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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1929, p. 9

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Closing Market Prices Marke, Summary hy Canadian Press Tovonta and No ok kh Quali Supplied by Toronto, do oh HXOHANGH fre 0, Ost, 80, ==After a firm ot the Porento Mock turned irreguine In § And at noon galing and Rhout equal In num I» Adie ar on ' fodovately "ne ve ho" intr Sal CRIT + AP pti myated Ww ith Peniien | Io ! w fot ie I Nickel and Walk~ i oil ih with Jioed Haine as don bot portion hetare orm v fame igh ho h an over u Mo dod "W " a : a ue d ] ix y Hol 4 hen al Ime to pd 0 point, Bra fi Nghe sou bog 4 Hi and at Woon "i ha UR An advance nl we ote (0 Rh with yesters ne' irregulay ular, Home rmed 0 Ll] it i ternal tonal oi Was steady at Imperia pe a After ng Be MW Modal' ained 1 at uperiest rece od ) a ervien Stations advaheed #0 He, Hy Advaness of ona pelnt each were vedorded hy Oockshutt Flow and Manyey Harel, at 88 and 4D respectively, NTANDARD MINING HXOHANGH Toronto, Oct, Bb, Losses ub numbered Jin 4 this MOFRING' sennlon of fhe Blandard Miding lone , Ohange, The trading waa falvly Iarge und spread over 4 Wide range of lennon, Amulet and Took wihes were actlviey dealt In, The grmer touched B60 Lvl later pe aoted to BAD, for a loss of 4, while the latter firmed 6 a4 bA0, Rowhes another aetlve lasne fell LAL, made & further vesovs ery, The steak opened at 44,00, Ain od to 44,80, ensed to 48,00, Ab neon was selling at 44.40, " advances of 85 an compared with yostarday's olose, issues to decline Ineluded; Pend Orellle off 66 at #1,0, Ven: tures off 7 " ha, rT ds onton 0 Al ary ardon i Bh at 90, Faleops a off Bh at A, oh a Alberta Haelfle oft 10 at 8:40, aN KACHANGR New Kk, Oot, -Fovelgn Shingh dy, Win Yates, fo Italn 4,49 6 wh Canadian ollars 1% i) dn Ineount, ¢ TORONTO 8 Ll ain fol, 14 4% n'r 1 vg Th CL ) Peleanbridye Cans ind 88% Coskuhute ! City bsp ry 1% Wr, 0 oh, hn Btl W do As Int, Ind, Ale, 1 tnperl, 0, mp, 19 LLL) i 1 efivy, Bin, Steel of €, b a | Mock AIRE or von Amin pone 4 8 fp # Missour i hamieal Rotoureh " aihousie ON wor rome DOME 111 oom Want Cronk common 1 ree iE a ---- DES DODD mW -~ Whe ea -a PANRAR commit rr1s Hol INEOF sommmomet 1 1 Home OH 4 prmmrs 40 Howey wad Hudson Hay . "hb Kootenay FIOrenee Lake BROP® wor BIB MOIRIFP® | mrs 3 Mining Corpm ov vom NOWHOO ost 1 mnt 4 NOPARAR ovomms tomms 1 Pond Orellla oo vom Premier joni on Ahervitt Gord Hlnone -- Andbury Buin "om Taek HUENOE i oo VIPORA srr romms 0 8 pan wr HAPTOAYON - NEW YOR Amer, Can, 154 '] Heth, Beal 10 Oy TTT Can, Dry Can Pan, Chrysler Congoleum Del, Lak Fam, Ply, ten, Mot, Gra, Palle (Geadyenr Hudson | id, Aleah, Linews . Ward Nash Nyth, Pao, raid o™ Ee dy Ea -a DOD We a aT a DODD DW|MWE ERE ee PZ Poo me RST omag® -- ew. - EI eee Was = DDE Bad DIE WD gD TET POTTER FD ---- ---- THEE ED HRD ee TW ID DT DI WO TDN ee as DD 4 - ! SEED COPD DTT -@HWIES ST WI De GWD ee TOD TRIE LD MD TRS ed TD IRE TI EBD Et a a Ce ---------- a IE TITEES FE IE FEE F BE FFF & = FEE oo RAN tid, Vigne from the musical comedy 'The Little Show" Fox Trot Fox Trot v from the motion ploture "On WIth the Show? Pax Trot Nat Shilheot and The Ted 'Lite by Little_ Vou! AW IA ent Bd Sel reer mons Wot dre Piccolo Pete " Tod Weame and Fie Orchestra Feet x ge Vo | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, F RIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 ivy nh id ih io wi IvWa GRAIN FW Ho Mo, 1 Ha hl path to ih 1 Wier hit 1] LY high Lu 0 0 BIG OTTAWA TOPIC Hlusholl, o Shirt siya fot yy yA Hutlonn Potter, president of rust sompany and the 4 ry RA Mh To Nn y a EXPORT OF LIUOR A the floor of the New York flonk Sxahapye Richard Whitney, of Riohar Winey and sompany, a "Morgen hroker' an of n Morgan Wiha, whlked over 'Wit Tide Partly Memmed publ iy E -------- igi 33 FER hadi ded Majority of Cabinet Favors Prohibiting Shipments To U1 8 Ottawa, Ont, Jho=Peh Jeans, Bare, wi Hh nd 7] i In golnk on with regard to the ex oration [um quer to the United ny pW § heln Hither inten AO by ne fl Wie " hguor Aue how in 8 Hite, ") nthe ario elegy 4 like on t tht a he ori " 0 " bines now favor in 4 yi at the nexf session op hie he Spo t of lguor to the Units wi ia Ales rteant S4prestion ol oaed | the Kime ihe the Wat or of Wy Hon Kove ue, 1, Kuler " ron a UL he { 60uree holding Ito he siidli fo and sontly pid FEnEwW: H hin Armen ly at the hon ram outside tha pressure fom hath sides, but mostly in favor the COUTAR, Ab a Wh of wet {8 has not yet heen desided db Aitely in hing n the Ipanditent 0 the I AW Wi very possibly the sense of he House will o (akén firal, in the form of a pri te member's resolution even If the ile Measure must some from Hovernment as one affecting the revenues, If the sense of the House in amninst such a law It will not be introdueed, sanwhile It seems that Premier King 1s prety well sommitied 1a the pellsy with most of the ministers aRresing, ' Bometimess hallly In fasts=minls ters forage thelr personal views In the infers of eablnet unity, When they don't they quit or the present, the elear Intima Hoy is that the Government Is seri aly considering stopp lingua elearanees 10 the states while §f I flue y clear that the Minister of IN ional Revenue is making known his views to the contrary and taking steps to Appr ge the eountry of the reasons underlying his attitude, FRENTIED DAY AS PANIC COMES TO WALL STREET Leo Reloman and ey Hie Orehostra Johnny Marvin ~~ ION WHOLE FINANCIAL FAB. RIC OF U.S, SHAKEN Howse of Morgan Halt Panle by a Dramatic Move ; New York, Oot, 3i==The stack ar otg of the sountiy t0ttared on ink of pantie yellerday (TH) areal people, kone Sudden! yoterioal with fear attempie ml ARSOUSIY 10 RHA hoe ne volume of securities for whatever they would bring, The result was a financial nights Mare comparable to hin My he we ners mend Ny It rocke finanelat re " 4 HWW By hopelessly avers elmed ita meohanieal faotiition; h) I) fa human blood with stark ares, In a seclety hullt largely on confidence, With veal wealth ex od Wore or lems InasouAbY y Pecos af paper, the entire en wonomit Sanity threat: 1] o oom » Ver, Inte the nie [ MH of » thoustnd brokers on the floor of w oeN ROMAN POV the selling «riders of the world, I way se sell, Aid hou after AeAperate hour wail pW, $4 nas dramatic a wan Bae an financial history has vor known, the tide be marl i red hy the Ag wer f the oliy'n large ng Inter worst and ith Jn at Wh A Buse of rumors turning ordinar L EreND dane men alily, Ww dnsntieny ore To the aus Mtns of J, wa Moree Lh SOMpAL, Hat} W | a fant, Noresn pot partners; yi Y Magnesia Best for our ut lndigestion a "i oN 5 5 a Le " they enjy 2 \ we Fu the Nationa! HH, Wins HW | wintoment wis lusniod, nowapapermen, My, la mony spoke words of va-sasiirunee dlgnitied and vewtrained, Prose by the enim views of men 0 Moura nhile by rosoonis ny i, ones A few simple Fi al nd Hiven, potent In the ores of Lhe money brother in post at which UH, Bree! 1s traded, "BOG for 46,000 shouted, ne BOB 1 w # moment bid, for a wh witha, Ameriean Can, gyrated disslly trom 1H6 Montgomery Wierd Hain 4 in, Telephone and Canara! Wlestrie, #0 The news (lakers hearing word, Tha reuovery ww though less extensive, Com pare-- any De Forest Crosley with the best radio or phonograph you can hear The The Thirteen M Challenger Series Imperial Series hereon Orid and Sean $78 to 8685 Blasi!' Kihing Conse Mitfenc finshed "Heel YOK hia," Mhnrpur, thin RR RA A RRR PR They Dare Comparison Bo he Hlook wlove had Dean 100 He and others similarly hia up the prices of various pivotal is wideh hind down to 101 and back to 140, vebaunded 84 points In an winule leap 10 104 wplrted 107 Union arhide, sulinghavuse, 165 Amerioan Telagraph, 1 1H) hu ul (ha rAGE NINE a a dJueline Yaoedin 4 Wall GOlirke © tain bargains hut feu Aute in, The veutrietive thetles, Aun wr A dover whorl Tenders seeking a "limber showed the hand wagon, On all wldes word wrod that the fndnelal power that he veupriled the nyar; were determined t's over, However (his AUPRATINUE RMOnE lead and dndustelalists date today wis thik the deluge of Hauldation was alive phenn went ally a LI] menon, ft fo hig ng prowpefity ol Widinom, Tha Hiraet Houltant Investors, anklous to ab took the gue, and plunged heny eontingent frightonsd wb (ha sicesss of 1s oWi "hhing wiiffennd Toronto, Oot, #8 rinl of Aw erally days In is history, ded tn unl CONLIROLH yulek turn Kpaclilative vehotnd wil apd whopm aw | Fe to wea hit may he, tha Ing bankers | the standpoint EON ADD wharves, volume of the Maroh tha contin Dua entirely to the rash In New York the Tor onto Block Nxahangs yesterday ax parienced ons of the most fevered It wan a por fod of aavly nervousness, followed by au punie of welling snd a hopeful When It wan sll over, milliong hud changed hands, mars win nooounis were wipsd oul, for tunes wore made and Tost, and the market quotations elossd tareihly tar from where they he The tive hours of hectle trading wrote new market history, of the volume of Halen, no new yveoord was ssl up ul that passing the hrank hy an Aborakinite thousand shares, LHL dswvien onlled for loos! trading, 16h day unchanged, finppening, #7 Issues ful side of the pleture The period of veoovery, nog so when Now rom with thelr final sales. The winke and leaves (he sun # the end, with The "Tudor==$298.00 complete Fhe Royal York--=838500 somplete I ---------- GAIN DeForest Crosley stands on the peak of the sadio world = In performance in Popularity Challengin other musical reproducing instrument, REGA models have far outdistanced even the dominatin, dal Lomparison with ANY HSS of price, these new records of past DeForest Crosley sales leadership, Amid the mass of claims and superlatives, thelr challenge stands forth lear and | every test of musle just what rac home ean be in radio elsewhere, Radio's Greatest Th Resources mendoly advanced performance of the De: Forest Crosley line Is an engineer: Ing triumph, Radio's greatest re: sources have been mobilised to produce this result, From eight reat research laboratories=from 000 research engineers «= hate come the Ideas which are combined in today's DeForest Crosley models, Unmatched Productions Unrivalled Sales Only falgh Nf Sales Volume could make »wiible the value DeForest Cros oy can offer--only a ction scale larger than that of any other radio manufacturer in the Drivsh Empire, Production grown great through year after your o a OL Ju she * poh (iid Bl Ms rank---laviting you to hear==to judge by lo or phonograph entertalnment In 10 let your own ear decide whether you cen buy as much preference, Success based on steadily advancing quality of per: formance, Note how DeForest Crosley sales have a 1925 wee 519 over 1924 1026 «39 hide ed 1027 we 26%, over 1926 1028 = $79 over 1027 Challoner Ask sy De deal |! wit. You wil find wig To 0 salt in alwe and To Any DeForest Crosl 2 Crosley model may be purchased on time Most DeForest Croley onion will you an allowance - your old set, 1 8 Hauer RRL on \ saison anaes Ml he "ROYAL YORK" we Gives the full Power of {he Linpeyial" Seven binld Chane An BUPEEIRLIVE PRETRIIARES 10 SVeIY way A ovahinet of perlfept paortians (nthe LURE EU TH WON WY ne NR hey DE FOREST CROSLEY PHONOGRAPRPHS RADIOS TUBES LarcgsT wv TNE Emerine ADAMS FURNITURE CO SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA THE JOHNS PIANO STOR 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA only eight were, able to show gains aginst the tide, while 89 registers od lasses and B4 closed the fevers While 1 was found new 1089 Town, though the more sheers in to he found In the fact that 20 of the 87 recovered partially from thely lows, whioh Wot in through the early afternoon wivate broker wives said that ork was beginning to hold Ia own and make ghing in some of the leading stocks, sareled through to the closes, with the vesull that many isnnes were decidedly strong arn! pleturs was that of a thunders wtovm which pours wesekage in ite ining at

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