Rinse fomorrow!' Safe = for tub or washer Rinso suds are safe, The makers vies washing machines recommend th eiding pari soap, Creat for tab washing, too, Rinso's thick suds are also marvelous for dishes=loosen grease in a flash, Nogrih Get the BIG package of Rinse now, Raver Brothers Limited, Torenie Roe Washes clothes whiter' os Return wok 5 minute double boiler Peet or until Sie tablespoons oo pe or, 1 cup drain kod Pp atuited ae shrimps, 1 fine) and 3 diced eelery, ately over hot eat, Pour lm or Inte patty ered toast rou ith the shri. plate stuffed olives ye stuffed 'with pimento nica balanes, and \" Ate 4 ainty, deseo Monday Oct, "Ww a \ 0 ater. | ding eon and ay i hes \ w os poi on, Ud gli cups chopped We a serve with id J Kalina, sident, Alan Ralson in WE non Add. tional taple, Stevens HAVE @ "Temperance, fan visited C, Verry conducted the study period in the § i the rage by Howard eT jolla RH _ BENEFITS TO HENS A ia Germany, and fatter WARY Me 1] preached a erpeified,* Noyeral od Wore way through ith te the | meeting interests 9 balers Appalnted after a ne ye treats | Monday around the | Mn an LIAN Mp a he gry A Nnith visited: oh Buch weight that they tum a hay 8 Iba, after brought a hands the Rigg Han ory Mrs og owe, NY Fine 'N Ay John 1 nd KN a were with Pron > N LR Rev, 1, ville and \Will Min valediotory on July 26 and retirea we I were artfully deceived hy tate thinking RE , N o Lond aN Mr th a) i... With her sister at Me, and Mrs, Dorothy, Ione On ARguat 80, Rin 5 they have Ren ho ky ES -------------- es Xp ha \ spoken hy tants of Europe YOUNG PEOPLE OF SOLINA HEAR TALK, ON "TEMPERANCE 4% 3 = = © 1 B. G. Stevens Gives Talk At Regular Meeting On 17=Epworth league was held Monday, with the new pres the ehair, Alan MeKessook took up the deve. Miss Helen Hahee od a wiano solo, after whieh splendid d Mra, Tamblyn Howson recently, On Sunday at Bidad, Ma, 8 Mis jaar unday yy on Oshawa, Fina | hy ve tor cy gis thd | Herman n AMpton on Sun A and attended W Aiaeatt visited or an N $l N SW Sidney Wright spent the week-end tod { with his hrothee, Richard Weight at Rae AAA visited HNN ° shen Tast | Port Rlgin Harold Jebso Brooking were Sunday | Ea Lr a of Mr, and Mra, W, Vice, Wed are being extended to Mr, and Mrs Hiiton Tink on thels family of Tarento Ah reo yo They will reside at of My, and Mrs, 8. Mr, and Mrs, Ng Miss Ruth LY Bowmanville and Ont Ar iage, Qrone, Mr, and Meg, Leslie Collaeut and her mather "Mn. W, |, hi Mn and London, {sses Mabel Chm lackstock, Vist ad M r, AN Ts Miss Reeves o CD Mey and Mes, family, a, Raker, apent Thursday with Mes, Will a Hampton, Mrs, Thos, Patest, Miss Man Pascoe, Me, 1 Pascoe and Hdith and Reon visit Pascoe, ey a wnday lags sn ei P A [ONE POUNE talk on R| toh Hy ye [DW LL vind ry tre. OUR: | Nay \ nan Mp and Mra, Harry Grooms and t guest SAY services in Trinity il Anniver Mra Rranels Were , a Eaniskillon, Mra, fal Hp Nya pp oo visited and his hy The willow smoothness 3 Gly od Fasrance it the choice of women o know.

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