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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1929, p. 7

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A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOR 24, 1929 a Gigantic Plan For Waterways Including the St, Lawrence "Is Unfolded lays Billion Dollar Project Feasible if Naval Limite. tion Effected LOOKING TO CANADA With Her Co-operation St. Lawrence Route Would Not Cost $200,000,000 Louisville, Ky, Oot, 34,~=A pros gram for the expenditure of #1, 000,000,000 during the next ten years in devbloping a single great system of inland waterways was resented last night by President foover, i The opening of the 8t, Lawrence for ocean-going tvafflo from the Creat Lakes as moon as Canada is prepered to co-operate 18 an intes gral part of it, Broadoasting from Loulsviite war memorial, the president tied the financing of Wig vast plan of construction to the saving he hopes will soon be made through the lim- ftatton of naval apmament, It would cost, he pointed out, only one half of one battleship per an- num, in addition to what the fed- eral government fs already spends by Pres, Hoover ing on waterways, "it we bre so fortunate, as to save this annus outlny on navel goustfustion by the result of the London," he said, "nothing cou a finer or more vivid conversion of swords to plow shares) It was the president's first enun- olation of his waterway #luoe be entered the White Mouse, In pentences as direct snd conolse ne the summary of an engineer's re port, he outlined his program un- der ten headings) Outline of Program 1-=In general, modernisation of our waterways is economically justifiable, 8-=A nine toot ohannsl through. out the 0,000 miles Of the Missin. wippl system, the alx foot channew already dug, or which may be dug in some of the tributaries, to be Sechoned as soon AN traffio justi. of, BeThe substitution of privaw for government operation of harg- ef and other craft, d==Completion of the Misslsslp- M system, Involving the connec. fon and completion of 5,000 miles of channel within five years, B<The completion of an addi tional 1,000 miles of Inland canals An' less than ten years, f==Improvement of the channels in the GreatsLakes and the stabi lHgation of the lake levels, T==Conntriuction of the Bt, Law. rence waterway as swoon as Canad in nt to co-operate, He xpodition of tlood control work on the lower Mississippi mo that its completion within ten yours assigned for it will be as sured, P==lUnnecessary development of harbors and Hitoral waterways, 10=Re-organigation of the gov- ernment nefneerin waft so that an engineer 1s direc iA retbonsible for ench project, which has n done within the last month, appointment of Major-Gen, Lyttle Brown as ohief of engineers at the head of the entire understaking was announced last week, In ad lon to what he It i 1 yornmont 18 8 [} ) in program woul Con only #10, 000,000 un your, oxolusive of the Ht, Lawrence project, or #80,000, ui it were included, the pres! rod, 1 wrence Development a statements that the cost of the ft, Jawrense develop- ment would be prohibit ve, fo nald it would be less than $200,000,000 for the two governments, "after we have disposed of the electrical power," Survey fine shown that smoking Is consldergbly more prevalent amo pir] students than among the male students st the University of Towa, The Irs who smoke use more than clgarottes a week, accord. Ing to the survey, For the this year, Australia, while 19.840 departed, n net population loss of 1764, uceording to official statistles sent In by BE, C Squire, American Trade Commission. or at Sydney, quarter ending June 30 18076 persons arrived In A. aS haat---- No. 7 means the standardising of Waterman's pen points to suit the 7 fundamental styles of hand-writing, 7 Points meet every writi ~inecluding your individual style--and assure immediate, acourate selection, plus writing satisfaction for life, 7 Dollars is the most reasonable price Postitile for a pen which les the greatest possible quality « . « larger ink capacity, simple self-filling device that locks, stainless and perfectly balanced Ripple Rubber holder, em i "Use Waterman's Inks" } Wwatermans Service and selection at 5,500 Canadian Merohanta need ft. Feliglen, Que, Oct, 24. ~Relief felt here with the knowledge two of four alvplanes missing In the Chibougsmau mining country safe was tempered by anxiety over reports that scores of men in the camps faced possible starvation une wenther "loss Improved food 'wipplies to hy alr, with the FAMINE FACING MINING CAMPS Aviator Brings Back Report of Serious Con- . ditions poheduied ta be flownt to clviligie Aerial nearch partles were cheered Jr hers yesterday al- ternoon of Pllot Dean of Interpros vinelul Alrways, whad been wea- therbound four duygt Merrill ine land, with word his colleague, PiHot Smith, was salPRh his party in Chibougaman, Deshowever, pro: volced considerable rin with his description of eritigganditions in mining eamps, The fact that bad fther had pre vented movement th by alr of rations snd supplickogether with dn the stranding in the mps of 38 men tion before froese-yaonfronts, the sparse mining populen with poss ile famine, Dean id, unless the weither improves 1 big freight lunes ean be found carry In quick y the large quanf of supplies which will be need SUI missing wrefll Cannon sud L, Lizotte of Curtisfld In one plane | 4 permitted | #nd Pilot Bonard & Canadian Alr Jured be rushed to them | 1oree machine, bu -------- Three hundred welghty two ap plications for patie were filed by women In Englund year, Corbett, that were wagon Ariven hes RR A to the other, A & P seer over 28,000,000 customers weekly. Staggering thogV it is, even this sum must be multiplied by four to eswhte the number of persons in In thus referring briefly to th/ ¥YMmendous measure of suooess that has everywhere attended our effef Wo bring ourselves fage to face with the great responsibility thal /mes. with great achievement « a res sponsibility that takes on the'*Per significance of a duty as we realise With its over 16,000 Eo one end of the Continent ronto's gqueerenst PECULIAR TRAFFIC MIXUP IN TORONTO (By Canadian Prose Lensed Wire) Toronto, Oct, mablleg, n Chinese laundry wagon and a wiroot ony were all 1lByol¥el und all damaged In Y, Ausoording to police, a LAr " hound Dunday street ear orshed Into. an auto driven Proctor, Ont, drivitig It Into" un parked cay owned hy W, | Vv. Vallengor, The Vallenger gato in twrn crashed into a hy Mount Dennis, which crashed Into another our owned and drive 8, Mackengle, No one wasn THE GREX ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMIAYY Pauses on the Threshold + Its 70" ANNIVERSARY And turns back the pag(of history to review its remar habla progress though "Three Score ew and Ten," Today this indution serves over one hundred million humanbeings ~~ a vast shoppers--under {wo flags, | | | VE) HAWES Lemon Oil LOR FINE FURNITURE PANOS £7 Three muto- ona ®t Yo wmanhes yostor: hy Herbert Inundry PAGE SEVEN an ra, PPL. Loe Nle, of NHOULD BE GOOD Withers or not hy pert (Ottawn Cltizen) i Arrest of every automobile dely- lov who "runs through' number ood, a signal pther places, Muht or sop sign has heen order | taken, olen, [Livery driver who violates A tramq rule, whether he endangers warned and ha J he stopped, his name and Frat shonld he It migh?ven be tried in Outlaw, suyn one editor, aren't fad hy Chicago's commissioner of Judge mit? what he says and Hiko Anlawn, They frisk yon enss J ) WO at she doesn't pay and Ahon quit, =~Gult Repoyter, oman by Chicago Dally ows, a -- {WHERE BconoMY huiss) enple of oath home whit indirectly benefit ¥ our service, al theyeh not comiy directly into contae With it, One hun. dred million humn beings--and a gat empire of shop pers==under twdlags, the measure of publ confidence with whie this Institution has been honored, Fittingly, ¢ Neventieth Birthday reeting $0 the vast multi tudo that we serve a simple affirmation?! the basie polioy of this HUmestostod and timbonored Institution VALITY, VALUE, SERY ICE-~ALWAYSN" 70th BIRTHDAY SPECIALS AWIFT'S GOLDRN wep REAN YOUNGFOWL 1b. Je B ACO) lesen. 29esucedin. J 0 HAMS SMOKEDPICNIC AIRES FINEST /OILED TALY svaan.ou? Mish Average 1b. 19¢ 1b. 49¢ Smoced Ham: ww. 28 Cotage Rolls =». w.2§. NTOS COOKED COYNED BEEF suceain.25¢ DERS AWRET PCKLED PORK 19. / SPRING LAMB Jjegs™ 29: Frontsw. 17. ROASTS PRIME RIB OF ROAST BEEF ........... LB. 28¢ RUMP ROAST ROUNDSIDE ,........... LB. 23¢ SHOULDER ROAST OF BEEF .......... LB. 18¢c FISH FRESH WHITEFISH ........,...vivv00 0 LB, 20¢ FINK PANTEUR! ORBAMERY suvenmnos BUTTER 2 Ibs, 24 BRAND FRESH REAMERY 21bs. 81¢ ONION 9 he. 2§¢ 2 1s. 210 GRAPS APPLE §w25. a ni CELER 2 toe 195 GRAPFRUIT 2 19: COCONUTS POTAQES 15.20 37 NEW YORK ATATH EALISM |--Big as life is the won: derful, colorful fiood of tone that pours from the new Majestic! All A. C hum, all disturbing background noises, are completely eliminated. Equal range and power at all points on the dial, so that all stations come in with utmost clarity and brilliance. A demonstration will be a revelation "hn ask for it today! 1 Desired FRESH PICKEREL .....vvvvvvdvivvin oo LB, Me FRESH SMELTS .......... 00000000000 LB, 20¢ FRESH OYSTERS ....... iv... GLASS JAR 40c FRESH FILLETS HADDIE ,..,,....,..., LB, 22¢ ONTARIO GROWRIINTOMN REDS 10 Bushel 1.37 APPLB or 3 ibe. 21 A & P's Great Investment in CanadiTotals Millions and Demonstrates Faith in Canada and Conflence in Canadians BAERS AREPRRE LRAT RAL VLA RRR RRR ARNIS ARIAS WI EETALE TRPESGABLS tryevse we to th EN RAAB TRS Sho OR RRC oA SRR rons SATE Tam ml se Ie 40 we 1 Investment arising out of these activiithe A P Company EA ER RR Sa fC tor qual ve Ae Ever Quality Groceries A & Ps standard of quality could not be Improved wp- extra values, > a IR ears And Every Year Is Now to Be Commemorated by Outstding Offerings in Which A High Standards of Quality and Value Fd Full Expression, Tue Great Arann sfPaciFic Te Get a Free Home Demonstration Now! GEO. C. ALLCHIN LTD. 855 Bay SP & Ps ean A

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